The Evrensel Conflict:Act 1--Chapter 2, Mission: Distress Call

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Amber Franklin

Formerly Not_Amy
Original poster
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  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
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  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
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  1. Female
  2. Futanari
Horror and Fantasy are my bread and butter. Mecha/Military is a favorite snack of mine.
Most of their company had returned, but there was one team remaining on mission, and most distressingly one team still lost. While the others have their debriefing sessions, the lady Doctor was at the console of her TARDIS searching for them. After this debacle, Thirteen had decided every team leaving the ship needed a beacon to better locate them in case of emergency.

A signal, in this universe, was the first to be picked up.

"This is the Glory of Cato Nemoidia hailing on all frequencies! Please assist at these coordinates!" a deep male voice in distress repeated on a loop. Attempting to send a message back to the origin yielded nothing even as the signal kept repeating.

The Doctor had asked for volunteers to remain on the Pathfinder, and go to investigate this signal. The showing of support was not overwhelming, but considerable given who did volunteer. The Doctor herself would not be joining them, wanting to keep scanning for their lost crew members.


The Pathfinder comes out of hyperspace at the signal source. A white sun shines onto the only other vessel in this otherwise empty stretch of this galaxy.


"We are reading minimal energy readings, no life readings." says Bren, the acting Captain of the Pathfinder with Markha gone on another mission.

"Considering the size, the thickness of the hull may be blocking our instruments." offers one of the flight crew from her station.

"The Doctor tasked us with investigation and rescue if possible. I calculate a ninety-eight point seventy percent chance rescue is possible." Thea states beside Bren. Her repairs with The Doctors and Flynn had taken some time, but yielded a perfect restoration from tissue layer to programming. Thea has taken on a matte grey set of armor from the Armory that was light, but protected vital areas with composite metal alloy plates.

"A ship that size would need a large crew. Unless it's got some automation." says another officer.

"Even if the crew is lost, it could be a new base for our coalition. We are running low on living space as far as the ship is concerned." Bren presses a few buttons and the image of the large vessel is magnified to one of the hangar bays, the one shut closed by a metal door. There are scour marks from collisions with small debris, and a hole in the closed wing that had been sealed off in some manner.

"Enter through the open hangar. We will rescue any survivors, or determine the viability of this vessel as a new base." Thea tells the crew and addresses the assembled boarding party near the bridge entrance.

"Boarding party. Our mission. Rescue survivors, or finding none, determine the viability of the vessel for a new base. To the hangar." Thea leaves the command bridge swiftly. Thea has not been given authority in absence of other commanders in their loose command structure, but none of the flight crew were inclined to disagree with her instructions.


The Pathfinder flies to the open hangar, finding it has an active but weak shield it passes through easily. It lands and the boarding ramp on the starboard side of the ship opens.

"Wait here." Thea tells the others and steps past the shielded entry. She has taken a pod weapon, and a pack of medical supplies.

"Life support systems are operational. Oxygen, ambient temperature of sixty degrees fahrenheit or fifteen point five-five five-six celsius." Thea waves for the others to follow. The hangar they have entered is dark, lit only by the limited light from the distant sun coming through the hangar door.

Before them is a miles long hangar bay, the ceiling miles higher than the top of the Pathfinder. On the right side they see first dozens of rows of robots that would be familiar to some, standing in place or on the hangar floor in various pieces. Past them are rows of tanks, then more but different tanks, and past those taller spider-like things.






On the left of the hangar are seven large vessels side-by-side with wings longer than the Pathfinder and front bays open, showing their dark cavernous interiors.


"This is a war vessel." Thea looks around at the small army directly in front of them, and yet there is still much more of this wing of the ship the light does not touch fully. "I do not recognize any of these vehicles make or model. An army from another universe."
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Otto Kadovah
Sent on a mission to respond to a distress signal

After a debrief, Otto wanted to show that he was more than willing to help, plus the fact he was somewhat ordered by Tano to do what he was told, did help said decision.

Sitting through a briefing on what they were doing, his armor remaining on him, helm included would just nod as Thea explained, being straight to the point and no euphemisms to be had. A welcomed notion to Otto as the young man had to constantly ask fellow members back on Thedas about what a phrase meant or so on. The Mandalorian only took what he had on him. His jetpack, his red cape-like poncho, his DE-10 Blaster Pistol and his IB-94 Blaster Pistol. He traded his scatter gun for a strange Plasma Rifle labeled "Q-35 matter modulator."

After that came getting to the hanger, the Pathfinder's ramp lowing so they could easily move from one ship to the next, Thea being the first to enter on account of her unique trait of being part machine. Otto kept his weapon ready as he entered after she gave the all clear. Lowing his weapon upon seeing the deactivated droids and tanks.

"I remember the Loremaster talking of these droids. They were used in a long conflict known as the 'Clone Wars.' Why are they deactivated?" He had talk of remnant Droid armies in the bars and amongst his brothers and sisters when they returned from missions.

@Amber Franklin @Noble Scion @Wade Von Doom @Jenhal @Wiggin
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

Hearing talk of some signal requesting help, she'd dismissed it at first, but after a brief moment of consideration, volunteered herself to go.

Ami wasn't a hero, she didn't save people, but the opportunity to explore and see the universe was one of the other reasons she'd been so happy to take the step and make her way to the citadel, and while that had led her to the Pathfinder, she still wanted to go out and explore and see everything with her own eyes.

She wasn't done exploring the Pathfinder quite yet, there were still many pieces of technology she wanted to examine, like its navigation system, but she expected that her journey would lead her back to it once they'd completed what seemed like a simple "save those that needed saving" mission.

Not long after the briefing, they found themselves in the strange ship's hangar, and while she tried her best to maintain her composure, she couldn't help but let a giddy giggle out as a shiver of excitement surge through her body. Countless machines for her to tinker with and inspect, she would have some stories to tell her fellow engineers when she got home!

The quarian cleared her throat as she put on the smug tone of a know-it-all. "I'm familiar with some of the designs, the volus merchant was kind enough to give me one of the lanky-looking droids, which seemed to be the same design as the ones before us. Made for combat, but relatively fragile and mass-produced." she said in a fashion that almost seemed rehearsed, before her voice dropped into something more akin to a pouty mutter.

She crossed her arms. "... He also had one of the bulkier ones too but he wouldn't let me near it."
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Minerva Fhirdiad

"Many in our galaxy were relieved when these armies of clankers went off online. That's what my father told me." A fourth voice commented to Otto.

Behind the trio was a woman clad in green Mandalorian armor with a similar colored jacket that had a rebel alliance symbol on it. Keeping a grip on the E-11D blaster carbine she wielded Minerva Fhirdiad carefully scanned their new surroundings.

So far no signs of hostiles but this to be quite honest all too easy. Suspicious, the mercenary refused to lower her carbine as she advanced with the rest of the team. A distress signal was sent out from here but no life form signs are detected now. This is likely a trap from whom exactly?

The young Mandalorian examined the equipment, ships and discarded droids. All of it was in good condition which added further to her ever growing suspicion. Briefly she examined the companions ahead of her. Minerva had only met them recently having been mostly fighting Nazis in the Dales back on Thedas.

Admittedly the warrior found Thea very calculating but confusing. Otto was a fellow Mandalorian but still didn't know him that well yet. As for Ami she found her to be kinda stuck up yet very knowledgeable when it comes to tech. Keeping close Minerva remarked to Thea.

"If you get enough crew this could work as a base. But I can't help but feel like we're walking into a trap."
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"... He also had one of the bulkier ones too but he wouldn't let me near it."

"To be fair, if I also had a massive killer droid under my command, I wouldn't wanna part with it that easily too." Said familiar voice behind Ami. Once she was sure to have seen in the vids. The one and only, Garrus Vakarian, back in action with the multiversal heroes. "We haven't met properly, have we?" He asked her, holding out his M-92 Mantis, then his hand to shake Ami's. "Garrus Vakarian. Nice to see another familiar species in our little multiverse hero team... Actually, have we decided on a team name yet?" He asked that last part aloud to the others, since they'd been so busy trying to survive the first planet they arrived on, then traveling to other worlds, that they hadn't even talked about what to call themselves.

'Scattered' was one term for people separated from their homeworlds, but that was more for people as whole than a team name. And Multiverse Heroes was too generic. "I know you have that Cell group, Otto, but that feels more like a sub-division of the group as a whole than an actual team name. Which I don't mean to knock on, it's a nice little name, but... well, you did join us, it'd feel weird to take on your team name when that's more you and your people's thing than a general group consensus." He was just being playful, but knowing how subtlety was with Otto, he felt like some playful teasing would be a nice ice breaker for the abandoned robot ship they were on.
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

"I mean, sure, but I'm a qualified engineer and he's just some simple mercha..." she began, turning to face the famed hero, letting out a soft moan of surprise at the sight as all the air in her lungs left her.

Taking a breath, she brought her hands up to her mask in embarrassment before looking back at the turian as she caught his introduction. "G-Garrus Vakarian? Of the Normandy? You're here too?" she asked, her voice being noticeably several pitches higher than before

"Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy was one of my greatest inspirations! I-I have so many questions to ask! What is Miss Tali'Zorah like? Does she like drones? Is Shephard as nice to everyone as I heard?!" The normally sour quarian asked before catching herself.

She coughed, maturely, even though her suit made sure she didn't breathe in even the slightest amount of dust, as she recomposed herself and cut off her own fangirling, though her cheeks still felt hot. "F-forgive me. Our name's Ami'lan- I mean my name's Ami'Lana Nar Marin. No team names quite yet, but it's wonderful to meet you!" she bumbled, clearly flustered.

How surprising, to see one of the heroes of the universe here. Exploring the ship. With her. She couldn't believe her luck! The only thing that could've been better would be Commander Shephard or Tali'Zorah themselves! She hoped something hadn't gotten into her suit, what with her heart beating so fast.
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Otto Kadovah
Confused and with friends

'Scattered' was one term for people separated from their homeworlds, but that was more for people as whole than a team name. And Multiverse Heroes was too generic. "I know you have that Cell group, Otto, but that feels more like a sub-division of the group as a whole than an actual team name. Which I don't mean to knock on, it's a nice little name, but... well, you did join us, it'd feel weird to take on your team name when that's more you and your people's thing than a general group consensus." He was just being playful, but knowing how subtlety was with Otto, he felt like some playful teasing would be a nice ice breaker for the abandoned robot ship they were on.
"Is this 'team' name a Clan name? If that is the truth, I won't join another Clan. My loyalty is to Clan Kadovah." Otto said as bluntly as he always did when he heard the Turian's words, his confusion getting bad when he saw Ami's reaction to Garrus. According to the questions, Garrus was some type of hero where Ami came from.

So sparked his next question. "Are you a celebrity?" He asked as he examined the disabled Droids, Otto heard the other Mandalorian known as Minerva gave her thoughts.

Which Otto responded to in natural fashion. "How will we walk into a trap? Is it invisible? We'll see it otherwise." His tone was as serious as ever, zero hints of joking.

@Nomad-22 @Noble Scion @Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Jenhal @Wiggin
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Minerva Fhirdiad

Minerva overheard some of the discussion between Ami and the other alien who called himself Garrus. Same reality huh? This Garrus seems to be a capable fighter and got a reputation for how the hood girl is reacting to him. She thought admiring one of the tanks yards away.

On one hand she understood on some level the reasons the Separatists chose to utilize droid armies.

They were cheap to make in vast numbers and functioned to obey their programming. No need to feed, pay or train them for that matter. However, saved for tactical droids and organic officers, these clankers didn't possess any adaptivity to changing situations in combat.

Further thoughts were interrupted when Otto made his questions to her. She actually for a moment, dumbfounded at what she just heard. She briefly glanced into his direction before grunting in utter annoyance realizing that he was actually serious. Turning away from him Minerva went back to scanning for any sign of trouble in this hanger.

"Satine's ghost you're actually serious! Surely you know what an ambush is at least." She shook her helm and added. "Forget it I don't have time to waste with more stupid questions."

Still holding blaster and aiming it around at the deactivated droids Minerva muttered. "I have a bad feeling about this."

@Noble Scion @Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Jenhal @Wiggin @The Wanderer
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Brigid Mahoney

The most recent mission had been a welcome respite for Brigid. Meeting the giant crab had been an unexpected plus to a mission that did not end like her first with the group: broken and near death. She was very much unscathed, and not even terribly exhausted. It was then no skin off her nose to volunteer for this potential rescue mission; she had a full belly and did not need much of a rest. That said, she did not want to risk a repeat of that first mission and so had gone to the armory for a set of power armor she'd seen, but neglected to take, for purely aesthetic reasons. It was similar in make to power armor from her universe but wholly different from any model she knew.

With this mission though, Brigid does not want to risk a repeat of the first because the second had been such a breeze for her. So she set aside her personal style to get into the power armor that would afford her better protection. Liberty was retained, attached to the back by magnetic hooks, Revolution at her hip inside the power, and picked out a .50 caliber machine gun that could kill just about anything they might encounter since the power armor made the gun and belts of ammo easy to haul.



"What about something like 'Guardians of the Multiverse'?" suggests Brigid who comes in after the others hefting the machine gun. She had been hanging back and listening to the others, wearing and operating the armor with all the seriousness she could muster.

@Noble Scion @Wade Von Doom @Jenhal @Wiggin @The Wanderer
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Thomas "Trigger" Holden
Location: A mysterious ship

Trigger only came to investigate this weird signal because he was bored. His mission in Thedas proved to be a little too hazardous for him, so he would much rather investigate a derelict spaceship for a while than fight a tank. His rebreather to help his lungs had been modified to handle the likes of space in the event of a hull breach in this strange ship.

The pathfinder's offramp came down with a solid clunk, revealing the boarding crew. Trigger wore a black leather coat he had found on the ship. The coat had a large red symbol on the back of it

The symbol had been painted on with a glowing yellow paint. Underneath, Trigger had a beige sweater with built in padding. His signature pistol was strapped in a holster on his right leg, and hanging around his neck was the band that held up an automatic laser shotgun that he had switched his laser rifle for.

A small platoon of droids sat idle in the hangar of the large ship. Some were skinny and colored brown, while others were made of a silvery metal and did not possess any type of head to shoot. Ami and Otto both chimed in with how they recognized the droids as they walked off the ship. "These things look shitty compared to Dreatan's cyborgs. The frames for the brown ones are so fuckin' frail looking. Must've been a short war," Trigger commented, not hearing that 'clone wars' was plural.

Trigger then proceeded to tune out Ami's fangirling over Garrus. He was more focused on Minerva's movements. He quickly walked up and put a hand on top of her weapon to push it down. "Don't go waving that thing around, they might have sensors or something and see you as a threat and I'd really like to not be filled with a bunch of holes today," Trigger said with a hushed tone. "We are also not a clan maskman, it's more like we're trying to come up with some nickname that's not going to be whatever the colonel dolphin face said because I am not a guardian of any sort. How about we go with Lentes, it means 'travelers' in my native language?" Trigger said, turning and outstretching his hands to the group.
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"If you get enough crew this could work as a base. But I can't help but feel like we're walking into a trap."

"Affirmative. Everyone stay close, do not engage with anything." Thea replies to the woman in green armor and says to the others. The discussion of a team name does not interest her, she scans the hangar for any sign of how to leave this hangar and explore the rest of the vessel. Only sheer walls behind the ships and tanks.

"How will we walk into a trap? Is it invisible? We'll see it otherwise."

"We do not know the security features of this vessel. It is possible there could be automated systems that could activate this army. We must go further. Locate an exit." Aware that others cannot see in the dark unassisted, Thea takes from her pack a two-foot long rod that glows white and she holds it overhead to give others a circle of light several feet around her. The pod weapon is held in her left hand, at her hip.

Thea walks in front of everyone, guiding and scanning as they leave the Pathfinder behind to sit idle and ready.

Should one look above with this light, they would see the ceiling becoming dominated by squadrons of droid starfighters docked in a way that they look like metal bats hanging by their feet.

After they pass the five rows of spider-like droids, they find the same pattern repeated on the right side, while the left now has what appear to be ten droid carriers, their racks deployed and partially loaded with the smaller beige droids or larger droids. Around these are also a dozen large metal balls that on closer inspection are droids that fold in on themselves. Like everything else on the hangar floor only gravity holds them tenuously in place. Thea holds to her directive to not engage with anything as she looks around everything for some kind of exit. She even walks around something that sits right in the middle of the hangar: it is for all appearances a machine forged into the black, sleek yet jagged shape of a large feline predator. It sits with hindquarters down and torso up, its cordlike tail wrapped around itself and two obsidian eyes looking forward.

What does get her attention is the only non-metal thing they have seen so far: a black hat on the floor. Thea looks down at it,

"An ornate piece of headwear. Possibly ceremonial. First sign of biological life."

By the glow of the stick, five more different items of black headwear are scattered about, and linear scorch marks that lead to a hallway coming off from the hangar.
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

"I mean, sure, but I'm a qualified engineer and he's just some simple mercha..." she began, turning to face the famed hero, letting out a soft moan of surprise at the sight as all the air in her lungs left her.

Taking a breath, she brought her hands up to her mask in embarrassment before looking back at the turian as she caught his introduction. "G-Garrus Vakarian? Of the Normandy? You're here too?" she asked, her voice being noticeably several pitches higher than before

"Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy was one of my greatest inspirations! I-I have so many questions to ask! What is Miss Tali'Zorah like? Does she like drones? Is Shephard as nice to everyone as I heard?!" The normally sour quarian asked before catching herself.

She coughed, maturely, even though her suit made sure she didn't breathe in even the slightest amount of dust, as she recomposed herself and cut off her own fangirling, though her cheeks still felt hot. "F-forgive me. Our name's Ami'lan- I mean my name's Ami'Lana Nar Marin. No team names quite yet, but it's wonderful to meet you!" she bumbled, clearly flustered.

How surprising, to see one of the heroes of the universe here. Exploring the ship. With her. She couldn't believe her luck! The only thing that could've been better would be Commander Shephard or Tali'Zorah themselves! She hoped something hadn't gotten into her suit, what with her heart beating so fast.
Garrus simply stared at her in confusion. "Uh-huh... Nice to meet you." He put out his hand to shake Ami's. So this is what it felt like to have an admirer... he liked it, in a bizarre way. "I think we'd better wait until we're done here before I can answer any questions. Abandon ships aren't very... pleasant to have small conversation in, from my own personal history."

Otto Kadovah
Confused and with friends

'Scattered' was one term for people separated from their homeworlds, but that was more for people as whole than a team name. And Multiverse Heroes was too generic. "I know you have that Cell group, Otto, but that feels more like a sub-division of the group as a whole than an actual team name. Which I don't mean to knock on, it's a nice little name, but... well, you did join us, it'd feel weird to take on your team name when that's more you and your people's thing than a general group consensus." He was just being playful, but knowing how subtlety was with Otto, he felt like some playful teasing would be a nice ice breaker for the abandoned robot ship they were on.
"Is this 'team' name a Clan name? If that is the truth, I won't join another Clan. My loyalty is to Clan Kadovah." Otto said as bluntly as he always did when he heard the Turian's words, his confusion getting bad when he saw Ami's reaction to Garrus. According to the questions, Garrus was some type of hero where Ami came from.

So sparked his next question. "Are you a celebrity?" He asked as he examined the disabled Droids, Otto heard the other Mandalorian known as Minerva gave her thoughts.

Which Otto responded to in natural fashion. "How will we walk into a trap? Is it invisible? We'll see it otherwise." His tone was as serious as ever, zero hints of joking.

@Nomad-22 @Noble Scion @Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Jenhal @Wiggin
"That's not really what I mean, I meant more, 'a group gathered together achieve a common goal.' You know, like 'the suicide squad,'" Spirits knows how often that's been thrown around him, "Or, 'The Predators,' or--"

"What about something like 'Guardians of the Multiverse'?" suggests Brigid who comes in after the others hefting the machine gun. She had been hanging back and listening to the others, wearing and operating the armor with all the seriousness she could muster.
"That's a good one." Garrus agreed, turning to Brigid for a quick moment, then doing a double take upon seeing her armor. Today was gonna be a weird day. ".... S'uuhhh... Brigid, right?" They hadn't been properly introduced to each other yet either. "What... kind of armor is that?"

"Are you a celebrity?"
"Something like that. I saved our galaxy from imminent destruction, and defeated an army of unkillable robots by bringing together the greatest space fleet in history. But, you know, that was just child's play." Now Garrus was just gonna mess with Otto. As they talked, he followed Thea's lead, since she was scanning the ship ahead of them, and once seeing the strange droid in the center of the hanger, he noticed how odd it was compared to the rest of the robots hanging around this place.

"This doesn't seem to be made by whoever created these machines." He commented. "The design is too different. Someone must have brought it onboard... or it got onboard itself." Considering the scorch marks around its body.
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Otto Kadovah
Standing in a hanger with the gang

"Ah. So being a celebrity means you're skilled in combat and talking to people. Are you a commander where you come from?" Otto replied as he listened to Garrus' response, his helmeted head turning to look at his fellow Mandalorian.

"I know what an ambush is. I fail to see how walking into a trap makes sense. We'd see a trap. Ambush requires not being seen." His tone was as serious as ever, going silent when he saw more of the destructive droids hanging deactivated around them. The Q-35 Matter Modulator humming quietly in his hands. His trigger finger hovering just in case any of the droids decided now would be the time to reactivate.

Though the headwear around the floor caught his attention after he stared at the weird robot thing in the middle looking at stuff, an action that caused the Mandalorian to tilt his head this way there and that. Eventually asking one of the others. "Strange droid. Don't recognize it."

Crouching down to look at the hats, touching one and lifting another. He remembered his siblings using such weaponry that didn't leave bodies. Nasty business yet he was never trusted with one given his 'deposition.' "Look out for Disintegrator blasters. Can kill in one hit." He said to the others as he looked over the ground, noting the scorch marks and their potential place of origins, Otto choosing to investigate the door by hugging the wall and walking over to the aforementioned doorway with the Plasma Rifle ready just in case there were still hostiles. Peeking his armored head around the corner to see what was around the corner.

@Amber Franklin @Wade Von Doom @Nomad-22 @Noble Scion @Wiggin @Jenhal
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

The quarian's heart sank as Garrus spoke his words. She'd been too forward, hadn't she? With a heavy sigh and a hung head, she gave a meek nod to the turian. "Right, right.." she mumbled, sidling away to the front of the group, closer to Thea, to examine the ships and strange spider vehicles, yet they didn't do much to lighten her mood.

Putting a stern look on her face, she lifted her head and steeled herself. She'd be professional about it, she wasn't a child anymore. Thought it just hurt more to know that she probably wouldn't get the chance to really go to town on any of the droids.

"Looks like some other strange vehicle, or maybe a firefight." she suggested to the group leader, looking around for bullet holes for some more evidence than just the scorch marks. The hats were foreign to her, so she didn't have much to say about them or the other hats.

Otto seemed to be having more of a conversation with the hero than she had been allowed. She averted her eyes from the both of them.

"It's strange to see the remnants of some sort of fight but no bodies. Maybe both sides retreated?" she wondered absently, looking around. Her hand rose to her gun and made sure it wasn't stuck in its holster, just to make sure, trying to shake the ominous feeling she had.
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Thomas "Trigger" Holden
Location: The Hangar of the mysterious ship

"So since no one is objecting I am going to assume we all agree and that I am great," Trigger said with a certain smugness. He was still very casual as he walked through the hangar with the group. He stifled a chuckle at otto's comment upon seeing the mysterious black robot in the center of the hangar. "It's a fuckin' cat! What do you mean- oh you mean you don't see those types of robots often," Trigger continued, smackinging his forehead with the palm of his hand. That made more sense than otto saying he hadn't seen cats before, but who knows what his universe was like.

He then scratched the back of his head after Ami mentioned that both sides might've retreated. "I'm gonna agree with bucket head on this one, pretty sure it's some sort of disintegration rifle and not the two sides retreating. The scorch marks are a pretty big tell," Trigger mentioned, slowly putting his hand on top of the gun in a sling. Disintegration was a big deal in Dreatan, usually, those types of weapons were only reserved for higher officials.
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Brigid Mahoney

The barb from Trigger about the dolphin-like appearance of the power armor, is one Brigid lets slide since this is an active combat situation. And from what little she knows of the guy, it's his usual demeanor. Nothing to waste time correcting right now.

Brigid hears Garrus introduce himself, and realizes not everyone here knows her either.

"Brigid Mahoney. General of the Commonwealth Minutemen." She introduces herself to the others. She covers the rear of the group, walking at an angle from Thea to keep her and others in sight.

When they move away from the hangar door and the light it affords, she activates the headlamps of her armor to get more light than the one provided by Thea.

The design of the robots doesn't interest Brigid at all. Only in that even with Trigger's derision of their design, most of them looked more mobile than the Protectrons you find around protecting one thing or another. None of them were as intimidating as a Sentry Bot at least. The tanks though, were downright dangerous.

But still Brigid does not dismiss these robots for the simple fact that there were just so many. If most of these activate for any reason and open fire, they would be dead.

Since they were still making small talk about the name of their team, Brigid does take Trigger and Garrus' suggestions into mind when she thinks of another suggestion.

"Multiverse Rangers. I have no problem introducing myself as 'Brigid Mahoney of the Multiverse Rangers' personally." She suggests.

By her headlights, Brigid looks into the openings of the ships they pass. They're huge. She could not help but think how these ships might be used as living or work space instead of their intended purpose, in survivor fashion. She almost misses Garrus giving the short version of his exploits why Ami was so enamored with him. Her accomplishments seem meager in comparison, but she knows to the people they affected her actions mean a world of difference.

They come to some hats on the ground; a robot that was not like the others; some scorch marks on the floor; and a large hallway. Brigid maintains her guard of the rear of the group while the others consider the scene.

"Could be a distraction. Something different to get our eyes while something else somewhere else gets in position." Brigid voices her concern as she does a slow circle around the group with her headlights and fifty caliber machine gun.
"Someone keep an eye on it anyway. It could be part of the trap. A different kind of ambush than you might be used to." She instructs the others warily.
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Thea nods at Otto taking position near the hallway entrance. She slowly rounds the corner, aiming her pod weapon down at….nothing. Only two elevator doors on opposite sides, a dozen more black hats scattered around, and black scorch marks dotting one wall at the end.

"Clear" She informs the others walking inside. The controls of the ekevators flicker to life and glow with a dim white light.

"Detecting proximity sensors." Thea assures the others who might have been confused or concerned. The doors of the right elevator open and washes the dark hallway with white flickering light. Thea steps into the elevator without fear or hesitation.

"Get on and do not be concerned. My upgrade from The Doctors will allow me to correct any problem that may arise." Thea further assures them and waits for the others to get onto the elevator. It is spacious, though with the armor and machine gun, Brigid would be using the most space.

The doors close, and there is a hum below them as they rise upwards.

"External control. Someone is guiding us." Thea states her hypothesis in the relative quiet. Above them on the ceiling is an access panel, and a first-sized hole where something had been installed, but been shot out.

Back at the hangar,

The feline shaped droid stares down the hangar at the silhouette of the Pathfinder against the open hangar door. The corvette sitting idle is the only source of noise for five seconds after the boarding crew begin their ascent. Then one of the tanks at the front of a column jerks to life, aims its turret at the Pathfinder, and fires on it.

The Pathfinder takes a direct hit to its command bridge, and is enveloped in blue energy that disables its shields, weapons, and communications. The first rows of droids and tanks quickly encircle and train their weapons on the ship, but do not approach. Onboard the Pathfinder, Bren and the flight crew attempt to radio the boarding crew, but their signal is jammed.

The tank that had fired on the Pathfinder moves forward and trains its turret down the other direction.

Their vessel is secured. Secure the boarding party

The feline robot watches all of this, and with a mechanical snarl sprints down the hallway. The other elevator opens up for it, then closes and ascends.

Back at the Boarding Party,

After a short and uneventful ride that may have been only filled by banter, they all feel the stop, and Thea holds her weapon out and ready. The doors slide open.

"Hello and welcome aboard the Glory of Cato Nemoidia. I am B9-3PO." says a silver humanoid droid in a pleasant greeting voice. It raises its stiff arms in surrender upon recognition of Thea's weapon aimed at it.

"Oh dear. I do hope you are not thinking of stealing the ship. We have had others come only to steal and not rescue and that has not turned out well for anyone. My master is the last of the crew and only wishes to return home. He wants to meet in a conference room down the hall. To discuss and broker a deal with you, if you are amenable." The robot explains.


Thea lowers her weapon. Steps out and looks up and down the hall. Same darkness and deserted feeling, but no access to the hangar on this floor.

"Is this ship functional?" She asks.

"Oh yes, The Glory is functional despite appearances. Master has only diverted power to essential functions such as life support. Unnecessary waste of power for a living crew of one." B9 answers Thea.
  • Nice Execution!
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

Ami perked up at the droid. Had her mood been anything other than sulky at being turned down by one she admired, she might've asked to examine it, but given that she was regretting even joining the boarding crew and embarrassed herself in front of Garrus, she merely gave the droid a meek nod as the droid said it's part.

Some of the things the droid said though, didn't sit quite right with her. She wasn't about to bust out her gun and go blasting, but she decided to make a probing question as she rose her head and holstered her gun.

"Why weren't we greeted down in the hangar? A droid like you should've easily been able to. It's not polite to have your guests find their own way around, after all." Innocent, yet curious. If anything it was just to see if the droid became distressed, if it had something to hide.

She had a few more questions, but she expected most of them to be answered once they met this enigmatic master. Though she did flick open her omni-tool and began rifling through whatever details on the droid she could see. Mainly viewing the surface-level components, though of an unfamiliar make, as expected.
  • Sweet
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Minerva Fhirdiad

Minerva said nothing else as they departed the hangar. Instead the Mandalorian merc silently focused on keeping out an eye for trouble during the boarding crew. Once they entered the elevator she only relaxed slightly while making sure her finger was close to the gun's trigger. That bad feeling she had claimed to have earlier continued to grow.

When the elevator stopped and a silver protocol droid appeared, introducing itself. She sighed and muttered. "I hate that model, they're so annoying." Underneath the helm she raised an eyebrow when the bot finished speaking. Oh sure that doesn't sound ominous at all. Minerva thought sarcastically. She shared Ami's sentiment, the droid didn't greet them back in the hangar.

"Who is your master exactly? Or does your lousy programming prevent you from saying anything?" Minerva demanded, keeping her blaster level to the ground. Keeping her focus on their metallic host she remarked to the rest of the group.

"I bet fifty credits this thing's owner tries to kill us between ten to twenty minutes from now."
  • Haha
Reactions: Epiphany
Thomas "Trigger" Holden
Location: Heading onwards to meet the big man in charge

Trigger was becoming more uncertain of continuing inwards into the ship. It was ominously quiet as they entered the hall and the elevator. He didn't bother commenting on anything in the elevator for fear of something recording them inside of it. There were hints of possible sabotage on the ceiling, so Trigger didn't want to risk something that would cause the elevator to mysteriously slam to the bottom of the shaft.

The doors opened to reveal a silvery droid that greeted them. Trigger had already unholstered his weapon in a sort of quickdraw to blast the droid in the chest but held back after seeing Thea had not shouted: "hostiles!" or something similar. "The greeters might've been the ones that were disintegrated, leaving nothing but their hats," Trigger said in a serious tone in reply to Ami. He didn't like that no one knew what had happened to the ship, and the possibility of someone or something still lurking. Trigger smirked under his mask as Minerva spoke up about a bet taking place. "I'll also take a bet that this guy may be the owner of this ship by voluntary means," Trigger quietly whispered to her for fear of the robot hearing in and recording the conversation. He was suggesting the ship might've been stolen in some way.
  • Thank You
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