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Boo Girlie BoomBoom

⭐Warning⭐ If Boo like it Unicorns will vomit🏳️‍🌈
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy of all kinds★★!! Here's a list: modern/urban, magic and swords, otherworldly/fish out of water, faeries and unicorns, sometimes dark, sometimes superhero-ish, sometimes mixed with sci-fi. The Boo Girlie's always down for weird, wild or whimsical! Yayuh!! :3 Oh! And Sky Pirates too~~!!


~| The Main OoC | The 'Descending' BSB | The 'Descending' IC |~

Conway | Jaycie | Keijo | Sabai |

| Agent 94 |

⭐~~>We gunna pick up Keijo and Sabai along the Way~^^!!

⭐~~>Split into two:
'In The Passageways'
'In The Rec Room'
Please label posties with proper titles k^^

⭐~~ >Aaaand introducing NPC Najil!! She Is a Year Two Fruitbat with a Cameroonian accent. Directive: Acrobat~^^!!


The 'Rewiring' IC | Ada | Bella | DeeDee | Euler | The 'Rewiring' BSB |~
~| A Little Chat - Flashback |~

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*peeps in*

Just posted!! Conway thinks everybody likes carrots.

And if not he will make them like carrots >:O
Amaaaaaaazing! Well played my good sirrrruh!! So loves it!!^^!!

K so I'm next and I like I think we have a chance to get outta this one ALIVE!! k and @Equusheart in my next postie I'll get a setup in for Sabai so you can him involved too k ;DD
Postie almost done!! But! Sleepy Boo is sleepy!!x,x!! K sooooo finish up tmrw k^^
Aaaaaaand postied!!!^^

Thanks for the assist on that one, Fishay!! Thinkin hopefully we gots that outta one unscathed. We'll see^^;

@Equusheart sorry, didn't have time to gets a postie in to set up Sabai, but I gotsta go do some Happy Halloween stuffs now!! Will get something edited in tmrw k^^ Stay tuned!!
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Kk sooooo like Boo postied up again!^^!! (assist goes to the Aggro one herself, daFie!!)

@Equusheart k sooooo like just a bit of an intro to another part of the BLOCC with a NPC to gets ya involved with Sabai...! Najil is normally soft-spoken and sweet (like she's a Fruit Bat right ;P) but once she gets her groove on she gets all competitive and feisty. She's a Year 2 with a Directive as an Acrobat.
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Alright, I'll read it over when I get a chance. Sorry for the delay. RL has been a bit rough for me the past couple days and I'm trying to get back in a good headspace.
Alright, I'll read it over when I get a chance. Sorry for the delay. RL has been a bit rough for me the past couple days and I'm trying to get back in a good headspace.
Yeah I definitely feel you on that. Keep fighting back and we'll see you here when you're ready.

And in other news, this bitch put up a post to help close out the shitstorm in the crawlspace! Get Summer to that grate and start chewing!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Alright, I'll read it over when I get a chance. Sorry for the delay. RL has been a bit rough for me the past couple days and I'm trying to get back in a good headspace.
Yeah~yeah all goods k? We all gets upset and things don't always go so good but keep on keepin on k? This RP moves slowly so all goods^^ Take care of you k!! :]

Alright, I'll read it over when I get a chance. Sorry for the delay. RL has been a bit rough for me the past couple days and I'm trying to get back in a good headspace.
Yeah I definitely feel you on that. Keep fighting back and we'll see you here when you're ready.

And in other news, this bitch put up a post to help close out the shitstorm in the crawlspace! Get Summer to that grate and start chewing!

MY gosh the Aggro biyatch actually has a funny bone!! That was awesomes!!^^!! Finally we can move on from the smelly oily decay claustrophobic monster infested tunnel s man!! YAYUH!! ;DD
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@Equusheart @fish-writer

K sooooo like if ya notice the Descending IC is split into 2 locations now. So like when you postie up please please please put at the top of your post the location.

'In The Passageways' for Conway n Summer

'In the Rec Room' for Sabai

This is just to make things easier to follow and like less confusing. Hopefully^^

Thanks ya!! ;DD

This thread ain't dead yet ;DD

Our dexies almost out of the passageway!! YAYUH!!