The Evrensel Conflict -- OC Creation

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De'lai Nar'kavan
Sexual Orientation:
World and Universe they are from:
Star Wars
Standing at 5'10 feet and weighing a light 150 Ibs, having a non-typical muscular physique compared to others of her race, gray skin with her lekku being a gray and white striped pattern. Her face has two blue line tattoos going from her eyes to her chin. Her red armor is customized to suit her Twi'lek traits, including a special helmet designed with her lekku in mind, including a special cover for them in the event she deals with the loss of atmosphere.
Given her age and long military career, De'lai has taken on a no-nonsense attitude about most things, tending to whack folks on the forehead with her hand who are taking too long to talk about something or trying to hide their intentions or simply wasting her time. However, post-war and Imperial taking over of Mandalore, the loss of her husband and subsequent isolation turned clan leader of a small group of surviving Mandalorians has caused her to get softer and less cold towards outsiders. And given the current status of Mandalore, she has dropped her reluctance to take on Foundlings, wanting to make sure that the culture lives on no matter what.

One other important detail is unlike certain groups of Mandalorians, she doesn't follow the Code/The Way, believing it to be dividing rather than the hopeful dream of restoring the old ways. And as such, she views those who follow said ways of thinking as misguided, doing her best to propose alternative methods to prove they are Mandalorians.
Born on Ryloth, De'lai's upbringing wasn't exactly anything of note until the day that the Separatists unleashed Battle Droids upon them in an attempt to conquer the planet, De'lai's parents passing unfortunately during a particularly savage bombardment, she herself would have died of either starvation or from the planet's natural predators had she not ran into a Mandalorian known as "Lurkon Nar'Kavan." Who took pity on the child, adopting her and taking her own as his foundling. Taking her to his clan, De'lai was trained to fight, pilot amongst other things, the most important being how to work Beskar and weaponry smithing.

Once she was of age, she underwent her rite of passage into adulthood, passing with flying colors. Soon after taking on various mercenary contracts and even assisting in a war or two that spanned nearly a decade before the end of the Clone Wars, where she came back to help in the war on Mandalore, assisting the Republic in their attempt to retake the planet, barely escaping with her life after the subsequent conquering of the planet after the Republic turned into the Galactic Empire and the following purge.

Fleeing with other survivors, she would lead them to the planet Tatooine, where she'd settle the group down and do her best to lead them, making sure to avoid the ever-watchful eye of the Empire and the dominating Hutt. Eventually after the fall of the Empire, she'd lead her newfound clan back on the path to Mandalore, hoping to rejoin their people and rebuild.

However, fate seems to have something else in mind as she and the clan were sent to a new universe, where they'd crash land in what was Russia and be forced to take shelter with a couple of refugees led by a certain mutant, unfortunately De'lai would be the only survivor after the initial contact..
Powers: N/A

Power limitations: N/A

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Beskar Smithing - S
Piloting: B
Hand to Hand: B
Marksmanship: A
First Aid: B
Weapon Smith: A
Weapon(s)/ Equipment
Beskar Smithing tools, which include a Beskar hammer that was once used to as a melee weapon now repurposed, tongs and various other smaller tools.
Amban Phase-Pulse Blaster - A blaster rifle that is capable of either being used as a stun lance or one-shot disintegration rifle
Gile-44 Blaster Pistol
EE-3 Carbine Rifle
Knows the ins and outs of combat, and is a proven leader or at least a good advisor.
Weakness/ Fears:
Dying and losing her honor, or not leaving a worthy heir to the knowledge of Beskar smithing.

[This is an NPC]​
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Name: Zori'Neis Vas Vera

Age: 23

Gender (Can be genderless too): Female

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Species: Quarian

Universe: Mass Effect


Like all quarians, Zori sports her own environmental suit which keeps her body sterile from pathogens. The shawl that typically is seen on quarian suits is a faded brown color, almost raggedy in appearance with it's yellow dots that are supposed to be a pattern of some sort. There are sections of the suit which are gilded with a golden foil used to cover various plates of the suit. The cloth sections of her suit are colored either an alabaster white or a sky blue color. She stands at a height of 5'9'' and weighs 122 lbs.

Zori is not the best at socializing with others, tending to be quiet in her endeavors, and can be seen as socially awkward. She is very open about her opinions with others, even if her awkwardness makes her words have less of an impact than she wants them to. When confronted about her ideas, her words become muddled and she becomes quiet after a few moments of speaking. Zori dislikes any sort of lingual confrontation, preferring to have her actions speak better for her.

When alone, Zori is usually seen with a radio of some sort. The voices speaking through the radio help her to relax. She also spends the majority of her time exercising, improving her physical abilities in order to feel more adequate. Zori always feels as though she would be useless without her biotics, as evidenced by how she was kidnapped and brought to a deranged doctor for experiments and was unable to do anything. The quarian is very hard on herself, usually becoming very distraught when making mistakes. She hates making mistakes, and the idea of being the cause for unwanted work gives her anxiety.

Zori started off as a sadder individual during her childhood on the flotilla. Her mother is one of the flotilla's head engineers mainly overseeing the various systems involving the maintenance of one of the flotilla's ships. Her father was also an engineer but perished due to a work accident where one of the flotilla's ship's cabins was depressurized and flushed several engineers into space shortly after Zori was born.

Zori was told of her father's fate at a young age, which severed any sort of interest she had for tinkering or technology. What intrigued her more were the flotilla soldiers and their "mastery" of weaponry. Even if they were akin to that of a volunteer police force, Zori still found it interesting how they would be the ones to take down rogue or unstable inhabitants in the flotilla. The quarian had a very lonely childhood because of her unique interest in combat skills rather than tech skills, and was seen as a misfit. Her mother wasn't of much help either due to being the head engineer of one of the flotilla's ships and was always disappointed that her daughter never wanted to learn from her.

Time soon passed, and it became time for Zori to partake in her pilgrimage. This was a special event that typically indicated a quarian's transition into adulthood. Most quarians would travel into the stars and search for new technology to assist the flotilla. For Zori though, she saw the pilgrimage as an escape, hoping to be one of the quarians to never return from their pilgrimage. She had always dreamed of heading into the stars, meeting fascinating people from all over the galaxy. Maybe she could be a cool gun for hire than brought in bad guys and got paid for it?

These were only dreams, however, as Zori went off on her pilgrimage. The first place she visited was omega, hearing that it was the place to go if someone wanted to learn how to take down strong opponents and learn the way of the mercenary. It was a mistake to do this since omega is the home to the vilest of mercenaries, hell-bent on strong-arming the weak and getting credits from it. She eventually runs into a smaller group there, calling themselves the rose-thorns. The group consisted of only about 30 people, all of which were the crew for a starship that was stolen. Several modifications had been made for the ship, making it hard to trace the fact that it had been stolen. Zori was totally unaware when she joined the group. The crew had named the ship the "destiny V2" after the last run-in they had with another group destroying their previous ship and taking out 10 crew members.

The crew mainly used Zori for engineering management as she worked with the other engineers which repaired the ship. For the most part, Zori was able to hide her inability to use tech as well as other quarians for a year and a half. Surprisingly, she enjoyed the work she was doing, despite mainly faking her way through everything. It all went downhill as soon as the captain quizzed her on her duties, noticing how she didn't seem as knowledgeable. When the discovery was made that she didn't have many tech skills, she was thrown into the brig of the ship and delivered to a deranged doctor hiding away on a swampy planet. The reason for it is that the crew would receive a hefty sum for delivering a quarian to him.

When faced with the doctor, Zori was subjected to several experiments. The experiments were a twisted idea to create a biotic quarian, a completely stupid idea considering the high risk of infection from the surgeries. Zori couldn't resist him though or she would risk getting shot down by the security mechs that the doctor owned. Day in and day out, she was pumped with various chemicals to keep her drowsy and to keep her immune system from killing her after the surgeries. Every day was a near-death experience, being constantly sick from the doctor's experiments. It took her an entire year under the doctor's watch to fully figure out how to control the biotics. A miracle had somehow kept her alive. Zori used her newly found abilities to escape the doctor's complex, hijacking a ship and flying into the stars. The pod she found was a small and dinky little thing. The thing would never survive a jump through one of the mass relays, so she was left to float in space for a month, attempting to scrounge whatever she could from the compartments in the small pod she took.

Zori was later found by a scavenger vessel, having thought she was originally a piece of debris that could be skimmed for parts. The four men within the scavenger vessel had no clue what to do with the quarian, they weren't doctors. They were unsure if they should bring her to someplace like a nearby human colony or the citadel, fearing she could be a wanted fugitive. The men took the chance to bring her to the citadel, hoping that if she was a wanted individual, they could get a nice sum for it.

She was, in fact, not a wanted individual. The scavengers did get a little bit of money for the act of kindness however as Zori was rushed to a nearby infirmary. Time passed, and Zori was nursed back to health over the course of a couple of weeks before she was free to leave. Credits had been taken out of her account from the process, and she was nearly broke with money by the end of the healing process. Thankfully, she had arranged a deal with a researcher afterward that in exchange for being hired as a bodyguard, their research crew would investigate what the strange doctor had exactly done to Zori due to it not being a typical medical practice, and to see if he had done anything else to her over the course of the year she was held captive.

Biotic pull: Zori can pull small objects and people towards her with a hard yank of her arm as if she had a string attached to them
Biotic throw: It would be more accurate to call this a push, as Zori can propel a mass-energy field towards her enemies and push them back
Biotic Charge: Zori can propel herself forwards and smash into opponents with extreme force
Backlash: Zori can form a small barrier than can reflect projectiles back at enemies for a short time

ability limitations:
-Biotics cause strain on Zori's body and can exhaust her in a similar way that exercising would
-It takes time for Zori to regain strength when biotics deplete it, leaving her only with guns

Skills (D=below average E=average C= above average, B= expert, A= beyond expert, S= perfectionist, SS= godlike):
Technological knowledge: E
Marksmanship: C
Biotics: C
Piloting: B
Weapon and Equipment:
M-9 Tempest submachine gun:

M-27 scimitar Shotgun:

-Zori is strong in close quarters due to her biotics, and she can manipulate many opponents on the battlefield
-Zori has a mind for tactics, able to tell where someone should be and when in the midst of battle.

Weakness/ Fears:
-Iatrophobia: Zori has a distinct fear and dislike for doctors due to past experiences
-Monophobia: Zori fears being alone

Her favorite color is blue
The suit she wears right now was modified by the doctor and given several upgrades to accompany Zori's biotic abilities
Name: Willow-Lily Fitts

Age: 15

Gender (Can be genderless too): Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Descendant Moth (Matures at 8, lifespan is around 50 years)


Willow is typically seen wearing baggy clothes that are not meant for her size. She enjoys the freedom and flow of the fabric as she moves, and likes when the wind blows through the cloth. They are also snug and warm as she hugs the clothes to herself. The girl stands at a height of 5 foot even, and has a weight of 98 lbs. Large white wings sprout from her shoulder blades and typically hang down to the ground like a came, lightly touching the floor as she walks. Black tufts of fur surround the area where the wings meet her back. This same color is also apparent on the girl's nails and the antennae that sit atop her head. The antennae resemble black feathers, usually moving up and down in accordance with her mood like a dog's.

Willow's eyes are nearly entirely black, but at certain points when the light hits her eyes one would be able to see even darker irises within. Her skin, or more accurately, the thin layer of fluff on her skin, is a pale white color that covers her entire body. The hair on her head is the same color and is softer than the average human's. The roots of her hair are a dark black, making it appear a different color if ruffled. Willow typically has her hair short, making her hair a nice tuft of fluff that doesn't need any sort of care other than washing. Her build makes her appear small, almost fragile in a sense, due to how spindly she looks.

Willow is a quieter individual, tending to speak only when it is required of her. She isn't necessarily shy when it comes to words, more so, she feels that they are not needed a lot of the time. Curiosity is her main drive when it comes to interacting with others, usually, if they have something she deems "interesting" or fun to talk about. Willow can be deemed socially awkward for how she acts around people, moving from thought to thought without any verbal or obvious connection between the two topics, making the people she speaks to have a conversational whiplash. She is blunt with her ideas and tends to not sugar-coat what she is thinking. Most of what she says can be brushed away due to her innocent nature and her love of learning about the world around her.

Willow also has a strange enjoyment of toying with people, teasing them with her questions, and making them either annoyed or frustrated with her words. She doesn't say things to be malicious but to merely see what happens if she does poke fun at them. Her deviousness is one of her more apparent traits, as her sadistic enjoyment becomes obvious by the smile on her face that appears every time she sees someone squirm from her words or actions. The girl isn't necessarily kind, but she isn't outright evil either. For most situations, she just does what appears to be the most beneficial for her. The girl is extremely intelligent and has an extreme interest in both science and space. She believes that freedom is the best thing a person can experience and thinks that traveling in space is penultimate freedom.

Willow's world is that of human and monster hybrids, typically called descendants. There are 4 main types of descendants, along with humans. The 4 types, categorized into "districts" are the moth, wolf, bear, and bird descendants. The reason they are called this is that the original races from which their lineages derive have all disappeared from existence. No one is quite sure why they are gone, or even how they disappeared without a trace, but they do know that the original races were akin to gods. They were angelic beasts which gifted their traits to humans with their overwhelming power. What they left behind was a vast civilization built on a hierarchy among the descendants, armed with the knowledge the origin races gave.

The district that Willow belongs to is the moths, the most highly respected and trusted of the 4 districts. The moths are what take up most of the political figures of Willow's world, along with being most of the scientists backing major discoveries. Willow is one such scientist, raised by a small family of just her father and her. She didn't get along well with other kids, so she mainly played small games with herself and studied the stars through a telescope. This didn't change much as she grew up, and eventually created the theory that there might be universes beyond what the world knew which brought her to fame. Using this fame, she created a program where she funded her dream to go to space. It is still in its early stages, but Willow has been gradually creating a team in order to create the world's first space station. This is where her story begins, and where the evidence of her universal theory is proven.

Flight: Willow can use her wings to move through the air
Silk Excretion: Willow can create silk and use it in various ways, it is as strong as steel
Natural camouflage: Willow can turn invisible in most environments
Above-average intelligence

ability limitations:

Flight: Willow can become tired after flying for extended periods of time
Silk excretion: Willow's silk is not sticky like a spider's, so using her silk in a similar fashion to spiderman isn't much of an option
Natural camouflage: Willow has to be standing completely still in order for it to take effect

Skills (D=below average E=average C= above average, B= expert, A= beyond expert, S= perfectionist, SS= godlike):

Knitting/crocheting: B
Hand to Hand combat: D
Puzzle-solving: B
Acting and manipulation: C
Technological skills: B
Art skills: C

Weapon and Equipment:
An emergency taser
A satchel
A book on the theory of parallel universes that she wrote
An emergency hand-held first aid kit
Several pencils
A notebook filled with doodles and notes


Willow's adaptability
Willow's intelligence
Willow's acting skills

Weakness/ Fears:
Arachnophobia (Fear of spiders)
Aquaphobia (Fear of Drowning)

-Willow oddly likes watching boxing matches but cannot explain why
-Her favorite color is blue
-Willow loves space, and is fascinated every time the topic comes up
-She is an avid reader, typically reading fictional sci-fi books
-Her favorite musical genre is 80's synth-wave, "The noises are fuzzy!"
-Her favorite snack is a nice warm chocolate cookie dipped in apple cider
-Willow has a pet snake called Teacup
-like most moths, Willow has a strong tendency to be drawn toward bright lights
Name: Harper Jules

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Harpy

World and Universe they are from: An ocean-dominated world, harboring many pirates


About 5'4" in height

Personality: Harper is talkative, cowardly, and easily intimidated by just about anyone or anything that could potentially threaten him. Skittish and weak-willed, unfaithful, and even somewhat selfish after being surrounded by pirates for so long, as he expects the worse in people and is used to having to find his way to getting what he wants without conflict despite being treated more like a pet than a person. Driven by an insatiable hunger for learning, for a harpy, he's strangely comfortable around people despite being the way he is as opposed to his much more animalistic, bordering on feral brethren. Holds a strange pride in himself for surviving in his cowardly ways, and has a limit to how much mocking he's willing to take, though his temper usually results in tricks afterwards and babbling in the moment, almost never holding grudges, the perfect victim.

Harper Jules, the name of someone that had always found it difficult to find their calling, was a strange harpy, for instead of undergoing the typical lives of harpies and spending their times as nomads, travelling the world on their wings and sticking to the open skies, he instead elected for the life of a priest, as his love of books brought him to their large libraries and unlimited wealth of knowledge.

He prayed with the others in the great temple of the prophet, studied with the others, lived with the others, evangelized with the others and attended the ceremonies with the others, all only to get the few hours a day where he could sate his lust for the crisp words of ancient authors, to understand their thoughts.

It was a simple life-style, with every day boringly similar to the last, but to young Harper, while fulfilling at first, the charm of it would soon drift away. It was all so very.. Slow. His search for books had brought him to the religion his hometown was so proud of, yet he simply couldn't deal with the sheer lack of proof for their praising the logic they recited failing to be anything other than empty words, or the tedium of their daily rituals, which frustrated him greatly as time went on.

He began saying throwaway comments things to his fellow priests, his friends, things that aired on the unholy side of disbelief. At first, they were passed off as nothing but slips of the tongue, but the frequency was too alarming, and it did not take long for the book-loving creature to face confrontation.

Jules was taken before his superiors, his own friends testifying against him, A meagre mess of feathers was brought into the court as his tongue had apparently gotten the best of him, and was ruled with the somewhat harsh punishment of imprisonment within the church's repentance area for two months for disgracing the sanctity of their lord, giving him the opportunity to re-find the light that he seemed to have forgotten about.

The temple's penance centre, however wasn't incredibly well-designed, as such crimes were incredibly rare and it was held in almost exclusivity for priests in repentance, and the idea of a holy man truly attempting an escape was.. Incredulous.

The idea had been that Harper would be brought back to the light after spending some time in the dark, but he didn't intend on sticking around long enough to do such a thing.

The harpy knew magic, a common thing for his kind, though it was rather primitive from his lack of consistent practice, he managed to escape with its aid, involving a short battle with one of the un-prepared "guardsmen", which was little more than another priest armed with a small rod and was set to leave what had been his home for years, yet before he left, he made a mistake that seemed so minor to him, but would hold repercussions for his future.

Jules stole a couple of books from the library, as the knowledge of his heresy hadn't become wide-spread yet and his face was seen frequently at the place anyway particularly at night, in a petty attempt at getting back against the church. He took three books, each holding an immeasurable value by the simple difficulty of getting them as each had only a single copy, and resided in the Temple of the Prophet exclusively, despite their rather unimportant contents.

Jules was gone by the end of the night, now on the run as both a heretic and a thief, seeking a more free lifestyle, with a taste for thievery and a hunger for knowledge, becoming a pirate with ease, despite his timid and cowardly nature (due solely to the fact that he worked for food and whatever books they came across as opposed to money), and has lived that way ever since, surrounded by, in his eyes, bullies.

Flight- Harper can use his wings to fly
Owl vision- As a result of being a harpy, Harper has incredible precision when it comes to viewing something farther away, and can even see in the dark
Owl hearing- Astoundingly accurate and prone to hearing the slightest sounds
Magic- Harper is able to create and manipulate the elements to a small degree, primarily being proficient in wind and ice magic, with earth and fire not being useful for combat and fitting more for utility cases for the bird

Power limitations: Flying is difficult in areas with stagnant air or no air-flow, and he has a weaker physique with lower strength than most humans thanks to the naturally light bodies of harpies to allow for such flight. Magic is also tied to his stamina, Harper can't cast many big spells without overexerting himself.

Book-keeping: S
Memory: A
Map-reading: S
Analytical skills: B
Planning proficiency: S

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
Clawed- Harper has both talons and claws should it come to a brawl
Glasses- Being far-sighted, Harper struggles to see anything up close without them
Cardinel bell- A unique bell crafted for him as a result of him being the first (and probably last) harpy to become a priest

Strengths: Surprisingly likes to help, kind and friendly when not being belittled, and tends to be proactive albeit a little more reserved when calm, offering ideas or ways to help depending on the situation.

Weakness/Fears: Jules is a hoarder at heart, with a tendency to take anything with something written down for himself if left unattended, and greatly fears the things he's stolen being taken away from him. Unreliable when stressed, and is easily stressed, being liable to saving his own skin over others

Can rotate his head 180 degrees, so don't try sneaking up on him
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Name: Desta Muen (pronounced "moon")

Age: 22

Gender (Can be genderless too): Female

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Species: Dragonoid


Like all dragonoids, Desta has an appearance similar to that of dragons meshed with humans. In other words, she is a lizard with humanoid traits. Her skin is surprisingly smooth given how some sections are textured like scales, particularly her chest, down to her inner thighs, and the underside of her tail along with some sections of her face. These textured parts are a light purple color, while the other, more smooth, parts are a dark black. Where one would see human ears, Desta has two "fins" of sorts that jut out from her lavender-colored hair along with her horns. The girl's eyes are also of a similar color, being an almost pink-ish tone. Her feet are more traditionally lizard-like, featuring long claws and toes that don't fit into shoes and are instead left out in the open.

Desta is usually seen where darker clothes that show a surprising amount of skin. This is both because the dragonoid loves to get people riled up and because most human clothes do not fit her size or her unique features. She loves to wear almost goth-styled clothing, from chokers to bracelets with spikes surrounding the straps.

Desta likes to keep to herself for the most part when it comes to those she is unfamiliar with. Her past as a disgraced noble has taught her that the world does not care for who she is, so she tries her best to not care about anyone else. Upon first meeting her, people are met with a cold sense of neutrality until they attempt to pry their way into her life.

Once acquainted, Desta particularly likes to tease her friends. She is also very protective of those she cares about, for fear that she will lose them later just the same as her family. The dragonoid is not adverse to violence if it comes down to protecting the people around her. Even with these things, she still tries to hide her past in order to not be seen differently by them. She just wants to live a normal life but is constantly followed by the weight that she ran away from her family when things became hard. She calls herself a coward and is scared to show the nobler sides of herself to others.

Desta was raised to follow etiquette ever since she was a child by her parents. She was the youngest of the family with her two brothers, and therefore, had large expectations put upon her after their failures. The entire family lived in the Muen estate, overwatching the territory down the hill from their manor. Desta's parent's had a strong influence on the people that lived in that part of the kingdom and had their own set of rules for their territory. This type of political power gave the Muen family a bad reputation, causing Desta to have very few friends when heading down the hill to school classes.

On top of being a rarer dragonoid, Desta was also bullied because of her family. Most of her school years were spent being spat on and getting garbage thrown on her as she walked about the town away from the manner. Her parents and brothers weren't of much help either. Desta's brothers didn't care enough about their sister to really have an opinion on the matter, and instead, gave her lackluster advice that got her in even more trouble at times. As for her parents, they only became more strict on the populace, causing the villagers to become even more enraged with the family.

Several years passed like this with Desta being punished for her family's misdeeds. The girl had reached the age of 18 when the plan to rebel against the noble family began. Desta had no knowledge in what was going to happen, only that the villagers had become oddly quiet and passive for a few weeks before it began. Desta was then awoken in the middle of the night to the sounds of battle and the smell of smoke. The villagers had begun a frontal assault and had apparently made deals with the guards to acquire more professional weaponry. Desta didn't even try to check on her family when discovering what was happening, instead, choosing to escape out the nearest window and flee as far away as possible.

The girl has since lived her life as a petty thief, trying to get by on what little food she can scavenge. She has been careful to keep her origins from others and fears what would happen if anyone found out every day.

Superhuman speed and strength: Desta has the speed and strength of just above the best athletes
Increased regeneration: Desta can regenerate limbs if given several hours
Acid glands: Desta can shoot sprays of burning acid from her wrists, burning and melting most metals

Skills (D=below average E=average C= above average, B= expert, A= beyond expert, S= perfectionist, SS= godlike):
Lockpicking: C
Royal etiquette: B
Medical knowledge: E
Cooking: D
Wilderness survival: C
Hand to hand combat: C
Stealth: A

Weapon and Equipment:
Brass knuckles
A lockpicking kit
A bag with 5 silver coins
A backpack filled with a few day's worth of food
A makeshift tent
A firestarter kit

Desta can fight dirty if she wants to
Decent at stealth

Weakness/ Fears:
Fears others getting too close and learning her secret
Has performance anxiety
Has a fear of fire

Her favorite color is blue
Her favorite food is a bowl of berries, primarily strawberries, and blackberries
Has always wanted to learn music, but has never had the time
Name: Dr. Marco François-Martin Isaac Émile, SCP #████

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Species: Humanoid Anomaly.

World and Universe they are from: SCP foundation OC

Dr. Émile is an human male that stands around 5'10, he weighs 74 kilograms, he possess shoulder length unkept dark blond hair. He is often seen simple comfortable and functional clothing, mostly sweatpants and white shirts. On top of that he wears a generic lab coat with his SCP ID badge still attached to it. What stands out about him are his eyes. His left eye is a is an interlocking square pattern of yellow and orange with the multiplication symbol for X as a pupil and his right eye is an interlocking circular pattern of dark blue and light blue with the division symbol for a pupil, despite this he has normal human vision, requiring glasses due to his near sighted. It is not known if his weird pupil coloration has to do anything with his below average sight.

Personality: If Émile's demeanour was to be described in a single word, it would be "Cordial". He is very outwardly friendly or at least cooperative to people he meets though he seems to suffer from sort of social anxiety, tending to space out on his own thoughts or embarrassing himself in social interactions. Despite this however he seems to be competent under stressful situations, being more likely to short circuit out in low threat social interaction as opposed to serious situations where his life is in danger. Behind all of this it is clear to those with great insight that Émile posses both a great observational mind with a vast knowledge on many different subjects. He follows the grander ideals of the Foundation, doing the right to protect humanity. Émile will always take the choice to put others before him.

History/Bio: Born on farmland to François and Maria Émile in a remote part of idyllic southern French farmland his mother had to give birth to him on their family homestead. His particular pupils were noticeable to them from the beginning and after the shock his parents made some choices on how they would raise him all in the name of protecting their child so he wouldn't be taken away from them for his particular eyes.

Firstly, he would be mostly home raised by his parents who got him as many books as he wanted and secondly they didn't allow anyone else to see him, including their own family. Thankfully due to their remote farm this wasn't an issue. The issues arrived when they realised that Émile's condition involved more than just a pair of strange eyes.

One day on their sheep pasture they let a toddler Émile walk away on his own as they both watched over their herd, when their ram got too close and charged the boy. As he came in contact with him it was actually the charging ram who was permanently disfigured however, a flash from his multiplication eye later and the Ram was what amounted to a pancake made out of mutton, crushed bones and a smoothie of organs. Émile had turned it's weight up by 10.

This was a traumatic experience for the boy, but his parents made sure to know that his abilities were a gift not a curse and it could be a power for good. At age 14 he was gifted a pair of coloured contacts and his parents tentatively allowed him to live a normal life as long as he didn't take his contacts out and didn't use his powers.

Many years later due to his book filled childhood Émile had graduated with a dual doctorate in Theoretical Physics and Biology. He was approached by the SCP foundation and joined immediately, there he revealed his abilities to them for the first time and was given an SCP tag and given the Euclid class.

His willingness to cooperate and his genius however granted him the ability to work with the foundation, Émile willingly cutting all contacts with his family to protect them.

Powers :
His abilities are as such, he can multiply or divide any physical property(velocity, density, volume, etc.) of matter he comes in skin contact with, including himself up to 1 cubic meter by any integer from 2-10. Each time he does this, that alteration lasts for 10 minutes and he cannot use that specific division/multiplication combo again for a duration that amounts about to 41.6667% of an average human circadian rhythm (10 hours) at which point each instance of his ability refreshes.

Power limitations: Once an integer and division/multiplication set has been used it cannot be removed for 10 minutes and cannot be reused for 10 hours. Objects cannot have multiple instances of division or multiplication applied to them, but an object can have one instance of multiplication and division.


Medicine: A
Sciences: A
Hand to hand: C
Cooking: B
Everything else: E

Weapon(s)/ Equipment: N/A

Strengths: Workers better under pressure, his knowledge over many subjects.

Weakness/ Fears: Emile struggles with many issues other people do, the fear that when given the choice he won't make the right one, losing his loved ones, phobia of sheep.

Every t shirt he has a skull drawn on it, so he can match with his partner.
Name: Alexandrius

Age: 34

Gender: Genderless

Sexual Orientation: Women

Species: Annihilating Slime

World and Universe they are from: Mikirith

Appearance: A small black blob, about 25 centimeters in height with small appendages that resemble ears. Alternatively, a young handsome man with a somewhat tired expression highlighted by the dark circles around his eyes. He has short blonde hair bordering on white. He's 179 centimeters tall and has a slightly muscular build. He wears an all black outfit designed by one of his friends.


A dark skinned cat woman standing at 167 centimeters tall. She has long black hair, the same color as her furry ears. She has a slim build that manages to be rather curvy. She also has a cat tail, which is actually prehensile. Shikshi wears a black suit under her armor that allows for plenty of freedom of movement, even if it is more revealing than she would like.


Personality: Originally a mindless slime, Alexandrius had not much personality to speak of. That is to say, none at all. However, upon absorbing the adventurer whom he decided to honor by keeping his name, he also inherited his personality. A brave and courageous soul, who strives to protect the weak and prevent the strong from abusing their power. That is his dream. That being said, now that he's been thrown into the role of an actual ruler and can accomplish his goal, he struggles to keep up. Luckily for him, he has friends and servants who help him keep order… That doesn't prevent him from feeling the weight of all their hopes and dreams on him to some extent, which stresses him out.

Shikshi was unable to control herself with next to no thoughts other than killing. Both of her parts were rather violent, one being a shadow demon, and the other a feral beast woman. When the two encountered and fought, they ended up merging. The rage of the battle clouded her mind as both powers turned her into a beast of uncontrollable rage. When she merged with Alexandrius, that changed. For the first time since she was born, she could think clearly. And her mind could only think of one thing. Being eternally grateful to the one who allowed her to be free. Her favorite thing to do is look for ways to make his life easier. As for others, while a bit harsh at first, she can warm up to them, especially if her king endorses it.

History/Bio: Deep in the Aramaj Mountains, lies the Grand Maze of Roui. A vast cave system created by a mage of the same name where he decided to leave his last gift for the world. There for a worthy soul to take with them. Somewhere near the end of the maze, a devourer slime was born from a prana fountain. As such, it didn't do much other than absorb things it found wandering around the maze. Such as prana from fountains and rare materials from chests he decomposed the loot from. One fateful day, this slime came across something entirely new. A human. Usually, due to being from the race of weakest creatures of Mikirith, he was ignored by the rest of the monsters it came across as it was too busy eating. But this creature barely moved, he was defenseless. Not knowing any better, the slime absorbed it. A few seconds later, it froze, as a chill ran down its nonexistent spine.

When he came to, the slime screamed, panicked. He looked around in awe, as for the first time in his life, the world made sense to him. He had just absorbed a human, so now he could think. Not only that, he now had a way to work with the ability of his rare sub-race way more effectively. That said, he also inherited the human's personality. A sting of guilt hit him. He delved into his own thoughts and meditated about it for a while. It took him a while, but he took a stance. This slime would from now on carry that human's name, and work hard for the both of them.

Alexandrius would need to get strong to leave the maze. Very strong. Luckily for him, he was in the perfect place for it. Using and perfecting the human's magic, as well as figuring out more along the way, he defeated and absorbed all sorts of monsters, and doing the same with their abilities. After a long journey, however, he didn't find the entrance, but the end of the maze. In there, he came across the treasure left by Roui, as well as a trace of his spirit, which left the world laughing. Of all creatures, a slime claimed his treasure. The final room also had a teleporter to the exit, which Alexandrius happily took.

Upon leaving, Alexandrius made his way to the top of the mountain. There, the evil King of Aramaj, the Tyrannical Dragon Omor, had his main residing place. According to the human's memories, Omor had been terrorizing neighbor kingdoms for years, and in fact, he was training to defeat it. Omor, upon seeing a slime dare challenge him, laughed at Alexandrius and mocked him nonstop. The slime did not waver and faced the challenge head on. The battle carried on, as more and more of Omor's subjects came to witness. It took him four days, but Alexandrius came out on top. Seeing as Omor was irreversibly evil, he did not spare the dragon and absorbed it.

From that day, he was crowned as the new king of Aramaj. Immediately, he started working along with his subjects to make his kingdom a better place. The mostly monster-composed population of the Kingdom of Aramaj was hesitant of the change at first, but Alexandrius' polar opposite nature to that of Omor, while still being a strong leader, slowly reached their hearts. One day, as Alexandrius was working on plans for a diplomatic treaty with a neighboring kingdom after they repelled a Dread Lord's forces together, a green flash took him away.

During one of Alexandrius' travels, he came across a beastkind. There was something evidently wrong with her though, as her eyes were filled with rage and her motions were shaky and feral. Upon analysis, he realized this beastkind was being possessed by a Shadow Demon. He approached her, to try and reason with both entities.

She wanted no peace, however. And started attacking Alexandrius. Seeing the sheer rage on the creature's face, he realized he had no choice. While she had potential, she was no match for him. Feeling pity for the creature consumed by rage, Alexandrius offered her to join him. Even while wounded and with no way out, she refused, she'd rather die.

Not wanting to see such a suffering enduring person die without a second chance, Alexandrius offered an alternative deal. They'd both try absorbing each other, and whoever stayed on top could do as they wished. The hybrid creature hesitantly accepted. When they merged, they saw each other's hearts. Alexandrius saw a scared soul, overtaken by the evil of the Shadow Demon who had corrupted the feral beastkind further. The hybrid saw Alexandrius' journey so far, and was moved. In here, it was protected from the influence of the Shadow Demon, and her own irrationality.

After a few moments, the scared woman admitted defeat. But instead of fading, Alexandrius offered something else. Right now, it was too late for them to fully separate, but she could live, she just had to stick by his side. Shocked and in awe by the act of mercy, the woman swore loyalty to Alexandrius then and there.

Not long after, both were used to their conjoined life. Not having a name herself, and unable to return to be separated from the demon. She was now a Shadow Beast Demon, which Alexandrius named Shikshi.

Annihilating Slime: The only one of his class in the entire world. Unlike his unevolved counterparts, is extremely powerful by default. His senses are greatly heightened (Sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, space-time, balance, magical detection). Lack of need for sustenance. Immunity to status changes. A combination of extreme resistance to physical damage and regeneration make him extremely durable. While his absorbing ability reached greater heights. It can absorb anything, from pure energy, to any kind of matter, analyze its components, and assimilate them to his body or store them to recompose or modify as seen convenient at the moment. He also doesn't need to wrap himself around what he wants to absorb anymore, a gray thick miasma will come out of him at will and retract with the absorbed target. Finally, the years upon years of stored prana Alexandrius has are used more effectively.

All Seeing Eye: While his senses are particularly sharp, his mind has evolved to be able to inspect, analyze and decipher what surrounds him in an instant with those senses.

Titan's Might: This skill makes Alexandrius immensely strong and fast physically, and can grant him further strength and speed at the cost of his health.

Soul Bind: As a result of consuming so many souls, Alexandrius can directly interact with the souls of living and non living beings with three possible results. Connect or disconnect souls from bodies, extract the essence of that soul, or temporarily fusing souls. Furthermore, this makes his spiritual self more sturdy.

Shapeshift: Alexandrius can take the shape of anything he's absorbed, if using skills inherent to that shape, they will be stronger.

Absorbed Skills:

-Adamantine Thread: Clear colored threads of spider silk that Alexandrius can spread at will. As the name of the skill implies, they are quite sturdy.

-Body Armor: Various species of sturdy scales and skin have merged in Alexandrius to create a unique kind of scaly hide that Alexandrius can use. More effective if used on the full body.

-Roar of the Mighty: Alexandrius' voice has an intimidating and borderline commanding factor, even the most fearless warriors will hesitate to move after hearing a roar of his.

-Noxious Agent: A corrosive liquid that weakens and causes pain to anyone who enters in contact with it, be it liquid or if spread as a cloud.

-Boundless Leap: Allows Alexandrius to teleport anywhere he wants as long as he's familiar with the location.

-Lord of Hellfire: Alexandrius can create or bend fire at his will, his flames are abnormally hot and burn black. So does any flame that he controls. They are also quite difficult to put out.

Magic: A staple of Mikirith's combat, and Alexandrius being a very knowledgeable slime, has learned quite a bit of it. Spells are categorized in natures that range from the regular such as Fire, Water, Light and Darkness to more peculiar ones such as Space-time, Animal, Demonic and Death. Some spells have common variants that gauge their effectiveness and power going from Minor, the regular spell, Grand and Superior. There are less common variants that are mostly better than the regular form of the spell and are generally achieved by combining a spell with a skill. Magic is ranked in levels, gauging how difficult a spell is to learn and how strong it is. 1 is something most beings in Mikirith could manage with some effort. 2-3 require hard work and prana to spare if wanted to be used consistently by average beings. 4-6 require extensive effort and affinity with the magic category used, this is territory of people trained in magic, such as clerics, warlocks and druids. 7-9 is where only exceptional magic users stand, a lifetime of training sometimes is not enough for a person to master a spell of these levels, let alone the fact prana consumption is extremely high at this point, so even if learned, they can be extremely exhausting. 10 is legendary territory, knowledge of this level of magic is extremely rare, let alone seen. Alexandrius sees magic as his most powerful tool, so he has sought and absorbed knowledge of it far and wide. Here is an uncompleted list of his repertoire, featuring his most used/strongest spell of each nature he uses:

-Quaking Stomp (5) Triggered by taking a step, a burst of magical energy will cause a localized shaking of the ground.
-Meteorite Shower (7) A torrent of high speed rocks will rain on the targeted area.

-Water Slash (3) A high pressure crescent of water.
-Grand Water Reserve (6) Magical energy is turned into a vast amount of water able to flood an area or create a small artificial lake.

-Grand Gust (5) A wind blast able to destroy wooden structures.
-Tornado (8) A rising, circling stream of powerful winds, devastating things in its path.

Fire (Lord of Hellfire increases spell levels):
-Hell Fireball (2(7)) A ball of Hellfire with great concussive force.
-Hellfire Explosion (5(10)) A seal will appear at the designated area, which when detonated, a burst of Hellfire will erupt from the seal violently.

-Grand Arc (5) A single stream of powerful Lightning magic, blasted from the caster to the target.
-Grand Shock Wave (7) Light will spread from where the caster stands, anyone who touches the band of light spreading outwards, will feel their movements heavily restricted by electric pulses for a few seconds.

-Flash (3) A blindingly bright flash of light.
-Judgment (10) A beam of light 10 meters in radius will fall straight from above, burning anything within with great intensity.

-Shadow Punch (5) An arm constructed of shadows will strike a target.
-Veil of Eternal Night (8) The caster's surroundings will be covered in a mist that swallows all light, enveloping the area in darkness.

-Portal (4-9 depending on size and distance) A bridge that connects two locations instantly.
-Time Stop (10) The caster releases an immense amount of magical energy to hold regular time flow from continuing for a Pyke unit (4.322 seconds), if the caster is strong enough, they can will it beyond that, to a limit of 2.5 Pyke units (10.805 seconds), but extending the spell is extremely strenuous physically and mentally.

-Curse of Pain (4) The caster touches the target, causing a searing pain in the contact area that won't go away in several hours, or if the caster lifts the curse.
-Demonic Rage (5) The caster loses some degree of rationality, but their fighting prowess is enhanced.

-Pain Ward (3) A spell that numbs any pain to an average degree.
-Calm Mind (3) The caster will recover some degree of rationality, or be able to focus better.

-Heal (3) The receiver will recover from minor wounds on cast.
-Partial Resurrection (7) If the receiver has died within the last 83 hours and their body is intact or healed enough, their soul can be recalled to their body. However, their bodily strength will be highly reduced and can take from days to months in being fully restored.

-Minor Illusion (2) The caster can insert a small noise, image or smell into the head of the target that acts as the caster wills it.
-Mental Erasure (7) The caster can wipe the target's memories, how much they can erase and how easily depends on the target's mental fortitude.

-Superior Anti-Magic Field (8) The caster generates a bubble around him where magic of any kind can't be casted, except for the dispel of this very spell. Skills can still be used. Its size can vary on the user's will when casted.
-Omni Barrier (10) The ultimate barrier, equally resistant to all kinds of attacks, while not indestructible, it is very close to.

Alexandrius' Shadow: Shikshi is forever conjoined to Alexandrius. Her own body morphed and evolved thanks to the merging. She shares the enhanced senses and immunities of her host. And while not as durable, her regeneration picks up the slack. Finally, while her prana pool is not as impressive as her host's, it's nothing to scoff at.

Queen of Shadows: Manipulating shadows, melding into them, using them as tools, all is child's play for Shikshi

Apex Predator: Shikshi's beastkind body is very strong, agile and perceptive. Her eyes are particularly good at surveying and watching from a distance.

Shapeshifting: An ability that she perfected thanks to being part shadow demon and fusing with a devouring slime, maintained by her. She can take on any appearance and mimic the tone of any creature she touches. If using skills on their owner's original form they will be more effective.

Inherited Skills:

-Adamantine Dagger Thread: Clear colored threads of spider silk that Shikshi can spread at will. As the name of the skill implies, they are quite sturdy. Additionally, hers can be made extremely sharp.

-Stunning Agent: A liquid that weakens and paralyses anyone who enters in contact with it, be it liquid or if spread as a cloud.

-Boundless Hop: Allows Shikshi to teleport 10 meters at a time. Can be used in quick succession.

Magic: Shikshi's repertoire of most used/strongest spells by nature:

-Quicksand pool (4) Turns a small area of ground into a pit of slimy quicksand.
-Rock Spike Blast (5) Creates rock spikes in front of the caster and blasts them ahead

-Whirlwind Spring (2) A burst of air propels the caster through the air a few meters.
-Grand Gust (5) A wind blast able to destroy wooden structures.

-Flash (3) A blindingly bright flash of light.
-Light Punch (5) An arm constructed of light will strike a target.

Darkness (Enhanced by Queen of Darkness):
-Royal Shadow Vessel (4(6)) Allows the caster to create shadow copies of themselves, equally strong and fast to them but unable to think for themselves, they are puppets of sorts.
-Royal Iron Maiden (7(9)) The caster creates a cilindric coffin of shadows, where they trap a target and spikes relentlessly strike the target within.

-Posession (5) Upon touch, the caster can force their will upon a target, how quickly they can do it and for how long is dependent on the target's mental fortitude.
-Superior Demonic Rage (9) The caster loses all trace of rationality, in exchange for highly enhanced fighting prowess

-Angelic Melody (4) The caster's voice becomes extremely soothing and relaxing to all who hear it.
-Grand Calm Mind (5) The caster will recover a high degree of rationality, or be able to focus greatly.

-Antidote (2) Relieves the target from poisoning effects.
-Grand Heal (4) The receiver will recover from moderate wounds on cast.

-Truth Seeker (5) Allows the caster to dispel illusions from their minds.
-Endless Maze of Mirrors (10) The target will be completely enveloped in a perfect illusion world, where they are surrounded by mirrors in all directions, the caster can then manipulate their illusion world to suit their needs.

Power limitations:
Great Devouring Slime: While his body is highly resilient, it is still possible to defeat. Magic being particularly troublesome.

All Seeing Eye: Despite the skill's name, it does not make Alexandrius omniscient. And though everything is processed fast, it's not quite instant.

Titan's Might: Alexandrius can't control the full power of this skill yet, hence why he's hurt if he pushes it too far, despite his regeneration abilities.

Soul Bind: This skill has strengthened Alexandrius spirit through the consumption of souls, but he's not immune to receive damage in that form.

Shapeshift: With time, Alexandrius has limited himself to two forms, in order to learn to fight in those said forms more efficiently. Slime and Human. Slime form being adept in magical fighting while Human is adept in physical combat.

Absorbed Skills: While Alexandrius has learned way over 6 skills through absorption, he has decided to recycle the energy from those skills in strengthening the ones he decided to keep. He has decided to sacrifice versatility and opt for power. Note: He can still learn more skills. Whether or not he uses them is to be seen.

Magic: Though his repertoire is vast, it's far from infinite, and though powerful in some areas, it has room for improvement in others. He refuses to use the Death nature, however, despite the ease it would grant him an undead army with.

Alexandrius' Shadow: While merging with her host allowed her to keep a body and survive, she is dependent on him to live.

Queen of Shadows: The most glaring weakness of this skill is light. The more light, the weaker the effects of this skill.

Apex Predator: At the very bottom, and as the name implies, she is a beast. And might sometimes not resist her instincts.

Shapeshifting: While good for infiltration purposes, it also weakens her to not be in her beastkind form for too long. The smaller the change, the less noticeable this effect is.

Inherited Skills: What she could absorb from her host in terms of extra tools in her kit, for the most part they are weakened and for her to inherit more she needs them to be imparted by Alexandrius and trained on it.

Magic: Unlike her master, her repertoire is a tad emptier. Which leaves room for disadvantages in a magic battle. And like her master, she refuses to learn Death magic.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Reading - S
Giving speeches - D
Strategy - C
Dialogue - D
Emotional Intelligence - F
Swordsmanship - SS
Magic - SS
Unarmed combat - A
Acrobatics - B

Reading - B
Stealth - SS
Assassination - S
Dialogue - D
Swordsmanship - C
Magic - A
Unarmed combat - S
Acrobatics - SS
Espionage - A

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
Roui Soul Buster: A long bladed scimitar with a long white handle. It's loyal to his one wielder and will not be in the hands of someone else for long unless the wielder allows it, otherwise it'll teleport back to him. It takes strength from the wielder and is proportionally strong to it. It's enchantment allows it to do physical, magical (Light), and spiritual damage all at once. Aside from merely swinging it, it has abilities:
-Soul Rend: A crescent of Light magic that also deals spiritual damage.
-Soul Burst: A small, but powerful explosion of Light magic blades that deal spiritual damage.
-Ritual of Purge: After a chant in which a target is chosen, the blade of Soul Buster glows with a rainbow hue. If the target takes four direct hits from the sword, the sword will take their life.
("O Grandmaster Roui, I am seeking your blessing in defeating my foe. My blade will strike truthfully and relentlessly. Four strikes will smite any who face your fury. Now, let your creation begin the Ritual of Purge!)

Monstrous Armor of Aramaj: The culmination of the Body Armor skill, as explained, Alexandros can summon parts of it for quick defensive movements. But the true potential of this armor is unveiled once it's fully worn. The souls and bodies of all the creatures consumed for its creation give it a nigh unrivaled sturdiness. Its wings are particularly useful, as they are great shields and enable flight. The full use of the armor has a drawback, it tampers with magical use effectiveness.

Ring of Threat Concealment: A ring with a simple function. It masks Alexandrius' imposing aura. Roar of the Mighty still works normally with it on if Alexandrius wants it to, though.

Armor of White Shadows: Robes threaded with Light magic crystals and durable metals, enchanted with Darkness magic. The result is the user can enjoy a great deal of defense while being protected from Light magic, as well as strengthening their Darkness magic. It also has extra weight on the gloves and boots, as per the user's request.

Strengths: Righteous, Brave / Loyal, Determined

Weakness/ Fears: Overworked, not being fit for being a king / Hot-headed, losing her king

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Name: Rescue First-Model Four-N series or "RF-M4-N" or "Four."

Age: Thirty since original construction and fifteen since first activation.

Gender (Can be genderless too): They/Them/It. Since Four lacks genitals and doesn't care what fleshbags think of it as it can switch its voice for masculine or feminine.

Sexual Orientation: Asexual - Quite literally is a machine.

Species: Robot

World and Universe they are from: A universe wherein Mankind has populated the stars and uses robots for most tasks.

Appearance (Just a basic description of what your character looks like. Needs to be over four lines long. Please include basic shit like height and complexion, as well as physical build.): Standing at 9'5, Four was originally designed to be a heavy-set robot with an all-terrain adapting tread system with a nice blue and orange paintjob. Unfortunately, after an incident that turned most of it to slag. Four was scrapped and dropped off for spare parts. Its next owner would take the heap of parts and begin refitting Four with legs, armored yet lightweight combat frame and a brand-new head. Additional armor covering the chest and legs, even covering the neck of the frame. Switching out the color scheme to a paramilitary gray and green. The hands have five fingers and the feet of the robot are essentially almost three toed stuff like a bird, or heels more accurately that can grip stuff.

Personality: First and foremost, Four is sarcastic and often rude to humans or 'fleshlings' as they call them. Only speaking in a better tone when talking to its master, and even then they will give some form of sass. It also enjoys combat and everything pertaining to it, yet isn't a sadist or a psychopath that wishes to kill everything. It just wants a purpose and to have something to do.

History/Bio: Made in a factory, Four was initially designed to act as search and rescue service bot, a task that they did well since that was their only function. No real thoughts or ideals to make it less effective. Kept in perfect shape by excellent engineers and repair bots and no failures to deface its reputation, at this point in Four's 'life' if they had a mind, they would be content.

However, things would begin to fall apart as a new model of rescue bot would be made. The RF-M5-N series. More durable and quicker with an actual personality matrix implanted, and a state of the art "Sanctuary" Box. A hefty container that keeps the passenger safe from all manner of things. And since Four's current owner didn't want to shell out the additional money for the new model. He instead just got the Sanctuary Box and that's it. The weight of the box would make Four top heavy and this combined with the outdated tread system, led to a catastrophic failure on a Mining Colony that left Four as half melted and a dead passenger that was quote 'Boiled alive' inside the Box.

The bad publicity left the owner wanting to sever all ties with the robot and incident, and as such had all records erased. Meaning that with no real warranty coverage or owner to be charged, the authorities dumped the heap of slag on a scrap rig. A place where Four remained until a bored technician wanted to see if he could fix up and upgrade the machine. The process taking years, but thankfully the scrap rig had plenty of material for Four to be repaired with, they even got a clean personality matrix. The sarcastic and cynical technician would pass his personality unto Four as they begun to learn and grow. Relatively new legs, a new frame and sturdier everything made Four an imposing figure, one that caught the eye of a would-be smuggler who wanted to buy a droid to replace his destroyed one. Buying Four because of the personality and the fact that the robot could bend any soul into a pretzel.

After this, various jobs and missions got Four more upgraded and more experienced, going from smuggling narcotics to acting as a bodyguard for the criminal elite or whoever was paying Four's master. They would eventually however be spirited away by a green flash.

Powers: Targeting Matrix - Being a machine that has been upgraded, Four has vastly superior aim compared to most humans. Able to perfectly fire rounds and know the precise trajectory to ensure they land.

Healing Nanites - A remnant from their Rescue Bot days, they have special nanites housed in the Sanctuary that can patch up anyone injured or even help their immune system with any would be pathogen.

Thick Titasteel Armor - Nicknamed from the mineral harvested on the planet Titan, lightweight yet more durable than tank armor, allowing Four to take hits from laser weaponry and even plasma weaponry.

Power limitations: Targeting Matrix - Four's TM is only effective as long as there is no interference or disruption or damaged lens. Chafe or weather conditions that lower visibility can lead to this ability to not be as effective.

Healing Nanites - There is a limit to these things, in that they can't bring back the dead or restore someone to perfect health, if they're too injured and they require surgery, at most Four can stabilize but little more. Said nanites can only be deployed if someone is in the Sanctuary Module.

Guns - S
Melee Combat - A
Maneuverability - B
First Aid - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.): Markland's Model Six Gauss Rifle - Fires any projectile placed in the chamber at the same force as a 50 cal round and maintain that same force until it hits the target, leading to ball bearings being able to puncture several inches of tank armor. Or any known projectile smaller than a 50 BMG round. [Be warned, keep hands or appendages out of chamber when being operated.]

Shoulder mounted Minigun: As the name states, a shoulder mounted minigun that can be chambered in 7.62, 5.56 or 50 caliber. The ammo count however is very small and not meant for continuous firing. All armor piercing with the 50 caliber being explosive tipped.

Wrist-Mounted Auto Shotgun: Mounted on Four's wrist is a Auto-Shotgun that fires slugs or buckshot. Pretty self explanatory.

Sanctuary Box: A container that is similar to a Porta-Potty in shape, but more thickly armored, insulated, air filtered and given special upgrades to ensure any occupants are kept safe and comfortable. Can even survive in outer space so long as Four doesn't open the box.

Strengths: Tank, anti-armor and can even go anti-air if they get the right equipment.

Weakness/ Fears: Being outdated or turned off. Four is a machine so EMPs can make them less effective or damage vital components.

Name: Chester Angelo Leomhann

Age: 18

Gender (Can be genderless too): Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: A modified Humanoid specifically engineered to deal with Paranormal threats

World and Universe they are from: My own

Appearance (Just a basic description of what your character looks like. Needs to be over four lines long. Please include basic shit like height and complexion, as well as physical build.):


Lengthy Red hair fashioned in a spikey mullet, Gold eyes, Pale skin, Wears a red studded leather jacket the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, jeans, and standard vans shoes.
Height: 5'5"
122 lbs
Lithe and aethletic. Lean muscles.

Personality (Over six lines long.): Tries to live his life care free. Can be a bit spontaneous. Tries to see people as innately good even if they have troubles. Slightly child-like and naive. Kindhearted and brave. Is the ride or die kind of friend.

History/Bio (Over eight lines long; no canon blending- as in direct interaction with canon characters.):

A genetically engineered human that was designed to hunt Lycanthropes. As he developed from a child of twelve fighting other failed experiments deep in a underground lab. The person he was cloned from had been investigating the facility and a fight ensued. Over just as quick his loud booming voice overtook the area and was met with a light tap from one of the physically strongest people he had ever encountered. He was out like a light in a matter of seconds. However, he was brought to the original parents and soon after he was adopted by the very monsters he was supposed to get rid of.

He went on to grow and learn magic from his mother. His father taught him to be a great hero. The family would go on through out history to be defenders of what they thought to be right.

Powers (If your character has biotics, magic, a superpower, racial abilities, or anything that can be explained.):

Sound Aspected: As a person who was made into a hunter of Lycanthropes. This character can manipulate sound waves and vibrations. This can increase their own speed to mach as well as others. It can increase the power behind bladed weaponry to cut deeper. Can dampen a blow put on themselves and others through shields of sheer force. Even blast them through the same means.

Power limitations (The limitations of said powers, because nothing that will be accepted is limitless):

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

Playing the Kazoo: SS
Weapons Mastery: S
Musical Talent: A
Magical Aptitude: B
Parkour: C

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)


Can be played like a normal guitar. That's it.


-Buffing allies
-Being an annoyance to most enemies.
-Knowledge of magics otherworldly or otherwise

Weakness/ Fears: Snakes
Name: Zaydar Tamborlin

Age: 22 biologically, though he has lived about a century

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight, but rarely is there a time for sex

Species: Human (possessed by a powerful devil)

World and Universe they are from: Brave New World

Appearance: (Work in Progress)

Personality: You don't get possessed, switch bodies, kill millions, and worship the Lord of Hell without going a little insane. In one lifetime he might have been cold and stoic, but I daresay the years of success have turned him sarcastic and a bit cocky, rarely taking anything seriously and enjoying the best of life before he attempts to destroy it. He considers nothing sacred and scoffs in the face of all religion, believing his lord to always be able to listen and enact his will upon the world.

History/Bio: Imagine you're a citizen in the glorious kingdom of Storial. You've awakened, opened your windows to let the sunlight in, and prepare for another great day in the greatest empire in the world...but it's hot today. Very hot.
So hot your water starts to evaporate and is halfway empty before you take a sip. So hot that you could cook meat on the cobblestone. So hot that, if you squint hard enough, you'd believe the joke your wife just made about the sun being on the ground! Or... wait... is that..?

Imagine you're a soldier in Angeltar, the greatest empire in the world! You've gotten to your post at midnight, though it's unbearably hot. You stand at your post, guarding mighty walls that have never fallen, before seeing a strange sight that has you running to report it. A giant fireball grows in the distance, enveloping everything in its path. In the short time it takes for you to raise the alarm, the fireball has quadrupled in size and is heading your way! Is that laughter you hear? And what is that giant figure walking through the fire..?

Imagine you're the Queen of Eristhera, the greatest empire in the world! You've stepped out on your balcony to address your subjects, the gems embroidered into your gown glimmering in the (extremely) bright sunlight. Before you can open your mouth to speak, you hear shouts of panic and terror. You look down at the palace grounds, horrified to see giant pentagram glowing brightly. You've only a few seconds to shout orders before they burst into flame, almost completely devouring the palace with fire. As you burn to death, you hear a bone chilling voice and feel the power of an undescribable being. When you open your eyes next you've been chained up by demons... you're in Hell, and everyone in your kingdom is here with you...

Now you might be asking, what's the link between these three worlds? They all burst into flame, and there's some devil or something right?
Well none of these beautiful, unholy apocalypses could have been possible without the Brothers of Inferno, a doomsday cult let by Zaydar Tamborlin. World to world Zaydar travels, sent by his master to gather a cult, plan the ritual, and open a portal to Hell to allow his great master to consume every soul on each miserable planet. He wouldn't want to break an arm jerking himself off, but if you asked him he'd tell you he's responsible for the death of 6 different worlds! Amazing!

Zaydar has just been sent to his newest world, Elrath, and is absolutely ecstatic about lucky number 7! Hopefully no insane, god-like, extra-dimensional power doesn't get in there and mess things up for him!

Powers: As a reward for bringing down his third world, Zaydar was granted a special treat! Be partially possessed by a Pit Lord! Now, that may not seem like much of a reward, and I'm sure you're asking, "what the fuck does partially possessed mean?". Well first off, no need for that harsh language, but secondly it means that Zaydar has not fully lost control! Sure, if he gets angry enough or loses his cool, he'll loose grasp of his control and the Pit Lord, Ferox, will take over.
Zaydar gains control over fire, immunity to fire, super strength (to a degree- more like an insanely strong human more than a superhero), and a slow regeneration. He also cannot be killed by any normal weapon (non magic), though he can be knocked out by powerful enough forces.

Zaydar was originally a magic user, and can still cast a good amount of spells. His atrocities across worlds seems to make a lot of magic ignore his call, but his destruction magic is as powerful as ever.

As a sort of combo between his magic and Ferox's, he is able to change his form to look like any humanoid creature at will. However, strong minded or holy beings cannot be fooled by his disguise, and any damage he sustains will send him back into his normal form. His voice does not change with the form, nor does he gain any of their abilities.

Power limitations: As any user of magic, his spells sap at his physical strength. He can only cast a certain amount of spells per day.

If he sustains too much damage he has a hard time controlling the Pit Lord bound within him. This could result in catastrophic consequences for himself and others.

His regeneration is quite slow, and is more to save his life than to make him some kind of immortal.

Skills :
If he's trying, he has a silver tongue. You have to be at least somewhat charismatic if you're going to form doomsday cults, and you have to be a good liar to convince three dozen people to send themselves to hell in exchange for eternal power.

Weapon(s)/ Equipment: The only weapon he really uses is a broken Longsword, a very powerful vorpal sword. He calls it "The Sword of Ducain", though he laughs hysterically when people ask why.

He wears magic/force resistant black robes that amplify his fire magic and keep him (mostly) safe from attacks. These are mainly to keep him alive for a few attacks, so dodging and staying out of close combat is still his best defense.

He carries with him all the materials to summon his lord (or any demon or devil) with him at all times. It doesn't do much for him alone, but you never know when you'll need to summon the lord of destruction.

He fears nothing, probably due to his inanity
The more death and destruction around him, the more he can use Ferox's power
He has lots if experience traveling between worlds due to his job, and is always excited to find another.

Weakness/ Fears:
He fears nothing, probably due to his insanity
Holy magic always stings more than usual magic. Priests suck.
He's not great underwater. He can't really talk underwater, making it hard to cast spells. It's very difficult to produce fire underwater, so there's not much he can do.

At some point he might have been truly innocent, but that's probably all gone now. He's always open for a challenge of a new world to destroy but may or may not have slight ambitions to rule a world himself, without the watchful eye of his lord...
Name: Liath Secan (Lee-eth Sec-an)
Also known as: Lee, Sergeant Secan, Gray, Sarge
Imperial Operating Number: MB-756
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Species: Human
World and Universe they are from: Star Wars universe. From the world Didyma V.

Appearance: About 6' even, silver colored hair that is usually cropped short. Eyes of gray (almost matching his hair). Slim build, very athletic (as is mandatory for a Stormtrooper). His complexion is very light, but not pale. Where he grew up didn't have much in the way of sunlight at all. He has a tattoo of the Imperial Emblem on his back, his left shoulder-blade. It is black and about 5" wide. Multiple scars on his right elbow from the surgery to replace part of his arm with a mechanical joint.

Bio: Liath was born on the mining world Didyma V to Shesa (mother) and Roway (father) Secan. The city they lived in was called Dorapan. Didyma V was rich in resources and mining opportunities (specifically mining lommite), but the workers that performed all of the actual mining were all considered in the lower class of economy. Roway was one of these miners. They could hardly afford food, often applying for assistance from the local Imperial garrison. It wasn't often when they could actually get assistance, the garrison would do as much as they could. While it was Imperial, that garrison was still very low on the Empire's priority list.

Growing up so poor, at an early age Liath learned the value of hard work and perseverance in life. No matter how difficult things got for the family, Liath's father was always willing to work as much as he can to help his family. But through the years he became close with some of the officers of the Imperial garrison. They did what they could to help, sometimes even offering their own credits to help out his family.

And when Liath was 10, his world collapsed. There was what was thought an accident at the main mine, the one his father was a foreman in. At the time no one really knew exactly what happened. But the mine collapsed, killing 15 miners. Including Liath's father. Liath was utterly devastated. There is no one he looked up more to than his own parents. Especially his father. His father was killed in the mine collapse, and while he was still grieving… his mother committed suicide. Liath was orphaned, and he had nowhere to go.

Liath ran from his home, before the local governor could place him into a foster situation. He would live on the streets of the local city, always staying within the immediate area of the Imperial garrison. Occasionally receiving handouts from the garrison, or just living on the scraps he could find. 3 years passed quickly, and Liath become quite skilled with surviving on the streets. From recognizing when there was going to be some kind of trouble, or when he was in danger. He had very good instincts, and acted on them. Many times these instincts helping him to survive in this harsh world. And when he was 13, one of his closest friends at the garrison suggested he apply to the Academy for Young Imperials. His name was Coreth Gorgo, a captain in the Stormtrooper Corps. He aided Liath with all of the proper paperwork… sometimes cutting some corners or calling in favors to do so. And so Liath traveled to Lothal to attend the Academy. And almost immediately it was obvious to his instructors that he was something special. He was put into a 4 person unit whom called themselves the 'Wild Wolves', which was an unsanctioned and unofficial designation. Unit Cretix was the official unit designation, and they were part of the squad designated MB61291. After 2 years in this Academy, he graduated to the next step of becoming a member of the Imperial army. His graduating class moved onto the Imperial Training Academy on Carida. Again he excelled with all of his courses, quickly becoming the Captain of his training regiment. He relished the opportunity. He was eager to prove himself to the Empire, to show he could serve the Galaxy.

A few years would pass, and the galaxy is in the midst of a civil war. By this time Liath was now a Private in the Stormtrooper Corps. A badge he wore proudly, remembering the lessons of honor he grew up learning from old man Coreth. He had been assigned to the 36th​ Infantry Division, otherwise known as The Gorgara Division. His Division had been deployed to reinforce the Imperial presence there, to aid in the conflict with terrorists on Ryloth. When they were first deployed, it was little more than guarding Imperial checkpoints. Inspecting cargo freights, things Liath saw as… well not exactly helping the galaxy as a whole. Despite that line of thinking, he did his job to the best of his ability. He began to become familiar with the locals, helping them out when he could. He wore the armor of a hated Stormtrooper, but he still offered aid when he saw the opportunity. And despite this, he was seen as the enemy. Because he was the enemy.

The day came when their command post sent word to their guardian outpost. Intercepted transmissions had suggested that a major offensive could be coming at any time. They could not give specifics, but noted that Imperial outposts and personnel would be targeted. Gorgara Division took this very seriously. Patrols were doubled, searches were performed more often and more intricately, any sign of something suspicious was treated as if it were an immediate threat. Liath tried to sniff out any of the terrorists, or anyone even remotely connected to them. But he could only do so much with his guard duty. He was a good soldier, and did his duty.

It was midday, 3 days after the warning of a possible offensive. But the Division did not ease up on their duties. And suddenly, their communications officer's voice came over the comms. His voice was quaking, he could barely blurt out two words. They thought the attack on their post had begun. But there was no attack… not yet. The Division Captain pulled a few select Stormtroopers (Liath included) off the line and ordered them to the communications hub. When there, all were horrified at what was being seen. The Holonet was broadcasting news of the destruction of an Imperial battle-station in the Yavin system. It had been a source of pride for the Empire, a show of the technological superiority of the Imperials over the terrorists. It was that same battle-station that destroyed Alderaan, due to Alderaan creating bio weapons of mass destruction and threatening the Empire directly. Was the battle-station destroyed in retribution? And how was it even possible it was destroyed? It would take a massive fleet… and no such fleet could get that close and not be detected. Liath felt sick. Many of the people he graduated with over the years were serving aboard the battle-station… and now they were gone. Initial estimates, in fact, said that over 1 million Imperial citizens had perished.

The group was just trying to process this, trying to wrap their heads around it. It was right about then an explosion shook the room. Alarms began blaring, Liath lead the others out of the room, weapons drawn. When they stepped out the door, they were met with a barrage of blaster fire. One of his friends was taken down, his armor barely holding. Liath ducked for cover and ordered the Division to regroup at the inner perimeter gate, he knew the outmost perimeter gate had already fallen if they were being fired on like this. Liath sprang from cover and started strafing as he ran, yelling for his comrades to get moving. As he ran, he killed 2 of the attackers. A human and a Twi'lek woman, both garbed in the gear of the terrorists. What they called the 'Rebel Alliance'. Is this the attack they had been warned of? Was the destruction of the battle-station and this attack planned to coincide? He runs, a blaster shot hitting the edge of the doorframe as he enters it. He pivots and fires a few more time, just trying to provide cover fire. He sees another of his friends fall, and then finished off with what looks like a spear. He gives a quick glance to the outter wall, seeing shadows on its edge. They were being overrun. He tries to close the door, but it is malfunctioning. Jammed. A Twi'lek races through the door holding what appears to be a club… a simple rock tied to a thick branch… that rock covered in blood and bits…. and screams as he attacks Liath. Liath fires but misses, the Twi'lek already to close. His blaster is knocked from his hand, and the Twi'lek draws his club back with the intention of bashing in Liath's head. But Liath gives a quick jab to the Twi'lek's nose. He grunts and bloo dribbles from his nose, and Liath presses the attack. He hits the Twi'lek in the side of the head with his elbow, and he quickly grabs one of the Twi'lek's lekku. He squeezes as hard as he can and pulls on it, as if trying to pull it off. His other hand shoots out towards the stunned male and he is knocked out with a blow to the side of the head. Liath pants as he turns, looking for his blaster. Another Stormtrooper comes through the door, yelling for Liath to retreat deeper into the base. But he then screams as the back of his armor explodes in a shower of sparks, and another of Liath's friends falls… his armor and most of his back decimated by a heavy gun. Liath is shaking, and he scoops up the bloodied club to defend himself. He starts to turn… and then everything goes black. He never saw the man come up behind him and hit him with a similar club, cracking his helmet. Liath falls, and is left there as the Rebels liberate the base. Well mostly… almost 5 minutes after Liath lost consciousness, a tie-fighter squadron had come in as their reinforcements. The Rebels were scattered, escaping the Imperials. But the Empire took many losses this day, not just here but in the whole of the galaxy.

The next few days were a foggy blur to Liath. Snippets of images… someone carrying him… his helmet being removed… an examination… a droid suturing his head… IV's being hooked up to him… a nurse urging him to get back into bed… All of that could have been reality, he can't know for sure. But the other things he saw… his friends being hurt and killed in front of him. Over and over. This wasn't his first fight, not by a long shot. But it was the first where he was lucky to be alive. His platoon was decimated here, only 6 of the 49 soldiers made it. And none of them without serious injury. Liath spent the next 2 weeks under the care of various physicians. And after some time spent in a bacta tank, he was ready to be evaluated for returning to duty. But he wasn't cleared. Over the next few weeks he went through various rehabilitation protocols and physical therapy. He was finally cleared for duty, but advised for a light duty.

While he did all he could, it turned out he wasn't actually ready. He started to have problems while in training. Liath had trouble focusing himself, maintaining his posture. When he picked up his weapon, he found he had trouble hitting any targets. He even had trouble reloading the blaster. It got so bad his commanding officer took notice. He started showing symptoms of PTSD. Liath was given a series of tests, and was indeed diagnosed with severe PTSD. The actual wording was 'high to severe impact'. He was put on a sick leave, a sick leave that he would spend almost 10 weeks on.

Liath was finally taken offworld, deployed to Naboo for rehabilitation. This was intended to help him work through his issues, to get the aid he needed from offered Imperial services. But much of his free time was spent at Sevire's Cantina, where he would stay and drink until he was told to leave at closing. Always sitting at a corner table by himself, the lightpod on the tabletop dimmed to nearly nothing.

After more than a month, one of the waitresses finally began to try and talk to Liath. He never reached out to anyone, save to get a refill. This waitresses could tell he was having issues, to say the least. And so.. she offered him a small share of sansanna spice. He was reluctant at first, since the lum he favored usually did the trick for him. But, she was very convincing. And ever since that first taste, Liath hasn't looked back.

His medical leave was up, and he was once again put through evaluation. And this time, he seemed a changed man. Able to go into combat without any noticeable issues, good focus and physical prowess. To everyone's surprise, he was cleared for duty. He was assigned to escort duty, serving aboard an agricultural transport ship out of the Corsin system. This duty started almost a year ago, and ever since he has been en exemplary soldier. He has been recently granted the rank of Sergeant, signified by the white pauldron he wears on his right shoulder.

Marksman: A
Hand to hand combat: B
Piloting (Starships): A
Piloting (Ground vehicles): B
Engineering: C
Tactics: B

Stormtrooper body armor (standard). E-11 Blaster. Compact toolkit. Power packs (5). Macrobinoculars. Glowrod. Vibroblade knife. Thermal detonator. 5 packets of sansanna spice.

Able to push past his fears to do the job
Excellent marksman (Anti-Stormtrooper aim!)
Excellent cook
Very open to helping others
Has made sacrifices for others
Very much a 'servant leader'

Can be egotistical
Makes to many assumptions sometimes on a personal level
Enjoys being alone
Suffers from PTSD (controlled by spice)
Is known to drink to much

Name: Darth Tenma
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Species: Human
World and Universe they are from: Star Wars. Approximately 2,500 ABY, Bothan Sector

Appearance: In armor (which he wears constantly in public) he stands 6'7". Said armor covers him from head to toe, even concealing his natural features. Only a handful of beings have seen him without his helmet or armor in public. And half of them are no longer in the land of the living. The armor itself seems bulky and cumbersome, but it is of a lightweight material (but not fragile). The shoulders and upper chest, gauntlets and greaves are of a cortosis weave. This allows them limited resistance to lightsaber strikes (or any other sort of high energy charged emission. The color theme is if darker tones, shades of midnight blue and black. Over the armor he generally wears a kimono, and it is colored purple with gold accents. The armor seems stylized, as if made for a samurai perhaps. The mask covering his face is reminiscent of a demon mask. Part of the purpose of the armor is defense, but more than that it is meant for intimidation. At his left hip (hidden under the open kimono) are a pair of lightsaber hangers. One of the lightsabers is from a Jedi he killed (one of his first kills) and the other is one he forged himself.
At the rear of his waist there are hanging pouches which can hold any number of items.

Personality: Tenma believes it is the Sith Kingdom's destiny to rule the whole of the universe itself, and then into multiple other realities. He has always believed the greatest chance peace has is through control by the strong. He is a warrior and conqueror, but he is not cruel. He is fair in his punishments of others, but when he feels someone deserves it he is merciless.
And again, he is not unreasonable. He feels that whatever choices he makes is for the greater good. But on the outside it would seem the actions of a tyrant.
He keeps his armor always on when in public, when outside of his palace on Bothawui. None outside of his companion and his generals have seen him without his armor. None know the exact reason for this.

History: The first known sighting of the being called Darth Tenma was during the Battle of Holm'starn on the planet Bothawui. He accompanied his Master, Darth Rampage during the initial conflicts. Darth Rampage commanded the Acolytes with brutal precision. At the same time he and his pupil aided the Acolytes on the ground. Rampage's orders to the Acolytes was to avoid contact with any Jedi as much as possible, as the Sith and apprentice wanted that challenge and pleasure. A total of 4 Jedi (Guardians) became one with the Force that day at the hands of Darth Rampage and Darth Tenma.
The battles in the Bothan Sector would continue, the Sith Kingdom forcing each system into subjugation. And at the front of the battle lines would be Darth Rampage and Darth Tenma. And after 3 years of resistance an guerrilla warfare, the Bothan Sector would fall to the Sith. And Darth Rampage would be named the Warlord of the Sector. Ruthless and totalitarian is how his reign would be described by his subjects. By his billions of subjects.

And a year later the Holonet carried this story…
"Tyrannical, brutal overlord of the recently conquered Bothan Sector has been killed! By none other than his own apprentice! Drones captured this battle between the 2 leaders of the Sith Kingdom! First the apprentice, known only as Darth Tenma, kills his Master's guards first… and then Darth Rampage himself is attacked! And as you can see, after a drawn out battle, Rampage falls!"

And with this act, Darth Tenma became the Warlord of the system. He gathered generals, loyal subjects. Now under his command, the Acolytes were redeployed. Under Tenma, the general public was allowed to carry on as they had before the Sith invasion. So long as they remain loyal to Darth Tenma. But if there was even suggestion of disloyalty, the punishment would be swift and brutal. Unlike his former master, Tenma's rule fair. He didn't act unless he had need to. All he needed was to suspect disloyalty or rebellion, he would end it.

The Force. Darth Tenma has a deep and strong connection with the Dark Side of the Force. He has had this connection since he was a young child and then taken in by Darth Rampage. This connection gives him an array of powers and abilities. He is able to sustain his stamina for longer periods of time, safely jump and land long distances and move faster than most beings can. Even with his armor.
Telekinesis. Through the Force he can manipulate physical objects in proximity to him. This has been shown to have a known range of nearly a half mile, so long as he can focus on the object. He has been known to use this ability to stop the air from moving in and out of a person's lungs and to remove objects from inside a person's body… like their bones.
Precognition. Subconsciously Tenma can become aware of events that have yet to happen, either in the near future or far. This is not an ability he can use consciously, usually while in meditation or sleep.
Force Listening. The ability to enhance one's hearing to an ultimate degree. Some believe it is perceiving soundwaves moving through the Force.
Force Lightning. An electrical elemental attack with electricity being channeled through Tenma's fingertips and palms. The result on the target depends on the duration of the attack. Anything from singes to burns to disintegration.
Mind Control. Tenma is able to take control of a being's mind, forcing that being to obey Tenma's will. He has made people kill themselves, or attack those around them.
Waves of Darkness. A physical manifestation of darkness. It is not shadows overtaking light, necessarily. Tenma describes it as the Dark Side drawing all sources of light into itself and keeping it trapped. He can project this darkness to hundreds of feet around him. Whatever he chooses will become invisible in this darkness, as the very light that reflects off of things to make them visible is removed.
Bleeding. The ability to channel your anger, hatred and rage into the very core of a Kyber crystal and corrupt it. Kyber crystals are naturally aligned to the Light Side of the Force, but this technique forces them into affinity with the Dark Side.
Mind Shard. Tenma can mentally splinter a person's mind, causing dramatic physical pain. And this can cause a person to lose their focus or concentration.
Darkshear. This ability allows the user to manifest energy through the Dark Side into an imperceivable weapon, and usually in the shape of a spear.
Psycometry. The use of the Force to 'read' an inanimate object, to get a sense of its history and events around it.
Force Barrier. An invisible wall of energy manifested through the Force. Can be focused on the user or a target.
Doppleganger. Darth Tenma can create duplicates of himself or objects to cause confusion. He can perceive all of his doppleganger's perceptions, and be aware of the world around it.
Deadly Sight. By channeling this ability, a Force-user harnessed fury and hatred and then projected them through an intense glare onto the victim - as long as that victim was in the practitioner's range of vision. The Deadly Sight would have then blistered the skin and vaporized extremities.

Power limitations: Like many Force users, a certain degree of focus must be attained to use the various abilities. And this degree of focus differs between powers and strengths of said powers. Specific powers do have specific limitations. Force Listening can be interrupted and even cause pain to the user if they are 'overloaded' by sounds. Lightning can be absorbed or dissipated by a strong enough element. Tenma's will can be matched by very few, but someone who's will and strong minded can fight off his Mind Control. Doppleganger has, in the past, caused him to break his focus. All of his powers can also have range issues. He is powerful and has range farther than many, but still has his limits of course.

Lightsaber dueling: S
Hand to hand combat: B
Force Mastery: S
Piloting: D
Tactician: C
Mechanical engineering: D
Genetic research: D

2 lightsabers. Can use both in combat.The hilt of the lightsaber he obtained from a fallen Jedi is the one he usually holds in his left hand. The hilt of the lightsaber he obtained from his Master after he killed him. The Kyber crystals in both have undergone Bleeding, causing the crystals to align with the Dark Side.
Ogre Armor. The armor as a whole weighs about 250 pounds. The helmet has infrared and ultraviolet filters, allowing him to see perfectly in the dark.
His features are hidden under the helmet, the eyes covered with lenses and the mouth closed save for small vents. His voice is also mechanically obscured, using technology similar to Mandalorian armor for this. There are actuators within the joints that allow him to move quickly in the armor, and enhances his already formidable strength. It is made mostly of darkly colored plasteel. The shoulders, gauntlets, calf armor and upper abdomen have a cortosis weave. This allows those pieces to be high energy resistant, for things such as lightsaber strikes.
The armor is pressurized, and has environmental systems. This allows him to operate in any number of environments, even in space for brief times. The boots can be magnetized, allowing him to cling to metallic surfaces.

Very intelligent
Leading (ruling over) others
Doesn't consider himself above others with certain tasks
Survival skills
Considers himself fair when judging others and passing sentence
Considers himself honorable
Plays the 'long game' in most situations
To those that show him loyalty, he treats them very well


Can underestimate opponents (this is rare, though)
Always tries to be patient, but there are times when that doesn't work
When cut off from the Force, is often at a great disadvantage
Has found himself paranoid at times in regards to those he leads (rules)

Other: Not just another Sith baddie….