The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 2, Mission: Dark Sided Rescue

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
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  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.

In the journey to Orzammar, the runaway Jedi Markha was signaled by another force user of their presence within the city. However, before she could confront them, the mysterious figure vanished, leaving behind a small device that seemed to allow people to travel between universes like the heroes could, except the tech was different from theirs. There was also a message left with the device,

"Don't come alone." -- A friend

Weighing their options, and at the insistence of Markha, the group decided to take the chance and used the device to travel to wherever it may lead. The Jedi recruited a few to go with her, as the note requested, and was given a device that would send out a distress signal to the the ship known as the 'TARDIS.' It would swoop in and get everyone out of safety in a moments notice.

Now, the distress signal has gone off, and with The Doctor and those willing to join him in the rescue, they fly off to where Markha's group is. Two bases, built into an asteroid field, located on the dark side of the moon to an unknown planet. Will they be successful?



The bases were surrounded by clusters of ships, guarding the moon and asteroid field from any unwanted attention. Thankfully, The TARDIS could simply materialize inside the exact base Markha was in, in the exact spot she and her group would be standing on. It would just form around them, and poof, back home in the blink of an eye.

..... Well, that's usually how it's supposed to happen. The Doctor is known, from time to time, to land in the wrong location.

When the group stepped outside, they weren't anywhere near Markha. They were in a massive ship hanger, with smoke filling the air from all the ships on fire, mixed with the smell of charcoal bodies.


There was a door at the far end of the hanger, partially open. It could be opened more with some force to get to the other side.​
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Aelnneond Macsoric - Character Sheet

Aelnneond had a lot of time to practice his conjuring being tied up in a chair for who knows how long. Being captured with little indignity spared by the cretins who wanted to drain the power of being dragonborn out of him. Even if he brought about his own end Chalcedony couldn't resurrect his body without having it nearby and they couldn't get to it in the first place. So that left another tactic of possessing a conjuration once finding out he could center them on chalcedony tethered to him as she was.

Inside the Tardis he was just a faint distortion finding it difficult to conjure anything but a raw astral presence to the location. Astral travel seemed to reach here but 'creatures' were kept out. Well... kept out, at least, to one of his meager means. Chalcedony was the first to bump the door open so his faint light distortion of a human body could leave. He opened it to a place where a lot of astral presences had recently been ejected from their mortal coil. Well, at least he had a moment to conjure.

Aelenneond beckoned with the distorted humanoid volume of his hand, "Chalcedony, come to my hand, If there was anyone left out here I don't think they're here right this second. I need you out of the Tardis."

The scrolling fish tank of a liminal Ghost quietly floated her way over from the door to where Aelenneond's spirit stood and spoke with the borrowed voice rather familiar to the Doctor the eye darting between trails of smoke and corpses, "Well, all right naked mage. You know it's bad if I get shot, yes? I would very much like not to get shot while you're somewhere else."

The distorted area lensed Chalcedony's frame as he gripped the creature in his hand and her eye pointed upward, "Don't worry but don't go far. I'm going to conjure a body and you'll probably have to stay in someone else after."

She looked down to mope as he started to channel the conjuring magic gleaned from his benefactors now that he could actually use it. , "Well, drat. Cohabitating in undead things that aren't you isn't good for my psyche I suppose."

The power of the Voice pushed through his words as he called the magic forth, "Blessed are the Bonemen, for they serve without self in spirit forever."
Smoke from the fires poured inward toward his volume as it filled the hollow of materiality in puffs of speech, "Blessed are the Mistmen, for they blend in the glory of the transcendent spirit."
Smoke poured together in mid-air as it took on long knobby shapes wreathed by ropes of magical energy, "Blessed are the Wrathmen, for they render their rage unto the ages."
Purple lighting erupted from them as the undulating smoke pulled into rigid forms at the edge of his body solidifying into a deep blue armor, "Blessed are the Keepers, for they are heralds of a bound Reaper."

Smoke flowed down from his back in long tattered strips as a faint yellow light of sunrise pours from his faceplate like candlelights. He stood as the chainmail about his waist fell but made little more than a light scuff of metal. Turning to face the others he kept an eye on their environment and beckoned with his gauntleted hand.
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Location: A burnt-out Hangar

Dusk spent most of his time away from the main missions relaxing and attempting to create a garden aboard the pathfinder. It was a small and dusty room, very unclean for normal people, but it was a familiarity to Dusk while he was away from his small hovel.

He had just finished watering his plants when a distress call had been announced, him being among the few to be recruited for the rescue. The boy didn't mind, he'd get time for some fresh air off the ship anyways. At least he thought it would be fresh air until he discovered it was the same stale oxygen as the ship due to it being on a lunar base. Dusk stepped out of the Tardis, hit with the stark scent of smoke which made him want to gag for a moment, memories of flame and pain invading his mind. He then shook his head, attempting to escape the past. The new armored party member was not noticed by him since he was too focused on evading his thoughts.

"I do not like it in here…" Dusk said quietly as he glanced around the hangar. Several ships had been filled with various types of holes. Some of the holes were created from bullets, while others seemed to have been melted open. What happened here? The base itself sounded like it groaned around them, attempting to account for the destroyed integrity that was possibly caused by stray shots.
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Chief Petty Officer Moire B-220

A flaming hanger deck. Wonderful. Exactly the sort of situation this team wasn't geared or prepared for.

The Spartan stepped clear of the TARDIS door, bringing her BR85 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle off her shoulder and cradling it in her arms. No immediate signs of life but there was no telling if or when something hostile decided to make its presence known. As other team members disembarked, she kept watching the hanger deck with a wary eye on the flaming ships. Thankfully, she was indifferent to the smoke owing to her armor's internal air cells.

Wreathed in head-to-toe armor herself, Moire wasn't particularly bothered by the faceless figure in armor. The chanting, though. What was with these realities, anyway? And that spell poem had some damn ominous wording.

Dusk's stray comment seemed to state the obvious. Moire chuckled once, though she kept her attention focused on what lay in front.

@Wade Von Doom @littlekreen @Wiggin
"Alright, I know some of you don't have experience with environments like this," she said, speaking up by simply turning up the gain fed to her suit's speaker amplifier. "Those," she said pointing at one ship after another, "are still dangerous. They may have unexploded fuel or ordinance. Don't walk anywhere near them, don't throw things at them, try not to knock anything over that might set something off we don't know about. Normally, this kind of disaster area is something you'd send a trained and properly equipped team to deal with, but we don't have that and our allies probably can't wait. So be damn careful."

Moire walks forward ten paces before saying, "Fall in and watch your footing."

Moving with a slow but steady pace, the Spartan's helmeted head swiveled left to right and back, her HUD feeding updated telemetry based on what the suit's sensors were able to pick up as they passed by one ship or another. If not otherwise interrupted, she proceeded to the end of the hanger and then paused for the rest of the team to catch up.

She tried to peer through the partially open door, to see where it led to and if it was occupied. If a clear view wasn't possible, Moire instead said, "If anyone has a drone or, I don't know, magical reconnaissance or whatever, feel free to use it. Once you confirm the other side is clear, or give an accounting of any forces found, I'll breech the door."

The Spartan prepared to do just that by swinging her battle rifle back onto her back via its strap and attachment mount, freeing up her arms. Between gene-engineering, decades of physical conditioning and the Mjolnir armor's exoskeletal 'muscle', she liked her chances at forcing open that door.
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Another ride in this box of hell finally came to a stop, and Luer was eager as ever to get off. This proved to be a mistake. Aside from the usual stumbling his disoriented state caused, he started coughing, dropping to his knees to get away from some of it. "What the hell!?" He questioned. He did not expect this to be where they landed. A rescue mission was likely to be dangerous but this was not where they were supposed to be, was it?

The smoke brought back a vivid memory too, of the place he called home burning. He remembered the smell and sound of flames crackling through the wood and stone of homes. He tried to shake the memory away, thankfully able to focus on someone speaking up. It was hard to listen to them through his coughs though. His lungs did not appreciate this environment.

He glanced at some of the ships before looking to Moire. "So… you are saying we are at risk of blowing up at any moment…" Fantastic. He shook his head and coughed more. He did not have it in him to stand and follow her yet, even though he probably should. While he could not speak for most people (other than Deadpool), he was one of the only ones here that he knew of that could technically be blown up and survive.
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Ryan Morganyag

Ryan sat cross legged on the floor, meditating away the time until they arrived at their next stop. For some reason, he felt particularly tired. Tired enough to doze off on the spot. He slowly opened his eyes, where was he? He thought, but couldn't actually talk. As a fact, he couldn't move at all, his body was acting on his own. He left his sword behind and sat on a rock. Why would he do that? That's when his body started speaking on his own. Each word shook Ryan to the core. What was wrong with him? His body threw the recorder he was speaking to behind him, and walked forward. It was a tall cliff, with a vast raging sea below. Ryan felt an immense dread as he felt his body pulling Luer's tranquilizer from one of his pockets. He wasn't going to do that, right? RIGHT? Wrong. His body leaped far into the sea and injected itself with the tranquilizer. Ryan agonizingly tried to scream as his body felt the pain of cold water enveloping him, skiing into the depths below...

Ryan's eyes opened again. He was on the TARDIS, he was alive. What kind of horrid dream was that? Ryan stumbled up to his feet, and summoned his sword. They had arrived, there was no time to feel scared about a dream. He stepped out and came to an inferno of metal and smoke "Just like home..." He silently made his way behind Moire, hands trembling nonstop. He walked by Luer, who was having a rough time "ANNA, activate armor, generate energy helmet". Luer would hear a feminine voice answer to Ryan "Understood" Luer would be covered by the armor immediately, and a faint orange glow enveloped his head, smoke no longer entered his lungs. He silently tried to control his shaky hands as Moire explained the course of action "...I'll help you pry the door open..." he said, doing his all to hide his remnants of fear.
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When Moire had enough of the bulkhead doors open, a sliver to see the light coming through the other side, she was promptly kicked in the face with a massive metal foot, bending them in half by its force. The kick send a shockwave of red energy around her, sending her flying all the way to the other end of the hanger to crash through one of the broken and smoldering wrecks at the back through the cockpit. The red energy would seep through her armor and wreak havoc on its systems, shutting down shields and its helmet UI, leaving only enough power to move.

From the broken doors, the energy seeped around the room, moving through the fire and wrecks like an auroras through smoke and fog; implanting itself into the charred bodies of the soldiers burned by the fighting from before they arrived. That which controlled it walked forward slowly, bearing out its metallic wings once out in the open. It was a machine, but one that stood 10 feet tall, dwarfing even Dusk in its height.

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Its eyes shifted around the room, analyzing each in the group, before setting its eyes on Ryan. He could see it. Sense that which he hid under his breath. The fear. In the blink of an eye, The angel appeared before Ryan, mere inches away, and before the half dragon could react in time, the angels hand reached for Ryan's face. Its palm rested firmly against his left cheek bone, while its fingers curled around his skull and moved through his hair. The red energy seeping from its body then poured into Ryan like fire, burning a bright red imprint of its hand while Ryan would become motionless. His eyes would roll back, his body rigid, yet his mind would feel veneration. It was not painful, nor a sense of relief, but as though his body had become weightless, and all manner of emotional response was halted by this experience he would feel for the first time.

"Rest now, dear child,"

a voice echoed in his mind, before everything went white. The red auroras, the flames of the burning hangar, the sounds of his allies, all whipped away as the voice spoke, and when finished, nothing remained. Just an endless void of white, no beginning, no end, yet no need for worry, or fear. Ryan simply was.

But, his body was a different story. When the angel removed his hand, the red print of its hand stained his skin. Tears would then wash down his face. Not of pain. The others could see that in his expression. It was happiness. A faint smile on Ryan's face, yet his eyes had the faint tint of green in the whiteness. And the tears glowed first green, but as they washed down his face, turned to a soft glow of blue. Even his saliva, which dripped from his mouth, did the same. Even his blood.


The red formless energy that was still attached to the corpses then rose up, with astral forms of the dead rising up with it, like puppets on a string. They glowed red, yet were transparent, like spirits rising up from the afterlife, with their eyes glowing an even brighter red. They surrounded the others, outnumber them 5 to 20.​
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Ryan Morganyag

Ryan was about to walk to Moire to help her with the door, when a blast of energy blew it out the frame in a violent manner. Ryan took a drawing stance to attack whatever blasted the door as soon as he could. A huge robot, great, that AI was in their way now. Ryan was about to jump on it, but the robot moved first. Way faster than he could. It had its hand already on him "N-" he was cut off. A strange force overrid his thoughts. His actual self left his body. Leaving behind a husk.

The husk slowly turned to his teammates, with his corrupted smile. It twitched for an instant, and then opened his mouth Destruction begets creation. were his words as it made the hilt of his sword dissappear, tossed it at his right hand, flipping it forward midair. Before the sword reached its hand the husk reached for it slashing at the air, sending a chest height horizontal crescent of fire towards the team, and immediately switched stances to an offensive one "Destruction begets creation" it reiterated, as its blissful expression stared down at the crew.
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Luer looked up when Ryan walked by him. He had left the dragon alone on the trip for the most part, since he seemed to either be asleep or in deep meditation and the archer did not want to disturb him. The dragon has felt… distant as of late, though. Ever since the incident when he lost control it felt like Ryan was trying to push him away. It annoyed him mostly, but it also worried and scared him.

When that female voice spoke, he looked up in confusion. That was a voice he did not recognize. He did not expect to suddenly have armor wrap around him, much less a helmet cover him. It admittedly startled him quite a bit. Ryan had told him of this, but he had not yet actually used it. The smoke seemed to be filtered out through the helmet somehow though, which he was grateful for. "Ah… thank you." He said happily to the dragon. He did not know it could do this.

The armor was new to him though, so he finally got to his feet as he tried to fight the disorientation and move around a little, trying to adjust to the way it felt to move with the armor and the new weight. He had little time to react when the door blasted open, reaching for his bow in case it meant a fight. He was glad he did, but Ryan was on the front line and whatever came out of the door was quick to make for him. "Ryan!" He let a shot go after whatever that thing was in hopes of stopping whatever it was trying to do to the dragon.

But it was useless, simply bouncing right off of the large machine with little more than a nick in its metal. He scoffed in annoyance, moving to get closer until Ryan turned their way. He gasped at the sight. Ryan did not look well, and that smile gave him shivers in a terrible sense of dread. And then he spoke. "What?" He gasped again when Ryan attacked, though thankfully easy enough for him to avoid by dropping to his knees and crouching down low. What the hell did that thing do to him!? Whatever it was, he needed to get Ryan to snap out of it. He was just thankful right now that Brigid was not here.

He stood up once he was clear of Ryan's attack. Time to try something new. He just hoped this worked, given the way it felt like Ryan was distancing from him he was not confident. He ran towards the dragon, though he did not arm himself with another arrow. If it came down to it, he might have to put him to sleep. It was not just Ryan he had to worry about though… That thing that did this is still there with him too. "ANNA, can you filter the smoke and still let Ryan see my face? I do not need a helmet, I need him to see me."
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As soon as Luer asked, the Neural Assistant responded The energy helmet is translucent, he can perfectly see your face. I should also warn you, my connection with Ryan's brain has been interrupted, he is not responding to my prompts. Ninety five percent of probabilities point towards Ryan's consciousness being overridden. Summarizing, he's not Ryan if that's the case. Second warning, armor's nanofibers won't resist much against Ryan's physical attacks, distancing is recommended.
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Wolf had barely stepped from the Doctor's miraculous transporter when everything went wrong. Of course, given his track record he felt it should be expected by now. But that did not change how infuriating the frequency of such incidents was.

Whether fortunately or unfortunately, the shinobi himself was not the target of this surprise attack. Normally he'd be more than confident in his ability to survive any form of attack, but this strange power the metal warrior exerted over Ryan's mind was as daunting as it was unfamiliar.

Even his own razor sharp combat instinct could not fully understand what it was he'd seen, only that a capable ally was now an immediate threat to his former comrades. As it stood, Wolf saw two options: match the rogue warrior's blade to keep him in check, or thin the herd of apparitions surrounding their forces. A sword alone would likely have little effect against the mechanical aggressor, marking it a too risky target at the moment.

In the end his concern over his fellow warrior won out. With a brief blow of the Malcontent's Whistle intended to break the formation of ghosts and leave them vulnerable to his allies, Wolf turned to keep their corrupted ally busy until all other threats were neutralized.

The shinobi buffeted the oncoming wave of flame with Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella and shouted as he ran forward past Luer, "Leave Ryan to me! I can hold his aggression while the rest of you clear the spirits!"

Halfway there, he performed the Shadowrush technique to swiftly close the distance before his target could make any effort to keep him away. If all went to plan, this direct assault would also draw the focus of whatever malevolent intelligence peered out from his comrade's draconic eyes, centring all of the danger it posed on him. He had plenty of experience defending against all manner of foes, yet battling an opponent he had no intention to retaliate against was a first.

"Worry not," he called back to the young archer, "I will cause him no harm."

Indeed, if faced with a choice of his life or Ryan's, Wolf would have little trouble taking a mortal wound. After all, such things could not so easily fell an immortal.

@Valkan @LenxKaitoYaoi
Lure's brows creased to the response he got. Overridden? So he has been taken over? Damn. They needed to drive whatever did that out of him, or the more likely case for his weak state, get Ryan to come back on his own. That was going to be harder for him since he knew he would not last long in a fight with the dragon. "I see…" Distancing would be ideal regardless, keep him busy without taking damage or hurting him. Go on the defensive. But… if he cannot get through to Ryan, his next best option is to put him to sleep. There was something else he was concerned about though. "ANNA… What do mean when you say 'overridden'?" He wanted that clarified, because that could mean the longer he stays this way, the higher chance he will be lost…

The last thing the archer expected was someone else to speak up and take a stance. His words however were quick to set Luer off though. "Like hell I-" Without much chance to protest though the other charged. He growled, but Wolf continued. The only response he could muster was a small growling whimper. Dammit, he cannot argue. "I will stay and cover you. If… if it looks like we cannot get him to snap out of it, I can stop him for a while. I just have to get close…" With that, though he did not dare let the two out of his sight, he armed his bow and took aim to the corpses rising. Whether he could truly stop them or not, he did not know, but the less they have to deal with the more focus he can put on helping Ryan.
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Ryan Morganyag

The husk's head locked in on the swordsman rapidly approaching him, Ryan didn't seem to know his name. No matter, it was going to take him down "Destruction begets creation". He was fast, very fast. Not giving the husk a chance to keep the distance any longer, but he didn't have killing intent, that would be his downfall. It created a thick pillar of flames all around itself as a way to halt the swordsman's advances if he was lucky enough not to be in range. Out of the fire, the husk stepped towards the swordsman with an overhead slash. Upon clashing with anything, the sword would spew out a torrent of flames in the direction of the clash. Were it to be evaded, no torrent would appear, the flames would remain on the blade "Destruction begets creation".

Once again, ANNA would immediately answer to Luer "Unlike his crazed state, where Ryan simply couldn't control his emotions. Right now there are no emotions, no thought, no Ryan. Something has overridden the control over his own body. Note: This is a conjecture, not a valid explanation for his actions" ANNA observed through Luer as someone decided to take Ryan on, which triggered the prompt "Activate Overdrive Mode?" knowing Ryan purposefully didn't explain this, ANNA added "Explanation: Modify armor's aspect for optimal nanofiber distribution, enhance motor reflexes by overloading neural link, and maximize thermal energy reserves consumption for optimal damage output. Risk of muscular and neural strain, as well as high thermal energy cost." Ryan also warned about Luer's lack of technology knowledge "Alternative explanation: Harder, faster, stronger. Body and head will hurt, we can't maintain for long."
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Location: Recovering from the explosion in the hangar

Dusk merely watched as Moire prepared to breach the door, looking around at the destruction. Honestly the fact that the smoke around him was swirling put him on edge, the destroyed ships sparking every now and then along with the groaning of the ship created a tension that surrounded that moment. It felt as if something had drawn its bow back to strike, and was preparing for an ambush, but from where?

That question was soon answered as an explosion erupted from the door that Ryan was preparing to go through, but he was soon blasted back along with Moire. Moire took the brunt of the force however, due to the droid kicking her, and landed inside one of the ships, resulting in the loud sounds of crushing metal. In the smoke that followed was a large figure, towering over everyone and even needing to slink under the doorway to fully present himself in the hangar. In the blink of an eye, the android was standing over Ryan, a hand on the dragon's cheek for but a moment. A voice whispered deeply, the sounds of unprovoked and horrifying dedication to… something… present in his voice. This caused Ryan's body to go limp, eventually having the orifices on his face leak a sickly green and glowing liquid that dripped to the floor. A foreboding silence followed before he turned and attacked the group with a spew of flames.

Over and over, his voice kept saying one hollow phrase. Each movement was thoughtless and filled with nothing but the desire to attack. Luer and Wolf, the samurai that had joined them, were the first to face the now rabid creature that was no longer their friend. Luer was inside a suit of armor, ready to incapacitate the man, while wolf held off the attacks. Dusk looked to them, and then to the towering robot. "I will handle the big one," Dusk shouted over to them, unsheathing his sword to charge at the android. He wasn't quite sure what it did, but he didn't care, he was going to kill it. During the time it took for him to sprint at the thing, He grabbed a nearby chunk of a destroyed ship, throwing it at the thing's head while Dusk himself ran underneath to cut at its legs. He was going to make it suffer.
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In a moments notice, the red spirits of the dead soldiers rushed for the whole group, aiming to incapacitate instead of kill. Just tackle them to the ground and hold them there by their arms, legs, and as many bodies as possible to keep them pinned. Any attack without magic would phase through their bodies, leaving no mark behind besides a strange red fog from where the wounds would be.

The angel, meanwhile, moved slowly as Ryan and Wolf began to fight, and Luer took aim with his bow to take on as many spirits as possible. Even with Dusk charging at it with sword in one hand, and a massive chunk of debris in the other, it was unphased by the danger. Like with Ryan, it could sense within the humanoid panic and fear. Similar, yet different enough. A fear of that which plagues the mind, though it had more of a presence and voice than Ryan's. A lingering shadow that draws its strength from the renunciation of life. With a wave of its hand, a red sword formed from the red energy surrounding its wings. It was colossal in size, only a few inches shorter than the angel, and levitated in the air to move with each stroke of its finger and flick of the wrist.

First, the sword slashed across the debris, cutting it into two perfect halves that it would miss the angel. Next, to struck downwards to the ground, embedding itself into the metal floor so Dusk's sword would bounce off it before he could strike at the angel's legs. The metal the sword was made from was strong, absorbing the strike so well, it would throw off Dusk's poise like it had parried him. And with both hands free, the angel once more reached out to grab at its new target. Its left hand grabbing Dusk's sword arm so he couldn't move it, and its right planting itself firmly across the humanoid's face so his eyes could see through the gaps of its fingers; covering his nose and part of his mouth, and resting its thumb along Dusk's cheekbone.

"Join with him,"
The angel whispered, as once more it left a palm print along Dusk's face, his eyes turned white, and tears dripped down his face that glowed an odd green color. Yet still, there was no sense of pain. Only a small tinge of joy on his face. And his spirit was liberated to a new plain of existence where everything had whipped away into nothingness. Just a strange existence of being.
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Dusk (Mind-controlled)
Location: Inside the burning hangar

Dusk's mind attempted to resist the effects of the gigantic robot for a few moments, only able to grab at the hand and struggle before having his body go limp. His eyes drained of color, fading into a thoughtless white as a colorful liquid fell from his eyes, nose, and mouth. His face was eerie as it was released from the droid, a soft smile on his face. It looked mindless and ready to obey the thoughts of its new master.

There were no words as his head twisted, almost snapping, as it took in the battlefield. Both Wolf and Luer were attempting to hold back Ryan, while Wolf was more of a frontliner and Luer was supporting from the back with his bow. There was barely any time to react as the ground shattered beneath Dusk's feet as he propelled himself towards Luer, A hand latching on to the archer's face and pushing him to the ground. Wherever the head went, the body was soon to follow. The formless Dusk needed to provide more of an opening for Ryan to attack and not be distracted by unwanted attention. Luer's head hit the ground, hard. Just like before, the ground cracked and melded along with Dusk's forceful actions. If it weren't for the armor the man was wearing, he would have been instantly put unconscious or even had his neck snapped in the process. Dusk seemed to be holding back, but not by much.

"Do not resist," A gentle voice came out of Dusk, the hand now moving down to Luer's throat and picking the man up. The man's body was dragged along the ground, barely given time to struggle as he was then held in the air. Dusk was hoping to choke the archer out and take him out of commission so he could go after the rest of the group. Dusk hadn't even used his sword yet.
Luer was not watching the damned robot that did this to Ryan after the fact. The most he did was occasionally glance to make sure Wolf was not in trouble nor that Ryan was. As he was focused on the attacking corpses rising, he did not notice Dusk get targeted as well, much less the man charge at him. He saw it too late, and was on the ground before he knew it with a loud groan. He only managed to notice the same hand print on Dusk's face that Ryan had after he spoke and his hand moved to his throat. "Not you too…"

Had this been a very different scenario, he might have listened to Dusk. It was usually best if he did not fight the man on top of him when his hand was around his throat. But not like this. He winced as he lifted and struggled to get a breath. "Over… drive…" He needed the help, and he could not ask the others. If he wanted free, he would have to act. It was a risk with Dusk's free hand still holding his sword, but it was a risk he needed to take. He just hoped this worked.

Thank gods he was flexible. He grabbed Dusk's wrist with both hands and shifted, wrapping his left leg around the arm and his right leg straight along it to rest the back of his ankle at Dusk's neck. Hopefully overdrive gave him the strength enough for this to work, otherwise he did not think he could out-power Dusk. He twisted, pushing against Dusk's neck with his right leg while pulling at his arm in the opposite direction with the rest of his body.