The Evrensel Conflict- Chapter 3,Mission 2: The Hijacking

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Amber Franklin

Formerly Not_Amy
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Futanari
Horror and Fantasy are my bread and butter. Mecha/Military is a favorite snack of mine.
An hour passes between the time everyone is brought together by the strange power of a strange God, and the large group breaks off to complete different missions.

In all this, the ones who remain do so to answer the one burning question that brought everyone here to this hotel in the first place: Whose voice had been in their heads?

Below the name Emma Frost was a location: Empress Hall, which by one of the few remaining signs on the wall near them in the lobby is indicated to be at the back of the ground floor behind a set of large doors that were hanging by rusted hinges, and would fall to the floor with a resounding CRASH when opened.

Beyond those doors would be a large hall that in its heyday had been opulent, and hosted many joyous occasions before being abandoned; left to degrade into the expanse of dark creaking floor. By the light from holes in the ceiling and high broken windows, a dais is seen at the far end of this hall. Standing on this dais is a woman.


She had actually been there for hours, before Kingpin and the 141 had even arrived; but she had used her power to make them look into this hall, and seen nothing to report for them to report it as 'clear'. No reason for her to explain her presence to unexpected arrivals while waiting for the ones she was expecting. In time they would all come to know.

When the group enters, the woman is turned away from them looking up at the ceiling through a hole and turns to them as they approach. Her expression is one of determination, purpose.

"I am glad you all made it. I knew you would, why I even bothered to send you all my message." The woman crosses her arms over her chest and walks to the edge of the dais.

"Allow me to give you all the first genuine welcome you have experienced so far. My name is Emma Frost. Like you all, I was brought to this world for reasons as unknown as the means. The people of this world consider us, those brought here, to be dangers that need to be contained, or worse eliminated. I am fortunate that my powers have allowed me to not only avoid being contained or eliminated, but even avoid detection so I could be elected a representative of the people in what is the last government standing."

"I am the Representative for Ward 3, the ward where the working class of New Moscow has been sequestered. For two years I have done my best to serve my constituents while lacking the ability to do so without my natural power; and I thought the worst of it was my voice has been muffled." Emma sighs and continues "No, the worst was that after the last session of Parliament I was told of Operation Exodus. Said operation is to use a space vessel to escape this dying and dangerous world. The name is misleading. It's not planned to be a mass exodus, but one for an approved selection of New Moscow that mostly includes the government." Emma grimaces at this, shakes her head.

"For obvious reasons, regular citizens know nothing about this. I have been sworn to secrecy under the guise of preventing mass panic and revolt that would doom New Moscow, and allowed one pre-flight visit to become familiar with this spaceship. I have no intention of following their plan." Emma huffs.

"No. Instead, I want to enlist the help of a few of you to hijack this spaceship, and save as many citizens as possible. I know this is asking a lot of almost complete strangers. But the common people need heroes. They have been the indentured servants of the military and the elites of New Moscow for years, and except for a small number of servants will be left to the horrors of this world. Please, help me save my people. They have me as their advocate, but I need those among you with the abilities to make a true Operation Exodus happen." Emma implores the assembled group.

"I've helped a bunch of religious ghouls launch themselves into space!" Abby speaks up from the crowd standing next to Alec. The Scotsman would feel his hand grabbed by hers, and then pulled along as she walks forward and out. The grip is strong, stronger than you would assume from her small build.

"So you can say I got experience in this kinda mission. Count us in!" Abby raises both their hands.
  • Nice Execution!
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Diplomacy was not something that sounded particularly suited. Not to mention Reegan had absolutely no desire to return to prison. The teleporter could be useful though Haassethur had the Tardis. The priest Blessed left to deep bramble once out of the Hotel satisfied that Reegan's feet had regenerated. That left behind left their youngest and the thief on her shores. Zhen was there too, but a keeper was bound to her inner light from the Dreamsleeve, not her bramble, and calmly watched as she went to offer his advice.

There were faint networks of shine along her body now as vines high in silica grew up from the heavy frame within her new legs. Less root and more boot her foot closer resembled something human now though the toes and bottoms of her feet were pale, spiked, and speckled with silica layers. There was a dim feeling of unease as her body now fought back against the telekinetic. Zhen said it didn't warrant combat and didn't have her bow manifested as she entered the room with Frost.

Yellow misty eyes fixed on Frost as she introduced herself and much like her inner Blessed put up with it as long as it got her to space. Zhen said he could help his friend Alec there besides that she didn't need to breathe. All the high and mighty leaving the innocent behind wasn't something she liked like either though Zhen debated with the older Blessed Kahjiit about it. An endless ocean that wasn't full of dremora, Xog, and Sheogoraths maybe had something interesting to see. What if the imperials decided they would not save any Nords by boat?

A deaf third ear turned toward their philosophical debate for Reegan and the young Blessed to listen to the Frost woman explain. Zhen conceded the discussion once they appeared not to be panicked conquerers as Frost mentioned that only the ruling class would go with the common man left to die. Not surprised by that particular development of authoritarians, in any case, the few made worthy by merit but chosen by mere political importance. This was a thing he could not conscience.

He rapped on Reegan's inner shore to get her attention, "We should introduce ourselves, Reegan, I think it would be a good place to be in even if my concerns are unfounded. If you would incarnate me?"

Reegan cupped hands together near the light in her chest as she willed the keeper through it past the bramble. Instead of imposing him over another, as Zhen had objected privately, she crafted him into the world. A blue light familiar to those of the Traveler nearby with its whirled ball of Thuum sigils in mid-air between her cupped hands. One hand holding the ball forward called an affirmation of his being, "Dilon veysun deinmaar."

Zhen's bones erupted in pale roots from her palm as vines shot out of her hand to turn metallic or calcify with her wrist embedded in what would become his back. Soon she pulled her hand free with a small tuft of inner purple smoke as the hole closed. Zhen left his helmet on shifting his shoulders in testing reconstructed joints.

The opaque tri-imaged stealth helmet walked up beside Alec and his new beau any accent well vanished from Zhen's intel training, "Well, Alec, my friend, let's try not to crash this time. A pleasure to meet you, Abby." @Wade Von Doom.@Amber Franklin

Her demeanor far less dour now that be Blessed operated behind the bramble instead of in her mind ambled up behind them, "He's going where I'm going! A bad king can go down with their nation."

She tried to hide the smile the child blessed was causing by chanting 'Gonna go to space!' inside her head. It only half-worked as Reegan's misty yellow eyes turned to full excitement. The Kajiit was only slightly more mature after suffering the imperial's slavery in their own plane.
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From what Trigger could decipher after the chaos that was meeting the other group and the mad god sheogorath, the group he had been recruited into was to find the mysterious messenger that had led the previous group to the hotel. He had also gotten over the fact that he could have been dead, shoving it in the back of his mind much like the other things in his life. Their landing place was the lobby of the hotel itself, and the doctors that had join in the mission had received a message to meet with someone named "Emma Frost" in a room down the hall.

This area had been called "empress hall" as shown by the rusted sign that was barely hanging on the wall. The door to the room itself was also just as rusted, and easily fell to the floor with a loud thud as everyone filed into the room. It was a stageroom it seemed, and on the main podium stood a woman with bright blonde hair and strict facial features. Trigger had his hand ready on his pistol, slightly suspicious of the situation. That was when she spoke, describing how she was also like them, stranded from their dimensions and forced to live in this world. The government's plan was apparently to send a spaceship away as a last ditch effort to save humanity. All Emma needed was a few operatives to help save the rest of the people on the planet other than military officials. Abby looked fully committed to be part of this mysterious woman's plan, along with Reegan and her strange voodoo abilities. This whole situation just felt off to Trigger, like he was missing some type of detail in her explanation. "Why exactly do you want to help these people? You said that they hate people from other worlds, so what is your reason for assisting the people who have ridiculed you?" He asked across the room. He was probably going to get dragged into assisting anyway, but he wanted a motive before he did.
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Emma watches one woman come forth to volunteer, and a man she literally pulls in with her. She smiles. Didn't need to have telepathy to know what was going on between those two. It was nice, uplifting even, that even in this confusion there is still some kind of love to be had in all of it.

"And your names?" She asks of the pair.

"Abigail Delano! Just a humble wastelander from New Vegas wanting to help where I can." Abby replies.

"New Vegas, huh." Emma nods.

The tree... thing...and the other thing it produces are not the strangest thing Emma has seen in her storied life. But it is up there, she will admit only to herself.

"And thank you, for you two as well." Emma says to them.

A young man steps up. Again Emma doesn't need telepathy to know skepticism and so she takes his question in stride.

"Long long story made short? In my home universe, I'm a mutant who fights for everyone. Including people who think I'm an abomination. A wise man and his friends that became mine, set me on this high road and I can't seem to break off from it much as I want to. That answer your question?" She answers then asks of Trigger.
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Delsin Rowe

As he walked into the decrepit room with the others, the only thing not rotting and no doubt on the verge of being covered in moss or some variety of vegetation was a lady staring up through the hole in the ceiling before turning to them, stating her name was 'Emma Frost.' Nice name, made him wonder if she had ice powers, or something along those lines. Hands stuffed into his pockets, Delsin patiently waited for his turn to introduce himself as the others spoke their names. Such as the forming couple that was Abby and Alec, Reegan and her alien friend, and Trigger. Spotting his opening, Delsin would give a small wave to the lady.

"Name's Delsin Rowe, not-so local artist and Conduit power sponge." He would say as Emma continued on with why she was here, what their goal was and the overall plan. 'Appropriate' a spaceship intended to take some douchebags off world and leave their citizens to fuck off and die. A notion that would annoy Delsin, but also make him happy to at least throw a wrench into the plans of the assholes who locked his friends and him in some prison to torture them. The scars were still on his arms from the experience, no doubt they were going to be there for a long time.

"No need to sell it to me. I made a promise to my bro, Reggie that I was gonna help people. No matter what, or in this case. no matter where."

@Amber Franklin @Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Valkan @Snowtwo @Jenhal @Agent_Puncake @YeetLee @Henryboy003


The Hunter walked in with a hand resting on The Last Word, the eyes of the helmet 'Celestial Nighthawk' scanning the room with the same intensity of a hawk. Purely done out of habit that Hunters had, any escape routes, or entrances for enemies to swarm in from or any hiding spots for anyone.

But the only thing he saw was a woman in the middle of the room, unarmed and friendly it seems. Emma Frost she called herself, neat name. She went onto explaining their situation, their goal to steal a spaceship that the local dictatorship was intending to use to get off the dying planet. A goal that he as a Guardian had seen too much of, and a goal he was happy to subvert.

So as the others introduced themselves, he got his turn as he spoke, bringing out his ghost, Eye Dee Kay. "I'm Nomad, a Hunter and this is my buddy, Eye Dee Kay. He's a bit of a nerd unless it concerns music and cool movies."

The Ghost would simply huff in annoyance.

"Aside from stealing the ship, how do we exactly go about it?" The task wouldn't be as easy as grabbing the keys and going, it would be difficult. A task that'd test their various abilities, as well as their ability to work together.
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An hour passes between the time everyone is brought together by the strange power of a strange God, and the large group breaks off to complete different missions.

In all this, the ones who remain do so to answer the one burning question that brought everyone here to this hotel in the first place: Whose voice had been in their heads?

Below the name Emma Frost was a location: Empress Hall, which by one of the few remaining signs on the wall near them in the lobby is indicated to be at the back of the ground floor behind a set of large doors that were hanging by rusted hinges, and would fall to the floor with a resounding CRASH when opened.

Beyond those doors would be a large hall that in its heyday had been opulent, and hosted many joyous occasions before being abandoned; left to degrade into the expanse of dark creaking floor. By the light from holes in the ceiling and high broken windows, a dais is seen at the far end of this hall. Standing on this dais is a woman.


She had actually been there for hours, before Kingpin and the 141 had even arrived; but she had used her power to make them look into this hall, and seen nothing to report for them to report it as 'clear'. No reason for her to explain her presence to unexpected arrivals while waiting for the ones she was expecting. In time they would all come to know.

When the group enters, the woman is turned away from them looking up at the ceiling through a hole and turns to them as they approach. Her expression is one of determination, purpose.

"I am glad you all made it. I knew you would, why I even bothered to send you all my message." The woman crosses her arms over her chest and walks to the edge of the dais.

"Allow me to give you all the first genuine welcome you have experienced so far. My name is Emma Frost. Like you all, I was brought to this world for reasons as unknown as the means. The people of this world consider us, those brought here, to be dangers that need to be contained, or worse eliminated. I am fortunate that my powers have allowed me to not only avoid being contained or eliminated, but even avoid detection so I could be elected a representative of the people in what is the last government standing."

"I am the Representative for Ward 3, the ward where the working class of New Moscow has been sequestered. For two years I have done my best to serve my constituents while lacking the ability to do so without my natural power; and I thought the worst of it was my voice has been muffled." Emma sighs and continues "No, the worst was that after the last session of Parliament I was told of Operation Exodus. Said operation is to use a space vessel to escape this dying and dangerous world. The name is misleading. It's not planned to be a mass exodus, but one for an approved selection of New Moscow that mostly includes the government." Emma grimaces at this, shakes her head.

"For obvious reasons, regular citizens know nothing about this. I have been sworn to secrecy under the guise of preventing mass panic and revolt that would doom New Moscow, and allowed one pre-flight visit to become familiar with this spaceship. I have no intention of following their plan." Emma huffs.

"No. Instead, I want to enlist the help of a few of you to hijack this spaceship, and save as many citizens as possible. I know this is asking a lot of almost complete strangers. But the common people need heroes. They have been the indentured servants of the military and the elites of New Moscow for years, and except for a small number of servants will be left to the horrors of this world. Please, help me save my people. They have me as their advocate, but I need those among you with the abilities to make a true Operation Exodus happen." Emma implores the assembled group.

"I've helped a bunch of religious ghouls launch themselves into space!" Abby speaks up from the crowd standing next to Alec. The Scotsman would feel his hand grabbed by hers, and then pulled along as she walks forward and out. The grip is strong, stronger than you would assume from her small build.

"So you can say I got experience in this kinda mission. Count us in!" Abby raises both their hands.
Diplomacy was not something that sounded particularly suited. Not to mention Reegan had absolutely no desire to return to prison. The teleporter could be useful though Haassethur had the Tardis. The priest Blessed left to deep bramble once out of the Hotel satisfied that Reegan's feet had regenerated. That left behind left their youngest and the thief on her shores. Zhen was there too, but a keeper was bound to her inner light from the Dreamsleeve, not her bramble, and calmly watched as she went to offer his advice.

There were faint networks of shine along her body now as vines high in silica grew up from the heavy frame within her new legs. Less root and more boot her foot closer resembled something human now though the toes and bottoms of her feet were pale, spiked, and speckled with silica layers. There was a dim feeling of unease as her body now fought back against the telekinetic. Zhen said it didn't warrant combat and didn't have her bow manifested as she entered the room with Frost.

Yellow misty eyes fixed on Frost as she introduced herself and much like her inner Blessed put up with it as long as it got her to space. Zhen said he could help his friend Alec there besides that she didn't need to breathe. All the high and mighty leaving the innocent behind wasn't something she liked like either though Zhen debated with the older Blessed Kahjiit about it. An endless ocean that wasn't full of dremora, Xog, and Sheogoraths maybe had something interesting to see. What if the imperials decided they would not save any Nords by boat?

A deaf third ear turned toward their philosophical debate for Reegan and the young Blessed to listen to the Frost woman explain. Zhen conceded the discussion once they appeared not to be panicked conquerers as Frost mentioned that only the ruling class would go with the common man left to die. Not surprised by that particular development of authoritarians, in any case, the few made worthy by merit but chosen by mere political importance. This was a thing he could not conscience.

He rapped on Reegan's inner shore to get her attention, "We should introduce ourselves, Reegan, I think it would be a good place to be in even if my concerns are unfounded. If you would incarnate me?"

Reegan cupped hands together near the light in her chest as she willed the keeper through it past the bramble. Instead of imposing him over another, as Zhen had objected privately, she crafted him into the world. A blue light familiar to those of the Traveler nearby with its whirled ball of Thuum sigils in mid-air between her cupped hands. One hand holding the ball forward called an affirmation of his being, "Dilon veysun deinmaar."

Zhen's bones erupted in pale roots from her palm as vines shot out of her hand to turn metallic or calcify with her wrist embedded in what would become his back. Soon she pulled her hand free with a small tuft of inner purple smoke as the hole closed. Zhen left his helmet on shifting his shoulders in testing reconstructed joints.

The opaque tri-imaged stealth helmet walked up beside Alec and his new beau any accent well vanished from Zhen's intel training, "Well, Alec, my friend, let's try not to crash this time. A pleasure to meet you, Abby." @Wade Von Doom.@Amber Franklin

Her demeanor far less dour now that be Blessed operated behind the bramble instead of in her mind ambled up behind them, "He's going where I'm going! A bad king can go down with their nation."

She tried to hide the smile the child blessed was causing by chanting 'Gonna go to space!' inside her head. It only half-worked as Reegan's misty yellow eyes turned to full excitement. The Kajiit was only slightly more mature after suffering the imperial's slavery in their own plane.

Alec was tired.

How long ago did he arrive in this world? Like, three days? Did he even sleep in that time? He slept on that plane ride to the prison, but he didn't enough proper sleep. Instead, in those three days, he crash landed into the ocean, was impaled, froze to death, had to be revived, saw his friends get absorbed into the Spriggan to save their souls, got kidnapped and taken to said prison, nearly died there from weird phallic looking alien creatures, visited a planet that had cult squid people worshiping an ancient god, got mutated by said god, and then met another goddamn mad god in the lobby of this fucking hotel, AND SOMEHOW GOT TRANSPORTED TO THIS HOTEL WITHOUT RHYME OR REASON!

So all he could say when Emma finished talking was, "I have several questions--" then he was interrupted by Abby who waved his hand in the air against his will. "Well, wait, we don't--" And then Zhen spoke up behind him, looking like Jason Voorhees at then end of Friday the 13th one, and with the most girlish scream you could imagine, Alec jumped from Zhen's jumpscare from out of nowhere. "MOTHER-FUCKER!" He again shouted out, clenching his fists. "HOLD ON, GODDAMMIT!!... I have dealt with too much bullshit in three days, I would like a moment to think!" He then turned to Emma with a deranged look in his eye like Aang in 'The Chash.' "Why the hell should we help you! I don't give a fuck about these people, this people sent me to a prison in bumfuck nowhere, and I got tortured, and manhandled, and nearly FUCKING DIED! Fuck your people, I want off this planet for good!"

"Alec," Garrus spoke up calmingly, "Calm down."

"No, fuck you! And fuck you too, I wanted to stay on the ship!" He shouted to Abby. "I wanted to see if I could sleep still and not suffer nightmares over what I've seen! But no, you HAAAAD to get out there and get back into the action after taking it easy, all because you needed a moment! Well, I kept going without needed a breather, and I almost got made into a squid person, worshipping a space jellyfish! And now that I need a breather, you're FORCING ME," she wasn't, "to play hero still! Well, fuck you all, I'm done with this planet, I'm done with this multiverse nonsense, and I could give two shits about whether you cunts live or die now, BECAUSE I JUST WANNA GO HOME!" And with that, Alec took a moment to pant heavily, bloodshot eyes scanning the room for a response, as he shook like a heroine addict going cold turkey.

As if he realized what he said was out of order, he raised his finger up and looked ready to speak again, then slowly he tilted forward, and fell face first onto the floor. He was out cold, probably because his body couldn't handle the adrenaline of rage running through his body. When was the last time he ate? Or drank anything?

"Sssssorry, about that, he's.... I don't know him very well." Garrus felt like he had to make up some sort of excuse. "Garrus Vakarian." He offered his hand out to shake Emma's. "What do you know about this ship?"
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Reegan nodded at Delsin trying to remember as her hair strands unfurled white bell flowers that turn into blueberries, "Reggie sounds like a good person. You absorb conduits like I absorb souls? That sounds neat!" @The Wanderer

Yellow eyes grow wide as Alec starts to yell then starts to give out as a downcast Reegan hurriedly looks for memories to account for herself, "That's my fault. I think. Sorry. I'm Reegan and my other is my keeper, Zhen. I reaped him and Odaw after they died in Alec's crash." @Amber Franklin @Wade Von Doom

Just before this as Alec started to topple Zhen leans forward to grab Alec's armor and slow his fall. It was still rather a thud but not quite so much that he'd be sore in the morning. At least not from a broken nose and he owed his friend's wishes that much given the lady next to him. The flesh was something one had to take care of and now seemed more important a duty that he didn't have any anymore.

Zhen commented softly to his back he settled Alec mostly to keep his nose from getting any more crooked, "I know you well enough to disapprove of your anger but value it all the same. Not all of us were born into war and your desire for peace is a hole in myself I went to Buddhism to try and learn." @Wade Von Doom

"He doesn't like me," commented the Spriggan to Zhen while looking from above, "I didn't do anything to hurt him on purpose. There are creatures keeping home from being safe to go back to, aren't there?"

Zhen swiped his hand at the helmet as it peeled away to show the skull floating in miasma then said quietly to Abby as not to interrupt Garrus, "He'll heal back stronger with someone to lean on even if there's no home to go to. Always has. I suppose some iron does get stronger when hit on."

Reegan knelt down near Alec as careful bark hands help Zhen flip him over, "I can't make a home. All I can make is a glen to rest in for now. You can put a blanket over me if he doesn't want to see me." @Amber Franklin
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On the journey to the hotel Markha had made conversation with the others, getting to know their abilities and history a little more; she had also been reaching out with The Force subtly. Testing and feeling for the presence she had detected on her arrival. It was powerful, bold and familiar. She'd met Anakin Skywalker in passing but for a Jedi to meet him once, they could not forget his presence in The Force. It was like a storm seen from a distance. Concern had reared its head into her mind then but only for a brief moment as it was shooed away by her supreme confidence in the wisdom of the Jedi Council. If that collection of seasoned Jedi Masters was allowing Skywalker in their Order, then what would she have to be concerned about?

This, the presence she had reached out for, was not the same storm that was Anakin Skywalker but a storm nonetheless. Was it another lost Jedi like herself? She know.

The strange business with Sheo on their arrival at the hotel had been a lot to understand. It had given them all more perspective on what was going on even with the apparent deity being purposely confusing. In that event she had seen a woman, later she learned was named Tsunade, with a lightsaber. Alas, this woman had not been a Jedi as Markha had hoped. It was probably her disappointment that had kept her from joining Tsunade on the diplomatic mission. Or more her lack of knowledge in political matters as the Jedi Order had taught her to be apolitical as possible.

No it was her overwhelming curiosity regarding the woman who had been able to enter all of their minds. How could the others be content with being told later this particular mystery? Surely their missions could have waited just a little longer for that revelation, but it was done and Markha feels Yes, this is where I should be when she steps forward.

Well, after Alec has his moment. A moment that is quite indicative of the ordeal the others have undergone so far. Some, at least.

"Markha, former Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order. " Markha does not know for certain if that means anything to anyone else here, much less Emma Frost, or if her act of drawing her lightsaber and igniting its bright blue blade meant anything more. All she knows in those moments they feel right. That The Force was guiding her.

"And I have but one question: is this a quest that needs our immediate attention, or can some of us -" She nods at Alec "-
Have some time to recover?"

"I am a skilled pilot, and know that whatever make or model this ship is, I can help pilot her to the people who truly need salvation."
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  • Nice Execution!
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Lavaetain had kept quiet until now. It wasn't that she couldn't have said something, she could have, but every time she had started some new bit had overridden it. Instead she stood now at prim and proper attention. Not that it mattered. She could use the time anyways to refill her mana supply as the others introduced themselves. Then, at last, she saw an opening.

"Lavaetain." she introduced herself in the formal, almost military, tone she had adopted since she gained her position. "Heroine of Fire in the American Empire."

She knew this woman from somewhere. Emma Stone? No. That was some west coast actress. Was it that british girl? No... She could VAGUELY recall a 'Queen' or something but it was faint and meaningless. It held no connections she could see. As such she pushed the thought entirely from her mind. Even if this woman existed in even a fictitious capacity in her world it, in no way, meant this woman was the same as those stories in any way, shape, or form. It didn't help that she had considered those sorts of things 'for nerds and losers' until the war broke making them seem increasingly... comforting.

"No last name. Not anymore. I am ready to help protect and evacuate civilians. If you are wondering I am a top-class fire mage and my own... arrival... had me battling a woman transforming herself into an ice dragon. I can more than handle myself in a fight so I can help protect you and your flock from enemy soldiers."

She then looked over to Alec. "Alec? Are you okay?" she approached him and knelt down beside him to examine him to see if he was just... tired... or in need of serious medical attention.
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Layyel starts when he realizes that he's been left alone in some moldy room, with green thingies growing out of the walls. Rubbing his helmet, he looked around and remembered the magic box, the spooky purple guy talking about insides and his tiny friends going... that a way!

Picking up his discarded sword, Layyel followed the trail of his friends until he came up to a door that was actually his size. Realizing that the door was big, Layyel came to the obvious conclusion that the important stuff was past it.

So, Layyel walked inside.

Nobody really noticed him opening the door, probably because they were looking at the one tiny who flopped over on the floor after yelling a bit. Layyel stared at the tiny for a bit and gave a quiet snort at his antics before looking at the rest of the tinies, most of which he didn't recognize except for Markha who was talking to a lady wearing... some white fluffy cloak thing with sleeves. She looked kinda... 'rehgul' or something? Was that the word? He should probably ask.

Creeping up behind Markha, he gave her a poke in the back before pointing at the fluffy tiny.

"Who... She?"
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Being from an age before even the most primitive uses of gunpowder, Kassandra had been besides herself as she experienced the results of centuries of advancement. Were she more of a philosopher she might have wanted to take some time, found a space, to contemplate it all thus far after Sheo had returned them to the ruined building.

Because Kassandra is a warrior at heart however, and a warrior can't let themselves be distracted by contemplating the ethereal or succumbing to shock or confusion. You had to hold onto anything and everything familiar to keep yourself grounded in the moment, reading the situation to be ready to act.

"So it wasn't Athena." Kassandra had said when seeing Emma Frost at first. She listens to Frost's proposed mission and rationale and grimaces. Leaders who would rather leave their people to die, than die with them as would be the honorable end? Unspeakable in her Sparta. Maybe this world's Athens had passed on its diplomacy and cowardice through the ages to this disgraceful government. Kassandra resolves to make this right. At least right in her mind.

The broken Spear of Leonidas is raised and the lion helmet of Herakles is taken off so all can see Kassandra's mask of fiery determination as she walks forward.

"I am Kassandra of Sparta! I will gladly help see to it this cowardly government is left to the fate it wanted for its people, or perish with them!" She proclaims to all. Her steely eyes snap to Alec, and her feet bring her swiftly to look down upon Alec from inches away.

"You. You are too tired and weak to be a warrior we need." Kassandra tells Alec. She looks at Abby, the relationship evident to her.

"Abigail. Make your man ready for battle, or make him remain in bed. " She says to her as an order. Like she was in charge of this group. And why wouldn't she? Kassandra had yet to see a true leader be asserted.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin
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"If we are introducing ourselves. Kazamako Kuren. Local blacksmith, and electromage." She took a slight bow to everyone, before turning to Emma, and giving a two finger salute as she stepped up.

"A detailed plan might be nice. And, we should get more used to each other's skills. If we are to be stealing a... space ship." She looked down to her side, and pulled out a tome that was hanging at her waist.

Kaz shook her head as she looked to the tome, making a few notes. as the group talked, and began to bicker ever so slightly. Deciding to turn to this Delsin character ( @The Wanderer ) and ask him a question or two.
"So... ah... you sound like someone who... you know. Gets into a scrap every third Wednesday. Ah... Shit... What I'm trying to say, is what do you mean by Conduit? Where I come from its a path for power and or energy to travel along. You... don't look like a wire."
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"Ease up on him." said Lavaetain. "We have been through a lot recently and it would be foolish to get aggressive and assertive. Especially if your goal and task is to make allies. As for Alec, I don't know what's wrong with him, but he may just need rest. If that's the case we'll see what we can do. If something else is wrong... I don't know. I wasn't a medic or a psychologist or anything like that. As for toppling this government, that's not something easily done. I wish it were so easy at times but to believe that merely killing the current leader results in a nation crumbling is foolish. There are many in line to power who will eagerly step up and, so long as the ideal remains, so to will the ghost of the nation. I don't think it can be done easily; only helped along."

She then looked at Kazamako. She couldn't tell if he was from the state or the mainland, but then again, maybe there was no such thing in their world, even if the name was similar enough. No point in sweating the details. The interesting thing was the 'electromage' or, as she would have called it, 'lightning mage'.

"A lightning mage? That can be very useful. What sort of powers do you have? I assume it's different from the lightning mages of my home world, but similar still."

@Jenhal @Henryboy003
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Delsin Rowe

Delsin listened as the girl asked about what did he mean by Conduit. A question he'd answer to the best of his ability. "Well, it's hard to explain. Where I come from, Conduits are people who can manipulate energy or matter. Kinda like this." He'd give an example by making smoke with red embers swirl around his hand.

"I'm a power sponge for Conduit abilities. All it takes is skin contact and after a little detour into their memories, I can use their ability....After cheating by using boosters to skip the time spent training. But it was worth it in the end, I can use Smoke, Concrete, Neon or Video powers. Granted, I can only do one at a time as when I recharge from one source, it changes to that type."

Delsin was hoping that he could switch out Smoke for one of the other three types, as while Smoke was tried and true power, it didn't nearly have anything over what Neon, Video and Concrete brought to the table.

"Hope that answers your question." Delsin would say to Kaz.

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Samuel was standing up again now that the group had departed from Sheogorath's realm, but he looked like he was about ready to pass out at any moment. The expression on his face was both exhausted and highly disturbed, and he was shuddered occassionally at the physical crash from the adrenaline leaving his system. He simply was not prepared for what he encountered and experienced back in Xog's domain, and he felt like he could fall to pieces at any moment, like Alec had just done with everyone.

He ran a hand over his face, and took a breath before speaking up. "Everyone...before we get too deep into all of this...I would like to request that we take some time to rest, if at all possible. You all saw the shape Alec is in, and..." his breath shuddered before he continued. "...Look...a little less than a half hour ago, I nearly died falling into a giant collapsing pit while surrounded by alien abominations, in addition to having both my mind and my body fucked with by some power completely beyond my understanding."

"I...I am not okay right now," he said with a hitched breath, tears welling up as he reached up to wipe at his face, taking a deep, inhaling breath and only partially succeeding at keeping from breaking down in front of everyone. "I just...I need a bit of process things and get myself back in working order. Please."
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"A lightning mage? That can be very useful. What sort of powers do you have? I assume it's different from the lightning mages of my home world, but similar still."

"I ah... spent a lot of time honing that skill. Since i ah... have an affinity for it. Makes it a lot easier then you might think." She paused and tapped her lip for a moment.

"So you know how your hair can be used to generate static electricity? Well, under certain conditions, and prior preparation you can use it as a sort of battery. Along with most of the rest of your body. So ah... yeah. I take in outside electricity, or just generate it myself. And use it." her long winded explanation didn't seem to pause for a breath until the very end, when she turned to Delsin

Delsin Rowe

Delsin listened as the girl asked about what did he mean by Conduit. A question he'd answer to the best of his ability. "Well, it's hard to explain. Where I come from, Conduits are people who can manipulate energy or matter. Kinda like this." He'd give an example by making smoke with red embers swirl around his hand.

"I'm a power sponge for Conduit abilities. All it takes is skin contact and after a little detour into their memories, I can use their ability....After cheating by using boosters to skip the time spent training. But it was worth it in the end, I can use Smoke, Concrete, Neon or Video powers. Granted, I can only do one at a time as when I recharge from one source, it changes to that type."

Delsin was hoping that he could switch out Smoke for one of the other three types, as while Smoke was tried and true power, it didn't nearly have anything over what Neon, Video and Concrete brought to the table.

"Hope that answers your question." Delsin would say to Kaz.


"A-a little bit? The fuck is a Video... isn't that... just photons being projected on certain wavelengths to create an image through those boxes you humans seem to like?" Kaz let her head tilt to the side as she asked the question. Taking a moment process what Delsin had said. "Now, I imagine the metaphysics are a bit different. But. Would you be able to say... borrow my affinity for electricity for a bit? I doubt it would work the same way. Doesn't help to try." Kaz held out her hand, a few sparks Dancing along her fingers.
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After Alec's breakdown it seemed like everyone was beginning to mingle about and create a plan as to how to proceed with Emma's plan. People were readying up to take a moment to rest, as all of them had been unable to process the amount of events that had transpired in only a few hours or days. Trigger wasn't really as tired as the rest of the people in the group, probably because he snuck a quick name on Xog's world and had a relaxing time as a turtle. The monsters that appeared after were scary, sure, but after realizing that he hadn't died during that whole process, Trigger was ready for more actions. He still didn't really trust Emma's answer as to her motive, but he assumed he wasn't going to get it out of her just by arguing over it in a run-down hotel. He nodded to her, telling her that he had gotten all he needed to know.

"So we can relax here and listen to your plan right? Or are we on some kind of time restraint?" He asked Emma, moving over to a nearby wall and leaning on it. He eventually slid down to sit on the floor and took out the rifle he had stolen from the prison. He still was unsure as to how it worked, so he was going to take the time to figure out its inner workings.
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Alec couldn't really hear anyone, as he was entirely out cold. So while it was nice that people tried seeing if he was alright, he was in the same ballpark as Sam was.

IE, fucked up.
Seras Victoria

After their meeting with the mad God, Seras decided to go meet that Emma Frost and see what she had to say. She was a little behind schedule, as she spent some time asking a wizard named Agam for a way to store her humongous weapon and the bunch of extra ammo she had. She ended up with a three bracelets that could be sticked together to look like a regular sized wristband, gray in color.
Once she was in the hall, she pretty much saw a bloody mess. "Hope you guys don't mind me asking: What did I miss in such a short time?"
Delsin Rowe

"It's hard to explain, Eugene's tried to explain to me the specifics of it, but I kept getting bored and wandering off as he explained Video." As Kaz made her next statement. The face Delsin made was one of prepared pain as he held his hand out to shake hands with Kaz. "Be warned, it's gonna be a ride." He'd say as he made physical contact with Kaz.

And for the next couple of seconds, he would stand there, face going from wincing to confusion as nothing happened. No surge of electricity, or both collapsing as one's mind replayed their history to Delsin. Nothing. So Delsin was confused, as this usually happened with Conduits so why not with others? But it seemed he was confined to only being a power sponge for Conduit powers. "Seems like I ain't gonna be leeching powers off anyone here. Was worth a try." He'd finish as he patted Kaz on the shoulder.

Delsin would look back at Seras who had just arrived, and being ever the helpful man he was. Delsin's response was "We yoinking a ship from the assholes in charge and using it to help the little guys. That and we get a cool ship, so win-win."

@Valkan @Henryboy003
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