The Evrensel Conflict -- Act 1 Epilogue

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As Weiss falls silent, her gaze is drawn to the small blue being that seems to be directing his words towards her. She half hears the words that Sonic addresses towards her, his tone being a snarky one. Her head would tilt a little to one side as he speaks, and when he finally shuts up she motions to him "Heiress, actually. Not princess you…" she wiggles her fingers towards him as she frowns "you… whatever you are. I'm not speaking from on high" she leans towards him a little, her hands now on her hips "But I am right." She stands straight again, diverting her gaze from Sonic. But.. still studying the very odd little blue creature discretely out of the corner of her eyes for a few moments.

Now her attention would draw back towards the growing conversations. A big room full of people that are mostly strangers and from vastly different cultures will not meld well, in her opinion. Everyone offers their thoughts… everyone brags (in her opinion) about how wonderful they are in their worlds. But at this moment, Weiss is silent. Her arms fold over her chest, cold eyes drifting from being to being as she listens intently. And by the time Abby and Thea introduce themselves… Weiss' brain hurts.

A gloved hand reaches up to massage her temples, her head tilting down a little while she closes her eyes. When she decided to come to this, she thought it was to organize a militia to fight whatever this place was and get them all back home. But now it feels like some of them are talking about starting a new society. That.. is not what she is here for. It once again goes to prove what she had initially thought… a group like this isn't going to find it's legs easily. At all. IF at all.

But she also knows that in any agreement between large and differing parties means not everyone will get what they want, or what they see as right. Which is fine, so long as you don't give up SO much that you lose sight of why you are there in the first place. And conceding that fact is usually a matter of humility on one side or the other of a committee. She can see they probably aren't going to go with her suggestions, that is going downhill. But she offered her thoughts, and not many seemed to listen to much to her. But again, that's okay. She made herself heard. This isn't her group, she is just a background member. She hasn't really lost anything… because she has nothing to lose.

And so the political training in Weiss takes hold and she steps forward. She steps up next to Ahsoka and she nods as she speaks. "You're right. We need a single unifying fact" she now looks towards the gathered group as she continues her tone raising a little in volume to get people's attention, motioning to Ahsoka "for us to get ourselves started on the right page. We find a single thing to agree on…" she looks back to Ahsoka as she smiles politely "And then we build on that. So of the names I have heard… I'm not original enough to come up with something new… I like Pathfinder Alliance the best." She then looks to the others as she smiles, hoping this is the right way to go… a doubt is in her mind. There is always a doubt in her mind.


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"My name is Ed. I's a Bone'ead of the Astra Mil-Mill...The Imperial Guard." He'd speak in that deep and somehow loud voice that had an accent akin to a Eastern European and a German mixed together.

"I can't say much on names, but something simple will do nice. Easier to say and easy to understand. Big words confuse people. Give wrong impression, lose support." He'd say before continuing on the concept of the structure of their group. "What the smart metal'un lady said, more leaders over areas so no bad'uns can smash one leader and we lose control. Unless it's the Emperor leading, he will be big boss cause he led his Imperium and he'll know what to do. But he's needed back home since he has a very important job. Dunno what but if the Emperor needs to focus on it, it must be very important." He trailed off as he sat down, still towering over the table. The poor chair creaking under his weight.

"Well put," Gregon told the ogryn, placing his gauntlet on Ed's shoulder with a gentle series of pats.

As Weiss falls silent, her gaze is drawn to the small blue being that seems to be directing his words towards her. She half hears the words that Sonic addresses towards her, his tone being a snarky one. Her head would tilt a little to one side as he speaks, and when he finally shuts up she motions to him "Heiress, actually. Not princess you…" she wiggles her fingers towards him as she frowns "you… whatever you are. I'm not speaking from on high" she leans towards him a little, her hands now on her hips "But I am right." She stands straight again, diverting her gaze from Sonic. But.. still studying the very odd little blue creature discretely out of the corner of her eyes for a few moments.

"Hedgehog," Sonic replied, with slanted eyes and a grin. "It's in the name, princess."

Upon Ahsoka's suggestion, Sonic answered, "I honestly don't mind one name or another. Whatever works for everyone else!"

Upon her arrival, Jeremy gave Abby a nod. He was glad to see she was able to come, despite her and Alec's rocky relationship. She put the mission first, he had thought. Good.

The ranger eyed David curiously, after he admitted to being a captain in the U.S. army. From the looks of him, Jeremy had wondered if he was another person from his own timeline, as he fit the wastelander appearance well.
"Yeah, I can't claim to know much about magic, or even too much science myself," the ranger admitted, "But I do know a little about faith. I've seen people do some impossible things with faith. I don't mean magic, but...pushing oneself to the limits of their body, surviving through terrible things with sheer will. I don't want to rob people of that...but I don't think it has a place in the military, or the state. That's how you get theocracies, people crying out 'blasphemy' and shooting people with good ideas that don't line up with the holy scripts.
"I still think though, we should let the civilian element onboard this station, because there's a fair few seemingly that aren't really built for war here, devise their own government that we are pledged to defend. I mean, think about it - we're going to take on refugees eventually. We start a conflict like this, we're gonna be going places where the AI have just about won, or just about destroyed, and we're the only ones who can get the innocents out of there.
"We should leave faith to that civilian government, we're a military and it's got no place with us, but it still deserves a home onboard somewhere."

This group lacks any sort of cohesion. When it came to the Justice League, we were all united at first just by the desire to do good. People listened to Superman and Wonder Woman, Superman and Wonder Woman listened to me. We had the benefit of knowing each other prior. Reputation built bridges. There's none of that here.
The room has enough strong voices. One more might tip it over the edge. If that 'Wade' doesn't do it first...

Ahsoka is so far, the only person here deserving of a leadership role. The rest of these people are clearly too set in their paths. She'll make a good mediator going forward, though something tells me she might not want the responsibility. Which only confirms my feelings more.

Alec - clearly something had gone awry on a mission, he doesn't look anything like his photo in my dossier anymore and he admits it - clearly feels pressured to do this. Given the fact he didn't reach the rank he wanted in his old life, and the fact he seems to be one of the more experienced people here, he's placing as much responsibility as he can on himself. He's proposing a good plan, and it was smart to give this group coordination, but he won't be able to handle the strain.

Alande clearly isn't as experienced as they might want to put forward. He's trying to out-machine the machines - a dangerous plan. Especially when his pride overwhelms his logic.

Weiss is in the same category, but she seems less eager to provide than Alande. I'm curious if she'll be a disruptor here later.

Sonic seems experienced, but I'm not sure he knows what he wants. I've felt similar about the Flash - most of that bravado and humor is hiding his troubles. Jeremy is a straightforward, thinking soldier, he seems to have a good heart and decent ideas. At least Omni-Man and Gregon are keeping their thoughts to themselves.

Abigail seems smart, aware, resourceful - a good fit for a team leader. But a world like hers leaves scars. Thea...from what I've gathered, she's not too dissimilar to that robot we stopped in the underbelly of the station. If she's truly on our side, she's a boon unlike any other...but she hasn't earned my trust yet. I don't like that she's trying to be involved in our organizational structure, this is where any infiltrator dreams of being.

Agatha's too blunt for her own good. Abrasiveness, in a group this slanted towards ego, is going to be shut out. Tokui, however, spoke nothing but the truth. I'm adding them to the list of candidates for my circle of trust.
Ryan has come too. It's good to see old teammates, at least. I know they're a powerful ally to have. His relationship with Luer is a potential weakness...but love can be just as potent an asset. Love is what drove the Justice League, and drives me in the end too.

Ed...I'm surprised he's here. He means well, but anything this complex must be going over his head. This David person...feels like someone from my world. I'm not sure if I trust him, but I agree with his suggestions.

Batman gave Ryan and Luer a nod, in recognition of their previous experience working together.
"I agree with having a dedicated counter-intelligence sub-organization. This isn't a conflict we'll win with brunt and brawn alone.
"My name is Batman. A codename, as you might guess,"
he added, though he didn't mean it entirely anymore, "I know some of you come from worlds where this all still seems outlandish, but my world has always been strange. I've experienced these sorts of multiversal stakes, I've survived them too...I've won them, too. But never on my own. I always had my team with me, my trusted friends, and together we overcame all obstacles. None of them are with me now.
"I vote the Pathfinder Alliance. It represents the thing that binds us all together, our new home...and what're going to be. We have to be more than a disorderly gang if we're going to win this war. Once we leave this room today, we won't be that anymore. Pride, ego and bias cannot be allowed to sabotage us. We can't afford it to. Every world out there can't afford it."

Omni-Man gave Batman a curious, surprised look. He really means what he's saying. I'll have to kill him quickly, if I'm forced to make a move here.
  • Nice Execution!
  • According to Plan
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Alande blatantly ignoring him was already irritating, but he also continued to insist on, what Luer felt, was an exclusive idea. As someone who came from a world without advanced technology and science discovery to rely on, magic and their own willpower was all they had- and it has done wonders. "Hey!" He complained, since he was ignored. "At least acknowledge we are here! This attitude alone is proving you see us as invaluable and less-"

Two things interrupted him. Ryan's sword upon entrance, which he glanced to briefly. He will tend to him in a moment. He has not seen him in a while and he was eager to catch up. The poor thing looked way too tired for the archer's liking, too. But during that time, as he was about to resume his argument, he was pulled from the wall. "What the hell??"

Ziv sighed heavily to himself, pulling the archer by the arms towards where Ryan had taken perch. He settled him next to the dragon. "Calm down. Stay here with Ryan quietly until you do." He stated. With that, he returned to his seat. He understood Luer's issue, but he was getting too riled up. Alande was too, but at least he was keeping his composure.

More importantly, Luer wasn't the only one arguing the value of the magically inclined, so he didn't need to be getting so upset. Alande could have acknowledged him, at least. Thankfully Ryan wasn't the only newest arrival, and those that did join in had valid points themselves. First, Alande. "That was a little rude. You could have acknowledged he said something, at least."

The swordsman could feel the simmering anger from Luer behind them, and no doubt just about anyone could hear him growl at the comment. Ziv glanced his way and the archer huffed, turning to focus on Ryan. He pouted for a moment, unsure what to say. "…You doing okay? You look tired…" He did catch Batman's look, giving a nod in return. His point made also spurred him to speak up again. "It absolutely does… I have spoken with it, and it knew everything about me…"

"I'm in agreement with Ahsoka and Tokui. Multiple leaders working together is going to be the best way to do this. I'm also fine with the Pathfinder Alliance as well." Ziv added in. He glanced to Luer and grimaced. Not news he liked, and having been in contact with the AI? How did that happen, he wondered.
Now that everyone had an opportunity to speak, Alande leaned back and took stock of his social situation.

Alec was a competent sort, but an agent and a soldier. He would do for now, but he had stated his objections to maintaining the way he currently acted. Ashoka was talking sense. He had no complaints about her. She'd make a good member of the military. That, and frankly, he liked her point about the arts and faith. Passing her a bone would be opportune, "Pathfinder Alliance is an acceptable name." Weiss, on the other hand, was abrasive and had no love or appreciation for how a situation like theirs should be run. She may be competent in her field, but she was not a person to be leading a resistance movement. Admittedly, he was not either. He was used to crushing resistance cells and running shadow wars if anything. Jeremy was acceptable. The mention of a civilian organization was… fine. "I am fine with an additional Civilian sub-branch for a catch all. It's a good place to leave things that are best left alone. But finance and business of all kinds should belong to the bureaucracy."

Deadpool was a fool and dangerous for it. Sonic wasn't worth giving the time of day. Neither was Leur, who was a hypocrite. Omni-Man was too quiet to trust, Gorgon too. Michinaga was a part of the peanut gallery, not worth looking at beyond supplying him. Don Quixote he had already analyzed. Agatha worried him, she seemed competent but concerns about 'dehumanization' weren't a good sign. This was war, some detachment for the sake of looking at things as data points was a deep concern.

Tokui was right about an intelligence branch. It didn't need to be a full convention but he had expected the need for one to arise. As long as nobody suggested making it its own thing, they should be good.The call out was very unappreciated, and resulted in a frown, "Mass mobilization, greater exploitation of resources, and education of all kinds is of greater importance to begin with than ensuring the few individuals among us capable of using magic are catered to. In short, magic needs less attention and resources than Science does at this time. I am clearly outvoted on there being a Magic convention, however. Furthermore," he turned to Leur whose outburst had finally forced his hand to look him in the eye. "I did not respond to you because, simply put, I had no idea how to respond to a person who used a weapon whose principles were based upon physics who then stated they'd rather die than use my scientific gadgets. I will say that I have and will be addressing the concerns you brought up as part of my responses to other people."

Ziv and Pip were a thorn in his side for likely leading to the creation of two new conventions, a civilian and magical one. He'd be talking to so-called magi-'tech' professionals yapping pseudoscience about aether or the morphogenetic field by the end of the day. Abigail was somehow worse for trying to put scientists and superstitions in the same box, "Magic and Science are not the same, though I am aware there are surface level parallels. This is not the place for that. Needless to say, we belong to different conventions."

Thea was organizing it really badly, and this had to be stopped as quickly as possible. "Your groups are, politely, a bad way of organizing the groups. Combat is a far more narrow group than military applications. There is no need to separate the people on the field from the command structures of people making strategic and logistical decisions. IN fact integration between the two is only a good thing. I see no reason to replace the military structure I outlined previously. Medical is inferior to the Sciences as a group, as the first either contains the second or can be a branch of the Magic convention. R&D needs to be a focus if we're going to win this war, as well as the distribution of our most advanced technology. Station is inferior to the Bureaucracy as a structure as its too narrow. What happens when we inevitably build forward operating bases? Bureaucracy is a time-proof name."

Ed was… not bright. But he performed well before. Maybe that first part could be fixed. It wasn't his field though. David brought up a point but… "Counter-intelligence is a branch of Intelligence. They'd both likely be sub-branches of a military branch under my organizational plan. I do like the idea greatly though. We should also discuss how we are organizing civilian information and diplomatic efforts."

Batman was another person that talked sense. Hopefully he wasn't being called out by the point about pride, however. He knew himself, and he knew more importantly that he was right.

Interaction: @Wade Von Doom @SorryTM @ComitteeGang

Listening in to everyone's discussions regarding the new name of this place as well as various aspects, Michinaga couldn't help but let out a scoff to himself. Most of them were talking as if they're starting a country, not waging war against their own kidnapper. They're letting one victory go into their heads--and Michinaga doesn't like that one bit. It's ridiculous. He can't believe he's agreeing with the blonde dimwit of all people, but she's right. There's no need to hold titles if the end game's all the same; to beat the damn AI that brought them all here in the first place.

Still, at least some people have their heads in the game, with people like Batman, Ahsoka and Alec crafting up various departments to lead in order to counteract the AI's own intelligence. Not really his thing, but it feels as though with them in charge, things might turn out for the better. After all, apart from his role in the DGP, he's just a layman. A commoner. Not some trailblazing hero of justice. Still, the atmosphere is less than ideal. Sure, people are talking their asses off, but the tension is heavy. It's almost as if someone pushed someone's buttons with what they're talking about; even if it is for the good of the Pathfinder and everyone in it.

. . .

Is this the game Deadpool was hinting about? The one who voted for whoever loses it first wins the pot? Looking at it now, the Batman doesn't seem the type to lash out, in spite of the ridiculous name he'd given himself. There goes last week's salary, down the drain.

A collaboration post with @PolyesterH :

Luer could not help another glare Alande's way when he spoke directly to him now. "My bow is steel, and it is not the same thing as those firearms most of you people seem to prefer." He countered. His bow was not the same thing and, from what he had heard, his bow being steel already defied what other worlds considered normal physics. He could not help but twitch when Alande spoke of brining up the archer's concerns in response to the others rather than directly to him. If that were not bad enough, he was arguing that a medical field was not as necessary as his scientific one! He could not help but scoff at this. "Not only are you saying magic users are less important, you are saying the medical field is just as of little import!"

"I specialize in a type of medicine, I am absolutely qualified to say it belongs under the Sciences."

Luer shook his head and stood again. "No. Nonono. You said, specifically, 'medical is inferior to science'. We only keep your asshead alive!!"

"That's completely out of context. I said it specifically in terms of validity of organization. A 'Medicine' convention is unnecessary where a 'Science' one already exists. Medicine belongs as a subcategory of science. There is a very easy jab to make here that I am above making."

Luer crossed his arms now and rose a brow. "Why? My world may be 'underdeveloped' than yours but even our military had a dedicated medical core. I worked with them."

"Because the whole point was to create 3, which has already ballooned to 5, simple conventions which contain everything and have branches and sub-branches dedicated to specific fields. We don't need a 6th convention."

The archer tilted his head. This man was so insistent on such a small set that he could not fathom it. "Why? Three is too few in the long run because of the sheer size of all of this."

Alande pinches his brow, frustration slowly getting to him.

"Look. I happen to have experience running and being part of large bureaucracies. This is an adaptation of the most effective bureaucratic structure in my world's history. Medicine is by no means too big a field to be part of science. If we keep cutting off pieces we aren't going to stop until we have hundreds of conventions because there's lots of fields that could be split off like Medicine. We don't need to make medicine its own thing, it fits in just fine as part of science. Unless you want to make the argument the underwater basket weavers deserve a convention."

There it is. Luer sighed to himself and shook his head at this, gesturing to Alande with an open hand. "And that, right there, is why you fail to see any of what we have said as valid." He stated simply. "In your world, this might work. But we are now dealing with multiple, hundreds- if not more. What works in your world is only going to make up a part of it. I for one, coming from a world where, as Batman has aptly put it, this is all frankly unbelievably outlandish and unheard of, have no issues with what Thea said. Albeit I still disagree only three will be enough, the ones she suggested were good ones all the same."

Alande took a sip of his thermos as Luer spoke, breaking eye contact and waiting for them to be done. Putting down the Thermos when they insisted his universe wasn't outlandish, he mentally patted himself on the back. It was a small miracle the world was as normal as it was, with Reality Deviants eating at the seams of order. The fact Luer got that impression was proof that his organization did good work,"I must reiterate the ones she suggested were all redundant and counterproductive when taken into the context of what I already put forward. Combat belongs as part of the military. Station should be split into different departments, Medicine is part of Science. These are concrete reasons they don't need to exist.. Contrast this to what's being presented as a counterfactual. You make a broad appeal that many of what's present is outlandish and unheard of. You are making an appeal that because our starting situation is chaotic, then our organization cannot be organized into a group of orderly conventions. This is a fallacy. Order can and should be maintained even in a chaotic situation. 5 should be our maximum. Military, Science, Bureaucracy, Civilian, Magic. Structured by the methodology I have already stated. At the present, reason supports these base organizations being our conventions. The more conventions we have, the more complicated interdisciplinary departments will be and the less of a well oiled organization we'll have. My structure is backed up with the science of organizational structure, sociology, and bureaucracy. I have scientific reasons for organizing it this way," he points at Luer for emphasis, "Do you have one for opposing it, or are you going to endlessly bog down this discussion with empty rhetoric?"

T-851/Thea-Character Sheet

"Separation of command is essential." Thea raises her voice a decibel. "A member of the Combat branch would not be able to use rank to overturn the orders of an immediate commander to their subordinates. Similarly, a member high in the bureaucracy should not have authority over combat." She does not direct her attention or voice at Alande, but Abby does when she chimes in.

"That's right! When I'm in a fight, I'm not going to listen to some pencil pusher who is not on the battlefield or knows jack about battle, about what I should do in that fight." Abby declares passionately, pointing a finger directly at Alande and glaring at him "And if that's going to be a problem, well myself and others like me you can send back home if that's how you want to run things." She says this to everyone assembled, her face flush.

Thea nods in agreement. "Further, these were broad designations I outlined. A bureaucracy would be part of Station command, and Station command itself would not pertain to only the Pathfinder alone but any outpost or base we control."
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Alande, looking at the pair, was very matter of fact with his response. "This is a war," he states in the same way one may point out that humans breath air. "Generals and much of the Military branch's command should be making strategic decisions. Local tactical ones, within the objectives provided to Command, make decisions on the battlefield. Chains of Command exist for a reason. Agents making their own independent decision leads to situations of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing and causing infighting. We cannot afford this. I understand your are an independent and free spirit by nature but when fighting a war, order and structure is how you succeed long term objectives."

He overturns his pointed hand, resting it on the table. "The failure of the methodology you are recommended has many historical examples that can be seen throughout many nations histories. Indeed, the failure of Anarchist movements both in my world and many others on this council are avid examples of the folly of your proposal for a non-hierarchical combat core. In fact, the failing point for the vast majority of battles is the breaking of cohesion. Many tactics focus on routing an enemy for a reason. If we take a decentralized approach, the bulk of our forces will be easy to route. This is not a good thing," the simple tone returns for a moment. Continuing, "I must ask if these objections are personal or you have some specific data backing your preference. I am aware that many universes history rely upon notable outliers in pivotal moments, but I must point out that they had the positions they did largely because of the actions and organizations of common people. Behind every successful leader of an Empire is an advisory council, actions of countless blacksmiths, an efficient bureaucracy, and the citizenry. Lastly, your 'take it or leave it' position is deeply unmutual. I have not made such a position as I value the mission over my personal pride." He concludes his impromptu speech with a half truth. Hopefully that will be enough to get people from damaging the meeting further with ultimatums.

Interaction: @Wade Von Doom @SorryTM @ComitteeGang

Listening in to everyone's discussions regarding the new name of this place as well as various aspects, Michinaga couldn't help but let out a scoff to himself. Most of them were talking as if they're starting a country, not waging war against their own kidnapper. They're letting one victory go into their heads--and Michinaga doesn't like that one bit. It's ridiculous. He can't believe he's agreeing with the blonde dimwit of all people, but she's right. There's no need to hold titles if the end game's all the same; to beat the damn AI that brought them all here in the first place.

Still, at least some people have their heads in the game, with people like Batman, Ahsoka and Alec crafting up various departments to lead in order to counteract the AI's own intelligence. Not really his thing, but it feels as though with them in charge, things might turn out for the better. After all, apart from his role in the DGP, he's just a layman. A commoner. Not some trailblazing hero of justice. Still, the atmosphere is less than ideal. Sure, people are talking their asses off, but the tension is heavy. It's almost as if someone pushed someone's buttons with what they're talking about; even if it is for the good of the Pathfinder and everyone in it.

. . .

Is this the game Deadpool was hinting about? The one who voted for whoever loses it first wins the pot? Looking at it now, the Batman doesn't seem the type to lash out, in spite of the ridiculous name he'd given himself. There goes last week's salary, down the drain.

"Fun, ain't it?" Deadpool said to Michinaga, appearing suddenly besides the Rider. "I've seen this happen dozens of times in my world. You put enough people in a room and ask them to draw a horse, they're gonna make a camel," he commented, "It becomes a game of politics even when there isn't supposed to be! The fun of the human race being a bunch of social creatures that can't handle being so social!" It was a riot to watch as this serious conversation was starting to divulge into a battle of 'who's smarter than who' with the likes of Alande and Luer, or Weiss and Sonic.

"Ego is a hell of a dopamine hit when you wanna be right," Deadpool finished, before throwing the empty bucket of popcorn away. "But hey, what do I know? Maybe we'll actually get through this and save the multiverse, and not have all of reality controlled by some AI algorithm that thinks it knows better than evolution in the life cycle of organic life. Or just collapse in on itself from all these pathways breaking the laws of time and space. Whichever is the least depressing!" He sounded cheery upon ending that thought.

"Anyway! I'm bored now. Hey Don, wanna go to that other thread-- I mean, explore the station a bit more? These new players might need a better introduction into this plot that just watching CSPAN!"


Alec, meanwhile, spoke up again once Alande finished his speech. "As much as I think Alande is being an ass about it, I have to agree with him," and he wasn't just saying that because he was angry with Abby... I mean, he was, but he did actually have valid feelings about Alande's point of view. "A unified command is better than independent branches working together. If this alliance is to work, it needs to be as one body, not multiple. But I also think such bureaucracy shouldn't be left up to us. I'm a soldier, Alande's a scientist, Thea's a robot, we're not majors in socio-political and ideological discussions. None of us, as far as I'm aware, have ever worked as ambassadors, or Prime Ministers, or at the very least presidents or kings. And let's face it, I'm not really sure how I can have a democracy and authoritarian dictatorship work together, especially when they're total opposites."

"We're not here to influence worlds, we're here to just help them. Get them under this alliance, but let them continue to govern themselves. And we'll govern ourselves here as we see fit under a united command. I propose then we follow Alande's suggest of Military, Science, Bureaucracy, Civilian, and Magic branches. And I propose our name to be 'The Pathfinder Alliance.' All those opposed may speak up."
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T-851/Thea-Character Sheet

Thea analyzes the conversation as it develops, offering no rebuttal to Alande even when he addresses and criticizes her directly. She has reached the conclusion the man would not yield to a proposal from her; the others present could persuade him. It did not matter to Thea what kind of structure the group concluded to have, she would find the best positions for herself to serve her new directive.

The cybernetic woman is stoic in her absorption of the debate. Abigail is not. She stares daggers at Alande after he rebuffs and admonishes her stance; those daggers waver until sheathed by a rapid blink of her eyes and a silent yawn.

"This guy would be annoying if he wasn't so boring." She says quietly aside to the vigilant Thea . She pats Thea on the right shoulder. "I'm gonna find something else to do. I'll get the short of it from you later, friend."

"Will do. Friend." Thea replies to Abigail, giving her a smile and nod as the other woman returns the same, then leaves quietly, Thea continues to be silent and construct a chart file of the organization suggestions that she changes as the others debate. Alande himself she identifies as a problem, but knows to bring it up now would serve to derail the more important matters at hand.
wei (000).png
When Weiss was small… she and her sister sneaked out of their mansion home to go to a carnival that was in the area. Well… a 2 hour drive from the Schnee Estate. But Weiss insisted her sister take her to it. So Winter (Weiss' big sister) got them out, got a car and drove Weiss to the carnival. Now when they got to the carnival… well it wasn't what Weiss expected. A lot of… dirty people. People that her family would call 'commoners'. Lowbrows… the destitute… copperpots… Weiss was horrified! Winter tried to instill in Weiss that these are just people who didn't have it as good as they did. But Weiss was afraid to get to near to any of them, for fear of catching their 'poor' or something.
There was something Weiss found amusing. A game where people tried to tackle and hold a pig covered in grease. It was funny seeming them get a hold of the animal.. only to have it slip right out of their grip. It was wild! She did enjoy that part, in the least. And then after the carnival Weiss made Winter buy her that pig as a pet.

As Weiss stands among the committee gathering at the Pathfinder… she is reminded of that wily pig escaping the grasp of every person in the pen with it. The 'debate' seems to be going well one moment.. and then it starts to spiral out of control the next… then it seems to get back on track… and then not.
Weiss sighs softly once more, and she steps forward to sit at an empty seat at the table. The rapier like sword hanging from her right hip clacks softly and sharply against the side of the chair. She sits up properly in the chair, her crystal blue eyes scanning those around her as she listens intently. As she keeps track of all the different conversations going on. There are a few who are taking a more direct approach to the conversations. Her eyes fall on Alec, and she nods in agreement with her. Mostly because that's exactly what she had said also. She isn't so sure about the different branches… but it will get the conversation on the right track.
Alande leans back slightly, satisfied with what happened. There is a small grin, forced out of what would naturally be a smug look. He had... mostly gotten what he wanted. 3/5. Thats not quite a passing grade, but on the bright side he wouldn't have to associate with people that would be sent to Room 101 if they came to his universe. It also meant that magics influence could be contained. This was fine by him. Technology and Science was easier to mass produce, to equip people with, and had goodness knows how many logistical upper hands to magic crystals and rare prodigies.

Pathfinder Alliance was a significant upgrade of a name. It wasn't his preferred pick but it was distinct and politically neutral. If they went around calling themselves that, there's little chance of being confused for a movement with the same name. As long as people didn't just call themselves 'The Alliance' that is. He opened to his to-do list and penciled in to make sure that the bureaucracy keeps a strict regiment to use the full name rather than an abbreviation amongst diplomats. Afterwards he gives a thumbs up at Alec.
Sonic smiled pretty immediately after Alec spoke. Honestly, he was just glad there was something of a voice of reason. He, she, reminded him of a much younger Sally a bit - though even then, she was a little more resistant to being flustered. He wasn't sure if he agreed to all this - at least no one had made some sort of power play, he was terrified someone might try that.

Given it was mostly Alande's ideas, the hedgehog bet that shifty scientist had something in mind, but that was a road to travel down later. After a moment's hesitation, Sonic gave Alec a smile. "Sounds good enough to me!" He didn't unfold his arms though, and his smile was far from the most certain he'd given that day.

Batman didn't speak, clearly mulling over the new situation. It was a rare situation where the dark knight didn't feel in control, but in truth, he already knew he wasn't meant for this degree of order. He worked best in its cracks, chasing the rats into their hiding holes. Alec seemed like a good enough man, or woman, to lead this group. They'd need help, advisors - a role Bruce didn't fear filling, but he assumed many others would volunteer for the job, or be chosen before him. For the best, probably.

Jeremy noted Abby's leaving. On the one hand, he was surprised she didn't care much for politics, but on the other, she was Mr. House's agent, not his advisor - at least, as much as he'd gathered. Still, it disappointed him a little bit, and he couldn't figure out why, until realization struck him - she was probably the closest thing he had to a friend, and he wasn't sure if she had supported him in this debate. It was a reminder they weren't as close as he'd assumed, given their shared origin - and a reminder that he was just about all alone when it came to backup.

He stared at Alec for a moment, letting others voice their approval, thinking over what had happened here. It was a fairly military-style of organization, yet he still thought having the civilian government merely be a single branch of the military was, in nearly all ways, foolish. Fear overwhelmed the ranger as he realized these people had no idea the conflict they were entering, the logistical burdens they were about to face, the wailing mothers and bleeding children clutching at their boots, begging for a safe place to go.

He had seen war, waged on a long since soulless Earth. Not just individual battles, the brutality of gunfights, the ripping of blades, the mental scarring of bashing another man's head in with a rock - but war. Warehouses of munitions, the manufacturing of those munitions, the securing of resources to be refined and sent to those plants.
He had seen villages sprout up in the sands of the Mojave, a great stream of people marching west from Arizona and Colorado, draped in basic garbs and hide. They survived on lizards, gecko hunted at dawn, cups of their blood, powders of morning awakening and other tribal recipes. In an hour, he had seen these people completely gather their things and begin to move.

They were clipped at, from the sides, by all manner of vermin. Fiends, from the south. Powder Gangers and Khans from the west. The monsters of the wasteland from the north. Legionaries from the east. He and his rangers, his troopers, did what they could to give the migrants safety, leading them to Bitter Springs, for resettlement.
Every day, this mass of nearly two thousand people continued to move, leaving behind at least a dozen bodies, the people who had perished in the night or the previous day. They had had no time to give their dead proper burial.

By the time they had arrived at Bitter Springs, three hundred were left alive. Most managed to book passage to California, but some couldn't - they had to make due in Freeside, North Vegas, and Jeremy was confident they had all died in the few years since.
He remembered his time in Bitter Springs, fending off opportunistic slavers, Legion-hired bounty hunters seeking to reclaim their 'property', and Fiends, who were likely just fighting for the rush of killing and death.

He and his squad, low on supplies as they were, continued fighting. They were shored up by those of the refugees who were strong enough and capable enough to fight, using heirloom firearms, machetes and spears. As ammunition became ever scarcer, they often fended off one raiding party with the previous' dropped equipment. Then, as all sides, began to run out of bullets and laser charges, battle was dominated by hands, feet and blades.
Jeremy remembered the crunching of bone beneath his leather knuckles, the wet snap of skin abruptly cut. Fathers, mothers, sons and daughters all had rushed to their deaths beside him and his troops, bringing fighting like animals in the nights of slaughter. Bitter Springs once again ran red with innocents. The ranger remembered the screaming of women dragged from the battlefield, their legs crippled, Jeremy too occupied or injured to save them.

Perhaps their new enemies were not like the Fiends or the Legion, but the cost of war was never laid at the feet of just the military apparatuses involved. Their single civilian branch would soon be overwhelmed, crumbling under the weight of those they are burdened to save. They were fools if they thought things would be so simple. This wouldn't stay a quiet war. Their enemy had the resources, presumably, to wage war across universes.
As territory is lost, and the Pathfinder the only interdimensional nexus under the control of the 'good guys,' the responsibility of saving refugees will fall to them. Jeremy saw, in his darkened imagination, refugees from a hundred worlds, a thousand worlds, marching as a great stream, chased down by their robotic enemies and whatever vermin they manage to rally to their cause.

Not only all this, but it would be Alec in charge of their fate. He could see it now, clearer than anything else. This was not the birth of merely some order of heroes, this was the birth of a nation - one ruled not by equals, but by specialists, the elite. The civilians, the people, would not matter as much as the oligarchic directorate. He was the one who called this meeting, the one whom all seemed to listen to. Even now, he would have the final word here - his word, made into law.
Such power, in the hands of a man - or a woman - so clearly unwell...

Such a story was not uncommon in the wasteland, and often a strong, singular vision was required to endure the wastes' many challenges, but Jeremy's humble origins didn't blind him to the scale at which this organization would operate at, the consequences of the war they were joining. He knew what one man, educated and intelligent, could craft in a third of a lifetime, with nothing but the dunes of Arizona. If everyone in this room alone followed Alec's command, and if he became wise and clever enough to use them all to his advantage, winning this war could very well not be worth it.

The ranger nodded gently to Alec, his solemn acceptance masked by the front of his helmet. He mustered no words of approval however, for he had too many concerns left for his approval to be truthful. Yet he knew voicing them would merely bounce off deaf ears. The room sorely lacked patience, or humility. He knew, tragically, that they would have to be shown horror in order for them to accept its presence.
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Ahsoka Tano

Seeing the agreement had largely come together on the name, Ahsoka Tano nodded once. "The Pathfinder Alliance, then."

She glanced at Alande once more when he proposed making 'Civilian' a branch under 'Bureaucracy'. "Don't those naturally go together?" she commented. "In what world do you come from that finance and business are not civilian affairs?"

Then she listened to the various points of view being shouted or debated across the room. Ahsoka closed her eyes, listening to the Force, searching for the crux of dissension and passion, letting the peace of the Balance put her back into balance as well. When she opened her eyes to rejoin the conversation, she looked calm and serene.

"That each of you has much to say speaks to your commitment," she says in the space of quiet that settles across the room. "We are in the fight of our lives. The stakes have never been higher. Where some see pessimism and inevitable conflict, I see hearts and minds taking the threat seriously and rising to meet it based on what each of you knows best."

"We won't find easy agreement here on every point."

"But we've chosen a name. We can choose our operational approach. And then those who choose to focus on winning this war should remain as we begin to lay out a strategic plan for doing so."

Ahsoka Tano slowly steps around the room as she speaks, her voice filling the room with the practiced cadence of someone who's had to give a lot of speeches to a lot of soldiers. "Military, Science, Bureaucracy, Civilian and Magic. Interesting choices for branches. What I'd propose we do next is decide what each will focus on."

"In a war, we need a Military to create a strategy based on intelligence, so intelligence and reconnaissance have always made sense as aspects of the Military. So are Combat Operations, as there will always be a need for soldiers and warriors to execute strategy to accomplish our objectives. Medicine as well, to the extent that a Medical Corp has always been essential to the saving of the lives of the soldiers under our command."

"We've talked about Science and Magic, and possibly Medicine, as separate conventions. I'd rather talk about what it is they aim to accomplish. We're going to need scientists, and wizards perhaps, to help us analyze the enemy and puzzle out its capabilities. To locate weaknesses. To then create the means of exploiting those weaknesses, through invented scientific weapons or through some arcane ritual. Alande mentioned R&D and I agree, the AI is vastly superior in number and armament, we need a way to close that gap. We'll need scientifically devised defenses to protect this spacestation, magical wards to block supernatural attack, and new medical treatments to heal and even improve our soldiers. If any of you have thoughts on what Science and Magic or Medicine might do otherwise, separately, I'd like to hear them. Otherwise, I think it makes sense to roll them together. Not because they're done the same way but because their objectives are the same; to analyze, identify and innovate the means of defeating our enemy and preventing that enemy from defeating us through beam, spell or plague."

"And of course, individual scientists and wizards may find their talents best suited in the Military. If their talents lie that way."

"I've never heard of Bureaucracy, business or finances as anything independent of civilians. But I do understand Logistics. We do need a convention or a team that can help us fully claim this Pathfinder starstation. Who can help us bring its defenses fully online and add to them. Who can take what Science creates and manufacture them, in the form of supplies, weapons or building forward operating bases. We need engineers. We need civilian farmers and miners and assemblers who can make the ammunition we fire and deliver it to forward operating bases so soldiers can stay in the fight."

"We also need educators, and training experts willing to take the refugees we find or recruit and give them mission-critical skills." She smirked a bit sadly. "This is something I have little talent for, I'm afraid. I don't know if it needs to be its own convention, or if it's something we can ask the civilians to do in terms of setting up schools that can train scientists, soldiers, and logistics personnel."

She looked around the room at the end of this long speech. "If any of you have other ways you would see us do things, please speak up. Otherwise, I would recommend those who remain to focus on devising our Military strategy for now. Out of that strategy, we'll have a better sense of how much Science, Magic and R&D we'll need to accomplish it. Out of that strategy, we'll have objectives to measure our logistics against and to start taking steps to close any gaps there. Once we have a strategy, we'll have a better idea of how to organize combat operations and figure out who's willing and able to serve in what part of the chain of command."

"What do you think?" she asks the broad audience.
Luer glared at Alande. "I never said this could not be organized, I am arguing that you are thinking too small for how much we have going on." He countered. He scoffed at the point of this being backed by science, shaking his head as he recalled their most recent fight with Carnage. "Your science means nothing when you do not have the time to think…" Had they the time, perhaps cutting a deal with the AI would not have been an option for him…

He shook his head again. "No, I do not. I am not a leader and I will not pretend to be. I will continue to speak against you though given I feel you are basing this decision on a one-sided and close-minded mindset." He was willing to keep arguing it, too, though he was content to let Abby and Thea take a turn and after Alande countered them he chortled. "Over your own pride my ass." He muttered. That was all this prick had been boasting, his own damn ego.

Then Alec spoke up in agreement with this, and all he could do was scoff again. "What is the point? It is clear Alande refuses to have an open mind. I stood by my king's side for months. I may not be a king, but I have seen how a good man governs a kingdom's worth of lives. Basing everything on the personal experience of one person is not it."

As Ahsoka spoke up, he took a breath and sat down, shaking his head. He disagreed entirely, but it was apparent the others had mindlessly accepted Alec's word as God and given up the debate. He managed another chuckle at Ahsoka's comments. "At least she made a decent argument to those three being combined." Not that he agreed it was necessary, at least Ahsoka's point was more understandable than Alande's.

He took a breath as Ahsoka left it up open for any further comments. He shook his head again. "I still find this too narrow for what we have to face. I disagree, and I shall continue to do so. I also am not wordlessly going to agree to Alec being our overlord. But, I am a guard for hire- a mercenary, and we follow our own rules. So I shall simply continue to embrace that and make my own decisions separate from yours."

It mattered not in the end, anyway… He was about as indispensable as they came in this case… A glance to his lover cast another sigh from his lips, perhaps a small part of him did see that as part of the issue between them, too. Morgan was stronger than he was, after all. Another sigh, crossing his arms and legs as he simply went quiet. He disagreed, and he would from here on decide himself who he joined with to help and when, but he would still listen as to how they end up dividing things, if only to know which places to avoid entirely.
Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka looked Luer's way and considered the man thoughtfully. "This meeting is voluntary," she said in a mild tone. "No one's required to be here. If you think there's something we're missing here, I'd like to hear it. Unless what you think is missing is civilian governance." The Togruta Jedi smiled swiftly. "Not that civilians or governance are unimportant. Exactly the opposite. They're so important, and expansive enough, to deserve their own meeting and planning. Judging by the names and experiences I've heard in this room, we don't have the people here to adequately address civilian concerns. What we do have is an abundance of military and organizational experience."

"Let's put it to good use. If there's something we've missed, Luer, tell us. But let's keep this focused on what it will take to fight and win against the AI." She smiled a bit sadly. "I've witnessed my share of meetings of the Galactic Congress of the Republic, which included one thousand and twenty-four Senators and delegates. Democratically elected, they absolutely were. Swift and efficient enough to plan and execute a war...they absolutely were not."

A trace of bitterness, the only negative emotion to mar the Jedi's serenity, briefly flickered across her visage before a mindfulness exercise purged it.

"Other than civilians and governance, what have we missed?"
Luer sighed heavily and shook his head. "I am no leader, nor shall I pretend to be. I just… I have had a taste of how much power we are up against- just how strong this AI is overall, I cannot say. But as we are now, we have little chance against it. Something is missing, but what that is I am sure I am not the person who can answer. Besides I-" He paused, cringing. Dammit. He could not speak.

He growled to himself in frustration over this. So there was no way he could so much as warn anyone, was there? He shook his head again and sighed heavily, leaning back against the wall. He will just move on then. "Aside from that, I do not trust Alec to speak on my behalf. He knows nothing of what my world is like, much less my life in it. I would not trust him to speak for me in a situation that demanded a representative of some kind or when I could not, should it come down to it. So I am refusing to accept that Alec just agreeing that this is all fine and everyone going along with it as a good thing."

He looked to Ahsoka now. "Would you? Let someone who knows nothing of what your world is like speak for you on it or your own behalf? As a knight our king spoke for us, the people of his kingdom, when he addressed other rulers. He spoke with our best interests in mind when he made decisions. What we lack is representation to speak for us, be it one or a handful of people, should we need it, that we can agree on…"
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Alande very transparently has less than zero patience for the idea of having Magic and Science in the same branch, something nearing a scowl creeping across his face before correcting itself. "Magic and Science are very different from each other. Its a terrible Idea to put them in the same category. Lets put the ideological underpinnings of both approaches aside." He speaks frankly and with a notable frown, brow slightly furrowed. "Science is consistent in how it works between universes. The scientific method doesn't change. Many examples of magic do not follow the scientific methods, there is not guaranteed to be a skill overlap between the two nor is there a common structure that both tend to use. It certainly can't be said to be creativity or intelligence, because magic isn't always intelligence based. Additionally, military command would have its own share of very intelligent people. Its questionable to keep Science and Magic under the same branch for 'being similar' in that intelligent people are involved. Thus there is no meaningful common ground between the twos structure. In conclusion, we're absolutely not merging to the two. The current structure that Alec decided on is superior to rolling the two together."

He allows the previous statement to speak for itself, continuing on to the next subject. "As much as I'd like to get it done, I must concede the civilian structure needs its own meeting. As for Alec, I see no reason to doubt his capabilities. I have made the needs of my world and how it should be interacted with apparent, as well as how to deal with similar cases."
The Grail Warden, Pip

Pip remained silent for a long while, taking in every single comment and attempting to absorb the myriad of viewpoints. Some were spoken matter-of-factly, as if there were no room for alternatives and others simply spoke their truth vaguely. She respected both angles, though it was a whirlwind, especially when Luer and Alande went back and forth continuously. It was Ahsoka who made her pause, however, suspicion evident in her gaze. When the woman closed her eyes to breathe before she spoke, was she casting something into the Great Weave? Pip prepared herself, watching Ahsoka from the corner of her eye until the woman spoke once more.

Only those watching her would notice, for a split moment, the flash of gold that overtook her aegean blue irises.

"Hmph," Pip grunted softly, lowering her disc of light to be eye level with everyone once more.

She's not casting anything... but there is something happening with the Weave around her. I didn't think she was a caster.

When Ahsoka asked what was missed, Pip opened her mouth to speak but wasn't quick enough. She listened to Luer and Alande and when the latter was finished, spoke up quickly.

"I don't think it matters how different they are if the end results are the same." Pip replied to the room. To Alande specifically, she asked, "Weren't you against adding additional divisions a few minutes ago? Despite your adamant belief that they shouldn't be combined, I think even you can agree, to some extent, that magic and science are just opposite sides of the same coin."

She turned to Ahsoka, before Alande or Luer could respond and repeated her question back to her. "What are we missing? The obvious, I think. As you've said, this is war, and as much as it pains me to admit, it's unlikely everyone in this room will make it home. Everyone except Jeremy seems to be overlooking this. Yes, we absolutely need a command structure, but we need one that will last past us. One that will survive and thrive and give the necessary knowledge and utility in the event everyone in this room dies."

She shook her head slightly, "This war will not be won easily, nor will it be over quickly. There's no reason to go through all of this without setting up a governance to how we approach this war... this new existence. Let's face the hard truth right here and now, shall we? There's a very real possibility that we may never be able to go home... Which defaults this station to the only home any of us has. It'd be an oversight and a disgrace to place our entire focus on the war at hand."
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Steadily does Weiss' eyes roam the large room as she sits there at the table. Her seat scoots back a tad and she crosses her legs at her knees. There are a lot of ideas being argued about… but she is sure they would all insist they are debating. But Weiss knows the difference. Many differing ideas on how things should go from here on. But the 2 things they all agree on… this is needed and the name. So they've jumped those hurdles.

She finds herself rolling her eyes as the arguments continue, and reaches into one of the pouches on her left hip. She pulls her scroll from it, and opens it to reveal a translucent tablet size screen. Her finger brushes against the left side of the scroll, and a small metal tab pushes away from it. She grasps it and the tab extends out into a stylus, about the size of a pencil. She clears her throat quietly and starts to write on the screen in cursive. Her handwriting very pretty.

'Pathfinder Alliance Proposals' consolidated by Weiss Schnee for consideration.

Make a path that is safe, so those that follow will never stumble
-Based on outline of the Atlas Protocols

-Science; study and understanding of reality
-Bureaucracy; a ruling council(?)
-Diplomacy; representatives of the Alliance to anyone outside of the sphere of the Alliance. Including (most importantly) the stable and fruitful relationship between the Alliance and those established citizens aboard the Pathfinder.
-Security; encapsulating defense and offensive operations
-Paranormal; encapsulating the paranormal or what can not be explained by established laws of science. Magic, etc.
-Intelligence; gathering and distributing information of things outside of the Alliance. Both allies and enemies of the Alliance.

Each division will have a lead that will also be the representative of said division to the Council.
Council. Will have a head of Council, whatever the title might be. Is not the leader of anything! Serves to bring issues to the Council as needed. Controls voting and delegation of Council tasks. Only votes to break a tie.
Any vote within the Council on matters relating to the Alliance or its allies must pass by a majority of 51% of those present at the moment.

She pauses, letting out a soft 'hmph' as she taps her stylus against her chin, and then continues writing.

Should the head of the Council be separate from all divisions or also act as head of one of the divisions? Might be better to have it an individual not part of any of the divisions.
-Parameters of the Alliance:
-All members will need a means of communication exclusively to the other members of the Alliance
-A means of identification as member of the Alliance
-A pledge to fight and defend any members affiliated with the Alliance to the best of their ability
-All members would follow the edicts of the Council, even if they disagree with such edicts
-Any member of a specific division may aid another division as needed. However, their originating division takes precedent

Lifting stylus from screen, a soft sigh would escape her lips. It seems comprehensive to her… but there is always something wants to add. Given that… she writes one last line.

All of us are not going to get what we see as right or needed in this Alliance. We must compromise! The Alliance should act for the best of the Alliance, not individual egos.

Once more she lifts her stylus, nodding a little. Now she looks up at the many monitors, and then down to her translucent screen. She opens a side menu on the screen… and after a few taps… she looks up at one of the monitors within the room above them. Now what is on her screen is seen on that monitor. She makes her screen flash a bright white, to draw attention to the screen above them. Then she sets the tablet down in front of her along with the stylus, folding her hands on the table as she looks around to everyone.