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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
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10AM - 10PM Daily
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  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life

This day I bring you a brand new challenge - one of EPICNESS to earn a cute little trophy! IF you can accomplish this lofty request!

I call this.... THE BONE(R) CHALLENGE!

You, my steamy darlings are challenged with writing a full sex scene to completion IN A ROLEPLAY WITH A PARTNER(s). And by completion, I do mean completion.


You can ALSO as a single writer write a BONER SCENE if you're cool with writing sexy things, but not with a partner.


If you don't like writing sex at all - roleplay a scene featuring BONES.

That is three, THREE ways YOU and A PARTNER(s) can win our totally adorable Bone Trophy!

Of course, there is one caveat - these must be NEW SCENES. It cannot retroactively apply to old content! So get out there and about those hot bones!

Proudly exclaim how you earned your Bone by posting in this thread, or keep it a secret and let everyone guess if you were a Boner or a Bone by sending me a DM with your content so I can see you earned it!
I was nervous about writing again after being on Hiatus, but this is the perfect way to jump back in! XDD I can't wait!
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Oh, I'm so doing this. How long we got until the event ends, Bone Daddy, I mean... Owl Mom.

But you get bonus owlmom love if you do it this month!
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Okay, I need to write that I am 100% doing this! But, I also wanted to ask a few questions.
The idea I've got - for a solo entry! - is very goofy, and if that's a disqualifier, that's fine; I wanna do this as a writing exercise, even if not one that perfectly fits the contest! Second, my entry might technically be all-viewers-appropriate, but I'd still rather keep it limited to Redstar members. For a solo scene, how would I go about doing that? Posting it as a writing bit in the Redstar section, then linking it here so people can have a chuckle?
@pinnedwing It's honestly perfectly fine to post solo written sexy scenes in the Showcases forum, as long as it's within a spoiler tag or with a proper content warning! It is the proper practice on most creative writing sites. (Archive of Our Own is a great example!)

The Star age gates are specifically about interactive content, as that is where it gets inappropriate!

HOWEVER if anyone does feel uncomfy sharing their work publicly where bluebies might see, I can take any submissions via Convo message and you can always share privately with friends!
  • Thank You
Reactions: pinnedwing
@Diana , thank you! I figured that was probably the case, but I've found it never hurts to ask.
I'll post it in a spoiler with proper CW just in case; thanks for the answer..!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Diana
A sexy horror comedy in one act (by Pinnedwing);
CW: Skeleton puns, mild spooky content, gender-ambiguous reader, self-insert, gender-ambiguous partner, non-sexual erotica?, skeletons, xylophones, hand-holding
The mood music is NOT required, but provided as an option.


Nine days, and twelve hours prior, your most recent marvellous adventure began.
Having procured the map of a most mysterious and ancient tomb at great personal cost, you set out to pilfer the precious treasures buried within.

Most people call you mad; some call you a dreamer.
But none have had faith in your adventuring skills, which is fair considering that the bulk of adventurers are currently fertilising the fields of the nation's farmers. Not you, though; you cut your teeth on fighting the venom-mustelids of Old New Moonswiche, and you're determined to get that precious booty.

Some seek gold; some seek rubies. Some, stranger still, seek immaterial wealth.

But as you approach the sealed crypt, your resolve thickens.
Old Galgorthadon was a cunning mage, one of the most terrible the land has ever known.
Rumour has it that he ensorcelled his entire tomb with unknown and terrible spells the kind of which have not been seen in the land for many millennia. Rumour ALSO has it that those spells can be defeated by those of dauntless will and barbarian muscle, and frankly you're pretty confident in both.

Whether that confidence is valid or not...

Leather gloves that have seen better days, the fingers having worn off and grown thin, touch the plated crypt slab.
With some effort, you pry it free, and ease it to the side.

Musty air overwhelms your senses, even before you've stepped inside.
Above, dark-winged birds that look like nothing you have seen before laugh bitterly - and flee into the oncoming night.
The meagre torch you've brought flares defiantly - but even the wind causes it to tremble, all before you've entered the tomb.

You haven't come this far to give up - and with courage and purpose, you let the dark overwhelm you - stepping into it's embrace.

All around you, the scent of death reigns king.
The first thing your sixth sense draws your attention to is the tightly-packed walls.
Lack a sea of catacombs, they span onwards in every direction - cramped and vicious, without care for the occupants...
Whose bones are crumpled and discarded, some having attempted to crawl from their places of rest -
Only to be crushed into powder, and forgotten.

That is the theme, here; regret.

Moving cautiously along the cramped northbound walls, it is clear that your sources were dead wrong.
The tomb has been pillaged time after time, by those looking for treasure so desperately they ransacked anything in the hopes of finding something.

Not a rock has been allowed to rest at peace, not a tomb has been left undisturbed.

Even the baleful blue torches that are eternally lit by the old sorcerer's magic have been beaten, scratched, and dented -
Given the once over many more times then just once, all in the hope of finding hidden riches that simply were not there.
You, however, are not dissuaded.

For you are looking for something unknown to all of them.

Roads of crypt-hewn pathways grow narrow around you, as if trying to choke the life from your bones.
You are not welcome here, the dead whisper; turn back, or be destroyed. There is nothing here for you, no treasure to be found.
But with the same certainty you arrived with, you press on.

It is a simple wall, carved into solid rock.

To any other eyes, the great stone surface would clearly be a dead-end; a place of rest for the dead at rest, not meant for one such as you.
You, however, know differently - and mutter the great secret spell you purchased from an old acquaintance, a great sage.

Each word shines a pale blue, the runes hanging gently in the air before dispersing.
Their blown-glass fluting plays upon the old wall, which shifts and creaks - slowly sliding apart, to reveal an even darker passageway.
It was truly here; the cryptorium depths, where not even the most determined adventurers have tread.
But of course that was the case, you must idly, they could never have found this place.

Your torch flickers, but your eyes have adjusted to the stygian dark.

When it dies, you are keenly aware of the walls around you - of their fade to bronze, not limestone.
Iron-wrought braziers above, held entombed within some kind of darkened glass, shine a midnight blue 'light' that suffocates and destroys.
Having trained your resistance to curses and foul magic with another acquaintance, a legendary paladin, it just makes your elbow itch a bit.

But you are going deeper; far deeper.

Into the very heart of the earth itself, where the soil stops being a tomb and begins to thrum around you;
Organic and all-consuming, a place of endless mysteries.
Even your spirited courage falters for a moment as the swaying chains above you blanket everything in a darkened blue.
You can barely see your feet as they move betwixt bronze tiles, but you breath in deeply - tasting the salt-pocked air - and carry on.

There, at the gloam of the stairwell's end, is a chamber.

Vast and subterranean, it was clearly meant to be some kind of great hall or meeting place; but it never reached that vaunted goal.
Instead, it is empty and without obvious adornment, save a few things.
The centre of the chamber has a monolithic table, carved of the darkest basalt of the deep earth; around which are several stone chairs.
A few more are scattered to every corner of the room, and the tiles beneath your feet are cast in various shades of blue.
Uneven, they depict scenes from a world you have never seen; that none might ever see, ever again.

One thing remains unspoken; the dark-slab dais in the north-eastern corner, upon which a motley collection of bones rests.

Slowly, a servant of long death rises.

Sinking into an easy combat stance, you brace yourself; carrying high your leather shield against your left arm.
But the newly-risen skeleton forms slowly, giving you time to appraise it.

Like most of the lingering dead, it has sustained heavy combat damage; an arm hanging limply from one socket, it's jaw having fallen to the ground, and only the vicious blue of dark magic burning brightly in it's eyes to indicate that it clings to eternal existence.

Also, it's significantly shorter then you; not surprising, given you trained your height with a legendary contortionist.

But then it croaks, and the scratching of bone against solid air makes a sound like the dying scream of a cello.
You swing your fist against your shield, taunting a foe that surely will feel nothing at all.
Carefully, you sink your feet into the blue tiles, and brace for impact.

Impact arrives, but given that...

... The skeleton is much smaller than you...
... Lacks any muscular tissue whatsoever, and dark magic apparently doesn't give gains...
... You're holding its head in place while it windmills its bony fists at you, like antennae straight to the grave...

The atmosphere somewhat deflates, and is destroyed entirely when the skeleton speaks:

"Perish, intruder! Leave this crypt, or forsake even your life!"

Even though the voice echoing from within the ruined lower jawbone of the skeleton might be disturbing in any other circumstance -
The incredibly squeaky voice does not track with your ideal of fearsome undead warriors, and perhaps that's a little unfair.

But it really doesn't.

"Stop laughing, listen, can I get a do-over.
Do you know how long I've waited in this place to get ONE chance at an invader, and now you're - laughing at me..."

You manage to stop your laughter, apologise, and remove your hand from the skeleton's head.
Vicious magical flares that pass for eyes stare at you (viciously) and though it is incapable of changing expressions (because it is a skeleton), you can tell it's pretty peeved.

Apologising again, you manage to ask if it's the legendary wizard-lich, Galgorthadon; to which the skeleton pantomimes vomiting.

"Ew, no, absolutely not.
Guy died aeons ago.
You're out of luck, pal, totally boned."

Oh no, oh gods.

The skeleton stares at you; the impassive weight of centuries(?) boring into your own skull as it realises it has a weapon far more powerful then any blade or spell you may possess.

"... And anyway, you might think you're pretty hip to have bust into my house like a - a barbarian - "

(You are a barbarian, and gently interrupt the skeleton to point that out.
The skeleton pauses, somehow affecting a look of agape, and says - very quietly -
'sozz' which you think means sorry, but aren't entirely sure about.)

" - and ANYWAY, again, second anyway, just because we've been running on a skeleton crew of one down here, that doesn't mean I don't take my job seriously! Dark warden, white enamel, dead adventurers. It's simple, honest work, and you've ruined it."

Opining that actually, you haven't, and you can still die down here and give the skeleton a glowing review, you are immediately interrupted by it getting back up into your personal space; jutting a bony finger into your chest again, and again, and again.
Actually, it kind of hurts (physically and spiritually).

"Don't fib to me, buddy. I've seen your kind before.
Numbskulls who waltz in looting the place for everything they can find, and wade through helpless skeletons like they were - trash!
Trash, and it was garbage day! I might be gutless, but at least I have a heart!"

does it????

"Okay, fair point, I don't physically have a heart. But I have a spiritual heart, which is basically the same thing, right?"

The skeleton rests its hands behind it's back, as if emphasising it's chest is going to show you a heart that isn't there.
... But it's not hurting anyone; you say that it has a very big heart, and anyway, you weren't here to purge undead or look for treasure, anyhow.

And that gets the skeleton's attention.
It's mood does a complete one-eighty, and it paces back and forth in place, bony feet tapping against the gloomy blue tiles -
Tiles laden with dust.
Tiles that have seen the passage of centuries, without anything here but dust and the skeleton.

"You're for real, huh? Well then, what brought you here? There's - nothing.
Nothing here at all. And I don't mean to be so humorous with you, but you seem a bit overequipped for a place like this.
Unless you - never mind. Spill it!"

Shrugging your shoulders, you admit that you just like to find the hidden secrets in places that everyone else ignored.

The skeleton risks crossing a bit closer to you, then another bit.
Before too long, the bits are crossed and it has sat next to you against the floor, knees bent and hands around knees.

"Really? Really?
That's - more in line with what I thought the whole adventuring deal was about.
Going - strange new places, meeting strange new people - adventures.
I suppose I thought a bit too highly of - everything."

The rattling movement of it's skull as it shakes rapidly is meant to be some kind of laughter, and it doesn't take a genius -
It doesn't take a brilliant -
You'd have to be a numbskull not to pick up that the laughter isn't particularly happy.

So you mention that most adventurers are kind of garbage, and that you're content to talk like this, for as long as the skeleton is up for it.
Despite that statement, the two of you spend a few minutes - perhaps hours - in silence.

When the skeleton speaks, it's voice is very quiet, but not unkind.

"You can't just keep calling me 'skeleton,' you know.
I mean, you can, but that's not very nice.
Once, I had a name. I liked it, so I'll tell it to you.
Call me Blanca."

It's a nice name; but you would've thought that about any name given.
You're not the sort to judge the names of new friends, after all.

"... Let me say this once.
I don't even know how long I've been down here.
You might not know this, but this tomb is older even then, uh, whatever guy you mentioned.
I'm not ribbing you when I say that I've missed a lot."

Blanca wriggles in place, a peculiar sight for a skeleton, and finally exhales -

Not with any sound from the throat, but the stale wind that creaks out from under a broken jawbone.
Propelled by some unknown force, it sounds like shattered chimes, and is quietly full of a hidden resolve.

"Tell me stories.
I want to hear about the people out there.
Does the empire still stand? Are the priests still carrying out their tributes?
What happened to the northern expedition? And - the southern expedition?"

You realise, as Blanca speaks, that you have no clue about any of these.
All of them are not just ancient history, but dead history;
Just as discarded and left to be forgotten, deemed unimportant.

In that moment, Blanca realises.

Visible in the sag of shoulderbones and the downcast gloom of a face turned to the floor, it'd be present on anyone -
Even a magically animated skeleton.

Blanca's blue eyes dim, the fire inhabiting them little more then pinpricks of light.
Without hesitation, you place your hand to those same shoulderbones, and leave it there.
At first, Blanca doesn't respond.

That's fine.

... You decide to start with the story of how the first people stole the secret of fire from heaven.
Afterwards, they killed the old sun and drank the fire to become stronger (which is why every single person you know can wander around in subzero temperatures and/or blistering heatwaves wearing little more then a gilded loincloth and/or pasties as you please).
Then, after that, they realised that they'd become too strong, they gave a little bit of that strength back to every other living thing, to make life fair.

Fire roars back into Blanca's gaze, and - for lack of a better term - you get a response like a growl in kind.

"That is absolutely untrue and wrong on every level the sun cannot be defeated the sun is UNCONQUERABLE - "

Looks like you pushed a button there, but - that's not the worst thing.
Before too long, both of you are laughing - Blanca for real, this time.
It's surprisingly quaint; chime-like, you think again.

"Sounds like I missed a lot."

Blanca crawls up on to the table, sitting against the edge.
Skeletal feet dangle from the side, kicking aimlessly in the air;
You notice the chipped surface, the dents from time and erosion.

"I want to thank you for all your stories, but - I don't know how to say this, I was..."

You catch the feverish movement of blue fire to the corner, to no direction, to the ceiling, to the ground.

"... Put here to protect the real treasure of this place.
And I can't just give it a way, even if the barbarian who found this place is actually very charming.
Almost civilised. But, I - might be able to, to tell you where it is, if you do me a favour..."

If this leads to another fetch quest you swear to all the gods -

I thought you realised this already, but even though I'm a skeleton, I'm not a bad skeleton!
Don't make me downgrade you back into being a real knucklehead, because I will."

The movement of skeletal limbs stops, and Blanca is silent.

When Blanca speaks again, it is in a whisper as silent as a breeze from within a tomb.

you could
entertain me
a bit."

But haven't you been doing just that?

Your response is more silence; a silence that settles around you coldly, and fearsome forlorn.
Although you can feel the breath in your throat freeze, it is because down in this place that is a tomb, the air is thin.
Slowly, with a grace that echoes a different time, Blanca rises from the table, turning away from you.
With the slow and graceful movement of their jawless skull cast to the side, they stare back at you - in silence.

"Can't you - don't you, like, what you see..."

And you cannot reply; because at the end of the day, the entity with it's back turned to you with a poise that is all but heartbreaking is a skeleton.
The bewitching flutter of dark blue fire is not the beating blood of a heart, or the inviting warmth of flesh; no faded clothes hide what trailed-off words allude to.

There is naught before you but brittle bones, and infinite loneliness.

"Couldn't you just - pretend..."

Even in the depths of dead earth, even in the voices of the forgotten dead, there is no mistaking the pain of rejection.
Everyone has heard it before; and whether for the first time, or the thousandth time, those wounds still ache the same.

Blanca walks over slowly, each movement slightly forced.

"I know what I am.
I never asked for any of this.
But I miss it, you know?
I miss - people smiling, and greeting me, and the rays of the sun!
I miss the cold of the night and the feel of my own hair and sleeping, without dreams.
I miss being known; I miss being held. Is, is that really so much to ask - "

Once more, a fist strikes your shoulder.
You let the blow land.

... It has no force to it.

"Once, I was probably even taller then you.
But my ribs are gone; I don't know where I lost them.
And I wonder - if that's the end for me, just to fade away, bit by bit, piece by piece.
Until someone is rummaging around in what's left of me, without a care for who I was."

The momentary rage mimicked by that dark fire passes and fades in an instant, replaced by an even greater resignation.

"And I do know that you'll leave, and I will go back to waiting, without a purpose.
I know that. And, how - how could anyone look at this, and think... Aha, ahaha, what a fool, am I..."

With a care that belies your own concerns, with an infinite caution, you place your lips to cold bone.
Blanca's forehead is freezing; there is no warmth, there.

Slowly, the blue of bewitched and bewitching eyes flickers to your own, uncertain.

"I don't want - you to pretend.
I, I know what I am."

But you know this much; even if you can't give Blanca everything they dream of, you can do this much.
Slowly, you kneel down and place your fingers to ribs as cold as cracked skullbones; and indeed, some are missing.
You wonder if you should've noticed before, but let the guilt linger only for a moment.

Although a skeleton cannot shiver, Blanca gives a good imitation; relinquishing motion to the movements of your fingertips as they glide inward along chilled bones. You trace the curvature of enamel, pausing every time you reach a natural stop.

Though there is no warmth to be found here, the near-silent wriggling motions of the skeleton in front of you provide a strained resistance to your touch; and the pressure as you push back introduces you a world of smooth edges and stories carved in bone. The chips and cracks of fine porcelain hold no such mysteries, and you mark every one, your own - told only between the two of you.

I know it's vulgar, but I - want..."

You remove your clothes, soundlessly.
The air is cold and the darkness engulfs you, and yet...

All around you dances the dark blue flame of this hidden chamber; a sanctum, a resting place, a prison.
The calming blue light surrounds you, making it seem as if the two of you have been swathed in blue -
Blanca approaching cautiously, scared that you might yet run away, or - perhaps worse - display disgust.

Slowly, a skeletal hand places itself to your chest.
No matter how different bone is then flesh, it is still recognisable as a hand.

Blanca leaves it there, silently - speaking only after some time has passed.

"... I can feel it.
Your heart."

Maybe it's a mistake to embrace the skeleton pressed up against you, but you do it without hesitation.
The two of you stay entwined, for some time. It is not comfortable, and it feels bizarre -
But you want to do it, and no matter how cold Blanca is you think you can feel the tiniest fire, burning beside you.

"Can you - do you want to...
Please, mine as well."

You break the embrace, any words you could utter in reply frozen in your throat.

Blanca stands framed in the blue light, entirely naked and open to you;
Spears of dark blue flicker and glance through an open rib cage and - tentatively, hand trembling - you reach out.
Fingers find ribs once more and glide upwards.

The light in Blanca's eyes goes out, almost entirely - some parallel to another motion that you know, as well.

"You can - reach inside, if you - if you want."

And you do.
There's nothing there; it is completely empty, and you grope around in the air for a thing that isn't present.
But your fingers grind against one another, and in the illusions of that place, you almost feel like you can feel it.
A heart.


Blanca whispers.

In a dark tomb beneath the earth, you play with the shadows illuminating a skeleton that time cast aside;
And because time does not pass in the subterranean world, perhaps it was only minutes, perhaps it was hours, and perhaps it was years.
Eventually, the clock begins to move once again, and even though neither light nor time reach, you wake up.

You are resting next to a skeleton.

No matter how controlled you are, the thought initially sends a chill down your spine, but your wits haven't let you down yet.
Even before you've stopped shivering, the weight of the past few - however long you've spent down here hangs over you, though hardly enough to stop you.

The treasure...

I'm - glad.

Thank you..."

Blanca has been watching you the entire time; obviously, because they can only 'sleep' when the magic holding them together grows low.
You ask how Blanca slept, anyhow.

"That's very rude; I slept terribly. In fact... I have a BONE to pick with you - "

You instantly move to leave.

"I'm so sorry I will not do that again."
(In your heart, you know Blanca will do that again.)
[You do not, entirely, mind.]

"But, you just looked - peaceful. I like making fun of people.
I know it's not really charming or graceful, but that's me, I - I think.
Who I was, at least. So I - want to hold on, to that.
So far it hasn't seemed a huge struggle, and I'm - really happy about that.

It hangs over the two of you, a curse.
Blanca knows, and you know, too.

"So you're - going to leave, then.
Before I was sealed in here, I was - believe it or not - a member of a holy order.
And we weren't supposed to lie about important things, so - so here I go."

Slowly, languidly, Blanca rises from your side - watching you get dressed as if memorising every motion.
You, your body, your clothes, the life within you; things that will never been down here, again.

"This entire crypta has nothing to do with the - weird sorcerer guy you mentioned. I think we crucified him.

(You figured that, and you can almost hear the jawless exhalation of a 'whew.' Some things are universal, even amongst skeletons.)

"But I also - misled you, a bit.
There was no treasure, at least no that I know of, I was just
feeling selfish and lonely and I wanted you to stay, and pretend so I - "

It is here, that you hold up you arm.
Because, after all... You misled Blanca a bit, too.

"Sorry? What?"

You never specified the treasure you were looking for.
It was kind of a long shot, but - as it turns out, being a barbarian of big heart, you'd heard the story, passed down through guilty ancestors, of a sacred figure, bricked into a tomb forever - as a guardian, or as some sick joke. And you mention that, and although Blanca clearly wants to bristle, or protest - the skeleton beside you simply listens.


And maybe it - reminded you of something.
Perhaps you had a reason, known only to you, that you ventured out in search of it; perhaps no reason at all.
It might simply be the kind of person you are.

also you did not quite expect it to go in the direction it did but, but you had every intention of piercing into that forgotten place lost within the halls of the earth and - if that solitary figure still dwelled within, asking if they wanted to maybe come on an adventure, some time.

"So," you ask.
"Want to come with..?"

And Blanca pauses, and dithers, and makes up one thousand excuses; that the gods won't like it (though they might all be dead;), that it isn't right, that there's no way you'll want to be seen with a skeleton, and that - it was definitely a one-night kind of thing, there's no way that anybody'd catch feelings after that -

You hold out your hand; and slowly, a skeletal mirror eases into your own.

... It then pops free, and falls to the ground.
Both of you stare at the fallen limb, and you're not sure who laughs first.
Gently, with great care, you ease it back into a waiting socket - slowly, with a few missed tries.
The socket isn't entirely where you expect it, but you're patient, and not entirely unfamiliar with this - having known a legendary hero whose hydra blood let them regenerate any wound, but also -

As it sinks in, Blanca flexes the limb tentatively. Testing the air, stale and cold.
You watch the flexion of thin fingers, motes of dust illuminated in blue gliding between them.

"I would like that, very much..!"

And Blanca does not shout those words; but they are emblazoned on your heart, just the same.
Heart in heart, and hand in hand, you leave that tomb to it's own rest - for the stories of that place can subsist on their own, and need neither of you, any longer.

Of the future, so it was that the two returned to a land known by dappled sunlight and the rosy fingers of dawn. And, without any fixed destination, the two of you surely embarked on many adventurers; meeting new friends and enemies, rivals and kin. There were many struggles, and as many victories; but throughout all of them, so did you two remain...

And, in time, perhaps those stories shall also be told.
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  • Love
Reactions: Diana
I need squints a bone(r) trophy. Is there a deadline for this, momma owl?
I need squints a bone(r) trophy. Is there a deadline for this, momma owl?

  • Thank You
Reactions: 1 person
It was really fun to write, so I'll add here that I'm cheering for all of you.
Don't be boned; be the boner you wish to be.
Or something like that!
It was really fun to write, so I'll add here that I'm cheering for all of you.
Don't be boned; be the boner you wish to be.
Or something like that!

It was truly an amusing delight to read, and well worth that Bone!
  • Love
Reactions: pinnedwing
It was an incredibly fun experience, actually working the themes in was a bit tricky?
And it gave me a chance to try 2nd person narrative, something I rarely (if ever!) have done.
I ended up caring for the characters pretty strongly by the end, too. I don't know if these kinds of contests/exercises are common around here, but I really had fun with them, and hope to participate in many more into the future! c:
  • Love
Reactions: Diana
If someone submits a piece involving bones for the Love contest, will that count? About to get really practical there.
Last edited:
If someone submits a pieces involving bones for the Love contest, will that count? About to get really practical there.
Read my mind I had the exact same question.
If someone submits a pieces involving bones for the Love contest, will that count? About to get really practical there.
If someone submits a pieces involving bones for the Love contest, will that count? About to get really practical there.
Read my mind I had the exact same question.

What about loosely connecting our stories here and there, owlmom?
Giving them a structure, a skeleton if you will, no bones about it? I should probably ask this in the Love Contest actually, but I like it here, so I'll ask it here, as well.
OH! I can definitely do this one! Literally almost all my RPS are in the Redstar forum! I just finished a scene not long ago too! Dang! As soon as the tax season is over, I am hitting this one! @XIII our kids need to stop with their slow burn lol.
  • Haha
Reactions: XIII