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Sex scene for my bone trophy! Enjoy ^^

MxM. Hurt/comfort. <3 Romance.
I tried making a spoiler thing so my post wouldn't take up all the page, but I suck so help me. o.O

The young, attractive male prostitute stood in the doorway, leaning insecure against the doorframe while building up the courage to ask the policeman, his rescuer, protector, and…friend? "So, we're not-..." It was evident what he meant. Brandon stopped fixing the sheets to look at Ben, his ward, in the doorway, and said seriously concerned "No." Not wanting to leave the possibility out however, he added "Not if you don't want to, I mean." Brandon continued to make the bed for Ben, who shifted somewhat comfortably, still in the doorway. He turned thoughtful with a soft look under his lashes. It made Brandon wonder; They had done it before, but it had been a heated spur of the moment thing, a way to distract Benjamin from his fears of being found. The whole incident had sort of glided into the darkness of the trial against the underground prostitution ring. Also: Who could resist that charming smile, and poundable ass? Brandon could not, even under the risk of getting fired. Somehow he knew Benjamin wouldn't say anything. There was trust in place, for sure, and so much vulnerability, and need for closeness from the boy. They had already been through so much together. Undercover jobs where they had gotten to know each other in the first place.
Brandon had been sure that the attraction Benjamin felt towards him must have been some kind of corrupted version of love. Poor broken boy, but on his own part, Brandon had become too involved with the young man to see past the typical signs. He wanted him. He liked him. They enjoyed each other's company. Why not? He hadn't forced him, or anything. Had he? Brandon glanced at Ben and said "Do you?" The smile from the blond cop made Benjamin scoff and smile at the ridiculous question. "No," he said, obviously not wanting to admit he did want to sleep with him again. Benjamin put his hands in his jeans and remained in the doorway- Remained in the subject.
During the witness protection, Benjamin had been frightened, insecure, and in need of distraction. Now that it was over, Ben could move on with his life. He was in his early twenties, he was young. He didn't have to be a prostitute anymore, but he was still there. Still with Brandon, who was also young, and his only friend.
Both knew there was more, and it needed to come out. Like a pink lovely elephant running on a fresh meadow. Brandon chuckled and threw the pillow on the bed, done making the bed for Benjamin. He walked up to him and said "Why do I get the feeling you do?" Benjamin looked comfortable when allowed to be fully clothed for more than half an hour, but he fiddled with the sleeve of his black band t-shirt, finding words hard to come by as things got real. Brandon waited patiently for him to answer, because once Benjamin did speak, it was usually worth the wait. No matter how clever and intelligent the young man was, when fed and safe, and with a man who genuinely cared, it was unknown territory- naturally it made him wary of his words. Brandon kept smiling as the raven hair was so damn cute about it. Benjamin held back the need to lean in and hug the fit cop, and said looking up stubbornly confident "Maybe because you do?" Brandon huffed a smile and said "Do I look like I do?" Benjamin chuckled brightly and said "It's quite obvious." Brandon laughed, ridiculed, and said "Do I?" Benjamin responded faster "Yes!" Brandon argued playfully "I do not!" Their laughs mingled as they had before shit got down with the underground ring, and as it ebbed down Brandon said "Well, get your ass on the bed and I'll pound you real good." Benjamin nearly ascended on his toes with excitement, but not wanting to seem desperate he pursed his smile in a thin, unimpressed line before speaking smartly "Oh, that's…Quite romantic of you, Brandon. I must say." The blond cop said warmly, refusing to let Benjamin even consider ill will from him "I'm sorry. I just-...I don't know. It's been a while." Benjamin melted at the sincerity and said "It's alright. I'm just teasing." As Benjamin swallowed dryly, Brandon said amused "You nervous?" Benjamin raised his voice undignified "I am not! I've been pounded for days, Brandon! Should you have forgotten! I'm perfectly-...Sorry." Brandon simply smiled and said caressing Benjamin's chin "No worries. You're cute when you're embarrassed." The raven hair set his jaw stubbornly, even as it got caressed by those warm, strong fingers. Brandon had always been careful about touching the young prostitute. He was used to greedy, opportunistic people. He was used to being abused. Brandon did not want to give off the wrong message. He looked for a signal that told him it was alright, and when he got it through a tilt of a chin, and expectant blue eyes, he leaned down. Benjamin's hands lifted to Brandon's taut muscles as their mouths joined for a union of trust, patience and love. Benjamin got impatient though, while Brandon stayed resolute and determined. He had to be. He had always been, and he would continue to be, for Benjamin's sake.
The raven hair was so hungry for love it pulled at the cop's heart strings. He would not abuse it. He would embrace it, and teach Benjamin what true love was. It would take time, and he would start today.
He distracted Benjamin's corrupted impatience with strokes against his cheek, neck and back. It seemed to calm him down for a minute or two until he started to pull at their clothes. Brandon broke the kiss and said softly "Wait." He pulled his shirt off, and went to retrieve the lube he had in the drawer. Benjamin watched the muscly man return after dropping the tube on the bed, and pull him closer by his hips saying "Let's take it easy, Benjamin. No rush this time." Benjamin let out a shaky breath, and as his protector gently removed his shirt, and continued the mild, sensual caresses and kisses, Benjamin pressed close- pulsing with the need to be taken. As Brandon stroked back Benjamin's raven bangs while kissing him, the little trickster started undoing his belt. Brandon chuckled, and let him, saying "You go ahead." The needy whimpers and moans that had filled his mouth before, stilled as Benjamin got to round his hands around Brandon's buttocks. Brandon was so calm. So patient and loving, like a still lake on a sunny afternoon.
Benjamin spoke with his actions, rather than words, when it came to sex. So the fact that he calmed his roving hands, said a lot. He picked up on the energy Brandon was giving off. Brandon whispered before pecking his forehead "Good boy." Benjamin chuckled weakly and looked up at the blond with patient affection. He was rewarded with more touches and kisses on the bed, after being led there by his rescuer, who pulled his pants down just enough for his hands to reach around his buttocks and hips, stroking and squeezing them just right. It was hard to go slow when the trained prostitute aroused him fast and good after that. It took a lot from Brandon to keep focusing on Benjamin's mental well being as the foreplay, involving lube and slow fingers, went on. "Please, please, just take me. Do it! Ahh, more! Please!" Benjamin begged, and squirmed in frustration as Brandon paused to put the condom on. He chuckled and said "If you're not calm I won't do it, you know? Calm down." Positioning himself to penetrate Benjamin Brandon warned teasingly "You calm?" Benjamin moaned pleadingly, and as he tried to worm himself onto the thick penis awaiting him, he brought a delighted laugh out of Brandon, who stopped him. He nuzzled the pouting young man's face, and kissed him before saying "You're so hungry for this. You're adorable, you know that?" Friendly and serious he reminded Benjamin "But please, calm down. Take a deep breath." Both knew why, so Brandon waited for Benjamin to do as he was told. Once the blue eyes no longer demanded desperately, but rather loved passionately, Brandon said "Hello." Benjamin smiled sadly, ashamed of his work hazard. Brandon said before kissing him again "It's alright." Rewarding Benjamin with a gentle grip at his right buttock, and gentle caresses against the side of his head, Brandon said "I got you." As he entered the slick and delightful hole Benjamin arched and gasped "Yes! Ahh, yes! Ah, please!" Brandon went slow, and reminded Benjamin he was not a prostitute anymore, but a person who was cared for- He was more than just flesh to be sold and bought. Brandon made Benjamin face him now and then, saying "I'm here. You're doing good. Tell me if it's alright." Brandon would not torment Benjamin for too long though. He gave Benjamin the thorough treatment he asked for, and accepted the fact that his climax was all Benjamin needed to feel fulfilled, for now. He doubted Benjamin had ever clung this hard and good to any of the others, his clients, while also smiling so wonderfully. It made Brandon smile and linger inside him after his deep, nerve shivering orgasm. When slowly descending from their blissful sprint, Benjamin let out that deep, shaky breath that Brandon recognized as nothing but good. No flashbacks. No triggers. Brandon saw that as a huge win, so he landed soft kisses on Benjamin's delighted face, saying "You wanna be my boyfriend, Benjamin?" The raven hair laughed at first, thinking it a joke, but hearing the serious undertones he said looking back at Brandon "Yes. I do want to be your boyfriend, Brandon. Can I?" Brandon laughed happily, and said "Yes. I want you to be my boyfriend." He added, making plans for the twitching cock between them "It's going to be weird explaining it to my boss, but we'll make it work. Somehow." Benjamin nodded seriously, knowing it would be tough. As none dared say the L word yet, they simply kissed, letting their actions speak for themselves.
As Brandon picked up the nice little penis into his hand, Benjamin gasped in the kiss, and arched into his touches. "Yes, please," he said and had his first orgasm in years, that wasn't forced, or tainted. It was a gentle and slow release, caused by gentle and slow motions, from a person who was serious in his care for the male. Like this, Brandon could survey Benjamin's entire body language, and queues. He was determined not to trigger the broken soul that he was in love with.
With eyes closed Benjamin descended from the high that Brandon had caused. The blond kissed Benjamin's Adam's apple after it swallowed the fact that he was being loved, and deeply taken care of. "Thank you," he said sweetly, and looked at the blond who settled next to him. With their jeans still around their thighs, the men lay there in blissful fulfillment, smiling at each other. Brandon said, leaning on his elbow so he could watch the angel next to him "If we're giving thanks, then I say, thank you, too. Though I hardly think we need to resort to such statements, do we?" Finding Brandon's statement boring, Benjamin mimicked with a funny grimace. Brandon laughed and squeezed Benjamin's cheeks, flicking his head back and forth playfully, saying "Keep doing that and you'll get a spanking!" Benjamin cackled brightly, and turned away, only to be scooped up into the best spooning there ever was, and ever would be. The end.
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  • Love
Reactions: Diana and Lyrikai
Yay! Thanks for the trophy!! ^^ wohoo
Hells yeah! >:D that was delightful!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Sleepi_Lullabi
@Diana hey owlmom. I never did get my boner trophy.
I'm always missin' somebody! O:<
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Reina
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Lyrikai
  • Nice Execution!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Diana and Megasis
  • Haha
Reactions: iridescent
  • Haha
Reactions: Megasis
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: iridescent
  • Haha
Reactions: Lyrikai

@Diana we need more reacts
the gremlins revived a thread just to bully diana into giving them more react options? Diana, they worked hard for this, give us more reacts!!! :)
  • Haha
Reactions: Megasis
Correction, I revived this thread cause I wanted the bone(r) trophy >:3333
  • Like
Reactions: Lyrikai
Correction, I revived this thread cause I wanted the bone(r) trophy >:3333
no one cares about the truth! Its funnier if the gremlins bullied diana first :D reality is what the majority chooses it to be hehe