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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
WFH so I'm flexible and around!
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy (any era; just about any style - dark, soft, low, high, etc), Supernatural, Post-Apocalyptic, Space Opera, a blend of genres
[Organization Placeholder Here]
Leland Baxter Stoll.
(He doesn't tend to enjoy pet versions of his actual names, though he'll tolerate them).
Cis Male.
05 August 1983.
Black City, WA.
Black City, WA.


Upper Class.
New-hire physician at the BETTERHEALTH clinic under Dr. Leon. Covers home visits (typically wealthier patients).
Blood Moon Vampire: Requires Magi blood every 3 months; becomes hostile and cold during blood moons.

POWER (only for Redbloods)
Biokinesis (others).
All standard vampir abilities.
LIMITATIONS (only for Redbloods)
All standard vampir weaknesses.
Redblood standard weaknesses (increased sensitivity to sunlight, shorter windows between requiring blood).
Blood moon weaknesses (requiring Magi blood every 3 months; becoming hostile and cold during blood moons).

Long, lean.
Steel blue.
Clean presentation; confident, sunny nature.

Dignified, determined, buoyant, confident, practical, intelligent, somewhat extroverted, can't always intuit others. Light Academia energy.
His family, brother Dorian, career path, and good fortune. The arts (broadly, influenced by family). Botanical gardens. Coffee shop aesthetic. Light socializing. Positive, grounded outlooks.
His requirement for Magi blood. Illegal activities. Chronic negativity. Too much exposure to hybrids or other species (discomfort inherited by family & cultural views). Sprites (ever since a swarm of them ruined his university's gorgeous gardens).
Perseverence, resiliant, dextrous hands, focus, comfort with social networking within polite society, bouyant nature.
Not great at reading people. His positive outlook and good fortune can make him (fairly) seem out of touch with people and their general hardships. He isn't blindly naive, though. He'll listen to and accept the facts about people's lives; but between his nature and focus on going forward in his own life, Leland just doesn't innately lean toward the negative nor immediately recognize moments for empathy.

Leland wasn't always a member of the Stoll family. His biological mother was a Silverblood, Clara, who did not survive the pains of a blood moon childbirth. Heartbroken, his Redblood biological father, Halo Al Nuaimi, assisted in finding a home for his newborn son that he felt would better care for him than he could in the wake of his mother's loss. Halo made arrangements with the upper class Stoll family, though he did not bid farewell forever. No, the Stolls and Halo maintained periodic correspondence with Halo, open about the adoption and Clara's death. The Stolls had experienced tragedy in the year prior to Leland's birth - as they'd lost a young child and still felt the pains of that. Their loss helped to shape the Stolls belief that they were fated to adopt Leland - born a Redblood thanks to the blood moon.

Between Leland's determined optimism and his enriched upbringing, he had a confident foundation upon which to build his life. And although he admired his older brother, Dorian, their age difference and Dorian's more focused life pursuits set a divide between the two. A young Leland held on to a hope that Dorian would accept him one day. Dorian mainly interacted with Leland when their parents made them spend time together. The sittings were awkward, with clunky attempts at conversation, but it'd been enough to satisfy their parents. It'd been Lionel, a darkling libitine no less, who'd invested in Leland's childhood. He became more of a brother at the time than Dorian. That said, Dorian put on a disconnected show of affection for Leland when Lionel was around, but no one genuinely bought it.

Leland's Redblood biokinesis lent him well toward medicine, which he ultimately pursued. When he moved across Cervia for school, he and Dorian finally connected as adults. Maybe it was maturation in both of them, and maybe it was something of the distance, too - but somehow, their misaligned pieces came together. And maybe it had something to do with the realization that they were each a piece of the Stoll family puzzle that didn't quite form into the full picture properly, even if Leland felt loved and uplifted where Dorian previously had not. It also helped that Dorian had become more established in life by then, too, lending a little more time to forming a bond to begin with.

The fact that Leland requires Magi blood to survive is the biggest burden upon him. Throughout his life, he's had clandestine arrangements with Magi - which the Stolls helped him learn to set up on his own as he got older. It usually just came with steep financial costs (and polite threats not to expose the exchanges). Leland dislikes illegality in general, and had never fully come to terms with this survival need. Other vampires could choose their delicacies - Leland would die without this one.

During his fellowship, he established a new arrangement with a researcher, Yume Kazama, in New Tokyo, CA. It was a removed enough site from his university and his home back in Black City that there was less risk of someone possibly recognizing him approaching these meetings, as secretive as they were set to be. The arrangement benefited both - Leland wouldn't die, and Yume received both finances and access to esoteric information that supported her projects. The arrangement carries on to the present day, with meetings every three months.

After years away, with periodic visits back home and to wherever friends and relatives scattered, Leland had completed his medical training and set his eyes home toward Black City, WA. There, he acquired a position at Dr. Leonidas Gallegos' clinic, BETTERHEALTH.

His path home leads through Julian City, SK to visit Dorian, then toward Black City. There, on top of starting his new job, he plans on arranging a meeting with Halo, something he largely feels positive about. His biological father never imposed over his adoptive parents, but instead, through their written correspondence over the years, provided another father-figure in Leland's life nonetheless.

Overall, Leland feels fortunate for his life and how it has turned out, regardless of any notes about his life that some might degredate.

upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic
Height changes with the amount of text instead of scrolling.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus mauris neque, id aliquet nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum congue dapibus lacus volutpat sollicitudin. Pellentesque suscipit est sapien, et dictum nisi consectetur in. Etiam ultrices eros nec egestas egestas. Maecenas tempor ullamcorper ligula quis condimentum. Pellentesque interdum venenatis lectus ut aliquam. Aliquam a tristique augue. Nunc ut urna luctus, maximus ligula non, tempus enim.

Mauris consectetur quam sit amet lectus condimentum, quis consequat est fringilla. Quisque massa turpis, elementum sit amet convallis sed, hendrerit nec ipsum. Sed eget sapien metus. Maecenas viverra posuere enim, in elementum mi suscipit ut. Donec nec ultrices mi. Donec consectetur elementum diam, eget commodo justo bibendum eu. Maecenas vestibulum tempor faucibus. Morbi dictum diam eget arcu tincidunt lacinia. Morbi in velit quis mauris congue volutpat a in massa.

Nunc placerat enim ut imperdiet egestas. Mauris consectetur metus id dolor efficitur, eget tempor augue pellentesque. Duis a tincidunt arcu. Aliquam mattis et felis ac dapibus. Vestibulum gravida est vitae tempor posuere. Quisque at eros ultricies, gravida libero eget, ullamcorper nisi. Etiam tincidunt sem non velit commodo placerat.

Phasellus quis lacus vel tortor finibus varius. Curabitur sit amet neque lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet justo lacinia, luctus nisl a, tristique mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi et nunc vestibulum purus maximus porttitor. Fusce eu sagittis orci, ac commodo quam. Phasellus dignissim, lacus at tincidunt pretium, risus ligula pharetra arcu, nec sagittis ipsum urna eu augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin aliquet imperdiet est, et efficitur ex cursus vitae. Nulla lorem odio, consequat vitae consectetur quis, sagittis quis nisi. Pellentesque egestas, risus nec ullamcorper efficitur, metus est pretium dolor, in interdum dolor sapien sed risus. Fusce id velit faucibus, lacinia arcu vitae, dictum arcu. Aliquam et neque sed augue venenatis pharetra. Donec tincidunt, libero in lacinia rutrum, nisi massa pellentesque nibh, eget ornare velit metus eget lectus.

Quisque ut posuere ipsum, eu scelerisque dui. Donec sit amet velit sapien. Vestibulum interdum tempus convallis. Nullam massa risus, hendrerit eget neque non, tincidunt condimentum sapien. Sed quis metus vitae arcu aliquam convallis. Vestibulum vel imperdiet orci, elementum tincidunt sem. Sed ultricies molestie nulla a porttitor. Maecenas id sapien ac lectus condimentum bibendum. Ut iaculis auctor aliquam. Donec fringilla tempus nisi, nec cursus diam sodales nec. Suspendisse magna nunc, suscipit at lorem nec, fringilla varius risus. Sed vel risus dolor. Nulla vitae maximus sem, quis mollis nulla. Nunc ac massa ac diam suscipit dictum. Duis aliquam, odio sed pellentesque efficitur, ipsum nulla viverra turpis, et dapibus turpis velit ut nisl.
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Theodore Vasilliou.




Cis Male.






DD MMMM 1980.


Black City, WA.


Black City, WA.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.




Upper Class.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.

POWER (only forRedbloods)

One redblood power selected goes here.

All standard vampir abilities.

LIMITATIONS (only forRedbloods)

All standard vampir weaknesses.

Redblood standard weaknesses (increased sensitivity to sunlight,shorter windows between requiring blood).

Any additional limits here.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


Lorum ipsum.


upper class redblood
Edited for @ikaroa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus mauris neque, id aliquet nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum congue dapibus lacus volutpat sollicitudin. Pellentesque suscipit est sapien, et dictum nisi consectetur in. Etiam ultrices eros nec egestas egestas. Maecenas tempor ullamcorper ligula quis condimentum. Pellentesque interdum venenatis lectus ut aliquam. Aliquam a tristique augue. Nunc ut urna luctus, maximus ligula non, tempus enim.

Mauris consectetur quam sit amet lectus condimentum, quis consequat est fringilla. Quisque massa turpis, elementum sit amet convallis sed, hendrerit nec ipsum. Sed eget sapien metus. Maecenas viverra posuere enim, in elementum mi suscipit ut. Donec nec ultrices mi. Donec consectetur elementum diam, eget commodo justo bibendum eu. Maecenas vestibulum tempor faucibus. Morbi dictum diam eget arcu tincidunt lacinia. Morbi in velit quis mauris congue volutpat a in massa.

Nunc placerat enim ut imperdiet egestas. Mauris consectetur metus id dolor efficitur, eget tempor augue pellentesque. Duis a tincidunt arcu. Aliquam mattis et felis ac dapibus. Vestibulum gravida est vitae tempor posuere. Quisque at eros ultricies, gravida libero eget, ullamcorper nisi. Etiam tincidunt sem non velit commodo placerat.

Phasellus quis lacus vel tortor finibus varius. Curabitur sit amet neque lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet justo lacinia, luctus nisl a, tristique mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi et nunc vestibulum purus maximus porttitor. Fusce eu sagittis orci, ac commodo quam. Phasellus dignissim, lacus at tincidunt pretium, risus ligula pharetra arcu, nec sagittis ipsum urna eu augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin aliquet imperdiet est, et efficitur ex cursus vitae. Nulla lorem odio, consequat vitae consectetur quis, sagittis quis nisi. Pellentesque egestas, risus nec ullamcorper efficitur, metus est pretium dolor, in interdum dolor sapien sed risus. Fusce id velit faucibus, lacinia arcu vitae, dictum arcu. Aliquam et neque sed augue venenatis pharetra. Donec tincidunt, libero in lacinia rutrum, nisi massa pellentesque nibh, eget ornare velit metus eget lectus.

Quisque ut posuere ipsum, eu scelerisque dui. Donec sit amet velit sapien. Vestibulum interdum tempus convallis. Nullam massa risus, hendrerit eget neque non, tincidunt condimentum sapien. Sed quis metus vitae arcu aliquam convallis. Vestibulum vel imperdiet orci, elementum tincidunt sem. Sed ultricies molestie nulla a porttitor. Maecenas id sapien ac lectus condimentum bibendum. Ut iaculis auctor aliquam. Donec fringilla tempus nisi, nec cursus diam sodales nec. Suspendisse magna nunc, suscipit at lorem nec, fringilla varius risus. Sed vel risus dolor. Nulla vitae maximus sem, quis mollis nulla. Nunc ac massa ac diam suscipit dictum. Duis aliquam, odio sed pellentesque efficitur, ipsum nulla viverra turpis, et dapibus turpis velit ut nisl.

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color: #E1EDD9;]upper class redblood
margin-top: 20px;
height: auto;
width: 550px;
padding-right: 5px;
font-size: 13px;
font-family: times new roman;
color: #E1EDD9;]Edited for @ikaroa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus mauris neque, id aliquet nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum congue dapibus lacus volutpat sollicitudin. Pellentesque suscipit est sapien, et dictum nisi consectetur in. Etiam ultrices eros nec egestas egestas. Maecenas tempor ullamcorper ligula quis condimentum. Pellentesque interdum venenatis lectus ut aliquam. Aliquam a tristique augue. Nunc ut urna luctus, maximus ligula non, tempus enim.

Mauris consectetur quam sit amet lectus condimentum, quis consequat est fringilla. Quisque massa turpis, elementum sit amet convallis sed, hendrerit nec ipsum. Sed eget sapien metus. Maecenas viverra posuere enim, in elementum mi suscipit ut. Donec nec ultrices mi. Donec consectetur elementum diam, eget commodo justo bibendum eu. Maecenas vestibulum tempor faucibus. Morbi dictum diam eget arcu tincidunt lacinia. Morbi in velit quis mauris congue volutpat a in massa.

Nunc placerat enim ut imperdiet egestas. Mauris consectetur metus id dolor efficitur, eget tempor augue pellentesque. Duis a tincidunt arcu. Aliquam mattis et felis ac dapibus. Vestibulum gravida est vitae tempor posuere. Quisque at eros ultricies, gravida libero eget, ullamcorper nisi. Etiam tincidunt sem non velit commodo placerat.

Phasellus quis lacus vel tortor finibus varius. Curabitur sit amet neque lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet justo lacinia, luctus nisl a, tristique mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi et nunc vestibulum purus maximus porttitor. Fusce eu sagittis orci, ac commodo quam. Phasellus dignissim, lacus at tincidunt pretium, risus ligula pharetra arcu, nec sagittis ipsum urna eu augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin aliquet imperdiet est, et efficitur ex cursus vitae. Nulla lorem odio, consequat vitae consectetur quis, sagittis quis nisi. Pellentesque egestas, risus nec ullamcorper efficitur, metus est pretium dolor, in interdum dolor sapien sed risus. Fusce id velit faucibus, lacinia arcu vitae, dictum arcu. Aliquam et neque sed augue venenatis pharetra. Donec tincidunt, libero in lacinia rutrum, nisi massa pellentesque nibh, eget ornare velit metus eget lectus.

Quisque ut posuere ipsum, eu scelerisque dui. Donec sit amet velit sapien. Vestibulum interdum tempus convallis. Nullam massa risus, hendrerit eget neque non, tincidunt condimentum sapien. Sed quis metus vitae arcu aliquam convallis. Vestibulum vel imperdiet orci, elementum tincidunt sem. Sed ultricies molestie nulla a porttitor. Maecenas id sapien ac lectus condimentum bibendum. Ut iaculis auctor aliquam. Donec fringilla tempus nisi, nec cursus diam sodales nec. Suspendisse magna nunc, suscipit at lorem nec, fringilla varius risus. Sed vel risus dolor. Nulla vitae maximus sem, quis mollis nulla. Nunc ac massa ac diam suscipit dictum. Duis aliquam, odio sed pellentesque efficitur, ipsum nulla viverra turpis, et dapibus turpis velit ut nisl.

[/div][/div][div=margin-top: 5px; text-align: center; font-size: 8px;]credits[/div]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus mauris neque, id aliquet nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum congue dapibus lacus volutpat sollicitudin. Pellentesque suscipit est sapien, et dictum nisi consectetur in. Etiam ultrices eros nec egestas egestas. Maecenas tempor ullamcorper ligula quis condimentum. Pellentesque interdum venenatis lectus ut aliquam. Aliquam a tristique augue. Nunc ut urna luctus, maximus ligula non, tempus enim.

Mauris consectetur quam sit amet lectus condimentum, quis consequat est fringilla. Quisque massa turpis, elementum sit amet convallis sed, hendrerit nec ipsum. Sed eget sapien metus. Maecenas viverra posuere enim, in elementum mi suscipit ut. Donec nec ultrices mi. Donec consectetur elementum diam, eget commodo justo bibendum eu. Maecenas vestibulum tempor faucibus. Morbi dictum diam eget arcu tincidunt lacinia. Morbi in velit quis mauris congue volutpat a in massa.

Nunc placerat enim ut imperdiet egestas. Mauris consectetur metus id dolor efficitur, eget tempor augue pellentesque. Duis a tincidunt arcu. Aliquam mattis et felis ac dapibus. Vestibulum gravida est vitae tempor posuere. Quisque at eros ultricies, gravida libero eget, ullamcorper nisi. Etiam tincidunt sem non velit commodo placerat.

Phasellus quis lacus vel tortor finibus varius. Curabitur sit amet neque lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet justo lacinia, luctus nisl a, tristique mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi et nunc vestibulum purus maximus porttitor. Fusce eu sagittis orci, ac commodo quam. Phasellus dignissim, lacus at tincidunt pretium, risus ligula pharetra arcu, nec sagittis ipsum urna eu augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin aliquet imperdiet est, et efficitur ex cursus vitae. Nulla lorem odio, consequat vitae consectetur quis, sagittis quis nisi. Pellentesque egestas, risus nec ullamcorper efficitur, metus est pretium dolor, in interdum dolor sapien sed risus. Fusce id velit faucibus, lacinia arcu vitae, dictum arcu. Aliquam et neque sed augue venenatis pharetra. Donec tincidunt, libero in lacinia rutrum, nisi massa pellentesque nibh, eget ornare velit metus eget lectus.

Quisque ut posuere ipsum, eu scelerisque dui. Donec sit amet velit sapien. Vestibulum interdum tempus convallis. Nullam massa risus, hendrerit eget neque non, tincidunt condimentum sapien. Sed quis metus vitae arcu aliquam convallis. Vestibulum vel imperdiet orci, elementum tincidunt sem. Sed ultricies molestie nulla a porttitor. Maecenas id sapien ac lectus condimentum bibendum. Ut iaculis auctor aliquam. Donec fringilla tempus nisi, nec cursus diam sodales nec. Suspendisse magna nunc, suscipit at lorem nec, fringilla varius risus. Sed vel risus dolor. Nulla vitae maximus sem, quis mollis nulla. Nunc ac massa ac diam suscipit dictum. Duis aliquam, odio sed pellentesque efficitur, ipsum nulla viverra turpis, et dapibus turpis velit ut nisl.

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  • Love
Reactions: Megasis
HELLO LALALALA ENTER YOUR POST CONTENT HERE. Ignore everything else :D. Edited for @Megasis. Adding more text to show what a few lines look like without lorem ipsuming :D lolo lolol ololol

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color: #ADF6F5;]ENTER YOUR POST CONTENT HERE. Ignore everything else :D. Edited for Megasis
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  • Thank You
Reactions: Megasis
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Megasis
ENTER YOUR POST CONTENT HERE. Leave everything above, and the one line of code below as is :D. Post template edited for @Megasis

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  • Love
Reactions: Megasis
Post format edited for myself from a wren template (ty!)

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Spiritual Fae/Gargoyle
Velia Ianthe LaFey.
December 23.
Rose Town, Alberta.
Regularly travels.

Hybrid (fae traits dominant).
Spiritual Fae & Darkling (Gargoyle).


Loosely treated the same as her father's class while with him for his sake (high class); lower-middle without.
Assists with gargoyle orphans; working on her painting brand, 'Heresiart.'
Some dissonance about her place among Fae, Darkling, and Hybrid-influenced societies.

Fae: All standard fae powers (flight, fairy dust manipulation, magic resistance)
Note: Her wings are influenced by her gargoyle heritage, bearing resemblance to crystal-rich schist stone.
Spiritual Fae: Limited Empathy. It is not instant, she needs a little time with her subjects to pair with observations, too; it is more difficult to utilize with species outside of fae and gargoyles. Her Empathy feels more like a strong intuition about someone than a precise confidence.
Darkling/Gargoyle: Almost nonexistent, save for her wing appearance, a mild crystal-schist shimmer to her skin, more so when transformed, and possessing smaller claws. Her strength and senses are all at Fae level. She cannot turn to stone nor petrify anything.
All standard Fae and Gargoyle weaknesses. Her Spiritual Fae Empathy is not as potent, and her Gargoyle traits are few and almost entirely seen in mild aesthetics.

Willowy, not athletic.
Black, pixie cut.
Fair, subtly ashen-gray.
Mild crystal-schist shimmer to her skin, more so when transformed. Can't be caught looking disheveled.

Travel; new places & familiar haunts alike | figs, peaches, almonds, honey | twin sister (Flora), father (Ruwen) | art & architectural history | living higher than her typical means | creative sessions with her sister | clever or subtle humor
Staying anywhere for too long | general hybrid prejudice (selfish bias); being hybrid & showing more of her fae descent than gargoyle | poor hygiene; clutter, debris in corners of rooms | low artistic inspiration; lacking access to muses
Poise; empathic intuition; comfort around the strange & new
Physically not very strong; generally muted fae and gargoyle advantages; she generally doesn't believe that she will be welcome or accepted in any given place for very long, so she is inclined to reject people or places first.

Velia Ianthe LaFey was born to a spiritual fae mother from Rose Town, Cassia LaFey, & the gargoyle High Priest of the Aicratheon Temple, Ruwan Aramis Meng. She was not born alone - Velia arrived as the slightly younger with her beloved fraternal twin sister, Flora Luanna LaFey. Whether they were planned or not, they never questioned if they were loved. By age five, complications for Cassia saw her leave them all, though Ruwan hadn't ever intended to remain as her exclusive partner forever. Perhaps she thought he would, despite anything he might have said prior.

This left the twins to live with their father. His work called for him to travel somewhat frequently, so their childhood was regularly filled with new sights and wonders. Colors, flavors, sounds, culture - Velia drank it all in. As they grew up, however, Flora expressed a desire for something more permanent. More, transient life made higher education more difficult to manage. Cassia and Ruwan healed any past misunderstandings and had become friends again over the years, which more readily gave them all the option to have the girls stay with their mother while they polished their lives and developed life goals.

Velia found a love for the arts, homing in on painting. She experimented with fairy dust in her colors, and over time, developed a method to give the impression of subtle sounds and smells to accompany her visuals through the enhancements with her fairy dust. She experimented with stylistic approaches, but found she favored digging through historical natural & architectural documents to bring long-ago moments to life again in the present. As Velia found her preferred style, she simply described it as this: 'Scenes from our past made alive again through chiaroscuro-styled romanticism. Enhanced with fae dust to brighten the experience for all the senses.' She developed her style under the brand name, Heresiart, a play on 'heresiarch.'

Velia has installed some art pieces in small shops and rotating museum exhibits; and she's sold others online. When some on social media got into a debate about the meaning and actual colors in a piece showing a Jasper Town harbor in midnight shadows, Heresiart gained a viral moment that's given a boost to her name recognition and sales.

While being based in Rockcaster in the Yukon to be near her sister, Velia makes regular visits to Rose Town. She also tries to travel whenever she can with her father - still simply called 'Dad' to this day. Their journeys expose her to interesting places and people, which she utilizes for artistic inspiration. It also helps soothe her restlessness.

She learned earlier on that as a hybrid, she wasn't particularly welcome at the gargoyle temples her father visited. That realization stung, but gave her a thicker skin toward criticism (helpful within her field), and perhaps a few unhealthy coping mechanisms to shrug away rejection, too. Whatever the world thought of them, though, Velia and Flora always could find unconditional love from their parents, particularly their father.

Velia longs for the decadency of her father's social status, but when she isn't traveling with him, she returns to her reality in a lower-middle lifestyle. She hopes her art will somehow give her a key to unlock a richer life for herself.

fae-gargoyle hybrid | fae-dominant traits | artist for 'heresiart.'
Edited from a wren template tytytyty. For my use.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus mauris neque, id aliquet nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum congue dapibus lacus volutpat sollicitudin. Pellentesque suscipit est sapien, et dictum nisi consectetur in. Etiam ultrices eros nec egestas egestas. Maecenas tempor ullamcorper ligula quis condimentum. Pellentesque interdum venenatis lectus ut aliquam. Aliquam a tristique augue. Nunc ut urna luctus, maximus ligula non, tempus enim.

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Pomona Themis.
July 3rd.
Hallen, Quebec.
Hallen, Quebec.


Shady bdns (theft, drug dealing, odd jobs).
Luckily hardy immune system. Eats almost anything without suffering for it. Joke's on her, though, she usually doesn't have much to eat.

Heightened agility.
Trixi Holland is her found family.
Pomona's full were form is that of a somewhat uncommon, fully black jackal. Her build is small, tinier than a coyote. She has large, dagger-tall ears, and her eyes are bright as the harvest moon. Though she's smaller and weaker than coyotes and larger canines, she is swift and crafty.

Stage 3 Transformation:

Stage 2 Transformation:

Lanky, wiry muscles, tan.
Dark brown, very long, straight.
Various subtle nicks and scars collected through a chaotic lifestyle.
Narrow face and build, tending to make her eyes look bigger in her skull and her limbs lankier.

Morally gray, trickster, calculating, waggish, frolicsome, competitive | When behaving more formally or cautiously: considerate, reserved, observant, plays along.
Dry heat, summer, daytime, food comas.
Hallen, Quebec, Northern Cervia, winter, snow, cold, gray weather, snobs (and cats are snobs, too).
Speed, dexterity, innovative, tinkerer, pickpocketing, picking locks, knife use, street smarts, untrusting.
Hyperfixates, risk-taker, chaotic, easily cold, untrusting.

How in the hell does a desert-jackal end up in goddamn North Cervia? Pomona's wondered the same thing. Cruel irony saw the were-jackal born - not to arid bliss - but to a colder climate, to Hallen in Quebec. Her living situation is a bit transient and unstable, which has seen her bitterly sleep outside under whatever pile of layers she happened to have at those times.

But a hard life has made a hard woman, and survival brought on experience and learning - not necessarily all in productive, socially-acceptable ways. She knows how to get by, and her senses for threat and opportunity alike are keen.

Her best friend is Bellatrix, a were-coyote who's had a rough go in Hallen, too. Mona respects the hell out of Trixi's personal and physical strength, and she sure as hell bets on her friend when she has anything to gamble at her matches.

The two are involved in certain magically-based drug dealing, something Pomona has explicitly not sampled herself. The temptation to float away into a cushy fantasy is there, but she resists - the fall back to reality would be too harsh.

were-jackal | a quick thief | longs for summer
Edited from a wren template tytytyty. For my use.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus mauris neque, id aliquet nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum congue dapibus lacus volutpat sollicitudin. Pellentesque suscipit est sapien, et dictum nisi consectetur in. Etiam ultrices eros nec egestas egestas. Maecenas tempor ullamcorper ligula quis condimentum. Pellentesque interdum venenatis lectus ut aliquam. Aliquam a tristique augue. Nunc ut urna luctus, maximus ligula non, tempus enim.

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Edited from a wren template tytytyty. For my use.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus mauris neque, id aliquet nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum congue dapibus lacus volutpat sollicitudin. Pellentesque suscipit est sapien, et dictum nisi consectetur in. Etiam ultrices eros nec egestas egestas. Maecenas tempor ullamcorper ligula quis condimentum. Pellentesque interdum venenatis lectus ut aliquam. Aliquam a tristique augue. Nunc ut urna luctus, maximus ligula non, tempus enim.

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color: #FEFFF0;][center][I]Location: PLACE HERE. | Tag: USERS & CHARACTERS.[/I]
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[/div][/div][div=margin-top: 5px; text-align: center; font-size: 8px;][url=''][color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]credits[/color][/url][/div]
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  • Love
Reactions: TerraBooma




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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Megasis
ꊼ| E X T E R I O R |ꊼ
Race: Human.
Gender: Cisfemale.
Age: ## years old.
Build: Petite, short af.
Hair: Coral. Long, slightly wavy and lustrous (tech-enhanced).
Eyes: Amber (tech-enhanced).
Complexion: Fair, healthy (tech-enhanced).
Style: Pastel pinks and sunny chic. The latest in animal & mythical couture (tldr: she sometimes wears cat ear headbands).
Handedness: Stronger with left.

ꊼ| N A T U R E |ꊼ
Personality: Buoyant, positive, stubbornly independent, quick to trust, friendly, playfully teasing. Her easy smiles pull her eyes into the expression, too. Life is easy in the sun!

Personality Type: ENFJ

Strengths: Worldly wealth; upper-class technology
& social network access. Proficient space navigation. Trained to fly a variety of spaceships (as her family's wealthy social flex). Possesses the spaceship, Hiraetha Sky.

Weaknesses: Zero sense of direction on land. Doesn't matter how many times she's been somewhere, or if you give her a compass or map. Terrestrial navigation is terrible. Also fashion-obsessed - it can be a distraction. Minimal street smarts given her high society life.

ꊼ| B A C K G R O U N D |ꊼ
The Waverlys are well off, with a comfortable estate in the Mesosphere District of the planet Vesta. While growing up, Gemma's parents (Winston and Violet) were often gone for work and socializing. This left Gemma much to her own devices (a double-edged benefit). She wasn't left unhappy in her parents' regular absence, but instead developed a strong-willed independence in that environment and maintains a buoyant nature.

Gemma studied abroad at several flight academies, completing her certifications for interstellar travel. Upon completion, her parents gave her the Hiraetha Sky - a state-of-the-art personal luxury space craft.

With access to generous funds (compensation by her parents for their regular history of absence), Gemma has found a love for wasting a lot of money on current fashion trends, whatever they may be at any given time. Her present obsession is with the trendy animalistic elements of biogenetic engineering. For those who won't permanently add these traits to their appearances (like Gemma), this particular fashion trend incorporates temporary animal aesthetics, such as ear headbands, animal-themed jackets, cutesy tails, themed stockings, etc. This fashion trend has also led Gemma to have a high fascination with people who have actually undergone animalistic engineering enhancements.

Gemma has permanently had her hair technologically enhanced to be the lustrous, pastel pink it is seen as today. Likewise, her eyes have had their acuity sharpened, and they've been colored a bright amber. Her complexion and other internal physical health traits have also been polished with tech. These are all common practices among the wealthy.

ꊼ| E X T R A |ꊼ

Hiraetha Sky: State-of-the-art luxury personal spacecraft. It is designed to operate on-world, and off.

It comes in two parts: 1) a smaller piloting pod that can be navigated locally without the bulk, capable of seating up to four with moderate cargo space in the rear near the secondary engines, and 2) The larger rear cabin that docks with the pilot pod.

The rear cabin includes larger engines, cargo space, and small housing space. Everything is built with efficiency and comfort in mind: one captain's cabin; five bunks in the cargo space that fold out; kitchenette & adjustable dining area.

While space is limited, it does not have to feel cramp! Many adjustable seats and sources of entertainment may be folded from hidden containment. Star travel does not have to be without style either: the interior is designed with white leather, beige white oak trim, and modern aesthetic.

The exterior is polished in "Sleek Star Silver," with the spacecraft's unique name stylishly painted on the right rear. And ultimately this modern model is a spacecraft. It is built for speed and ease of control.

Artificial intelligence (named Zenith) assists with all aspects of the ship.
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Form for @TerraBooma

ꊼ| E X T E R I O R |ꊼ
Race: Human.
Gender: Cis Female
Age: 21 years old
Build: Average height, muscular enough.
Hair: Brown, Shoulder length and greasy (she can never seem to tame it for long.)
Eyes: Piercing green, intelligent and focused. Prone to staring.
Complexion: Fair skinned but usually stained with some kind of grease or other tech-stain.
Style: Practical and to the point. Doesn't wear outfits so much as throw clothes on for whatever works. Always wears her hat. (It belonged to her mom.)
Handedness: Right Handed, fortunately. Left works fine enough, but the prosthetic makes fine movements difficult (its cheap as hell and prone to giving up)

ꊼ| N A T U R E |ꊼ
Personality: Ciel has seen everything the galaxy has to offer, or at least she thinks so. She's also not really impressed with what she has seen. Hard to shake, but also can be a bit cynical and doesn't have much faith in other people. Quick thinker and good in a pinch. Fairly blunt.

Personality Type: ISTJ-A

Strengths: Inventiveness, technological solutions. Quick thinker and streetwise. Has a legendary map and can read star charts. Able to get to the core of the issue. Not afraid to speak her mind.

Weaknesses: Family is cursed by a space witch. Does not believe curse is real. Curse is real. Bad luck (on account of the curse.) Rigid thinker despite the inventive streak, she can get her head stuck on single problems and solutions. Not afraid to speak her mind.

Background: It's been a hard few generations for the Richards. Once an influential and wealthy family behind multiple generations of FTL travel innovations, centuries of notoriously bad luck and horrible investments have destroy any semblance of wealth that the family once have had. While her greatest of grandmothers may have resided in a mansion, Ciel lives in a busted down apartment block where the heat is always broken and everyone always asks her to fix their air conditioning. Her parents both died when she was a teenager in a starship accident, and their life insurance policy was declared void by the Intergalactic Insurance Bureau after it came to light that her dad had been smuggling Spice for some space-gangsters. Those said gangsters also came after Ciel, and have been forcing her to work for them in order to pay off her dad's debt for all of the Space Drugs that were destroyed when the shuttle he was on exploded in a seemingly freak accident. Ciel herself is convinced that they were the ones who killed him. But she has no actual proof.

Her day to day is a combination of fixing up stolen spaceships for a pittance of the cost a mechanic would normally earn and working on inventions in her own time. Regardless of how strong the proof of concept is however she can never seem to secure an investor to give her the leg up she needs. The idea either goes horribly wrong on a hair trigger chance, or some business exec swoops in and sneaks a line into the contract that gives them exclusive rights in exchange for a pittance of a royalty. It's enough to survive, but Ciel is essentially trapped in underworld repair shops in the grip of whatever gangster in particular rises to power in the latest power struggle.

Recently, she's discovered a family star chart to an unseen sector, and believes it to contain rumors of treasure and infinite wealth. Since she doesn't have a ship, her goal is to talk to the criminals and sell it to them in exchange for her freedom. She wants out, and she's done taking no for an answer.

ꊼ| E X T R A |ꊼ
The Voight Planisphere: A handheld rectangular device of unknown materials & technology. Its most obvious function is as a universal planisphere. When activated, star systems may be selected by touch from the central patterns. Selected star systems are projected above the center, and the surrounding constellations on the flat surface morph to match those of the given system. It does not display text, and therefore presents no names. At times, certain border elements may shine, though it is unclear what triggers the temporary glow.

Form for [USER=13852]@TerraBooma[/USER]

margin: auto;
width: 550px;
display: flex;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px #78EAFF, 0 0 0px 0px #FFFFFF, 0 0 10px 1px #C5EEF6;
flex-direction: row;
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color: black;]CIEL RICHARDS[/div][/div][div=
height: 400px;
width: 300px;
background: #42C3DA;][div=
margin: auto;
margin-top: 10px;
height: 380px;
width: 280px;
overflow: auto;
font-family: georgia;
font-size: 12px;
color: black;][B]ꊼ| E X T E R I O R |ꊼ[/B]
[U]Race[/U]: Human.
[U]Gender[/U]: Cis Female
[U]Age[/U]: 21 years old
[U]Build[/U]: Average height, muscular enough.
[U]Hair[/U]: Brown, Shoulder length and greasy (she can never seem to tame it for long.)
[U]Eyes[/U]: Piercing green, intelligent and focused. Prone to staring.
[U]Complexion[/U]: Fair skinned but usually stained with some kind of grease or other tech-stain.
[U]Style[/U]: Practical and to the point. Doesn't wear outfits so much as throw clothes on for whatever works. Always wears her hat. (It belonged to her mom.)
[U]Handedness[/U]: Right Handed, fortunately. Left works fine enough, but the prosthetic makes fine movements difficult (its cheap as hell and prone to giving up)

[B]ꊼ| N A T U R E |ꊼ[/B]
[U]Personality[/U]: Ciel has seen everything the galaxy has to offer, or at least she thinks so. She's also not really impressed with what she has seen. Hard to shake, but also can be a bit cynical and doesn't have much faith in other people. Quick thinker and good in a pinch. Fairly blunt.

[U]Personality Type[/U]: ISTJ-A

[U]Strengths[/U]: Inventiveness, technological solutions. Quick thinker and streetwise. Has a legendary map and can read star charts. Able to get to the core of the issue. Not afraid to speak her mind.

[U]Weaknesses[/U]: Family is cursed by a space witch. Does not believe curse is real. Curse is real. Bad luck (on account of the curse.) Rigid thinker despite the inventive streak, she can get her head stuck on single problems and solutions. Not afraid to speak her mind.

Background: It's been a hard few generations for the Richards. Once an influential and wealthy family behind multiple generations of FTL travel innovations, centuries of notoriously bad luck and horrible investments have destroy any semblance of wealth that the family once have had. While her greatest of grandmothers may have resided in a mansion, Ciel lives in a busted down apartment block where the heat is always broken and everyone always asks her to fix their air conditioning. Her parents both died when she was a teenager in a starship accident, and their life insurance policy was declared void by the Intergalactic Insurance Bureau after it came to light that her dad had been smuggling Spice for some space-gangsters. Those said gangsters also came after Ciel, and have been forcing her to work for them in order to pay off her dad's debt for all of the Space Drugs that were destroyed when the shuttle he was on exploded in a seemingly freak accident. Ciel herself is convinced that they were the ones who killed him. But she has no actual proof.

Her day to day is a combination of fixing up stolen spaceships for a pittance of the cost a mechanic would normally earn and working on inventions in her own time. Regardless of how strong the proof of concept is however she can never seem to secure an investor to give her the leg up she needs. The idea either goes horribly wrong on a hair trigger chance, or some business exec swoops in and sneaks a line into the contract that gives them exclusive rights in exchange for a pittance of a royalty. It's enough to survive, but Ciel is essentially trapped in underworld repair shops in the grip of whatever gangster in particular rises to power in the latest power struggle.

Recently, she's discovered a family star chart to an unseen sector, and believes it to contain rumors of treasure and infinite wealth. Since she doesn't have a ship, her goal is to talk to the criminals and sell it to them in exchange for her freedom. She wants out, and she's done taking no for an answer.

[B]ꊼ| E X T R A |ꊼ[/B]
[URL=''][I][U][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]The Voight Planisphere[/COLOR][/U][/I][/URL]: A handheld rectangular device of unknown materials & technology. Its most obvious function is as a universal planisphere. When activated, star systems may be selected by touch from the central patterns. Selected star systems are projected above the center, and the surrounding constellations on the flat surface morph to match those of the given system. It does not display text, and therefore presents no names. At times, certain border elements may shine, though it is unclear what triggers the temporary glow.
[/div][/div][/div][div=text-align: center; font-size: 8px;][URL=''][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]credits[/COLOR][/URL][/div]
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ty for guidance @Nemopedia and @rissa !​

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width: 550px;][div=
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background: url(;
background-size: cover;
background-position: 0% 30%;
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[/div][/div][div=margin-top: 5px; text-align: center; font-size: 8px;][URL=''][COLOR=#FFFFFF]credits[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/COLOR][/div]
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: rissa
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  • Love
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Megasis and Dusk