The Assassins Guild of Mora Fane

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I'm one of those "details and implications" guys.
Original poster
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
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I work swing shift, schedule changes daily.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Medieval Fantasy. Or pirates. Pirates are always good. When it comes to reading, however, a good steampunk is always great. Above all, however, I would definitely have to say my favorite is Dark Fantasy.
I plan on making a roleplay soon (once I have enough details finished in Khueria) that follows the government led assassins guild in the nation of Mora Fane. The details of the magical fantasy world we will be playing can be found here. The Races are complete and I'll be finishing the Racial Afflictions soon. The Nations are almost done but I need to do some edits to many of them, though the nation of Mora Fane where our setting will primarily be is more or less completed. I'll need to have Racial Afflictions done as well as a brief outline of the magic system (which will be very similar to the Weave in D&D 5e) and write out the details for the city we will be based in.

There are three classifications of assassins in this guild. Brutes, Arcanists, and Sleuths. This covers the sneaky type, the not so sneaky type, and the magic users. While many assassination jobs are meant to be sneaky, some are meant to be public, so every role is required to complete a successful assassination. I'd be looking for at least 4 people to be interested, otherwise I'd scrap the idea. Do keep in mind I plan on making a rule where if your character fails to complete a contract properly, their life will be at risk if they don't proceed to make good decisions. I'm not an ass, I won't kill you just because, so if this happens and you don't want your character to die, talk to me. We'll write it out. I just like the intensity of character mortality.

I'm also open to suggestions.
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Some nations have more advanced technology than others, but overall think late medieval. I plan on adding a more in depth version of tech levels before this starts. There is a small degree of magitech and there are single shot pistols more common in The Begix Territory.
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I am interested in joining. I am leaning towards having a Dragoon or Berserker character.
Still reading through all the information you have posted.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Good to see you back, I'm interested
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Squee
Excellent. I'll start working on all the details needed!
Would it be possible for me to bring my old esper character back? Timeline wise.
I'm going to say yes because I haven't fit this in a timeline and even if I hadn't, I'd still make it work.
I'm interested! What's the posting frequency going to be?
Once a week minimum. I'll have a sign up thread by this weekend. Working on a few more things still.
I'm interested. Can you give more details on what the plot is going to be like?
We're going to follow a series of assassination jobs that will reveal things may not be as they seem.

Sign up thread is here
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Beautiful lore! Not getting character inspiration right away, but random questions to help jog my creativity-

Do kindred have pointy ears?

What races are suggested for the sleuth role, in your opinion? It seems like most are either more optimal for arcanist or brute.

To clarify, you can only get one type of affliction with your permission, correct?

Do we have to be born in Mora Fane and raised there to be a part of the assassins guild?

How exactly does Tara recruit people? What's the process for becoming an assassin with Grim Legion?

Can we create other smaller assassins guild?

What's the societal hierarchy in this world? Do we have nobles, princes, princesses, and commoners kind of deal going on or is it something else?
Beautiful lore! Not getting character inspiration right away, but random questions to help jog my creativity-

Do kindred have pointy ears?

Yes, but it's ultimately the players choice how pointy they are.

What races are suggested for the sleuth role, in your opinion? It seems like most are either more optimal for arcanist or brute.

Humans and Elves can both fit any role very easily.

Kindred is best for Arcanist and Sleuth, their slim frames make them agile and nimble. Magic can be used to enhance their stealth as well. Remember, Kindred sacrifice their life force to cast more powerful spells, meaning standard power spells would not cost them anything it wouldn't cost a human.

Dragoons can fit Brute and Sleuth, The Brute part is obvious, but the diversity in Dragoons makes just about anything possible. Some Dragoons aren't as strong as their brethren but they have the advantage in agility and speed. A Dragoon could potentially have scales on their feet that act as a padding to muffle their footsteps. Basically, if it's a natural part of their body, you can definitely find a way to justify it.

Berserkers can be Arcanists and Brutes. Technically a Sleuth Berserker would be possible, but a 7-8 foot tall Goliath is easy to spot.

Espers can fit any role, but require a little more explanation. Remember, Esper magic is unique, but they can still harness magics not specific to their race. That being said, an Esper can do anything under the prerequisite that it was built to be capable of it. Technically speaking an open bodied Esper doesn't need legs. They can also be any size and look like anything. One of the historical figures I have yet to work on is a gargantuan Esper dragon of the sea. It's easiest to put an Esper in the Brute role at first, but when you really take into consideration how they are built, they can do just about anything, so long as they were built for it. I'll put a few examples of how bizarre an Esper could get.

Esper 1 | Esper 2 | Esper 3 | Esper 4

To clarify, you can only get one type of affliction with your permission, correct?

Correct. I don't need a werewolf-vampire-demon on my hands lol

Do we have to be born in Mora Fane and raised there to be a part of the assassins guild?

Hard no, The Grim Legion will take anyone from anywhere. My character is from The Quartz Kingdom.

How exactly does Tara recruit people? What's the process for becoming an assassin with Grim Legion?

I didn't think about this, actually. But I'd have to say they take you in as a freelancer and once you've proven your worth they employ you officially, only letting you use their facilities and services if you're a full member.

Can we create other smaller assassins guild?

Not only can you, but I encourage it. A friend of mine came up with a Kindred only guild once where the Kindred that got the kill would willingly remove 1 year of their life force for every kill. It was really more of a cult, but in Mora Fane, murder is legal after all.

What's the societal hierarchy in this world? Do we have nobles, princes, princesses, and commoners kind of deal going on or is it something else?

Depends on the nation in question. Mora Fane does have nobles and commoners, but no kings, queens, princes, princesses, etc. The highest ranking individual is the Samraat who leads a single state. For a comprehensive list I'll need more time just because it's a lot to type out but I can give solid answers to each country

I hope that clears things up a bit.
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@Squee The answers definitely help! So, with Tara taking us in as a freelancer, how do we get involved? Is it like a real life job where there's signs and advertisements everywhere that Tara is hiring for freelancing with the chance to become a fully fledged member or does Tara approach our characters individually and make us an offer?
@Squee The answers definitely help! So, with Tara taking us in as a freelancer, how do we get involved? Is it like a real life job where there's signs and advertisements everywhere that Tara is hiring for freelancing with the chance to become a fully fledged member or does Tara approach our characters individually and make us an offer?
You would approach the assassins guild and formally submit your application. If accepted, lodging is provided and you are assigned a group to work with, that group decides when you've proven your worth.

I would also say that Tara is a busy woman, only well established assassins with a high enough notoriety would have met her.
@Squee The answers definitely help! So, with Tara taking us in as a freelancer, how do we get involved? Is it like a real life job where there's signs and advertisements everywhere that Tara is hiring for freelancing with the chance to become a fully fledged member or does Tara approach our characters individually and make us an offer?
You would approach the assassins guild and formally submit your application. If accepted, lodging is provided and you are assigned a group to work with, that group decides when you've proven your worth.

I would also say that Tara is a busy woman, only well established assassins with a high enough notoriety would have met her.

Makes sense! Where would we learn the skills to become an assassin? Are there academies for that sort of thing or is it more common to learn through connections/knowing someone who's an assassin?
Makes sense! Where would we learn the skills to become an assassin? Are there academies for that sort of thing or is it more common to learn through connections/knowing someone who's an assassin?
There is a school in the International Territory called Nova University that will teach all manner of skills. More details for that on the lore page, though.

Aside from that you could have had a personal trainer, a smaller not-so-famous school, or even came under employment for the assassins guild as something other than an assassin and learned by observing. Remember, it's an official guild hall, they need service workers to maintain the place, so who's to say Scruffy, the Janitor can't become an international assassin? The Grim Legion does not offer a teaching service, but other guilds very well could.
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