The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Paralogue 1: The Lost World

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Chum Teeth

The Pirate had sort of expected a fight. She figured on armed guards with giffy-bangs. The guard monster was a surprise, as was its ability to heal itself. The Warrior Woman started strong with the right move, splattering dark ichor all over the room she imagined belonging to the worst kind of wizard. But the headless beast wasn't done, spiky tendrils blindly lashing out. Thankfully, that forced the others back enough that she didn't fear making her own move.

"Stan' CLEAR!"

At that, The flail, still whirling, was let loose, the chain casting faaar as Chum sent the head flying past the horrible creature, a wide, circular arc being drawn… And then Chum locked the handle, and the chain stretched no further, lashing into the beast's side as the head swiftly circled it, tightly wrapping it up in the chains, tying down most of the spiky bits… Then the head finally impacted against its leg with a bony crack, threatening to knock the massive beast right over… but whether it stayed standing or not, Chum hoped that tying it up would let someone else finish the damn thing off. To that end, she screamed out a sensible enough suggestion:

To make sure it did fall over from Chum's flail, Pete was quick to fire both rounds of his double barreled shotgun into the creatures kneecaps. Once it did fall over, Batman was quick to rush over, grabbing three circular capsule devices from his belt, and throwing them at the regenerators body. They were little ice grenades, once they hit the creatures body, it froze it into a mass of ice, slowing down its regeneration with pieces of ice sticking out of its wounds and missing limbs.

"Everyone get back!" Bats shouted, as he then pulled out a gel spraying tool, and sprayed across its back a zig-zag of gel. He then quickly backed up, covered his body with his cape, and pressed the trigger button on the tool; making the gel explode to hopefully make the creatures a hundred pieces it couldn't reform from. At least for a while.
Nolan Madison
Was going to fight a monster, now has slight ringing ears and doing his best to help.

When the group entered the lab, Nolan listening to the horrible voice continue on with the fact they didn't go along with their plan. Nolan flinching back and away from the tubes when the tentacle slapped against the glass. He felt like he was back on his world, exploring some forsaken leftover experiments in a dusty old lab.

Backing away from the abominations in the tubes, Nolan went to the case where the device they were looking for was being held, Nolan pressing the button to retrieve the Matchstick looking device. However, this in turn caused the hologram to appear, Nolan falling back out of surprise, scrambling to the group to avoid any surprises but the hologram of the tall robot speaking about simply helping in its experiments and then they'll go.

Said experiment being dropped down in front of them, towering over most of them and being a nightmare creature from hell. Thankfully, Kassandra would be the first to attack, dealing a heavy blow before Chum joined in and when the guy in a costume sprayed a gel on the remains before the stuff exploded, the enclosed space with the small explosion caused Nolan who was not as used to such high intense stuff regarding pressure and explosions, to experience a sudden deafening silence that was only filled with a droning ringing noise. Nolan holding his ears in pain as his hearing slowly came back.

If this thing could reform and regenerate, then what they'd need is maybe fire. There was another method, one that could kill cells or something, he barely remembered what it was. Maybe it was the cold, he remembered that extreme cold could kill cells. He waved over the mute person, the one that made the ice ramp, and would say. "Freeze the bits, maybe that will do something."

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @LenxKaitoYaoi @Jenhal @Amber Franklin
Masureta (and final GM post)
Location: Exiting the facility (and the planet)

Reta barely got a chance to act before the beast seemed to have been slain and shattered into pieces. Her ears were also ringing from the explosion, the sudden sound making her cover her ears and flinch in pain. It was a good idea but did he have to deafen half the party by doing it?!

It didn't matter too much in the long run as the creature's pieces scattered about the lab, hitting against walls and test tubes. A few seconds passed until nolan spoke up, urging Volare to freeze the bits even more, but that thought was soon cut off by the hologram of the large figure reappearing. He was rubbing the area where the bridge of his nose would be again, he seemed quite annoyed. An electronic sigh came over the microphone again. "Quite anticlimatic I must say but provides good data. Need to have a creature with a faster regeneration quality like myself and need to also give it more speed and heat resistance while I'm at it. I really do not like letting a potential test subject go… but a deal is a deal and what type of biologist would I be if I was not truthful in my ideas. The door is unlocked for you, you may leave now and I won't stop you." The figure said, before sighing once more until the hologram winked out leaving the group in silence.

It felt oddly eerie as the sound of the entrance door opened with a hissing sound, letting the crew leave with their precious device and return to the ship once more. The group lacked any type of firepower at that time to fully take down the facility, so they would need to come back with more weapons if they wanted to take this place down for good. The area would likely be relocated if the owner was smart. The intercom crackled one last time as the group entered the airlock to the outside. "I forgot to introduce myself, I am Auxilium. It was a pleasure doing business with you," The voice said, a tinge of familiar annoyance creaking in with those last few words.

With that, The alliance of heroes was safely able to return to the tardis and the pathfinder with a new person in tow. This mysterious person known as "ebonae" seemed to have been of great interest to this auxilium character, hinting that this auxilium might be more of a threat to the crew than they may realize. Time will only tell.