The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue: Chapter 2B -- From Ashes (OUTDATED)

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Ayami sighed. It seems her earlier attempt to call attention to her doesn't works. The figures ahead was apparently too far to listens to her. The girl decided to walked closer to the people she saw. " They 'll probably saw me if I walk closer towards them". She thinks. "But first, there's nothing wrong with caution", as she use her magic.

Decides to summon an assault rifle, Ayami conjured up an AN-94 from seemingly thin air. A Russian selective fire rifle that only issued limitedly to the Russian military, the AN-94 is infanous for its complexity in maintenance that prevents it from entering standard issue, but made up for it with advance capabillities. The gun's high rate of fire and increased accuracy owing to its unique mechanism is exactly something the mercenary needs right now, dealing with unknown and possibly hostile idviduals. She flip the switch to semi-auto, and calmly move foward the people .

As she moving closer to the group, she hears commotions. Looking through the sights, it seems there were 2 groups of people seemingly confronting eachother, and everyone on each groups having a tense expression on their faces. Between them , she saw a girl about her age, wearing a pink dress inside what looks like a cape straight out of Dracula. And other people are no less weird as she saw everyone from some comic book superhero cosplayer to a guy in green cape and metal masks. Stealing herself, she steps foward towards the group

"Alright folks, I know this is an inconvenient time and everything, but does everyone knows where I am, and where is the closest place with cell phone signals ?"

@Wade Von Doom , @Wiggin , @The Wanderer , @Not_Amy , @LenxKaitoYaoi , @TableCloth
Red Hood

Jason got more and more impatient as silence from the armored man in the green cloak before him didn't really answer, just stared at them, slowly looking between everyone of their number. Feeling like a specimen underneath a microscope. Until the man's gaze lingered on someone, which Jason turned to see who he was looking at, of whom turned out to be the injured rat person.

"Yeah, we got someone injured so if you got a med-" Jason was cut off by a familiar green bolt of energy annihilating the hell out of the rat person or where she was, as when the smoke cleared, not even pieces were left.

"What the fuck?!" He turned back, his hand reaching for his guns but was stopped when he saw the man's palms aimed at him. And the fact the soldiers turned their attention to them, seemingly daring anyone to retaliate so they could be given a reason to kill another. Jason reluctantly moved his hands away from his holstered guns. While he didn't know the injured person at all, not even the gender or anything. Jason didn't take kindly to random acts such as this, or at least random to his eyes.

"I hope there's a real good explanation for what just happened here." He said to the man pointing his palm at Jason.

But then something occurred, two more people dropped down in a burst of green light, making Jason think he had just gotten blasted. The first one looked to be a woman that must be not human due to the fact she just took a fall like that like it was nothing. The second newcomer sounded like he was part of some group, like maybe a cop force or something. The brief distraction giving Jason time to weigh his options a bit more, such as distance to cover, or something to break sight with the armored man as proven by what occurred previously and currently with the robots and the former rat person. Those palm beams were something to not play with. And God knows what the metal was made out of, as it could be something that even his ammo couldn't pierce. Or maybe it could, but he wasn't wanting to stay within distance of the man's attacks if he could help it.

The soldiers looked coordinated and well positioned, even if he ran and broke sight with the cloaked armored man, they'd still be a problem. He could take down maybe three or four before taking a burst to the grave.

The whole situation didn't look good at all. He couldn't attack as that was a death wish in of itself. But retreating would require something more concrete than just a random guy showing up. Of whom might be able to create a opening, one that Jason is gonna use to get the fuck out of here.

This wasn't looking good....

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Prince Spring @Not_Amy @Henryboy003 @Whoever-Else-I-Missed



"We lack proper medical supplies." The blonde would make himself known as he walked up next to Victor, whom was aiming his palm at the red helmeted individual before him. "I trust you've heard of triage? Where doctors with limited supplies made choices on if someone would live or die, that is what Victor did. He merely spared the person from suffering a slow death, and saved us supplies from being wasted on someone who would die anyways."

The tone which Wesker adopted was akin to someone explaining to an unruly child why something occurred.

But before he himself could continue with the others, more people showed up. Which could mean more 'assets' for their group to use, or at the very least, experiment on. As the current group already looked to make at least decent test subjects should they not be willing to join their more 'extreme' views.

"Victor, we should get our newfound allies back to our humble abode. Last thing we need is undesired attention from the 'locals.' " Referring to the group that hounded anyone not from their world like starving hounds to scraps of food. Which he personally couldn't blame as neither Victor or anyone of their little number was really out to help them. Hell all this was simply providing him with potential test subjects and specimens. Which would be a good counter to whatever the government used against them as supposedly the locals had a Tyrant model amongst their ranks.

But said report was given from a recruit that later died by Victor's orders for "reporting falsities." When he nearly got a large group of Radec's men killed. So even if he was lying, his body now served their purposes by being the melting pot for whatever Wesker could scrap together.

Jotaro Kujo

The Marine Biologist was used to unexpected things occurring, such as Joseph's son tricking him with his mother's photo to steal his wallet using Crazy Diamond to reform the picture and with it the wallet. Or the fact that Joseph adopted a baby that could turn not only herself and anything around her invisible.

Just another addition to the weird family that was the Joestars.

But he wasn't expecting a sudden flash of green light that left his vision filled with nothing but that damnable light, and the feeling of being weightless and just floating, or at least until ground reformed a meter or two beneath his feet. Landing just a bit roughly that left a dull pain in his knees, he couldn't quite see the area around him as the after effect of the green light still plagued his eyes, making him have to sit and wait til he could properly see again. As without his sight, Star Platinum's vision would also be hindered, thus he couldn't properly defend himself in the event he was attacked.

But that left his other senses to pick up certain things he noted. Such as the cold wind blowing against buildings and the lack of anything but that. Like he was somewhere dead. At least until he heard an all too familiar sound of an explosion, one that filled him with a cold dread. Did Kira somehow activate his ability from beyond the grave and Jotaro had managed to remember the trip?

This was his thoughts until his vision returned to him. And before him was the almost too barren remains of what was a city, buildings and streets looking like a it had gone through repeat abuse from something.

"Good grief." He spoke to himself as he looked around for anyone, in particular anyone from their little group that hunted down Kira or Joseph and the baby. As while Joseph could handle himself despite his age, the geezer would have trouble defending himself and a baby who could only turn invisible.

Upon not finding anyone, he turned to the direction the explosion came from, the remains of building blocking the path. Jotaro began to make his way around to see if the serial killer that had died unintentionally by their hands was back and needing another beatdown. Walking past debris and whatever remained of cars, and finally through a building with a small hole in the wall, Jotaro would soon find out what caused the explosion in the first place, and to his shock it wasn't Kira. But seemed to be a group of people at a standoff.

Using the building as cover to hide the fact he was in an all white outfit, he could just make out details like a green cloak, a red helmet among other things. But he couldn't see the front of said person in the green cloak. And due to the distance he was at, Jotaro couldn't make out what was being said, due the fact he couldn't see some of the numbers' faces due either being from his current position or the fact some where wearing masks or helmets thus blocking the ability to read lips.

He was so focused on trying to read lips and see more details he nearly missed movement in his peripherals. Nearly.

Adjusting his gaze to where the movement was, all he could see was someone's leg just moving out of view behind another building. 'Seems like someone else is doing the exact thing I'm doing. Trying to figure out what's going on.' He thought to himself. Could be Joseph or maybe Josuke or one of his friends. The only thing was that he was going to have to cross the street to get to where he saw the leg, in full view in an all white outfit, which made Jotaro briefly regret his choice in colors, but the outfit was nice and custom made. And if there was one thing Jotaro enjoyed, it was fine clothes.

Slowly making his way to the open doorway of the building he was using as cover, he glanced out to judge the distance. A couple of feet or so, but all he had to do was make it at least halfway because he could then get behind a car or what remained of one, then continue.

Bracing himself for the dash he was going to have to do. He would bring forth Star Platinum, the seven foot five Stand of his appearing behind Jotaro, before the man would speak. "Star Platinum: The World." Time briefly slowed as his Stand's ability activated before ultimately stopping, the gap in between was used by Jotaro to get a headstart as he only had two seconds to get into cover.

One second, he made it five feet, his legs moving with all the speed he could muster, he only needed to make it three more.

Two seconds had passed, time beginning to resume just as Jotaro made it near the ruined remains of a car, crouching down so he was out of view. Just close enough to the building near where the leg had went behind that he could sneak around with having to reactivate his Stand's ability. Keeping low as much as one who was six foot five could manage, he crept close to the building, beginning to make his way around to the back. Now he was expecting to see the withered face of Joseph or the weird hairdo of Josuke or the short frame of Koichi, but not a cowboy and a small number of people crouched in hiding looking at the other group.

Just what was going on?

@Wade Von Doom

"You would do well not to speak for me, Wesker." Doom commanded, keeping his eyes on Red Hood. "He is correct in his analysis. We have no medical aid for your injured compatriot, and her wounds were too intense to survive for long. To keep her would simply slow you down. However, we are short in numbers, and in this world, there are many dangers awaiting us around the corners for which also do not belong on this world. It is why I offer to you and your friends this offer of a mutual alliance. Join with us, and together we can continue through these wastelands toward the capital you see off in the distance." He pointed to the lights in the distance. "To go on your own would be suicide."

"Small problem with that!" Another voice echoed out in the buildings beside them. "You're kinda a friggin' dictator and have issues working with people, small god complex you got Doomy."

Doom recognized the voice. He sighed heavily.

"I mean, this guy once thought being a god of all things was 'beneath him,' that should tell you how much this guy builds himself up in the egomaniac department!"

"Wilson!" Doom shouted out. "If wish there to be innocent blood spilled, you will surrender now."

"Yeeeeeeeaaaaah, not gonna do that. Tell you what I will do!" A flash of red appeared around Doom's head, and before anyone could realize it, someone in black and red was on top of Doom, holding a sword around his neck. "How 'bout you just let 'em go." It was the one, the only. The pride of Tennessee, the lone star himself, Anakin Skywalker if he didn't suck or be played by Hayden Christianson, D-E-A-D-P-O-O-L.

What's that spell?



Ah crap, wrong picture.


There we go!

"..... the hell is goin' on up there?-- Anyway, Leave 'em be Doom!-- AH CRAP!" Deadpool tried to intimidate and negotiate, but Doom simply grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground as hard as he could like Hulk did with Loki. "...... Ow..." DP gasped out.

"You're pathetic." Doom simply told Wilson. Before he could do anything though, someone said 'hi' in the background. Doom turned around to see Ashwin introducing himself to everyone. Everyone then turned around to point guns at him/her. Then Sumireko appeared. Then a very strange human lady. Looking around, there were several flashes of green light that had surrounded them all. New people were joining them suddenly. Why so closely though? Just as Deadpool was distracted, Doom was too, and DP healed quickly. Quickly, he placed and sticky grenade on Doom's back and rushed into to teleported Red Hood away. The bomb went off a few seconds after, engulfing the metal man in flames. The cowboy Luer was with suddenly attacked as well, firing upon the Helghast soldiers.

He nailed two in the head with clean shots, using a Lancaster Repeater that look made in the 1890s. Several more gunshots were heard, these from the same side of the street, but from different floors of the building. This was an ambush! "Take cover!" The Helghast colonel commanded, running behind one of the rusted cars. It was too late though, as two more of his soldiers were shot down, and the last was injured while diving for cover.

"C'mon, kid, we're gettin' the hell out of here!" The cowboy told Luer, signaling him to follow. Doom was uninjured during the explosion, with only his tunic now in rags. When he stood up again, he fired upon the whole street, setting each building ablaze to kill off whoever was firing upon them. His power was clearly beyond the others, even without his allies. But this wasn't to kill him, it was simply to distract him.

"Anyone who arrived here in a green flash of light, follow me!" The cowboy shouted out, leading them through the destroyed and ruined buildings.


Moire B-220

@Wade Von Doom
The Doctor's urgent push on her rifle wasn't appreciated but at least he didn't try to take it from her. Moire hadn't worked with many civilains, wasn't sure the Doctor even was a civilan, but in the absence of a chain of command, she defaulted to whoever had a plan. She didn't know if the Doctor had a good plan but she didn't have a bertter one.

So when he ordered them all to hide, Moire took a knee behind a set of boxes, rifle pointed down but ready to swivel up at a moment's notice. If it came to a firefight, she already had cover and at least some element of surprise.

The arrival of soldiers wasn't precisely welcome but neither was it unexpected. What remained was engaging them, militarily or diplomatically. She didn't mind trying it the Doctor's way first, though.

Sammy's suggestion of actually climbing into the boxes wasn't a bad idea. Moire tested a wall with an experimental tap and nodded once, reasonably sure she could break out of it if she had to.

"Good idea," she said to Sammy.

Scott's intelligence was gold, and exactly what they needed. Moire studied the 3D map projected from his smartphone with interest. Then she listened to his options before speaking up herself.

"Talk to the troops," the Spartan said immediately. "And talk to them soon. No more than two people, preferably the Doctor and yourself. There's a risk they'll open fire but we'll cover you both and, as long as we're covered, we may be able to take them by surprise if we have to."

"Routing to the Paraliment building's not a bad idea either but I can't recommend we leave the Doctor's box here, unsecured. They may take it and who knows how, or if, we'll get it back. This is our ride off of this world and our best chance to get home. We shouldn't abandon it unless there's no other choice."

"Surprsingly civil and blood shed free. Good on ya, Moire." 10 complimented with a small smile. He liked non-violent distractions. However, there was a small issue as Moire described her plan. The pink puffy alien wasn't near them. "Uh..." Garrus cut in. "Where's the pink guy?" He wasn't with them. And looking back out, Kirby was out in the open in front of the soldiers, right near the commander. As they turned around, they were greeted by Kirby waving with his nubby hands "What the hell?!" The commander shouted, pulling out his pistol to fire, when Kirby suddenly opened his mouth and sucked him into his mouth.

Like that, Kirby had bloated into the size of the other soldiers, who had no clue what to do. "Shoot it!" One shouted.

"No no! We do that, we kill the commander!"

"It ate him!"

There were muffled screams of the commander echoing through Kirby's mouth. The soldiers were at a standoff, unsure of what to do, as they weren't prepared.The Doctor was, of course, staggered by the bravery of the pink guy, but also really surprised by what he did. ".... Weeee should get going." The Doctor whispered to everyone, leading them around the soldiers while hiding behind the boxes. Kirby made sure to walk around the sides so the soldiers backs were turned to the group; making it easier to hide. Boarding the train, they found little resistance. Only the conductors and a few soldiers who remained to help with the unpacking of goods. They were easy to take care of. Bursting into the front of the train, Garrus was first inside. "Hands up!" He shouted, with the two conductors quickly complying.

"Back of the train, now!" He ordered. The Doctor quickly made his way up to the console, and with the help of his screwdriver, the train began to get moving. Not only that, but with the big crane the train had, they managed to grab the TARDIS. As it began to leave, Kirby had to act fast. Without warning, he shot the commander out of his mouth like a bullet; smashing him into his comrades. They were stunned and left confused, and Kirby's quick movements got him on board the train. The soldiers rushed over to try and jump and board; shooting at Kirby as he got inside. None managed to get on board as the train exited, and made the quick trip to the next building.​
Red Hood

Jason got more and more impatient as silence from the armored man in the green cloak before him didn't really answer, just stared at them, slowly looking between everyone of their number. Feeling like a specimen underneath a microscope. Until the man's gaze lingered on someone, which Jason turned to see who he was looking at, of whom turned out to be the injured rat person.

"Yeah, we got someone injured so if you got a med-" Jason was cut off by a familiar green bolt of energy annihilating the hell out of the rat person or where she was, as when the smoke cleared, not even pieces were left.

"What the fuck?!" He turned back, his hand reaching for his guns but was stopped when he saw the man's palms aimed at him. And the fact the soldiers turned their attention to them, seemingly daring anyone to retaliate so they could be given a reason to kill another. Jason reluctantly moved his hands away from his holstered guns. While he didn't know the injured person at all, not even the gender or anything. Jason didn't take kindly to random acts such as this, or at least random to his eyes.

"I hope there's a real good explanation for what just happened here." He said to the man pointing his palm at Jason.

But then something occurred, two more people dropped down in a burst of green light, making Jason think he had just gotten blasted. The first one looked to be a woman that must be not human due to the fact she just took a fall like that like it was nothing. The second newcomer sounded like he was part of some group, like maybe a cop force or something. The brief distraction giving Jason time to weigh his options a bit more, such as distance to cover, or something to break sight with the armored man as proven by what occurred previously and currently with the robots and the former rat person. Those palm beams were something to not play with. And God knows what the metal was made out of, as it could be something that even his ammo couldn't pierce. Or maybe it could, but he wasn't wanting to stay within distance of the man's attacks if he could help it.

The soldiers looked coordinated and well positioned, even if he ran and broke sight with the cloaked armored man, they'd still be a problem. He could take down maybe three or four before taking a burst to the grave.

The whole situation didn't look good at all. He couldn't attack as that was a death wish in of itself. But retreating would require something more concrete than just a random guy showing up. Of whom might be able to create a opening, one that Jason is gonna use to get the fuck out of here.

This wasn't looking good....

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Prince Spring @Not_Amy @Henryboy003 @Whoever-Else-I-Missed



"We lack proper medical supplies." The blonde would make himself known as he walked up next to Victor, whom was aiming his palm at the red helmeted individual before him. "I trust you've heard of triage? Where doctors with limited supplies made choices on if someone would live or die, that is what Victor did. He merely spared the person from suffering a slow death, and saved us supplies from being wasted on someone who would die anyways."

The tone which Wesker adopted was akin to someone explaining to an unruly child why something occurred.

But before he himself could continue with the others, more people showed up. Which could mean more 'assets' for their group to use, or at the very least, experiment on. As the current group already looked to make at least decent test subjects should they not be willing to join their more 'extreme' views.

"Victor, we should get our newfound allies back to our humble abode. Last thing we need is undesired attention from the 'locals.' " Referring to the group that hounded anyone not from their world like starving hounds to scraps of food. Which he personally couldn't blame as neither Victor or anyone of their little number was really out to help them. Hell all this was simply providing him with potential test subjects and specimens. Which would be a good counter to whatever the government used against them as supposedly the locals had a Tyrant model amongst their ranks.

But said report was given from a recruit that later died by Victor's orders for "reporting falsities." When he nearly got a large group of Radec's men killed. So even if he was lying, his body now served their purposes by being the melting pot for whatever Wesker could scrap together.

Jotaro Kujo

The Marine Biologist was used to unexpected things occurring, such as Joseph's son tricking him with his mother's photo to steal his wallet using Crazy Diamond to reform the picture and with it the wallet. Or the fact that Joseph adopted a baby that could turn not only herself and anything around her invisible.

Just another addition to the weird family that was the Joestars.

But he wasn't expecting a sudden flash of green light that left his vision filled with nothing but that damnable light, and the feeling of being weightless and just floating, or at least until ground reformed a meter or two beneath his feet. Landing just a bit roughly that left a dull pain in his knees, he couldn't quite see the area around him as the after effect of the green light still plagued his eyes, making him have to sit and wait til he could properly see again. As without his sight, Star Platinum's vision would also be hindered, thus he couldn't properly defend himself in the event he was attacked.

But that left his other senses to pick up certain things he noted. Such as the cold wind blowing against buildings and the lack of anything but that. Like he was somewhere dead. At least until he heard an all too familiar sound of an explosion, one that filled him with a cold dread. Did Kira somehow activate his ability from beyond the grave and Jotaro had managed to remember the trip?

This was his thoughts until his vision returned to him. And before him was the almost too barren remains of what was a city, buildings and streets looking like a it had gone through repeat abuse from something.

"Good grief." He spoke to himself as he looked around for anyone, in particular anyone from their little group that hunted down Kira or Joseph and the baby. As while Joseph could handle himself despite his age, the geezer would have trouble defending himself and a baby who could only turn invisible.

Upon not finding anyone, he turned to the direction the explosion came from, the remains of building blocking the path. Jotaro began to make his way around to see if the serial killer that had died unintentionally by their hands was back and needing another beatdown. Walking past debris and whatever remained of cars, and finally through a building with a small hole in the wall, Jotaro would soon find out what caused the explosion in the first place, and to his shock it wasn't Kira. But seemed to be a group of people at a standoff.

Using the building as cover to hide the fact he was in an all white outfit, he could just make out details like a green cloak, a red helmet among other things. But he couldn't see the front of said person in the green cloak. And due to the distance he was at, Jotaro couldn't make out what was being said, due the fact he couldn't see some of the numbers' faces due either being from his current position or the fact some where wearing masks or helmets thus blocking the ability to read lips.

He was so focused on trying to read lips and see more details he nearly missed movement in his peripherals. Nearly.

Adjusting his gaze to where the movement was, all he could see was someone's leg just moving out of view behind another building. 'Seems like someone else is doing the exact thing I'm doing. Trying to figure out what's going on.' He thought to himself. Could be Joseph or maybe Josuke or one of his friends. The only thing was that he was going to have to cross the street to get to where he saw the leg, in full view in an all white outfit, which made Jotaro briefly regret his choice in colors, but the outfit was nice and custom made. And if there was one thing Jotaro enjoyed, it was fine clothes.

Slowly making his way to the open doorway of the building he was using as cover, he glanced out to judge the distance. A couple of feet or so, but all he had to do was make it at least halfway because he could then get behind a car or what remained of one, then continue.

Bracing himself for the dash he was going to have to do. He would bring forth Star Platinum, the seven foot five Stand of his appearing behind Jotaro, before the man would speak. "Star Platinum: The World." Time briefly slowed as his Stand's ability activated before ultimately stopping, the gap in between was used by Jotaro to get a headstart as he only had two seconds to get into cover.

One second, he made it five feet, his legs moving with all the speed he could muster, he only needed to make it three more.

Two seconds had passed, time beginning to resume just as Jotaro made it near the ruined remains of a car, crouching down so he was out of view. Just close enough to the building near where the leg had went behind that he could sneak around with having to reactivate his Stand's ability. Keeping low as much as one who was six foot five could manage, he crept close to the building, beginning to make his way around to the back. Now he was expecting to see the withered face of Joseph or the weird hairdo of Josuke or the short frame of Koichi, but not a cowboy and a small number of people crouched in hiding looking at the other group.

Just what was going on?

@Wade Von Doom

"You would do well not to speak for me, Wesker." Doom commanded, keeping his eyes on Red Hood. "He is correct in his analysis. We have no medical aid for your injured compatriot, and her wounds were too intense to survive for long. To keep her would simply slow you down. However, we are short in numbers, and in this world, there are many dangers awaiting us around the corners for which also do not belong on this world. It is why I offer to you and your friends this offer of a mutual alliance. Join with us, and together we can continue through these wastelands toward the capital you see off in the distance." He pointed to the lights in the distance. "To go on your own would be suicide."

"Small problem with that!" Another voice echoed out in the buildings beside them. "You're kinda a friggin' dictator and have issues working with people, small god complex you got Doomy."

Doom recognized the voice. He sighed heavily.

"I mean, this guy once thought being a god of all things was 'beneath him,' that should tell you how much this guy builds himself up in the egomaniac department!"

"Wilson!" Doom shouted out. "If wish there to be innocent blood spilled, you will surrender now."

"Yeeeeeeeaaaaah, not gonna do that. Tell you what I will do!" A flash of red appeared around Doom's head, and before anyone could realize it, someone in black and red was on top of Doom, holding a sword around his neck. "How 'bout you just let 'em go." It was the one, the only. The pride of Tennessee, the lone star himself, Anakin Skywalker if he didn't suck or be played by Hayden Christianson, D-E-A-D-P-O-O-L.

What's that spell?



Ah crap, wrong picture.


There we go!

"..... the hell is goin' on up there?-- Anyway, Leave 'em be Doom!-- AH CRAP!" Deadpool tried to intimidate and negotiate, but Doom simply grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground as hard as he could like Hulk did with Loki. "...... Ow..." DP gasped out.

"You're pathetic." Doom simply told Wilson. Before he could do anything though, someone said 'hi' in the background. Doom turned around to see Ashwin introducing himself to everyone. Everyone then turned around to point guns at him/her. Then Sumireko appeared. Then a very strange human lady. Looking around, there were several flashes of green light that had surrounded them all. New people were joining them suddenly. Why so closely though? Just as Deadpool was distracted, Doom was too, and DP healed quickly. Quickly, he placed and sticky grenade on Doom's back and rushed into to teleported Red Hood away. The bomb went off a few seconds after, engulfing the metal man in flames. The cowboy Luer was with suddenly attacked as well, firing upon the Helghast soldiers.

He nailed two in the head with clean shots, using a Lancaster Repeater that look made in the 1890s. Several more gunshots were heard, these from the same side of the street, but from different floors of the building. This was an ambush! "Take cover!" The Helghast colonel commanded, running behind one of the rusted cars. It was too late though, as two more of his soldiers were shot down, and the last was injured while diving for cover.

"C'mon, kid, we're gettin' the hell out of here!" The cowboy told Luer, signaling him to follow. Doom was uninjured during the explosion, with only his tunic now in rags. When he stood up again, he fired upon the whole street, setting each building ablaze to kill off whoever was firing upon them. His power was clearly beyond the others, even without his allies. But this wasn't to kill him, it was simply to distract him.

"Anyone who arrived here in a green flash of light, follow me!" The cowboy shouted out, leading them through the destroyed and ruined buildings.


Moire B-220

@Wade Von Doom
The Doctor's urgent push on her rifle wasn't appreciated but at least he didn't try to take it from her. Moire hadn't worked with many civilains, wasn't sure the Doctor even was a civilan, but in the absence of a chain of command, she defaulted to whoever had a plan. She didn't know if the Doctor had a good plan but she didn't have a bertter one.

So when he ordered them all to hide, Moire took a knee behind a set of boxes, rifle pointed down but ready to swivel up at a moment's notice. If it came to a firefight, she already had cover and at least some element of surprise.

The arrival of soldiers wasn't precisely welcome but neither was it unexpected. What remained was engaging them, militarily or diplomatically. She didn't mind trying it the Doctor's way first, though.

Sammy's suggestion of actually climbing into the boxes wasn't a bad idea. Moire tested a wall with an experimental tap and nodded once, reasonably sure she could break out of it if she had to.

"Good idea," she said to Sammy.

Scott's intelligence was gold, and exactly what they needed. Moire studied the 3D map projected from his smartphone with interest. Then she listened to his options before speaking up herself.

"Talk to the troops," the Spartan said immediately. "And talk to them soon. No more than two people, preferably the Doctor and yourself. There's a risk they'll open fire but we'll cover you both and, as long as we're covered, we may be able to take them by surprise if we have to."

"Routing to the Paraliment building's not a bad idea either but I can't recommend we leave the Doctor's box here, unsecured. They may take it and who knows how, or if, we'll get it back. This is our ride off of this world and our best chance to get home. We shouldn't abandon it unless there's no other choice."

"Surprsingly civil and blood shed free. Good on ya, Moire." 10 complimented with a small smile. He liked non-violent distractions. However, there was a small issue as Moire described her plan. The pink puffy alien wasn't near them. "Uh..." Garrus cut in. "Where's the pink guy?" He wasn't with them. And looking back out, Kirby was out in the open in front of the soldiers, right near the commander. As they turned around, they were greeted by Kirby waving with his nubby hands "What the hell?!" The commander shouted, pulling out his pistol to fire, when Kirby suddenly opened his mouth and sucked him into his mouth.

Like that, Kirby had bloated into the size of the other soldiers, who had no clue what to do. "Shoot it!" One shouted.

"No no! We do that, we kill the commander!"

"It ate him!"

There were muffled screams of the commander echoing through Kirby's mouth. The soldiers were at a standoff, unsure of what to do, as they weren't prepared.The Doctor was, of course, staggered by the bravery of the pink guy, but also really surprised by what he did. ".... Weeee should get going." The Doctor whispered to everyone, leading them around the soldiers while hiding behind the boxes. Kirby made sure to walk around the sides so the soldiers backs were turned to the group; making it easier to hide. Boarding the train, they found little resistance. Only the conductors and a few soldiers who remained to help with the unpacking of goods. They were easy to take care of. Bursting into the front of the train, Garrus was first inside. "Hands up!" He shouted, with the two conductors quickly complying.

"Back of the train, now!" He ordered. The Doctor quickly made his way up to the console, and with the help of his screwdriver, the train began to get moving. Not only that, but with the big crane the train had, they managed to grab the TARDIS. As it began to leave, Kirby had to act fast. Without warning, he shot the commander out of his mouth like a bullet; smashing him into his comrades. They were stunned and left confused, and Kirby's quick movements got him on board the train. The soldiers rushed over to try and jump and board; shooting at Kirby as he got inside. None managed to get on board as the train exited, and made the quick trip to the next building.​

The group finished securing the train as it pulled away from the loading bay. Scott pulled up his map again and highlighted Parliament Station, which was only a couple minutes away on their present route.

"The next stop is located right in front of the base of the tower. There'll be a full security complex just beyond the terminal leading into the tower itself. Guards, drones, automated turrets, security barriers, the works. I don't have exact numbers on their standing garrison, but I would expect no less than a couple hundred troops on security duty in the tower at all times, and even more at various stations around the city in the event of an emergency. Parliament itself is housed near the top of the tower. Most of the rest of the building is office space, but there will definitely be security measures on every floor.

"So in short, unless we can either somehow sneak past all that without detection, or successfully negotiate with the garrison to grant us a special audience with Parliament, we'll be forced to fight our way up a hundred-plus story high hornet's nest of soldiers, security chokepoints, and killer drones, all WITHOUT bringing the building down around us or killing the very people we're trying to parlay with. Any questions?"