The Evrensel Conflict - Prologue - Chapter 3, Mission 1 - Diplomacy

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The checkpoint would be hard to pass alright, with how many different tests people had to get through. It seemed to be going well, considering that the doctor had just used a strange piece of paper to scan into a previously made system. Something still didn't feel right to Scout, even if the doctor had reassured her with a little wink. After a few minutes, her worries had materialised as a group of heavily armored soldiers walked up to the group. Apparently one of them recognised Scott from a training camp. This caused the soldiers to grow suspicious, taking Jotaro and Ashwin to the side.

This wasn't good, Scout needed to think of something quickly before they were found out. Maybe she could rewire the scanners with her ability? She would easily be seen with how each time she transmuted an object it caused a blue light. Make a run for it? Even if she made a run for it that would only prove their suspicions and would result in an all out battle to get back to the Tardis, which was several blocks away. Leaving Jotaro and Ashwin? They might get found out anyway, and even if she tried to coerce the group they would never agree. It might be worth a try, as the other options would make things worse. "I'm sorry, but can we slip past. You surely have more important things to do than to just talk to a maintenance crew right? We have to make sure everything is in tip top shape in case of emergencies. Scott can catch up with you later once we are done with the check." Scout said, politely scooting herself within the conversation. "These two can meet up with us later," she finished, gesturing to Jotaro and Ashwin.


When Ashwin entered the building there was a large room. It resembled an airport security checkpoint, but Ashwin didn't even know what that was. People were led through metal frames that made a constant humming noise, and some people had devices put up to their eyes. It was a little overwhelming considering Ashwin had not seen technology like this in their life. When it came up to the group's turn, the doctor swiped his paper in front of the man's face, and then the device at the desk which made a loud beep.

It all went according to plan, that is, until a group of soldiers walked over and greeted Scott. It was too much attention than they needed, along with that, Jotaro and Ashwin were getting pulled to the side to get scanned. A bright purple light was flashed into Ashwin's eyes which was followed by a loud beep of the device. The moment was jarring, and Ashwin wasn't even sure what they were doing to them. The most notable things that would be noticed in that moment would probably be their crimson red eyes, low body temperature, and almost infinite abundance of magical energy. Ashwin didn't think of these things though, as they weren't even aware of the magical energy or low body temperature. "So uh… we're all good with the scan right?" Ashwin asked the soldiers.
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Jotaro Kujo

As the group traveled to the Parliament building, one thing stood in their way. A security checkpoint, of which seemed far too easy to bypass thanks to the 'psychic' paper that the Doctor held. Whatever was on it, seemed to have convinced the guards as well as Scott's testaments about them being simple ol' maintenance made the whole ordeal feel like it was going to be a walk in the park.

That was when the plan turned on its head, as someone with an entourage of more guards showed up, recognizing Scott and after a little questioning of their purpose, Jotaro and Ashwin were singled out and subjected to a eye scanner that left Jotaro temporarily blinded. Blinking the spots out of his eyes, the soldiers no doubt looking for any sort of oddity. Which unfortunately for them, they'd find nothing. Even with the most advanced technology at their hands at the time, the Speedwagon Foundation couldn't detect signs of a Stand when said Stand wasn't summoned.

So right now, he just kept [Star Platinum] 'sheathed' so to speak. He could still feel it coiled up like a snake waiting to strike, which was doubled by Jotaro just keeping certain four words to stop time should something occur on the tip of his tongue.

A beep or two came from the device made Jotaro uneasy as he too wondered if that was good or not. The possibility of something being able to detect a Stand made him worry just the slightest, nothing showing on his face as he kept up the act of not being perturbed by the test.

He just hoped that they'd soon be on their way.

@Wade Von Doom @BobTheNinja @Wiggin @Amber Franklin @LenxKaitoYaoi


As the group arrived at their destination, Hei feeling somewhat proud at his handiwork at the 'make-up' and at everyone's acting of being poor wretches from this place just walking to their job. But now was not the time for letting his head get full of such silly things, they had a job to do and one they couldn't risk messing up.

So Hei continued to play the part of a tired worker just wanting to go to whatever counted as home, sleep and repeat the process. The checkpoint easily made redundant thanks to the paper that the Doctor passed on, which did get Hei thinking. What if they could get more of that paper, and easily get past any future checkpoint or security bit without having to worry about having to time stealing of documents and paperwork to infiltrate a place that could go on full alert because a document was revealed to have been stolen?

It would make future missions like this a breeze.

But as per usual, something just had to come up. Which was in the form of an old acquaintance of Scott it seemed, which put Hei on edge as they got surrounded by guards. Two of their group pulled aside to be tested in some manner.

Hei would get ready for the shit to hit the fan, preparing to press the attack the second it happened. But ultimately would rely on how the others would react in that precious split second.

@Wade Von Doom @BobTheNinja @Wiggin @Amber Franklin @LenxKaitoYaoi @Valkan
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It took every bit of discipline Scott had to suppress to urge to punch Kyle right in his stupid jackass face. He had desperately hoped he would never run into him again after basic training. There were other JDF officers who were far more frightening than Kyle, willing to do horrible things in the name of securing humanity's future (supposedly), but Kyle was easily one of the most casually mean-spirited and loathsome people he had ever met.

Scott took a moment to breath. Right now, he had people depending on him to stop his government's insanity. He couldn't afford to loose his cool right now. So he grit his teeth and resorted to rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Yyyeah, listen Kyle, this has been great and all, but like my colleagues said, we're running on a busy schedule, and I don't want to explain to my CO why the inspection checks were running late. Are we all cleared to go?" he asked.

He was thankful that so far the psychic paper was still working as intended, and that everyone else was maintaining their cover. They might just be able to pull this off, if this asshole would just move along.

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin
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It took every but of discipline Scott had to suppress to urge to punch Kyle right in his stupid jackass face. He had desperately hoped he would never run into him again after basic training. There were other JDF officers who were far more frightening than Kyle, willing to do horrible things in the name of securing humanity's future (supposedly), but Kyle was easily one of the most casually mean-spirited and loathsome people he had ever met.

Scott took a moment to breath. Right now, he had people depending on him to stop his government's insanity. He couldn't afford to loose his cool right now. So he grit his teeth and resorted to rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Yyyeah, listen Kyle, this has been great and all, but like my colleagues said, we're running on a busy schedule, and I don't want to explain to my CO why the inspection checks were running late. Are we all cleared to go?" he asked.

He was thankful that so far the psychic paper was still working as intended, and that everyone else was maintaining their cover. They might just be able to pull this off, if this asshole would just move along.

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin

"Scotty, what's the rush, man?" Kyle then put his arm over Scott's shoulder. "We're getting reacquainted, besides, there's a big meeting going on inside, and it's as boring as the sun rise. I think your guy here, and your CO, wouldn't wanna have a complaint from the upper echelon. Plus, I wanna know who this friggin' gigolo is." He then pointed to Ziv. "Is he also with you?"

"Yes, he's our... psychological evaluator!" 10 quickly informed, making up the job.

"Dressed like that?" Ziv looked like a sexy butler.

"It's up to code!" 10 told him. "And he's got incredible fashion sense, if I might add."

"I think you're dinner party is off in another castle." Kyle joked, chuckling. "Mind getting me a gin and tonic?"
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Ziv hummed to himself, first taking notice of how Ashwin's response was taken by the Doctor and how they reacted to said response. Ashwin seemed quiet too, not quite shy, per se, but they didn't seem the overly extroverted kind either. He gave the other a pat on the shoulder and a small smile. "Our Doctor seems to be the eccentric type. It's easy to be misunderstood and ignored by people like that, so don't think on it too much, okay? You look fine, by the way." He commented, adding in the assurance that the other wasn't a standout or didn't look good.

With that settled, the Doctor and Scout's little spat overruled by the call to what they were going to do started, he turned his attention to Scott's words. The swordsman crossed his arms as he listened. Electronics. Admittedly something he was heavily unfamiliar with. He'd barely hear the term before before being cast here with this group as it was. He did find it fascinating though, and he was curious to learn more about it. But now wasn't the time, not yet at least. This psychic paper was something else he was curious about, yet once again, now was not the time to delve into questions about it.

Following the group around the corner he took in the sight of Moscow. It definitely was unlike anything he had seen before. He looked to Scott and nodded, following the man's lead. They soon arrived at their destination, and he was greeted with a whole new setting. The metal detector was something new, he wasn't sure what it did though so he ignored it. Instead he gave an unsure look as Ashwin and Jotaro were blinded. They seemed to be okay though, which was good.

His attention was pulled by the new guy that approached Scott and began speaking to him. He rose a brow to what the man called him. Gigolo? He crossed his arms as the doctor answered his role, which again confused him since he wasn't sure he was qualified for such a title. Either way… he smiled and shrugged at the doctor when he commented on his fashion sense. That likely was to just get out of this, but he'll take it as a compliment all the same.

He rose a brow to Kyle's words and gave him a grin. "Sure, if you're paying. But I won't make any promises to bring back a full glass." Hey, a psychological evaluator has a difficult job.
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Ziv hummed to himself, first taking notice of how Ashwin's response was taken by the Doctor and how they reacted to said response. Ashwin seemed quiet too, not quite shy, per se, but they didn't seem the overly extroverted kind either. He gave the other a pat on the shoulder and a small smile. "Our Doctor seems to be the eccentric type. It's easy to be misunderstood and ignored by people like that, so don't think on it too much, okay? You look fine, by the way." He commented, adding in the assurance that the other wasn't a standout or didn't look good.

With that settled, the Doctor and Scout's little spat overruled by the call to what they were going to do started, he turned his attention to Scott's words. The swordsman crossed his arms as he listened. Electronics. Admittedly something he was heavily unfamiliar with. He'd barely hear the term before before being cast here with this group as it was. He did find it fascinating though, and he was curious to learn more about it. But now wasn't the time, not yet at least. This psychic paper was something else he was curious about, yet once again, now was not the time to delve into questions about it.

Following the group around the corner he took in the sight of Moscow. It definitely was unlike anything he had seen before. He looked to Scott and nodded, following the man's lead. They soon arrived at their destination, and he was greeted with a whole new setting. The metal detector was something new, he wasn't sure what it did though so he ignored it. Instead he gave an unsure look as Ashwin and Jotaro were blinded. They seemed to be okay though, which was good.

His attention was pulled by the new guy that approached Scott and began speaking to him. He rose a brow to what the man called him. Gigolo? He crossed his arms as the doctor answered his role, which again confused him since he wasn't sure he was qualified for such a title. Either way… he smiled and shrugged at the doctor when he commented on his fashion sense. That likely was to just get out of this, but he'll take it as a compliment all the same.

He rose a brow to Kyle's words and gave him a grin. "Sure, if you're paying. But I won't make any promises to bring back a full glass." Hey, a psychological evaluator has a difficult job.

"Ooooooooh, how sassy~" Kyle said mockingly. "I always knew Scott aimed for low hanging fruit with his company. Whatever works best, Ammi right, guys?" He said to the other soldiers, who chuckled along with Kyle. Though either because they had to, or they did find it funny, you couldn't tell. When the scans finished on Jo and Ashwin, the soldier who scanned Jo moved on to Alistia, as they found nothing on him. Ashwin's scan, however, took a little longer. And he would see out the corner of his eye that the two other grunts beside him moved in slowly. It looked like Ashwin was about to be the first one caught, and the scene was going to get messy.

But, it wasn't the lobby that turned violent. It was outside. A molotov cocktail hit one of the front windows of the main entrance, with the flames illuminating the large room in yellow as it expanded outwards. Kyle and the other soldiers quickly turned around to face the entrance, and saw a crowd forming along the front steps. There were dozens, holding makeshift signs in protest of their treatment by police and military forces, by a government that did not care for them, and would gladly see them all die to save itself. They had shields and gas masks, along with rocks and anything else they could throw. The officers behind the counter quickly pressed the emergency button to lock down the outside entrances, as the numerous guards within the lobby itself rushed outside to try and push the crowd back. It was an ambush by the looks of it, a surprise attack by the anarchists that ran these rioters, and while Kyle quickly shouted out, "Keep them back!" The Doctor realized this was their chance to make a run for it.

Gunshots then went off outside, the guards firing warning shots in the air, and The Doctor subtly pulled out his screwdriver and aimed it at Ashwin's scanner. With a blast of sparks popping out, the soldier holding it dropped the device to the ground, breaking for good. "What the hell?!" They shouted out, before The Doctor said, "We'll just take our leave then and leave you to it, Kyle!" He quickly moved his hand behind his back so Kyle couldn't see the sonic, and started backing up towards the door; signaling everyone to follow. Metal grate walls closed over the windows and doorway, while Kyle stayed inside, and his men went outside. Quickly turning off the metal detectors with his screwdriver, The Doctor headed to the big wooden door that would lead to the main building itself. With everyone busy, only Kyle turned back around to see everyone head inside. Something wasn't right about this, he thought. But right now, he needed to keep the building safe. "Call for backup, and make sure the chamber is secure while evac gets here!" He ordered on the intercoms. It'd take a bit until they could safely get the leaders out, giving the team time to find someone they could ally with.
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Jotaro Kujo

The test seemingly went well, as evident from the lack of guards swarming them. Or at least until Ashwin's test began to take longer, the guards slowly drawing in on the poor kid. Jotaro would take a step, about to take two more to get at least within range for [Star Platinum] to be fully effective. Especially if he needed to stop time, but as if fate were on their side, a Molotov cocktail illuminated a window at the checkpoint, sounds of discourse reaching their ears.

The guards now distracted, Jotaro didn't need to be told twice to book it half slow-half fast past the detectors, following the Doctor through. Jotaro would still have [Star Platinum] ready to come forth and absolutely ruin someone's day, but as they went through the double doors with no issues whatsoever, Jotaro would let out a sigh. Of relief or something else entirely would be hard to decipher from the man.

Now inside, Jotaro would look to Scott for answers as to what to do and where to do it. "Where to?"

@BobTheNinja @Wade Von Doom @LenxKaitoYaoi @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Valkan


Hei waited for an alarm to blare out from the devices being used on Ashwin and Jotaro, or for the guards to close in on them. The Contractor bracing to rush when some of the guards began to close in on Ashwin when their test took a bit longer than Jotaro's.

But before a bloodbath could ensue, a window was covered in flame from protestors outside. Serving as a good distraction for them to run through the checkpoint without issue. Hell, thanks to the Doctor's tampering, the others including Hei would pass through with their hidden weapons without being discovered. A good thing in their case, as it meant they didn't have to go through a fight.

Now behind some double doors and away from the chaos, the guards would most likely be on edge considering they had a riot on their hands outside, they'd need to be stealthy and quick before an unexpected factor turned up once more.

They just needed a game plan...
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"A monk? Interesting." Tsunade says of Alistia saying by the standards of her home universe, Tsunade would be considered a monk. The monks of their worlds had to be very different. The monks of her world were only concerned with matters of the spirit, and used mainly taijutsu and other ninja arts as only a means of protection. Her off-duty antics alone would shun her from any temple. While she wants to make more small talk to pass the time, it seems in no time at all that the group was at their destination.

Their first couple minutes at the security checkpoint were promising. The Doctor's psychic paper had vouched for all of them being a security inspection team. There is some unease in herself as the security team starts to screen everyone anyway. She hears how they search for anything out of the ordinary to identify a Scattered. Tsunade is confident in her appearance, and the ability of her Transformation Jutsu to conceal her lightsaber as a simple pencil in her pocket. She'd never been subjected to scans of such technology as these people used, but all the same the Slug Princess trusts in her ability.

This Kyle though. The fact such a boisterous buffoon could rise to be any kind of commanding officer? It was no wonder this civilization was on the verge of collapse. They were accepting just about anyone as a leader if he was any indication. This makes Tsunade unsure of how easy or hard it would be to convince their Parliament.

Maybe all I'll need to to do is show them my-

That thought is interrupted by the CRASH-FWOOM of the improvised fire-bombs. She turns and sees the riot just starting to boil over. Tsunade thinks of how she alone can turn this situation in the favor of the rioters. Kyle and his squad could be diced to pieces before their eyes can process the flash of her green blade. Without their support, the rioters would have a break in the line to spearhead a full coup.

That is not the mission

Tsunade follows The Doctor's direction through the metal detectors and to the large wooden door. If she had been in charge of this mission, she would have rallied the others into assisting the rioters. But she wasn't in charge; The Doctor was, and Tsunade's experience in the Third Shinobi World War had shown her the consequences of breaking the chain of command for your own ideals: the cause could be lost in a sea of wasted life.
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Things were taking longer than they should have. Scout sensed something off as the guards slowly were approaching Ashwin. What had they scanned? Was the appearance of Scott what gave them away? Scout was slowly reaching into her coat for her extendable pole when chaos struck. A bottle smashed against the door behind them, and the crackling of flames could be heard. Shouts were also ringing out from outside. A distraction, just what they needed!

The doctor was beginning to make a break for the door beyond the scanners. With a quick flick of his wrist and a small buzz of his sonic screwdriver, the scanners were rendered useless. As Scout passed by Kyle she gave him a little nod, a fake sign of respect for his position. It would hopefully mask their trail, or at the very least confuse the soldier about their alignment. Once everyone had made it through the doors, Jotaro proposed the question of just where to go next. "I suggest that we find an office to look for anything incriminating before confronting anyone," Scout piped in.


Ashwin was probably the only one unaware of just how close the group had gotten to being caught. For the most part, Ashwin had just thought it was a long process. Sure, they were on alert for any type of issues that might arise, but they didn't know that they themselves might be that issue. Ashwin adjusted their hat and waited for the scan to be done.

Before it could be completed however, A loud crash disrupted the semi-silent checkpoint. Someone had thrown a molotov cocktail at the glass doors! Ashwin jumped, grabbing their hat in surprise and bracing for something to be thrown at them. It was oddly probably the thing that made them look more like a civilian than a scattered. They then looked back towards the rest of the group, seeing them rushing inside as calmly as possibly past the strange metal door frames. Ashwin quickly followed behind them, slipping past the guards and behind wooden doors beyond the checkpoint. The plan now was to try and figure out where to go next.
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Alistia's body almost snapped into a ready combat stance the moment the grenades went off. She had seen such weapons before, usually ineffective and reserved for insurgents or the poor, and knew they likely likely meant some insurgent group was present. She almost started to move her hands to do... something... but stopped and kept her guise and cool. She WANTED so badly to extinguish the flames, her heroic nature called her to it and, between earth and water or the myriad of other methods at her disposal she could easily do so. However that would have blown the cover immediately. Revealed her true nature in a heartbeat. Instead she kept her cool and hurried alongside the Doctor, doing her best to seem like a nervious and afraid commoner instead of someone who probably didn't even need to think to put out the flame.

"Doctor." she said quietly. "If you need me to put someone to sleep, just say the word. But I'll warn you now, it's only one person at a time and it will break the moment someone disturbs them. Also, I'll need my staff to cast. I can hide it again easily enough, but it will take a second to call it up."
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Alistia's body almost snapped into a ready combat stance the moment the grenades went off. She had seen such weapons before, usually ineffective and reserved for insurgents or the poor, and knew they likely likely meant some insurgent group was present. She almost started to move her hands to do... something... but stopped and kept her guise and cool. She WANTED so badly to extinguish the flames, her heroic nature called her to it and, between earth and water or the myriad of other methods at her disposal she could easily do so. However that would have blown the cover immediately. Revealed her true nature in a heartbeat. Instead she kept her cool and hurried alongside the Doctor, doing her best to seem like a nervious and afraid commoner instead of someone who probably didn't even need to think to put out the flame.

"Doctor." she said quietly. "If you need me to put someone to sleep, just say the word. But I'll warn you now, it's only one person at a time and it will break the moment someone disturbs them. Also, I'll need my staff to cast. I can hide it again easily enough, but it will take a second to call it up."

"Think knockin' them cold sounds faster." Arthur commented, since Alistia's method time wasting. He quickly looked around the corners of the hallway they were all in to make sure they were alone, and thankfully they were. "Would we even know what evidence to look for here?" He quickly asked Scout. If the corruption in this place ran deep, who exactly would they even present it too? Because seemingly, everyone was in on this.
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Scott breathed a quiet sigh of relief as they passed through the main doors into the Parliament complex itself. That was too damn close.

Jotarou ask what their next move would be, and then Scout suggested that they try to find some incriminating evidence of the JDFs black site operations.

"That's not a bad idea," Scott replied. "I can give my own witness testimony to Parliament, but there's a very real likelihood that they'll think I'm compromised in some way by cooperating with Scattered. My word may very well not be good enough. At the very least, I'm pretty certain that the representatives most supportive of the JDF will try and press that angle."

He then sighed and scratched his head. "We could probably find a computer terminal that links into the JDF's network, but the main problem is that I have no access authorization to any records of the prison. They're called black sites for a reason, and I was very low on the totem pole there. My job was to keep my mouth shut and guard the place, and that was it."

Scott then turned to the Doctor. "I don't suppose you have any super skills in hacking, do you? Could that handy gizmo of yours help with digging up something?" he asked, gesturing to his sonic screwdriver. "Barring that, we may need to try and break into one of the pro-JDF rep's offices and look for physical records."

@Wade Von Doom @The Wanderer @Wiggin @Amber Franklin
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That was certainly close... Robin was thankfully able to keep a low profile but really, that riot could not have come at a better time. Hiding his tomes in his coat was a good idea for concealing them from mundane eyes, however advanced 'scanners' like those? Well. He hadn't dealt with those before so the wise assumption would be that they might've caught him.

Now that they'd all made it in, it seemed the challenging part had begun. While he didn't think he could be of much use at 'hacking', he could definitely contribute if the task was physical infiltration. In fact, he had just the idea to provide some assistance.

"If we need to break into anything, I have a tome which should be able to deal with locks and any other obstacles in our way. Nosferatu is a surprisingly precise spell for something initially conceived as a method of draining a target's life force!"

He grinned and ran his fingers along the purple book in his coat. "It's also quite self sustaining energy wise, so don't be afraid to call upon my talents as needed."
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Alistia looked slightly miffed. "I'm saying that, for reasons of not wanting a big staff hiding under this trench coat as well, I'm not currently in my White Mage class. I can change back and put someone to sleep rapidly, but it takes a second or two. But on the upside I can do it at range, without raising an alarm, or anything like that. Not even a projectile or mark to worry about. But it takes a second." she then sighed as she processed Robin's comment. "That sounds really useful. Like a drain spell or something, but more powerful." he used tomes that meant she was mentally classifying him as something close to an arcanist though, due to her recent words with Tsunade, she was well aware that what would make sense for her world wouldn't for Robin's.
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Ziv crossed his arms as he waited. He assumed this meant they weren't going to go anywhere until their devices were done blinding everyone. He tilted his head at Kyle. This guy was a bit annoying. He wasn't sure he even understood this comment towards him either. He would need to get some help with that. Maybe Scott could explain things to him later. He couldn't ask right now, since that would make things too obvious. He opted to once more simply shrug off the man's words. If he understood anything he said, it was that he was sassing him- which wasn't a bad thing in Ziv's mind. It was fun to do.

When the soldiers by Ashwin started closing in on him, the swordsman uncrossed his arms and watched them carefully. Until the window broke and the place lit up. He turned towards the source with a calculating glare. All he could really do was wait for a good moment, if one should arise, to do something. He wasn't sure yet what was going on. The soldier dropped the device he was staring at after blinding poor Ashwin with it, but more pressingly the Doctor spoke. Much as he might have wanted to stay and fight, it wasn't worth their cover when this was their best chance to get a move on. He nodded, giving Kyle a small smirk. "Guess that drink will have to wait." He commented before turning to follow the Doctor and the others.

Once out of the chaos, for the most part, he took a moment to adjust his sword in his pant leg. It was hard to run with a limp like that, he couldn't move his leg properly because of it. He nearly tripped a couple of times. He glanced to Jotaro for a moment but Scout spoke up first. "I agree with the lass. Evidence is usually the first thing needed to put someone down for treason." He offered. At least, that was usually how he knew it to be when he had seen the one or two cases during his travels. He couldn't be sure how things worked in this world, but he didn't imagine it was too different if Scott thought that was a good idea.

When Scott posed the question of hackers, Ziv chuckled and shrugged. He knew fuck all about these electronics, and they probably figured as much. He rose a brow though when Robin offered up his skills. The man looked like he was a mage of Ziv's own world, so he wasn't sure how he could pull something like that off. But as he explained it made a little more sense. He mused at the thought. "Heh. You could have passed for a decent mage with skills like that."
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Jotaro Kujo

Just as everyone went over their plan, Jotaro was trying to come up with an idea, as he wasn't really tech savvy, and this was in relation to technology from the nineties, so he doubt he'd be of much help in that department. So he'd begin to speak about his lack of skill in that regard. "I'm not going to be o-" Was about as far as he got before he realized with a chilled spine and sweat to run down his forehead, that time had stopped.

Not of his own volition, as [Star Platinum] hadn't done the deed. One second passed where he moved freely and talked, and just before the next second passed, his movements were as still as the others around him. Before time resumed its normal course, everyone talking and planning. To them, Jotaro had started saying something calm and collected, the next he looked as if he had seen a ghost and not saying another word.

Tipping the bill of his hat to cast a shadow over his eyes to hide his shock, he'd take a deep breath to recompose himself, before motioning for the Doctor and him to talk. Once the Doctor was done with answering Scott's question, he'd ask the Doctor away from the group. "Time was recently stopped, Doctor. My Stand was among the only ones to be able to do such a thing. The only other Stand to be able to such a thing. Belonged to a man by the name of Dio Brando.....I might be paranoid. But Doctor, the second we're done with everything here. You get the other Doctors to bring anyone together who has experience with time affecting things. Alright?"

With that out of the way, he'd let the Doctor go back to the others so they may continue discussing plans.

@Wade Von Doom
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Jotaro Kujo

Just as everyone went over their plan, Jotaro was trying to come up with an idea, as he wasn't really tech savvy, and this was in relation to technology from the nineties, so he doubt he'd be of much help in that department. So he'd begin to speak about his lack of skill in that regard. "I'm not going to be o-" Was about as far as he got before he realized with a chilled spine and sweat to run down his forehead, that time had stopped.

Not of his own volition, as [Star Platinum] hadn't done the deed. One second passed where he moved freely and talked, and just before the next second passed, his movements were as still as the others around him. Before time resumed its normal course, everyone talking and planning. To them, Jotaro had started saying something calm and collected, the next he looked as if he had seen a ghost and not saying another word.

Tipping the bill of his hat to cast a shadow over his eyes to hide his shock, he'd take a deep breath to recompose himself, before motioning for the Doctor and him to talk. Once the Doctor was done with answering Scott's question, he'd ask the Doctor away from the group. "Time was recently stopped, Doctor. My Stand was among the only ones to be able to do such a thing. The only other Stand to be able to such a thing. Belonged to a man by the name of Dio Brando.....I might be paranoid. But Doctor, the second we're done with everything here. You get the other Doctors to bring anyone together who has experience with time affecting things. Alright?"

With that out of the way, he'd let the Doctor go back to the others so they may continue discussing plans.

@Wade Von Doom

As Jojo was explaining what just happened in the world around then, there was a small ding made inside the doctor's coat pocket. Curious, the doctor pulled out this giant device that in no way should've actually fit in his pocket.


There was an old landline phone on the top of it, which he quickly pulled off the device and put up to his ear, listening to whatever the device was doing, as he waved it around. "The hell are you doin'?" Arthur quietly and impatiently asked.

"Listening, shush!"
The doctor told Arthur, focusing the device on the corner of the room. "Riiiiight there. Due north west, about.... 30 miles outside the city, give or take." That's where the distortion happened.

"What are you takin' about?!" Again Arthur shouted quietly, since they very much looked suspicious just standing in the middle of the hallway.

"Timey Wimey detector, goes ding when there's stuff." The vaguest answer, yet also the honest one the doctor could give. "felt that time stop too, like a chill just ran up my spine." The Doctor told Jo, putting the phone down.

"Wait, how'd you even fit that in your pocket?"
Arthur asked once more, to which he replied,

"They're bigger on the inside." Again, with an honest tone of voice. "Jo, if you know who caused that, then you're with me. Scott, lead us to where they keep the files in this place. I'll get through whatever security they have. Ziv, Robin, Alistia, youe three head to the viewing room and keep watch of what's happening in there, see if there's anyone in the chambers who we could try talking to once we have our evidence."
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Scott nodded at the Doctor. "The most surefire place I can think of that would contain the evidence we're looking for would have to be the office of the JDF's top representative in Parliament, General Fyodor Kamarov. I know for a fact he's visited the prison complex at least once before on an inspection, so he definitely knows of their existence. It's likely he'll have either physical documents of it, or has access to that information from his personal computer station. But we'll have to be very careful. If security here suspects for a moment that we're trying to gain unauthorized access, they'll be on us like an angry hornets nest."

Scott took a moment to activate a smartpanel on the nearby wall, which brought up a floor plan of the Parliament building. After a minute of searching, he found what we was looking for. "There, just a couple floors down from the main Parliament chamber, in the JDF party offices," he said, pointing to their destination. He also took a moment to point out the location of the viewing gallery for the main chamber for Ziv, Robin, Ashwin, and Alistia.

"Right, let's get a move on. Parliament is in session now, but that won't last forever," he said as he led his part of the group to one of the elevators, pressing the button for the floor they were heading toward. The elevators were mounted in a shaft with windows showing the outside city, giving them an incredible view of New Moscow as they were ferried over a hundred stories upward.

Scott walked forward with a sense of purpose, with the Doctor again covering for their entry to the JDF offices section with his psychic paper. This time nobody got in their way as they proceeded further into the complex. Soon enough, they approached their destination, a corner office with Fyodor Kamarov's nametag on the door. An electronic door panel indicated that it was currently locked, and there were two separate security cameras monitoring the corridor that led up to the door.

"Alright Doc, do your thing," Scott whispered as they approached.

@Wade Von Doom @The Wanderer @Wiggin @Amber Franklin

Meanwhile, Ziv, Robin, Ashwin, and Alistia stayed in the elevator and went a few more floors up. From there, it was just a matter of following the signs to the viewing gallery overlooking the main parliamentary chamber.


It wasn't hard at all to find empty seating in the viewing gallery, as the seats were only filled up about half way. Each seat had a fold-out smartscreen that would allow any viewers to see the current composition of Parliament and the members currently in attendance, as well as information on the topics being discussed by Parliament for the day.

It appeared that there were three main parties that made up Parliament. The Citizens' Party was the left-most group, representing the workers and ordinary citizens that made up the vast majority of people in New Moscow, with a focus on protecting their rights and wellbeing. They were led by Representative Edward Lee, an African American man in his late 30s, wearing a standard black suit with a white undershirt and a red tie, with a rose pin on his lapel. They were the smallest party within Parliament, constituting about 25% of their members.

The Free Commerce Party was the center-right party, representing the majority of medium-to-large businesses and industries within the city, with an agenda mostly focusing on reducing regulations and restrictions on private commerce. Ostensibly this was in service of allowing the economy to fluorish for the benefit of everyone. They were led by Jeremy Fleming, an white man in his late 50s with neatly styled, partly greying brown hair, wearing a dark grey double-breasted suit with a beige tie . They made up about 35% of Parliament.

Finally, there was the National Defense Party, the right-wing bloc representing the Joint Defense Forces and all its branches, with its representatives all drawn exclusively from the military. They were the largest party in Parliament, making up 40% of its membership, and their stated agenda was the maintenance of peace and order, and the defense of the last of humanity. They were led by General Fyodor Kamarov, a lean white man in his early 60s with grey, close-shaved hair and a full, neatly trimmed moustache. He was wearing his full dress uniform, a deep, almost black shade of blue with gold buttons, a fairly large array of ribbon segments on his left chest, along with a few silvery pins above it, a nameplate on his right chest, and three thick gold stripes on his shoulder boards.

Currently on the agenda was a review of the government's current policy of stricter taxing of civilian assets and the expansion of the JDF's law enforcement powers.

"Fellow representatives, I feel that the today's events speak for themselves regarding the folly of this latest expansion of military powers," said Edward Lee, who currently held the floor. "The regular people of New Moscow are being squeezed tighter and tighter. Not only are they not being provided with adequate wages and resources to care for themselves and their dependents, but now certain departments of the JDF are insisting on violently suppressing the protests against their conditions. Need I remind everyone here that freedom of speech against injustice is a fundamental right enshrined in the United Earth Constitution's Charter of Rights? Yet elements of our government are trampling all over this sacred right in the name of "upholding law and order", while the rest of the government stands by and does nothing."

Edward Lee paused as a low din of murmuring passed through the assembly hall in reply. It was as this point that a white female representative from the National Defense Party rose her hand, her placard identifying her as Representative Susan Fletcher. "Speaker Lorenz, I motion to request one minutes of time to reply to Representative Lee," she spoke.

The Speaker of Parliament, Oscar Lorenz, was a heavyset man in his mid-fifties with greying black hair, who appeared to be of Mediterranean descent, wearing a one-piece grey suit with a light blue tie. He was listed as a member of the Free Commerce Party. He nodded in response to the military representative's request. "Motion is granted, Representative Fletcher. Per protocol, Representative Lee will be given equal time afterward time to respond."

"Thank you Speaker," Representative Fletcher replied. "Representative Lee, are you suggesting that the blatant acts of violence performed by on the steps of Parliament just minutes ago are in any way acceptable? Rioters literally tried to set the lobby of Parliament on fire! And similar acts of violence have been terrorizing the city for the last few months! These are not peaceful protestors advocating for a change of policy, they are radical insurgents who are deliberately trying to agitate lawless violence out of a deeply warped and misplaced sense of political entitlement. Our government has no place negotiating with those who recklessly court such destructive chaos, especially with the threat of the Scattered on the rise once more," she finished before seating herself.

Edward Lee chuckled instinctively at that. "Representative Fletcher, with all due respect, how do you suppose that this state of affairs over the last few months came to be? Popular protests against social and economic injustice have been flaring up for the past few years now. And in spite of that, the military's budget has grown ever-larger, as have the subsidies for the corporate sector, and the common people have consistently been left with bare scraps, if that. People have been protesting peacefully, and instead of listening to them and taking action, the military police administration has cracked down on them harder and harder, trying to silence them because of the "inconvenience" their protest represents. They are now resorting to riots and molotov cocktails because this government has pushed them to the edge of the thin ice, with no recourse!"

"Point of Order, Representative Lee," Speaker Lorenz spoke up, giving Lee a stern look. "Making unsubstantiated claims about the motives of the military police contrary to their lawfully-enstated policy is against the code of conduct of this chamber. Mind your behavior and stick to the facts of the matter."

Lee gritted his teeth in frustration. He very much looked like he wanted to bite back at that remark in particular, but he relented. The discussions of the chamber continued, with arguments and counter arguments regarding the civil situation and military powers continuing between the Citizens' Party and the National Defense Party, but it seemed that the NDP always maintained the advantage. It didn't help that Speaker Lorenz always seemed to find ways of siding with the NDP, either by sidelining certain pieces of evidence from the Citizen's Party or giving minor censure against heated arguments similar to Lee's.

@LenxKaitoYaoi @Snowtwo @Hero
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So the plan for the moment was to have the group slip up. One group would head to the government's offices to investigate what types of things they could gather, and the other would head to the viewing chambers to watch over the meeting and get a grasp as to what was happening. Upon first entering the viewing gallery, Ashwin was met with blinding lights that splashed down from the ceiling, and a room with an abundance of seats. The group was on one of the upper rows, away from most of the politicians in attendance. It wasn't hard to deduce that they had been dealing with issues regarding "the scattered" for a long time, and it was close to falling apart.

From what it looked like, the main issue was dealing with the law enforcement at the moment. Ashwin could barely understand what the officials were talking about when they spoke of "economic injustice" or "freedom of speech" but in a way, what they said scratched at the back of Ashwin's mind. There was this insufferable itch that couldn't be satisfied when he heard their words. It raised an anger in them, and it wouldn't stop. Ashwin gripped the sides of their chair, along with biting their lip in order to try and stop this feeling, but it didn't work. Why couldn't everyone get along? Were they not all trying to survive together? Ashwin finally sighed and slumped back into their seat and stared at the screen in front of them. They then leaned over to Ziv, who was to their right and asked in a whispering tone "so… What exactly is everyone watching supposed to do here?"


While the one group went off and watched over the proceedings happening in the viewing gallery, Scout's group all hurried into elevators down the hall. Upon entering the elevators and pressing the buttons, A bright light flashed everyone as they could see the world out the windows. A land of concrete and a decaying world laid forth. It was beautiful in a way, but Scout felt no real attraction to it, already having had most of her hopes dashed as a slave. She was more interested in the object that they were moving in. It moved upwards at an alarming speed, and Scout was unsure as to how it worked. Gravity magic? That only belonged to the elves of her world, and they certainly weren't here.

Scout was soon ripped out of her mind as the elevator's doors opened back up. The doctor's psychic paper had gotten them this far, even with the near failure at the entrance. In a corner of the building sat the leader's office that they were looking for. It didn't stand out all that much from the other rooms, other than the strange device that locked the door. It was up to the doctor to open the door. While they waited, Scout kept a look out for people that might pass as they broke in. She had done this type of thing plenty of times, exposing an unjust system to help in another party's favor, but she had never done it with this many people. "Once we get in there, we should have someone outside with a piece of paper to act as a cleaning assistant," Scout suggested to the group.
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Scott nodded at the Doctor. "The most surefire place I can think of that would contain the evidence we're looking for would have to be the office of the JDF's top representative in Parliament, General Fyodor Kamarov. I know for a fact he's visited the prison complex at least once before on an inspection, so he definitely knows of their existence. It's likely he'll have either physical documents of it, or has access to that information from his personal computer station. But we'll have to be very careful. If security here suspects for a moment that we're trying to gain unauthorized access, they'll be on us like an angry hornets nest."

Scott took a moment to activate a smartpanel on the nearby wall, which brought up a floor plan of the Parliament building. After a minute of searching, he found what we was looking for. "There, just a couple floors down from the main Parliament chamber, in the JDF party offices," he said, pointing to their destination. He also took a moment to point out the location of the viewing gallery for the main chamber for Ziv, Robin, Ashwin, and Alistia.

"Right, let's get a move on. Parliament is in session now, but that won't last forever," he said as he led his part of the group to one of the elevators, pressing the button for the floor they were heading toward. The elevators were mounted in a shaft with windows showing the outside city, giving them an incredible view of New Moscow as they were ferried over a hundred stories upward.

Scott walked forward with a sense of purpose, with the Doctor again covering for their entry to the JDF offices section with his psychic paper. This time nobody got in their way as they proceeded further into the complex. Soon enough, they approached their destination, a corner office with Fyodor Kamarov's nametag on the door. An electronic door panel indicated that it was currently locked, and there were two separate security cameras monitoring the corridor that led up to the door.

"Alright Doc, do your thing," Scott whispered as they approached.

@Wade Von Doom @The Wanderer @Wiggin @Amber Franklin

Meanwhile, Ziv, Robin, Ashwin, and Alistia stayed in the elevator and went a few more floors up. From there, it was just a matter of following the signs to the viewing gallery overlooking the main parliamentary chamber.


It wasn't hard at all to find empty seating in the viewing gallery, as the seats were only filled up about half way. Each seat had a fold-out smartscreen that would allow any viewers to see the current composition of Parliament and the members currently in attendance, as well as information on the topics being discussed by Parliament for the day.

It appeared that there were three main parties that made up Parliament. The Citizens' Party was the left-most group, representing the workers and ordinary citizens that made up the vast majority of people in New Moscow, with a focus on protecting their rights and wellbeing. They were led by Representative Edward Lee, an African American man in his late 30s, wearing a standard black suit with a white undershirt and a red tie, with a rose pin on his lapel. They were the smallest party within Parliament, constituting about 25% of their members.

The Free Commerce Party was the center-right party, representing the majority of medium-to-large businesses and industries within the city, with an agenda mostly focusing on reducing regulations and restrictions on private commerce. Ostensibly this was in service of allowing the economy to fluorish for the benefit of everyone. They were led by Jeremy Fleming, an white man in his late 50s with neatly styled, partly greying brown hair, wearing a dark grey double-breasted suit with a beige tie . They made up about 35% of Parliament.

Finally, there was the National Defense Party, the right-wing bloc representing the Joint Defense Forces and all its branches, with its representatives all drawn exclusively from the military. They were the largest party in Parliament, making up 40% of its membership, and their stated agenda was the maintenance of peace and order, and the defense of the last of humanity. They were led by General Fyodor Kamarov, a lean white man in his early 60s with grey, close-shaved hair and a full, neatly trimmed moustache. He was wearing his full dress uniform, a deep, almost black shade of blue with gold buttons, a fairly large array of ribbon segments on his left chest, along with a few silvery pins above it, a nameplate on his right chest, and three thick gold stripes on his shoulder boards.

Currently on the agenda was a review of the government's current policy of stricter taxing of civilian assets and the expansion of the JDF's law enforcement powers.

"Fellow representatives, I feel that the today's events speak for themselves regarding the folly of this latest expansion of military powers," said Edward Lee, who currently held the floor. "The regular people of New Moscow are being squeezed tighter and tighter. Not only are they not being provided with adequate wages and resources to care for themselves and their dependents, but now certain departments of the JDF are insisting on violently suppressing the protests against their conditions. Need I remind everyone here that freedom of speech against injustice is a fundamental right enshrined in the United Earth Constitution's Charter of Rights? Yet elements of our government are trampling all over this sacred right in the name of "upholding law and order", while the rest of the government stands by and does nothing."

Edward Lee paused as a low din of murmuring passed through the assembly hall in reply. It was as this point that a white female representative from the National Defense Party rose her hand, her placard identifying her as Representative Susan Fletcher. "Speaker Lorenz, I motion to request one minutes of time to reply to Representative Lee," she spoke.

The Speaker of Parliament, Oscar Lorenz, was a heavyset man in his mid-fifties with greying black hair, who appeared to be of Mediterranean descent, wearing a one-piece grey suit with a light blue tie. He was listed as a member of the Free Commerce Party. He nodded in response to the military representative's request. "Motion is granted, Representative Fletcher. Per protocol, Representative Lee will be given equal time afterward time to respond."

"Thank you Speaker," Representative Fletcher replied. "Representative Lee, are you suggesting that the blatant acts of violence performed by on the steps of Parliament just minutes ago are in any way acceptable? Rioters literally tried to set the lobby of Parliament on fire! And similar acts of violence have been terrorizing the city for the last few months! These are not peaceful protestors advocating for a change of policy, they are radical insurgents who are deliberately trying to agitate lawless violence out of a deeply warped and misplaced sense of political entitlement. Our government has no place negotiating with those who recklessly court such destructive chaos, especially with the threat of the Scattered on the rise once more," she finished before seating herself.

Edward Lee chuckled instinctively at that. "Representative Fletcher, with all due respect, how do you suppose that this state of affairs over the last few months came to be? Popular protests against social and economic injustice have been flaring up for the past few years now. And in spite of that, the military's budget has grown ever-larger, as have the subsidies for the corporate sector, and the common people have consistently been left with bare scraps, if that. People have been protesting peacefully, and instead of listening to them and taking action, the military police administration has cracked down on them harder and harder, trying to silence them because of the "inconvenience" their protest represents. They are now resorting to riots and molotov cocktails because this government has pushed them to the edge of the thin ice, with no recourse!"

"Point of Order, Representative Lee," Speaker Lorenz spoke up, giving Lee a stern look. "Making unsubstantiated claims about the motives of the military police contrary to their lawfully-enstated policy is against the code of conduct of this chamber. Mind your behavior and stick to the facts of the matter."

Lee gritted his teeth in frustration. He very much looked like he wanted to bite back at that remark in particular, but he relented. The discussions of the chamber continued, with arguments and counter arguments regarding the civil situation and military powers continuing between the Citizens' Party and the National Defense Party, but it seemed that the NDP always maintained the advantage. It didn't help that Speaker Lorenz always seemed to find ways of siding with the NDP, either by sidelining certain pieces of evidence from the Citizen's Party or giving minor censure against heated arguments similar to Lee's.

@LenxKaitoYaoi @Snowtwo @Hero

As the elevator went up, The Doctor watched as the dust cloud off in the distance slowly blew up into the darkened clouds. An ominous sight, as the doctor already figured out what it was. "Take it that ain't a dust cloud?" Arthur commented, also looking out the window.

"Good eye, Arthur." 10 complimented.

"Wait, how can you tell?" Scott asked next. "We've had dust storms in the past."

"Yeah, but most dust storms have wind blowing the dust forward like an explosion. That's ain't movin' forward." Arthur pointed to the ground, where the group could see where Arthur could tell the difference. "It's bein' kicked up like a herd stampedin'."

"Scott, how often does the city deal with beasts in larger groups?" The Doctor asked back.

"The wall has automated turrets and drones that can usually scare them off, like fire, or warning shots. There's never been a large enough herd willing to attack the wall." He explained. "If that's a herd... why is it so big?"

"Why's it coming towards us?" The Doctor questioned, as he was one to ask the more important question others didn't realize yet.


Once in the hallway, The Doctor worked his magic. Scientific magic that is! Before Scott could finish, 'Doctor, do your thing,' the door was already opened. "You were saying something?" The Doctor cheekily asked, giving Scott a smile. He worked quickly, and did the same for the cameras, quickly pointing his screwdriver at one. As the sonic sound echoed in the hallway, the camera under its black visor shot out sparks bright enough to see. "Short circuited the feed in this area, they won't see us, but they'll notice, so we'll need to work quickly." He told the group, signaling them to get inside. Once they were in the office, The Doctor closed the door, and short circuited the panel both lock it, and make sure guards on the other side couldn't open it with the other panel.


"Who's Kyodor Kamarov?" The Doctor asked Scott, as he looked around the place, reading the labels on the binders and folder that were scattered around here.

"He's one of the record keepers here. All laws, projects and debates are recorded on paper, then he scans them into the mainframe." Scott answered.

"Hasn't done a good job organizing all this, has he?" The Doctor noticed that the labels had dates on them, and each were vastly different by days and months, even years around the office.

"I heard they cut most of the staff for budget concerns in the building. Probably hasn't been able to keep up with the work."

Arthur grabbed one of the files under a large stack, knocking it over onto the floor. "... This one's five years old." He told the group as he found the date on it.

Going over to the computer, the Doctor put on his glasses and typed into the keyboard some basic command codes, and with a scan of his screwdriver, along with some more typing, he easily got into the computer. "Ohhh, very basic encryption... almost too basic." He noted aloud. The desktop had many unorganized files and folders that had random numbers and labels that didn't make sense. Clicking on a few showed reports and dictations from previous parliament sessions, but out of curiosity, he checked to see if there was something hidden away. The layout of the office, the random folders and files all around with different years and months, the messy computer. It didn't seem like a record keeper struggling to keep up with the work, it felt more like a distraction almost. He found his way into the OSS, and scanning through, he noticed an odd assortment of dead code, stuff that wouldn't affect the source, yet someone clearly typed it in. Putting his hand on his chin, he thought for a moment, before he was startled by Arthur going, "Oh my god!"

He turned quickly, and saw Arthur had opened up a desk cabinet. Inside was a brand of Vodka, a glass, and a revolver. Arthur opened up the bottle and took a swig. "Ahhhhhhh~" He let out. It had been so long since he last had booze... soooooooo looooooong. "Anyone need a drink?" He offered to everyone.

"I'm... good, thanks." The Doctor replied, turning back to the computer. A sudden thought entered his mind. Needless code, what if it was rearranged and put together. Typing on the computer, and with the help of his screwdriver, he put together all the coding in the OSS that didn't affect the software, copy/pasting each part and forming them together into their own little folder. "AHA!" He shouted, once he began to realize the importance of the code. "Looks like Kamarov was a clever man, encryption within encryption. There's something hidden within the OSS code, like if someone broke into his computer, they would only see the top layer of information on it, like all those files and folders on the desktop, hiding away any important information underneath." The Doctor asked, forming his thoughts as he spoke aloud.

"Do you think he has something incriminating?" Scott asked.

"Well, can you think of another reason why a record keeper would need to hide records inside a parliament building?" The Doctor said back. "Everyone, check all this paperwork, see if you can find something in it, like repeated words and names, or projects that keep popping up." He told everyone turning to face them.
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