The Evrensel Conflict -- Canon Claim

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Name: Toffee, The Immortal Monster

Series: Star vs The Forces of Evil

Canon: Just before the explosion in "Storm the Castle"


Septarian Regeneration: Toffee's species innately possesses the ability to heal from what would commonly be considered fatal wounds. Even being reduced to an arm or merely a single finger isn't enough to truly kill some of these nigh-immortal lizards. Toffee in particular heals quickly, as with some focus he was able to restore a missing arm in seconds. This improved regeneration also seems to have halted his aging and allowed him to resist his very soul being drained magically.

'Evil Efficiency Expert': Toffee has a level of cunning and intellect that far outstrips an ordinary person. He can manipulate laypeople as easy as breathing and even consistently trick and deceive more intelligent individuals. Pinpointing weaknesses both physical and psychological is no challenge for him. But it's not all natural brilliance, he also possesses vast knowledge of technology and magic from several worlds, making him a devastating opponent to face when he has access to either.

Martial Prowess: In addition to significant physical strength allowing him to casually crack stone by throwing others or effortlessly shove a person waist-deep into the earth, Toffee has extensive experience as a warrior. Most notably is his skill with a sword, but he has shown startling combat ability with just about anything he could get his hands on. Despite coming off as a thinker, his battle instincts are as sharp as ever.

Magical Aptitude: Though he does not personally have access to magic, upon gaining it Toffee is able to wield it naturally and dangerously. Even without it, his knowledge of magic, mewnian in particular is such that he could reliably contend with powerful magic users that possessed the capacity all their lives. He could in the right circumstances develop a method to absorb the magic of other beings, leaving them a lifeless, withered husk. He would likely need access to a potent artifact first, however.


Suit: A fine suit, missing the left sleeve on the accompanying shirt. A moment longer and it would be no more than ashes in the wind.

Name: Samuel Rodrigues (Jetstream Sam)

Series: Metal Gear Rising

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): Seconds after his defeat at Raiden's hands (the injuries damaged his memory)

Abilities (This includes the character's skills):

While not heavily cybernetically modified, Sam's body is extremely honed and battle hardened. His hand to hand combat consisting of a mix of judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu and capoeira, as well as his Brazilian kenjutsu skills are top notch. Enough so to fight hand to hand, and beat multiple cyborgs armed with forearms as a non enhanced human with ease, just to mention one of his many feats.


Murasama: A VT7 High-Frequency Blade, a sword which high-frequency conversion carried over the already excellent properties of the original sword, making it extremely powerful. Murasama's sheath contained a rifle mechanism with a magazine loaded and a trigger located below the sword's hilt. By triggering this mechanism, Sam could launch his sword from the sheath and use iaido techniques with increased momentum.

Exoskeleton serial number 977-AZQEE: One of the few cybernetic enhancements Sam has. It has enhanced his strength, durability, speed and agility, as a means of matching up to other cyborgs.

Cybernetic Arm: Sam's right arm has been replaced with a robotic arm, though he merely got it to please his former boss. While it is stronger, Sam doesn't deem it necessary.
Fiber Wire by mklp47.jpg

Name: Agent 47, The Apex Predator.

Series: Hitman

Canon: Right after the end of Hitman 3

Peak Human Condition: 47 is at the pinnacle of physical ability and in top physical condition. His strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability and endurance are at the highest level for a man his age, height and weight. He is capable of taking extensive damage in combat, surviving in freezing temperatures, climbing down the side of buildings, running and jumping across buildings at great heights, withstanding intense physical pain and torture, running at incredible speeds for long periods without tiring and even breaking other men's neck with ease.

Enhanced Strength: He is physically strong even when compared to adult males of his size and build in peak condition; being able to climb pipes, move, drag and dispose of bodies, snap necks, knock opponents unconscious, force open locked gates just by slamming people into them (as seen in Hitman: Blood Money), and jump from balcony to balcony with minimum effort. Displays of his peak-physical strength have been seen many times, as he is even able to strangle a physically powerful being, such as Tzun. He was even able to toe-to-toe with Sanchez, a man who is physically superhuman due to Warren Ashford's experiments and even kill him with his bare hands.

Enhanced Durability: 47 has survived things that would kill normal humans. He survived a fatal gun wound and was able to walk before passing out. When he was thrown by Sanchez through a wooden door with his superhuman strength, all it did was knock him out for a few minutes. He had even survived being electrocuted by the voltage that would kill a normal person.

Enhanced Speed: Agent 47 is apparently able to easily run 10km (6.2 miles) in 36 minutes and 39 seconds. His reflexes are also similarly superior. He was able to react to Mark Parchezzi III trying to shoot him, by immediately dodging the bullet.

Enhanced Metabolism: He has an inhuman and effective metabolism, which has a limited, but sufficient healing factor. His healing is efficient enough to help him recover from a gunshot in a few hours despite him needing some medical attention in order to have the bullet removed and the pain suppressed with some painkillers. He was even tough enough to walk for a long time with critical injuries before passing out. Also, such metabolism allows 47 to quickly recover from the symptoms of drug withdrawal, as revealed in Hitman Damnation.

Enhanced Senses: Agent 47's instincts are so profound that he can effectively visualize everyone around him (and also people of interest such as targets and guards) through walls and floors.

Master Assassin: Agent 47 was notorious in the art of assassination, considered to be one of the most dangerous assassins in the world. He is very elusive, being able to assassinate multiple enemies in the same area one at a time and sneak up on almost anybody and quietly neutralize them.

Expert Spy: He is well adept in blending in his surroundings as well as sneaking around heavily guarded places. He would usually blend in dense crowd and mimic their activities. He is also extremely skilled in espionage, stealth, infiltration, disguises, thievery, and eavesdropping.

Disguise Mastery: 47 also has an expert level understanding of the use of disguises in order to access unauthorized areas of a location, as well as knowing which people will see through his current disguise.

Master Martial Artist: As a highly skilled ICA assassin, 47 is a highly accomplished martial artist able to engage armed and unarmed enemies in hand-to-hand combat and come out victorious. He can also disarm trained and armed soldiers and swiftly render them unconscious with minimal effort. His fighting style consists of Kickboxing, Panantukan, Krav Maga, Eskrima, Jiu-Jitsu. 47 is also skilled at using whatever is available and using his environment to his advantage in combat.

Master Marksman: 47 is a very accurate marksman, skilled in sharpshooting and knife throwing. He is also highly skilled in the use of pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault and sniper rifles and has extensive knowledge of any firearms. 47 can accurately shoot his opponents no matter how far they are and usually lands a headshot and is capable of handling his handguns with one hand.

Genius-level Intellect: 47 is an extremely intelligent, highly organized, exceedingly cunning man and highly adaptable to any situation. He has shown himself to be very skilled in espionage, infiltration, counterintelligence, and is skilled at adjusting his plans to account for changes as well as knowing how to plan well in advance and improvising new plans when necessary. Also 47's superior intellect was shown during The Final Test when he was able to quickly solve a chess conundrum that was being brainstormed by a chess master Jasper Knight.

Skilled Engineer: In addition to his driving intuition, 47 is also a very skilled mechanic and engineer. He is able to manipulate objects and machinery around him to his advantage with very little effort. Additionally, he is an expert locksmith, being able to pick most locked doors and open them in mere seconds.

Skilled Scientist: 47 has shown to be knowledgeable & skilled in chemistry/poison. He has been able to concoct poisons that can either kill them in seconds or simply incapacitate them.

Skilled Painter/Artist: He has shown to possess great skill in painting, as shown in HITMAN™ 2.

Skilled barber:He has shown to possess great skill in barbering, as shown in HITMAN™ 2.(in Chasing A Ghost )

Skilled tattoo artist:47 is shown to be a great tattoo artist,, evident when he skillfully give Rico Delgado a tattoo to impersonate another tattoo artist (in Three-Headed Serpent).

Expert Driver: It is evident that Agent 47 is a very skilled driver, judging from how well he managed to maneuver Dr. Ort-Meyer's car past a police blockade (in rainy conditions) at the end of Asylum Aftermath. Agent 47's driving skill is also manifested in his ability to drive specialist motor vehicles - such as a bus and a large truck at the end of Amendment XXV and The Meat King's Party, respectively. Agent 47's vehicular skills are not just limited to cars - He is seen flying helicopters and planes and driving boats numerous times throughout the series.

Drummer: 47 is shown to be a great drummer, evident when he skillfully plays the drums to impersonate another drummer (in Club 27 and Three-Headed Serpent).

Keyboardist: 47 is shown to be a great keyboardist, evident when he skillfully plays the keyboard (in Club 27)

Multilingualism: Thanks to his travels around the globe, 47 is familiar with multiple languages. He is shown to speak/comprehends English, Russian and likely many more.

Master Tactician: 47 is a highly trained tactician and a master of situational awareness. He is very good at lateral thinking and finding highly creative ways to stay ahead of the people hunting him. He could effectively track down his targets and determine the the best course of action in various missions. He also skilled at coming up with and executing plans for a variety of missions and is very good at understanding his opponents and using their flaws and plans against them.

Detective Skills: 47 is able to locate and piece together clues to reach his end goal. He best demonstrates these skills in the Death in the Family mission, where he has the option to investigate the suspicious death of Zachary Carlisle.

Equipment: One AMT 1911 Hardballer pistol, a set of fiber wire, lockpick and a couple of coins.
Real Name:
Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy
Birthdate: September 23rd, 2007
Age: 20
Codename (if any): Spider Woman, Ghost Spider
Nicknames: Gwenny, Gwenzelle, Spidey, Gwennie the Pooh
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125 lbs
Gwen's powers were similar to those of Peter Parker of the Prime Marvel Universe, after a Radioactive Spider -- genetically engineered by Cindy Moon based upon the genetic template of alien spider parasites -- bit her, granting superhuman strength, speed, toughened flesh, and numerous arachnid-like abilities. Spider Woman, Spider Woman, does whatever a spider can! After a giant nuclear powered 8 legged spider attacked her friends and her city, and she beat it up. But it sank its fangs into her arm before it died. But she shrugged it off, and then went on to save the world from all the supermonsters. Yeah, that's a thing that happened. (Edit: That isn't actually a thing that happened. She was bitten on the hand by a radioactive/enhanced spider). Her powers include:

· Wall-Crawling: Gwen's exposure to the mutated spider venom induced a mutagenic, cerebellum-wide alteration of her engrams resulting in the ability to mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers. This overcomes the outer electron shell's normal behavior of mutual repulsion with other outer electron shells and permits the tremendous potential for electron attraction to prevail. The mentally controlled sub-atomic particle responsible for this has yet to be identified. This ability to affect the attraction between surfaces is so far limited to Gwen's body (especially concentrated in her hands and feet) and another object, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. Walks on walls, yo.

· Superhuman Strength: Gwen possesses superhuman strength enabling her to press lift approximately 7 tons. More powerful than a locomotive.

· Precognitive sense: When she is in direct danger, she can detect it early. It has been known to fail from time to time. Knows you're coming for her before you know you're coming for her.

· Superhuman Speed: Gwen is capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. She is actually one of the quicker of the 'Spider Totems'. Faster than a speeding bullet (not really, but super fast).

· Superhuman Stamina: Gwen's advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows her to exert herself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair her. "I can do this all day!" -Samantha Wilson, 2025

· Superhuman Durability: Gwen's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. Her body is more resistant to impact forces than anything else. She can withstand great impacts, such as falling from a height of several stories or being struck by an opponent with super strength, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no discomfort. Got thrown down from waaaaaay up, landed with just a little brain trauma! Thanks Toomes!

· Superhuman Agility: Gwen's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. "I just want to daaaaance!" -Danny Sexbang, 2011

· Superhuman Equilibrium: Gwen possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. She seems able to adjust her position by instinct, which enables her to balance herself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow. Looks awesome when she's balancing on just her toes on top of a flagpole.

· Superhuman Reflexes: Gwen's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are possibly about 40 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with her spider-sense, the speed of her reflexes allows her to dodge almost any attack, even gunfire, if at a fair distance. Dodging gunfire in bullet-time like Neo, bitches.

· Her precognitive sense doesn't always seem to be on point. It has been known to be unreliable. This is sometimes (not always) connected to her current emotional state.
· Gwen isn't as strong as some of her powered peers, in regards to raw strength.
· She has a lot of self doubt about all of her decisions, and usually just asks someone to make decisions for her. This self doubt can almost come to a point of being crippling.
· Doesn't have any formal fight training. Most all of her fighting knowledge comes from kung-fu movies.
· Hates Eminem.
· Cries with happiness when she listens to the OST to Braveheart.
· Guilty pleasure music is David Gilmour (Solo works).

· Skilled Detective:
Gwen has a proclivity for analytical thinking and detective work.]​ She is also the daughter of a police captain, thus she knows some police protocols and methods.
· Musician: Gwen plays the drums with her band, The Mary Janes.
· Skilled Fighter: Gwen is a skilled freestyle fighter. However she learned most of her moves from Kung-Fu movies, according to one of her critics, Gwen does not know how to throw a proper punch.

· Web-Shooters:
Given to Gwen by Janet Van Dyne. They trap moisture from the air to create a "web-fluid" that allows her to eject web ropes, nets, and globs.
· Smartphone: Gwen's phone "contains her entire life."


Corn dogs
Music (literally all kinds). But gravitates towards punk rock/grunge. Joey Ramone signed her face once. Didn't wash it for 2 weeks, much to her father's chagrin.
Tigers (Siberian tigers)
Being Spider Woman!
Being able to help, especially those she loves
Being in the Mary Janes
Being a drummer
Being the drummer for the Mary Janes
Mr. Albie
Ms. Van Dyne
Reed Richards
Samantha Wilson
Bodega Bandit

Bodega Bandit ("Bodega Bandit… you're just the worst arch-nemesis!")
Matthew Murdock
Captain Frank Castle
Losing her powers
Being criticized

Brief Bio:
"If you're the only hero in an alternate universe who has their own comic book… every problem is your problem!"
Daughter of a cop… another world's hero. Awesome at all the things. How's that for brief?
NPC Sheet​

Name: Senji Muramasa

Series: Fate

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): Fresh from the Throne of Heroes

Senji is good at two things: Smithing, and swordsmanship. He is not only good, he is one of the best smiths his world has ever seen, and while his fighting prowess is not as legendary, it is still commendable.


- Strength: B
- Endurance: A
- Agility: D
- Mana: E
- Luck: B
- Noble Phantasm: A+

Servant Skills:

- Magic Resistance (B): Cancel spells with moderate power. Even if targeted by greater magecraft and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.
- Territory Creation (A): Muramasa's whole workshop just never stops following him. Senji Muramasa's own workshop ――― acts with a smithy as its base. Obviously it's completely different from that of a mage, but apparently the class skill of Casters was given as an interpretation at the moment of manifesting as a Servant. As the most excellent of craftsmen, he has an exceptional Territory Creation ability.
- Appreciation of Swords (A): A skill similar yet different to Appreciation of the Arts. Comprehension related to armament. With just one glance, he can grasp how to confront ordinary weapons that aren't Noble Phantasms. In the case of the rank being A or higher, it's possible to understand armament other than swords and blades. It works as accurate advice for allies, and perceives the weak ponts of the enemy.
- Contemporary Ill Omen (B): A skill derived from the legends revolving around the katana with the signature of Muramasa, the so-called "Wicked Sword Muramasa". The katana created by Senji Muramasa and his school are said to bring misfortune to the rulers of the Tokugawa family. Generally speaking, it is advantageous for him to battle kings or conquerors.
- Sword Trial (B+ Rank): Trying out the sword. Test slashes, test swordsmanship. A method to measure the sharpness and performance of swords. Senji Muramasa can freely draw out the power endowed to a weapon. If he felt like it, he could even draw out its maximum power to the point of the weapon self-destructing in a single stroke.
- Eye of Karma (A): A dormant ability possessed by the body. A subspecies of the skill Clairvoyance. Improves both static and dynamic visual acuity. Insight specialized only for battle action. With this body he can't set his eyes on destiny like with Clairvoyance… Supposedly, but due to the values of Muramasa, who set his eyes on the "karma" within the flames during his lifetime, the hawk eyes pierce not only the prey, but also their destiny that lies ahead.
- Flame (EX): Casting and forging with one's whole body and spirit, to the point of burning up oneself. "Every astrigency, every longstanding desire, every unnaturality――― Everything in order to reach this single stroke"

Noble Phantasm:

Tsumukari Muramasa: The realisation of Muramasa's ideal sword, the sword is one that can purge resentment, cut through bonds, fate, causality, and destiny, and slice through the idea of karma itself. However, using it will cause him to perish because he is not a God. After reproducing a wasteland of countless swords due to the deployment of a unique Reality Marble, all the swords break, scattering like snow crystals, and only one blade remains in Senji Muramasa's hands. One slash that severs time and space, and even fate. The inscription of the sword is Tsumukari Muramasa.

Equipment: Whatever he is smithing at the moment.
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Name: Antony "Tony" Masters

Marvel Comics (I know jack shit about marvel continuity, I'm basing this off his solo comic runs, combing aspects that make the character interesting to me)



Super Soldier Serum: As a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Task Master was sent to a Nazi holdout in Bolivia where they were experimenting with human augmentation. As the facility was getting destroyed around him Tony injected himself with an experimental concoction that would allow create Übermensch. Unfortunately not quite as good as the home grown American stuff (No infinite stamina or stopping a helicopter with his biceps). The Serum did however improve his body to Peak Human ability in all measurable aspect and augmented his already existing natural talents to the next level.

Photographic Reflexes: Something Task Master has had since birth, the ability to perfectly copy movements after just seeing them for a limited amount of time, something that was further enhanced by the Serum. Task Master knows 8 languages and multiple dialects, listening to a voice allows him to perfectly replicate it, basically as long as you are human and you have worth while skills so will Task Master upon seeing them.

Master Combatant in multiple different disciplines


Sword, Shield, Bow, Assortment of Guns, Web-Slingers (If I'm allowed), A bunch of in built utility Gadgets within his suit.
Name: Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne Alias: The Owl Lady
Age: 40
Canon: The Owl House



Able to transform into a harpy like woman with sharp talons and the ability to fly.


Palisman Manipulation: Eda carries along a staff with a wooden owl at it's head. The owl is capable of becoming it's own being independent of Eda.

She is far stronger than a normal humans.


Fire Magic: She can take steps to draw a simple sigil and activate it by touching it to cast fire magic. The size of the Sigil determines the power of the fire.

Weapons: Her own staff, potion bottles which serve as grenades (Five in ammo capacity) A simple note pad and a clicky pen which lights up.
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Name: The Fugitive Doctor

Series: Doctor Who

Canon: "You're gonna love this."

Abilities: Regeneration

Equipment: "Smart enough not to need cute little gizmos".​
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Name: Sir Gideon Ofnir, The All-Knowing

Series: Elden Ring

Canon: Before the burning of the Erdtree.


Knowledge Above All: This skill manifests the realm of the All-Knowing, a vast red field of energy that ties itself to any caught in the effect. Resistance to many forms of magic and divine power is reduced for all entities within a large area, including the caster. It is marked by an ornate, red sigil of an eye clinging to the afflicted.

Comet: The greatest of the Karolos Conspectus's glintstone sorceries, one that only a very few sorcerers have ever mastered. Fires a great blue comet of tremendous magical force. This sorcery can be charged to gather more power, as well as cast repeatedly and while in motion.

Glintblade Phalanx: A sorcery wielded by the Carian royal family and it's Enchanted Knight bodyguards. Creates a defensive arch of numerous swords formed of magic around the caster, which will automatically seek nearby foes. While not as damaging individually, their impact is more than enough to make overconfident foes stagger back.

Triple Rings of Light: One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists, invented by the demigod Miquella. Produces three deadly rings of light and fires them forwards. The rings of light return to a position close to the caster before disappearing.

Law of Causality: One of the key fundamentals of the Golden Order itself. Manifests a small ring of causality within the caster that automatically retaliates against attackers with an explosion of divine force upon accruing enough damage. The fundamentalists describe the Golden Order through the powers of regression and causality. Causality is the pull between meanings; that which links all things in a chain of relation.

Law of Regression: One of the key fundamentals of the Golden Order itself. Heals negative statuses and ailments, dispels special effects, be they supernatural or mundane, and reveals mimicry and falsehoods in all their forms. The fundamentalists describe the Golden Order through the powers of regression and causality. Regression is the pull of meaning; that all things yearn eternally to converge.

Rykard's Rancour: The terrible power of Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy. Summons searing red spirits in the form of skulls that leave a trail of delayed explosions in their wake. These spirits manifest from the rancor of heroes who met a violent end. Though it is a magma sorcery and is imbued with the power of flame, it's unholy nature is not to be forgotten.

Comet Azur: A truly legendary spell devised by Azur, a primeval sorcerer. Fires a tremendous comet in a torrent akin to the distant starry expanse, the place said to be the origin of glintstone. The beam is possessed of an almost unparalleled power and can fell giants, dragons and gods alike if let to rage on uncontested.

Black Flame Ritual: An incantation originating from the Godskin Apostles. Summons a circle of black flame pillars around the caster, warding off attempts to approach. Though the godslaying black flame lost much of it's power when the Gloam Eyed Queen was defeated, it still burns away at life just the same, anathema to all beings.

Bloodboon: A horrifying yet sacred incantation devised by Mohg, Lord of Blood. The caster thrusts a limb through a rift in space to pierce the body of the Outer God known as the Formless Mother, or the Mother of Truth. Upon removing the appendage a deluge of bloodflame erupts from the portal and can be scattered to set the area ablaze with cursed fire or simply left to fall around the caster as a defense against melee attackers. Bloodflame has the curious quality of inducing violent exsanguination as it burns, a terrible fate for any unsuspecting victims of it's power.

Scarlet Aeonia: Technique of Malenia, the Goddess of Rot. Creates a gigantic flower of red and white energy that blooms into an explosion imitating scarlet rot. Though limited in scope compared to it's progenitor's potency, that it can be replicated at all is a worrying sign. Even used in moderation this wretched infection could have had the potential to seep into the very land itself, warping and ruining all it comes into contact with. A dangerous prospect for those without the ability to revert it's progress. Thankfully, Gideon has as of yet been unable to unlock the secret of rot. Nevertheless, it remains a fairly effective tool.

Incredible Magical Talent: As demonstrated by his collection of awe inspiring sorceries and incantations, Gideon is far and away one of the most capable casters in The Lands Between and perhaps all of history itself, even creating an exceptional technique of his own and imbuing his staff with it in the form of an Ash of War. And he did not learn all of those through scrolls or formal education either, having managed to recreate many of the most powerful and unique magicks in his arsenal just from secondhand accounts and personal theories alone. In addition, though not as important as the aforementioned spells, he also knows more magic than any man alive. From the basics to more advanced techniques, if it's a discipline he knows some of, odds are he knows the rest too. The few notable exceptions to this rule, he has nonetheless heard of or witnessed, and should be capable of performing with enough time to ruminate on them. Indeed, with the opportunity to venture to new worlds he will likely be expanding his repertoire soon enough.

Survivability and Resilience: Gideon is positively brimming with vigour despite his wizened form, almost three times as tough as even the hardiest of Tarnished out there. Though not particularly notable compared to many of the great foes one might find in the Lands Between, among humans he is at the pinnacle of health and has a particularly strong life force.

Extensive Crafting Knowledge: Though not known as a craftsman, he did not claim the mantle of All-Knowing due to only his accomplishments in the arcane and divine. He has memorized countless recipes for things such as elemental pots, arrows, knives, bolts, greases, medicinal aids, the fabled Bewitching Branches and more. With the appropriate materials or substitutes, he can make a vast assortment of useful items for both himself and his fellows.


The All-Knowing's Regalia: The iconic set of equipment belonging to Gideon Ofnir. It is not the most durable armour, but it serves it's purpose well and has no particular weakness. Knowledge begins with the recognition of one's ignorance. The realization that the search for knowledge is unending. There is nothing Gideon will not do in his pursuit of greater learning.

Scepter of The All-Knowing: Scepter in the form of a hand grasping a pearl. Signature weapon of Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing. The pearl stands for the world, the heavens, and an eye, representing the many forms of knowledge, never fully attainable. Even knowing that, the All-Knowing's hand grasps for it. It is wielded more like a cudgel than a sorcerer's staff, inflicting blunt damage accompanied by an enchanted magical effect to bypass mundane durability. His personal technique, Knowledge Above All is imbued into the weapon, allowing whoever holds it to unleash that power. Regardless, the end result is the same.

Carian Glintstone Staff: A simple wooden staff tipped with blue Glintstone. Despite holding only a moderate amount of innate power itself, in the hands of an intelligent wielder it's power truly shines. It naturally enhances glintblade sorceries. As one might surmise, in Gideon's hands it can equal even legendary staves.

Golden Order Seal: A formless sacred seal depicting the ceremonial observation of Order. Allows for the use of incantations, naturally empowering those aligned with Golden Order Fundamentalism. Fundamentalism is scholarship in all but name, marrying Faith and Intelligence under one focus. Such a thing carries over to incantations cast with the Seal, empowering them drastically with both attributes.

Flasks of Crimson and Cerulean Tears: A duo of sacred flasks modelled after a golden holy chalice that was once graced by a tear of life. Filled with supposed tears imbued with supernatural power, these flasks provide healing and the restoration of magic in their use. The liquid replenishes on it's own. It is said that a Finger Maiden will bestow two such chalices upon the chosen Tarnished when they meet. Though it is likely Gideon's maiden is remembered only by him, her gifts would never be squandered in his hands.
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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!

Season One

Allows the user to summon forth a devastatingly large incendiary detonation. Megumin's proficiency with this spell results in a blast far larger and stronger than it has any right to be. This is due to Megumin devoting every skill point and shred of magical power she has solely to Explosion. Unfortunately, this usually exhausts her to the point of collapsing after casting it a single time.

Megumin's Archwizard Regalia and Staff of Destruction!
Contrary to what she may insist about their supposed enchantments and sordid history, these objects provide no more than a bit of comfort and a minor magical focus. Almost entirely mundane.

Adventurer's Card
This piece of equipment issued by the Adventurer's Guild displays it's owner's level, stats and skills in addition to keeping a record of their identity. Furthermore, it can be used to level up and allocate skill points to existing abilities or unlock new ones. The only caveat is that the skill must be known to the user and fit their class. As an Archwizard of exceptional talent, Megumin has the capacity to perform magic of all kinds. Yet despite the potential versatility available to her, Megumin is more than content to follow only the path of explosions.
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Name: Soldier Boy, Ben, America's Son

Series: The Boys

Canon: Pre-Awakening


Superhuman Strength: Soldier Boy possesses an insane amount of raw physical ability, able to toss cars like toys, shatter concrete with a good punch and bend metal easily. Even against the supposedly strongest superhero of his homeland, a man capable of lifting a large airplane under the right circumstances, he is more than a match when it comes to might alone.

Superhuman Durability: Far more impressive than his strength however is his incredible resilience to harm. He can take machine gun fire in his mouth, endure the heat of a welding torch directly against his flesh, resist high powered buzzsaws against his skin, ingest sulphuric acid, and even casually breathe potent anaesthetic, all while suffering no harm whatsoever. Even the attacks of superpowered individuals at or above his level can do little more than force him around. There are only two minor exceptions: Novichok, one of the deadliest chemical weapons ever made has been able to put him to sleep after significant inhalation, and he still feels pain from truly extreme amounts of radiation despite being immune to it's damaging effects. The only injury he was ever shown to suffer was from extended contact with an immensely powerful laser, leaving a large cut over his cheekbone. Uniquely, this seems to extend to mental toughness as well, as he can push past direct mind control and avoid telepathy almost entirely. Though he is not invincible, there are few things in his world that can hope to harm the first American Superhero.

Longevity: Despite being over one hundred years old, he still maintains a young appearance, having barely aged if at all since he gained his powers. This supernatural vitality shows in more than just his appearance though, offering him inhuman stamina and rarely used regenerative capabilities. The previously mentioned damage to his face had seemingly healed completely and cleanly by his next appearance.

Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Though his actual movement speed is not especially impressive compared to his other powers, it's still beyond the mundane. Couple that with his drastically better reflexes and he can move to block or avoid gunfire with ease. Furthermore, he was able to both react to and dodge strikes from a man that could break the sound barrier. He might be better off taking a vehicle when travelling long distances, but when he reaches the action he's as quick as they come.

Radiation Emission: After being exposed to high levels of radiation while being experimented on by the Russians, Soldier Boy's body appears to have started producing radiation on its own, effectively turning him into a walking nuclear reactor. Because of this, his body now passively emits high levels of radiation at all times. In addition, he's capable of generating semi-controlled bursts of radioactive energy, ranging from a penetrating beam that scythes through all in its path to a wide range explosion roughly half the size of a skyscraper. The destructive force of this attack surpasses even his considerable physical strength, able to vaporize humans and demolish even large buildings. Unfortunately, this ability has a few drawbacks. For one, the upper levels of radiation can cause him intense pain, especially when it rises on its own. Indeed, the amount of radiation that his body creates can also be affected by his emotional state. Worse, if he for any reason loses control of his emotions entirely, he also loses control of this power. If he can retain some presence of mind, he'll still be able to direct the blast or even reign the power in if he's lucky, but in the worst case scenario he could set off a miniature nuke and take out his surroundings and everyone within a few dozen meters.

Expert Combatant: With his near century of experience in actual combat, Soldier Boy is a highly capable fighter, not needing to rely solely on supernatural abilities. This notably gives him an edge against supes in general due to their frequent over reliance on superpowers. Most often, he fights using a combination of hand-to-hand combat and shield attacks, though he is an able marksman as well with a particular proficiency in throwing weapons.

Intimidation: Soldier Boy's imposing presence is almost tangible and can make the likes of hardened killers tense up in fright at his mere passing. To his targets, he's like a walking force of nature who's arrival is inevitable. To bystanders, he can appear more of a monster than a man. Though he is not always so terrifying, he is prone to unintentionally scaring people during conversation if topics ever stray to darker matters.


Hero Costume: Soldier Boy wears a military green protective masked suit with what appears to be a Kevlar vest. This suit is strong enough to withstand the full force of his radioactive explosions. Considering the situation he was in before the event that freed him, the fact that his gear came with is something of a miracle.

Shield: A brass, golden-colored triangular shield is his main weapon of choice, usually wielded in tandem with a gun or knife, though it's usually more than enough on its own. The shield is quite durable, as it was able to break through a reinforced skull and reliably withstand Heat Vision on the level required to harm the man himself for a time. The shield is extremely heavy, so much so that normal humans are unable to even move it, yet Soldier Boy himself can effortlessly wield it one-handed.

Combat Knife: By far the least impressive part of his arsenal, an eagle headed combat knife worn on his right hip. It can be used as both a melee weapon and as a throwing-knife. Though it is almost certainly tougher than most knives, it wouldn't be as useful against anyone in his weight class.
Name: Doom Slayer, Doomguy, Doom Marine

Series: DOOM

Canon: DOOM Eternal

Abilities: Demonic Strength - From his infusion via the divinity machine, the slayer acquired a new height to his already ridiculous athleticism. With this, he is capable of Herculean feats the likes of which haunt the lords of darkness to their deepest of nightmares. This includes but certainly not limited to carrying absurd amounts of heavy weaponry, crashing through walls, and tearing apart beings with his bare hands.

Daring Durability - Even as a man before the divinity machine, the marine could survive many egregious injuries that would kill most people. After the infusion and later adornment of armor, the marine became capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, intense water pressure, volatile impacts, and of course, resist most conventional based attacks.

Argent Absorption - Unique to his games, the demons thrive off of a specific energy source called argent, which has been shown to be incredibly difficult to control and withstand. Even small emissions of it lead to rapid demonic transfiguration on most beings, while the Slayer appears to resist and further, absorb the energy. The suit can upgrade itself from direct argent infusions, as all others seem to only mend its damages or provide ammo through a not yet understood process.

Blood Punch - Upon dealing two "Glory Kills," the Slayer can unleash the Blood Punch, which is a massive shockwave of pure argent energy that obliterates enemies.

Pure Badassery - As seen in DOOM Eternal, the Slayer's mere presence is so fucking cool that it frightens off the majority of beta male cucks. Adding to this, his sheer chad energy allows him to snag keycards and weapons from basic bitch punks that can't actually fight off the horde. Further adding to this, combat with him causes absolutely radical metal to start playing but really only those with 4th wall based senses can detect this.

Expert weapon mastery - There is no such thing as unconventional when it comes to fighting hell itself, and the Slayer very nearly bends this concept with the insane amount of shit he carries. From guns, to swords, and hand-to-hand combat, the doom marine completely excels in.

Equipment: Weapon(s)/ Equipment:

Praetor Suit
Combat Shotgun
Super Shotgun
Heavy Assault Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Rocket Launcher
Plasma Pistol
Doom Blade
Equipment Launcher
Flame Belch
Name: Dr. Robotnik (Eggman)

Series: Sonic The Hedgehog

Canon: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Movie)


Incredible Intellect - The man is 31 and already has 5 PHDs and possesses an IQ of 300. Even as an infant he was apparently capable of writing formula. Such power has allowed him to create technology generations beyond the rest of the world, and even to calculate the exact height, weight, skeletal structure, and anatomy of an alien creature (That Blasted Hedgehog (Sonic)) just by seeing a footprint.


Insane Intuition - As seen in the two movies, Robotnik has a deductive talent that supersedes all other humans in his universe. He was able to near instantly adapt to every situation thrown his way, whether that be traveling at supersonic speeds through narrow cities, or surviving in the wilderness on an alien planet.

Equipment: Power Glove - A gadget fitted along his gloves that allows him to command his machines (Badniks) (Eggoons). This glove also possesses its own internet connection, and is able to calculate multitudes of different kinds of information at lightning speed.
Name: Sonic

Series: Sonic The Hedgehog

Canon: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Movie)

Abilities: Supersonic Speed - As typical of the character, Sonic can run at such an incredible pace that the human eye can only catch his after images in some of his accelerations. This can extend onto creating small tornadoes, using the kinetic energy itself in a variety of ways, such as running on walls, ceilings, and even water but with some difficulty. His strength by itself is about as useful as launching a teddy bear, requiring the usage of chaos energy or speed to inflict any kind of damage. This ability even reaches more absurd territories; take for example moving and processing the world around him at such a rate that flinging bullets come to a near standstill to his eyes. Furthermore, even asleep his pulse cranks up to 400 bpm. Adding to the oddities, Sonic has been shown capable of reading entire stacks of comic books in seconds.

Chaos Energy - Only the most gifted of all beings in his universe are granted access to Chaos Energy. Such allows for any being to enhance their own abilities, and for Sonic, this gives him the power to accelerate at even greater speeds than he already could. His own quills produce the energy naturally, creating a stark blue light when activated. The energy output has been calculated to be infinite, and one quill alone can power just about anything in the universe. This even applies to the quills separated from his body. The power that truly accelerates him to new reaches is when heavy emotions are felt, as this appears to immediately activate the electricity and can even create pulses as large as the Pacific Ocean and reach distances of other galaxies. But this is only under the rare circumstance that he is emotionally overwhelmed. With the energy Sonic can practically shred anything with his "Spin attack," given the correct momentum and force. Tougher materials require much charge up to decimate though.

Impact Absorption - By all accounts, Sonic should have an intense physical strength equivalent of a superhuman, and yet he hardly hits as much as a child without the use of his speed or chaos energy. Oddly enough, he can receive quite a fair amount of force to his body with relatively low injuries, such as being launched through walls and remaining conscious. With the energy applied, any and all heights become just another surface to run or bounce off of for the hedgehog.

Equipment: Rings - Within a satchel he carries on his back is a collection of golden rings of indeterminate composition. They work much like a wishmaking device, as one only needs to think of where they want to go and toss the ring. It will proceed to transform into a temporary portal the size fit for whoever intends to cross through, changing shape depending on who throws the ring.