RECURRING Terror At The Halloween Prom! October 20th, 5PM to 8PM EST!

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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
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Will be updated when school year starts. For now, pretty much whenever
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  1. Male
It's time for the most popping event of the Halloween Season.

It's your school's annual Halloween Prom.

Everyone who is anyone, no matter their age or status comes together to celebrate tonight....

Things were going great.....

At least until some of you noticed the Zombies outside the school.

Can you survive your Halloween Prom and barricade the school or will you become one of the undead?

Also, I'm going to say this now, everyone needs to play either a human or if you want to be creative, I will allow talking animals.
Who: Everyone is invited. You can make character sheets if you want.


You are someone from a small town who attended the Halloween Prom....right before a zombie apocalpyse broke out..

When:October 13th, 12PM to 4PMEST

Where: This RP will have a ChaRP room once it's ready.

HOW: This is a Action High Fantasy ChaRP with improvised GMing. That means you should interact with each other. There are definitely going to be moments where you can work together ( or against each other depending on who you plan to play). There will 100% be In game consequences.... so choose wisely, because I promise you one thing. This is where Hope Endsx

If you need any ChaRP tips, this ChaRP will follow all the tips Diana gives. Otherwise have fun.​
  • Wicked
Reactions: Lyrikai

Name: Daniel Harris

Appearance: Daniel is one of the tallest men you may ever meet standing at 7 feet tall. He has the most messed up, yet naturally styled hair that can be seen. He wears glasses that obscure his blue eyes. His face is covered with a semi-thick beard ( making him look closer to 30 than 26). Known to wear the best, he is often seen wearing a gray fedora, a red jacket and white t-shirt along with jeans and sneakers. He also has a sect of unspecified tattos on his arm.

Why he is at the prom: He was forced to chaperone the prom as he gave the keys to the students for the Senior prank.

Other info: He has photographic as well as Eidetic tonal memory.

Name: Jaxson James Reid

Appearance: Jaxson has curly sandy blond hair that he doesn't take the effort to groom as well as brown eyes. He stands at 5'8 inches tall and tends to dress fancy wearing a blue dress shirt, a blazer as well as dress jeans. He is wearing nice dress shoes to the dance.

Why he's at the Prom: He's 100% the "student body president" for the planning committee.

Extra: Jaxson definitely came in second place but believes he wont the election. He goes by either Jaxson, Jax or James, it depends on his mood.


Name: Joshua "Josh" Reid

Apperance: Josh also semi curly brown hair that he also doesn't groom as well as light blue eyes. He stands at 5'9 inches tall and tends to dress super casual with a blue t-shirt, jeans and sneakers to the dance.

Why's at the prom: His fraternal twin brother forced him to come.

Extra: He definitely 1000% is perfectly okay and nothing weird happened before he came here. :)
I'm going to move this to next Friday at the new time slot of 5PM to 8PM EST.
  • Like
Reactions: Monbon
Ily Reid

5"7, lanky, and often found shrinking into himself or chewing on his sleeve, Ily comes off as either shy, introverted, or a weirdo with a staring problem. His blue-gray eyes are large round and unassuming, and rimmed with dark lashes. His hair (previously dark brown) was given some treatment prior to the event. Wanting to look presentable he cut his shaggy long mane into a more presentable short and neat style under the guidance of his older sister. Tends to dress in comfortable loose clothing and enjoys fresh watery scents.

Why he's at prom:
Forced to go by his family genuinely wanting him to live more.

Extra: Dressed in a white faded suit. His sister thought it'd be cute if he went in as a little ghost groom feeling the aesthetic would fit his gloomy nature and with hopes he'd bring back a friend.
Last edited:
Name: Naiades Xenakiis

Appearance: 5' 3", normally wears modest, nondescript dresses that let her fade into the background. For the purposes of the Prom, she is wearing an ankle-length black dress and a simple acorn pendant.

Why she is at the Prom: Her parents insisted that she go there on a date with the son of their church's pastor.

Extra: Naiades is an extremely shy life-sciences geek.

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The school gym is all decked out for the Halloween prom. There seems to be two clashing themes- one is a typical prom theme with reach the stars slogs while the other theme is haunted Halloween with blood on the walls. The DJ is still setting up and the punch line is empty….compared to the coffee and tea section. It seems very quiet… but then again it's still early

    Today at 2:55 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jaxson adjusted the banner for the Halloween prom for what was probably the hundredth time tonight. It seemed that every time he thought it was straight, it would fall in the opposite direction. "Stay this time, you goddamn demon banner." It fell slightly down on the right and Jax resisted the urge to scream.

    Today at 3:00 PM

  • Monbon:
    Ily arrived not too early but far from being late. Rather than stand out, he mixed with the crowd arriving around the same time and took to standing in a corner to observe. Nerves taut, his hands remained before him, left holding the right; an attempt to keep him from chewing on the sleeve on reflex.
    'Distractiondistractiondistractuon' Eyes scanning the floor, he soon found a perfect distraction. Another male struggling to hang a banner. Not allowing himself to second guess. Ily made his way over. "W-would you like some help?"

    Today at 3:52 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Naiades wished she could be anywhere but here. Her date for the evening, Josiah Budge, did not seem to be any happier, especially when he scowled at the Halloween-themed elements of the room's decor. Their parents had insisted that they go on this date. He was the son of her church's pastor, she the daughter of one of the leading Elders and donors; a perfect match, or so the grownups had determined.

    Noticing Jax's troubles, Naiades said, "I should go help..." in a soft voice. "Why would you wish to participate in works of darkness? Even he can see that it is demonic," Josiah snapped. Someone else went and offered assistance. Naiades would find no escape from Josiah's preaching. "This was supposed to be a normal Prom, not a Satanic Halloween bacchanalia." There had been a big fight within the Prom's planning committee over whether or not to have a Halloween theme. Though not on the committee, Josiah had gathered the fundamentalists among the student body to protest against a Halloween theme, and support the 'normal Prom' faction. He'd thought they had succeeded, but it seemed that the decorators had decided to split the difference instead.

    Today at 3:59 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jaxson would raise an eyebrow. "Wow, you're the first person to ask to help since I got here... though some people should be helping," he replied, offering her the other ladder to help hang it up, as he gazed over to the history teacher sipping on his coffee and his brother who was buried in his newest game.

    Today at 4:11 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Daniel Harris would have rather been anywhere but supervising this disaster of a Halloween prom. He looked over at him. "I see the local pastor allowed you to come, I believe he was using the word demonic as an expression, you know as they used to do in the olden days. I believe we covered it just last week in history too," he added, interjecting and deciding if he had to be here, he might as well antagonize Josiah.

    Today at 4:13 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Joshua would look up from his game when his brother mentioned he should be helping. "You know I don't like to do things that are extra Jax," he replied, walking over to Josisah and Naiades. "So, why do you think nobody is going for the punch?"

    Today at 4:16 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    There was some light tapping on the windows to the gym. Weird....

    Today at 4:21 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "'Expression' or not, it's still the truth," Josiah replied. "Everone knows that 'Halloween' comes from a Pagan festival for appeasing spirits, supposedly of the dead, but demons in truth."

    "Excuse me, I'll let the menfolk talk," Naiades said, taking the opportunity to make her escape. She headed over toward the window nearest the corner of the room, where she could fade into the background and have a view of the outside.

    Today at 4:24 PM

  • Monbon:
    Were they supposed to drink the punch? Would it be rude not to try it? He had long heard tales of pranks involving punch. Was it normal to fall for prank or...?

    Standing there awkwardly, Ily found he really was taken as a ghost and allowed his mind to wander. Perhaps he was too quiet when calling out earlier. BUT THAT WAS A GOOD THING. if there was something he was good at, it would be running away and going unnoticed. It was like a curse usually but today it was a blessing.

    As they continued to chatter among themselves, he quietly made his way to the punch bowl and stirred it with the ladle provided. Giving it a sniff, he didn't find anything wrong with it. It smelled sweet if anything. Grabbing a nearby cup. He poured himself some and returned to his nice solitary corner already all peopled out for the day.

    Today at 4:29 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Daniel would lean casually against the wall. "I don't think equating the spirits of the dead with demon isn't a heavy leap in logic, but you know what, I don't feel like have this talk anymore. It will fall on deaf ears all...besides, I'm sure that there are other things you can lose your mind about," he replied, as if on cue, the DJ would start playing Unholy by Sam Smith.

    Today at 4:32 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The punch was actually really sweet and if Ily looked down, he would see why nobody had taken it. A fly had been doing a backstroke in the punch and now was doing it in his cup.

    Naiades would be able to see what looked like a really tired office worker tapping on the window. It looked like he had no life in his eyes, but past that, there was nothing wrong with him.

    Today at 4:34 PM

  • Monbon:
    Ily didn't quite notice the fly until brought the cup to his lips. Flinching, he pinched its wings and flicked it away after making sure no one was looking. Not bothered in the slightest (at least not bothered enough to battle the anxious thought of pouring out his cup in front of a bunch of strangers) he brought the cup up to his lips and chugged it down forcing himself to forget about the insect entirely.

    Today at 4:46 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Naiades noticed motion in her peripheral vision. She felt a little internal jolt; Ily had made the same move. She did not know Ily, but it seemed like they might have some things in common. Both being extreme introverts, for one. But, that was also why she didn't know Ily. A soft tapping at the window drew her attention. She gasped and jumped back. There was a man there!

    Once Daniel left, Josiah scanned the room for Naiades, and headed over to join her. "Don't worry yourself, it's just some drunk," he said smugly, "or maybe a tweaker." Naiades was emotionally opaque most of the time, keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself, but Josiah couldn't help feeling a bit of amusement at how easily frightened she was. "GO AWAY!" he shouted, making a shooing gesture at the man.

    Today at 4:48 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The screaming from Josiah had the exact opposite effect and the man would punch a hole through the glass. It was then that the outdoor lights to the gym would come on. Standing behind the office worker were people with peeling skin, rotting flesh and grunting noises. They looked like zombies.

    Today at 4:50 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    ".....I don't like that," Jax replied, taking note of the gaggle of zombies outside of the window and then would look at the two of them. "We might want to MOVE AWAY from the window because either those are some really good costumes or something bad happened."

    Today at 4:51 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Yup, those look like zombies, we probably should leave the gym or at least... NOT stand near the windows," Daniel added.

    Today at 4:52 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    If it was not immediately obvious to everyone, the office worker was going to grab for Josiah through the window.

    Today at 4:55 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Naiades jumped back from the window. Josiah stepped tauntingly just out of reach of the grasping hand. "Come on," Naiades said. "We should go find someplace defensible."

    "Please," Josiah said. "This is just Ridgeville pulling a prank. I'm pretty sure that one over there is on their football team," he said pointing to one of the zombies. He did not notice that his hand was now within reach of the office worker...

    Today at 4:57 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Daniel Harris would have really loved to have seen Josiah eaten. It was up there pretty high with having his students turn their papers in on time, but then he would have to talks with parents and he didnt' want to deal with that. He would pull the incredibly stupid boy back. "Well, on the off chance that it isn't Ridgeville, let's not wave out hand in reach of the potential zombie."

    Today at 5:01 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Josh would look over at the door and back away towards as it. "Yeah, I think I'm with her on going someplace without glass that can easily be broken."

    Today at 5:03 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jax would consider what he knew about the school. "I think there's a pretty safe room down in the basement that's seperate from the whole school."

    Today at 5:04 PM

  • Monbon:
    The sound of the crowd and the music fighting to force it down was loud almost booming. Lost in his own little world, Ily was late to react to the scene outside. Only noticing something peculiar when the sound of glass shattering pierced through the song. Covering his ears out of instinct, Ily jumped and gasped at the sight. Was this what they called a "flash mob"?

    But... no one was dancing. Why would a flash mob break a window? Curiously edging closer he found their appearance more and more grotesque. "What's going-?" He couldn't help but ask only to be interrupted by the scene of a teacher pull one of the students out of reach.

    Finding it better to keep his mouth shut, he quietly rejoined the group of strangers acting as if he'd never left at all.

    Today at 5:08 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The office worker would manage to grab a poor unsuspecting freshman through the window (breaking it) and bite his hand off. The freshman would scream as other zombies went to town. "Leaving now might be best......while they are distracted."

    Today at 5:10 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Josiah, come on!" Naiades said, backing away from the windows at a faster pace. "Even if they are Ridgeville, they might be here for a brawl!" That sort of thing had happened before, especially around the time of the Big Game, when the school rivalry was most heated.

    "You actually believe in zombies?" Josiah said when Daniel pulled him back from the window. "Even Naiades could tell you a million reasons why they can't exist." That statement was accurate enough: Naiades could indeed explain why zombies, especially the 'rotting-undead' sort, would be biologically impossible for reasons ranging from the fact that brain tissue rots much more quickly than flesh to the issue of metabolism and energy. Yet, her parents insisted that Jesus could walk on water, rise from the dead, and even bring a mob of maybe-zombies with him, if Matthew's Gospel was to be believed.

    She choked back a scream when the "office worker" smashed through the window and grabbed a younger student. Turning to start into a proper run, she bumped right into Ily. "Uh...uh...uh...sorry!" she said.

    Today at 5:19 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Daniel would cross his arms. "You were literally debating demons with me less than twenty minutes ago, I don't think we really have time to debate whatever those things are, but I don't think someone who just ate Kenny would say they were friendly," he replied, heading for the door.

    Today at 5:23 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The school was quiet and the path to the basement was clear as everyone had started to run, Josh, Jax and Naiades essentially leading the people in their own weird way. The door to the stairwell was also open and ready to go.

    Today at 5:25 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    If Josiah decided to stay, he would recognize one of the "zombies" as his father, the local pastor.
    • I'm SHOOK

    Today at 5:34 PM

  • Monbon:
    Frozen in a mixture of awe and shock, Ily was snapped out of it by Naiades bumping into him, the force enough to knock him off kilter. "I'm Sorry!" He blurted out without thinking. Everything was happening so fast, he didn't have much time for thinking. Since others were doing that already, he dropped his cup and rushed behind the group. Hands outstretched, he grabbed the punch ladle on their way out, accidentally spilling the punch behind them in the process.

    Today at 5:41 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Josiah recoiled in shock when the zombies attacked. There was no time to react to the history teacher's "I-told-you-so." If Satan was allowed to create this parody of Christ's resurrection, it could only be a sign of the End Times--perhaps humanity's last warning before the Rapture! He started to flee with the others, but then...a man of God...was not...supposed to fear....the...uh...forces of Darkness. With a slightly trembling hand, he reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a Pocket New Testament (a man of God should never be without a sword) and held it up saying, "The LORD rebuke you! In the name of Jesus, go back to Hell whence you--DAD?!" He started backing away, shaking his head. "No, that can't be possible," he said to himself, then turned and ran to join the other students, fumbling as he attempted to juggle the New Testament and his phone without running into a wall or tripping over something.

    Today at 5:45 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Naiades followed Ily with her gaze--why was he leaving? He grabbed the punch ladle--not the best weapon in the universe but better than nothing?--and ran back to join the group. As they reached the basement door, Naiades stammered, " there another way out? Could we be trapped in there without cell service?"

    Today at 5:48 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jaxsn would debate for a second. "Yeah, I have no idea. I do think you can-]

    Today at 5:50 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Daniel would cut off Jaxson. "We won't be trapped because the room is connected to an entire network of tunnels under the town in case of crazy things that happen here in town. It was something most of the teachers know... it's just weird to mention."

    Today at 5:52 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Oh cool, undeground tunnels are kind of cool."

    Today at 5:52 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Much to probably the dismay of the zombies and everyone who knew Josiah, the punch spilling that Ily had made didn't make him slip and he would be able to follow the group...That being said, it definitely made a direct trail for anyone or anything to follow them because the punch had absorbed into part of the shoe
    • Haha

    Today at 5:54 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Naiades gave a quick nod to Daniel. They would have to secure the entrance to the tunnels as well as the one they were going through, but it still meant possibility. Once inside, she started scanning the area for anything useful. A panting-scrabbling sound drew her attention back to the staircase, when Josiah came into view frantically poking at his phone. "Come on Dad, pick up!"

    Today at 6:04 PM

  • Monbon:
    "Tunnels...? That's not creepy at all..." His voice trailed off leaking sarcasm Could there be one that led to his house? It was at this point that it dawned on him that his family was still out there. "Does that mean we can go home?"

    Today at 6:06 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Josiah's dad would pick up the phone and all he would hear was a gurgle.
    • Creepy

    Today at 6:06 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Daniel would pause for a beat. "Oh yeah, before we all go down, let's make sure that nobody was bitten," he replied, rolling up his sleeves and showing that he was bite free.

    Today at 6:08 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jaxson would show off his clean arms and legs as well, seeing as he had booked it pretty early too.

    Today at 6:08 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Josh would awkwardly shift right and left, looking between them. "I'm really not comfortable with you knowing showing my arms and legs."

    Today at 6:09 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Bitten?" Naiades said. As unlikely as zombies or zombie-like creatures were, surely it had to be even more unlikely that they would follow all the tropes? Nonetheless, whatever was causing this had to spread somehow, and biting would qualify. Inwardly, she cringed at the thought of an aerosol virus, prion, or whatever. "O-okay..." she said, rolling up her sleeves, and then even more nervously, hiking her skirt up to her knees.

    54 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Come on Dad, talk to me!" Josiah said. "This isn't funny!"

    53 minutes ago

  • Monbon:
    "Pretty sure I didnt." Mimicking the others, Ily tucked the ladle under his arm, clumsily rolled up his sleeves and lifted his pant legs to show what he could.
    "Why not?" He directed the question to Josh. Not out of suspicion, more out of curiosity. "Most of us are guys anyway. We won't judge."

    52 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Talk to me, not funny. Hungry, must consume," The voice of his father would cut out by screams of people.

    49 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "I think you two are fine then, hey idiot who decided to almost get bitten, you good?" Daniel asked, deciding that he didn't need to be nice about asking Josiah to check for bit marks.

    47 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Josh would roll up his pants legs, all bit free, along with the left arm, also bite free. As he rolled up the right sleeve, the stench would come through strong as a nasty pulsating gray mark would be eating away at the arm. It looked bad, it looked gross... it looked infected.

    46 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    At Ily's comment, Naiades looked around: she was, in fact, the only girl in the group. Awkwarrrrrd, she thought. "I...I'll look away..." she offered to Josh.

    46 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    " this evil in the name of Jesus!" Josiah cried, tears running down his cheeks.

    45 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The phone call would cut off as Josiah would cry. "Well, this is not how I wanted to spend my Friday night," Daniel mumbled, offering Josiah a tissue while keeping an eye on Josh.

    41 minutes ago

  • Monbon:
    The smell hit him hard. Ily wondered how no one noticed the weird infection sooner. Pinching his nose waved at the stench in front of him. "What happened to your arm? "

    Backing away from Josh, Ily pulled himself out of the running to be the one to make sure there were no bite marks. Instead he turned to watch Josiah's little show. He'd been ignoring him so far, unable to relate to what he was going through. "Would he go to heaven if you killed him? Salvation through death or something?"

    35 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Josh would look over at him. "I was going out for a run before the Halloween prom without my jacket and some dude jumped me and bite into my arm and I shook him off, but then it got all gross and I was going to go to the hospital, but Jax asked me to come with him to Halloween Prom and I didn't know it got that bad."

    30 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Daniel would raise an eyebrow. "Josh is a weird case already because it looked like everyone else was dead for a while.... so I do think he's infected.... I don't know if he'll become a zombie."

    29 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Since Josh made no response to her offer, Naiades stayed where she was. She sucked in a breath at the sight of his wound. "We need a tourniquet," running into the basement to find the first-aid kit, grabbed it, and ran back. "We need to stop it from spreading!" She could almost see it happening on the cellular level: a virus? bacterium? prion? nano-machine? swept through the tissue, sweeping aside the immune system's defenses, and leaving necrotic tissue in its wake. She was far less sure about medical matters on the whole-body level. But she had to try. "Someone call 911!" Then, to Josh: "How long ago?"

    28 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " I don't know if you noticed, but there's a whole bunch of potential zombies upstairs coming into our school and killing us. I know he's my brother and everything.... but maybe we should just-" Jax started to say, before Daniel cut him off.

    26 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "I think killing him is definitely going to turn him like the people upstairs, this feels like a virus or a bacterium, something that is taken over after death. "

    25 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " I want to say about four hours ago exactly."

    25 minutes ago

  • Monbon:
    "If we can't kill him, maybe we can bind and gag him?" Ily suggested, removing his own jacket and handing it over to whoever was willing to get it done. "If he's still... him by tomorrow, we can reconsider our options."

    17 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Naiades opened the first-aid kit, then paused in shock at the ease with which Jax seemed to suggest killing his own brother, or abandoning him to the zombies. She pulled her attention back to Josh and started wrapping the tourniquet around his arm. "We don't know how long it takes for the infection to take over the body after a bite. If...if it follows the movies, the infectious agent could act fast or slow depending on the situation." She definitely didn't like the direction her thoughts were headed in. "But...if he's not turning the way the others did, then he might have something like partial immunity, which could be key to finding a cure." If only I could get to the science wing! Naiades thought, seeing the microscopes and test-tubes in her mind.

    15 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Daniel would nod. " I think we should all get into this room and lock it behind us. The secret tunnels means we can't keep him here and also move across the tunnels to get help..... Daniel added.

    13 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The secret room was actually very spacious and there was even a small little panic room where they could lock Josh in for the night while they could sleep or go scouting. There was a radio in the basement and Daniel would turn it on. Over static, a voice would say " In Ledgetown, today a bacetrium based viral outbreak broke out, infecting a good chunk of the town. The government has set the whole town under lockdown for now as they assess what can be done. Currently, not much is known about the virus, other than the fact that death seems to accelerate it. We hope to see you all tomorrow bright and early... and remember..... be safe, avoid getting bitten and seek immediate medical attention if bitten. This segment of the Ledgetown news was brought to you by the new local science lab, Superior Industries. Come and visit today.

    8 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Will Josh become a zombie? Will Josiah be okay with his father's passing? Will everyone survive? Find out next time in the Terror in Ledgetown seires.