The Amnesiac Prince

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Scholar of Tales
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
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Eh, it all depends.
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
High Fantasy, Fandoms, Sci-Fi
The King is Dead, Long Live the a phrase you heard in whispers, considering that the old king was dead, his throne seized by a now tyrant ruler. There also had been rumors, that the crown prince, the rightful heir to the throne was dead, but the kingdom's core, the magical heart of the kingdom has not twisted and bent in evil like cores of other kingdoms that had been taken over, giving the people hope that the heir was still alive, somewhere, sending countless adventures out to look for him in hopes of taking back the throne.

Little did they know, that was true, the prince had escaped the siege of the castle with the help of a close servant, however, in the chase, the servant had lost their life and the prince was severally injured and without his memories when he awoke, having been taken in by an old couple who ran a bakery, once he had recovered and with no place to go, they adopted him and taught him how to operate the bakery. When they retired, he took over the shop and now runs it, unaware of his past, however, time is ticking, and the longer the Kingom's Core goes without the rightful heir performing the inheritance ritual, the kingdom's magic is slowly dying.
A fantastical intrigue fable power-struggle kind of RP? I'd love to get some more details on it..!
Of course :D The idea is that the kingdom cores draw abundant magical power from the world, it's an artifact that exists to let the person who becomes its master make use of that vast magic power, such as the royal family to protect their kingdoms from attacking armies, monsters, etc via a ritual that's past down from the current ruler to say, daughter or son at a young age. In this case, for the missing prince, the ritual won't work if the said person isn't magically strong or until they are of age.

There is of course a way around it if the kingdom is taken over as I mentioned, but only if all heirs are well no longer existing, that is why the tyrant now sitting on the throne is unable to use it. With the old king now dead, the prince would have been able to do the ritual and become the new master of the core, but due to losing his memories and such, the core has been gathering power without an outlet sort of speak, so it's becoming fragile and unstable which people are now starting to notice.

For example a beginner's level fireball one moment is the weakest spell out there, the next time someone uses it, they set a whole forest on fire.
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I also forgot to mention that there are some people out there that believe that the prince is alive because of said situation and want to find him so that peace could come back to the kingdom, despite the rumors and such that he is dead/locked up, and others want to find him and kill him so that the tyrant can finally fully take over, despite all that, no one knows what the prince looks like now since all this happen when he was very young, but there are some servants from the old king that would know, but they are in hiding as well.
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Ooooh, neat; I love the idea of magic as an unreliable force. I don't know, I feel like it's easy to get used to magic, kind of defeats the purpose.
Seeing that in a setting with some neat possibilities for character drama, very cool! Consider me 'in', let me figure out how to subscribe to this so that I get notifications if it's updated...
:) Take your time please. I won't be able to get anything started until late tonight since I'm at work at the moment.
Will do, and right back at you; I like forums precisely because of the pace. Just know that I'll be here when you're ready... c:
Hey, I wanted to let you know that I posted in the one-one thread, it's the same title as this with both our names.
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