The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 1, Mission Ξ: Black Future

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Samus Aran

As she sprinted, peering back her suit noticed two things, the first being the charging guns of a different kind of robot that appeared to have com out of nowhere, and the second being a young blond woman blissfully walking across the landscape, apparently unaware of the oncoming death that was soon to be upon them.

Noticing a chasm opening up on what was essentially a barren landscape, she pointed towards it for the rest of the party as she split off, doubling her efforts as she bolted towards Yang, taking notice of the bizarre mechanical arm, but putting it aside for later as she flicked her beam to grapple and fired a glowing beam at the woman aimed at her midriff, retracting it, grabbing the woman bridal-style, and leaping into the chasm as the landscape was lit up by the hail of plasma-fire.

Falling into the abyss, even Samus with her enhanced physical abilities was gasping, but she couldn't rest yet, as everything had a bottom, and she definitely had to prepare for it. It vaguely reminded her of one of her many fights with Ridley.

shifting the unknown woman into her left arm, she charged a shot and fired it straight down, providing some light for both her and the others to hopefully see the bottom. Everyone else would have to figure out a way to survive the fall themselves, but she had herself and the stranger covered with her grapple, at least.

Breathing heavily as she stared down in anticipation, she wondered if they understood she'd just saved her life, not that she expected thanks. Being a bounty hunter was a thankless job after all.
Samus Aran

As she sprinted, peering back her suit noticed two things, the first being the charging guns of a different kind of robot that appeared to have com out of nowhere, and the second being a young blond woman blissfully walking across the landscape, apparently unaware of the oncoming death that was soon to be upon them.

Noticing a chasm opening up on what was essentially a barren landscape, she pointed towards it for the rest of the party as she split off, doubling her efforts as she bolted towards Yang, taking notice of the bizarre mechanical arm, but putting it aside for later as she flicked her beam to grapple and fired a glowing beam at the woman aimed at her midriff, retracting it, grabbing the woman bridal-style, and leaping into the chasm as the landscape was lit up by the hail of plasma-fire.

Falling into the abyss, even Samus with her enhanced physical abilities was gasping, but she couldn't rest yet, as everything had a bottom, and she definitely had to prepare for it. It vaguely reminded her of one of her many fights with Ridley.

shifting the unknown woman into her left arm, she charged a shot and fired it straight down, providing some light for both her and the others to hopefully see the bottom. Everyone else would have to figure out a way to survive the fall themselves, but she had herself and the stranger covered with her grapple, at least.

Breathing heavily as she stared down in anticipation, she wondered if they understood she'd just saved her life, not that she expected thanks. Being a bounty hunter was a thankless job after all.
The shot Samus fired down into the endless chasm below seemed to grow in size as she fell towards it further and changing color from yellow to blue. As quickly as she fell with Yang, the color then engulfed them both, and suddenly, the world turned completely black again. The grey sky had disappeared, all sound was gone, and they could feel the ground beneath them without even feeling the landing.

In fact, the same would happen to the others. 1B, as she ran away with the other Waddle Dee's, would be blinded by the same flash moments before she was hit by an artillery strike from above. Isaac, covering from the strikes as well, also would be engulfed by the light. Proto and Alison, also struck by the flash of light before they could continue fighting against the robots. Even Felix, inside his massive mech, would be suddenly teleported from inside his cockpit, as the light flashed from his monitors, and blinded him, before he suddenly couldn't feel his seat.

The flash wasn't like the one that brought them all here. It was suddenly, like the flash on a camera, and they wouldn't feel the sense of falling like before. Instead, they were in completely darkness, not a sound to be heard, and the air turning stale. A better improvement from the ash and dust clouds. Before any of them could speak aloud, a light was suddenly turned on. The Frenchman from before, the one Isaac spoke to, was holding an orb of light in his hand, and threw it up into the air, lighting the area.


Up above, there was a ceiling, with faint sounds of fighting above. The Frenchman then started saying loud, "ow, ow, ow, ow!" As he ripped off the strange device in his hand Isaac would've seen before when up close to him.


It was smoking from overheating. "Too much traveling overheats it." He told everyone, shaking his hand to cool it off with air. "Any of you doctors?"​
Time is weird.

Space is weirder.

And this could be said in double for anyone that had never had the opportunity to traverse either in 'unnatural' ways. So when the young blond girl from Renmant was plucked up and deposited elsewhen, it can be understood that her mind wasn't exactly all in it. Yang has never been a slouch in intelligence, but this whole brief ordeal sends her for a mental loop.

When time and space suck you up into nowhen, and then spits you out into somewhen, there are major details about your new reality that can be skipped.

Like a giant metal death machine hanging over your head.

Yang's perception had gone into something of a tunnel vision. And after only about 1 minute does the gravity of the situation start to creep into her pretty mind. Her hurried pace slows and her lilac colored eyes are drawn upwards towards that… metal tower… thing… in the sky. She then stops completely, her thick hair swaying with the increasing atmospheric chaos.

"Is.. is that… an Atlas machine?" she ponders in a half absent tone as she stares up.

And with that averted gaze, she barely sees Samus charging at her.

She feels something at her bare midsection, and she looks down as her arms raise up at her sides. "WhatTheWhat?!" she utters in shock. And as the line is retracted back to its source, she lets out a loud "GRUH!" Yang growls and grasps onto the energy beam, but lets out a grunt as she suddenly finds herself in Samus' arm. Her eyes are wide with anger and she grits her teeth as her left hand draws back with the intention of putting said fist right through Samus' head.

Fortunately for all involved Yang's attention is suddenly averted. The rising glow of plasma fire behind Samus, the now churning and disintegrating under them. She lets out a loud yelp as they fall together, Yang inadvertently grasping the forearm of Samus' armor.

Things are happening… very fast.

But Yang has never been one to give into confusion for to long without acting.

When in doubt, punch something.

With an angry growl Yang pushes off Samus, but she doesn't go far. Samus fires the shot straight down, and Yang's wide eyes follow it down. And down. And down.

Looking back towards Samus, Yang's mind now starts to put together the situation. First situation… this robot person probably just saved her. Second situation… the sudden stop that will inevitably come at the bottom of this shaft. "Thanks for the save!" Yang shouts, and her right hand snaps out to grab onto one of Samus' shoulders, finding a handhold. "Ya look tough, Penny2, but mebbe I can help ya!" After all, falling exercises are one of her fave things ever. Yang thrusts her left fist out in a punching motion, the sound of a gun cocking heard then. Her gaze snaps left to right… the debris they fall with are now descending at the same rate they are. So they've attained terminal velocity. With another grunt she draws Samus back to put herself now below Samus. With a wide and excited grin she shouts so Samus can hear. "Lemme take the impact! This is gonna be awesome!"

But she would not get the chance to stick that landing, since it seems to be done without her knowing. Her eyes squint as now the shaft seems to shift in hues, but she doesn't look away. If something bad is coming (like the ground) she wants to meet it with eyes wide open.

They both then find themselves… safe. Somehow. Yang's chest heaves as she now tries to catch her breath. She goes into an immediate en-guard fighting stance, moving so her back is close to Samus. And she remains close to her. A sudden new light catches her eyes, and she spins to face in the direction it had come from. The 'Frenchman' had illuminated an orb… Yang's never seen something like that. Not a flashlight, not a torch. But both. Odd.

And it doesn't get less odd, does it?

Her eyes would follow the light, as if mesmerized by it. She can make out a ceiling, a rocky one. The air is old… it reminds Yang of the Fallen City, really. Yang's attention is diverted towards the voice… but she glances towards Samus before looking back to the man that had helped them all see the light.

Get it?

"Someone's gonna need more'n a doctor if someone doesn't tell me what the heck is going on." Her tone an angry one, her defensive stance relaxing a little. But it wasn't just Samus, Yang and the 'Frenchman' here. There was now a small crowd. Beings diverse in shape and technology… she can't quite get her head wrapped around all of that right now.
Samus Aran

the woman pushing away from her then hefting her on-top was strange, but she assumed they had a plan. They sounded almost excited, to which she gave them a strange and slightly worried look, but did as she was bid.

Her concentration had been locked to the area below them, that was until something strange began happening to her beam, suddenly expanding and engulfing them both as she found her feet on solid ground.

The bounty hunter let go of the breath she'd been holding, and sighed as some frenchman she vaguely remembered meeting shook his smoking gauntlet, her savior, it seemed. She was left speechless, interspatial travel was one thing but teleportation was beyond anything she'd seen in her universe, but she did as she usually did and met it with an air of expectance.

The universe's greatest bounty hunter couldn't be seen as one easily surprised, she was supposed to be a role model for the federation, even if it had been thrust upon her.

She wasn't a doctor, so didn't bother answering his call, but she did give him an appreciative nod, and while she spoke no words, her gratitude was immeasurable. It was rare for her to need saving.

Turning to the blonde, she tapped a button on the side of her neck as her helmet fizzled away to reveal Samus herself.

"Nobody knows, we'll figure it out soon enough I expect, but for now stick with us." she offered with a polite smile before pointing to herself. "Samus Aran."

She'd never been one to parade her achievements, her name was enough, and her actions would speak greater than word of her deeds.

Examining her suit, it was still missing a number of features, but it still held the most important ones, her power ball, and the grapple beam so she guessed she wouldn't complain.

Feeling the cool air on her face, she grimaced. Gone were the days she would enjoy brisk climates as her metroid dna seemed to begin protesting as a level of discomfort settled upon her, thus her hand rose up again and flicked up the helmet again. The irritation was gone, as quickly as it had come.

She sighed again, before recomposing herself and looking back towards the frenchman.
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Felix Tobin
Kearny-Fuchita blues

Felix was dumbfounded. No visible damage to the enemy. Just a scorch mark. He'd fired one of the most powerful ballistic weapons known to the inner sphere directly at the enemy mech, and that damn shield stopped it without any visible damage. Felix failed to notice the energy shield covering the physical, but why would he? Those didn't exist in his world, and the subtle shimmer never registered to his eyes. Perhaps if he had known, he'd have held hope of victory. As it was, he was starting to circle-strafe, discouraging his foe's advance with laser fire, aimed towards its head, hoping that the risk of damaging its sensors would keep that shield up while he rifled through options. He'd almost decided on trampling through the enemy ground troops and angling his AC20 up to strike the drop ships, but the light changed everything.

His sensors went wild and identification tags struggled to label the energy. He first imagined it a nuclear weapon. But if that were the case, wouldn't the blast be instant? The sensors then declared it a jump ship spinning up its drive. A Kearny-Fuchita drive? Planetside? He had no idea what would happen if that was the case. Nobody knew how the damn things worked anymore, and even if they did, what maniac would activate one on a planet's surface? The flash cut through cockpit glass and blast visor alike as he felt the familiar pull of a jump, the sickening feeling of being stretched like taffy… and the far more distressing sense of losing his sensor feedback from the neurohelmet.

Felix landed hard, his go-bag in hand. When did he grab it? Wait, that question could wait. Where was his ejection pod? Where was Pirouette?… Where was HE? The mechwarrior got off his bruised rear and stood unsteadily, slinging the duffel over his right shoulder while his left hand went to his sidearm. Isaac and Samus were there. Good. There were also two less familiar faces. One, a woman with what appeared to be a prosthetic arm. She was with Samus, and the Bounty Hunter seemed to tolerate her. Good enough for Felix. Next was a fellow with a noticeable Davion Accent. Er, French, he supposed. But in his world, the British and French forged Davion space together, so the confusion was understandable. He babbled about travel and the steaming wrist device and overheating before requesting a doctor.

"I know a bit about field medicine. Most of my kit's used up, but I might still have burn cream."

he said, slowly putting together that the device probably burned the fool… Then the bits about traveling and overheating registered, alongside the teleportation, the device, and the miraculous technologies he'd seen here.

"That's a Jump Drive, isn't it? You jumped us out… You… DISPOSSESSED ME! AGAIN!"

he screamed, his voice cracking as all thoughts of rendering medical aid were replaced by a desire to dent this damn Davion's nose in with his fist. And if nobody tried to stop him, he'd definitely take a swing at the guy.
Isaac Clarke
At the bottom of a pit, talkin' to a French Guy

Isaac didn't appreciate the fact that he was essentially made into a bag of potatoes to be lugged around, watching as the landscape got more and more blurred as the person carrying him dodged attacks while he held on tightly as he could.

He soon noticed the ground opening up, and since he wasn't perfectly content with the idea of falling to his death, Isaac calmly informed his ride. "Look out for the fucking pit!" He yelled out as they then fell for a couple hundred feet, before a light filled his vision and like before he was teleported, his momentum causing him to roll when he finished teleported.

Tumbling to a stop, Isaac laid on his back, panting as he wanted to just close his eyes and pass out, but begrudgingly pulled himself to his feet. Groaning the entire way through, the one thing Isaac developed was back problems, causing his slouch and why he almost developed a painkiller addiction before they did surgery to ease pressure on his spine. Didn't stop the slouch none, however.

Their savior appeared to be the Frenchman from before, waving the hot gauntlet with the hand Isaac had shook. From the steam, the gauntlet produced a good amount of heat, the specs he would love to look at. But seems they had some newcomers to the wonderful party with shit pie being offered, everyone introducing themselves. Undoing his helmet in a less than flashy style than Samus', Isaac looked tired and had a beard forming.

"Isaac. Isaac Clarke, CEC Engineer. Are any of ya hurt? Got some Med-Packs and some potions." He offered to the Frenchman and the others had they been hurt during the fall.

@Wade Von Doom @Noble Scion @Grehstone @Camleen @MasterShoggoth @Henryboy003
Incoming Artillery Fire..

High Power Mod Engaged...

With a high pitched whine she removes one arm from the orange creature to grab the hilt of her blade, spinning and drawing it in a single motion to cut at the projectile. Only to pause as she found herself no longer on the field but in a cavern. The whine died down as she returns to normal power consumption, sheathing her sword.

Solar Charge 78%...

Returning her arms to holding the orange creature close to her she looked around at the others in the cavern.

"Requesting Identification," She says to the group, taking note of the two that had identified themselves

Designation: Samus Aran...
Gender: Female...
Affiliation: Unknown...
Capabilities: Armored, energy weaponry...

Designation: Isaac Clarke
Gender: Male...
Affiliation.... CEC....
Searching Database....

Affiliation: Unknown, possible cover...

Putting those two to a lower priority she looked at the remaining group, awaiting identification.
Yang's eyes remain locked upon the beings in the short distance, looking as if she is ready to punch a hole right through any of them at the drop of a hat. Any hat. She holds her ground, wholly expecting another attack or… green beam… or sudden fall… or robots carrying her like they're married…
With Samus' voice Yang feels herself very surprised and she looks over her shoulder towards the other woman, Samus' features now revealed as the helmet withdraws. Her now widened lilac colored eyes just stare over her shoulder, and it actually takes a few moments to speak. "Huh…. you're a girl…" her tone one of genuine surprise. So probably was a little mistake calling her Penny2. Samus introduces herself, but Yang doesn't react to that as yet. Instead her attention draws back to the others.

CEC… identification… Jump drive… dispossessed…

This is making her head hurt.

Yang's left hand clenches into a fist and the gold colored gauntlet abruptly folds in on itself. What is left is a thick bracelet affixed to her wrist. Glancing down at herself, she makes she her huntress gear is all there for the most part. Her right hand then lifts and she motions to herself as she speaks, her eyes starting on the others and then moving to Samus.


She says simply. Samus had said she should stick with them… which is an odd thing to say, in Yang's view at least. While she knows she is in some weird trouble here, in the back of her mind she can't help but suspect one of them here as being the reason she was brought here. Kidnapped, more accurately.

Yang's eyes narrow as Felix expresses his…. dissatisfaction… with one of the others there. She recognizes when someone is angry enough to swing… she's elicited such a reaction in enough people to know it all to well. With a huff Yang marches right towards the other small group, walking right passed the Frenchman and towards the oncoming Felix. Her angry eyes stare into his as she strides towards him "You calm down right the damn now, man! You need to throw a fit and hit something, bring it on!" Her voice gains in emotion and anger towards the end, but she keeps the cauldron of angry energy locked up tight inside. "We're gonna figure things out together!" She sees that as the best plan. She hasn't been witness to what had come before her sudden arrival, all she knows is what she has been witness to in the passed few minutes. "I need to get back!" She says as she stops between Felix and the Frenchman, silently daring him to step to her. She doesn't know who or what he is, but that doesn't stop her from standing up, to make herself a target instead of another around her…
Proto-Berserker Model 01

The experiment looked as things got grim, a lot more robots landed and started firing away lasers towards the general direction of the people fighting, and he was about to be in range, too. He dropped the ball he crafted in fear. A huge portion of land started collapsing, kicking even more fear into him. He was about to release one of his Noble Phantasms when the ground beneath him gave away. This was just getting worse by the second. The chasm he was falling into was quite deep, it seemed infinite. It was then that the Proto-Servant realized what was going on. He wasn't free yet, he wasn't left off to die, his creator still had one more experiment planned for him: Whatever awaited for him at the bottom of this chasm.

And just like that, he felt ground beneath him. Another flash of light, then nothing for an instant, and now cold hard ground. He laid prone and motionless for a moment, trying to make sense of what just happened. He reached the same conclusion yet again, he was taking part in some bizarre experiment. He jumped to his bare feet, and materialized a scimitar in each of his hands, like along with his restraining chains on wrists and ankles, were golden in their entirety. The chains had a pyramid shaped spike at their ends, all four pointed at the rest of the group, as if they had life of their own. "HEY!" He screamed angrily at all of them, his weapons now gaining glowing cracks of red light "You're working with Oz, aren't you!? Well, I'm done with that damn room, him, and anyone related to him! I'M NOT GOING BACK!" He stated furiously, but if anyone paid close enough attention, they would note the underlining fear in his words. A scar ridden body covered by what looked like a black, raggedy prison uniform, along with part of what he was using as potential weapons only accentuated that.
"Non non non non non!" The Frenchman shouted to Proto, raising his gun and free hand in the air. "Non Oz! I am, uhhh, not with Oz, none of us with Oz!" He didn't actually know, but considering Felix was gonna try smacking him, Yang got between them to calm him down, and the Waddle Dee's behind the robot lady were shaking with fear at yet another intense fight, he needed to bring these people together. He needed all the help he could to find 'The Doctor.'

"I am Pierre-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint-Castin. French Commandement des Opérations Spécia-- Uhh, Special... Speciaaaal..." He tried thinking up the word, "Merde, Où est Colin quand tu as besoin de lui-- Secret Agent! Of France. I am here to find 'Doctor,' he has knowledge that makes him and us targets, for machines up above." He pointed to the ceiling, where they could then hear the music from before start playing again. "Not much time, traveled back few minutes to give us time." He then pulled two things out of his backpack. One was a circular metal disk, which he approached Samus with. "Samus? This gift. Very powerful." He pointed to the disk. "It, hurt, robots. Goes through shields of normal troops, not knights. Too thick metal, but makes gun," he pointed to her canon arm, "better again." Grabbing her arm, he inserted the disk into the canon, and she would feel her suit suddenly integrate with the upgrade, like a jolt of energy rejuvenating her systems.

The other thing he pulled out, just for Proto to calm him down, was gum. Orange flavored. Approaching Proto, calmly, and with his hands out to show he wouldn't try harming him, offered a piece. "No hurt. Peace offering." He promised. If Proto took it, he also offered it to Yang, Issac and Felix. "Not bring you here. Promise." He explained to Felix. "Sorry for mech. No choice."

Finally, he looked back to Samus, and pointed to a wall just ahead of them in the cave. "Shoot, that," he explained. "Escape route."
This whole situation was a bit above Alison's paygrade. She could practically smell the fear and anger from the group. She could absolutely feel it. Well.. except for that weird chick... she couldn't feel anything from her...

The frenchman asked for a doctor... and well... they were all normal people. None of her meds would work for them. At all. In fact it would most likely kill them.

"Requesting Identification," She says to the group, taking note of the two that had identified themselves

While the others were arguing Alison turned to the woman she couldn't read at all. Her voice was... too unnatural.

"Alison Harkgrove. Ah.. God Eater. 2IC of the Northwest Branch's First Unit. Nice to meetcha." She smiled and gave a thumbs up as she turned back to the group.

She stabbed her massive sword into the ground and left it there. A feint growl could even be heard as Alison stepped up to the conversation.

"Alright. Can we not kill each other before the Arc soldiers do? I would rather survive this shit, instead of getting devoured." She spoke with a slightly harsh tone, as if a mother was scolding her children. Specifically she glanced to the frenchman, Yang, Proto. "So don't make me hold you three down while we come up with a plan." She gave them The Look as well.

"Non non non non non!" The Frenchman shouted to Proto, raising his gun and free hand in the air. "Non Oz! I am, uhhh, not with Oz, none of us with Oz!" He didn't actually know, but considering Felix was gonna try smacking him, Yang got between them to calm him down, and the Waddle Dee's behind the robot lady were shaking with fear at yet another intense fight, he needed to bring these people together. He needed all the help he could to find 'The Doctor.'

"I am Pierre-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint-Castin. French Commandement des Opérations Spécia-- Uhh, Special... Speciaaaal..." He tried thinking up the word, "Merde, Où est Colin quand tu as besoin de lui-- Secret Agent! Of France. I am here to find 'Doctor,' he has knowledge that makes him and us targets, for machines up above." He pointed to the ceiling, where they could then hear the music from before start playing again. "Not much time, traveled back few minutes to give us time." He then pulled two things out of his backpack. One was a circular metal disk, which he approached Samus with. "Samus? This gift. Very powerful." He pointed to the disk. "It, hurt, robots. Goes through shields of normal troops, not knights. Too thick metal, but makes gun," he pointed to her canon arm, "better again." Grabbing her arm, he inserted the disk into the canon, and she would feel her suit suddenly integrate with the upgrade, like a jolt of energy rejuvenating her systems.

The other thing he pulled out, just for Proto to calm him down, was gum. Orange flavored. Approaching Proto, calmly, and with his hands out to show he wouldn't try harming him, offered a piece. "No hurt. Peace offering." He promised. If Proto took it, he also offered it to Yang, Issac and Felix. "Not bring you here. Promise." He explained to Felix. "Sorry for mech. No choice."

Finally, he looked back to Samus, and pointed to a wall just ahead of them in the cave. "Shoot, that," he explained. "Escape route."

"I would rather keep the noise down just a tad. But. If we can survive that fall, they can as well. Well... actually..." Alison glanced up to look at the chasm. "Nah. They cant survive that. Too heavy, and to far. So what the hell. As long as I don't have to dig us out, go for it."
Samus Aran

The bounty hunter did as she was bid with a shrug, charging a shot before firing at the indicated wall before watching it collapse into rubble. Admiring the strange upgrade to her arm cannon. "Appreciated." she said curtly with a nod of appreciation to the Frenchman as the rest of the party seemed to descend into chaos.

"We just need to keep moving. I can't imagine it'll be too hard for whatever weapons they have to start flushing us out of this cave system if they were more than able to raze the entire landscape. It'll be safer for you all to stick with me while I figure this out." she said with a tinge of annoyance in her voice as Felix raged at their savior while another of the party began charging their weaponry.

".. And you two need to stay calm and start being on your best behaviour. The frenchman here saved our lives, and if you plan on attempting to hurt him, I'm taking his side in a fight. Consider this a threat." she growled, before ushering Pierre towards the escape route, her arm already charging up a shot on the off-chance their more agitated allies decide to pick a fight.
"Non non non non non!" The Frenchman shouted to Proto, raising his gun and free hand in the air. "Non Oz! I am, uhhh, not with Oz, none of us with Oz!" He didn't actually know, but considering Felix was gonna try smacking him, Yang got between them to calm him down, and the Waddle Dee's behind the robot lady were shaking with fear at yet another intense fight, he needed to bring these people together. He needed all the help he could to find 'The Doctor.'

"I am Pierre-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint-Castin. French Commandement des Opérations Spécia-- Uhh, Special... Speciaaaal..." He tried thinking up the word, "Merde, Où est Colin quand tu as besoin de lui-- Secret Agent! Of France. I am here to find 'Doctor,' he has knowledge that makes him and us targets, for machines up above." He pointed to the ceiling, where they could then hear the music from before start playing again. "Not much time, traveled back few minutes to give us time." He then pulled two things out of his backpack. One was a circular metal disk, which he approached Samus with. "Samus? This gift. Very powerful." He pointed to the disk. "It, hurt, robots. Goes through shields of normal troops, not knights. Too thick metal, but makes gun," he pointed to her canon arm, "better again." Grabbing her arm, he inserted the disk into the canon, and she would feel her suit suddenly integrate with the upgrade, like a jolt of energy rejuvenating her systems.

The other thing he pulled out, just for Proto to calm him down, was gum. Orange flavored. Approaching Proto, calmly, and with his hands out to show he wouldn't try harming him, offered a piece. "No hurt. Peace offering." He promised. If Proto took it, he also offered it to Yang, Issac and Felix. "Not bring you here. Promise." He explained to Felix. "Sorry for mech. No choice."

Finally, he looked back to Samus, and pointed to a wall just ahead of them in the cave. "Shoot, that," he explained. "Escape route."
Samus Aran

The bounty hunter did as she was bid with a shrug, charging a shot before firing at the indicated wall before watching it collapse into rubble. Admiring the strange upgrade to her arm cannon. "Appreciated." she said curtly with a nod of appreciation to the Frenchman as the rest of the party seemed to descend into chaos.

"We just need to keep moving. I can't imagine it'll be too hard for whatever weapons they have to start flushing us out of this cave system if they were more than able to raze the entire landscape. It'll be safer for you all to stick with me while I figure this out." she said with a tinge of annoyance in her voice as Felix raged at their savior while another of the party began charging their weaponry.

".. And you two need to stay calm and start being on your best behaviour. The frenchman here saved our lives, and if you plan on attempting to hurt him, I'm taking his side in a fight. Consider this a threat." she growled, before ushering Pierre towards the escape route, her arm already charging up a shot on the off-chance their more agitated allies decide to pick a fight.
Yang's eyes remain locked upon the beings in the short distance, looking as if she is ready to punch a hole right through any of them at the drop of a hat. Any hat. She holds her ground, wholly expecting another attack or… green beam… or sudden fall… or robots carrying her like they're married…
With Samus' voice Yang feels herself very surprised and she looks over her shoulder towards the other woman, Samus' features now revealed as the helmet withdraws. Her now widened lilac colored eyes just stare over her shoulder, and it actually takes a few moments to speak. "Huh…. you're a girl…" her tone one of genuine surprise. So probably was a little mistake calling her Penny2. Samus introduces herself, but Yang doesn't react to that as yet. Instead her attention draws back to the others.

CEC… identification… Jump drive… dispossessed…

This is making her head hurt.

Yang's left hand clenches into a fist and the gold colored gauntlet abruptly folds in on itself. What is left is a thick bracelet affixed to her wrist. Glancing down at herself, she makes she her huntress gear is all there for the most part. Her right hand then lifts and she motions to herself as she speaks, her eyes starting on the others and then moving to Samus.


She says simply. Samus had said she should stick with them… which is an odd thing to say, in Yang's view at least. While she knows she is in some weird trouble here, in the back of her mind she can't help but suspect one of them here as being the reason she was brought here. Kidnapped, more accurately.

Yang's eyes narrow as Felix expresses his…. dissatisfaction… with one of the others there. She recognizes when someone is angry enough to swing… she's elicited such a reaction in enough people to know it all to well. With a huff Yang marches right towards the other small group, walking right passed the Frenchman and towards the oncoming Felix. Her angry eyes stare into his as she strides towards him "You calm down right the damn now, man! You need to throw a fit and hit something, bring it on!" Her voice gains in emotion and anger towards the end, but she keeps the cauldron of angry energy locked up tight inside. "We're gonna figure things out together!" She sees that as the best plan. She hasn't been witness to what had come before her sudden arrival, all she knows is what she has been witness to in the passed few minutes. "I need to get back!" She says as she stops between Felix and the Frenchman, silently daring him to step to her. She doesn't know who or what he is, but that doesn't stop her from standing up, to make herself a target instead of another around her…

Proto-Berserker Model 01

The experiment looked as things got grim, a lot more robots landed and started firing away lasers towards the general direction of the people fighting, and he was about to be in range, too. He dropped the ball he crafted in fear. A huge portion of land started collapsing, kicking even more fear into him. He was about to release one of his Noble Phantasms when the ground beneath him gave away. This was just getting worse by the second. The chasm he was falling into was quite deep, it seemed infinite. It was then that the Proto-Servant realized what was going on. He wasn't free yet, he wasn't left off to die, his creator still had one more experiment planned for him: Whatever awaited for him at the bottom of this chasm.

And just like that, he felt ground beneath him. Another flash of light, then nothing for an instant, and now cold hard ground. He laid prone and motionless for a moment, trying to make sense of what just happened. He reached the same conclusion yet again, he was taking part in some bizarre experiment. He jumped to his bare feet, and materialized a scimitar in each of his hands, like along with his restraining chains on wrists and ankles, were golden in their entirety. The chains had a pyramid shaped spike at their ends, all four pointed at the rest of the group, as if they had life of their own. "HEY!" He screamed angrily at all of them, his weapons now gaining glowing cracks of red light "You're working with Oz, aren't you!? Well, I'm done with that damn room, him, and anyone related to him! I'M NOT GOING BACK!" He stated furiously, but if anyone paid close enough attention, they would note the underlining fear in his words. A scar ridden body covered by what looked like a black, raggedy prison uniform, along with part of what he was using as potential weapons only accentuated that.

This whole situation was a bit above Alison's paygrade. She could practically smell the fear and anger from the group. She could absolutely feel it. Well.. except for that weird chick... she couldn't feel anything from her...

The frenchman asked for a doctor... and well... they were all normal people. None of her meds would work for them. At all. In fact it would most likely kill them.

"Requesting Identification," She says to the group, taking note of the two that had identified themselves

While the others were arguing Alison turned to the woman she couldn't read at all. Her voice was... too unnatural.

"Alison Harkgrove. Ah.. God Eater. 2IC of the Northwest Branch's First Unit. Nice to meetcha." She smiled and gave a thumbs up as she turned back to the group.

She stabbed her massive sword into the ground and left it there. A feint growl could even be heard as Alison stepped up to the conversation.

"Alright. Can we not kill each other before the Arc soldiers do? I would rather survive this shit, instead of getting devoured." She spoke with a slightly harsh tone, as if a mother was scolding her children. Specifically she glanced to the frenchman, Yang, Proto. "So don't make me hold you three down while we come up with a plan." She gave them The Look as well.

"Non non non non non!" The Frenchman shouted to Proto, raising his gun and free hand in the air. "Non Oz! I am, uhhh, not with Oz, none of us with Oz!" He didn't actually know, but considering Felix was gonna try smacking him, Yang got between them to calm him down, and the Waddle Dee's behind the robot lady were shaking with fear at yet another intense fight, he needed to bring these people together. He needed all the help he could to find 'The Doctor.'

"I am Pierre-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint-Castin. French Commandement des Opérations Spécia-- Uhh, Special... Speciaaaal..." He tried thinking up the word, "Merde, Où est Colin quand tu as besoin de lui-- Secret Agent! Of France. I am here to find 'Doctor,' he has knowledge that makes him and us targets, for machines up above." He pointed to the ceiling, where they could then hear the music from before start playing again. "Not much time, traveled back few minutes to give us time." He then pulled two things out of his backpack. One was a circular metal disk, which he approached Samus with. "Samus? This gift. Very powerful." He pointed to the disk. "It, hurt, robots. Goes through shields of normal troops, not knights. Too thick metal, but makes gun," he pointed to her canon arm, "better again." Grabbing her arm, he inserted the disk into the canon, and she would feel her suit suddenly integrate with the upgrade, like a jolt of energy rejuvenating her systems.

The other thing he pulled out, just for Proto to calm him down, was gum. Orange flavored. Approaching Proto, calmly, and with his hands out to show he wouldn't try harming him, offered a piece. "No hurt. Peace offering." He promised. If Proto took it, he also offered it to Yang, Issac and Felix. "Not bring you here. Promise." He explained to Felix. "Sorry for mech. No choice."

Finally, he looked back to Samus, and pointed to a wall just ahead of them in the cave. "Shoot, that," he explained. "Escape route."

"I would rather keep the noise down just a tad. But. If we can survive that fall, they can as well. Well... actually..." Alison glanced up to look at the chasm. "Nah. They cant survive that. Too heavy, and to far. So what the hell. As long as I don't have to dig us out, go for it."

Isaac Clarke
Holding a piece of gum in a cave

Upon the two going to attack the Frenchman, Isaac joined Samus and the others defending said Frenchie by aiming his Plasma Cutter at either Proto or Felix. "Calm the fuck down, he saved our asses. Remember the real enemy, alright. It ain't him, it's those damned robots. So let us take a moment to chill." He said. Before the Frenchman spoke, causing Isaac to heavily regret not taking some French in school. He did at least catch his name. Pierre. The others gave their names, Yang, Allison. Organization names, none of which Isaac knew. The robot lady carried by the small creatures didn't have a name so more confusion.

And as if the Universal God of Humor looked upon them, Pierre offered everyone gum. Except for Samus who got a weapon upgrade. Taking it in hand with a chuckle as he looked it over. Orange flavored and off a generic brand. "Thanks, Agent Pierre." He said with a smirk on his face as he popped the gum into his mouth. Enjoying the simple pleasure that candy brought considering their circumstances.

Samus on instruction from Pierre, blew a hole into the cavern wall, giving them a way out of the pit they were in. Samus leading the charge, and Isaac following right behind her. "God I wished I only had to deal with Necromorphs." He muttered as he heard the music pick up again.

@Wade Von Doom @Henryboy003 @Camleen @MasterShoggoth @Valkan @Noble Scion @Grehstone
Felix Tobin
Farewell Solaris King

There was a moment where Felix was mad enough to take the new girl up on a round of fisticuffs. But before he could cool properly, another new arrival spoke up with similar violent intent. This guy was armed, too. He didn't know what those… Weird chain pyramids did, but the crackle of crimson lightning promised a painful death. The Davion fellow intervened, assuring the man that they weren't 'Oz'. He'd ask later. For now, the man apologized for Pirouette's loss and gave out sticks of gum. And a damn SRM launcher for Samus's battle armor. He didn't have time to apologize to Pierre yet. For now, he turned to the new gal.

"I'm… I shouldn't have gone ballistic like that. Sorry. It's been a rough few weeks. And if you really are new, I'm just gonna tell you none of us are 'from' this dimension or universe or however you put it. And nobody has any ideas on how to get home."

He almost patted her shoulder, but thought better of it, instead turning to watch Samus blow down a wall. Huh. He supposed it was another way her suit was different from those of the clans: Her cannon was a shifting multipurpose weapon. They just had a laser in one hand, a claw for the other, and launchers on the shoulders. Miracle tech, once again… Speaking of, Pierre had claimed to bring them back a few minutes. The impact tremors of thirty ton footsteps proved it…

"Just one second while I… Say goodbye."

Felix knelt and felt the rumble as he remembered. Those same legs carried him away from a lost, burning city. He had his first dance with those feet in the arena. The laser bright and cannon roaring had given him victory in the arena so many times…

"Goodbye Pirouette. I wish I could keep you out of the damn robots' hands… But I'm out of time."

he whispered to the wind as he heard his weapons report in the distance. Then he ran to catch up with the others.
When Felix caught up with the others, Pierre would lead them through the hole Samus blew open through the wall. Through the smoke caused from burning the stone, the group would find themselves in having entered ruins. Flooded ruins, illuminated both by Pierre's floating orb of light, and strange crystals mounted on the walls with ornate designs around the cases that sealed them to the walls.


The smell was fowl, from the moss and algae growing along the walls and water, to the remains of skeletons sticking out from the crumbled rubble along the water's edge. Having grabbed his device before they left, it had at least cooled down enough to wear again, and once everyone was through, started it back up. The circular part stood up and began to glow, with Pierre signaling everyone to stand back from the entrance, and soon it began to hum gently. The glow started to form lines in the air, like the particles were shining, and slowly, the smoke began to grow thicker, and the rock that had been blown apart from Samus' canon began to reform. Somehow, Pierre's device was reverting the wall back to before Samus had shot it. Reversing time to rebuild it.

Yet, up above.

Analyzing Footage...





"Stop." Each battlefield unit is connected through a network that allows them to instantly receive and give information, from map coordinates to whatever they see in front of them. The battle with the golem and the group was recorded, and someone was paying close attention to the Frenchman in that battle. He was going frame by frame, seeing the small instances of flashing light just before the 'scattered' disappeared. "Hmmm... That device on his hands, what is it?"


"Do we have information on where he came from?"

No Information Available.

"Did we send him here?"

No Records Found.

"... Well... Fun new development."


It took a few minutes, but Pierre repaired the wall completely, cutting off any robots from following them if they tried coming down the crevasse when it collapsed. Once finished, the circular part retracted back into the wrist device. He sighed in relief. "All good now!" He shouted to everyone, turning to give them a thumbs up with a big smile. "Can't follow us when there's no trail to follow!"


The ceiling was smashed open, with debrief falling down at the opposite side of the room. The water kicked up to the ceiling, splashing them all with a light rain of filth. Kneeling a dozen feet in front of them was something new. Something none of them had seen before.


A strange black aura was visible around its body, pushing back the water around it by a several inches, and only disappearing when it stood up on its feet. It then began to march towards them all. The would see no change in emotion in its face, and its black skin reflected light, made from a dark metal. It was machine.
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The golden haired heartbreaker looks like she's ready for a fight as Felix advances. She actually smirks a little. But it's then she hears those around her… pleas for calm, for working together. Felix relents just a little, and Yang is found relaxing her guard. A little. It's a wonder if she ever actually relaxes her guard totally. But her lilac colored eyes do not leave Felix as he now addresses her. Her eyes narrow a towards him, showing she still doesn't like him. Well.. she doesn't appreciate the fact he was ready to punch someone. Or… maybe she's a little disappointed she didn't get to work off some frustration on his face.

But her mind is brought back to the situation most dire as Samus fires off and blows a hole in one of the walls. Yang actually jumps a little, looking in the direction of the impact. The group starts to move off, and Yang figures out that they suspect this to be a way out. Or.. a way to a place that isn't this place, more accurately. Pierre gives them something of a peace offering.. a piece of gum. Or it could be arsenic. One of those, most definitely. A faint smile on her lips and she nods to him, uttering a reluctant "Thank You."

Going into a light jog she gives Felix one more glance, and she moves to catch up with the others. Now she's having a hard time getting the situation straight in her head. They said that none of them were form here, right? Did she hear that right? So… someone brought them here. Salem? Could it be Ozpin screwing with them somehow? Trying to teach some lesson? No… that doesn't feel right, either of those possibilities. Yang would hurry her pace a little… no deciding that maybe being of use to this group would pay dividends. Like getting her the hell out of here, or at least to some answers. She passes Samus, and smiles a little as she speaks softly. "Okay,... umm... sorry. No more trying to punch out our own." She nods, hoping she can keep her word on that.

Now getting to the musty ruins… Yang's hand comes up to cover her nose, getting a disgusted look upon her features. "Oh man… what is this…" she utters, her words muffled by her own hand. Yang feels a cringe in her spine as she sees the skeletons amongst the rubble. It's… horrible… With Pierre's instruction (she has decided he's probably the one in charge) she moves farther from the entrance they had entered. And with seeming ease he begins to reassemble the wall… and Yang finds herself a little amused. She's seen something like that before.

Like that one time they wrecked the cafeteria at Beacon.
And that one time they wrecked the city block fighting a mech.
And that other time they wrecked the training garage.

Yang stands at the edge of the water, staying out of it as best she can. Doing her best to not look towards the skeletons, she looks up along the structures still standing. Nothing she recognizes…. no shocker there. Pierre announced they were safe (he might not have said that but that's what she heard), and she turns towards the group, her hand still covering her lower face. "We're safe from… those… robos… but now what? I don't wann--" Her eyes widen as she hears the ceiling being broken through, and lets out a loud "AAGAAAAH!" when she is dapped with… well it's filth. There's no getting around it. That's just what it is. She waves her hands to try and get them clean, and then she tries to run her hands through her hair to get whatever muck there is out of her hair. Not her hair! Noooooo!

Her eyes now snap towards the newcomer, and a glance is given towards Pierre and Samus. Something tells her that thing isn't with this group. Turning, she faces the new mechanical being at a 3/4 profile, her hands in fists at her sides and drawn up a little. Wisps of orange and yellow fire discretely dance along her body, her golden hair swaying a little. "So he's with us? Or are we gonna kick his ass? Cause I'm good either way." Those discrete flames flare up for just a moment, and now she turns to face the mechanical being fully, making sure she is between it and the others. Making herself the most obvious target. Making it obvious she's more than willing to take the first hit for them all.

She may not like many of them (but they just met!), but she is more than willing to put her own well being on the line for them. She doesn't even know most of their names, but that doesn't make her hesitate.

Because she's a Huntress, and this is what the hell she does.
She didn't have to wait long to find out her answer. As she prepared for a fight, the Centurion began to form something in its free hand. It was like pure black fire it was wielding, forming the shape of a javelin half its size. Its body was coursing with whatever matter it was wielding in its hand, as those same black flames danced off its black metal skin and across its armor. The moment it was formed completely, it quickly put one leg forward, arched its javelin arm back over its shoulder, and threw it directly at Yang in one swift motion; the black flames growing bigger in size right before it left its hand like it had charged up to full power.

The water was pushed back as it flew in the air, the black flames leaving behind a strange smoke that smelled of burning, rusted metal. If it didn't hit Yang, it would hit the stairs the group had come down from; the javelin exploding upon impact. It would rock the whole room with its shockwave, with Pierre trying to jump out of the way, but was too late, as he was sent flying across the room and smashed into the walls back first, then landing in the dirty water below. Whatever black energy it was made from, it was corrupting and deforming the stone like white phosphorus, with the black flames burning the rock into a corrosive sludge. It wasn't acid, eating away the minerals, none of them could tell what it was doing. Only that touching it would hurt a lot.
Samus Aran

The fiery duo seemed to fizzle out after she spoke, which she was thankful for, but she'd have to keep an eye on them both in the event they become a problem down the line. How she planned on solving that problem was a little less clear, but one thing at a time, she supposed.

Entering the ruins, she was struck with memories of the many Chozo Ruins she'd travelled through, bring a small level of hope for some magical abilities it might gift her like every other time, though she remained doubtful considering this seemed to be a different universe completely from her previous one.

The crash from above shook her from her thoughts as she pushed to the front of the group, only to find the blonde woman from before in-front of her. "Fool" was the only thought that graced her mind as their opponent flung some strange, magic spear, forcing her to dodge to the side as the entire room shook yet again.

Whatever this thing was, it was most certainly stronger than those before, and she had the strangest feeling that even her upgraded cannon wouldn't have too much of an effect.

"Someone grab the frenchman and look for an exit!" she ordered, before firing a triad of shots at the centurion as she rushed forward, sprinting into a slide before attempting to uppercut the machine.
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Felix Tobin
Not MY centurion.

The air was damp, and the building stank of decay. What purpose the ruin served when it was alive wasn't particularly obvious, and Felix didn't feel like investigating. But the breather was over before he could ask about their next move. Another fucking robot. This one wore a Roman Centurion's garb, and brought his mind to Gladius. His Centurion's head design evoked that ancient crested helm with its T-shaped cockpit viewport and cooling vane, but in few other respects were they similar. The machines probably didn't intend to mock him with painful memories of another machine lost, but they had.

Rage was replaced by reflex when it moved. He dove. It threw. He fired. His bag hit the ground a bit away from him, burning and dissolving. But the laser rifle in his hands shot twin Ruby beams at the machine's head, with some hope it might dazzle the sensors or maybe even blind it. But Samus made it clear this was HER fight for now.

"Roger, Hunter! Radio to rendezvous!"

he shouted as he ran to Pierre, his rifle now hanging from its sling as he ran, intent on pulling Pierre into a bridal carry and sprinting deeper into this ruined… What? Castle? Library? Church? He had no idea, he just hoped Samus would be able to get a signal through all the fancy stonework when she came looking for them. He also hoped Pierre wasn't too heavy or squirmy to run with.
Spinning and tossing the orange being in her arms to its fellows, 051B placesd one hand on her hilt and the other on the sheath.

Artificial Being, hostile, unknown affiliation.

Sub-objective: Eliminate and protect organic forms.

Leaping forward she presses a button causing her sheathed blade to start humming. Watching one of the people start firing at the machine she began calculating an attack pattern. Lunging for the dominant side of the machine she drew her hyper-velocity blade in a cut towards its wrist with the intention to disarm the machine or prevent the blade from impacting Samus.

"Assistance provided," She spoke, to let the armored woman know of her presence and prevent friendly fire.