CLOSED PARALOGUE The Evrensel Conflict: Paralogue 1 -- The Cyber-Hangover

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Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

The senses of the Jedi were different than the outer senses of extradimensional creatures, which was what Flynn's armored husk was made to hide from. The light and dark sides of the force moved across it but not entirely through it like long-parched earth. Husks were made to wander a dimension as fixed as a dream, soaking in those inks to paint on the canvas of their inner being to remain unobtrusive. So few of the pacted husks had ever been used this long, and none with a flesh and blood human. Even less of those had what little passed for an independent mind Flynn knew how to imbue. Flynn is found through the pinhole of the husk's eyes as she looks around from atop Barney to look at the headwind of something else's gaze and fixate on the bright red Jedi among the slightly less colorful populous. Her position on the sweethound's shoulders was easier to see through the crowd but wished he smelled sugary like her kind's drunks. Flynn's attention wavered with a pang of nausea and pain as the husk argued against the infection of that something anchored to her mind, redacting out memories. She couldn't entirely outline other problems in the fog of memory yet. That nagging sense that, at some point, one of the things she'd done was terribly dangerous.

Flynn shook her head and tried to recenter herself out of the fog, the action did not do any favors to nausea, and said to the yellow gorilla below her, "Gotta go, big guy! I see someone I gotta go meat! Meet. The greeting people kind." While it didn't audibly sound quite wrong immediately caught the meaning that slipped out of her psyche.

After the realization of lack of clothing popped out of her subconscious and finally surfaced from the winds of drunkenness she muttered clambering down from the goof, "Too much male attached. Way too much male attached."

Doing some mental math on egg cycles Flynn forced her way through the crowd with the addition of a punch or two. At some point must have lost the shotfun but the mental accounting and a hand tweaked and refused trying to feel up her chest made her sober enough to realize the husk had way too many extradimensional storage patterns.

In a bowlegged waddle, Flynn soon approached the Jedi's general location in the crowd as she touched the tattoos on the husk to identify what was within. The increasingly agitated slur turned melodic as she got irritated with the quantity, "Gun. No idea. Gun. Fork. Maybe gun? Gun. Dish-gun. Thaum-rifle, good. knife. sock. cup. bottle. Mustard? ashtray! cloth! Did I just take everything on the cracked table?!" @Epiphany
Agatha Brandt

Agatha ended up engaging in a bit of overkill. These thugs were all bark and no bite, which was both annoying and a bit creepy. She didn't like acting as in her soldier days, killing without looking back was not something she was fond of. Conveniently, she didn't have to worry about guilt for long, as her intoxicated brain made her forget. So much so, in fact, that a gap in her memory was created. When she came to again, a sharp pain ran through the right side of her jaw, all the way to her mouth.

She was quick to notice the source of the pain. Yet another brute with even more cyber-enhancements, though he displayed the very same attitude. Before responding to the comment, Agatha responded to the attack by throwing a kick of her own, redirecting the incoming foot to a side "Fuck off. Give me mein gun und I von't hurt you... much". As she used the momentum from the first kick to spin and deliver a spinning kick to the thug's planted leg, then quickly chambered and fired another kick to his liver coming from the side. She quickly stepped back, but only for an instant, as her shockwave propelled body surged forward, and her fist flew like a bullet towards his face. She would stop if she was given back her Ray Gun, but she had a feeling that won't happen that easily.
Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

"Hooohyeah!" exclaims Abby as the cold vapor washes over the bar and causes them to empty the bar. She would laugh, but she inhales the vapor and has a coughing fit instead. She shoved her way to the bar, grabs a random unopened bottle and drinks to try and clear her throat.

This impulsive decision expedites the whiteout that follows.

When she comes to her senses, Abby is laughing as she looks up into the hazy night sky and the crowd moves her aimlessly around. The stinging cold vapor has been washed from her throat, and she has the lingering cherry taste of whatever she had imbibed to do this. Looking down at herself, Abby groans to realize most of her armor was gone. She has grown very fond of it since first trying it on. Her vision is still blurry, and she does not register the things written on her remaining clothes and armor. The first familiar face Abby sees is Artyom, also plying the waves of the crowd. Looking around further, she looks up at the stage as the band has finished sets up.

"The stage! I need to get there!" Abby yells at the crowd below her and they move her towards it as requested. She flips, and moves her arms as if swimming through the mass of people. Her motions become more frantic as the Bohemian announces the arrival of the last person she was expecting on that stage.

"ALEC! Alec I'm coming baby!" the woman proclaims excitedly.
Alec, in his own drunken stupor, didn't notice Abby swim her way atop the crowd and join him on stage to save him from the purple haze they were all under. He just kept on going, with the Bohemian rocking out with a guitar solo.

"Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!~ Yeah, ha-ha, oh bring it on, calm down!~

I'm out of money, 'course you know I need some. Ain't gon' run on lovin', ha I must run, gotta keep moving, never gonna slow down
You can have your funky world, see you around! I got to ramble!"
"Ramblin' Man!"

"Yeah, I got to Gamble!"
"Gamblin' man!"

"Oh-oh, I got to ramble!"
"Ramblin' man!"

"I was born a ramblin', gamblin' maaaaaan!~"


Once he did finally notice her stumble up on stage, his eyes grew wide with happiness. "ABBY!" He shouted to her, before charging over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and giving her the biggest, snoggiest kiss you ever see did from two drunks.

"Let's here it for Alec and Abby!" The Bohemian shouted to the crowd, who quickly cheered for Abby and Alec's affection for each other. "We're not done tonight, ladies and gentlemen, oh no, no, no! We're going all night! We're gonna show off what a multiverse party looks like! GIMME A HELL YEAH!"

And on went the music, with the Bohemian returning to his guitar licks, and his eyes glowing purple yet again as he faced all the crowd. The chaos grew more and more, until once again, a haze of drunken blurriness overtook everyone again. Sights and sounds were all a watercolor painting of saturated colors that were being rained on, while eyeliner leaked down across the canvas at the same time. Time was an afterthought, what mattered more was the good times, fast live, and even faster booze. The night was young, and everyone was going to try dying young too and leave behind a good-looking corpse.

They were never gonna slow down!


It was not a good morning to wake up to.

The faint sounds of a somber song played over a radio as everyone gathered their minds again. You know that feeling you get when your body knows it's going to vomit? That bundle of nerves rushes across your skin like you just got off the bumpiest car ride in the world, while adrenaline shoots through it at the same time; preparing for that horrible feeling of bodily fluids coming out the wrong way. Imagine waking up to that feeling times two. With the midday sun shining through the windows and across your face, and no matter how hard you shut them, your eyelids can't produce enough darkness to put you back to sleep.

All you can do is hope that no movement whatsoever will set off that horrible chain of events your body is preparing for. But, where were they now? Last they would remember, they were in the streets by that bar 'Afterlife.' Now, they were in a massive hotel suite, as large as a house, atop a skyscraper that overlooked the whole of Night City. How the hell did they get here?

However, and whenever they did, enough time had passed that the sun was up. Late morning by the looks of it. No sign of the Bohemian fellow, or Michael. They were all back together under one roof, at least.

The last thing the fixer would remember before this newest blackout of time was taking the battle to the mangled corpse thing. He could remember making the first swing at it, which successfully beheaded one of its three other heads, but after that? A jumbled mess of hacking, slashing, chopping up body parts, demonic laughing, and way too much blood. Like, a scary amount, his blackout was more like a 'redout' from how violent his hazy memories were.

And when he took a look around to see where he was, he could see why. Oli was drenched in blood, and surrounded by body parts. Not all of them human. Some looked human for sure, but others were cybernetic parts, pieces of some sort of alien bug thing, a couple wings from a wyvern, monster teeth, fins, a giant gun that was chopped off a tank or large mech, and all of which were neatly oriented around him like he was in the center of a serial killers' hideout. Except he was right in the middle of the living room, sleeping on a bean bag chair in the shape of a hand.

The child's tango with the crystal lizard had her play rodeo on top of it, like she was a monkey riding a dog. The lizard tried throwing her off several times, charging through people's legs, bucking and kicking with its little legs, even rolling over several times to crush her, but to no avail. The kid would keep a strong grip on it like the teddy bear it now was for Anri.

But, like the others, what happened after was a mystery. Not a clue what happened once she tired out the poor little creature. Instead, what she woke up to was total darkness. She couldn't see anything around her, and moving around was a struggle. She was trapped inside something, like a box. The walls were tightly compacted around her, and she had little room to even breathe in.

The Jedi would have the friendliest wake-up. She was meditating in front of the largest window in the suite that overlooked the grand scope of Night City. But, she was still missing most of her clothing, only still wearing a small piece of cut-offs around her waist. Although, the more baffling part of herself, whenever she could see herself in the mirror, was how much of her body was covered in paint.

As in, it was completely covered in paint. From top to bottom, she was painted in an extravagant style which complimented her orange skin in a way that made her a walking, talking piece of artwork.

Flynn's unfortunate meltdown of mind, body, and let's just add spirit to that, made waking up either more confusing, or less, depending on if you can understand her. (Or her writer.)

She was locked inside a gilded cage, covered in jello and surrounding her cage were countless empty husks like the one she used last night. Except these were of both men and women, and were piled together like they were worshiping her.

The cybercop would have no idea who came out the victor of her fight with that big Maelstrom fella. Although, she could make a guess with the evidence at hand. She was covered in cuts and bruises, and her whole body, at least the parts that were still human, was so sore, moving a tiny bit felt like small pins and needles stinging her across the inside of her skin.

She could even feel one of her upper teeth missing, with blood still fresh between the gap. She could taste it with her tongue, yet putting even the tiniest bit of pressure there also felt like a sharp blade stabbing itself into her gums. But, on the bright side, when she opened her eyes to see that she was curled up in a ball on the living room couch, she was holding an arm.

Just an arm. The whole right arm of the Maelstrom fella she was fighting with. Like she had ripped it out the shoulder socket and taken it with her to bed as a teddy bear.

The samurai woman may have been the worst off of them all. She would find herself clutching at the bottom of the bathroom toilet, even more sick to her stomach than the others. Any sounds made her head pound like she put it right next to a ringing church bell. Even the colors of the world were disgusting to look at. It would be too over-saturated, any sudden movement from her head would make her wozzy and nauseous.

And you don't even want to know what was inside that toilet she hugged so closely...

Finally, the lovebirds themselves. Alec had sung away the night on stage, dressed like a femboy, and Abby found her man again at last, sharing a kiss together before a rallied crowd. What happened after, like usual, was a mystery to them. And for Alec, waking up hungover was nothing new. His first instinct upon finally forming his consciousness back together was to use the bathroom. His bladder was filled to the brim after a night of intense drinking, and he had enough clearance of mind to get out of bed to find the toilet.

He and Abby were asleep in the master bedroom. Abby had her arms wrapped around the waist of a strong, muscular man, and Alec could feel someone's hands hugging him closely to their body. Slowly, and with blurry, dizzy vision, he moved the blankets off himself; the hands sliding off his waist with ease. Gently, he moved through the suite, taking no mind of the choatic remains of the night before.

The suite they were all in was a train wreck. Bottles and trash everywhere, furniture flipped, holes punched in walls, a window was broken, the floor felt moist, and the subdued tones of Johnny Cash played throughout all the rooms. Ahhhhhh, just like in his college days. When he found the bathroom, (thankfully not the same one Chika was in), he mindlessly stood there before the throne, a small smile on his face while thinking about how fun the night before was. Even if he couldn't fully remember it, or the context of how it all happened.

But as he reached down to grab at that which was between his legs, he couldn't find it. His hand kept swiping at the air. His muscle memory was failing him at this moment, so he looked down to find it. That's when he noticed something peculiar. There was nothing there.

In fact, his legs looked a lot skinnier now. In fact, they were completely hairless. In fact, his chest was bulging out quite a bit. In fact, his pecks were swollen to the size of balloons. In fact, his nipples were poking out from under the white shirt he was wearing quite a bit. In fact... since when did he have skeleton hand tattoos along the sides of his stomach? They looked stupid.

Then he finally realized he should look into the mirror besides the toilet. The reflection was quite surprising.

He was now a woman.


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Alec let out a girlish scream from his bathroom, waking everyone up from their sleep for sure. Abby would find that the man she was holding wasn't Alec, but instead the passed out, Half-Drow hunk who was infatuated with Flynn back at the bar; snooring like a baby.​
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Agatha Brandt

Unsurprisingly, Agatha didn't manage to end the fight quickly. As a matter of fact, she wasn't even sure if she ended it, as her mind plunged into darkness yet again. And then, nothing but chaos. Whatever was administered to her, reached yet another peak, making everything blurry to the point of unrecognizability in her head. This annoying trip would escalate further and further into yet another gap in memory, though this one was dangerously longer.

Multiple sources of pain fought against her desire to stay asleep. Light hurt her eyes, her body clearly took a beating because it hurt like hell, and of course, her mouth tasted a lot like blood, with a lingering pain on one section of her gums. She lost a tooth. "Scheisse..." the hurt cop muttered as she finally braved the light enough to open her eyes. She raised her eyebrows in confusion, she was holding a robotic arm. It was cloudy, but it resembled the arm of the last guy she remembered fighting. She sat up slowly and inspected the arm. She knew in BJJ was common saying one could take a limb off, but she never took it as literally while she learned it. But who knows? Maybe she took the arm through other method, hence the inspection. Then again, why take it with her?

Now that she was fully sober, she did a thorough checking of her belongings, hoping nothing was missing. That included the Ray Gun. Though with a clearer mind, came the question of if she actually bought the thing in the first place. Agatha hoped she did, that one was a beauty. Now then, back to the present, she slowly stood up and looked around, muttering more curses under her breath as if that helped to ease the pain somehow. Some of his teammates clearly had a wilder night than her. She was about to start waking up people to regroup and see if anyone could make sense of this mess, when she heard a scream.

"Hey! Hey! Shut your trap!" Agatha angrily screamed back as her head aching hard with the noise. She walked up to the bath from where the scream came from. It was an unknown lady, though she did struck the retired soldier as familiar. Considering everyone else in this hotel suite of sorts were part of his team, this didn't quite add up. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" the cop asked in a serious tone, instinctively moving her hand to her holster.
David Caddel, Chicago.

It had been an exceptionally long time since David indulged in drink the way he did last night. Normally he was pretty straight laced, but giving into temptation was easy when you were so unsure about everything new that was going on in your life now. This was the last coherent thought he remembered from last night. A taste of something that was quite harsh but too proud to admit. Bright lights, though they did not feel nearly as bright as the lights that stabbed into his retina's as he was startled awake from Alec's scream. His first panicked response was getting a one handed grip on his belongings, which he had been hugging protectively over his body, and trying to get up far too fast. Here, he received the second gift of his hangover, a pounding headache that stopped his active response dead in its tracks before he even starts getting on his feet.

The counter yelling from Agatha did absolutely not help matters. For the life of him, at that moment, he could not understand why would respond to a noise that was far too loud with an equally far too loud noise. Gritting his teeth and grasping his temple, he steadied himself enough to watch Agatha walk into the bathroom. He was steady of mind enough to note that he absolutely did not recognize her, but not enough to notice the strange looking gloves on her hands weren't in fact gloves. The fact he had an opportunity to excuse himself from the suite was not lost on him. Momentarily, it was tempting as he stood up. Then, of course, he notes the woman who was very clearly not human and looked like some sort of modern art freak. He assumed she, or at least she looked like a she, was a punk of some sort.

Far, far more troubling was where he was. He had absolutely no clue. He couldn't exactly see past Asoka well, but he certainly noted that the city-scape behind her looked very little like any city he knew. Or even anything he Worst still, there was something dry on his hands. A glance down showed him blood. He would have to wash his hands before he left. At least his bag felt right. The music too sounded familiar. He definitely heard this singer before, even though he was in no state to recall his name. He takes steps towards the bathroom, pointedly hoping to ignore everything that could get in the way of quick disposal of evidence.

Evidence. The word ringed through his head for a moment as his eyes widened. He hadn't even thought about his mask until he stood right outside of the bathroom. His mask wasn't heavy, but the bag did feel a bit light. He pat himself down quickly. Right pocket had his knife, it wasn't hidden in his shirt. A peek in the bag confirmed his fears on a lack of mask. Finally, he notices that it feels like there's something on his face. The one time the tight fit of the mask was a negative. He grasps under his chin, and confirms his worst fear.

He was, in fact, wearing his mask. Under normal circumstances, if it were anything else, or another situation, this would be a fantastic commendation of his ability to recover from a hangover. This time, however, it was a source of dread. The negative possibilities were too messy in his head to coherently dread over, but the emotional still remained. He had to get out of here. If he was lucky nobody knew his face. The alien was here, maybe he could pass it off as part of his body. He takes a deep breath and walks over to the sink, seeing both Agatha and Alec in front of the mirror. Agatha was asking about 'who and what'. One he was not going to give the answer to, and the other he couldn't. He crosses his arms, hiding his bloody hands under his armpits. Hopefully he could change the subject, wash his hands, and get out before Agatha gets back on track.

"I need to use the sink."

The words were quick, and more than a bit demanding.
Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

The scream stirs Abby awake.

"Awright, I'm up, I'm up." Abby groggily swipes at the air in the general direction of the scream. She yawns and snuggles into the back of the man in bed with her. "Morning honey. Mmm. Got something for me?" She asks giggling and reaching around his waist….but stops and opens her eyes when she feels that this is not Alec. Abby pulls the unknown man over onto his back.

"Who are you? Ow!" She questions then grimaces in pain as she becomes aware of a dull throbbing pain in her hands and scabbed scrapes on her knuckles. So, she had beaten someone or something with her bare hands, and had a romp with this strange man. Looking around the master bedroom, Abby sees the chest piece of her armor nearby with breasts painted on it, and next to that the under suit. Her boots, her Death Pod, and the rest of her clothing had to be hidden under the other clothing and trash strewn about.

"Alec? Alec, where are you…" Abby steps out of the bed and walks over clothing that she does not think to put on in her short walk out of the master bedroom The light coming from the large windows causes Abby to throw both hands up to block the light from assaulting her sensitive eyes and throwing gasoline on the fire of pain in her head.

"Anyone seen Alec? Think I lost him again. Put a leash on that boy." She grumbles.

Aside from the obvious and glorious nudity, anyone looking at Abby would if they wished notice the faint white lines of healed scars on her body: slashes on her right ribs;left hip; back of her left thigh; a dime sized circle on her left shoulder; a straight blade scar running diagonally left to right on her back. On the small of her back is a tattoo that she has yet to notice: a heart with A & A in the center.
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Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Bodies swayed by thunders of music and song as Flynn pressed through a thick crowd obscured by fog within and without. Double images defined the world in half as much ignorance as the husk tried to cope with the contamination of its user. As she approached the hints of a red Jedi, the world swayed and roiled like places sometimes did within her home when a hulking beast surfaced closer from the depths. The blackness opened up its maw from underneath as her mind faded into another blackout.


A jumble of memories woke her with ticking that felt like pieces of her psyche rattled together until a dull throbbing cold returned where her body should have been. A sway of what she thought of as her head saw nothing of her that remained, much less her body, just a dull sense of her own feathers and claws as the throbbing headache set in. In her own body again? Waves of pain crashed over and over through the feel of her body's momentary gyre until the flotsam of her thoughts collected enough to join the moment of where she was. A space that was impossible in its size of vast stretches of gears and interleaved fractals of mechanisms slowly trundling along. She was in the very deepest parts of the dreaming and Grandfather Teeth. It was impossible to get purchase on anything with arms that weren't there, even as she flailed in weightless space. How far was the orb of the mechanism below her? A single gan? A thousand?


Memories of her long life started pouring through the pain with a deep ache as she heard them all wince. They looked over and above, out and around, and in strange angles to see each other of herselves as she lost her sense of the present moment. The muddle of new memories faded like a dream when the present snapped back down -- a latch closed. Something had changed in her mind, the sense that something was wrong, and the world was still too bright in a place she couldn't look away from. A mind-body connection that suddenly remembered her yesterday still existed at all. An immediate muddy past played back of a throng of eyeless husks, a fury of sharp wounds, and a growing coldness. The ticks of Grandfather Teeth's infinite machinery howled in her hungover body's mind as she felt a particular sway angering a hundred tiny pinpricks.

"RECONNECTION COMPLETE. BEGINNING RECONSTITUTION. LOCATING INADEQUATE SUBENTITY..." The last part faded away as she felt the machinery dragging her out. What creature it deemed inadequate rested too heavy on her weary mind to ask questions. A long chain moved her ever faster through the space as unassailable force shoved her back into her body. Had she... died?

Black feathers occasionally flutter to the floor in the center of those many eyeless, unsouled supplicants. Just to wick up a blue pool accumulated by a faint drip of blue from the cage bottom. The blue blood had a single ripple from one last drop until their mirrors began an inward shockwave to rain upward toward the cage. Slumped in a tiny golden cell that barely contained her, above the floor soiled with husks and her own existence, swung the dark-feathered body shoved with knives, pens, daggers, forks, every sharpness the blue-stained hands of the husks could muster. One blade crackled as it slipped out of the body under metallic rain. Then another. Soon, an ardent clattering storm of weapons fell one way as blood drops pelted the cage from below. One by one, the husks stood up as the collection of husks stared at her with bronze clockwork eyes. Each patiently waited and watched the body's reconstruction with a will that would never be hers again.

Flynn's eyes opened to immense pain, and she promptly smashed her forehead into the cage bars. An aborted yell went to a fit of coughing blue blood that refused to stray far from its owner in long, lazy curves. The last daggers in her chest crawl side to side, getting out of her body around bone for blood and feathers to resurface beneath them. Her eyes twitch and bulge as her throat fails to tense for a scream just to cough out the last object from her formerly battered lungs.

The husks speak in unison beneath her in placid intonation of harsh pronouncement, "SUBENTITY TERMINATION: INDEFINATELY DENIED."

The memories of her immediate past raced in as her throat found the strength to a faint but pitched keening. She looked at her hands as each feather had a very terrifying discoloration. A thin ring of cream color at the edges. Fragments of moving through the hotel in drunken frenzies, trying to stop becoming a yellow. And she had failed. Grandfather Teeth did not allow it. The shaking hands of one who couldn't stand held onto the bars as she looked at the husks around her. Trying to muster the strength of her throat to ask questions. The empty husks of no particular patience turned grey as the color of their space drained out. Just ashen statues. The hollow bodies collapsed into a field of fragile remnants of gears and mechanisms with a cloud of ash. Grandfather Teeth left behind nothing but questions and a lot of ash with equal importance felt to either, of that she was sure.

With just the soft keening, she heard Alec yell and rattled her gilded cage, trying to raise some help with a weak warble. "Hello? Can someone get me out of here?"

Flynn's husk reacted to Alec's bleary wakeup by allowing the arm to be moved. A faint thought process later shifted slightly to take a position on the other side of the drow from Abby. It wasn't wearing clothing, per se, but it was wearing two dangling things that certainly didn't qualify for modesty. When a yell of alarm rose from Alec, the auburn head of Flynn's husk popped up to look at the threat in a curious but silent tilt. At least until Abby stood up and the gaze recentered on movement. Sparks of thought rose to attention as Abby paused in the sunlight, among other instinctual things, and the husk left the half-drow behind to follow.

The thought process of that blood of the machine was still a terribly simple creature. Without being Alec there was no reason to respond. The open-ended question most certainly did get one in a voice that was something neither machined nor entirely organic. Unlike Thea, Flynn's husk was more golem armor than human imitator. The brows raised above brass mechanical eyes instead of empty sockets they once were, "Alec got up and screamed. I don't have a leash."

"The new skin decoration is superior to the old ones," said the owner of curious and impulsive fingertips softly brushing the new tattoo.

Meanwhile, next to the hand containing Oliver was one of Flynn's other loose appendages. The worm had since had a significant amount of psychic energy with which to expand itself harvested via brutal rampage. Absent a primary duty during the blackouts had acquired a very particular template from the source of all its kind as it expanded. A faceless humanoid in a blue cowled robe stood at arm's length among the charnel storage it had so artfully arranged around. A breathless silent vigil held by the Jinhai holding a smoking-cold glass of ice and a teapot of water waiting for Oliver to show signs of activity. Whereupon it would offer in a dusty rasp, "I brought water, temporary host. You should drink it."
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"WAIT WAIT WAIT!" Alec's still hazy mind didn't recognize Agatha at first. The gap tooth threw him/her off. "It's Alec, it's Alec, it's me, Alec!... I think." A quick glance in the mirror out the corner of her eye showed he was kinda recognizable to his male form. You had to squint a little. The voice still had that Scottish accent, though, so at least that helped her. David then interrupted them, asking to use the sink. The Scotswoman quickly changed her expression from anxious to baffled by the sight of his mask, and after a few awkward seconds, finally speaks up. "Uh... Yeah, go ahead." She moved over slightly to give him some more room.

Then, right over Agatha's shoulder, Abby popped into frame. Or the door frame, to be precise. "Abby!" Alec shouted out, running past Agatha to give her beloved partner and girlfriend a great big hug. Although quickly stopped a few inches from her upon Flynn's female husk walking up to Abs from around the corner, complimenting the back tattoo Alec hadn't seen yet.

The sight of this giant, muscly woman with literally no eyes was yet another baffling sight, and for that briefest of moments, thought she was a zombie. Of course, an intelligent zombie is hard to come by, but Alec was going off cruise control emotionally. Everything was kinda happening at once. Yet again, after a moment of awkward silence; staring at Flynn's husk with wide-eyes, her first reaction was to once again scream in terror, but instead of her voice, puke came out instead.

In the process of bending over, Agatha and David would be given the view of her behind underneath the shirt, and also see the exact same tattoo on Alec's lower back that Abby had as well.

As everyone become more aware of their surroundings, and navigated the completely wrecked hotel apartment, a more thorough view to the city outside would reveal that things were not quite as normal looking as when they first flew into this city. It looked a lot more trashed. For starters, there was a lot more smoke billowing from several large buildings across downtown Heywood and Watson. There was signs of massive vandalism or rioting in the streets, along with the sights of cars piling up along the roads. Santo Domingo looked to be a warzone, as the faint sounds of bombs and gunfire could be heard, along with a massive explosion that would erupt in the middle of Arroyo.

And if that wasn't scary enough, they could hear a monstrous roaring coming from Japantown in Westbrook. It seemed the City was suffering from its own hangover. Not the Half-Drow that Abby woke up besides though, he was still soundly asleep, snoring lightly, even when Abby tried waking him up to get answers. Flynn would definitely recognize him as the same guy who tried giving her an empty drink back in Afterlife.
Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

"Heyyyy!" Abby giggles and jumps at the tickle of her backside. The left foot lands perfectly, however the right does not and Abby waves her arms to regain her footing a moment before hearing a woman with a familiar accent call her name excitedly. That triggers a memory to surface from her drunken haze of that female voice calling out her name in a heated passion directly into her ear. It is a pleasant memory, but it serves to distract Abby enough that she is aware too late of the woman heaving onto the floor. Right onto her feet.

Abigail Delano acts on total muscle memory for a few short moments. Enough people have done this to Abby that the woman has trained herself to have one impulse in response to it: Kick the offender in the face.

Alec would hear Abby yell in surprised disgust the moment before she feels a wet foot hit her full in the face. Abby would herself literally fall victim to her own actions when the foot she balances on, slips on the vomit.

Unless someone were to act quickly, in seconds both Abby and Alec would be laid out in pain on the suite floor.
David Caddel, Chicago

David nods at Alec walks off, stepping over to the sink, hunching over, and turning it on. He quickly gets to washing his hands, first getting the obvious blood off his knuckles and then getting the soap on to seal the deal. Its actually a fairly exemplary example of good hygiene, even getting under the nails. The soap does its best to conceal the slight red tint of the water. Unfortunately for him, he hears the commotion in the other room. To him this is actually a good sign, shockingly enough. If everyone's feeling nauseous-

He stops washing his hands, gripping the sides of the sink as his stomach begins its protest. The water continues to pour out of the faucet during this display. Maybe it was brought upon by Alec's nausea, maybe he hadn't noticed it until now. But either way, he felt terrible. He looks at the toilet momentarily, not having a look inside, before rationality speaks up. A true savior. It was best not to risk looking at whatever was in the toilet. He was better off taking it on the chin. Turning off the sink, he steps over in time to notice Alec and Abigail getting in a tussle, both of them on their way to fall on the floor. Too far away to help, he forces back down his own nausea and looks away towards the window.

The city looked terrible, to him it looked like an earthquake hit it. The issue with leaving the apartment that his gut was eager to point out was he didn't know how to get out of the city, nor the general layout of the area, or what he did last night. Though the temptation to just walk out and leave was present, it too was forced down along with his own vomit. He'd have to wait a moment before asking for directions. While he's at it, he should probably figure out a cover story. With what he was wearing, no one was going to believe he was a police officer. The truth that he was a vigilante with strange sponsors who may or may not have stolen some valuable from cartels and gangs was too far outside the realm of possibility for the group to take seriously, even while they weren't hungover. Claiming to be a bodyguard was probably his best bet.

Though given what was happening in front of him he couldn't be too sure any story would fly.
Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

The blood of the machine had instincts aplenty, the practical ones mostly imbued by Flynn's long presence, and others inherited from the human pact if with particularly golemic endurance, among other attributes. Dark bronze clockwork eyes in the sockets looked down at Abby, moving closer, then shifted forward to put her center of gravity underneath. The naked olive-skinned husk pressed a pair of muscular arms past Abby's sides, a pair from a bust into her back put Abby more upright, and with a step forward to prevent Alec's fall, a pair of things pressed between Abby's thighs that both certainly might recognize from hazy memories. As if the violet one were in the memories, the half-drow was equipped with a different befeathered set than usual, and the other was once intimately familiar to Alec. In neither case had their usual owner been the one to employ them. A stranger arrangement than most, that last mismatched pair happily presented forward as Flynn's husk staggered to maintain a stable center of gravity in a wide stance backward away from the puddle.

Without apparent strain, a voice of smoothed edges mixed with Flynn's with glee that more shined with innocence than Flynn, "Got you. Fun screaming again? I know what to do now."
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With a loud smack, Abby's foot landed right on Alec's chin with the force of a mule kick. Her body went stiff as a board while still hunched over, and slowly began to topple over like a falling tree, with a glazed over look in her eyes. Flynn caught her before Alec's head bounced off the marble floor, but Alec would still slowly slump down against the husk as she lost the sense of keep standing while her brain shut down.

To add to Alec's continued indecency, her face would have bits of green goop splattered across her face from where Abby's foot smacked her.
Fifth Grade Fixer, Oliver

Slipping underneath another wild swing from the thing's chainsaw arm, Oliver deftly swung his sword right into its elbow joint, severing it before cutting off its right leg with a backswing. The fight with the thing was, decent enough surprisingly. Well, maybe not decent, its main method of attack was the chainsaw arm it clumsily threw around, and it didn't have the speed or skill needed to defend itself from his sword strikes. No, the fight wasn't decent, it was... relaxing. A nice juicy appetizer for the rest of the night, just enough to get the juices flowing, just enough to feel alive again. Look at how it laughs and screams, killer. It loves this moment just as much as we do. Tonight's gonna be a fun one.
Ahhhh, shit, he's calm. This isn't gonna end well, is it?
Hold on remember what we are here for. Kill the target swiftly and allow our ally's worm to restore our brain fluid. We must then retrieve the rest of our coworkers and leave, promptly.
Let the worm do its work, it won't change anything.
What are you talking about?
The blood running down our face, the weight of our Dearest in our hands, the impossible feeling of shivers running down our back, the phantom shock in our missing spinal cord, and the long, long missed pain of our heaving lungs keeping us just one step ahead of the sweepers. You can feel them, can't you? Our drive, our heart, and our instincts lighting up the little neurons in our brain. These thoughts aren't going to disappear just because we topped up on brain juice. If there's one thing to appreciate from this little fucked up blackout event, is that we're back to bumbling around in our little ol' head. Just like when we were a dumb kid scraping by in the Backstreets.
Outside of his head, The Fixer hewed and chopped into the PREY, each strike strangely artful as the thing steadily went from an adversary into a torso with only one head remaining. Nailing the torso into the ground with his blade, he gingerly caresses the thing's face as it continues to laugh. Then he begins to squeeze.
Besides, we're still playing a part in this little plot, aren't we? It's gonna happen again, can't you feel it? Another blackout, tinged with blood this time. Let's not worry about the others for now. Why not enjoy it, whatever happens? I have a feeling that it'll be fun.
Hmph. That... makes sense. Fuck it, why not? It has been too long since we last cut loose, has it not?
Ah shit, we're doing this huh? Aight, just, don't fuckin, I dunno, just don't overdo it.
Just as the red haze begins to fall over his vision, the thing's skull cracks like an egg, spraying blood and viscera over the Fixer, drenching his coat and face. Inwardly, he smiles, before the haze embraces him like a comforting friend.
After what felt like an eternity and half a second simultaneously, Oliver finally woke up, mainly because of all the screaming happening nearby. Leaning out of the hand, and cradling his head with his own due to the angry pulsating migraine, he stopped to take in all of the random stuff around him.
Alright, he stopped to take in the trophies all placed neatly around him before pausing and tilting his head. Red was here and back to being angry but where did the other two go?
Wait, the brain worm's doing what? Turning to his right, Oliver noticed that, yes indeed, the brain worm was person-sized now, and was also offering him water.
Meanwhile, next to the hand containing Oliver was one of Flynn's other loose appendages. The worm had since had a significant amount of psychic energy with which to expand itself harvested via brutal rampage. Absent a primary duty during the blackouts had acquired a very particular template from the source of all its kind as it expanded. A faceless humanoid in a blue cowled robe stood at arm's length among the charnel storage it had so artfully arranged around. A breathless silent vigil held by the Jinhai holding a smoking-cold glass of ice and a teapot of water waiting for Oliver to show signs of activity. Whereupon it would offer in a dusty rasp, "I brought water, temporary host. You should drink it."

Oliver inwardly shushed the raging thoughts before addressing the person-worm with a dismissive hand. "I uh, can't drink, thanks though. Anyway, what the fuck's happening with the guys in the over there? Also, can you get me my bag? I might have something there for the migraines."
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Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

"Hooohyeah!" exclaims Abby as the cold vapor washes over the bar and causes them to empty the bar. She would laugh, but she inhales the vapor and has a coughing fit instead. She shoved her way to the bar, grabs a random unopened bottle and drinks to try and clear her throat.

This impulsive decision expedites the whiteout that follows.

When she comes to her senses, Abby is laughing as she looks up into the hazy night sky and the crowd moves her aimlessly around. The stinging cold vapor has been washed from her throat, and she has the lingering cherry taste of whatever she had imbibed to do this. Looking down at herself, Abby groans to realize most of her armor was gone. She has grown very fond of it since first trying it on. Her vision is still blurry, and she does not register the things written on her remaining clothes and armor. The first familiar face Abby sees is Artyom, also plying the waves of the crowd. Looking around further, she looks up at the stage as the band has finished sets up.

"The stage! I need to get there!" Abby yells at the crowd below her and they move her towards it as requested. She flips, and moves her arms as if swimming through the mass of people. Her motions become more frantic as the Bohemian announces the arrival of the last person she was expecting on that stage.

"ALEC! Alec I'm coming baby!" the woman proclaims excitedly.
Alec, in his own drunken stupor, didn't notice Abby swim her way atop the crowd and join him on stage to save him from the purple haze they were all under. He just kept on going, with the Bohemian rocking out with a guitar solo.

"Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!~ Yeah, ha-ha, oh bring it on, calm down!~

I'm out of money, 'course you know I need some. Ain't gon' run on lovin', ha I must run, gotta keep moving, never gonna slow down
You can have your funky world, see you around! I got to ramble!"
"Ramblin' Man!"

"Yeah, I got to Gamble!"
"Gamblin' man!"

"Oh-oh, I got to ramble!"
"Ramblin' man!"

"I was born a ramblin', gamblin' maaaaaan!~"


Once he did finally notice her stumble up on stage, his eyes grew wide with happiness. "ABBY!" He shouted to her, before charging over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and giving her the biggest, snoggiest kiss you ever see did from two drunks.

"Let's here it for Alec and Abby!" The Bohemian shouted to the crowd, who quickly cheered for Abby and Alec's affection for each other. "We're not done tonight, ladies and gentlemen, oh no, no, no! We're going all night! We're gonna show off what a multiverse party looks like! GIMME A HELL YEAH!"

And on went the music, with the Bohemian returning to his guitar licks, and his eyes glowing purple yet again as he faced all the crowd. The chaos grew more and more, until once again, a haze of drunken blurriness overtook everyone again. Sights and sounds were all a watercolor painting of saturated colors that were being rained on, while eyeliner leaked down across the canvas at the same time. Time was an afterthought, what mattered more was the good times, fast live, and even faster booze. The night was young, and everyone was going to try dying young too and leave behind a good-looking corpse.

They were never gonna slow down!

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It was not a good morning to wake up to.

The faint sounds of a somber song played over a radio as everyone gathered their minds again. You know that feeling you get when your body knows it's going to vomit? That bundle of nerves rushes across your skin like you just got off the bumpiest car ride in the world, while adrenaline shoots through it at the same time; preparing for that horrible feeling of bodily fluids coming out the wrong way. Imagine waking up to that feeling times two. With the midday sun shining through the windows and across your face, and no matter how hard you shut them, your eyelids can't produce enough darkness to put you back to sleep.

All you can do is hope that no movement whatsoever will set off that horrible chain of events your body is preparing for. But, where were they now? Last they would remember, they were in the streets by that bar 'Afterlife.' Now, they were in a massive hotel suite, as large as a house, atop a skyscraper that overlooked the whole of Night City. How the hell did they get here?

However, and whenever they did, enough time had passed that the sun was up. Late morning by the looks of it. No sign of the Bohemian fellow, or Michael. They were all back together under one roof, at least.

The last thing the fixer would remember before this newest blackout of time was taking the battle to the mangled corpse thing. He could remember making the first swing at it, which successfully beheaded one of its three other heads, but after that? A jumbled mess of hacking, slashing, chopping up body parts, demonic laughing, and way too much blood. Like, a scary amount, his blackout was more like a 'redout' from how violent his hazy memories were.

And when he took a look around to see where he was, he could see why. Oli was drenched in blood, and surrounded by body parts. Not all of them human. Some looked human for sure, but others were cybernetic parts, pieces of some sort of alien bug thing, a couple wings from a wyvern, monster teeth, fins, a giant gun that was chopped off a tank or large mech, and all of which were neatly oriented around him like he was in the center of a serial killers' hideout. Except he was right in the middle of the living room, sleeping on a bean bag chair in the shape of a hand.

The child's tango with the crystal lizard had her play rodeo on top of it, like she was a monkey riding a dog. The lizard tried throwing her off several times, charging through people's legs, bucking and kicking with its little legs, even rolling over several times to crush her, but to no avail. The kid would keep a strong grip on it like the teddy bear it now was for Anri.

But, like the others, what happened after was a mystery. Not a clue what happened once she tired out the poor little creature. Instead, what she woke up to was total darkness. She couldn't see anything around her, and moving around was a struggle. She was trapped inside something, like a box. The walls were tightly compacted around her, and she had little room to even breathe in.

The Jedi would have the friendliest wake-up. She was meditating in front of the largest window in the suite that overlooked the grand scope of Night City. But, she was still missing most of her clothing, only still wearing a small piece of cut-offs around her waist. Although, the more baffling part of herself, whenever she could see herself in the mirror, was how much of her body was covered in paint.

As in, it was completely covered in paint. From top to bottom, she was painted in an extravagant style which complimented her orange skin in a way that made her a walking, talking piece of artwork.

Flynn's unfortunate meltdown of mind, body, and let's just add spirit to that, made waking up either more confusing, or less, depending on if you can understand her. (Or her writer.)

She was locked inside a gilded cage, covered in jello and surrounding her cage were countless empty husks like the one she used last night. Except these were of both men and women, and were piled together like they were worshiping her.

The cybercop would have no idea who came out the victor of her fight with that big Maelstrom fella. Although, she could make a guess with the evidence at hand. She was covered in cuts and bruises, and her whole body, at least the parts that were still human, was so sore, moving a tiny bit felt like small pins and needles stinging her across the inside of her skin.

She could even feel one of her upper teeth missing, with blood still fresh between the gap. She could taste it with her tongue, yet putting even the tiniest bit of pressure there also felt like a sharp blade stabbing itself into her gums. But, on the bright side, when she opened her eyes to see that she was curled up in a ball on the living room couch, she was holding an arm.

Just an arm. The whole right arm of the Maelstrom fella she was fighting with. Like she had ripped it out the shoulder socket and taken it with her to bed as a teddy bear.

The samurai woman may have been the worst off of them all. She would find herself clutching at the bottom of the bathroom toilet, even more sick to her stomach than the others. Any sounds made her head pound like she put it right next to a ringing church bell. Even the colors of the world were disgusting to look at. It would be too over-saturated, any sudden movement from her head would make her wozzy and nauseous.

And you don't even want to know what was inside that toilet she hugged so closely...

Finally, the lovebirds themselves. Alec had sung away the night on stage, dressed like a femboy, and Abby found her man again at last, sharing a kiss together before a rallied crowd. What happened after, like usual, was a mystery to them. And for Alec, waking up hungover was nothing new. His first instinct upon finally forming his consciousness back together was to use the bathroom. His bladder was filled to the brim after a night of intense drinking, and he had enough clearance of mind to get out of bed to find the toilet.

He and Abby were asleep in the master bedroom. Abby had her arms wrapped around the waist of a strong, muscular man, and Alec could feel someone's hands hugging him closely to their body. Slowly, and with blurry, dizzy vision, he moved the blankets off himself; the hands sliding off his waist with ease. Gently, he moved through the suite, taking no mind of the choatic remains of the night before.

The suite they were all in was a train wreck. Bottles and trash everywhere, furniture flipped, holes punched in walls, a window was broken, the floor felt moist, and the subdued tones of Johnny Cash played throughout all the rooms. Ahhhhhh, just like in his college days. When he found the bathroom, (thankfully not the same one Chika was in), he mindlessly stood there before the throne, a small smile on his face while thinking about how fun the night before was. Even if he couldn't fully remember it, or the context of how it all happened.

But as he reached down to grab at that which was between his legs, he couldn't find it. His hand kept swiping at the air. His muscle memory was failing him at this moment, so he looked down to find it. That's when he noticed something peculiar. There was nothing there.

In fact, his legs looked a lot skinnier now. In fact, they were completely hairless. In fact, his chest was bulging out quite a bit. In fact, his pecks were swollen to the size of balloons. In fact, his nipples were poking out from under the white shirt he was wearing quite a bit. In fact... since when did he have skeleton hand tattoos along the sides of his stomach? They looked stupid.

Then he finally realized he should look into the mirror besides the toilet. The reflection was quite surprising.

He was now a woman.

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"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Alec let out a girlish scream from his bathroom, waking everyone up from their sleep for sure. Abby would find that the man she was holding wasn't Alec, but instead the passed out, Half-Drow hunk who was infatuated with Flynn back at the bar; snooring like a baby.​

Agatha Brandt

Unsurprisingly, Agatha didn't manage to end the fight quickly. As a matter of fact, she wasn't even sure if she ended it, as her mind plunged into darkness yet again. And then, nothing but chaos. Whatever was administered to her, reached yet another peak, making everything blurry to the point of unrecognizability in her head. This annoying trip would escalate further and further into yet another gap in memory, though this one was dangerously longer.

Multiple sources of pain fought against her desire to stay asleep. Light hurt her eyes, her body clearly took a beating because it hurt like hell, and of course, her mouth tasted a lot like blood, with a lingering pain on one section of her gums. She lost a tooth. "Scheisse..." the hurt cop muttered as she finally braved the light enough to open her eyes. She raised her eyebrows in confusion, she was holding a robotic arm. It was cloudy, but it resembled the arm of the last guy she remembered fighting. She sat up slowly and inspected the arm. She knew in BJJ was common saying one could take a limb off, but she never took it as literally while she learned it. But who knows? Maybe she took the arm through other method, hence the inspection. Then again, why take it with her?

Now that she was fully sober, she did a thorough checking of her belongings, hoping nothing was missing. That included the Ray Gun. Though with a clearer mind, came the question of if she actually bought the thing in the first place. Agatha hoped she did, that one was a beauty. Now then, back to the present, she slowly stood up and looked around, muttering more curses under her breath as if that helped to ease the pain somehow. Some of his teammates clearly had a wilder night than her. She was about to start waking up people to regroup and see if anyone could make sense of this mess, when she heard a scream.

"Hey! Hey! Shut your trap!" Agatha angrily screamed back as her head aching hard with the noise. She walked up to the bath from where the scream came from. It was an unknown lady, though she did struck the retired soldier as familiar. Considering everyone else in this hotel suite of sorts were part of his team, this didn't quite add up. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" the cop asked in a serious tone, instinctively moving her hand to her holster.

David Caddel, Chicago.

It had been an exceptionally long time since David indulged in drink the way he did last night. Normally he was pretty straight laced, but giving into temptation was easy when you were so unsure about everything new that was going on in your life now. This was the last coherent thought he remembered from last night. A taste of something that was quite harsh but too proud to admit. Bright lights, though they did not feel nearly as bright as the lights that stabbed into his retina's as he was startled awake from Alec's scream. His first panicked response was getting a one handed grip on his belongings, which he had been hugging protectively over his body, and trying to get up far too fast. Here, he received the second gift of his hangover, a pounding headache that stopped his active response dead in its tracks before he even starts getting on his feet.

The counter yelling from Agatha did absolutely not help matters. For the life of him, at that moment, he could not understand why would respond to a noise that was far too loud with an equally far too loud noise. Gritting his teeth and grasping his temple, he steadied himself enough to watch Agatha walk into the bathroom. He was steady of mind enough to note that he absolutely did not recognize her, but not enough to notice the strange looking gloves on her hands weren't in fact gloves. The fact he had an opportunity to excuse himself from the suite was not lost on him. Momentarily, it was tempting as he stood up. Then, of course, he notes the woman who was very clearly not human and looked like some sort of modern art freak. He assumed she, or at least she looked like a she, was a punk of some sort.

Far, far more troubling was where he was. He had absolutely no clue. He couldn't exactly see past Asoka well, but he certainly noted that the city-scape behind her looked very little like any city he knew. Or even anything he Worst still, there was something dry on his hands. A glance down showed him blood. He would have to wash his hands before he left. At least his bag felt right. The music too sounded familiar. He definitely heard this singer before, even though he was in no state to recall his name. He takes steps towards the bathroom, pointedly hoping to ignore everything that could get in the way of quick disposal of evidence.

Evidence. The word ringed through his head for a moment as his eyes widened. He hadn't even thought about his mask until he stood right outside of the bathroom. His mask wasn't heavy, but the bag did feel a bit light. He pat himself down quickly. Right pocket had his knife, it wasn't hidden in his shirt. A peek in the bag confirmed his fears on a lack of mask. Finally, he notices that it feels like there's something on his face. The one time the tight fit of the mask was a negative. He grasps under his chin, and confirms his worst fear.

He was, in fact, wearing his mask. Under normal circumstances, if it were anything else, or another situation, this would be a fantastic commendation of his ability to recover from a hangover. This time, however, it was a source of dread. The negative possibilities were too messy in his head to coherently dread over, but the emotional still remained. He had to get out of here. If he was lucky nobody knew his face. The alien was here, maybe he could pass it off as part of his body. He takes a deep breath and walks over to the sink, seeing both Agatha and Alec in front of the mirror. Agatha was asking about 'who and what'. One he was not going to give the answer to, and the other he couldn't. He crosses his arms, hiding his bloody hands under his armpits. Hopefully he could change the subject, wash his hands, and get out before Agatha gets back on track.

"I need to use the sink."

The words were quick, and more than a bit demanding.

Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

The scream stirs Abby awake.

"Awright, I'm up, I'm up." Abby groggily swipes at the air in the general direction of the scream. She yawns and snuggles into the back of the man in bed with her. "Morning honey. Mmm. Got something for me?" She asks giggling and reaching around his waist….but stops and opens her eyes when she feels that this is not Alec. Abby pulls the unknown man over onto his back.

"Who are you? Ow!" She questions then grimaces in pain as she becomes aware of a dull throbbing pain in her hands and scabbed scrapes on her knuckles. So, she had beaten someone or something with her bare hands, and had a romp with this strange man. Looking around the master bedroom, Abby sees the chest piece of her armor nearby with breasts painted on it, and next to that the under suit. Her boots, her Death Pod, and the rest of her clothing had to be hidden under the other clothing and trash strewn about.

"Alec? Alec, where are you…" Abby steps out of the bed and walks over clothing that she does not think to put on in her short walk out of the master bedroom The light coming from the large windows causes Abby to throw both hands up to block the light from assaulting her sensitive eyes and throwing gasoline on the fire of pain in her head.

"Anyone seen Alec? Think I lost him again. Put a leash on that boy." She grumbles.

Aside from the obvious and glorious nudity, anyone looking at Abby would if they wished notice the faint white lines of healed scars on her body: slashes on her right ribs;left hip; back of her left thigh; a dime sized circle on her left shoulder; a straight blade scar running diagonally left to right on her back. On the small of her back is a tattoo that she has yet to notice: a heart with A & A in the center.

Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Bodies swayed by thunders of music and song as Flynn pressed through a thick crowd obscured by fog within and without. Double images defined the world in half as much ignorance as the husk tried to cope with the contamination of its user. As she approached the hints of a red Jedi, the world swayed and roiled like places sometimes did within her home when a hulking beast surfaced closer from the depths. The blackness opened up its maw from underneath as her mind faded into another blackout.


A jumble of memories woke her with ticking that felt like pieces of her psyche rattled together until a dull throbbing cold returned where her body should have been. A sway of what she thought of as her head saw nothing of her that remained, much less her body, just a dull sense of her own feathers and claws as the throbbing headache set in. In her own body again? Waves of pain crashed over and over through the feel of her body's momentary gyre until the flotsam of her thoughts collected enough to join the moment of where she was. A space that was impossible in its size of vast stretches of gears and interleaved fractals of mechanisms slowly trundling along. She was in the very deepest parts of the dreaming and Grandfather Teeth. It was impossible to get purchase on anything with arms that weren't there, even as she flailed in weightless space. How far was the orb of the mechanism below her? A single gan? A thousand?


Memories of her long life started pouring through the pain with a deep ache as she heard them all wince. They looked over and above, out and around, and in strange angles to see each other of herselves as she lost her sense of the present moment. The muddle of new memories faded like a dream when the present snapped back down -- a latch closed. Something had changed in her mind, the sense that something was wrong, and the world was still too bright in a place she couldn't look away from. A mind-body connection that suddenly remembered her yesterday still existed at all. An immediate muddy past played back of a throng of eyeless husks, a fury of sharp wounds, and a growing coldness. The ticks of Grandfather Teeth's infinite machinery howled in her hungover body's mind as she felt a particular sway angering a hundred tiny pinpricks.

"RECONNECTION COMPLETE. BEGINNING RECONSTITUTION. LOCATING INADEQUATE SUBENTITY..." The last part faded away as she felt the machinery dragging her out. What creature it deemed inadequate rested too heavy on her weary mind to ask questions. A long chain moved her ever faster through the space as unassailable force shoved her back into her body. Had she... died?

Black feathers occasionally flutter to the floor in the center of those many eyeless, unsouled supplicants. Just to wick up a blue pool accumulated by a faint drip of blue from the cage bottom. The blue blood had a single ripple from one last drop until their mirrors began an inward shockwave to rain upward toward the cage. Slumped in a tiny golden cell that barely contained her, above the floor soiled with husks and her own existence, swung the dark-feathered body shoved with knives, pens, daggers, forks, every sharpness the blue-stained hands of the husks could muster. One blade crackled as it slipped out of the body under metallic rain. Then another. Soon, an ardent clattering storm of weapons fell one way as blood drops pelted the cage from below. One by one, the husks stood up as the collection of husks stared at her with bronze clockwork eyes. Each patiently waited and watched the body's reconstruction with a will that would never be hers again.

Flynn's eyes opened to immense pain, and she promptly smashed her forehead into the cage bars. An aborted yell went to a fit of coughing blue blood that refused to stray far from its owner in long, lazy curves. The last daggers in her chest crawl side to side, getting out of her body around bone for blood and feathers to resurface beneath them. Her eyes twitch and bulge as her throat fails to tense for a scream just to cough out the last object from her formerly battered lungs.

The husks speak in unison beneath her in placid intonation of harsh pronouncement, "SUBENTITY TERMINATION: INDEFINATELY DENIED."

The memories of her immediate past raced in as her throat found the strength to a faint but pitched keening. She looked at her hands as each feather had a very terrifying discoloration. A thin ring of cream color at the edges. Fragments of moving through the hotel in drunken frenzies, trying to stop becoming a yellow. And she had failed. Grandfather Teeth did not allow it. The shaking hands of one who couldn't stand held onto the bars as she looked at the husks around her. Trying to muster the strength of her throat to ask questions. The empty husks of no particular patience turned grey as the color of their space drained out. Just ashen statues. The hollow bodies collapsed into a field of fragile remnants of gears and mechanisms with a cloud of ash. Grandfather Teeth left behind nothing but questions and a lot of ash with equal importance felt to either, of that she was sure.

With just the soft keening, she heard Alec yell and rattled her gilded cage, trying to raise some help with a weak warble. "Hello? Can someone get me out of here?"

Flynn's husk reacted to Alec's bleary wakeup by allowing the arm to be moved. A faint thought process later shifted slightly to take a position on the other side of the drow from Abby. It wasn't wearing clothing, per se, but it was wearing two dangling things that certainly didn't qualify for modesty. When a yell of alarm rose from Alec, the auburn head of Flynn's husk popped up to look at the threat in a curious but silent tilt. At least until Abby stood up and the gaze recentered on movement. Sparks of thought rose to attention as Abby paused in the sunlight, among other instinctual things, and the husk left the half-drow behind to follow.

The thought process of that blood of the machine was still a terribly simple creature. Without being Alec there was no reason to respond. The open-ended question most certainly did get one in a voice that was something neither machined nor entirely organic. Unlike Thea, Flynn's husk was more golem armor than human imitator. The brows raised above brass mechanical eyes instead of empty sockets they once were, "Alec got up and screamed. I don't have a leash."

"The new skin decoration is superior to the old ones," said the owner of curious and impulsive fingertips softly brushing the new tattoo.

Meanwhile, next to the hand containing Oliver was one of Flynn's other loose appendages. The worm had since had a significant amount of psychic energy with which to expand itself harvested via brutal rampage. Absent a primary duty during the blackouts had acquired a very particular template from the source of all its kind as it expanded. A faceless humanoid in a blue cowled robe stood at arm's length among the charnel storage it had so artfully arranged around. A breathless silent vigil held by the Jinhai holding a smoking-cold glass of ice and a teapot of water waiting for Oliver to show signs of activity. Whereupon it would offer in a dusty rasp, "I brought water, temporary host. You should drink it."

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!" Alec's still hazy mind didn't recognize Agatha at first. The gap tooth threw him/her off. "It's Alec, it's Alec, it's me, Alec!... I think." A quick glance in the mirror out the corner of her eye showed he was kinda recognizable to his male form. You had to squint a little. The voice still had that Scottish accent, though, so at least that helped her. David then interrupted them, asking to use the sink. The Scotswoman quickly changed her expression from anxious to baffled by the sight of his mask, and after a few awkward seconds, finally speaks up. "Uh... Yeah, go ahead." She moved over slightly to give him some more room.

Then, right over Agatha's shoulder, Abby popped into frame. Or the door frame, to be precise. "Abby!" Alec shouted out, running past Agatha to give her beloved partner and girlfriend a great big hug. Although quickly stopped a few inches from her upon Flynn's female husk walking up to Abs from around the corner, complimenting the back tattoo Alec hadn't seen yet.

The sight of this giant, muscly woman with literally no eyes was yet another baffling sight, and for that briefest of moments, thought she was a zombie. Of course, an intelligent zombie is hard to come by, but Alec was going off cruise control emotionally. Everything was kinda happening at once. Yet again, after a moment of awkward silence; staring at Flynn's husk with wide-eyes, her first reaction was to once again scream in terror, but instead of her voice, puke came out instead.

In the process of bending over, Agatha and David would be given the view of her behind underneath the shirt, and also see the exact same tattoo on Alec's lower back that Abby had as well.

As everyone become more aware of their surroundings, and navigated the completely wrecked hotel apartment, a more thorough view to the city outside would reveal that things were not quite as normal looking as when they first flew into this city. It looked a lot more trashed. For starters, there was a lot more smoke billowing from several large buildings across downtown Heywood and Watson. There was signs of massive vandalism or rioting in the streets, along with the sights of cars piling up along the roads. Santo Domingo looked to be a warzone, as the faint sounds of bombs and gunfire could be heard, along with a massive explosion that would erupt in the middle of Arroyo.

And if that wasn't scary enough, they could hear a monstrous roaring coming from Japantown in Westbrook. It seemed the City was suffering from its own hangover. Not the Half-Drow that Abby woke up besides though, he was still soundly asleep, snoring lightly, even when Abby tried waking him up to get answers. Flynn would definitely recognize him as the same guy who tried giving her an empty drink back in Afterlife.

Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

"Heyyyy!" Abby giggles and jumps at the tickle of her backside. The left foot lands perfectly, however the right does not and Abby waves her arms to regain her footing a moment before hearing a woman with a familiar accent call her name excitedly. That triggers a memory to surface from her drunken haze of that female voice calling out her name in a heated passion directly into her ear. It is a pleasant memory, but it serves to distract Abby enough that she is aware too late of the woman heaving onto the floor. Right onto her feet.

Abigail Delano acts on total muscle memory for a few short moments. Enough people have done this to Abby that the woman has trained herself to have one impulse in response to it: Kick the offender in the face.

Alec would hear Abby yell in surprised disgust the moment before she feels a wet foot hit her full in the face. Abby would herself literally fall victim to her own actions when the foot she balances on, slips on the vomit.

Unless someone were to act quickly, in seconds both Abby and Alec would be laid out in pain on the suite floor.

David Caddel, Chicago

David nods at Alec walks off, stepping over to the sink, hunching over, and turning it on. He quickly gets to washing his hands, first getting the obvious blood off his knuckles and then getting the soap on to seal the deal. Its actually a fairly exemplary example of good hygiene, even getting under the nails. The soap does its best to conceal the slight red tint of the water. Unfortunately for him, he hears the commotion in the other room. To him this is actually a good sign, shockingly enough. If everyone's feeling nauseous-

He stops washing his hands, gripping the sides of the sink as his stomach begins its protest. The water continues to pour out of the faucet during this display. Maybe it was brought upon by Alec's nausea, maybe he hadn't noticed it until now. But either way, he felt terrible. He looks at the toilet momentarily, not having a look inside, before rationality speaks up. A true savior. It was best not to risk looking at whatever was in the toilet. He was better off taking it on the chin. Turning off the sink, he steps over in time to notice Alec and Abigail getting in a tussle, both of them on their way to fall on the floor. Too far away to help, he forces back down his own nausea and looks away towards the window.

The city looked terrible, to him it looked like an earthquake hit it. The issue with leaving the apartment that his gut was eager to point out was he didn't know how to get out of the city, nor the general layout of the area, or what he did last night. Though the temptation to just walk out and leave was present, it too was forced down along with his own vomit. He'd have to wait a moment before asking for directions. While he's at it, he should probably figure out a cover story. With what he was wearing, no one was going to believe he was a police officer. The truth that he was a vigilante with strange sponsors who may or may not have stolen some valuable from cartels and gangs was too far outside the realm of possibility for the group to take seriously, even while they weren't hungover. Claiming to be a bodyguard was probably his best bet.

Though given what was happening in front of him he couldn't be too sure any story would fly.

Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

The blood of the machine had instincts aplenty, the practical ones mostly imbued by Flynn's long presence, and others inherited from the human pact if with particularly golemic endurance, among other attributes. Dark bronze clockwork eyes in the sockets looked down at Abby, moving closer, then shifted forward to put her center of gravity underneath. The naked olive-skinned husk pressed a pair of muscular arms past Abby's sides, a pair from a bust into her back put Abby more upright, and with a step forward to prevent Alec's fall, a pair of things pressed between Abby's thighs that both certainly might recognize from hazy memories. As if the violet one were in the memories, the half-drow was equipped with a different befeathered set than usual, and the other was once intimately familiar to Alec. In neither case had their usual owner been the one to employ them. A stranger arrangement than most, that last mismatched pair happily presented forward as Flynn's husk staggered to maintain a stable center of gravity in a wide stance backward away from the puddle.

Without apparent strain, a voice of smoothed edges mixed with Flynn's with glee that more shined with innocence than Flynn, "Got you. Fun screaming again? I know what to do now."

With a loud smack, Abby's foot landed right on Alec's chin with the force of a mule kick. Her body went stiff as a board while still hunched over, and slowly began to topple over like a falling tree, with a glazed over look in her eyes. Flynn caught her before Alec's head bounced off the marble floor, but Alec would still slowly slump down against the husk as she lost the sense of keep standing while her brain shut down.

To add to Alec's continued indecency, her face would have bits of green goop splattered across her face from where Abby's foot smacked her.

Fifth Grade Fixer, Oliver

Slipping underneath another wild swing from the thing's chainsaw arm, Oliver deftly swung his sword right into its elbow joint, severing it before cutting off its right leg with a backswing. The fight with the thing was, decent enough surprisingly. Well, maybe not decent, its main method of attack was the chainsaw arm it clumsily threw around, and it didn't have the speed or skill needed to defend itself from his sword strikes. No, the fight wasn't decent, it was... relaxing. A nice juicy appetizer for the rest of the night, just enough to get the juices flowing, just enough to feel alive again. Look at how it laughs and screams, killer. It loves this moment just as much as we do. Tonight's gonna be a fun one.
Ahhhh, shit, he's calm. This isn't gonna end well, is it?
Hold on remember what we are here for. Kill the target swiftly and allow our ally's worm to restore our brain fluid. We must then retrieve the rest of our coworkers and leave, promptly.
Let the worm do its work, it won't change anything.
What are you talking about?
The blood running down our face, the weight of our Dearest in our hands, the impossible feeling of shivers running down our back, the phantom shock in our missing spinal cord, and the long, long missed pain of our heaving lungs keeping us just one step ahead of the sweepers. You can feel them, can't you? Our drive, our heart, and our instincts lighting up the little neurons in our brain. These thoughts aren't going to disappear just because we topped up on brain juice. If there's one thing to appreciate from this little fucked up blackout event, is that we're back to bumbling around in our little ol' head. Just like when we were a dumb kid scraping by in the Backstreets.
Outside of his head, The Fixer hewed and chopped into the PREY, each strike strangely artful as the thing steadily went from an adversary into a torso with only one head remaining. Nailing the torso into the ground with his blade, he gingerly caresses the thing's face as it continues to laugh. Then he begins to squeeze.
Besides, we're still playing a part in this little plot, aren't we? It's gonna happen again, can't you feel it? Another blackout, tinged with blood this time. Let's not worry about the others for now. Why not enjoy it, whatever happens? I have a feeling that it'll be fun.
Hmph. That... makes sense. Fuck it, why not? It has been too long since we last cut loose, has it not?
Ah shit, we're doing this huh? Aight, just, don't fuckin, I dunno, just don't overdo it.
Just as the red haze begins to fall over his vision, the thing's skull cracks like an egg, spraying blood and viscera over the Fixer, drenching his coat and face. Inwardly, he smiles, before the haze embraces him like a comforting friend.

After what felt like an eternity and half a second simultaneously, Oliver finally woke up, mainly because of all the screaming happening in the next room over. Leaning out of the hand, and cradling his head with his own due to the angry pulsating migraine, he stopped to take in all of the random stuff around him.

Alright, he stopped to take in the trophies all placed neatly around him before pausing and tilting his head. Red was here and back to being angry but where did the other two go?
Wait, the brain worm's doing what? Turning to his right, Oliver noticed that, yes indeed, the brain worm was person-sized now, and was also offering him water.
Meanwhile, next to the hand containing Oliver was one of Flynn's other loose appendages. The worm had since had a significant amount of psychic energy with which to expand itself harvested via brutal rampage. Absent a primary duty during the blackouts had acquired a very particular template from the source of all its kind as it expanded. A faceless humanoid in a blue cowled robe stood at arm's length among the charnel storage it had so artfully arranged around. A breathless silent vigil held by the Jinhai holding a smoking-cold glass of ice and a teapot of water waiting for Oliver to show signs of activity. Whereupon it would offer in a dusty rasp, "I brought water, temporary host. You should drink it."

Oliver inwardly shushed the raging thoughts before addressing the person-worm with a dismissive hand. "I uh, can't drink, thanks though. Anyway, what the fuck's happening with the guys in the other room? Also, can you get me my bag? I might have something there for the migraines."

The Guardsman had resorted to punching and kicking to get down from the crowd, he had ripped off the shirt and went off looking for whoever had made the foolish decision to take his mask and jacket. A mistake he'd right by any means necessary.

Moments flew by in garbled confusion with one scene being him kicking a poor bastard as he slipped on a jacket and grabbed a familiar metal face covering. The next he is stabbing something and losing his knife, the sound of not flesh being cut with finely made Catachan metal but the sound of synthetic material being heard and the roar of something mechanical. Next he is looting some store after a shitstorm of a riot of fellow looters and the strange people. Next he is grabbing a chainsword and a sapper shovel from one of those Japal Guardsmen who looked like he had gotten crushed into a ball by a set of big hands.

Before it got too confusing to even follow until his mind blacked out and he was left to drift on nothingness. At least until a scream broke his sleep and instincts born from the need to be awake at a moment's notice. His arms went to grab his lasgun and be ready to mow down a Xenos or a Heretic, or die trying. To his surprise, he wasn't facing down a Tyranid, or a Poxwalker or a traitor guard. Just a really fucked up apartment. His breathing calmed and he put down the lasgun, letting the weapon fall limp in its sling. A headache stabbing into his head.

Strapped to his waist was the shovel he had grabbed from the dead Japal. Which had him concerned where the chainsword was.

Speaking of which, in the apartment would lie the weapon as it sat still. It reeked of oil but the teeth on it looked deadly sharp. It had a skull with wings on the flat bit, and looked like it had used frequently.

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@Wade Von Doom @littlekreen @Amber Franklin @PolyesterH @Valkan @BazusoTheGrey
Oliver inwardly shushed the raging thoughts before addressing the person-worm with a dismissive hand. "I uh, can't drink, thanks though. Anyway, what the fuck's happening with the guys in the other room? Also, can you get me my bag? I might have something there for the migraines."
Jinhai had limited understanding of the foreign meat mechanisms and less of the mixed one before him. Though exploring the creature to repair it gave the collective a varied grasp on what it was capable of. The notion that water wasn't able to get inside wasn't quite sensible to a creature made of dust. As an isolated collective with a new higher reasoning its wider understanding was still shallow and tilted the four blue pips that served as its eyes under the hood.

It bent down closer to peer at his head then stuffed the two objects in its body like passing them through a blue curtain and bent back up, "Yes. We see some meat parts of your meat machine of three wills is... inconvenient. A great deal of spare parts are available in the trophies."

The gloved hand reached back inside of itself and the folds of its robe parted again to remove the backpack and his sword, both of which had seen a very long period of repair by the idle creature.

Removing both of the large objects shrank its height slightly with the change in volume as it offered both to Oliver the raspy voice seeming to come from its entire face rather than a mouth, "We are ready to be employed if you require us. We have not had the opportunity to consume the psionic essences of so many unworthy meat machines before. We are extensible. Our origin mechanism is not built to slice and bleed interlopers."

It looks to the other room where Flynn rattles her gilded cage, "It died, but we see it is better now. We will rejoin it later as Jinhai. The armor mechanism has been altered. It appears ready to copulate with the other mechanisms. One appears unstable. Another is unrecognized. The defensive mechanism has just exited the abnormal psionic state."
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David Caddel

David was a judgemental person, there was no getting around it. When he looked at someone he made an opinion, often times rather unflattering, in a few seconds of seeing them. This was a skill, or perhaps better described as a habit, that he learned during his time in the Los Angeles Police Department. So when that in his apartment, who he may lord forbid need to rely on in order to get out of the city, was the most ridiculous looking mockery of a chainsaw he looked at in his life was present it was inevitable that he would close his eyes and breath out a sigh of disappointment. You do not learn to respect something being 'cool' as a commendation in his line of work.

Perhaps if he were not hungover he would have given a thought that maybe he shouldn't extend his experience of the last time some idiot tried to use a chainsaw on something other than wood losing their hand because the saw got jammed on the pigs flesh. An issue that is utterly irrelevant for the weapon as it actually is. Alas, reason does not win on this day. Instead, he gives a quiet "Seriously?" that is quite hard to hear over the commotion of the room.

A far more disturbing thought than the behavior of his newfound roommates was creeping into his mind however. Why did he bunk with these people? He knew them sober for less than a minute and he already would stamp far too many pejoratives on their foreheads. These are not people he would associate with by choice. Or at least, his ego demands he wouldn't. The only reason he'd do so is if there were a truly desperate need to do so. The fact that he had blood on his knuckles was unfortunately not a small supporter of this theory. He clears his throat and speaks up to address the room. In the middle of his sentence, his voice starts to grow hoarse.

"Alright. Seeing as I am in a city I know nothing about and is on fire, the fact I don't know any of you, and out of everyone here I am apparently handling the situation the best, I have a question. What circus did I find myself apart of?"

At the end of his sentence, David reaches up to grasp his now clearly sore throat.
Wriggle Wiggle Writhe

Whatever happened between chasing down the crystal lizard and getting stuck would forever be lost to history, as Anri had no recollection of even entering such a small, dark space such as this. It was a claustrophobe's worst nightmare, no room to move, and barely enough air to breathe. Her breath made the air around her warm and humid, and the heavy restriction on her movement filled her with bits of frustration. Most people would panic and struggle to free themselves through adrenaline-powered strength, and receive a panic attack for their efforts. Anri, however, would keep quiet and wriggle. She has never had reason to fear this predicament, so she did not know how to react outside of movement. So she would move. Gently, so as not to hurt herself…

Whoever was behind this series of blackouts and drunkenness would go on Chika's list (if she had one) the moment she ever encounters them. The feeling of the world simultaneously swirling around her and kicking her stomach from the inside out made her miserable. She wasn't even with anyone anymore. She was in some room that smelled like an overused latrine.

Despite this, she gathered whatever strength she could to get up and leave the room. Every step made her head throb. She began to apply breathing exercises just to get her mind off the misery even after going through the door out of the bathroom.
Alec had to sit down. There was a lot going on, and the ringing in her ears, along with what may have been a light concussion, was not helping. "Oh, ju-just gimme a minute..." Without looking, Alec grabbed the nearest seat to her without looking and tried sitting down.

Sitting beside one of the windows, huddled between two of the couches, was a golden three-legged stool. It was minimal in its appearance, yet also elegant by such simplicity. A single gold line that twirled around to make the back and seat itself, before splintering off into three thin legs that kept it standing. How it could stand at all was mysterious, as the legs were barely far enough away to support anyone's weight without it tumbling to the ground. Yet, maybe that was the point. No ordinary person could sit in it, for it was not made for ordinary people. It was designed to be a test. A test for people with grand abilities, to conjure items out of nothing to the naked eye, but to those who knew the process, could see the transmutation happening, and they could tap into the energies that already exist within the earth and matter. This chair was to prove you were one of these people.

Alec was not. And quickly fell over with a loud thud.



The building they were all in, one of the top floor penthouses of Megabuilding H10, was now starting to receive visitors. Down in the lower level garages, several large military vans parked close to the elevators; each one holding twelve to fifteen soldiers. Yet, these were not owned by NCPD, or a corpo militia, or even one of the local gangs. They were branded with an unfamiliar logo.

The back doors flew open, and out came the soldiers inside. Troopers dressed in heavy, black combat gear, with their helmets obscuring most of their faces except their mouths. The one leading them would be the most obvious to tell, as his gear was red and black, with a more octagonal designed helmet and small red cape behind its left shoulder.


"MOR BALATEN!" The commander ordered to his men, in a language that couldn't be translated. They took position by the elevator, waiting for it to come down once it was called. When it was, and the doors slowly opened, a man and woman were inside. The woman was leaning against the wall of the elevator with a flush look, while the man was quickly getting back up off his knees as he faced her...

Both looked quite embarrassed. "U-Uh, hi~" The man said meekly, even giving the soldiers a tiny wave.

Both were then gunned down.



"Al-Alright, let's get things straight," Alec began to tell everyone, as she crawled on top of the couch to rest her tailbone. "First off... who are you?" She asked David. "I don't remember inviting you to our circus either, mate. Secondly... What the fuck happened last night?" She looked around the absolutely wrecked vista. How in the hell did they wind up here? Last Alec could remember, she was chasing after Michael with Abby.

"Oli, what did you do?" Her first instinct was to blame Oliver, since she told him specifically to avoid trouble. While speaking, Anri could hear their muffled voices inside whatever she was stuck in.
David Caddel

David frowned, though it wasn't visible behind his mask. Even after the small statement he gave, he still hadn't made up a lie that was to his satisfaction. He would somehow have to explain his firearms and his mask to the entire group. Thankfully, given the so called trophies to the side, he may not have to. Some variation of the truth could be constructed. Its best not to give out his real name. Of course given a second look at the trophies again, the truth was probably one of the worst things to say right now. He was out of time to think, Alec just got finished talking and he'd have to be snappy. He speaks, each word looking and sounding more confident than he was a moment ago.

"My name is Michael. I work in private security. Generally my missions involve VIP extraction, transport of high value products, and the protection of clientèle. This mask is ballistic equipment and part of the brand."

All of these things except his given name are strictly speaking true. If you count kidnapping gang members, grand theft of criminal funds, and a vague sense of protecting the general public as honest portrayals of what he stated. The advantage of this? It sounds morally neutral. He looks as employable as a mercenary without any of the negative baggage. Something in his gut made him uneasy, but he kept speaking.

"I don't know how I got here. Last I remember I went into a bar to figure out where I was and how i got here. I blacked out after that."