OPEN SIGNUPS The Dionysian Enactment Signups & OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Where would I find said form you used?
[div= width: 100%; background: #fff; padding: 5%;][div= display: none; /* font calls */] [font=Red Hat Text]Lorem[/font] [font=Cambra]Lorem[/font][/div][div= width: 800px; margin: 0 auto; display: flex; gap: 10px; flex-wrap: wrap;][div=
background-image: url(IMGURLHERE); height: 365px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 50%; flex: 1; min-width: 230px;]       [/div][div= height: 365px; flex: 2; min-width: 230px;][center][img]IMGURL[/img][/center][div=
height: 255px; background: #fff; overflow: hidden;][div=
width: 110%; height: inherit; overflow-y: scroll; margin-left: 3.5%; padding-right: 3%; font-family: Red Hat Text; cursor: crosshair; color: #272727; ][padding=5px][right][size=12px]Main Character[/size]  [/right]
text here

Ok, so Im kind of confused on how you got the images in there, help?
Ok, so Im kind of confused on how you got the images in there, help?
it's in the code:

" background-image: url(IMGURLHERE); " & "[ img IMGURL[/img] "

the first bit of code is where you'll put yer faceclaim img, the second is where youll put your character's name img
I will state it again, you are the best
  • Haha
Reactions: rissa
One more question, how did you move everything to the other side for the dramatis personnae?
One more question, how did you move everything to the other side for the dramatis personnae?
gotta tweak the code //im too lazy to delete the contents but here's the base:

[div= width: 100%; background: #8D8EA2; padding: 5%;][div= display: none; /* font calls */] [font=Red Hat Text]Lorem[/font] [font=Cambra]Lorem[/font][/div][div= width: 800px; margin: 0 auto; display: flex; gap: 10px; flex-wrap: wrap;][div= height: 365px; flex: 2; min-width: 230px;][center][img][/img][/center][div=
height: 295px; background: #8D8EA2; overflow: hidden;][div=
width: 110%; height: inherit; overflow-y: scroll; margin-left: 3.5%; padding-right: 3%; font-family: Red Hat Text; cursor: crosshair; color: #fff; ][padding=5px][right][size=12px]Dramatis Personae[/size]  [/right]    

The Lost Daughter is a somnolent figure— a pink haired, heavy-lidded, naked augury whose bewitching and saccharine presence in [i]Visions of the Unbound[/i] is often a precursor to the more macabre elements of the play. Her prophetic silver-tongue was cursed by the god who stole her first kiss and the divine crushed-coral crown that appears near the end of the play often causes her to weep seafoam tears as the weight burrows into her temples. Despite the obvious nakedness, nothing of note is ever seen; thick and voluminous coral pink hair stretches past her calves and is always, [i]always[/i] inexplicitly in the right place. Affixed to her pale peachy skin are five different accessories of aged-gold. The golden bracer attached to her left arm. The pair of thick armlets, intricately designed. The coral-depicting armband. And the delicate wristlet whose seafoam filigree make the faintest twinkle with every sashay. 

Harmatia: Paranoia 

Whispers of the unseen and the yet-to-come crush her under the weight of destiny. Barely able to speak without the fear of further persecution, the Lost Daughter is just that; lost in the world and upon the stage of ecstasy and delight and burning with the wrath of production lights and the righteous anger of mightier gods. 

[/padding][/div][/div][/div] [div=
background-image: url(; height: 365px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 50%; flex: 1; min-width: 230px;]       [/div]         [/div][/div]
523501_76wc28xs.pngAlexandre Levesque (but please, call him Alex) is the type of guy to tell you that you're doing something wrong and stay dead silent when you do it right. He gets snippy and pushy easily, but it's less so about the person he's dealing with and more about the fact that he thinks too much about his life and whatever chemical analysis his professors need him to do. He's twenty-three, born August 22nd. Despite his prickliness, he enjoys the arts and can play piano pretty well. There's a level head on his shoulders and a willingness to get things done right that drives him.
Alex was raised in Saint-Henri-de-Levis with a mother that used to work as principal harpist with the Orchestre symphonique de Québec, who played for seven seasons before having a mental break that rendered her to housework when her condition recovered. His father worked long days at a business that squeezed him for all he was worth, but the money was good enough to stay. It was a simple enough homelife, he has no qualms about it, and when he was offered a full ride at Northwestern for biochemical engineering, his parents cheered and cried and sent him on his way.
As of now, he's finished his degree and is currently trying to kill time deciding if he wants to pursue his master's or not.
Sometimes, he's haunted by his mother's past. The break happened when he was old enough to remember but too young to understand. And sometimes, when he practiced piano, his mother would look at him wistfully for a moment, then leave the room until he finished.
He's bisexual, with a tenuous attitude towards pronouns that leads him to say "whatever makes you feel comfortable" whenever asked.
He stands at 5'10 with the lanky build of a guy who doesn't go to the gym but hardly leaves his textbooks to eat properly. Untamed brown curls fall to his chin, paired with a broad nose and light blue-grey eyes with deep-set bags underneath. He doesn't care much about his appearance and refuses to dress up more than necessary.

523501_ZhkBLhJ9.pngOh, Apollo. The golden-haired, bright-eyed musician who loves too hard and leaves claw-marks in whatever he needs to let go. He's a sweet man who waxes poetic about the world around him and will break into song unprompted. He's almost a direct one-eighty of Alex, viewing the world with gentle eyes and the thought that humanity should be guided to victory. He enjoys chatting and playing around and ignoring whatever catastrophe falls upon him.
His hair is golden locks that fall chin-length, and his blue eyes shine like the day he's ruler of. He loves dressing up and always tries to look his best. There's almost always some musical instrument in his hand, right now he's obsessed with kalimbas and loves tinking out little tunes. He's ageless, like most gods, and also doesn't care too much about pronouns.

[as for no-gos, nothing comes to mind when i think about it, but i'd prefer a quick pm if someone has an idea that may come off as triggering. :) ]
[also here's the picrew i used]
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Y'all are amazing!! I will link the IC thread here in the next couple of days. :bouncy:
  • Thank You
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: arden and rissa
My characters will hopefully be done tonight!
  • Love
Reactions: Orionis
So! I got very busy and fell behind, but I still wanted to ask if this would still be open for me to make a character?
If not, totally fine! It's my own fault for falling behind and I don't want to slow anyone down 🤣
  • Love
Reactions: Orionis
So! I got very busy and fell behind, but I still wanted to ask if this would still be open for me to make a character?
If not, totally fine! It's my own fault for falling behind and I don't want to slow anyone down 🤣
It's never too late!! :D
  • Love
Reactions: Lyrikai and rissa
Awesome possum :D I'll get started on something right away then!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Orionis
  • According to Plan
Reactions: Orionis
yay beginnings! but oh no i'm moving states this weekend and more than likely wont be available to post until monday
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Orionis
yay beginnings! but oh no i'm moving states this weekend and more than likely wont be available to post until monday
No worries, we'll still be here when you get all settled in! :bsmile:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: arden

heya!! lemme know if i ought to make any edits to my post (i'll get at em once i get up!) there wasn't much for me to go off on where u wanted us to place our characters outside of the hotel, so i just kinda went for it!
  • Love
Reactions: Orionis

heya!! lemme know if i ought to make any edits to my post (i'll get at em once i get up!) there wasn't much for me to go off on where u wanted us to place our characters outside of the hotel, so i just kinda went for it!
Oh yeah you're good!! I'm not super rigid with what other people wanna do tbh. Even if my character says most everyone is at the hotel, for instance, he could still forget someone.
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Reactions: rissa
(Finally got this done! Hopefully everything's alright)

Main Character
Atrea Evandrus
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 30
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: With lovely long, silky blond hair, Atrea is a very dazzling individual. He's, to put it bluntly, a beautiful man. He knows it and he flaunts it frequently to get what he wants and what he needs from others. He takes very good care of himself and puts a lot of pride into personal hygiene. He'd probably live in a bath tub full of sweet smelling oils and soaps if only he didn't eventually get all pruny and needed to get out and dry off.

Personality: Atrea could easily be described as a playboy. He's a fun loving flirt that likes to chase after pretty ladies. It's unclear whether his interest in them is romantic or sexual or something else entirely. Sometimes he tries just a little too hard and mostly just seems interested in their looks so that he can copy them. Atrea is fond of perfumes, makeup, and an awful lot of hair care.

He's often happy and doesn't seem easily offended by much at all. Not easily rattled, he swims in confidence, sure of himself, proud of himself... full of himself. He's rather vain and a bit snotty, and honestly does sometimes feel like he's better than some others. If called out on it, he will at least admit his fault and will apologize and try to reign it in. It's something he's aware and actively working on, frequently asking others if he's going too far and overstepping bounds, and if he needs to reel it in and cool off.

Background: Atrea's lived quite the extravagant life of an artist. He sees beauty in everything and adores capturing it in every way he can. He expresses himself through painting and through music. He expresses himself further through acting, pouring his soul in every piece of art he creates or participates in. Art is so much more than just a hobby to him: It's a passion. It's a lifestyle.

All his life, Atrea has liked the attention that his art brings when he finds himself a fan who appreciates his work. It's rather inflated his ego, unfortunately, and, if anything, it's fueled his creativity. He has more inspiration than ever and truly hopes this drive never slows down for there's really nothing else he wants to do with his life than share art and beauty with the world.

Best Quality: His looks. Atrea prides himself on looking pretty. His skin care and hair care routines can take over an hour sometimes and he still won't be satisfied even though he knows he looks great.

Character in the Play
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual

Appearance: Eros is the epitome of grace. He has beautifully long white hair and long white robes to match. Every motion, every moment he makes is slow and calm, elegance imagined. He's sometimes seen with a theme of fluffy white feathers, having them in his hair or draped around his shoulders in a delicate embrace.

Personality: Eros isn't fond of rushing anything, liking to take his time with all matters. He's careful and methodical, definitely not a fan of rushing and doing something half assed. What he does, he does to the absolute best of his ability and pours his whole heart into it. If it's something he can't put 100% of his effort into, he'd really just rather not do it at all, rather not force it and pretend to enjoy it.

Eros is generous and kind. He's quite the loving individual that puts others before himself. Selfless and charitable, he likes to share his good mood and spread love. Guiding others towards romance is what he lives for, truly. He is the god of love, after all. Though it's his prerogative to lead others towards love, he's never been opposed to satisfying his own needs and uses all the charisma he possesses to seduce those he's drawn to.

Fatal Flaw: He is far too kind, naïve, too willing to trust and wanting to just love. The idea of hate is foreign, hurtful, strange. He doesn't like it, doesn't want to deal with it or experience it. In his efforts to share simple love and steer away from hate, he'd too readily agree with another and follow along with what they wanted if just to please.
  • OMG
Reactions: Orionis