OPEN MAIN STORY The Evrensel Conflict: Act I, Chapter 1 -- Quando a Roma

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Kota Mizuhara

The boy looked around the room, eyes settling on the various weapons within the chambers, fingers delicately brushing over the blade as he took his own knife out of his pocket, comparing the two blades' craftsmanship as he hummed quietly, looking around at the people around him before his mind finally, finally somehow registered how different he looked compared to the rest of them.

He put his fingers between his lips in a thinking motion before hesitantly pulling off his practically neon-pink hoodie, leaving him in just his school uniform, a simple white button-up and red tie which wasn't much better, but still not as bright as before. After another moment of hesitation, he ripped his tie off as well, tying it against his waist.

Still not much of an improvement, but an improvement nonetheless.

Allister Grimoire

The child would stumble out of a nearby reflection, clasping his scythe tightly between his hands until his fingertips turned white, trembling a bit still--despite him having been there for awhile, he hadn't adjusted to the new place yet...with all the...untwisted monsters? He wasn't sure what had quite happened, but hey, he wasn't complaining.
He looked around before noticing the other people around and letting out a surprised yelp before he slapped his hand over his mouth, raven wings fluttering as he looked up at them.

He bit his tongue to not make any sound before trying to back away, looking for any possible hiding places. Unfortunately for him, it's a area, to say the least, so no matter where he ended up moving, he was always in sight of at least one member of the group.
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While backing away, the child would accidentally bump into his savior from when he first arrived here. "Calma, bambino. They are friends," the voice told him, resting both his hands on the little kids shoulders. Allister's arrival here was the same as the others, a flash of green light, and ending up in the sewers of old Rome. He was almost captured by the men in wolfs clothing, if not for the man trying to calm him. A very... unexpected man you wouldn't imagine would be roaming around the sewers.


"One would hope, at least." The man muttered next, seeing as how this group of 'scattered' made such a mess of things back at the Pantheon. "So. You are the criminals who attacked the Pantheon today?" He asked the group aloud, moving away from Allister and putting his hands behind his back. "I must admit, when I heard there was to be an exorcist exhibition, the most I expected was a prayer and some theatrics. Now, all of Rome is in panic over demons invading the holy sites. And militia march through the streets by the hundreds to ensure their safety." He sounded both impressed, and yet also slightly annoyed.

Moon Knight, who had been his usual brooding self as of late, finally spoke up from the back of the team. "And who the hell are you?"

"Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli." He introduced himself. "Now I ask the same of you."

It wouldn't be just him that revealed themselves. A familiar face, (or skull,) reared his head around the corner; having been lost in the panicking crowd at the Pantheon. With a dark purple leather glove, he marched up to Thea, and slapped it across her face. Even if she could feel it, the slap was like someone throwing a bird feather in her face. "May I have my ring back?!" The skeleton bard shouted to the Terminator.


"Oi! Don't be slapping people around!" Another voice chimed in, this one feminine. The woman came running around the corner, wielding a massive axe. She was in the other room, trying it out from the rest of the collected weapons. "They just got here, same as the rest of us! Least you could do is not be so fussy for ten minutes while they settle in!"

"Give it up, Karlach," yet another voice spoke up. This one coming from the shadows, and having a awfully sultry masculine voice. "Can't argue with a skeleton. They don't have the brains anymore to learn."

"Oh, what a surprise, a thief is defending a thief! At least when you steal, you've smart enough to do it from the shadows. She literally stole my hand and ran off to commit genocide!" The skeleton complained.

"As you can see, we've been keeping more of your kind safe." Machiavelli explained.


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Turning towards Machiavelli Xeir smirked, "Was that what it was ?" She asked, meaning the attempted exorsicim. She snickered then and shook her head, "All it did was make me wet, and very upset." She said to him. She turned to Ruby and Sevestre, hoping the two were alright, she briefly regarded thea as the skeleton went to the woman and smacked her in a feeble attempt to be upset. Finally to Machiavelli she said "Thank you."

Why were skeletons so funny ? Maybe that was why ? It didnt matter. She turned to Sevestre then to Ruby in turn, "you are not harmed ?" She asked, she had no idea it was Sevestre who helped increase her battle strength with his magic
"The people who took you, the Borgia as they are called, have started using sparpagliato as propaganda tools. Your kind started showing up several months ago, popping out of the sewers like rats, and once the Borgia became aware of them, believed they were spies working for the Spanish, or the Holy Roman Empire, or any number of the Italia city states they've declared war against. But... they soon realized you were something much more than that." Machiavelli explained.

"I don't know how it is possible. I can't even begin to fathom how such beings like yourselves can exist. Yet, here you are. Wielding powers beyond imagination, and technology I can only assume to be centuries above our standards. And the Borgia want that for themselves. They will hunt all of you down and cut you open like specimens in a lab to figure out how you work. Reverse engineer that technology for their own selfish needs. And if they can't find anything of unique quality, they will make examples of you." He looked to Xier upon finishing his sentence.

"My... creed, have been trying to rescue your kind since you have started to arrive. Who you see in this room is all we have been able to save. Dozens more were taken and locked away somewhere we don't know. But, we have been investigating. And that show today at the Pantheon was done to get our attention. Use the woman as bait for us to follow into a trap, and scare people into the arms of their church by convincing them that demons and occultists are out to get them. You wrecked the former half of their plan, but I suspect aided in the latter." Hard to convince people not to seek out God when 'demons' are prowling the streets and murdering people in the dozens.

"You also come out from the sewers?" Karlach asked the group. "Been tryin' to find out why everyone keeps popping up down there."
It's been a rare time since she had ever been in the midst of such… chaos. Chaos is the only word for what she is in. She lands in a crouch and is immediately on the move, holding her rifle at a downward angle before herself. Things are moving fast, and Ruby just has no clue what has to be done next. She is in over her head, in more ways than one. If she were by herself, she is sure she could run and hide. Have a good cry. Figure things out. But she doesn't have such a luxury. So she relies on what she has relied on since she first stepped into that weird room… her silver eyes find Thea, and then Xeir. Her hands move behind her back, her weapon now strapped to her lower back.

She follows the group as she frowns, her brain trying to process all of this. But she didn't have time to think about all of this… until they were in another room. She takes a few timid steps forward into the new room, now her eyes wonder. "Whoah" she utters softly. It looks just like something she would find in one of those lame RPG games her dad likes so much. Final Fantasy Star Ocean or some such. Lame. Despite how awful she feels, a small smile draws across her lips. But a new voice catches her attention, her body absently drifting towards Thea and Xeir. Nikolo…. dee… bernard… she shakes her head quickly. That is a very complicated name. After he introduces himself, it is Ruby that speaks up immediately, motioning to herself. No one is attacking the man, so Ruby has to assume they are safe here. "I'm Ruby Rose, sir." Now she would move to shake his hand… but she is suddenly scared into a frozen state. She takes a step back when a… a skeleton…. strides right up to Thea! Her features go pale as she stares, unable to do anything. She would respond to Xeir.. but the answer might be 'NOTHERESASKELETONTALKING!'. Or something in that neighborhood.
Kota Mizuhara

Kota nodded along with the conversation before the skeleton appeared. His mouth dropped open and he let out a squeak of surprise before muttering something to himself. His fingers twitched as he stared at the wall like it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen in his life before he heard the rest of it, turning back to the group and glancing at the trio of new people. A skeleton, a demon, and an emo kid. Interesting.

Scaring people into the arms of their God? That sounded....equally creepy and equally familiar. Similar to the way people would scare others into joining those awful YouTube ad-free subscriptions instead of just downloading an ad blocker.

Allister Grimoire

Allister paused, taking in the man's words before nodding along slowly. He still didn't trust them, but he also didn't hide away in a reflection immediately. However, that didn't stop his wings from flaring up as he tried to make his nine-inch-tall frame look even a bit more intimidating than it was.
He adjusted his mask as he studied their faces. No twisted features, no signs of wanting to attack him...yet. Maybe they were docile? He looked around the room. No TVs, so definitely not pacified by those. And they were talking. Sentinent. Whether that fact made it worse or better, he wasn't quite sure yet.
The silver haired black horned woman regarded the skeleton with amusement, it was sometimes funny how humans could be, their interior body, bones of white, or in this case something else ? It didnt matter, she saw Ruby go stiff, she'd heard her name in full now. So she knew who she was. that was good. Since names were given out she said "I am not sure if I have a name, but those I taught where I am from always called me Xeir or teacher" Though she pronounced it as "Zeir"

She then spotted the boy, Kota, and then the little fellow Allister, and her mother instincts kicked into overdrive, first Ruby was terrified of the skelton who looked liek he came off a Greatful Dead bus, only he did not look the least bit greatful because he tried to slap Thea. She turned towards the winged fellow, Allister, a concerned look on her face, almost motherly in fact, even though him being nine inches tall, and her being, well, easily the same size as Machiavelli if not slightly taller thanks to her horns

She stepped closer to Allister, seeing he was nervoice, he reminded her a lot of the Fireflies where she was from, which were more or less sparrows in size thanks to the RR virus that mutated pretty much everything on her earth. She set a gentle hand on Ruby's shoulder as she passed the younger girl. A gentle touch of reassurance. and briefly regarded the demonoid woman, a single horn it appeared. But also something more ? it didnt matter, her focuse at the time was on Allister. He matched his stare, his of curious, hers of concern, motherly concern for the most part.
Ichigo Kurosaki
Safe house

Looking back on the past hour or so, things sure went from 20 to 100 and down to 25 pretty fast. Ichigo was a bit too used to the idea of fighting then running around, as he had no problem transitioning from dealing with militia and corrupted monsters to running through the streets and avoiding more guards. When they reached the safe house, Ichigo was glad that he wouldn't have to be the one to explain anything. He was just there to help the newcomers. Machiavelli made himself known, and others began to show themselves. While they were talking about thievery and connecting with some of the new arrivals, Ichigo just threw a thanks towards their host.

"Thanks for putting up with us, Machiavelli-san."

Turning to the newcomers, Ichigo said,

"Guess I should introduce myself. Kurosaki Ichigo, 17 years old. I'm a Substitute Shinigami. Or 'Soul Reaper' if that's easier to remember."

"Wait a minute. You're 17?!" Karlach realized. "You're just a young'in! No wonder you're so grumpy and angsty, you're still going through puberty!" Shout that out louder, why doesn't she.

"You didn't figure that out just by looking at him?" The thief muttered under his breath. "Name's Garrett. Besides our Soul Reaper here, I've been in this city the longest. I was sneaking my way through the city's biggest bank before I was caught red-handed by the Borgia. After that, a fella working for 'velli broke me out my cell and I've been helping out since tracking Militia movement. Seeing where they're taking more of our fellow 'scattered.'"

"To no success, unfortunately," Machiavelli continued, "the ruins and sewers of Rome are plagued by a band of false-pagans known as the 'Followers of Romulus.' Another plan by the Borgia to scare people into embracing the church's lies. I imagine you have already met them, dressed in wolf pelts and hiding amidst the shadows. Once sparpagliato starting showing up in their territory, the Borgia ordered them to capture as many as they can. Fortunately, this has caused their numbers to dwindle from so many casualties."

"But, it's made it harder to find them," Garrett added, "doesn't help us when the only ones we can interrogate are dead bodies. Most of the time not even intact ones."

"If we can find one of their hideouts, we could try intercepting any messages their Borgia masters leave them for where to take their captives. It's likely they receive such orders through dead drops around the city," Machiavelli finished.

"As fun as that sounds, we're not here to help," Moon Knight then finally spoke up, "Half of us didn't come from the sewers. We came here looking for someone, and we can't sidetrack on that mission again."

"Who's to say the person you're looking for isn't being held by the Borgia?" Machiavelli asked.

"We were told 'look for a box that doesn't belong in this world.' Unless your Borgia pals have some sort of magical prison cell, I doubt our 'Doctor' is being held with these other captured Scattered." MK answered.
Kota Mizuhara

As Kota was thinking about ad blockers, he was snapped out of his very dumb important thoughts by Ichigo and Garrett introducing themselves. He paused, listening to the others. Most of it flew over his head, of course, but he listened intently. Doctor?
That person probably wasn't what he was thinking of, but if there were others...maybe ones from his world were there. At least, he hoped so.

He hesitated before walking over next to Ichigo, observing his clothing. Japanese. A small smile crept on his face before he looked at the others, and then Machiavelli, "I'm Kota Mizuhara, from Tokise High School, Kanagawa Prefecture," he recited before continuing, "...I guess it's nice to meet you?" he said, his smile widening into a nervous grin as he stepped back again.

Maybe he was still dreaming. Part of him was still trying to delude himself into thinking he was dreaming. Maybe it was that weird pie he had eaten before coming here? Who knows. Well...he's here now, and that's that, honestly.

Allister Grimoire

The child would look up at her, his eyes widening in a mixture of surprise and curiosity. but thankfully, the mask didn't show it as he stepped backward a bit, fingers interlacing together.

He saw the look in her eyes and went still, memories of his past flooding back to him.
His mother...back before he came into the Nowhere. Back before he met Keeper. Back before-

He shook his head. No time to dwell on that. Keep going.
He took a slight step back, slipping his hand into his pocket and resting it on his hand mirror. Worst case scenario, he would hide.

Although, he had already tried that with the others...and failed.

After a relatively calm escape, Rath arrived with the rest of the group at the hideout, drying his armor out by pushing the water out with a decisive gust of wind. He took note of the off-place characters scattered around, but said nothing at that moment. That was until what looked like a particularly small, malnourished child, was comforted by what looked like a local. His introduction was followed by more scattered showing interest in their group. A small exchange was enough for Rath's attention to perk up. "I'm L'Arathras, lost count of my age after a century and a half or so. I am a dullahan, which where my soul resides..." he turned to Ichigo, filled with curiosity "Are the soul reapers!"

Half expecting Ichigo to be just as curious about an otherworldly co-worker, even if he was somehow just a substitute, he left that aside momentarily and addressed Niccolo "Apologies for the trouble back there, Niccolo..." he paused to make sure he got the name at least halfway right "...While I didn't start the proverbial fire, I sure did spread it. I would like to set that aside for now and focus vouch on the importance this 'Doctor' has to our group. However, it is also clear you and your group are fighting a just cause... So if you can show these travelers anything of help, I can stay and help you in your mission. I have parted ways with them before and found my way back once... I'm sure I can make it happen twice." he offered amicably.

While Rath was talking business, a quieter voice addressed Kota. The one that came from his chest. The one that granted a High Schooler the strength to fight alongside dragons and literal killing machines... albeit somewhat ineffectively due to lack of experience. "Hey, kid!" it was Raum. He had hidden within Kota after they made their escape, thinking the guy was doing better, and he was safe enough, though the bird remained vigilant in case he was needed. It wasn't the case, so he waited for things to settle down to emerge from Kota's shadow and perch himself on a black tree he created to be at eye level with the boy. The yamigara's sets of eyes stared down at Kota for a moment before softly, or as softly as his bird voice would allow, asking "How you holding up? No more crazy thoughts?"
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Whatever this nation was, it must have a lot of secrets if so many people were hiding in different sections of its sewer systems. Were Sevestre interested, he would have already started studying this city in an attempt to unravel the reasons for this. He was not interested, however. He was tired. Exhausted from the sudden teleportation, the initial events of the old sewers, the antics of his fellow otherworldly individuals, the battles, the foolish decisions, and the sheer savagery some of their group had shown. He was tired from all of this taxing his patience. The younger ones of the group were more forgivable, as adolescents are wont to commit rash actions. Some of the older ones were concerning, as they've done nothing but show foolish behavior in situations that call for wisdom and intelligence. The 'Moon Knight' in particular is not only too easily angered, but also quick to choose snapping at his Allie's over handling the trouble following them.

But further judgement towards the actions and behaviors of others could wait. He needed a first impression of the people they were now meeting.

After a quick glance around the room, he muttered to himself, "A boy that can reap souls, a reanimated skeleton bard that can still speak, a woman that looks like a female Au'Ra with the traits of a male one, a man who looks whose attire seems more useful for an assassin than a thief, and presiding over them all as their provider of room and board is a man that is civilian in comparison. At least when it comes to appearances. With all the people I've already met, I daresay I have been trapped within the imagination of a Doman child."

He listened to Machiavelli, absorbing the knowledge shared of key groups and their actions throughout recent events. Putting aside the minor misuse of the word 'Creed', the Borgia seemed like malcontents hellsbent on anything remotely different to them. A manipulative society that hides in plain sight. Of course, Sevestre had his own suspicions of Machiavelli's group as well. Not the otherworldly people, but the ones from this Star. He made it a point not to completely trust people he hasn't known for long.

As the others went about their resting and exploring of the hideout, or social interactions to make acquaintances and check on each other, some had elected to get straight to the point and figure out the next move. Machiavelli and Garret believe finding and searching the hideouts of the Borgia would help them in their search, while the Moon Knight only wished to complete his mission. Sevestre did not care for either of these plans. He had joined their group out of convenience, not out of some random call to action. He fights alongside them to deal with obstacles impeding the goal of seeing the group to safety, with the hope that other situations like X Alter's would happen and bring people back to their homes. These plans and missions are only his concern because they are related to this group.

Sevestre would not intervene on their little on-the-spot meeting. To immediately start collaborating on plans rather than rest after a battle was idiotic on its own. He would have no more of it. He found himself a seat and let out a sigh. Rest at last, and a chance to peer into his own fate. He took out the Star globe again, and allowed the cards to orbit around it. He closed his eyes and picked three cards at random.

"The Ewer… The Bole… and the Spire. It seems my fate is to support these people with my knowledge and magicks, even should I disagree with them in the worst of ways, my presence is meant to help them."

A fate he did not look forward to. How could he? These people were more prone to violence and injury than a warrior from the Steppe. But redrawing the cards only cemented his role. They were same cards no matter what.

"I am to be stuck, fighting battles that should not concern me. If that is the case, then fine. I will do what I must."

Given the abundance of their combat ability, Thea does not kill many more militia in their escape. She would identify targets, only for one of the others to terminate said target. Thea more or less covers the back of Xeir and eyes the roofs for more ranged attacks until they are clear of the Pantheon and reach the boats. Thea is one of the rowers, keeping vigilant eyes on their surroundings until they arrive at their promised hideout.

Inside the hideout, Thea is soaking wet from using the sewer entrance but pays no mind to it. She scans everything, stops when the others artive and is stalwart when the skeleton approaches her. The attack is detected, but she is diplomatic and allows herself to be slapped.

"My apologies. I am learning manners." Thea says to the bard, reaching into a jean pocket to retrieve his ring with her right hand. That right hand now had no skin down past the wrist exposing her metal skeleton. The ring returned, Thea turns to focus her attention on Machiavelli, simultaneously processing her file on him. A man known in one timeline for deception was not trustworthy in another; however they had little recourse in this situation.

"His suggestion is logical. The Doctor could have been identified and captured by the Borgia. It is possible they have means to contain scattered of varying abilities, a 'box that does not belong'" Thea offers her evaluation after taking off her hat. "I need clothing from this period to be less conspicuous. Not formal wear or a dress of any kind. With gloves." She requests directly to Machiavelli. She pulls off her shirt, rings it out paying no mind to being topless in the moment.
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As Kota was thinking about ad blockers, he was snapped out of his very dumb important thoughts by Ichigo and Garrett introducing themselves. He paused, listening to the others. Most of it flew over his head, of course, but he listened intently. Doctor?
That person probably wasn't what he was thinking of, but if there were others...maybe ones from his world were there. At least, he hoped so.

He hesitated before walking over next to Ichigo, observing his clothing. Japanese. A small smile crept on his face before he looked at the others, and then Machiavelli, "I'm Kota Mizuhara, from Tokise High School, Kanagawa Prefecture," he recited before continuing, "...I guess it's nice to meet you?" he said, his smile widening into a nervous grin as he stepped back again.

People like Kota are the reason creators like MatPat retired, having to work themselves ragged to keep up with the Youtube algorithm and minute ad revenue, until finally giving up whatever shred of dignity they had left in their work to be sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends...

But enough about their soul crushing reality, let's get back to this soul crushing reality. "Nice meeting you too!" Karlach kindly replied to Kota, "like Garrett said, I'm Karlach. You need someone around while we get all this 'scattered' nonsense figured out, I'm your girl to keep you safe." She said so with a big smile on her face as she dwarfed the young man.

"...While I didn't start the proverbial fire, I sure did spread it. I would like to set that aside for now and focus vouch on the importance this 'Doctor' has to our group. However, it is also clear you and your group are fighting a just cause... So if you can show these travelers anything of help, I can stay and help you in your mission. I have parted ways with them before and found my way back once... I'm sure I can make it happen twice." he offered amicably.
"Your help would be most appreciated," Machiavelli answered Rath, offering a handshake to the mage. "our goals may be different, but they seem to align along the same road we travel on together. If your 'Doctor' is wrapped up in this predicament we all find ourselves in, the Borgia are sure to not be far behind their trail. They have eyes and ears everywhere in the city."

"And speaking of parting ways," Moon Knight chimed in, walking around Rath, "from what I heard, your name was on the MIA list back on Pathfinder. You get lost or find your courage all of a sudden?"

"I am to be stuck, fighting battles that should not concern me. If that is the case, then fine. I will do what I must."

"Well... a begrudging volunteer is better than no volunteer," Garrett commented to Sev's annoyed acceptance. "You may wanna done it down with the magic though. Same goes for the rest of you. We may be a circus, but we can at least be a well behaved one when the situation doesn't involve slicing and dicing."

"My apologies. I am learning manners." Thea says to the bard, reaching into a jean pocket to retrieve his ring with her right hand. That right hand now had no skin down past the wrist exposing her metal skeleton. The ring returned, Thea turns to focus her attention on Machiavelli, simultaneously processing her file on him. A man known in one timeline for deception was not trustworthy in another; however they had little recourse in this situation.

"His suggestion is logical. The Doctor could have been identified and captured by the Borgia. It is possible they have means to contain scattered of varying abilities, a 'box that does not belong'" Thea offers her evaluation after taking off her hat. "I need clothing from this period to be less conspicuous. Not formal wear or a dress of any kind. With gloves." She requests directly to Machiavelli. She pulls off her shirt, rings it out paying no mind to being topless in the moment.
"Yes, and I can see how much of a struggle that must be with your teachers," the bard remarked to Thea's apologies, snatching the ring from out her metal fingers. "Next time you decide to walk amongst the living like yours truly has, try to act like you're actually 'living.' It's because of skeletons like you that our kind rarely ever gets respect!" With the bard confused Thea for a skeleton like him, he turned on his heel and was about to walk off to... do whatever a bard skeleton does, I guess, when he finally noticed Ruby's terrified reaction to him. ".... What are you looking?!"

As Thea then rings the water out her shirt, Machiavelli raises a baffled eyebrow to the woman's casual nature of exposing herself, before answering her. "I will speak with one of my contacts at the local tailor nearby. Some of their wares might fit you." Nothing says blending in like being a lady of the night,
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Hearing Sevestre speak however soon caught the primoridals attention. It seemed he was resigned to his fate, helping tose around him as a source of support or healing or something ? it went over her head on some topics, however a lot of it made sense. So she said simply. "I for one welcome your help." If anything she'd love to have him at her side when in combat.

Water dripped from her silvery pink hued hair., trailing down her face, her catlike eyes blinked away the water. "If anything" she continued as she kept her attention then once more on Allistare, concern clearly evident, she could be someone he could trust. After all she was a mother. "I would prefer your aid, just like hers" Xeir concluded, nodding towards Ruby nearby. That said she somehow felt most at home with the two of them nearby. If anything, they were the ones who came to her rescue in that cage

And she still had no idea that Sevestre had increased her abilities and speed moments before.
Ichigo Kurosaki
Safe house​

'The hell's a Dullahan?' was the first thing that came to mind in response to L'Arathras' introduction.

Ichigo didn't know the whole situation, but hearing that another Soul Reaper was there put a little bit more relief in him… up until he realized that the man was likely not from the Soul Society he knew of, if he was even from his world to begin with. Besides, he had powers that didn't make sense with what Ichigo knew of Shinigami.

He approached him with his usual hard expression.

"I have a question for you. Have you heard of the Seireitei?"

Looking at Garrett and Xeir, Sevestre couldn't help but think he had somehow given them the wrong impression. The magic he was using was not meant to be used solely for battle. In fact, the ideals of Sharlayan encouraged study rather than combat, though the two would coincide more often than the man would care to admit. He had no problem with using his abilities to help the others.

What he had a problem with was that he, as a member of the Sharlayan Forum, should have been focused on something else. Something much more important to Sevestre than the affairs of foreign worlds. Yet destiny had dictated he help them with problems that did not necessarily involve the biggest issue the people of his home were to face! The only thing he could do was help end this multiversal problem as soon as possible.

"If I am to be of assistance, then you should know what my magic does."

He looked to Garrett first.

"Aside from the manipulation of gravity and forming miniature stars, its main purpose is to read and manipulate Destiny. My 'healing' spells make it so that wounds are undone, rather than mended. If there are any you would have me help, then direct me to them."

He turned to Xeir next.

"I have also used this magic to very slightly change the fate of others. A sudden burst of strength, the path of a launched projectile shifting to hit a more critical place. These are what I can offer as support."
Kota Mizuhara

When he heard the voice, Kota jumped and quickly looked around before his eyes settled on Raum. "" he said weakly. "I'm...sorry..." he mumbled, mostly for himself than for the bird. "I'm-" he was cut off as Karlach spoke to him.

Kota looked over, as he listened to Karlach before speaking, "Thank you, Karlach-san," he said quietly as he looked up, before noticing Thea's sudden toplessness and looking away quickly, a faint embarrassed blush spreading across his cheeks.
He turned back to Karlach and Raum, waiting for their responses.
Allister Grimoire

The child would stay stiffly silent, minus the occasional nervous twitch as he stayed as close to Machiavelli as possible, taking his hand out of his pocket even though he was still gripping his hand mirror as tightly as possible. He ignored Thea and merely listened to Sevestre's knowledge of magic.

He wondered if it was similar to his own 'magic'...but it was doubtful.

Although...he couldn't help the feeling of being watched by Xeir. He glanced back up at her then back down to his hand mirror before looking up again cautiously and giving a small, shy wave. He tensed up, waiting for a response, or at the very least a reaction.

With everybody getting to know each other, and some of them drying off from their little swim in the Tiber, Machiavelli gathered together some maps of Rome, and fomulated a quick plan. "Here are the suspected lairs of the Followers of Romulous," he began to say, pointing to the various markers on the map showing where secret entrances to their hideouts had been found throughout Rome. "One of our Creed bretherin has already searched through several of these locations, both to thin their ranks and search for evidence of where the Followers take the Scattered they've captured. So far, we've found nothing. But, there are two locations left to search."

He then pointed to the Pyramid of Cestius, then the Lateran Palace. "Here, and here. The pyramid is right above the Catacombs of Rome, while the Palace is the former home of Pope Innocent VIII. If the Followers are being charged by the Borgia to capture scattered, the Pyramid is the closest hideout to where all the scattered have been appearing. But, the Palace is the most secure location to hold prisoners, meaning that could be where they handoff Scattered prisoners to the Militia. Either one could have a trail to follow to find the Borgia prison, and possibly your 'Doctor,' should they have found them by now."

Moon Knight offered his opinion as he mulled over what information they knew. "Hmm... Scattered showing up in this world first appear in the underneath of the city. No where else, correct?"

"Precisely," Machiavelli answered, "From the sewers to the old ruins of ancient Rome. It's always the deepest parts."

"So then something is attracting them down there while being thrown around." But why?

Where to go, oh where to go?...
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While a reassuring hand on her shoulder is so welcome, soothing… I mean it's a skeleton. Talking. Skeletons, normally, should not talk. Or walk. Or be within a few feet of her. Now while she does feel Xeir's tender touch upon her shoulder, she has yet to tear her silver eyes from the skeleton. Until said skeleton returns the stare to Ruby. The moment the skeleton's… eyes?… meet hers Ruby's wide eyes shoot down towards the floor in front of her boots. "I…uh… um.." she utters absently. She never wants to be rude… but it's a skeleton! "….. nothing" in almost a whisper.

Xeir passes her then, and Ruby quickly falls in step with her. Keeping her eyes down, her shoulders angled up faintly. Ruby doesn't dare look back… for obvious reasons. Not wanting to offend… or get the life scared out of her or something.

A lot of talk around her, but Ruby tries to focus on who she knows. Mr. Knight, Thea and Xeir is who she is more identifying with now. Mr. Knight… well he's kind of lower on her list now. Looking up slowly now she scans the small crowd for Thea. And then with a quick squeak she looks away from the woman, her cheeks reddening as Thea goes topless.

She feels like she's seeing much more than she should be.

Glancing towards Xeir, Ruby now proceeds to what she perceives as a planning session. As Machiavelli starts to lay out the maps, Ruby moves up to the table. She discretely looks over the maps, not recognizing anywhere on it. Not that she thought she would, but she hoped. She looks towards the others around the table, thinking to herself that these… Scattered.. could be in both places. Maybe some waiting to be handed off to the militia to go to a more long term imprisonment. She looks back to the map, and lightly clears her throat before speaking in a soft and hesitant tone. "I mean… um…" she glances towards Xeir and…. well not Thea because she's still topless… and then looks back to the maps as she speaks "If they only have physical guards and all… I mean I could sneak in somewhere easy if you wanted me to. I think I could it in a building and not be seen. 'Specially if I know the layout. And also if" she now looks towards Knight as she narrows her eyes a little "I'm by myself." She then looks back towards the others and continues. "Just tell me what you'd like me to do… I wanna help.."