The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 2, Mission: A Quest of Behemoth Proportions

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Vromia, The glowing moon

As Morgan and Shirou rushed off to investigate the sounds of merriment, they soon also heard the sounds of what seemed to be a city. Talking, trading, and horsedrawn carriages could all be heard in the wind. Metallic structures began to poke out of the dirt, covered in moss and vines due to old age. Waffles seemed very interested in what was in the air, Morgan could also smell it too. There was an abundance of cooked food, along with something that smelled quite sweet. The three of them found themselves wandering into someone's backyard garden without realizing it. Several pink flowers happily bloomed, and Waffles seemed to be enjoying running through them and rolling in the dirt.

The three of them eventually needed to see where the sound was coming from and walked around the house to see a large city square amidst the trees.

Steam seemed to puff from the chimneys of several buildings, and there were various different stalls that had buckets of beautifully colored fruits and flowers to buy. In the distance, there was a large building, assumably the town hall, and below it, they could see a large gathering of people. Makeshift grills using metal boxes and fire were set out and cooking deliciously smoky meat, and on several tables, there were people passing out bowls of a strange pink goop with spoons inside of it.

There was one oddity about the situation, however, and that was the people. Several of the people appeared to be wearing pieces of armor, while others simply looked like they had metal fused to their skin. Some people walked around in bucket-shaped helmets and happily partied with the children, who had things such as pauldrons or, in some cases, full suits of armor. There was much to investigate about this place, the key areas being the main hall, the group gathering, and the various stalls that littered the streets.

David Ludlow
Following Morgan, Shirou and his Dog

David was again assisting the Doctor along the path that the trio had taken, the giant of a man watching as Deadpool vanished with the assistance of his "teleporter." Seeing a familiar figure in the distance on the Giant's shoulders, David followed along. Taking care to not fall into anything or trip, pointing out with a silent gesture to the Doctor whenever such a thing came up.

When they came to the edge of what appeared to be a decent sized city covered in moss, with people either wearing armor or looking to be infused with metal, some walking with helmets and even the children having their own suits of armor. The whole thing stunk to the giant of a man as he peered through bushes and such at a distance. "What do you make, Doc? Walk in or wait and see what will happen when Morgan and the others show up?"

@Epiphany. @Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Amber Franklin @BobTheNinja
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"Not at all, Shirou." Morgan answers the young red haired man. Another she has not interacted with yet, but he seems a pleasant man so far. She runs with them and all the signs and smells of a human settlement intensify. The smell of the cooking meat was most enticing and makes her mouth salivate. They run around the Colossus, and they are suddenly in a flower garden behind a house.

"Waffles. Please stop." Morgan asks of the canine even as she would like to get down and admire the pink flowers. This was somebody's home and garden, they did not want to start trouble so quickly.

They walk around the house, and behold the larger settlement.

"Wow…" Morgan looks around at the city as she walks forward slowly. The town has an earthy, warm and welcoming atmosphere. Though their armored mode of dress gives her pause to hold her hand up to Shirou and Waffles.

"Stay. Watch. I will go first, see how they react to me." Morgan instructs and walks casually as possible into market area. To look at her in the crowd, she stands out as she wears a white cloth wrapped tight to her body as a skirt dress, and no armor to speak of. How would these people react? Only way to know would be to walk in and investigate the cooking meat as nonchalantly and non threatening as she can.
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Vromia, The glowing moon

The man dressed in what amounted to a red and black leotard was met with silence as he knocked on the top of the gigantic creature's head. His fist made dull thuds, making it seem as if it barely would register anything for the strange being. Looking down below Deadpool would see that he stood above the clouds. Dots floated past, presumably alien birds. It seemed that he was too high even for them to reach in a safe (or intelligent) manner. At this point, the best he could really do is investigate the town along with the rest of the group. Maybe he could find a method to stir the giant there.

As for Shirou, Morgan, and Waffles, they had quite a lovely view of the town. Waffles' happy little spins in the flowers were stopped by the scolding of Morgan, but the energy still remained there with his quiet little pants. These pants were soon interrupted by Morgan holding up a hand to stop Shirou and Waffles. While the two were told to stay, the woman moved off into the town and towards the festivities. When she walked up to one of the many grills that were cooking meat, she would be met with a large and burly man with large shoulder pauldrons and a chest plate. He had long brown hair and flashed a warm smile as she approached. "Good morning miss, I see you don't have armor on. Are you a traveler that just came into town?" The man asked her, then waved his hand at the grill. "I'm sorry, you must have had a long trip. Moursh meat?" He then continued. There were kabobs, slabs of meat resembling steak, and what looked to be some type of baked sweet potato filled with the same meat to choose from. Just looking at the juicy and well-seasoned food would make anyone's mouth water.

While Morgan went off to investigate, Waffles also walked off. He didn't seem particularly interested in sitting and waiting while waiting for Morgan, and the town seemed nice enough. That left Shirou alone in the alleyway if he chose to wait as instructed. If he did choose to follow the dog, he'd see that Waffles had walked up to one of the shopping stalls and was being petted by an old hunched woman with a traditional knight's helm. "Oh hello little man, you really like my fruits don't you!" she cooed, scratching the dog under the chin. It was up to the people still hiding in the woods to also enter the scene and investigate.
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David Ludlow
Exiting the woods

As the giant of a man watched the townsfolk not react in a violent manner to the newcomers, especially from the distant form of Morgan and the familiar blip that was his faithful companion being petted. "Look's safe....Keep your head on a swivel, Doc." David muttered to the Time-Lord before he began to walk out of the underbrush, while they were accepting of newcomers, he wanted to still play it safe.

Walking to where Waffles was being petted, said dog enjoyed the attention he was getting from the old lady, happily licking at the hands of the shop owner before David whistled out to Waffles. The dog's ears perking up as he turned to look at his master then back at the old lady in the knight's helm before looking back at David. "I trust my friend hasn't been bothering ya, ma'am?" David said in the kindest way he could, given his gravelly voice and stature, the man bending down to beckon his dog to him for some pets, a request Waffles fulfilled by happily trotting over to David and wagging his tail as David patted his side and rubbed Waffles' ears.

"A couple friends and I are new to these parts, so we don't really know too much about all this." He nodded to the town and passing a glance at where they had come from. "So if it's alright, can ya help me out with getting a lay of the land. Any rules I need to know?" He asked, prepping himself to work off getting information as he looked over the stall before he added a sweetener to the deal. "I can help you out in return, carry anything or whatever you need." He said as he awaited her response.

@Wiggin @Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Epiphany. @BobTheNinja
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Reegan nods with her face creasing a frown at clear mass presence of armor much like the titan, "They look armed though. I'll carry Haassethur so I don't get arrowed."

She spent a moment to find the bright red speck aside the motionless brown head, "Deadpool can get down on his own he makes a funny little alarm clock but not loud enough I think. He should be able to see me from up there when he comes down."

A spriggan in their native environment had invisibility they could call on from the forces of nature to protect their protectors. As a creature less wild and a certain nascent inner size could not achieve such a thing, though nature made the affinity known in more subtle ways. Reegan didn't really ask the Doctor before hoisting him sideways with ease but didn't think he would mind. A thrust of one leg set her off as her inner light turned a deep forest green and started footstep that sunk below greenery that moved aside for her. Roots to blades of grass stepped aside for Reegan to lope long bouncing strides behind David on the tips of her feet where a small zone of dark soil opens beneath each strike. The forces of nature evaded even the Doctor as minute flying creatures or even leaves flexed and spun to avoid contact as she passed. No furrow of broken or bent greenery was left behind as the wild called silence for her. The one behind David even faded away as the wind brushed past her then over it and nature healed the tiny wake over.

The behavior did much the same only in scraps of earth where plants hadn't been totally crushed to hardpack the earth foamed back to healthy earth then sprouted new roots or grass. Once she was happy the guards wouldn't attack her she'd put the Doctor back down on the grass that for a little while its new growth would recognize him too. As her effort passed her inner misty glow returned to its sunrise yellow and followed where David had gone with the others. The earth still had a wake where she went though less pronounced.

Reegan leaned over the fruits while David talked to lightly brush the surface of each with a smile to find out which had seeds in them. She didn't have her rope 'clothing' on but it hadn't occurred to her she might want to bring it. Their armored look did kind of remind her of Skyrim for as little as she remembered from the Blessed and personally saw of their honored dead. A feeling of welcome by the green diminishing her worries at their nonviolent response to her friends.

Behind David at the stall, Reegan piped up while poking at slightly-off fruit and pushing tiny nascent lives from rot to freshness, "Does it count if my skin is armor?"
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Shirou nodded to Morgan as she elected to move ahead into the town proper. Though still concerned about letting her go alone, she was a powerful fighter in her own right, and he wouldn't be far away.

He then turned around and quietly cursed to himself as he realized that Waffles had disappeared from his side. He glanced around and spotted the big, excited dog wandering toward another section of the town. Though this place didn't seem hostile or dangerous at first glance, it would be unwise to just take that at face value. So the boy huffed and jogged after the wayward canine.

Soon after, he saw Waffles approach an older lady wearing a knight's helm. She seemed immediately affectionate of the dog, and bent down a bit more to scritch under his chin. If the goofy smile and wagging tail was anything to go by, he was very happy with this state of affairs. Shirou felt himself relax a bit at the positive reception.

Seeing that he wasn't in any danger, and also spotting David coming over to look after Waffles, Shirou decided to wander a bit closer to the town square. In many respects it really did seem like just an ordinary town, though the presence of various armor pieces was an oddity, the people with pieces of metal melded to their bodies especially so. It didn't seem like there was any particular rhyme or reason to the worn armor either. None of the people in full suits seemed to be on any sort of guard or patrol duty, and many of them were children. In many cases, folks only wore one or a few pieces, like the old lady with the helmet.

As he approached one of food serving areas, he again took note of the cauldrons of pink goo that were being served to the various townsfolk. He saw that his other teammates were able to approach without incident, and so he decided to make an inquiry of his own.

"Excuse me?" He spoke up to one of the people serving up the pink substance. "I and my companions are travelers from another land, and we're new to this region. If you don't mind me asking, are your people celebrating something? Also, I don't think I've seen this kind of food before, may I ask what it is?"
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Having trailed quietly behind the group for the most part, Robin spent plenty of time taking in the atmosphere and admiring the scenery. Stepping into this town felt just like his first time in Ylisstol, right down to the celebrations. A sense of nostalgia filled him at all the activity and people around, making him wonder as he often did how his friends back home were.

"At least I have a few friendly types here to share the experience with." He idly mused. He couldn't say honestly that he'd made as much of an effort to bond with his fellow world travellers as he did the shepherds, but they were nonetheless a welcoming bunch. He then reconsidered as the thought of a certain red-clad mercenary crossed his mind. "For the most part, at least."

Looking around, he saw a few of the others split off in different directions to investigate. The tactician himself drifted towards the town square, expecting it to be the best place to find information. Coincidentally, it seemed he was not the only one to come to that conclusion, as he noticed Shirou approaching one of the locals.

Robin distantly caught the tail end of a question that, if answered could sate his own curiosity and decided to head over to the server's station to hear the answer. Sidling up next to the swordsman, he smiled and gave a small wave to indicate his presence as one of the aforementioned companions of the redhead.
Vromia, The glowing moon

The old woman quietly let out a small chuckle as David approached and said hello. "Not at all sir, not at all," She said. It was as if her warm smile could be sensed through the mask as she looked over at the large and burly man. She slowly walked out from around the stall she was behind, the sound of metal clattering together as she moved. It soon became apparent she had large armored boots attached to the bottom of her legs, and it also seemed hard for her to move around.

The old woman nodded when David explained that he had arrived with others while traveling. "Ah, yes, that would make sense why you don't have dalakor's blessing," The woman nodded and gestured to the armored pieces of her body, "All you really need to know are three rules: Respect Dalakor's woods, his people, and the giant himself. It's as simple as that," The woman finished by shrugging. The woman then held up a hand, "You don't need to do anything sir, I have a grandson for those kinds of things. Go ahead and have one of my fruits, it's on the house!" She said, chuckling and gesturing to the stall. She didn't seem all that phased by the sudden arrival of Reegan. "And you fine madam don't need to do anything to fit in, you seem to have your own blessing anyhow," The woman said, nodding.

While David spoke to the woman at the stall, Shirou had walked into the crowd to investigate the area, robin following closely behind him. He tapped on the shoulder of a woman with long red hair who appeared to be wearing metal gauntlets on her hands. She turned to the two of them, intently listening as he spoke. "Ahhhh… you don't know the celebration? We are ah… celebrating Dalakor's triumph over Korkonnis all those years ago. It was like… a thousand years ago or something, I dunno, we just like celebrating him," The woman explained with a shrug. She had a higher pitched voice which seemed to dip down several octaves in the middle of words, making her pronunciation somewhat hard to understand. She then took a moment to look back over her shoulder at the people celebrating with the food. "Oh, you mean the goop? Yeah, that's the stuff that the sap we suck out of the trees every now and then. Tastes like a tree at first, but has a very fruity aftertaste," She said, shrugging again. She didn't seem to be the brightest person, seeing as how even she didn't seem all that clear on the purposes of things.
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Reegan smiled and raised her brow as the old woman told her everything was okay, "Is that the name of your titan of the Green? They're so large astride a world proper and I barely stand half that size when taking care of our tiny pebble from beside it!"

The Green under the watch of this Dalakor felt nice against her psyche as something far more soothing to the fey half of her soul than the ice of Skyrim. Though that thought brought to her another consideration as she remembered the tiny pixies playing about inside of her head. They could live in this Green without withering though wasn't sure if she wanted them to go. It's not that she minded them nibbling on the inside of her head or the noise of their play but it wasn't the bright and wooded green that befits their nature. In any case, her word was to find them a home even if their constant chatter kept her from feeling alone while the others had to sleep.

One could hear as she called softly at the noises in her head in Fae her eye sockets turning a different color, "Pixies! No need to roam; found you a home!"

She looked up where the red and black speck ought to be, "Another of us doesn't mean Dalakor harm I think but is coarse. He's like those loud birds that wake people on the pebble we found when they have me spin it around. An alarm cock? They don't disrespect as much as what is their inner nature."

Reegan had a feeling David might say no to the fruit so picked up one she didn't recognize. With a deft movement plucked the stone from it and handed the rest to David as she couldn't eat it herself. The seed inside was what she wanted but the stone could be used too. With the fruit stone split neatly in half put the seed in her mouth and passed the two hemispheres of fruit pit toward her eyes where tiny luminous hands pulled them in. Her eye sockets deformed slightly to accommodate but her smile continued with nothing of the kind. @The Wanderer
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Vromia, The glowing moon

The man dressed in what amounted to a red and black leotard was met with silence as he knocked on the top of the gigantic creature's head. His fist made dull thuds, making it seem as if it barely would register anything for the strange being. Looking down below Deadpool would see that he stood above the clouds. Dots floated past, presumably alien birds. It seemed that he was too high even for them to reach in a safe (or intelligent) manner. At this point, the best he could really do is investigate the town along with the rest of the group. Maybe he could find a method to stir the giant there.
Deadpool wouldn't take the hint just yet that he came up all this way for nothing. I mean, that climb was a hassle, he was not going back down unless he could for sure wake this thing up.

But what to do, what to do.... He knew, snapping his fingers! He pulled out his Uzi from his right holster, turned off the safety, and just fired out into the open air until there was a click from the empty magazine.

When she walked up to one of the many grills that were cooking meat, she would be met with a large and burly man with large shoulder pauldrons and a chest plate. He had long brown hair and flashed a warm smile as she approached. "Good morning miss, I see you don't have armor on. Are you a traveler that just came into town?" The man asked her, then waved his hand at the grill. "I'm sorry, you must have had a long trip. Moursh meat?" He then continued. There were kabobs, slabs of meat resembling steak, and what looked to be some type of baked sweet potato filled with the same meat to choose from. Just looking at the juicy and well-seasoned food would make anyone's mouth water.

"Yes I am!" Morgan answers the nice man, glad he makes no issue of her being an outsider. Her ears perk up as he offers the meat, and she looks over the selection.

"Smells delicious!I would like one of those juicy steaks, please." Morgan says to the man and has to stop herself from salivating. Then a thought comes to her.

"Oh! Um very sorry, but I don't have any money, or anything I can trade." She tells him sheepishly, her ears going down even as she keeps smiling. Her pack was on the ship, with a handful of Roman coins inside, and the only thing that would be of value to anyone was the sword on her hip. Which was not for trade, being a gift from a friend. Yes, a friend who had hurt her badly and recently, but a friend nonetheless.
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Vromia, The glowing moon

The big man shook his head as he continued to smile. He stabbed a piece of steak with a two-pronged fork and plopped it on a flat rock and held it out for Morgan. "You don't need to trade anything ma'am, it's a festival and everything is free for everyone! You can call me Redwin by the way," He said in a hearty voice. His head then cocked to the side for a moment as he glanced at her ears. "Say, you're not from the clockwork giant by any chance are ya?" He asked, his tone becoming slightly more serious. The distant sounds of Deadpool's uzi were drowned out by the celebration around her.

Meanwhile, the old woman watched on with a somewhat entranced stare as Reegan spoke to her pixies. "Oh, you might have even more than a blessing it seems," She thought to herself as she watched the spriggan split the fruit in half and eat the seed. She was soon ripped out of the trance as she looked upwards at the echoing sounds of gunfire. "What the blazes? Who's got a gun in the forest?" She thought aloud, looking to her left to see a couple of people from the town heading into the woods towards dalakor to see the commotion. They were armed with muskets and spears and were only really dressed up in leather armor.
David Ludlow
Talking to an old lady, learning some stuff and now annoyed

The giant of a man listened to the elderly lady explain the rules of the land, don't disrespect this 'Dalakor.' His woods or the people, especially the giant. The information caused David to pause as he processed it, barely registering Reegan taking the fruit and eating it. Or even offering the hard stone to him. Kind of just numbly taking it as reflex.

'Oh shit.' Things were going to go from okay to a shit storm if David remembered where their annoying mascot had teleported off to was indeed correct. God knows what Deadpool was up to on the giant, but judging from the mercenary's antics and personality, it was going to be something that'd piss off the locals. "Yeah....Reegan, please tell me you got a magic way to talk to Wade. Let him know to....Stop fooling around." He didn't want to say exactly what Deadpool was doing, but right now they needed to notify their 'friend' to come down into the city.

However, David's expression changed as he heard the distant crack of gunfire, the echoing shots immediately causing the man to pale as he saw the group of soldiers with muskets and spears wearing leather armor going into the forest. Now on high alert, David would speak to the elderly lady. "Thanks for the fruit, ma'am but I'm all good. Best for my friend and I to go and participate in the festival." He half-lied, but right now he needed a good way for the pair to get out of the discussion with the elderly woman.

Motioning for Reegan to join him as he began to walk away, speaking to her in a quiet tone. "I need you to go get the Doc, I'm going to go and try to find the others, let them know that we may be dealing with a situation if Deadpool is going to be an idiot." Before breaking off to go search the crowds to find Morgan, Shirou and Robin. Calling for their names as he wandered the streets.

@Amber Franklin @BobTheNinja @Wiggin @littlekreen @Hero
Reegan looked over at David then glanced to her bracelets, "Maybe,"
Her yellow misty eye sockets held pips of approaching inner sparks as she replied to the old woman, "My teacher Zhen said, 'A mind unruffled by the vagaries of fortune, from sorrow freed, from defilements cleansed, from fear liberated - this is the greatest blessing.' I don't think I understand yet." @Wiggin

The cross-section of pixies flashed through her vision as they carted their meager supply of things out of her eye sockets in halves of a large fruit stone and looked around with Reegan just tapping her chin, "I think I have a better idea." @The Wanderer

Red, yellow, green, and purple hovered in the air with their package and alighted on the old lady's table. The latter pair are rarely seen as they were less enamored with the drought of a human world than the first. This one was more to their liking as it didn't feel like the will was being sucked out of them. Purple sat on the edge of the table looking about. Green was next to him inspecting the old woman with a terribly bereft expression if not for the tilt of his tiny head.

Red and Yellow were ever the exuberant ones that got Reegan's attention in Sylvan,"Reaper tree, what kindness thee! We wouldn't fuss, but here a home for us?"

Reegan tapped the table to gather the notice of the other two and replied in kind, "Come along all four. We carve a home from lore. Then I have a thing to ask. A small and needful task."

The pixies picked up their little packets of trinkets and carried behind her with a cheer. She had an idea of what she needed as the Green provided some understanding of what she wanted to do. A bowl of sap gently prised from an onlooker of the commotion. Several leftover bones on a table. Then a summoning circle the size of the bowl upon the ground where she arranged the bones in cardinal directions. A sharp Spriggan claw draws the Sylvan rhyme between them in curling lines of script. The Gheateus might be gone but only from this turn of the cycle. The fairies could help make a tiny construct from its dead shadow as home and protector if she supplied the heart. The pixies took their places at the end of the bones and started the chant before them.

Briar heart.pngHeavy sap in the bowl felt familiar to her senses though she felt it would do and would contribute her own regardless. Blood was blood. Thus the heart was needed and Reegan pressed her eyes together to focus. The flowers of her hair flare then enlarge into the bright red cones of briar hearts. Less tiny things than when she was first created, these burn with some potential energy. Enough that when a briar heart removes from her head with a woody snap an audible two-thump came with the flex of its sharp petals. She placed it stem down into the center of the circle as it started to sink with the pixies chanting. The seed was taking root not just in the earth but in the circle itself. Reegan put the bowl to her bust to squeeze a bit of bright green into the bowl of purple fluid as white roots erupted from contact with the sap.

bd99328bd9ba77f7cbcf9ded068c66b9.jpgA quick move flipped the bowl as the briar heart sank into the dirt and slammed it down before the precious material could slip away. The dirt moistened for a moment as Reegan continued to press the bowl down into the earth like clay the bones sinking earthward with the bowl in earthen quicksand. A stumpy three-fingered hand rose out of liquifacted earth to grasp the edge of the bowl as the pixies rose with a cheer. Reegan took one step forward to straddle the bowl and heaved it upward. What little green was here in town seemed to drain into the earth as Reegan hauls a wood woad from the ground. A constellation of confused pips in the hole for its face newly reborn from souls in her carin. As its leg popped free from the divot she let go and the two-foot-tall creature with a bowl for a helmet looked at its hands then back up to Reegan.

Reegan pat the little bowl-helmet as the wood woad grabbed the edge to secure it again, "I bring you into this world and I set your purpose. Care for your pixies as they care for you. See to their safety and honor the one Dalakor."

The pixies wasted no time carrying their things the hollow wood woad much the same way they got into Reegan. Though yellow labored alone and Red stayed behind looking down.

"Of us one thing is left. Would you do for one bereft?", said Red though Reegan knew what she was sad about.

Reegan replied in English a soft upturn to her mouth, "I'll see that Nolan can summon you. For now, take the woad, and an arrow, and go poke the alarm cock in the butt to get back here before he wakens trouble."

Reaching into her mouth with her fingers removed a long arrow then knelt down to the small Red gleaming a smile, "Then you can stay with those here. I don't think they'll fear."

@Wade Von Doom
The woad took the arrow as the other Pixies inside whispered in its mind. The green for a thing such as the woad was a quick path indeed. It dived into the earth and shot away up the mass of living detritus that covers Dalakor. Underneath Deadpool, the wood woad sprung out of a patch of moss. It dutifully rammed one of Reegan's arrows into his right buttcheek.

Four voices called from inside in a terrifically bemused collective advice, "Get thee hidden rake! Enforcement you did wake! No blood upon these walls; Lest Reegan have your balls!"

They didn't intend to linger longer than Deadpool did, well before the Woad could be seen.
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"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Deadpool screamed loudly as the wooden arrow stabbed him in the ass. And although he heard them, and their threats that Reegan was gonna rip his balls off like what Bruce Willis did in Sin City, but the issue with the pain in the ass was that he was hanging onto vines, and in the shock to his body of a sudden ass pain, he reached out to see what exactly had stabbed him, and in the process, loosened his grip.

And then he slipped off the vines and began to fall. He tried grasping at the vines again to get a hold of something, but his grip was too loose, and he simply slid down until there was nothing to hold onto. In his fall, Deadpool would be smashed against the body of the giant, along with that which was growing off him.


"AH-FUCK-GOD-SHIT-FUCK-OH-AFGH-GAH-SHIT-MOTHER-BAH-UH-PRICK-FUCKER-GOD-FUCKING-ARGH!" He just yelled in coherently as he fell and hit everything on the way down, every part of his body smashing into something. The last several kilometers before he hit the ground, he was falling through the air without anything to hit thankfully, but as he flailed his arms around and screamed in fear, he noticed something at the bottom.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH--OH!" He saw a haystack cart right where he'd fall. "HAHAHA! Aaaaaah~" Suddenly feeling confident his landing wouldn't be as painful, he flipped around from his front to his back, and relaxed a bit more by pitting his arms out to the side, and his legs together, looking up to the sky as he closed his eyes to feel the embrace of nice, relaxing hay to cushion the blow.

Small problem though. In turning away from where he was landing, he didn't notice he was actually falling into the wrong cart, which was right next to the haystack. This was was filled with freshly picked corn.

And with a loud crunching noise like a hundred apples being crushed, Deadpool smashed into the corn with an almighty pain running across his body from the raw corn stabbing him repeatedly in the back, ass and legs. With the arrow stick still in his rear pushing through his pelvis and out the other end, and the cart itself somehow still intact even from the impact.

"...... uuuuuuuuuuu-uuuug......." DP tensely groaned out quietly in utter agony, slowly trying to roll off the corn, and fall off the side of the cart, only to fall on his face, and for the arrow to shoot back through his pelvis and be stuck out his ass cheek once more. "....... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...."
The wood woad got to the ground quite less arduously than the path Deadpool took in sinking through the green to travel back to the ground. They had their little part to play in the lie though bastardous creatures that they were did it in dubious humor to anyone else. A lump of grass sloughed away as the woad stood up out of the dirt beside the grass. Four fairies popped out of the Woad's head with pale white signs with numbers that they'd transmuted from the wood woad's bark. Taking care to yell loud enough the oncoming villagers could hear.

"10! Included some flips!"
"9.5! Launched by trip."
"9.8! Wrong land ship."
"10! Quite a poor airship!"

As the villagers approached red and yellow would 'explain', "Sorry for this loud grimcrack. His bones make loud grim cracks! His bones and flesh revive. He's perfect for a dive!"
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Vromia, The glowing moon

The old woman nodded as David spoke and waved a hand as if to shoo him away in a humorous manner. She seemed to have glossed over the small comment that the large man made about mentioning deadpool. "It was very nice meeting the two of you! To meet such a greatly blessed one and a very kind man. Go off and enjoy your youth while you still have it!" She said, chuckling dryly as the two walked away. She didn't seem to be taken too aback by the pixies as they followed Reegan.

As Reegan knelt down to do her small ritual, a few people gathered to watch in wonder as the wooden woman created a stumpy creature from the ground. "Dalakor has sent a guardian on this blessed day!" One child announced, lightly tossing her old teddy bear into the air and catching it once again. The adults who were there meanwhile clapped happily and whistled every so often. The crowd quickly dispersed, given a new vigor and heading for the town's square to join the festival.

David and Reegan afterwards saw deadpool decent from the sky, spearing himself with corn. Several ears flew off their direction, announcing his arrival. The few people that were working stalls in that area let out a few surprised gasps, while others were asking if the strange man was alright. There were ears of corn in all of sections of deadpool, and one particular one up in a quite uncomfortable place in his ass.

One of the people near this occurrence was Harper the Harpy, who was working a stall with a younger man wearing an oversized chest piece which made it hard for him to work the stall. The stall was primarily selling pieces of clothing made from animal leather. Harper had been offered to live with the young man's family after they saw him alone and lost. They didn't bother to ask the harpy where he had come from, believing he was from their world and that he would leave when one of the nomad tribes passed through. Harper had only been there a couple of weeks since a strange flash of green light transported him to some unknown land and had gained a decent amount of information about the area.

From his time living there, Harper learned that the people of dalakor consider themselves blessed by a giant knight that sleeps in the forest. Their blessings take form in that of the armor that permanently grows on top of their skin, and if it grows on top of their heads, they no longer need to eat. They are a peaceful town, ruled by a man in a full set of armor. There are other giants in this world that bestow similar gifts to those that live for an extended period of time around a giant. One trend that started a few months ago though was that several townspeople started to make a trek towards the clockwork giant to the east because some found their armor to be too difficult to maintain and wished to be "cured" of their blessings. Many people trade there, so it's a possibility there could be someone with information. @Noble Scion
Harper Jules - priest, pirate, coward

Until today, Harper's days had been largely unimportant, and particularly depressing to the harpy, working a clothing stall day after day after being hoisted away by some strange magic to this foreign place, setting his book collection from three to zero. On top of that, he was also taken away from his role as quartermaster of a ship he'd grown quite fond of, despite the crew's tendency to belittle him for.. Well, being himself.

He was barely a pirate in his own eyes, more like a crewmate. Pillaging and piracy weren't for him, he preferred to handle most of the other stuff, like book-keeping.

All of this largely just meant that when three distinctly not from around here people showed up, in contrast to everyone else being shocked at the falling man, the harpy was ecstatic! If there were others like him, maybe they had an idea of how to get off this desolate, behemoth-filled land. As nice as the people where, he didn't exactly want to live his life surrounded by fanatics. He'd already been chased out of one religion after all.

Maybe he was grasping at straws, or.. Corn, in this case, but it was the only chance he had.

"Sorry Milton, you've all been very kind but ah.. I think I'm.. gonna.. W-well uh.. go." He'd babble excitedly to his armoured partner with an excessive amount of bowing, slipping out of the stall and over to the treant and its friend, choosing them over the one that might've been dead.

It wasn't that shocking to him really, people died in port all the time, so better to take his chances with the two that were very much alive before they also died to a stray cart or a swordfish to the back.

The bird would charge forward, stumbling in his excitement, but slowing down as he'd approach, remembering that he wasn't exactly a big people person and that approaching two strangers out of the blue usually hadn't ended well for him before.

"H-Hi! No.. Ah.. Hello my nam- no.." he'd mumble to himself, trying to figure out how to talk to them as he'd approach, his eyes glued to the brown soil of the ground, that was, until he'd find himself staring at a pair of boots and a couple of wooden 'hooves' while his bell jingled a happy tune in response to his terrified shaking.

His wide yellow eyes would follow the legs up until he'd find himself gazing up at their faces, his breath catching in his throat.

"Ha... Ha... Harp.. -er..." the small bird would eventually coax out of himself, his voice a whisper. He'd seriously misjudged their height, and suddenly he was reminded of the many many pirates he'd met and tried to say hello to, who had rather unceremoniously thrown him about for not having a spine.
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David Ludlow
Annoyed at the Merc, and standing next to Reegan, talking to a newcomer

David watched as Reegan departed with her fae, the giant of a man looking on with an expression akin to that when you watch a friend do something emotionally draining. He gave Reegan a pat on her barky back as her fae and the tree golem took off to literally put a arrow in Deadpool's ass.

David chuckled a bit at the sight of the merc's antics catching up with him, and thankfully the citizens weren't all the wiser about the correlation of the gunshots with the aforementioned Merc. For now, they were hopefully out of the woods, but David had a funny feeling in his gut that while the folks no doubt weren't expert detectives, they'd still figure out if they see Wade fire off his gun once again. And he was sure that they'd not appreciate the fact that Wade had fired off such a thing on the shoulder of their God essentially.

He was about to go and gather up the broken, corn speared man had a certain person walked up to them, looking like a bird person. David couldn't guess the height exactly, but he was certain the person was no taller than six feet tall. Maybe like five feet tall. He soon realized that they were shaking like a wet dog, and he was concerned. Many thoughts springing to mind, he didn't look like one of the locals and his fearful nature could be because he was about to reveal a terrible secret. Were they about to be attacked? Was it a big cult with a pension to forcefully induct members? Or were they to be unwitting sacrifices to their God? David wasn't sure and it wasn't until the bird person stuttered out their name. 'Harper.'

"You okay, boy?" David said in his usual gravelly voice.

Which was the cue for Waffles to come forward to begin to pester the newcomer, sniffing him off and basically trying to get the bird person to give him a pet. The husky's tail wagging back and forth as he awaited petting.

@Noble Scion @littlekreen @Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Amber Franklin

"Free?" Morgan accepts the food with wide eyes and licking her lips. The first bite delivers on the promise given by the smell, and she would have torn into her meal in an uncouth manner if she had not been given a question by Redwin.

"Clockwork Giant? No no, I'm from Gaul. Southern Gaul." Morgan answers her, figuring he would not know Gaul anymore than she knows what being from a Clockwork Giant meant. Was it her ears? Her clothing?

Speaking of her ears, they are sensitive enough to hear faintly the rattle of gunfire, but with all the other noises it's not definite for her. She only looks around for the source, shrugs as she cannot place it readily. There is some commotion, but nobody seems very concerned or screaming, so she decides to stay with Redwin to enjoy the free meal and continue learning more from him.