PARALOGUE The Evrensel Conflict: Paralogue 1.2 -- Guns, Swords & Raids

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The Samurai knew nothing about the girl named Anri. She knew nothing of her abilities, and only assumed she was brought along because she would be protected. This, however was not what Chika expected. What was that weapon? Why did a child have it? Why is the child actually besieging this place?

Those questions would have to wait. Chika ran in to protect Anri. Though she was not as fast, she was strong. Strong enough to hurl a rock from that earthly mound the child raised hard enough to embed itself into the head of any one of the now-confirmed enemies. Though they would likely begin fighting back, Chika managed to reach them and cut them down.

The gifted blade cut through flesh and bone quite cleanly. It lacks the weight and heft of an axe head, but it was sharp enough to work on balancing the difference out. The spirits cared little for what tool was used. They reveled in the fact that slaughter would be had once more.
Fifth Grade Fixer, Oliver

Oliver nodded to himself in thought as he observed the situation. The majority of the crowd had either dispersed or had been swiftly turned into paint on the sidewalk which was about as expected. Anri also did about as well as he expected. Freaky brats like her tended to be murder machines and since she had an expensive ass looking rifle strapped onto her, it wasn't all that surprising to see her killing effectively. Chika though was honestly a bit surprising. Lady didn't look auged out yet she could casually toss a rock through a guy's face and cut straight through people, which was a welcome surprise.

Aside from those observations, he didn't have much to say. His colleagues were good at killing people, most of the people that were annoying them earlier were dead, and a few of the turrets that had not been hit by the big ass lightning bolt had begun to turn toward him.
You do realize that we're the only guy left in the field of fire, yes?
Wait, that's problematic.
Dodging to the side, Oliver just managed to leap out of the way of a veritable stream of bullets. Already poised to move due to his earlier dodge, he thought 'What the hell, might as well join in', before charging at speed into the Militech complex as well.
The Battle That Begins the War

Chika and Oliver were not the only ones joining in. The chaos of the battle only escalated with every passing moment. With the panic spreading and the bullets flying, people had no choice but to defend themselves or die trying to flee. The gangsters that got caught up in in it, began shooting and calling for help. The civilians that found no other option than to fight ran for cover and threw whatever they could find in a panic. It started looking like a riot had broken out, and those stupid enough to prioritize views over survival started recording everything they could.

Though the Militech forces were holding their ground, the inclusion of civilians confused them to the point where they had to assume everyone that got close that wasn't an employee of Militech was hostile. They eventually had to call in for help. They needed reinforcements and a way to contain this incident right afterwards. They assumed that they would win. They didn't understand what they were in for. While they thought they were going up against street thugs and normies, one of the mercenaries happened to be a good enough Netrunner to quickhack a Optic Reboot that spread across several of them, which gave enough of an opening for them to get shot or cut down. With too many targets to aim at, Militech's current foes managed to breach into the property grounds.

As for Anri, she was just having the time of her life. She was not used to a rifle that did not need to be reloaded after every shot, but she still continued her assault with a smile on her face. As soon as she made it past the wall, they found out just how terrifying a wild child with training could be. She was a small, quick target that shot back with astonishing accuracy, and fought among several more threats that were now entering the area. She was the starting act for what was to come.

Fifth Grade Fixer, Oliver

With the Militech guards suppressed by Anri and the other assorted combatants in the area, they didn't have any chance of intercepting Oliver's entrance. With his augmented legs spitting steam, he accelerated himself toward a pocket of guards even faster before leaping shoulder first into an unlucky guard's face and behind their assorted cover. Stumbling back, the guards barely had their weapons raised before the Fixer was upon them. The zweihander in his hands was deceptively swift, separating body parts and bisecting humans with horrifying efficiency. Within seconds, Oliver was charging toward the next patch of guards, leaving the ones left behind as nothing more than butchered cuts of meat.

Repeating the process a couple more times, he eventually regrouped with Chika who was in the thick of things, cutting down one of the many targets that she had engaged as he did so. Fighting alongside her, he threw out a quick and casual question whilst cutting down any targets around them. "Yo, what'd you get to be able to cut straight through people? That thing's sharp but I'm pretty damn sure it ain't sharp enough to be doing what you're doing."

@Otomos @FACELESSFACESFECKINGFLYING @Girania the Knightess

As Chika continued to cut down enemies throughout the battle, the spirits raged on at the chaos. It seems that the attack had pushed through the first wall, and things were beginning to feel familiar. The rush of battle was something she was accustomed to, and this mess was what the Spirits love. Soon, Oliver had joined in and found his way alongside her. He did not seem out-of-breath or concerned for his life in the midst of the battle. Rather while he fought on, he took a moment to ask her how she was able to cleave through people with the blade he had given her.

"Raw strength and training. Spirits empower the tool, sundering their lives."

It was somewhat true. The spirits had coated around the blade to make it less likely to snap in the midst of all the killing. Still, Chika would need to eventually clean it, even if it was for a moment. The accumulated blood and fat from the slain enemies would dull the edge faster.

As a side note, she was also surprised that this was even happening to begin with. Anri was even a little terrifying in her eyes right now. To have caused such an incident with so little effort, and fight on with a laugh. She may as well be the physical embodiment of the spirits that haunted Chika.

"The girl… she is very strange… Should not be left alone…"
Before It All Fades to Black

The raid was progressing faster and faster. As the situation got more out of hand, the Militech guards were losing more of their numbers, and people were getting caught up in the adrenaline rush of fighting for your life, it was not long until the building itself was broken into. Some guards fought to the bitter end, while others either ran, hid, or ditched their uniforms to blend in with the raving lot of people that stormed the building, and while the people continued their assault in the heat of the moment, Anri, Oliver, and Chika would reach the weapons vault. Normally there would be no such need, but because this was an actual building dedicated to the corporation, it held a vast armory and storage that held its products. Small arms, Heavy weapons, Old technology, explosives, a practical sea of ammunition, and an array of gun mods. It also seemed as if some higher up was trying to do a bit of collecting at the expense of the company as well, since there were quite a few bladed and blunt weapons hidden there as well.

Anri laughed and clapped at the sight as an explosion occurred somewhere on the upper floor. Whatever those random other people were doing, they must've set off one huge explosion for some reason. Oh well!