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  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
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10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
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  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life



he's back, he's back, with the harrowed jack
eyes of red blood and bones that do crack
beware the chime of three ravens call
no flight nor crawl avoids his sharp maul

Welcome to the quiet, quaint highland village of Lochbog. The biggest problems here might be the tavern charging too much for mead or one of your sheep going missing. ...and finding a spouse that isn't one of your cousins. Otherwise life in Lochbog is a peaceful one.

A big part of Lochbog tradition is oral tales, told in the Great Hall by the village chief. A favorite this time of year, when the fog comes rolling out of the bog, is of the Will-o-Jack or Murkmaul - a man that once followed the Will-o-wisps too deep into the nearby bog, lost his mind, and now wanders eternally hungry. A fun tale to frighten the children with during these evenings when all are gathered toasty by the fire.

Yet on this night, something murky this way comes...


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: This is a FANTASY world setting with the typical things you'd expect in a fantasy. You're most likly one of the villagers currently in the Great Hall, enjoying a nice meal, a good drink, and an old favorite story.

WHERE: Join us in the TALES OF LOCHBOG channel on Iwaku's Discord!

HOW: This is a SUSPENSE SETTING WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. There will be action moments, where strange events will happen and your characters will have to work together to resolve it. With this ChaRP "lol random" behaviors are discouraged -- what your character says and does will have in game consequences, so choose wisely!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction. You can also reference our MINI CHARP GUIDE!

I think I can make this, so presenting, Thea.

She can spin spells into her weaving. Her mother in law hunted high and low for the perfect wife for her son, and brought Thea back from the other side of the mountain. Too bad her son died during the middle of the wedding festivities this spring.

Fortunately for Thea despite her family claiming the wedding wasn't real and to send her back her mother-in-law worked too hard to throw talent away. Thea's family found her too weird but here she's allowed to be the strange little fiber witch. Plus she'll be out of mourning after the winter is over and her mother-in-law is amused at the prospect of any of the other men in town stacking up to her poor departed son and worthy of her new daughter's hand in marriage.
Name: Ajax Gillcrest
Nickname: Blackjack
Profession: Druid, Forester
Age: 34
Appearance: An olive-skinned strong man with all the scars and build of a former life at war. Keeps himself tended well with black hair and black eyes though one eye is clearly inhuman in its four-vaned pupil. He usually wears simple padded clothes and is always in hiking leathers given how much time he spends off roads.
Bio: Once a knight sent to deal with intrusions from underground took his role to defend the kingdom with a particular duty more placid than his bombastic superiors might like. However after dispensing with the interlopers they came across a spider that was particularly of a different build than the rest of the predatory creatures. Not an domesticated creature but one that actively surrendered and attempted to parlay. However after some interrogation of the creature it recognized Ajax as important to their own spider-matriarch by some compatibility after its misadventure of attempting diplomacy with priests of lolth. After meeting Croana in his dreams his campaign at war took on a more fervent tone but not one for his liege as the dreamer vanished in sabbaticals to return some days later. After his eye was damaged in a fight and returned from a sabbatical with a new one left his king's service altogether for a price paid to the king. His spidery patron, a matriarch centered on horticulture and ecology, has him go where she feels he's needed. Though sometimes at loggerheads with any local druids, generally gets along with them with training and magic similar to their own.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 9:39 AM

Welcome to the quiet, quaint highland village of Lochbog. The biggest problems here might be the tavern charging too much for mead or one of your sheep going missing. ...and finding a spouse that isn't one of your cousins. Otherwise life in Lochbog is a peaceful one.A big part of Lochbog tradition is oral tales, told in the Great Hall by the village chief. A favorite this time of year, when the fog comes rolling out of the bog, is of the Will-o-Jack or Murkmaul - a man that once followed the Will-o-wisps too deep into the nearby bog, lost his mind, and now wanders eternally hungry. A fun tale to frighten the children with during these evenings when all are gathered toasty by the fire.Yet on this night, something murky this way comes...

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 10:53 AM

    In the village of Lochbog, it is a classic fall seasons. The harvest is over and this day is the last celebration before the start of winter. Most of the small village is gathered in the GREAT HALL for cozy festivities. Where elders tell stories, everyone enjoys hot drinks and good meaty stews. Everything smells divine and the village is in good spirits. Merrily chatting away with their village neighbors.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 10:58 AM

    Thea was glad that harvest was over. It was long, hard work to make sure everything was picked, pulled and reaped. Now with the last of the harvest over and the cellars full it was time for Thea to go back to what she was good at. Wearing the black of mourning, she carried her basket of dyed yarn with her to a seat so she could continue the scarf she'd just started.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:04 AM

Shara picked an inconspicuous spot at the far end. When she'd come into this village, they were rounding people up to come to this festivity. It seemed like a pretty big deal. And there was real food, so that definitely counted for something. Too bad she hadn't shown up a bit later, she might have been able to case the whole place unnoticed. But...real food! She took her place, and gave a double-take to the person next to her, wearing all black. The mourning garb reminded her of what she'd seen as she left Delmoth. She shook her head to clear away that harrowing scene. She sat down quietly next to the mourner, not wanting to interrupt her contemplations.

  • The Mood is NSFWToday at 11:07 AM

    "Thank you again for letting me stay the night," a young woman said with a warm smile. She was dressed simply, but warmly. The reason she was here? Thanks to some light chaos during the day, she stayed too late to reach her home in the neighboring town before dark.Soa was her name, and she was a young bride to the courier who came through every week. She just so happened to come to trade for some things her village didn't have quiiiite enough of for the winter.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:07 AM

    The end of the season meant most of nature started its long sleep though his patron did not quite understand the rapidity of the seasons. Ajax walked in with his furs and coat wrapped around him tightly around a strong frame of a once-soldier now something the druids don't give a side-eye to anymore. He smelled like fallen leaves and pine sap after Croana found some disease abused stands to prune and had come for a meal at the festivities. The black haired man looked over the room to see faces of most of the farmers that he dealt with more. They'd likely all met him once or twice but for the moment the black-haired man with the one of his eyes four-vaned and alien went and got a cup of warm cider to fend off the cold.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:13 AM

    Devon Falcon was a lot of things. A bit of a mischief maker, a illusionist (by trade) though no one was quite able to tell how he made his fantastical things....and a con artist. He wasn't one to stay in one place for too long, mostly because he was noticeable to everyone, being unnaturally tall for people of the time. Devon was just as surprised when he managed to not bump his head on the great hall doorway, adjusting his black cloak and his blue eyes scanning the room, looking for marks.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:17 AM

    Thea's mother-in-law, the illustrious and respected Deirdre had her own cross-stitch to be working on for this lovely, relaxing evening. Of course, the eagle eyed woman was always on the lookout for things that might be of benefit to her little family, especially these days after the unexpected loss of her only child and son!

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:21 AM

    Thea gave a warm smile to the woman that sat beside her, a traveler from the looks of her. All were welcomed on a feast day like this and it was always interesting to see what sort of strangers might show up. While still new, Thea did not feel much like a stranger thanks to her mother-in-law. "Mother Deirdre would you like me to fetch you a mug or a plate?" She was nimble enough to be able to start and stop when a row was finished without messing up her work or Works.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:23 AM

    Ajax took his mug and a small bowl of stew seeing one that didn't quite seem familiar. The town wasn't that large and passers-by tended to stick out. As much as old habits of suspicion were hard to break it was becoming something more of curiosity now. The large fellow in furs quietly padded over to a table with Soa and sat down with her and the mourner, "New travelers today I see."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:23 AM

    A tall (very tall) form came in through the doorway, and Shara did another double-take. It's him! she thought, the sorcerer from the Lackadaisy Lizard! She knew that surreptitious way of checking out a crowd. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she gave him an animated wave. "Mr. Falcon sir!" she called out.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:28 AM

    Devon would groan, wondering who could be calling his name, which was impressive since he didn't really know anyone here. He would look over and stare, and just groaning. " Oh, what are you doing here?" He asked. He thought he had seen the last of her after they went to see that wizard.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:29 AM

    With everyone settling in and greeting their neighbors or making new connections, the village chief was getting cozy himself with a mug of something frothy and a leg of lamb. "So little ones, are you ready for tonight's tale of Lochbog?" he asked a circle of children that were sitting down on a big bearskin rug. There was a lot of childish squealing for joy. None of this would interrupt the adults and their conversations.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:30 AM

    "Continuing my quest," Shara said cryptically, taking a moment to return a smile given by the mourner, then turned her attention back to Devon.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:30 AM

    " Oh yeah, you did say you had a quest thing the last time we met," he replied, pulling a coin out and flipping it to her. " For the bread we shared last time."

  • The Mood is NSFWToday at 11:34 AM

    "Oh! Seems so," Soa said with a bright smile. "I'm Soa, the courier's wife. I arrived late, so I was invited to stay the night since it's become too dark to get home to Cortney's Farm."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:35 AM

    Shara caught the coin in the air and tossed it back. "Neither of us got to actually enjoy that bread," she said.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:36 AM

    "I do think I'm peckish, a bite to eat would do us both some good." Deirdre said to her daughter-in-law. "It seems the Chief is starting up his stories too. I wonder which he will tell today!"

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:38 AM

    Devon would nod. " That's fair enough. It's nt every day that your food attacks you," he replied.

  • The Mood is NSFWToday at 11:38 AM

    Soa's head jerked up as she heard that. Food? Attacking? What..."Did you hear that too? Do you think they just choked because it was dry?" she asked in a whisper.

littlekreenToday at 11:40 AM

Ajax took a steaming bite of the stew, "It's quite good, matron. Something to keep out the cold. I might be made of sterner things but it's probably best not to try to make it to the farm at night."He looked over, "Hm. Well if there's plants that can try eating people I suppose food trying to eat us back isn't too strange."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:42 AM

    Whispering a little cantrip as she finishes her row, Thea set down her proto-scarf. "Well they're all new to me so it will be a delight, or fright, no matter what." The stories might be different but the themes and rhyme would be familiar. It was odd her neighbor found another traveler she knew. Thea didn't realize how common a route the village was on. "Pardon," she said getting by the giant newcomer.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:44 AM

"Thank goodness for that," Shara replied. "You know...the last I remember, we had gone to that wizard's tower and the lady sputtered out her story of what happened, the wizard took one look at us and started talking about a 'prophecy,' 'When living bone borne of fire awakens, a hero will arise!' I kinda made fun of the idea of a Chosen One, and the next thing I know is there's mist, then I wake up in a field, and long story short, I found my way here."

  • "By the way: you might be the Chosen One," she added.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:45 AM

    "So little ones... Lochbog is an old, old village. As old as the land itself! And thus there are tales upon tales told by those that came before us. Today I tell of Will-o-Jack the man who became the Murkmaul because he did not mind his elders and the lessons we teach through stories..."

The Mood is NSFWToday at 11:46 AM

Soa looked at her bowl of stew, then shook her head and took a bite. She didn't think that the food here would attack. It was made with proper love and attention, after all!

littlekreenToday at 11:47 AM

Ajax chuckled at the story, "Well the way stories are told have a certain rhyme to them no matter where they're from. I like listening to them. They're lessons all the same. You never know what you might learn."

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:48 AM

Devon would nod in agreement. " Yeah, I remember something about a prophecy and a Chosen One as well, though the details seem fuzzy. I'm pretty sure he was talking about you when he was talking about the Chosen One, I don't think I would ever be chosen for anything."

The Mood is NSFWToday at 11:50 AM

"I haven't gotten to hear these sorts of stories in a long time. When I was little, I used to faint." She shook her head. "It was embarrassing."

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:53 AM

Shara burst into laughter. "I don't think so," Shara replied. "One, your magic is waaay more powerful than mine, and the things I am good at aren't Chosen One skills. Two...look at you, you big hunky giant! Look at that lantern jaw! Yep, yep, definitely Chosen One material," she said nodding sagely.

littlekreenToday at 11:55 AM

A wide grin on the man in a fatherly tone, "Youth is a time for being scared of monsters but they're there to teach you that monsters can be beaten. It sounds like you're less prone to fear now. It's good to grow up strong."

The Mood is NSFWToday at 11:56 AM

Soa nodded. "I was pretty sickly, too," she admitted. "Even now that I'm stronger, everyone at home still dotes on me like I'll waste away. It was a struggle to convince them that I would be fine to come alone."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:57 AM

    Devon would consider her point. " The magic I do is really just parlor tricks when it comes down to it. Nothing that no one else can't do. Yeah, being tall isn't all its cracke dup to be. Hunkness and lantern jaw are just a illusion to make myself blend it."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:00 PM

    "I don't think that's how 'blending in' works," Shara replied, that being one of her non-Chosen One skills. She lowered her voice, for his ears only. "What you want to do is be as average and nondescript as possible, so if anybody describes you to the gendarmes, there's dozens or even hundreds of guys that'll meet that description."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:01 PM

    "There was a villager of Lochbog by the name of Jack. A burly young man who'd tended his family's sheep, but he'd always look to more sucessful neighbors and scoff. Why did they have more sheep? Why was their barns bigger? Why could he not have a whole roasted pig to himself! For everything he had, he always hungered for more, more, more..."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:03 PM

    Devon would quirk a curious eyebrow, always finding it interesting when he would learn something new. " I imagine that no matter what, the tallness is not something that won't be mentioning...." he replied, looking around the room, to see if he could pick out common features amongst them.

littlekreenToday at 12:04 PM

Ajax took a sip of cider as he felt an ear of his patron drifting nearby, likely drawn by the story, then looked to Soa, "In a place as old as this town sudden sickness is something to look into. Things dredging up from some disease or another. Nature isn't unkind, it just is. Maybe they're just too focused on the old threat and fearful of new ones."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:05 PM

    Thea came back with two mugs, a plate of food, and an annoyed look on her face. "Old Witham says he's going to come visit to speak to you first dawn," she told her mother-in-law. It was improper to even elude to an arrangement so early, even if she hadn't known her husband a fortnight. Then she said in a more hushed tone. "I am not sure he was speaking for himself or Doug."

  • (I meant first thaw, but oh well!)

  • The Mood is NSFWToday at 12:08 PM

    "Perhaps, but... it's hard to live a married life with so much freting about me." She shook her head, but her expression was still warm and fond. She didn't hold it against her family, but only wished they wouldn't worry and fret so much.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:08 PM

    Deirdre scoffed, the immediately took a sip of her newly acquired drink. "Old Witham and his son are fools. Well, let them come then. I'd like to see what they think they have to offer! If another man comes offering livestock for a marriage, I am going to have him buried in the bog!" She may have said that far louder than was necessary to get the point across for anyone eavesdropping.

  • The Mood is NSFWToday at 12:09 PM

    Soa blinked on hearing the threat and looked to Dierdre, then giggled softly and nodded her approval.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:11 PM

    "I'll dig you a hole somewhere suitably dire, Deidre, " He gave an amused grin to the threat, "Don't bury bodies in the water table. Is livestock really all they've managed to come up with?"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:13 PM

    Deirdre always had Thea's back, and why shouldn't she have, she picked her out to not just be her son's wife, but her own child. In fact she was more mother than her own ever had been. Thea snickered wickedly which turned to full laughter at Ajax's kind offer

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:17 PM

    The chief went on in his story. "One day Jack was tending his sheep when something hovering caught his eye. A will-o-wisp of light and mist twinkling at the edge of the bogs. It called to him, soft and sweet. 'Jaaaack. Jaaaaack. Do you have a wish, Jaaaack?' What do you THINK Jack should have done when he heard the Will-o-wisp calling him by name?" Most children yelled 'ignore it!' or 'run away'. One kid yelled out 'catch it!' and another said 'throw a rock at it'

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:18 PM

    "Oh yeah, there is that," Shara agreed. Since he'd cast realistic illusions of her and a big scary dog, she had initially figured he could give himself an illusory shorter appearance. But as she thought about it, he would have to project a slice of everything behind him over his head in order to render it invisible, and get it to line up accurately with actual reality. Just imagining trying to do that made her head hurt.Shara smirked a little at the older lady's comment. The younger lady--widow?--must have a lot of suitors. She turned back to Devon."Then what you do is, make yourself look like a beggar. No one likes to see beggars. 'If you look at them, they might beg from you and make you feel guilty when you don't want to give them anything, so best to pretend you don't see them at all.' So it's almost as good as an invisibility cloak."

  • littlekreenToday at 12:20 PM

    "Will-o-wisps are the other reason you don't bury bodies in the bog. Vengeful spirits and such." Ajax commented idly at the story.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:20 PM

    "But there are some places you won't want to use it, like rich neighborhoods," Shara continued, half paying attention to the village chieftain's story.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:21 PM

    Devon wished he had made himself shorter was as simple as just ducking, but there was somthing about his powers that made them diffcult to master. He would take a deep breath, looking over at her with a raised eyebrow and then looking back at the ground. " I have definitely done the begger route before, but it only lasts for so long in my line of work."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:24 PM

"Will-o-wisps are better as neighbors than some though," Thea said agreeing that you don't want to insult them.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:28 PM

    "I've had to put a few rotten or bloodthirsty things down before they wandered too close to town. These old places build and lose homes so much it's hard to know exactly what dank hole they're crawling out of." He shrugged, "At least the will-o-wisps keep to their bog and don't tend to claw their way into someone's kitchen."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:34 PM

"That, is not a common occurrence is it?" Thea asked first looking at Ajax then her MiL. Was he playing with the new girl a tad perhaps?

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:36 PM

"Indeed, dear Jack should've went about his own business and not listened to the calls of the wisp. But being a greedy man, knowing that a wisp in good nature might grant you a boon, ignored the old warnings of his elders. Be ye lost with no star to guide your way, the will-o-wisp may be your guiding light. But beware the will-o-wisp who calls thy name in day, for a great terror is sure to haunt your night. He followed the will-o-wisps deep, deep, deep into the bogs.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:36 PM

Shara was tempted to ask what that might be, but as someone who played her own cards close to the vest, she knew better than to pry into other people's business. "Yeah, you don't always want to use the same trick," she replied. "So...where does somebody go to learn illusion magic like that?"

littlekreenToday at 12:39 PM

"Here? Not nearly as much as some places I've been dispatched to." He shook his head, "At least mostly the odd rabid creature so far. A few wandering things I haven't found but traces of as yet. Old places have old things slumbering. So I keep watch."

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:50 PM

Devon would acknowledge her point. " Yeah, using the same trick is definitely a way to get yourself caught into heaps of trouble," he replied, not mentioning that his actual trick book was only seven. " You don't or rather I don't. I was just born with it."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:50 PM

"Hmm," Thea thought about that and it made some sense to her. She also recalled the protections she made when she first moved here, a blessing for her new home. "Let sleeping wonders lie, as it were? But if you don't know then…."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:52 PM

"Though we have our interesting creatures from time to time, Lochbog is otherwise quite safe. Certainly compared to other villages I've heard of. Cursed places, those villages." Deirdre even shuddered.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:55 PM

Shara shuddered as well, her thoughts going back to one such cursed village, its people murdered by a shape-shifting monster that had tried to frame her and a few others for the crime. Is he some kind of professional monster-hunter? Shara thought. It sounded like it. He'd said something about being 'dispatched' here, so he was part of an Order of some kind or other.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:58 PM

There seemed to be very fearsome things in the wide world. Things she hoped to never encounter. She glanced down at the scarf she was working on. One to keep the cold off. One to keep it's wearer warm. She added another layer of safety to the knots.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:02 PM

"As Jack found himself deeper and deeper in the bogs, that will-o-wisp it vanished. He howled into the black of night, demanding it return and give him his dream he promised and no reward came. What was he expecting, after all? Ancient creatures are wild and don't give boons freely! Yet he searched and search the bogs, growing more and more ravenous. More hungry for his desires until he became twisted and gnarled on the outside. His only thoughts left were want, want, want. One fateful day he found his way back to Lochbog..."

littlekreenToday at 1:04 PM

"Cursed places are in the wider world and nature has its own opinions on what they are. I once was sent to a river who had turned rotten downstream." He looked at the young girl and paraphrased the gory details, "A power had noticed fish growing sores and the other animals with flares of madness. It took some time looking up tributaries before I found blood thorns growing near the remnants of someone building a cabin on a former graveyard. I was forced to wait until one side of warring dead things won to try and pacify the victor. At least the restless rightful dead as a winning side have something better to do than continue their haunt."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:08 PM

    Thea's eyes were like saucers. She had heard tales, yes, but this here was a first hand account and one, she thought, that left out much that would probably give nightmares. "Why would anyone think building there would have been a good idea!"

  • littlekreenToday at 1:09 PM

    "Greed." He gave a wry turn down of his mouth, "They are flat and full of worked stone. Land that doesn't need to be cleared. Even if there's no one left that comes to visit the graveyard, some are always being watched."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:11 PM

    Devon would look over and wonder if Shara had heard his answer. He really didn't like to repeat himself.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:16 PM

"Wha--oh, a Mageborn then," Shara said, using the common term for people born with specific magical abilities. She'd been getting too caught up in the monster stories, trying to hear them both at once. What would it be like to work as part of an Order? I guess you'd get told what to do, and the uppity-ups would get the lion's share of its resources, she thought. At least working alone, I get to be the lion. But his Order might also help him out...

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:18 PM

"When Jack left the bog and wandered back into Lochbog, he was no longer a normal mortal man. His entire form had shifted into that of a furry and fanged beasts. A hungry, ravenous beast, who had a desperate need to fill his gullet. For three nights he'd come out of the big to hunt and maul whatever he could dig his teeth into. Until a brave soul of the village finally managed to take an axe to his skull. They say every hundred years or so you might spot the beast sneaking it's way out of the bogs to steal away a sheep or a young child as a meal."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:20 PM

    Thea glanced at the elder with the children, watching the young ones all squirm. She wasn't a lot different than the children in her fright from the story Ajax told. "Greed seems to be the biggest of monsters."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:25 PM

    "Young men especially get it in their heads they deserve all the things in the world, but often don't have the sense to know how to earn it. They want their easy job, easy wife, easy wealth... It's no wonder they bring down curses on their heads so often!" exclaimed Deirdre.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:25 PM

    Devon would shake his head. " I mean I guess, I never personally liked that term."

littlekreenToday at 1:25 PM

Ajax looked over toward the children's story then nodded to Deirdre, "An old monster we've been fighting for generations. Warning our children of it over and over so it does not devour us completely. The tales are often embellished or cleaned for them, changing over the years, but sometimes there was a brutal seed of truth of something that had to be bled for to cut down." He grasped the staff by his table as the end flared in tiny orange threads, "Or blasted apart, in my case. I fight for my patron, now, not the king. So little ones only have to worry about stories and their next meal."

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:35 PM

"Oh, sorry!" Shara said. She hadn't expected that the term might be offensive. " you have some kind of quest that you're on, or are you just heading somewhere to visit relatives or something?"

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:38 PM

" It's okay, you couldn't have known," he replied. Devon would consider for a moment. " Heading somewhere to visit relatives or something," he replied back to her.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:41 PM

Thea did not quite know what Ajax meant by patron but that he fought for the weak and not nobility she did understand. "I could only wish all children had such small things to worry about. But blessings to those like you." Thea was impressed with the speed her scarf was coming along. Even with the magic being woven in, it was likely to be finished that very evening.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:43 PM

    "Well I hope you have a happy visit," Shara replied. The way he quoted her words back to her was probably a hint that the truth was something else. If so, where he was going was none of her business. Her thoughts turned to melancholy conceptions of how far she would have to go before she could have a happy reunion with her own relatives.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:46 PM

    "Yeah, I hope that I have a happy visit as well," he replied.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:48 PM

Then the twinkle returned to Shara's eyes. "Oh yeah, that's right--" she said, then lowered her voice to a whisper, "we can't tell anyone that you're actually going on your quest to save the world as the Choooosen Onnnnne," she said with an impish grin.

littlekreenToday at 1:49 PM

A thoughtful nod as he reached up to the tip of drifting threads to that wrap around one hand and turn into deep green yarn with a focused gaze, "Well, someone needs to wield the ax and someone needs to knit the scarves to keep the children warm when they get home. You don't need to be as brave if you are your husband's something to fight for, eh?"He put the small batch of yarn on the table, "I only know how to make stinging nettle yarn, but, something for your next project."

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:53 PM

Devon would cross his arms. " I am not the Chosen One, I'm sure the wizard was talking about someone else, probably the assitant who mixed up the order," he whispered back to her. He was however one of the chosen Four to defeat something evil....but he was actively trying to avoid that destiny.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:57 PM

Her husband, hu? She certainly hoped he did not need to be fighting beyond the grave. From everything she knew and gathered about him he was a good, kind man. He did not deserve to be troubled in the here after. She took the offered gift. "I will make good use of this," Thea promised. She then looked at her finished scarf. A thought occurred to her as she looked at the two travelers next to her.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:59 PM

Shara arched an eyebrow. There seemed to be a little too much tension in the man's reply. Like he knew more than he was telling. "Sure. Of course."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 2:01 PM

    Devon would be quiet. " Thank you for addressing that," he replied.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 2:09 PM

Thea got up and turned to the travelers that had been seated by her. "I heard small bits of your conversation throughout the night, and though it's not much I feel this might help you." She held out a blue and green scarf, colors common in the region from the natural dyes, with bits of yellow that was harder to achieve. The magic on it was nearly invisible to the senses. "It is a hardy scarf that will not allow you to be bitten by the cold so easily," as she said it the particular cantraps for warmth and dryness flared for a moment. It was obvious that it would normally only activated by the elements and possibly Elements. "It will also ward off the slight and modest of Greeds creatures. Will you take it?" She offered it to Devon

Zarko StraadiToday at 2:12 PM

"Ha! I knew it!" Shara said, giving Devon a playful poke. Being offered magical items by strangers on your journey--classic Chosen One stuff. Not that she was going to mention the map, bottle of wine, and key in her own pack, given by the jovial but mysterious old man in Snowdrop Hollow...

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 2:21 PM

Devon would look over at Thea. " I will take it, mostly because I get cold very easily and NOT for any of the other reasons, it's just a nice scarf," he replied, not addressing Shara's Chosen one point at all.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:22 PM

And so the evening was full of great stories, wonderful companionship, and nary a dark nor devious event. For it was true - Lochbog was a safe and humble little village with few problems. For now, providing a safe haven for traveling heroes that may not be so lucky in their future travels.THE END...??
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