OPEN SIGNUPS The Ever-Changing House (OOC)

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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Will be updated when school year starts. For now, pretty much whenever
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Legends says there is a [CENSORED] house that exists in this world. Ever-changing in its location. Never changing in its goal to lure people in with uncertain promises that you can't know if it will keep. Some say that the house can make you the perfect version of you- the one you always dreamed of being for free for entering it, other says that it will take your soul. Others says that it can bring you to a perfect world that you always dreamed of being.

It doesn't matter what you believe. One thing is true- the people who enter this house are never seen again- or so the legends claim.

The reason or purpose of the house doesn't matter to you. Someone you knew and loved entered the house five years and... nobody could find them since.

The house is back and you are determined to find out the truth of what happened to your loved ones.

But once you enter the house....there's no telling what awaits you in it.... or if you ever come back out alive.


But maybe just maybe, you can be the one to unravel the truth about this house.

Or maybe you're just another victim... which you are is up to you to decide.​

Rules and Character Sheets

Just follow all of Iwaku rules and don't be a jerk or godmod.

There will be two characters to be played for this RP, but we will be playing with one for the beginning at least so just have an idea of what the other character's perfect life is.

Character Sheet

(Both their appearance when the RP starts and what their "Perfect" other world would be. Note, it can be very minor for their other world "perfect" or you can completely overhaul how they appear. )
History/Backstory: (Optional, but highly encouraged)
Relationship to the Person who was taken before:

@slifer @Nougat @Lyrikai @Nemopedia


Jackson Williams

Nickname: Jack

Age: 17 (Looks in his 30s in the perfect world)

Image result for blonde hair and blue eyes teen boy

Jack has blonde hair that is pushed forward that goes into his eyes. He is relatively average in height and stands at 5'6 inches. He has an average weight, being no fatter or thinner than most people his age. He traditonally wears glasses and a blue t-shirt, a tie and a blazer with blue jeans along with sneakers. His eyes are blue in color and he has an average facial features.

Perfect Other World Appearance

(Face claim: Chris Evans)

Jackson will look at about 6'2 inches tall in the "perfect" world and will have his hair keep a similar style, but have his hair darken to brown and have a very full brown bard d, appearing in a blue button down shirt (and tie) along with jeans and sneakers (still). His voice will also be slightly deeper than it was. He doesn't need his glass anymore.

Personality: Jackson is very happy and go-lucky, often finding the best in the worst situations. He is also very friendly and helps those in need. This is all just a mask to hide the fact that has extreme anxiety and is deeply insecure that he isn't good enough for the world, having been abandoned everyone that ever loved him. He often goes out of his way to please people... even if it comes at the cost of his own well being.

Abilities/Skills: Decent singer, is extremely perceptive and can notice things that are a little off, knows how to pick a lock

History/Backstory: Jackson doesn't like to talk about his past, finding that it is better to live in the present. He just know that his sister went into the house...just like his parents, just like most of his grandparents and he want answers.... even if it means addressing the danger it might be

Family: Jaclyn Williams ( Sister) John Williams and Jane Williams ( Parents) , Lucinda Williams ( Grandmother) Luke Williams ( Grandfather) Kevin Dawson and Kelly Dawson ( Grandparents)

Relationship to the Person who was taken before: His sister, his parents and all but one of his grandparents have been taken by this house though he is entering the house to find his sister

Extra: He owns a journal that he writes in. He is the one who knows the most about the house, researching it appearances, trying to fact check as much as he can...even if the information is limited. Jack is the seventh member of his family to enter the house and is determined to find out what it did to the rest of his family.​
Name: Mallory Devlin
Nickname: Mall, Lory
Age: 18

Original: A rather forlorn looking figure, morose and serious in her expression and always scowling.

Ideal: Still a brunette and still brown eyed but instead of squinting eyes that seem to glare Mallory's eyes are much more rounded and open, giving her a much kinder look. Where her lips used to turn down they curl up at the tips, giving her a constantly smiling expression. The biggest change is that the air hanging around Mallory isn't as morose and depressing as it is outside. It is much more cheerful and inviting on the other side.

Personality: Mallory is in her essence a worry wart and an overthinker, an introvert that doesn't like to take risks and lacks confidence. Envious as she is of those who are decisive and who seem to have everything going for them, Mallory believes that she lacks all of that. Mallory believes herself to be extremely unlucky and unfortunate, and it resonates through everything.

Abilities/Skills: Sewing, embroidery, making the most cutting remarks, anticipates and prepares for everything, lives by Murphy's law exclusively.

History/Backstory: Born under the most dire circumstances Mallory was placed in foster care early on, moving from family to family as she drifted and went through the motions of life. It wasn't that she didn't want to get along with her foster parents, they just gave up on her, and eventually Mallory gave up on the world, believing that perhaps someone like her doesn't have a place in the world after all.

Family: Her mother is an addict that doesn't turn up for any of her appointments and never makes good on her promises. Her father is an unknown figure that Mallory only feels malice for, and her foster family are too numerous to name that Mallory has stopped to remember safe from one name.

Relationship to the Person who was taken before: Her first foster mother Eva. Mallory stayed with Eva and her partner Ginny for the first five years of her life, which abruptly ended when Eva disappeared and Ginny spiralled down into herself.



Will add in an image later and fancy it up as needed when I'm actually home.
will edit and fix formatting tmrw!!
Name: Tristan Koyanagi
Nickname: Tris, Tristie, Lil T, call him anything and he'll probably answer!
Age: 22
tristan og.jpeg
5'8", lean and toned. His hair is a bit long, so he has to clip it back when he's working out. He looks approachable when he smiles – and he is quite often smiling. But his natural resting face is quite serious, which can throw people off sometimes.

Ideal self
tristan ideal.jpeg

He has his mother's eyes and cheekbones, his father's nose and stature. His entire appearance is a composite of his family, features pulled from his parents and stuck together. At 5'6", he can stand eye to eye with his father instead of looking down at him. He sounds just like his father from his childhood memories, a smooth baritone rather than his current bass. There is a bit of a playful air to him, and there's always a hint of a smile on his face.

Personality: Bright and friendly, there are very few people that Tristan cannot befriend with a little effort! An actual meaningful relationship? That's a whole other thing. Tristan very carefully curates his personality to be personable and approachable. If someone tries to get to know him then that just ruins the whole illusion. He tends to keep people at an arm's length so they never see past the peppy exterior. He is not a leader whatsoever, greatly preferring to go with the flow and follow what other people want to do. Whatever the path of least resistance is is where he heads. This is probably the most noticeable flaw in his personality, which many people have pointed out to be irritating time and time again, but for the most part, it works great for him, so it's a facet of his personality that will never change.

Abilities/Skills: Tristan is generally quite an athletic person, having grown up running around outdoors at all hours of the day. In particular, he is very good at running long distances, having gotten an athletic scholarship for his talent. He's also a very good shot, as hunting is a hobby of his (one of the few hobbies he shared with his father, as his brother never had an interest in it). He's also found himself to be quite good at other things that require good aim like hatchet throwing and archery. He never had much supervision growing up and he was always a very outdoorsy person. He's had an interest in urban exploring for some time now, so he is quite good at climbing things and squeezing into tight spaces.

Additionally, Tristan is a fairly successful psychology student with a strong interest in manipulative behaviour and strategic interactions. Paired with his general personality, he's good at noticing if someone is trying to manipulate others. That being said, he could still fall for it regardless. The human mind is fallible, and Tristan, in his crusade to be liked by everyone around him, tends to ignore red flags.

History/Backstory: He had a fine life, really. He had a roof over his head, food in his mouth, air conditioning in the summer and a heater in the winter. Perhaps his mother looked at him a bit coldly, and his father was a bit harsh with his reprimands. That was fine! He had his brother (6 years his junior, whom his parents treated so much better than himself). They were thick as thieves when he was younger, and their drifting apart was really Tristan's fault for moving cities to go to university. He made friends everywhere he went and even if he was never the best at anything he did, he was very often quite good. Overall, he could do a lot worse than what he had, so he made himself be satisfied.

Family: His father (Ken Koyanagi), his mother (Alice Koyanagi), and his brother (Joseph Koyanagi). They're not really related to him, as Tristan found out after his father had one too many drinks. Rather, he's the child of his father's first wife, and it was only in a note that she left after she ran away that she had confessed that Tristan was a product of an affair.

Tristan doesn't remember her at all, however, and he wouldn't want to; she seems like a terrible person.

Relationship to the Person who was taken before: His brother, Joseph. They were close when Joseph was a child, but drifted apart when Tristan moved away for university. Their relationship never recovered to what it previously was. It was a shock when he learned of his brother's disappearance, and though it isn't at all logical, he cannot help but to feel as though he could have done something to protect him.
(Huge apology for the huge delay. Summer kept kicking my ass x_x)

Name: Yumen Orwen
Nickname: Yu
Age: 40s (late 20s/early 30s in the perfect world)

Ever Changing House - Yumen.jpg

In his ideal appearance, Yumen is much younger with more vigor and energy; reminiscent of his earlier years when things were better and he and his wife were happy.
Ever Changing House - Yumen (Ideal).jpg

Personality: Yumen has a more analytical mind than any extravagant imagination. While some people like to believe in ghosts or cryptids or fairytale creatures, Yumen uses scientific knowledge he possesses to try to debunk whatever crosses his path. Even if thrown in his face, he'd still try to find some rational way to explain it away.

He's a kind soul, a very "do no harm" sort that comes from his medical background. If he could save everyone, he would, though he tends to care more for others than he does about himself. After he lost his wife, he started neglecting his own mental and physical health. He still takes care fo others, but he doesn't care as much what happens to himself. He has bouts of depression and frequently drowns himself in alcohol until he passes out.

Abilities/Skills: Yumen is namely a surgeon who specializes in thoracic surgery. He also has a degree in biomechanical engineering and used to tinker with robots as a hobby. Overall, he's a lover of all the sciences and, due to his hobby building robots, possesses some knowledge in mathematics.

History/Backstory: Yumen had a wonderful life and a beautiful wife. Together, they had everything they could have ever asked for. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. They were in love and she was the most important person in the world to him. At least for a while. As their lives grew busier, he began falling into a serious workaholic mode, spending more time working than he spent at home.

They were working things out, at least he had thought so... until one day his wife just disappeared.

After she was gone, nothing made sense anymore and nothing mattered anymore. His life would be forever incomplete without her and he has very little interest in being without her.

Family: He has a wife named Annette. They have two children; Lucy and Adrian who are grown now with their own families and children.

Relationship to the Person who was taken before: His wife, Annette, is the one who entered the house.
Name: Jeremiah Silver
Nickname: Jer, Remy
Age: 24

Origional: Brown hair, cut about two to three inches long, starting to stop sticking straight up and hanging down instead. Eyes a silvery blue color, with large bags under his eyes recently developed from not sleeping very long. He's on the thinner side, but the thinness isn't entirely devoid of muscle. Tends to dress casually but can look a little preppy when needed, in sweaters and jeans and nice shoes.
Ideal: Mostly the same look. He's a little more toned a little stronger looking, a little more graceful. He always has the best clothes out there, looking incredibly dapper.
Personality: Tends to be calm, tries to look at things rationally, but has an undercurrent of emotionality to everything he does. He used to be calmer and more adjusted, but the disappearance of his brother made him a little worse for wear- a little more snappish, a little more hyperfixated, more melancholy.
Abilities/Skills: Jeremiah is a recently graduated nurse, with knowledge filling his head, but less practical experience. He does have first aid knowledge, and knows some bushcraft as it is a hobby. He did some basic parkour, so he has some of the skills but he's been out of practice.
History/Backstory: They had stopped outside the house for only a moment- he had tied his sneakers, taking a little longer to get the loops right. He last remembered seeing his brother from the corner of his eye near the doorway to the house, and then he was gone. It was only a few weeks without his brother, but he's been slowly going nuts without him- which prompted this trip to
Family: One older brother, Liam Silver, one mother, Stella Silver, his youngest missing brother.
Relationship to the Person who was taken before: Older Brother
Is this still open!
@monkeydoll5 Yeah, it's still open if you want to join.
Also @slifer @Nemopedia @Lyrikai @Nougat, I plan to have the other NPC up this week and hope to have the prologue up by next Tuesday because I feel like we should definitely enter the house in the spooky month of October (I'm also working on converting an old discord to the OOC)