The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue: Chapter 2B.2 -- From Ashes

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The metal orb struck the skeleton dead center, causing it to crumble to pieces. If these were automatons, they certainly were weak. That never would've done the job against the ones he knew. He recalled the sphere to his hand, storing it in his sleeve as he turned back to the odd group. Perhaps now they'd be able to answer some of his questions?

The knight with the stylized sun upon his chest called out as the massive knight in rusty armor began lumbering over. The knight was absolutely massive. He stared at it as it stopped, regarding him, and as he opened his mouth to say hello, it poked him. Damon froze, staring at the knight, and a voice entered his mind. It said something about a hotel? That metal thing was a hotel? What kind of strange world had he found himself in?

The sun knight appeared to recognize the voice, rejoicing openly to his two companions, then turned to Damon, introducing himself as "Solaire of Astora". Astora was obviously a place, but not one he recognized. He'd just have to chalk it up to this strange land. "My name is Damon Elman. Do you know what's going on here? I've never seen anything like any of this!" He gestures to everything in the surroundings. "I'd appreciate if you could explain some of what's going on here?"

The voice echoing within everyone else's minds also managed to surprise SilverAsh. It wasn't a voice he could recognize, and it made him a bit wary. As far as he could tell, no one in Terra was capable of psychic ability, and albeit Sumireko claimed herself to possess psychic power, the voice didn't add up.

His hand was on the handle of his sword, ready to unsheathe it in case he senses an immediate danger while his eyes scanned his surrounding carefully.


The eagle resting on his shoulder took off at his command, briefly circling around before returning to its master.

"I see."

It's a sign of safety for him. His eyes can easily see through any ambush, and he has his eagle pet to help him in reconnaissance, but neither him nor his pet saw anything of danger within the vicinity, so he decided to lower his guard and divert his attention back to the group.

"Mr... Wade," the snow leopard Feline turned toward Deadpool as he fed his eagle pet with a treat, "I believe my cane sword is more than enough most of the time, and Tenzin here helps me a lot in aspects I can't cover myself. Beside, I'm not well versed in term of wielding a gun, so I don't see the point of having one."

"Also," he added while showing his tail, "it's a bit of nitpicking, but I am a snow leopard. It would do me a great joy if you don't mistake me as a canine being."

With that being said, SilverAsh turned toward Jotaro... or rather, toward pretty much everyone else nearby.

"If you all don't mind, I'd check for this Cosmos Hotel first. If worst comes to worst, at least my pet eagle will return without me, and that should tell you enough that it was not the safest place to be," SilverAsh closed his eyes and sighed a bit, "though powerful we are, it is never wise to underestimate what threat lies beyond the horizon. Go into a jungle unprepared, and you'll be eaten by a tiger, or something like that."


The Great Sumireko Usami, on the Prowl!
Still not aware that she was being spotted by the Sarkazian mercenary and the dragon girl, Sumireko Usami was, safe to say, growing impatient. Things are moving at a slower pace that what she had expected. However, she knew that for her plan to succeed, she couldn't let her impatience get the better of her judgement.

"That guy... is the worst," said the one who can't even make friend in her original world, "good thing I was with that Wade and Saber fellow. They're at least much more cooperative."

She then proceed to make a weird smirk.

"Then again, dude's probably the smartest and the strongest of bunch. It makes me kinda want to fight him, but right now it might be much more troublesome than its worth."

And then Doom began to make haste into the helicopter. It was the moment she'd been waiting for, and now Sumireko made her preparation as well. Game of patience is something that the girl wasn't good at, but right now, she has to push herself much more than before. If things goes her way, then the balance of power should shift to her advantage, and both groups would be at her mercy...
"Absolutly. Right though a few layers of protection to..." She was still shaking off the headache as she answered, looking to the hotel with a slight glare of hate in her eyes. "And, there is no way I am trusting that shit farther then I can throw it. So... Plan of attack?"
Ayami subtly felt relieved. Someone does try to telepathically contact them after all. Her sanity is...well mostly intact it seems. But that presents another problems.As Kaz helpfully repeat her own sentiment, "Yeah. Mysterious voices are fucking sketches. Who knows, some asshole could lure us there and before we know it ended up some asshole's science project without anaesthetics. Or it could just regular slave trafficking...." She said, somewhat bitterly. "If it was me, I wouldn't came there without a full tactical team and clear outside communication. Or atleast clear intel about what fuckers awaits inside. But we gotta work with what we're given...
By the Powers I hope it isn't a trap... didn't bring my teakettle with me... so... we gonna head over as one big group, or should we scout it out? Ayami, sound like a plan?"
"Huge building, multiple rooms, potential ambush...I'd preferred a big group . Don't have enough support for recon, and who knows any trap or shit lurking there. Anyone got disposable drones or familiar or whatever would be welcome though. Oh yeah. Kaz. I know you can use lightning and shit, but what exactly can you do ?"
- Shao Kahn, Konqueror of Realms, Ruler of Outworld -

Both Doctor Doom and MODOK were able to provide an explanation that, to the Kahn's surprise, was satisfactory for the time being, as it actually elaborated on what could potentially lead them all home once and for all. Shao Kahn looked between MODOK and Doom and simply said: "Very good. Should this plan of yours pan out, we will soon return to our homelands...had you only revealed the details sooner, you might've been spared my prior wrath!"

"But that matters not, what's important is we finally have a coherent plan. And for the time being, Doctor...I am willing to see it through to the end, only to see if it works."
Though it was clearly tough for Shao Kahn to concede anything, as indicated by his strained tone, he was honest about it in spite of the damage to his ego. What peaked the Kahn's interest was Dio's words, particularly the mention of something known as a "Stand"...and how offensive it was that Dio was offering this reward of power to Doctor Doom and not the great Shao Kahn! Pointing at Dio aggressively, he added:

"You would do well to share this power with myself as well, Dio." He stated as calmly as he could, which still had a growl to his words but hey, at least he wasn't shouting for once. But the Kahn couldn't allow Doctor Doom to have any advantage over him, especially not in power.

@Wade Von Doom @The Wanderer @Wiggin @Agent_Puncake @Other Villains
"Absolutly. Right though a few layers of protection to..." She was still shaking off the headache as she answered, looking to the hotel with a slight glare of hate in her eyes. "And, there is no way I am trusting that shit farther then I can throw it. So... Plan of attack?"
Ayami subtly felt relieved. Someone does try to telepathically contact them after all. Her sanity is...well mostly intact it seems. But that presents another problems.As Kaz helpfully repeat her own sentiment, "Yeah. Mysterious voices are fucking sketches. Who knows, some asshole could lure us there and before we know it ended up some asshole's science project without anaesthetics. Or it could just regular slave trafficking...." She said, somewhat bitterly. "If it was me, I wouldn't came there without a full tactical team and clear outside communication. Or atleast clear intel about what fuckers awaits inside. But we gotta work with what we're given...
By the Powers I hope it isn't a trap... didn't bring my teakettle with me... so... we gonna head over as one big group, or should we scout it out? Ayami, sound like a plan?"
"Huge building, multiple rooms, potential ambush...I'd preferred a big group . Don't have enough support for recon, and who knows any trap or shit lurking there. Anyone got disposable drones or familiar or whatever would be welcome though. Oh yeah. Kaz. I know you can use lightning and shit, but what exactly can you do ?"

"I'm a Mage, so what can't I do." Kaz stated, still glancing at the hotel. "I'm not a combat mage, so combat casting outside of lightning isn't my forte. With enough prep time, I can manage it to a symblance of fluidity." She paused for a moment, thinking for a bit. "Ah... Currently I'm an Electromage, and ah.. going to school for a degree in Stellar Science." She added, the last part not really usefull in the slightest right now. Unless someone wanted a light.

"Really, I float, I punch, and I zap. Thats all I can do without any smithing equipment." She let out a sigh as she turned to the rest of the group, leaning back against the railing. "I was thinking I could fly Ayami closer, so she could take a look at it through her scope. Unless she weighs around... four hundred pounds, then I can't do carry her, flying that is."
Kassandra of Sparta

Kassandra had rounded on the last skeleton same as Layyel, and was going to race the giant to see who could smash it first. How many times in ones life do they get the chance to have a contest with a giant such as he?

"Malacha!" Kassandra exclaims seeing the last skeleton obliterated by a newcomer. She rounds on the newcomer, expecting another adversary. However he is very cordial and in the same situation as them. Kassandra would have answered him immediately before Solaire, but then a voice and image enters her mind. It's a woman's voice, that is very assured and diplomatic like those she had heard in Athens. Coincidence?

"Athena?" Kassandra questions the sky. The name of this builing, The Cosmos, stokes her rage as she remembers she had been hunting the Cult of the Kosmos before being dropped here. There could not be any relation given the circumstances thankfully.

Deciding to leave the talking to Solaire, Kassandra sets her Nemean Claws against the wall of a nearby apartment building and sits on the ground with her back against it. Layyel joins her and they make for an amusing sight.

"Friend!" Kassandra taps Layyel on the hip and looks up at him smiling. "You fought well! not know if you understand me..but all the same, I want to say you are a fine warrior I am fortunate to have beside me on the battlefield."

Brigid Mahoney

Brigid had engaged the MacManus twins in a spirited conversation that ranged from a brief dive into her family history to explaining what her world was like. That conversation is cut off by the telepathic message everyone gets simultaneously. To an outsider it probably looks like everyone just shuts up for a second or two. When it's done there are more questions and some deliberation. The one named Jotaro emerges as a voice that tries to direct the others, but his words are still only suggestions. Not action.

"I'm headed to this hotel." Brigid rises from the floor holding her hat. "If some of you want to stick around here and wait for something to find and kill you, that's your business. I know a thing or two about how to make a ruin into a fort, and this hotel seems just right for that. Once we clear traps and such." Brigid sounds just as self-assured as the voice that had been inside their heads. The tricorn hat is replaced upon her head.

"Now who's with me?!" She asks to rally the troops.
Malgus himself was still unsure of this plan, but with the others finding his explanation good enough to trust in his word, the Sith Lord would accept it too. "Very well." Malgus told him. "Radec, head back to base. Prepare to move the troops out. We'll clear the path forward along the highway."

"Understood." Radec said back, before beginning his jog back.

"Your plan better work, Doom." Malgus threatened. As if Doom hadn't already recieved enough of that from everyone else.

"Keep what little faith in me you have left," Doom told them all, boarding the chopper. "You'll find I exceed expectations. Go!" He commanded the pilot, who began to rise above the buildings. The chopper flew off into the distance, leaving behind only the blowing wind from its propellers. However, before Sumireko could begin her plans of following Doom to whatever location he was headed to, something would catch her from behind. An electric shock that would completely lock up her body with extreme pain.

"You," Malgus pointed to MODOK. "What device did you hand to him?"

"An infrasonic carrier placator, used to capture wild beasts and unintelligent animals. Like someone of your standing." MODOK insulted, with Malgus pulling out his saber mere inches from his face.

"Does it work?" Malgus asked, more concerned about the success of the device than what Doom was planning on using it for.

There was a thud noise behind the group, as Sumi's body hit the ground. Something had carried her from her hiding place, and now she was at the mercy of these villains. The creature that had brought her to them was also wearing the exact same device MODOK handed Doom around its neck, only smaller in scale. "See for yourself." MODOK told Malgus, as the Sith lord backed away from him.


It made a strange growl noise under its mask, like it was acknowledging the group. "Such a device tamed this monstrous hunter who stalked this barren city. Once captured, it is now entirely under my command."

".... Who is she?" Malgus asked, looking down at Sumi.

"You know...... that was a terrible speech." Deadpool pointed out to Brigid. "That doesn't really bring us together to work as a team, that's just you saying, 'I'mma make a Fortnite Fort.' You wanna work as a team, you gotta do something sweeter, like, 'pussy for all if you come!..... or dick.... or both for any swingers!.... None for the underaged girl." He pointed to Ayami. "Actually... You know what, forget it, this was a stupid interruption, I'll go with you." Splendid idea, jackass. "I'm only talking because you don't want me to be quiet during this bit." Deadpool said to no one, as no one else could hear me. "Dammit!"

Arthur just looked confused.
"Boss lady's got a point." Connor MacManus spoke up, kinda wanting to move on from that, "I'd rather die in a five star hotel, than this shit hole. Least we'll get some good beds."

"And maybe some fuckin' booze too, they gotta have mini-bars there."
Murphy added in. Both brothers stood up, already ready to go.

"I.... Don't know what the hell that was, but...." Arthur sighed in defeat, "Alright, let's find this place. But let's be careful about it, please? Ayami, Kaz, if you two are willing to scout out that far, get what you need and get going, the rest of us will be right behind you."

The metal orb struck the skeleton dead center, causing it to crumble to pieces. If these were automatons, they certainly were weak. That never would've done the job against the ones he knew. He recalled the sphere to his hand, storing it in his sleeve as he turned back to the odd group. Perhaps now they'd be able to answer some of his questions?

The knight with the stylized sun upon his chest called out as the massive knight in rusty armor began lumbering over. The knight was absolutely massive. He stared at it as it stopped, regarding him, and as he opened his mouth to say hello, it poked him. Damon froze, staring at the knight, and a voice entered his mind. It said something about a hotel? That metal thing was a hotel? What kind of strange world had he found himself in?

The sun knight appeared to recognize the voice, rejoicing openly to his two companions, then turned to Damon, introducing himself as "Solaire of Astora". Astora was obviously a place, but not one he recognized. He'd just have to chalk it up to this strange land. "My name is Damon Elman. Do you know what's going on here? I've never seen anything like any of this!" He gestures to everything in the surroundings. "I'd appreciate if you could explain some of what's going on here?"

"Well, as best as we can guess, we are all from different worlds. Teleported here for reasons not yet revealed." Solaire began to explain to Damon. "My friends and I were but traveling without much direction before you arrived. The voice, she only mentioned to me of one thing: 'Find the Doctor.' But where was a mystery until now. It seems this hotel might be where we can find this Doctor, and hopefully find more definitive answers to this unusual conundrum we find ourselves in." The knight finished, before realizing he hadn't introduced the others yet. "Oh! How foolish of me, this is Layyel," the giant sitting on the ground, "and Kassandra of Sparta." The normal woman sitting next to him. "This, is Demon.... Quite an unusual name, I must say." He told Damon, mispronouncing his name. "You do not appear anything like a demon... And where is 'Elman?'"

As Solaire spoke, and Markha watched on, she would sense something approach her from behind. It wasn't anything she would have felt before, as its presence was unusual, but she would sense it was about to swing an ax into her skull if she didn't move out of the way.

The being in question did actually look like a demon.




Luer rose a brow to Arthur's response. That seemed rather a surprise, given his words earlier when he healed the brothers. "…Suit yourself." He shrugged, shaking his head to the 'advice' he was given. As if sleep in a place like this was an option. He would be lucky to even rest, let alone sleep here. People were noisy and it was far from comfortable. He did, however, shrug and turn to make his way back to his corner.

He staggered though, pausing to reorient himself and regain his balance when a sudden voice and image interrupted his steps and caused him to lose it. "The hell…?" He shook his head lightly, trying to shake off what he just heard. That was strange to say the least, and based on what he was hearing from the others, he was not the only one that heard that.

He gave an unsure look as they spoke of obeying the voice. Why? They did not even know who it was or if it was true. He already held serious doubt in the legitimacy of it to begin with since it made the error of saying such a thing to him. He was nothing but a mercenary, a failed knight- he was not someone that would change the destiny or fate of anything let alone worlds worth of fate.

"H-Hold on." He started, putting his hands up in an attempt to get the others settle down for a moment. He glanced to Jotaro. "I am fine, and as long as I am not the only healer, we can take turns to keep from getting too tired." That would eliminate the need for too much medical supplies anyway. "Besides, how do we know that place is any safer than here? It could be worse." He was not entirely comfortable with the idea.

Kaz and Ayami, Brigid, the brothers and now Arthur? Were they seriously going to go? Letting Deadpool (who he ignored the words of because it was apparent he was somehow less sane than the rest of them) of all people go might be okay since he actually could be useful, but not all of them. This did not seem like a good idea. It was hard to put any faith into the words of a voice in his head, much less one that had the audacity to suggest he was of any import to changing the world or whatever.
- Kylo Ren, Knight of Ren, Of the First Order -

- Sometime prior, on board the First Order Star Destroyer, Finalizer -

"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board." Were the words that said pilot, Poe Dameron, awoke to after fierce interrogation by the First Order, who had now sent the big guns as it were, for Kylo Ren stood before him, masked and menacing so he liked to think.

"Comfortable?" Uttered a sarcastic Kylo Ren, who in spite of his hated past, continued to possess and utilize the wit of his father unconsciously. A clearly agonized and uncomfortable Poe Dameron groaned out a "Not really." Ignoring Poe's reply, Kylo began to step forward. "I'm one has been able to get out of you..."

Coming to a stop incredibly close to the Pilot, Kylo went on: "What you did, with the map." An angered tone had already overtaken the dark warrior, yet that did not faze Poe, who simply applied his own characteristic wit. "You might want to rethink your technique." Having had enough of talk, Kylo simply raised his hand and began to pry at Poe's mind through the Force. A feeling that Poe hadn't expected yet he fought hard to resist it, despite some physical discouragement from Kylo to aid in the interrogation.

"Where is it?"

Kylo Ren's invasive presence played with his mind like it was clay, but Poe's defiance shined through one more. "The Resistance, will not be intimidated, by you...!" As if to one-up Poe, Kylo simply redoubled his efforts, brute forcing his way through the pilot's fragile mind as he simply repeated himself.

" it?!"

Poe's agonized and cringing face told the whole story: He could no longer resist the Knight of Ren's intrusion and with a pained scream, he yielded to Kylo Ren, who finally got the information he wanted, soon departing and speaking to General Hux who was waiting with bated breath for the Knight to be done.

"It's in a droid. A BB Unit." Kylo spoke and Hux listened, who seemed pleased with the results, yet unhappy to see Kylo Ren. "Well, if it's on Jakku, we'll soon have it."

"I leave that to you." Kylo said in reply to the General's words, assured that the weasel would do his job...but just as Kylo motioned to walk past Hux, a strange feeling overtook him. He began to feel...lighter...most peculiarly, he was glowing green and could feel his body being pulled away. Confused and frantic, Kylo turned to Hux and before he could even utter another word, vanished before the First Order General's eyes...

- Siberian Desert, far far away from the Finalizer -

Kylo Ren's arrival was not nearly as graceful as his abduction, landing in the middle of a vast desert and falling into a rolling tumble down a sand dune and in frustration, he would quickly get up onto his feet and kick up the accursed, coarse, rough and irritating grains beneath him. Then his mind turned to the more pressing matter...why was he in a desert?!

Kylo Ren looked around, multiple times, often in the same direction again, desperate to find civilization, another person or more hopefully, evidence that this was nothing more than an elaborate ruse...
One eye watches from around the corner and her two ears listen closely. They are a small group, and formed recently. The woman is very friendly with the seemingly mute giant. Given they were not immediately attacking a newcomer who names himself as Damon, and had done so in the midst of battle no less, Markha was inclined to come out and introduce herself as well.

She ducks when warned of the axe coming for her head. Her lightsaber ignites and her assailant is skewered through the stomach by the bright blue blade. Then she bisects him with one swing. She raises her hand and musters a Force Push to shove the being away. Very far away.

She feels something though The Force in that moment. A tremor of a presence, one she has not felt since…


"Tch, good grief." Jotaro muttered, tipping the bill of his hat in mild annoyance. "Walking into a trap with all of us gathered will do us no good. Especially if we don't know what we're dealing with."

He remembered all of the times the Stardust Crusaders and the Morioh kids walked into a situation that cost them dearly. From injuries to even deaths of close allies. Especially in Morioh's case, considering Kira's ability and the various repeats that one kid had to go through before he could think of a way to alert them to Kira's identity without Bite The Dust activating.

"We need to approach this as carefully as possible. If this person can contact us through telepathy, then who knows what their ability can also do? Or even the possibility of this hotel being a trap, for as much as our various abilities grant us in terms of countering such traps or ambushes, with the exception of Wade over there. Some of us will no doubt be injured or worse, which given the situation of the world around us. Getting crippled could mean the same thing as death." For as much as Star Platinum's overwhelming might and the ability to stop time was valuable, there were limits. For in a gunfight, Jotaro could only do so much to defend himself, and the range of the stop time and how far he could move was very limited.

@Wade Von Doom @LenxKaitoYaoi @Jenhal @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Henryboy003 @Valkan
Red Hood

Jason was patient as best as he could while everyone else seemed to voice their concerns, and who did what. He just personally felt like they needed to move on and do something as opposed to standing around.

"I hate to sound impatient, but fuck it. Can we move on already? The longer we wait and discuss things, the more time that passes before our contact fucks off. As for all we know, this hotel is screwed to shit and they intend to lead us to a well defended and well stocked position that is better off than that hotel. We can talk about plans on the way there and scout things out."

Dio Brando

Dio would watch as Victor took off in the helicoptor, his expression unchanging as the others that remained discussed matters, especially so in the abomination that was the giant head with limbs that used a device to control the mind of their latest addition, a concept that made Dio ponder just how useful such tech would be. While it was useful, the unanswered question in his head made him wonder "What would happen if the device malfunctioned?" It was the reason why he preferred to use his flesh buds or manipulation of less willed individuals, or promising riches.

But his attention shifted to the prize that the creature had brought before them.

A woman from the looks of it, someone who had been no doubt listening to their conversation and plans. An unknown factor that they didn't need. Dio would approach with his arms crossed, The World manifesting behind him. Its bright yellow visage looking just as impassive yet intense as Dio did. "I'd suggest you answer the nice man, girl. And don't even think about trying anything, or you shall face the power of The World!"

@Wade Von Doom @Nero Kunivas @Agent_Puncake @TableCloth @Whoever-Else-I-Missed-Because-I-Am-Tired
The Great Sumireko Usami, in Crisis!
The sudden jolt of electricity from behind Sumireko as she was about to give chase was... shocking, to say the least. In fact, to say that it was painful was a huge understatement. Despite all of her supernatural capabilities, Sumireko is a normal human with an almost completely human body only mildly affected by her time in Gensokyo. It was by sheer miracle, or perhaps due to those exact slight modification, that she didn't end up completely paralyzed.

As if it was not irritating enough already, the very being that nearly jolted her to kingdom come proceed to carry her by its shoulder and swung her body unpleasantly while it walked before dropping her roughly, adding even more pain to her body.

"It hurts!!! It hurts like hell, you idiot!!!" said Sumireko as she landed on her bottom, "This is violence against underage child!!! I might have long passed my age of consent, but still! I'll make every single one of you pay for making my butt hurt!!!"

And then when the Sith Lord asked her identity, perhaps with a hint of sarcasm, the brunette responded with a stare of utter disbelief

"Preposterous, the lot of you!" As if the pain in her body was swept away by her anger (it's not, by the way), Sumireko immediately jumped and stood with one hand on her chest and the other extended sideway while her head raised, akin to a magician or perhaps a swindler introducing themselves in grandeur fashion.

"The most brilliant of mind, the fairest of lassies, The one who will transcend knowledge, that is me, the great Sumireko Usami!"

It was a boisterous introduction, one filled with pride and zeal. What's more, for a mere human girl to publicly announce her identity without a shed of fear and reservation before beings of inhuman presence such as Shao Kahn, the Conqueror of Realm or Dio Brando, the prince of darkness whose thirst for power knows no bound, it's only natural for one to come to conclusion that this girl got some loose screws in her mind. Such is the arrogance of one who sees other as inferior, yet it was by no mean a baseless arrogance, for the girl never saw a being too frightening to give her heart a sense of reluctance. No human or any supernatural existence has ever made her tremble in fear.

That is, until she met her.

Sumireko would never forget that encounter in the city skyline. Her opposition entirely human, and one she should not even be afraid of, for she had once claimed victory against her. Shrine Maiden of Paradise; Red and White Lotus Butterfly; Protector of the Fantasy Land; a fair maiden blessed with abundance of fortune, yet found herself often get pushed into troubles she never want to have anything to do with.

It was perhaps the biggest irony in her life that among beings which included gods and immortals, the one who frightened Sumireko the most was an otherwise normal female human being.

Reimu Hakurei is powerful beyond words. In a fatal oversight, Sumireko failed to recognize that fact, and she has to pay the price. In fact, the shrine maiden was powerful enough to push Sumireko to unleash her full power, a feat not many can pride themselves for. It was a humbling experience for Sumireko, and though she retained her curious, egocentric upbringing, anxiety lingers in her heart knowing that something even more powerful might lies somewhere out there.

That very same anxiety had never left her, even right now as she stood before the group of villains, albeit the trace was extremely faint and easily covered up with her reckless and gaudy upbringing. Her existence is that of stubbornness, born from her unquenchable thirst for knowledge and indomitable power no normal being could even begin to assess. Thusly it was only natural for her to ignore any sign of warning her body gave unto her mind, and not even the presence of multiple beings of otherworldly strength could shake her determination.

Whatever is the lot of humankind I want to taste within my deepest self. I want to seize the highest and the lowest, to load its woe and bliss upon my breast, and thus expand my single self titanically, and in the end go down with all the rest.

If Sumireko Usami were to be likened to Faust, then undoubtedly the being who stands before her -- with visage dazzling beyond word, yet his voice rang throughout like a beast -- could only be described as the devil. Mephistopheles, or perhaps even Lucifer, whichever faith led one to believe. He was most unlike other in this uncanny assembly, souls rotten beyond saving. He was akin to that of a blinding radiance, one of the only two beings in this group worthy of her attention. Had they met under a different circumstances, then even Sumireko would find herself naturally attracted to this beguiling light.

Sumireko is arrogant, stubborn, and above all, fool, for only the foolish would succumb themselves to the devil's sweet nectar of lies.

And yet things are now vastly different from what she wanted to be. The beast before her did not shine his brightest. His light, otherwise would blind and entrance other into subjugation, was snuffed out into nothing but a dying ember unable to lit up even a small room. He was Mephisto... if by some miracle God would act and deliver his due judgement upon him. Now he is but a mere insect crawling among the maggots he verily despised. Meanwhile, she -- his Faust -- has already been encaged before she even made her cursed pact with the devil.

The stage is not being set properly. This is not how things are supposed to unveil. Fixing is necessary and must be done quick, for the spectators may grew impatient.

She can't help but chuckled at this fortune wrapped up as misfortune.

"Heh," Sumireko cocked her head sideway with her hand tapping on her chin. Her gaze, laden with arrogance, met directly with that of Dio's, "so there is someone interesting among the lot of you, after all."


"Then what about having one man, who can discern throught traps and ambushes as easy as breathing, scout the area first and report back?" said SilverAsh toward the group as he strode away from the group toward the direction where the telephatic voice told them, "I don't like this premise either, but right now we cannot afford to just sit there while moping and lazying around. Some of you are free to stay being indecisive, but don't let that drag the rest of the peers down."

Before he left the group, the snow leopard man turned toward Deadpool.

"Traps and ambushes are futile against me, but if by a very slim chance I fell into one and do not return..." he was about to warn Wade of something, but decided against it, "...never mind. You know what to do. Though you might be a bit on the extreme end of lunacy scale, I am sure you're not a buffoon, Mr. Wade."

And with that awkward farewell, SilverAsh dashed away from toward the direction of the hotel, leaving the group hopefully only for a while.
"I'm a Mage, so what can't I do." Kaz stated, still glancing at the hotel. "I'm not a combat mage, so combat casting outside of lightning isn't my forte. With enough prep time, I can manage it to a symblance of fluidity." She paused for a moment, thinking for a bit. "Ah... Currently I'm an Electromage, and ah.. going to school for a degree in Stellar Science." She added, the last part not really usefull in the slightest right now. Unless someone wanted a light.

"Really, I float, I punch, and I zap. Thats all I can do without any smithing equipment." She let out a sigh as she turned to the rest of the group, leaning back against the railing. "I was thinking I could fly Ayami closer, so she could take a look at it through her scope. Unless she weighs around... four hundred pounds, then I can't do carry her, flying that is."
"I was thinking of providing fire support for you. Flying there would be too obvious . Who knows what kind of shit they have in there. "Ayami said, remembering a job she had in the past, where the helicopter that was carrying her were shot down by triple A hidden on a building rooftop as she approaches it. She was lucky to escape the crashing chopper at the time.
Brigid Mahoney

Brigid had engaged the MacManus twins in a spirited conversation that ranged from a brief dive into her family history to explaining what her world was like. That conversation is cut off by the telepathic message everyone gets simultaneously. To an outsider it probably looks like everyone just shuts up for a second or two. When it's done there are more questions and some deliberation. The one named Jotaro emerges as a voice that tries to direct the others, but his words are still only suggestions. Not action.

"I'm headed to this hotel." Brigid rises from the floor holding her hat. "If some of you want to stick around here and wait for something to find and kill you, that's your business. I know a thing or two about how to make a ruin into a fort, and this hotel seems just right for that. Once we clear traps and such." Brigid sounds just as self-assured as the voice that had been inside their heads. The tricorn hat is replaced upon her head.

"Now who's with me?!" She asks to rally the troops.
"Y'know, normally people who bosses me around are, well, my actual bosses. I don't remember gettin' a salary from you, nor anyone voting for you to lead us." Ayami paused, the continues " But eh, say what I might, your 'suggestion' makes some sense atleast. I wouldn't be let myself rot round' here that's for sure." The girl took a drag off her cigarette, and racked up a shotgun.
" I'll go. But we should have some sort of plan first."
Luer rose a brow to Arthur's response. That seemed rather a surprise, given his words earlier when he healed the brothers. "…Suit yourself." He shrugged, shaking his head to the 'advice' he was given. As if sleep in a place like this was an option. He would be lucky to even rest, let alone sleep here. People were noisy and it was far from comfortable. He did, however, shrug and turn to make his way back to his corner.

He staggered though, pausing to reorient himself and regain his balance when a sudden voice and image interrupted his steps and caused him to lose it. "The hell…?" He shook his head lightly, trying to shake off what he just heard. That was strange to say the least, and based on what he was hearing from the others, he was not the only one that heard that.

He gave an unsure look as they spoke of obeying the voice. Why? They did not even know who it was or if it was true. He already held serious doubt in the legitimacy of it to begin with since it made the error of saying such a thing to him. He was nothing but a mercenary, a failed knight- he was not someone that would change the destiny or fate of anything let alone worlds worth of fate.

"H-Hold on." He started, putting his hands up in an attempt to get the others settle down for a moment. He glanced to Jotaro. "I am fine, and as long as I am not the only healer, we can take turns to keep from getting too tired." That would eliminate the need for too much medical supplies anyway. "Besides, how do we know that place is any safer than here? It could be worse." He was not entirely comfortable with the idea.

Kaz and Ayami, Brigid, the brothers and now Arthur? Were they seriously going to go? Letting Deadpool (who he ignored the words of because it was apparent he was somehow less sane than the rest of them) of all people go might be okay since he actually could be useful, but not all of them. This did not seem like a good idea. It was hard to put any faith into the words of a voice in his head, much less one that had the audacity to suggest he was of any import to changing the world or whatever.
"Honestly, I don't like it better than you do. Like I said, I usually wouldn't go in these places withiut a full tactical team. But it's better than staying here. Who knows when that overgrown lizard coming back. If that voice turns out to be fuckimg with us, we still have some 'options'. Plus, we going in as one big group, less worry about being picked up one by one."

"Tch, good grief." Jotaro muttered, tipping the bill of his hat in mild annoyance. "Walking into a trap with all of us gathered will do us no good. Especially if we don't know what we're dealing with."

He remembered all of the times the Stardust Crusaders and the Morioh kids walked into a situation that cost them dearly. From injuries to even deaths of close allies. Especially in Morioh's case, considering Kira's ability and the various repeats that one kid had to go through before he could think of a way to alert them to Kira's identity without Bite The Dust activating.

"We need to approach this as carefully as possible. If this person can contact us through telepathy, then who knows what their ability can also do? Or even the possibility of this hotel being a trap, for as much as our various abilities grant us in terms of countering such traps or ambushes, with the exception of Wade over there. Some of us will no doubt be injured or worse, which given the situation of the world around us. Getting crippled could mean the same thing as death." For as much as Star Platinum's overwhelming might and the ability to stop time was valuable, there were limits. For in a gunfight, Jotaro could only do so much to defend himself, and the range of the stop time and how far he could move was very limited.

"Which is why I'm asking if anyone have disposable drones or magical familiar, those things would be useful right now. But yeah, we really need a plan. Charging in like that, they place some Claymore at the doorway and we're fucked."


"Then what about having one man, who can discern throught traps and ambushes as easy as breathing, scout the area first and report back?" said SilverAsh toward the group as he strode away from the group toward the direction where the telephatic voice told them, "I don't like this premise either, but right now we cannot afford to just sit there while moping and lazying around. Some of you are free to stay being indecisive, but don't let that drag the rest of the peers down."

Before he left the group, the snow leopard man turned toward Deadpool.

"Traps and ambushes are futile against me, but if by a very slim chance I fell into one and do not return..." he was about to warn Wade of something, but decided against it, "...never mind. You know what to do. Though you might be a bit on the extreme end of lunacy scale, I am sure you're not a buffoon, Mr. Wade."

And with that awkward farewell, SilverAsh dashed away from toward the direction of the hotel, leaving the group hopefully only for a while.
"So it seems we have someone volunteer for recon. I guess we should prepare for our trip. "
The girl finished, as she readjusted her tie, and cracked her knuckles
"Fuck this place"

For the past few minutes Ashwin had patiently been waiting in the alleyway next to the fire escape. Everyone was apparently still debating whether they should head to the hotel. "Hey, are we going or not?" They shouted back up and into the building. All of the steam they had for adventure was now lost due to the holdup. "I mean, we have nothing else to do!" Ashwin pointed out without realising it was probably hard to hear them from the bottom of two stories.

That was when silverash dashed out of the window. "Hey! There's a person!" Ashwin cheered and pumped their fists into the air, but then thought about how the rest were not moving out quite as fast. This wasn't the action packed adventure Ashwin was hoping for.


Arc watched the metal contraption take Doom away with fascination. He didn't have this type of technology where he was from, then again, this world wasn't even on the same dimension as he was from. His thoughts were soon interrupted by the thud of a strange creature landing on a nearby car, it was holding a girl under its arm. So that was what the two girls were speaking of earlier, a possible intruder. The girl then introduced herself as the "mighty" sumireko before several powerful beings. Her arrogance annoyed Arc, as if she could take on the amount of force before her. It reminded Arc of most of the "heroes" he had faced in his troubles, and their determination was possibly the most irritating thing about them. "It seems she lacks an intelligence as to how much trouble she has gotten herself into, by any chance will that device of yours work on her? I think she needs to be taught the error of her ways," Arc butted in. This was the first real opinion he had put before the group. For the most part he had been sitting back and waiting for an opportunity to learn info, but this matter took his interest more.
Brigid Mahoney

At first Brigid was offended by what Deadpool thought of her speech. She had had a mind to tell him off, maybe even gut-check him to throw on some immediate punishment for the offense. Brigid goes from 'This asshole needs to be taken down a peg' to 'Wow this asshole is legally insane' when Deadpool appears to talk to someone only he can see and hear. So a rain check on that gut-check.

Jotaro gives his fair two cents on the matter and Brigid nods to acknowledge his valid points. Ayami's snide remarks earn the young girl the quick flash of a toothy smile. Gotta admire that kind of attitude.

Arthur starts to assign roles with Kaz and Ayami, Brigid snaps her fingers at Seras and the girl who had earlier identified herself as Thea.

"And you two, you got big guns so the rest of us will form a perimeter around you as we go. Anything comes at us, you soften it up and we chop up anything that survives or gets too close." She waves over at Jotaro with one hand, and the rest with her other. "

Now as for Jotaro's worries; we move as one unit to the hotel, then we scout it out for traps or an ambush. If anyone thinks they can shake off what should be a fatal encounter-Wade- it would be noble of you to volunteer for that. Either way, I'll be in that recon group for sure. Everyone got that? Good. Let's get a move on." Brigid tips her hat and leads the way out of the apartment.

Kassandra of Sparta

Kassandra watches the conversation between Solaire and this man Damon with poised interest; waiting for any sign this man was the vanguard of a larger force, or a lone deceiver. Latter was more likely. The misthios draws her bow and readies an arrow just in case.

There is a distant hiss-hum that gets her attention. Its a wholly unfamiliar sound that gets her onto her feet and moving towards it swiftly.

"Hold your positions! I will see if this is a threat!" Kassandra says to the others. She runs in the direction of the source, rounding the corner of a building while simultaneously swinging her Nemean Claws from her back to her hands.

Whoever is around said corner will face Kassandra with all the fighting fury of a lioness glaring through her helmet.
Layyel rubs his helmet again as he continues contemplating about forges and big buildings. After a solid minute, he decides to ask his friend about the concept of 'forge' but is surprised to see that the tiny is gone. Looking around with a quick shake of his head, Layyel sees Kassandra run off around a corner while swinging her metal club thingy. Layyel is stumped for a moment before deciding that it would probably be fun if he followed her.

Leaving his sword against the wall, Layyel hops up and jogs up to the corner of the building before peeking his head out to see what's happening.
"I was thinking of providing fire support for you. Flying there would be too obvious . Who knows what kind of shit they have in there. "Ayami said, remembering a job she had in the past, where the helicopter that was carrying her were shot down by triple A hidden on a building rooftop as she approaches it. She was lucky to escape the crashing chopper at the time.
"Technically speaking, I'm too small to pop up on most radar, and if I carry you, we won't ping as well. You'll just have to hold on really tight. Plus, if we all move as a group, we can provide aerial support." Kaz shook her head for a moment, letting the others talk, taking note of Jotaro's concern. She pulled out a cracked tome seemingly out of nowhere, flipping through some pages as searched for something.
"And you two, you got big guns so the rest of us will form a perimeter around you as we go. Anything comes at us, you soften it up and we chop up anything that survives or gets too close." She waves over at Jotaro with one hand, and the rest with her other. "

Now as for Jotaro's worries; we move as one unit to the hotel, then we scout it out for traps or an ambush. If anyone thinks they can shake off what should be a fatal encounter-Wade- it would be noble of you to volunteer for that. Either way, I'll be in that recon group for sure. Everyone got that? Good. Let's get a move on." Brigid tips her hat and leads the way out of the apartment.
"If you guys... gave me time... I could... set up something to give as an eye above." Kaz let out a sigh as people began to leave, quickly looking to those who stayed. "I would like... to be more prepaired. You know. At least let me write up a few defenses... I can do that while we are moving. So if we are going to move, might as well do so now..." She gestured to everyone in the room, and then the balcony as to motion to leave.

@Wade Von Doom @LenxKaitoYaoi @Jen @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Valkan
Seras Victoria

Just as promised, Seras dutifully kept watch on the window. Even though an enemy might appear at any given moment, Seras did have some room in her mind to think... Or that's what she thought, when she suddenly a message was delivered to her mind, she considered simply blocking it, but it didn't sound or felt ill-intented. She poked her head out of the window, and effectively, there it was. The ruined hotel. Some back and forths were made. Eventually, it was decided to listen to the voice and head for the hotel, Brigid proposed a plan, and not having a clear one herself, Seras played along "Ah, sure!". Leaving the apartment through the window, Harkonnen included. Moving along the group for now.

Agam Azuron

Growing fond of his improvised bonfire, Agam read on and on. Ignoring most conversations as he got deep into his spellbook, keeping his surroundings in mind thanks to his third eye. It was then that someone telepathically contacted not only Agam, but the whole group apparently were discussing how to approach the situation. Eventually, Brigid put a strategy on the table. Agam was quick to give his take on it "I'll go with the recon group, too", dismissing his spellbook and summoning his staff, and the six spheres, in their holsters.


Constantine Nero

Doom acted all high and mighty, but Nero seemed mostly indifferent to his attempts to assert his dominance. Things got a little interesting, as they were suddenly attacked by the hunters. It ended rather unsatisfactory manner, he didn't got to kill anyone. Sad he was beaten to the punch, Nero sat on a large boulder, seeing a bunch of egomaniacs being passive-aggressive, though mostly aggressive, on each other. Eventually, they managed to settle down for the time being. Doom left, and something caught his interest, or rather, someone. A girl was brought to them by an armored guy, apparently mind controlled. Not that it mattered for him, a sinister grin grew on Nero's face. His killing intent slowly but surely growing, he didn't say anything for now. Until something else caught his attention, he settled by thinking of ways to kill their capture.


Ozwald Ahlgrim

It had been a while now, around a couple of hours, since these two were taken from their worlds. Rider was preparing for a grail war, he was in the middle of being summoned, when he was redirected to this desert. Oz was in his laboratory, running tests on poisons he created, and he saw that accursed green light which brought him to this desert as well. After wandering around, and Oz doing some errands, they came across each other. Oz and Rider were about to engage, when he noticed the strange mana flow in the servant's body. Knowing that he was in danger. Oz offered to help him, on the condition that he would work for him. Rider explained his need for a master, and without hesitation, the contract was made. As an extra, Oz lent him a mana gem, Increasing his power output substantially.
A couple more hours later, in which Oz contacted a partner, and arranged a meeting. Shortly after, they came across a black-clad figure, not the best choice of clothing for this environment. So most likely he shared Rider and Oz's fate. Rider was mounted in one of his horses, while Oz gently hovered the sand, creating small whirlwinds around his feet. "Hello there... green light and falling, too?" he asked, wanting to confirm the source of his presence in the middle of nowhere.
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As he listened to Brigid's words, the more he calmed down. A plan had been formed, and they were each to execute their part looking over this hotel. Jotaro would pitch in with. "I'll be with the ones scouting it out, Star Platinum's eyesight is precise enough that any traps waiting for us will be revealed to us, and if we get into trouble, then Star Platinum's ability should buy me enough time to pull us into cover."

Sure it was two seconds of stopped time, but it would just be enough to give him time to pull someone back himself while Star Platinum pulled someone as well. All that mattered was keeping his recon teammates within range of his Stand.

@TableCloth @Signupname @Wade Von Doom @Valkan @Jenhal

Red Hood

Jason didn't mind being saddled as backup. "I'll gladly help so long as I'm close enough for my pistols to be effective. While they're the fastest and deadliest bullets from my world, they're still being fired from pistols."
One eye watches from around the corner and her two ears listen closely. They are a small group, and formed recently. The woman is very friendly with the seemingly mute giant. Given they were not immediately attacking a newcomer who names himself as Damon, and had done so in the midst of battle no less, Markha was inclined to come out and introduce herself as well.

She ducks when warned of the axe coming for her head. Her lightsaber ignites and her assailant is skewered through the stomach by the bright blue blade. Then she bisects him with one swing. She raises her hand and musters a Force Push to shove the being away. Very far away.

She feels something though The Force in that moment. A tremor of a presence, one she has not felt since…


The demon that had attacked her let out a ghastly groan as his upper body slid off his torso. Yet, her presence was now known, and along with Kassandra and Layyel, Solaire jumped around the corner to face her; sword and shield at hand, ready for the attack. But, in the usual Solaire way, once he noticed the Jedi woman with pink skin, holding a glowing sword and standing over a dead demon body, his stance relaxed and under his helmet, he began to smile again.

"Hello there!" He said to her in a cheery voice. "Yet another stranger from foreign lands... Much more foreign." He said, meaning the blaster and lightsaber. "My name is Solaire! This is Kassandra," The spartan woman, "And Layyel." The giant. "I'll assume the green light also brought you?"

"Then what about having one man, who can discern throught traps and ambushes as easy as breathing, scout the area first and report back?" said SilverAsh toward the group as he strode away from the group toward the direction where the telephatic voice told them, "I don't like this premise either, but right now we cannot afford to just sit there while moping and lazying around. Some of you are free to stay being indecisive, but don't let that drag the rest of the peers down."

Before he left the group, the snow leopard man turned toward Deadpool.

"Traps and ambushes are futile against me, but if by a very slim chance I fell into one and do not return..." he was about to warn Wade of something, but decided against it, "...never mind. You know what to do. Though you might be a bit on the extreme end of lunacy scale, I am sure you're not a buffoon, Mr. Wade."

And with that awkward farewell, SilverAsh dashed away from toward the direction of the hotel, leaving the group hopefully only for a while.

"No, wait wait!" Arthur shouted out, but it was too late. Ash was out the window and headed for the hotel. "Ah, for the love of-- How you gonna find us again!" He put his head out the window and shouted out louder to Ash, but he was too far off to hear it. "Damn fool." Arthur then muttered as he put his head back inside.

"Damn fools are what keep you alive." Deadpool pointed out, because if there weren't any fools, then Arthur would be dead, since technically he'd be the biggest fool here. On account of being from 1899. "Besides, he's got regen, guy's gonna be fine."

"It ain't dying I'm worried about, it's gettin' captured. We've been on the run from both that Mr. Doom--"

"Doctor," Wade quickly reminded.

"And whoever keeps sending out those secret agent soldiers! I can't tell who's worse, but there are a lore more fates worse than death in this god forsaken wasteland."

"What are you, darkest timeline Raiden?" Deadpool quipped. "Think a fox man with a bird pet and a cane sword can handle himself better than your cowboy ass could if you went alone."

"He's got a point." Connor agreed. "One super powered fox man alone is better than us normies. No offense." He said to everyone in the group who was a normie. "Besides, we got someone reconing from the sky, a few people reconing in the streets, we'll have the advantage while we're traveling."

With another sigh out of the 500 he gave today, he shook his head. "All I ask is some communication, because without communication, this rag tag team of freaks and geeks falls apart, and we're as good as fresh meat for those monsters out there!"

"Well, stress'll kill you faster than those creatures, so..." Arthur didn't look pleased at DP's comment, giving a cold stare. "...... Right, I'll go get us packed up."


As everyone moved outside the building, Arthur and the brothers brought down what little supplies they had left. Some ammo, water bottles, and canned food. Not enough for everyone though, only a bag full. "Alright, here's the plan!" Arthur shouted out to everyone. "Brigid, you, Jo, and anyone else willing to go, you start heading for the hotel, see if you can find a way to get us to the building the fastest on foot, and that the way is clear." Being such a large group, they had a target on their backs, and would need to keep visibility down to a minimum as best they could. "Kaz," he then looked to the vampire woman, "How long will it take for you to make that eye in the sky thing you mentioned before?"

As Arthur spoke, DP was looking around the street, as something suddenly popped into mind. They were missing someone. "Hey, where did that flying woman go?" He meant Sumireko.
The Great Sumireko Usami, in Crisis!
The sudden jolt of electricity from behind Sumireko as she was about to give chase was... shocking, to say the least. In fact, to say that it was painful was a huge understatement. Despite all of her supernatural capabilities, Sumireko is a normal human with an almost completely human body only mildly affected by her time in Gensokyo. It was by sheer miracle, or perhaps due to those exact slight modification, that she didn't end up completely paralyzed.

As if it was not irritating enough already, the very being that nearly jolted her to kingdom come proceed to carry her by its shoulder and swung her body unpleasantly while it walked before dropping her roughly, adding even more pain to her body.

"It hurts!!! It hurts like hell, you idiot!!!" said Sumireko as she landed on her bottom, "This is violence against underage child!!! I might have long passed my age of consent, but still! I'll make every single one of you pay for making my butt hurt!!!"

And then when the Sith Lord asked her identity, perhaps with a hint of sarcasm, the brunette responded with a stare of utter disbelief

"Preposterous, the lot of you!" As if the pain in her body was swept away by her anger (it's not, by the way), Sumireko immediately jumped and stood with one hand on her chest and the other extended sideway while her head raised, akin to a magician or perhaps a swindler introducing themselves in grandeur fashion.

"The most brilliant of mind, the fairest of lassies, The one who will transcend knowledge, that is me, the great Sumireko Usami!"

It was a boisterous introduction, one filled with pride and zeal. What's more, for a mere human girl to publicly announce her identity without a shed of fear and reservation before beings of inhuman presence such as Shao Kahn, the Conqueror of Realm or Dio Brando, the prince of darkness whose thirst for power knows no bound, it's only natural for one to come to conclusion that this girl got some loose screws in her mind. Such is the arrogance of one who sees other as inferior, yet it was by no mean a baseless arrogance, for the girl never saw a being too frightening to give her heart a sense of reluctance. No human or any supernatural existence has ever made her tremble in fear.

That is, until she met her.

Sumireko would never forget that encounter in the city skyline. Her opposition entirely human, and one she should not even be afraid of, for she had once claimed victory against her. Shrine Maiden of Paradise; Red and White Lotus Butterfly; Protector of the Fantasy Land; a fair maiden blessed with abundance of fortune, yet found herself often get pushed into troubles she never want to have anything to do with.

It was perhaps the biggest irony in her life that among beings which included gods and immortals, the one who frightened Sumireko the most was an otherwise normal female human being.

Reimu Hakurei is powerful beyond words. In a fatal oversight, Sumireko failed to recognize that fact, and she has to pay the price. In fact, the shrine maiden was powerful enough to push Sumireko to unleash her full power, a feat not many can pride themselves for. It was a humbling experience for Sumireko, and though she retained her curious, egocentric upbringing, anxiety lingers in her heart knowing that something even more powerful might lies somewhere out there.

That very same anxiety had never left her, even right now as she stood before the group of villains, albeit the trace was extremely faint and easily covered up with her reckless and gaudy upbringing. Her existence is that of stubbornness, born from her unquenchable thirst for knowledge and indomitable power no normal being could even begin to assess. Thusly it was only natural for her to ignore any sign of warning her body gave unto her mind, and not even the presence of multiple beings of otherworldly strength could shake her determination.

Whatever is the lot of humankind I want to taste within my deepest self. I want to seize the highest and the lowest, to load its woe and bliss upon my breast, and thus expand my single self titanically, and in the end go down with all the rest.

If Sumireko Usami were to be likened to Faust, then undoubtedly the being who stands before her -- with visage dazzling beyond word, yet his voice rang throughout like a beast -- could only be described as the devil. Mephistopheles, or perhaps even Lucifer, whichever faith led one to believe. He was most unlike other in this uncanny assembly, souls rotten beyond saving. He was akin to that of a blinding radiance, one of the only two beings in this group worthy of her attention. Had they met under a different circumstances, then even Sumireko would find herself naturally attracted to this beguiling light.

Sumireko is arrogant, stubborn, and above all, fool, for only the foolish would succumb themselves to the devil's sweet nectar of lies.

And yet things are now vastly different from what she wanted to be. The beast before her did not shine his brightest. His light, otherwise would blind and entrance other into subjugation, was snuffed out into nothing but a dying ember unable to lit up even a small room. He was Mephisto... if by some miracle God would act and deliver his due judgement upon him. Now he is but a mere insect crawling among the maggots he verily despised. Meanwhile, she -- his Faust -- has already been encaged before she even made her cursed pact with the devil.

The stage is not being set properly. This is not how things are supposed to unveil. Fixing is necessary and must be done quick, for the spectators may grew impatient.

She can't help but chuckled at this fortune wrapped up as misfortune.

"Heh," Sumireko cocked her head sideway with her hand tapping on her chin. Her gaze, laden with arrogance, met directly with that of Dio's, "so there is someone interesting among the lot of you, after all."

Sumi would get a sudden, and very painful, shock, as the Sith lord Malgus formed electricity from his finger tips pointed right at her. The shock would last but a few seconds, but the pain was intense. A punishment for her disobedience and annoying voice. "Why waste it on her? She is but a loudmouthed buffoon." Malgus argued against Arc. "Kill her and let the monsters here feast on her corpse. She'll only draw in more from her childish tantrums."