The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 3: New Butyrka

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.

The song echoed throughout the corridors of stainless steel, over the speakers that were used to play both music and announcements such as, 'lockdown,' 'prison riot in section B,' and of course, 'prisoner escape.' Welcome to New Butyrka prison. Hidden underground next to the Moskva River, this was one of the last few prisons remaining that dealt with 'scattered.' The name given to those from other worlds that appear on this planet suddenly. It housed hundreds, dealing with meta-humans, magic users, and the odd alien species. It has been running for over fifty years, and while the walls were made with said stainless steel, Moskva River is more a river of blood now thanks to it. Countless tortured, killed, experimented on, and been inflicted with pain by methods cruel and unnatural. All in the name of progress for the last remaining humans.




Strung up by his arms in the center of the room, with the music playing softly in the background, wearing only his underwear, was a young man with jet black hair, and an attitude problem being dealt with by the man currently in charge of this place. His name, Terry McGinnis. He'd been here for only two weeks, and already, the warden hated him the most out of everyone else in this prison. He'd been trying to escape three times now. Each time he got caught, the beatings lasted longer, and got harder. With a hard punch to the gut, the Warden was just started to get into the grove of the interrogation. "So Terry," he started to speak, "which rib is it today? I was thinking somewhere near your heart, see if we can break one off and stabs you there." He then smashed his fist into the side of Terry's face. "That, or we finally start going for your kneecaps." The reason Terry hadn't been killed yet was because of one very important thing. His suit. It was a very impressive suit. And the warden's boss wanted to know how said suit worked. And how to unlock it safely without being electrocuted. Only Terry had the answers.


On the other side of the prison, in a lab designed to test patients with unusual powers, a magic user by the name of Damon was strapped down into a chair, with a mouth guard over his teeth so he couldn't bite his tongue. The experiment was to see if they could activate his magical abilities by force, as his 'Artifice' ability was something they could very much use for their own benefits. To make sure he didn't use his other powers, his hands were locked into place using metal cuffs that covered his entire hands, like the ends of a starfish. Close by, in a large glass tube, was a very big alien they had never seen before. She was large, dangerous, and a pain to capture alive, as they ripped through several squads that tried to detain her when they found her, but there were so many things to be learned from her. And they were going to find out what she was through force, as she was stuck inside that large tube like a rabid animal.


And yet, hope for them would not be lost. Because just atop the surface, near the river itself, a team had formed to get inside this prison and get out not only those stuck inside, but find out who's inside it of great importance? It wasn't hard finding the entrance to the place. Look for the big digger.


"Alright people!" Deadpool told them all, as the digger was just across the river itself, "We're going in there to find anyone else still trapped on this planet like we were. We're also gonna go find out who's in this building that's important for some reason, because it seems they might have some information about who it is behind all this nonsense that brought us here in the first place. So! We get in, do it stealthily, and get out guns a blazing, and hopefully with big explosions, because that would be a perfect climax to this part of our story here! So, anyone have questions?"

As they were told, this place had an answer to their questions about the current situation with this universe traveling insanity. This information was given by a mad man, so how well this 'Sheogorath' character can be relied upon, who knows? But, he told them this was a place to go, and while there was no Doctor to accompany them, they were given a Sonic Screwdriver of their own to use, which would open any door they needed to get through. There was certainly something within the prison of interest, as it seemed to show readings of a bizarre power source, along with scans under the ground showing a complex that was quite large. Not only that, but in return for this information, Sheo had only one request. Find a glowing, electrically charged, 'dull looking' crystal that was lost here, and was inside the prison. Get it, and their debt with him would be paid in full. To owe a mad god didn't exactly sound good.

So the first question that came to mind is, 'who made Deadpool the leader of this group?'​
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Terry McGinnis

Terry tried to keep track of how long it's been since he appeared on this world, but the beatings and torture made that especially hard. Last time he pegged it was maybe a week, could be longer. It was no longer important as his current predicament, as he was being drilled for how to unlock the Batsuit. Something he knew if occurred wouldn't earn him any points or even a chance at getting out of here. Bruce had warned him if he got captured to never reveal any intel unless they began to go through on lethal. And even then, only tidbits to buy yourself time to escape. As revealing everything would only get you killed quicker and potentially cause more suffering.

So for now, Terry kept up his attitude and smartass demeanor. After spitting some blood out, he would snark back. "You forgot to say the magic word. Six letters and starts with a 'p-le' sound. Simple enough for ya."

He had already tried three times to escape, each time he got farther and closer, hence why their sessions had turned more violent and why he spent more time in the dark. Waiting for the next series of beatings and line of questioning, but it'd be worth it in the end. As he's scoped out a decent escape route, the vent system along the halls leading to the mess-hall and towards maintenance. Terry had made sure not to actually use the vents, instead using his attempts to make it seem like he had no plan of escape. Just random running down halls and into rooms that seemed like a last ditch effort to get out.

It allowed him to kinda gage where his suit was being kept, or maybe where the main exit was. As evident from the response time and level of force. As the hall he ran down nearly got him torn apart by turrets if it wasn't for slag-head here switching them to non-lethals. Terry could still feel the bruises on his skin from the rubber balls those damn things shot.

And as much as their security got harder, there was a pattern to be found and exploited, Terry just needed the window of opportunity to make his move.

As it was either that or simply die.

@Wade Von Doom

Deep in cryo-sleep, locked in a prison on a different world, unknowingly slowly being planned against the second he wakes up. Slept one of humanity's saviors, and Spartan-II. Sierra-One-One-Seven, or as he was better known. The Master Chief.

He didn't know about what was currently happening as when his ship crashed, his guardian and closest friend was unable to wake him in time due to the suddenness of it and her own induced deep-sleep to ensure the failing power went to his cryo-pod so he wouldn't die in his sleep. Allowing the prison to become his new home. Or rather the new home for the cryo-pod. So for now, he slumbers, death looming everyday as the the staff wanted to make sure they could get at the armor and his body without too much damage to both, so they spent weeks planning the best way to kill him.

And all the while, John dreams.

Dreaming in cryo-sleep is weird, as it isn't anything new or what would be expected of dreaming, it's as if you're reliving every moment of your life at random. Sometimes John is a boy awaiting his turn in the strange room where the other kids went into, some leaving in body bags while others come out on gurneys and taking to special rooms just for them. Sometimes he's in that training room where the group of ODSTs jumped him, where he accidentally killed two. And on the rare occasion, he is with the Arbiter on the Ark. Both before and after the Prophet of Truth's death.

As much pain as the Arbiter caused prior to his transformation into his new namesake. John would consider the Sangheili a friend of sorts, considering the hell they went through. The Flood, the remaining forces of the Covenant. All of it, it was why when John and Cortana discovered their predicament in deep space, John actually was somewhat happy, as happy as he could be normally that someone made it back.

It would seem that for all his efforts, John was to die like some caged animal. That is, if luck were to not look his way once more as it did in the past....

@Wade Von Doom
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  • According to Plan
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On the other side of the prison, in a lab designed to test patients with unusual powers, a magic user by the name of Damon was strapped down into a chair, with a mouth guard over his teeth so he couldn't bite his tongue. The experiment was to see if they could activate his magical abilities by force, as his 'Artifice' ability was something they could very much use for their own benefits. To make sure he didn't use his other powers, his hands were locked into place using metal cuffs that covered his entire hands, like the ends of a starfish. Close by, in a large glass tube, was a very big alien they had never seen before. She was large, dangerous, and a pain to capture alive, as they ripped through several squads that tried to detain her when they found her, but there were so many things to be learned from her. And they were going to find out what she was through force, as she was stuck inside that large tube like a rabid animal.

"Reality is the finest flesh, oh Bearer Mine. And are you not… Hungry?"
- Dire Ahamkara


"By the Great Machine, do they never end!?" Vaarsiks cursed, letting out yet another round from from her Rifle, the nano bolts tearing off the arm of a sword-wielding Knight, neatly stopping it in it's tracks. "Treacherous Variks, my teeth to his neck! He has betrayed us!"

Deep in the Hellmouth, the Queen-Baron and her soldiers battled fiercely. The oncoming horde seemed eternal, no matter how many Thralls, Acolytes or Wizards they cut down, three more seemed to take their place. Already, she had personally dealt with an Ogre that had lumbered across their battlefield, mounting atop it's back and piercing her blades into it's head. When it fell, it had crushed several of the Whirlwind's minions in it's death throes, but it wasn't enough.

Even now, after retreating to the highest point, their hardened gazes turned to the sky for salvation.

Several of her Queensguard had fallen already, consumed by the encroaching Darkness. Yet, some still fought on. Her Consort still standing strong next to her, shredding another dozen Hive with his Shrapnel Launcher.

There was a sudden lurch as a cloud of shadows was cast over the area, halting the onslaught. Deep from within the catacombs of Luna, emerged the Warlock, crowned with a skull fashioned into a helmet, his Void magicks seemed to suffocate the air all around them.

The abominations looked cowed as he passed, some even falling to their knees as the Ascendant Guardian made his way forwards. Eventually, he stood a mere few meters away from the survivors, yet he said nothing as he watched.

Eventually, even though the emptiness of space, Varsiks heard his words, as clear as if he had whispered it in her ears.

"You have come... far, further than most, I admit," He spoke in crystal clear Eliksni. "None of my former brethren had even managed to reach this deep, none has yet to seek... Salvation."

"But this need not be your fate, come with me and I shall show you mercy, the Pyramid shall save you all..." The remaining warriors looked warily back to their leader, their Queen, waiting for her reply.

The offer was tempting, far more than she'd like to admit, but Varsiks shook her head free of such thoughts, clenching her rifle harder in her grip. She would not submit to another's power, never again.

"We spit on your mercy, creature," She snarled, taking aim and firing a bolt straight through the Warlock's head, splitting it open.

A deafening silence emerged as both Fallen and Hive watched the Guardian stumble a few steps backwards, before righting himself and pushing the split halves together. And before the Queen-Baron's very eyes, it healed, leaving no distinguishing marks from her deed.

"A regrettable decision, but as you wish," His head twisted to the side, letting out an audible crack, before waving to the Undead horde surrounding them. Immediately, the attack started again, but this time Vaarsiks' soldiers faltered, and eventually broke rank as they tried to flee, crawling up walls, pillars, and some even each-other, toppling their kin in effort to escape the hungry maw of the Hive.

Only Vaarsiks and her Consort stood steadfast, holding off hundreds at a time. With each bark of her weapon, scores of Thralls fell, and with each swing of his swords, ten Acolytes lost their heads.

But even their heroic actions could not stop the oncoming tide, eventually they were cornered, caught like rats in a trap as they only had a dark chasm behind them. Her Captain had suffered a most grievous wound when a Knight had managed to nearly cleave him in two, but Varsiks had returned the favor by running her blades through it's guts and took to carrying her Consort on her back, leaping into the darkness to avoid the grisly death that would have followed.

She never even saw the blinding light before both of them were consumed by it.


Dreams. They still haunted her.

Variks had tricked them, sending the House of Outlaws into the waiting jaws of the Hive. Many had died, more had fled only to be hunted down and ripped apart. Those that had fought barely fared better, as the horde had seemed almost endless.

The Queen-Baron had been meditating ever since she was captured and put inside this accursed tube. Her legs were folded underneath her, while her four glowing eyes were closed, giving off the impression of sleeping.

In truth, she rarely needed sleep anymore. SIVA kept her in top shape despite any of her captors' attempts to do otherwise. She always gave them a smug look after each try.
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Terry McGinnis

Terry tried to keep track of how long it's been since he appeared on this world, but the beatings and torture made that especially hard. Last time he pegged it was maybe a week, could be longer. It was no longer important as his current predicament, as he was being drilled for how to unlock the Batsuit. Something he knew if occurred wouldn't earn him any points or even a chance at getting out of here. Bruce had warned him if he got captured to never reveal any intel unless they began to go through on lethal. And even then, only tidbits to buy yourself time to escape. As revealing everything would only get you killed quicker and potentially cause more suffering.

So for now, Terry kept up his attitude and smartass demeanor. After spitting some blood out, he would snark back. "You forgot to say the magic word. Six letters and starts with a 'p-le' sound. Simple enough for ya."

He had already tried three times to escape, each time he got farther and closer, hence why their sessions had turned more violent and why he spent more time in the dark. Waiting for the next series of beatings and line of questioning, but it'd be worth it in the end. As he's scoped out a decent escape route, the vent system along the halls leading to the mess-hall and towards maintenance. Terry had made sure not to actually use the vents, instead using his attempts to make it seem like he had no plan of escape. Just random running down halls and into rooms that seemed like a last ditch effort to get out.

It allowed him to kinda gage where his suit was being kept, or maybe where the main exit was. As evident from the response time and level of force. As the hall he ran down nearly got him torn apart by turrets if it wasn't for slag-head here switching them to non-lethals. Terry could still feel the bruises on his skin from the rubber balls those damn things shot.

And as much as their security got harder, there was a pattern to be found and exploited, Terry just needed the window of opportunity to make his move.

As it was either that or simply die.

@Wade Von Doom

Like a punching bag, the warden moved to Terry's right side, and delivered a sickening to Terry's stomach as hard as he could. "You just love bein' a funny guy, don't ya?" The warden said, chuckling. "Yeah, see, the shtick doesn't work after a while, buddy, because even though I realize you're doin' this to piss me off, the worst thing that happens to us is that we just take a little longer gettin' that suit of yours open. While you," One of the guards within the room handed the warden an automatic sniper rifle, "get broken bones, a bruised body, and hey," he checked its ammo, then pulled back the charging handle, "maybe a few lost body parts." Looking Terry in the eyes, the warden placed the front of the barrel on Terry's right foot, and put his finger on the trigger. "So maybe you just tell us what we want, and I don't see what a .50 Cal does to a normal sized foot at point blank range." He had a casual, yet sadistic glare in his eyes as he stared down Terry, intimidating him, wanting him to keep up his smartass comment so he could do some damage Terry couldn't bounce back from.

"And I was under the impression you were treating our guest well."
Another voice spoke up from behind the Warden. One which Terry wouldn't recognize, but the Warden did. He turned around to face him, with the two guards move to the side to salute him.


"He wore out our hospitality here quick, sir." The warden informed, taking the rifle off Terry's foot, and moving aside to allow his commander to face Terry unobstructed.

"Yes, the strong willed have that effect." He simply stated, facing Terry with a big grin. "A pleasure to finally meet you, Terry. I, am Kane." All they knew was his first name, not his last. It wouldn't matter anyway. They only wanted the suit. "Any normal man would have broken his silence by now from such beatings. But men like yourself have been trained to take such pain by masters of self-preservation. I've been told it took over forty of our troops, and even a mechanized unit to take you down in that suit of yours when they found you in the ruins of the old city. And from reading the reports myself, your skills in hand to hand outmatch even our best. Though, why a man such as yourself has decided dressing as a 'bat-man' was more suitable for your talents is beyond me. Unless, whoever trained you also had the moniker. They wore a suit just like it, maybe not the one you dress in, but something similar, because it's not simply the technology within the suit, it's what it represents. The logo means something. Meant to instill fear into your enemies. Your master is skilled in both martial arts, and psychological combat. And you are preserving his legacy as this 'bat-man.' Am I wrong?"
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Terry McGinnis

The gun pointed at his foot did put some worry in Terry's mind as that'd hamper his plans in both escaping, but also donning the suit once more if he could finally figure out how to get to said suit. But thankfully the one calling the shots showed up, the psychopath of a warden stepping aside. The newcomer was bald, maybe around his thirties or very early forties.

The man talked to Terry, seemingly hitting all of the points regarding the symbolism about the batsuit. Again, Bruce wouldn't talk or even dignify a response, knowing the old man. He'd just narrow his eyes at the man, a plan already hatched on how to escape in the best way possible. "I'd suggest keeping your pal there from doing serious damage. I become very shy when crippled. The type of shy that will take his secrets to his grave and laugh as you fail again and again to get into the suit from the afterlife. Won't take long before it self destructs." But Terry was different, while Bruce undoubtedly replied on a different brand of psychological warfare, Terry focused more on pushing buttons and redirecting. That and bluffing, as while Bruce talked about safeties and backup plans, he had never set a self-destruct thing in the suit. To quote the old man. "Considering the era, it would be foolish to build a bomb in it. Dealt with too many technological threats that could set it off and kill me while wearing it."

"If there's one thing the original Bat would do, is that they'd never talk. And I plan on surpassing them." Something felt off about the man, like he knew the original Batman, or perhaps read up on him or was simply guessing.

Terry was going to have to be careful with what intel he might accidentally let out, the man seemed like the tactical smart type, for while not as serious as Bruce. The man had that same look in his eye, the look of someone who knew his next step before his current one was done.

@Wade Von Doom
  • Nice Execution!
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"On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons..."
- Writ of Union


She had been happy, once.

Before her elevation to the Arbiter, Vaas 'Kadam had been content. Her life as a protector and defender of Sanghelios had been the only thing that mattered to her, keeping her citizens safe from pirate raids had given her nothing but sheer pride in her work.

But then; the Civil War. Or one might call it a scuffle really, with how fast Vaas had managed to overwhelm her Brother's forces. The Loyalists, as they called themselves, had lost most of their territory by the end of the cycle, and had been besieged by her Forces at the 'Kadam Keep. Though it didn't take long before they were attacked from behind by the Covenant, seemingly appearing from nowhere.

Vaas had managed to escape, spirited away by her personal guards before she could mount a proper defense. A slight against her honor, if she had ever seen one, but Vaas knew that if she had stayed, she would likely be dead alongside the rest of her forces.

They had managed to hold out for a year against the overwhelming might of the Covenant, winning many battles but losing the war. Their hit-and-run tactics, while effective, didn't garner much in terms of supplies, and support was ever so scarce with those Kaidons backing her withdrawing, fearing for their honor and that of their Keeps.

In the end, she had given herself up to spare her men a dishonorable death.

Though if it was luck or by premeditated plans, the Holy Prophets took a liking to her, so she had been spared the clutches of her brother - Only to be thrown into conflict after conflict with honor-less curs that looked at her with either contempt... Or unabashed lust.

Vaas was quick to dissuade them from any actions, however.

Though she was still grateful. The water of the womb is thin, but the blood of the Covenant is strong. So she served, with her life if need be.

They had taken her sword. Those short things, ugly and flat-faced yet numbering in the hundreds. Subdued by primitives, disgraceful.

Yet another mark of shame added to her extensive list; Usurpation, betrayal, heresy... And now, defeat.

Stripped of her armor, Vaas was still an impressive specimen. Coiled muscle over a large frame, standing taller than even some Sangheili. She never stopped her pacing, back and forth like a predator, inside her cell. By now, dozens of hands must have desecrated the Arbiter's apparel, dirtying it with their unbelieving gazes.

She would tear the head of the next human she saw, that was her promise.
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After the chaos that was meeting the ancient god known only as Sheogorath, the team had been tasked with investigating a prison that housed a strange power source. Dusk didn't really care all that much for the power source, but the mission seemed the most dangerous. With his help, he could at least try and keep the people in his party safe. His hopes were brought down slightly though, as memories of intestines sprayed against a wall and the taste of blood flooded his mind. He couldn't exactly pinpoint the context of the memories. The part that scared him more though was the fact that these memories didn't strike any kind of emotional cord, they had merely drifted in and out. His muscles were tensed up too, ready for battle. He didn't even notice the slight smirk on his face.

The area that the group had landed was next to a river, across from the facility. A cold wind blew past, and dust lightly caressed everyone's skin as they stood there. The situation would have been peaceful if it weren't for Deadpool's incessant need to lead them all.
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- Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior -

To say Deadpool was not the most inspiring leader wouldn't be an overstatement, in fact it was puzzling enough that the Merc with a Mouth had appointed himself as team leader in the first place. Artis took solace however, that the Mad Sheogorath hadn't taken it upon himself to lead them in Deadpool's stead, for he could hardly think of anything worse.

"I've had my fill of prisons. But I'm sure our quarry has too, so let us not allow them to fester any longer." Artis would pipe up after finishing his stretches, cracking his back and getting himself nice and limber for the fighting that was sure to follow. He would then channel darkness through his right arm, raising it up and allowing an orb to coalesce for a few moments, before crushing it in hand and letting the shadows rest in his heart. This was also in the name of limbering up, to stir his powers up and get them nice and ready.
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Luer pouted to himself. He agreed to help, in part because the last time he recalled a prison like this, he was with a couple of others he actually did not mind being around. A wishful, unrealistic part of him wondered if they might be among their charges today… that and, he hoped to find a way to get rid of this damn curse. He would rather be dead than an undead. It was unnatural and the very thought made him hate himself even more than he did before. He would off himself now if he could but apparently that was not an option. Fuck being undead, there is no escape from this hell.

So here he was, absolutely hating his very existence while trying to salvage someone else's, but he was doing so under the command of the most annoying lunatic he never thought he would meet. Thankfully, said lunatic gave him the chance to pose his very first thought and question. "I do have a few questions, actually." He started, mostly because someone else spoke up and suggested they get moving. "The most burning one that must be answered right now though… Why and who the hell made you the leader? Because I am not going to orders from someone as careless and psychotic as you." He asked. Someone had to say it.

Now then. "And also…" Onto the next issue at hand, which had him looking around at the group- pausing on the one that was eager to get going. "I literally have no idea who any of you are… excluding the psycho, the child and the lady here-" He gestured to Ranma and Brigid. "-everyone are strangers to me. Now I do not know about anyone else here, but last I checked a decent team should at least be aware of everyone else's names."
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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Ryan Zokkendov

The weirdness of their previous location, plus his discovery of dragon morphing, plus the brief sight of the god's room... Caused his memory to be somewhat hazy, but that's not here nor there. Ryan now had a group of people with him. And they were about to be raiding a prison, just like the one from before... oh, and finding some crystal too.
First things first, introductions. The ninja who matched colors with him, Wade, tried to act as a leader figure. But something in him seemed off. He did not seem reliable, though Ryan just got to meet him. Which is something a good leader would need to have. A blue haired fellow, pointed out to Ryan's suspicions, and then some. He then also commented on not knowing even his comrades' names. Ryan nodded in agreement. He would go along with the archer's instructions, but his fully grown horns and tail made him feel rather self conscious. His naturally hot body spread a pleasant warmth to the ones nearby, but it faded away until he had settled down. "I agree with the archer, on both points... Of course, I wouldn't ask names without giving mine first. Ryan, Ryan Zokkendov" he thought for a moment, then added "I think another thing we should discuss, is our capabilities. I, for one, am the fastest swordsman in my world... And after the green flash, among other things, I've gained a superarmor, and I discovered that I can fully turn into a dragon... pretty much a frontline fighter, even if I have some ranged attacks" As he spoke, his right hand manifested his soul sword in a flash of flames, while the nanobots expanded his second sword in a blue shine, twirling both a little to illustrate his point.
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Luer glances towards Ryan when he agreed with what he said. He nodded to himself, thankful someone else felt the same way. That was a good sign. He shuddered though as the man offered what he could do, a memory of the prison he was held in coming back to him and a beast he was not familiar with raging. He still prayed that the dragon he was turned into was a one time thing that those freaks in white forced him into. He still refused to believe that was him…

He shook the memory away though and forced a smile. "Luer Lastez. I am an archer and I can heal if needed. I also can take a good hit without too much risk." He added in to help what Ryan was doing.
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After meeting with lord kuno the god of fruitloops. The merry group was sent their merry way to a hotel room. Now their was a way for Ranma to go back to Nerima. But after everyone ganged up on her because precious boy didn't react well to the critics, she was determined to find a lead on who was the jackass who was cherry picking them from their dimensions.

So when there was some discussion on the boat between red sentai power ranger and the klutz blue boy she kinda ignored them. Much too busy plotting. And one silent plotting ranma was never good. Nevertheless she still decided to adress the matter of her name.

-Ranma Saotome, I am a martial artist. Sorry about this.

The pigtailed girl went back to solently plotting. Maybe a disguise could make her enter. Then again maybe she would need something more forbidden.Nah only as a last resort. She was Ranma Saotome and Ranma Saotome never lose!
As soon as Shirou Emiya had learned of the existence of another prison black site like the first one, and that a mission was being put together to liberate it, he immediately volunteered to help. There was no way in hell he was going to allow another place like that continue existing, not after what he had seen and experienced first-hand.

That being said...he was very concerned about the person who called himself Deadpool. He didn't seem like he was of sound mind, based on his behavior. Others seemed to have their own reservations about him as well. He was considering speaking up to discuss the specifics of their next move, but Luer beat him to the punch. He did have a good point, at least a short introduction would be good for putting names to faces, and to get an idea of each person's strengths.

The young man stepped forward and spoke up. "My name is Shirou Emiya. I'm a mage, and my specialty is in reinforcement magic and re-creation of simple weapons, swords in particular," he said, demonstrating by summoning Kanshou and Byakuya into his hands, materializing them in a shower of blue motes.

"I can use my power to create many blades at a time and use them as projectiles," he said, materializing a dozen long-swords of varying styles in a circle around himself, hovering in the air. "I even recreate special magic weapons and use their abilities. They can be really powerful, but unleashing their full power takes a lot of magical energy, so I have to be careful in choosing when to use them. Aside from that, I'm also proficient in swordsmanship and archery.

With that, he dismissed all his swords, causing them to dissipate in a flurry of blue particles, before summoning a different weapon, a large ivory-colored recurve bow and a quiver full of arrows.

Erring on the side of caution, he decided not to tell them about his most powerful magecraft just yet. While he definitely considered everyone here allies, he wasn't sure if he could fully trust them all yet, and it just didn't seem like a good idea to reveal his trump card too early on. He couldn't help but smile to himself a bit. The Mage's Association almost certainly would have had his head on a platter for revealing even this much to non-mages.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Brigid Mahoney​

The General lets Deadpool pretend to be in charge while she finds a good nearby vantage point to look across the river. Not at the facility itself as it was not optimal vantage or distance to do so with just binoculars but the area around it, looking for any signs of movement. Of patrols, or the main road(s) in and out of the facility. There were a lot of people here. A small army really which is what they would need to pull off this prison break. There was just one huge issue.

How the hell were they all going to get in without, foolishly, launching an all-out assault on the prison complex?

Brigid has one option, but it relied on some very specific circumstances.

After Shirou Emiya lets them all know with his ability they would have no shortage of melee weapons, Brigid comes down from her perch and raises her right fist to get everyone's attention.

"General Brigid Mahoney, Commonwealth Minutemen. Now I don't have any special ability like Mr. Emiya or the whole lot of you, but I got one talent means more than any of that: experience. I've broken into my share of strongholds, so trust me when I say we got too many here. We can't all sneak in one by one, would take too damn long to get in unnoticed. So, I think our only option is to hijack a transport going into this place. We hit it fast enough they can't radio for help, far enough away they can't see, then pile in and bluff our way past the gates." Brigid pats her Laser Musket "This is too loud and flashy for a real sniper shot, so please tell me someone here has something that can drop a guy without blowing up our ride in?"
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Ranma turned her attention to the general. Something that would neutralise a truck without blowing it up. Yeah she could help in this departement.

"Lady don't look further I'll go on and stop their vehicle faster that they could call their mother."

Ranma was cracking her knuckles with a lopsided grin she needed to let loose a bit anyway.

"So where is the truck?"
Damon Elman

Damon was absolutely furious. He'd been pulled to this place through some sort of portal, then while he was still disoriented, he'd been jumped. When he awoke, he'd been locked away in a cell with a full-mouth gag. Soon after, soldiers had come, put these infuriating handcuffs on him, and dragged him into this lab. To make matters worse, the idiots seemed to think that artifice was something inherent to him, and had been running him through increasingly mislead experiments to try to get him to activate powers he didn't have.

If the idiots hadn't gagged his mouth, he might have explained this to them, but the idiots had apparently been afraid of him having the ability to speak. Or perhaps just thought he might bite his tongue out if he could? Regardless, he'd have to try to find a chance to escape. If he could get either the handcuffs or the gags off, there was at least a chance he could escape. He had managed to keep a single word of power in his mind through the ambush, and that word of power might just be enough to get him free. Or, if he could get his hands free, he might be able to scratch runes into some surface to make his escape. It wouldn't be a convenient (or particularly safe) way to get free, but it should at least cause them to panic. If he could figure out where they hid his equipment, then he was almost certain he could escape.
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In the back of a room, a hulking shadow shifted. A gauntleted hand raised out of the darkness. "I do."

The shadow stood. A Titan clad in black and gold armor, a fair bit taller than most in the room, and his chest armor glistened as the light reflected off the neatly sorted bullets and the bullet belt. He held out a hand, and a sniper rifle transmatted into his hand; painted in much of the same carbon fibre-black and gold scheme as his armour, it was flashy where wanted and hidden where needed. A long suppressor and a complex-looking scope finished the look.


"Quieter than a kinetic sniper." The Exo said, his synthetic voice coming out even more filtered than usual through his helmet. "Still hits hard. Six shots in the mag, semi-auto. If you're firing this thing, of course."

Anya appeared from behind him, floating downwards near Ranma. "I wouldn't suggest... punching them. Unless you can disarm and neutralize them in seconds, there's a chance they can alert others."

"Or," The Guardian said, quietly, "we can still hit 'em hard. Lots of powerful people here." His gaze - hidden under the helmet, which only moved ever so slightly - swept across the room, lingering a bit on Shirou and Deadpool. That was when Anya bumped into his helmet lightly.


"Introduce yourself, stupid."



"...I'm Kingpin-14, a Guardian of the Last City." He finally managed.
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Dusk was silent during most of the bickering about what plan to enter the prison with. He could assist in getting a truck, both because bullets had little effect on him unless they were super-heated and he had an abundance of strength. He stood there with a semi-intimidating presence until there came the topic of introductions. At that moment, Dusk realized that he had never told his name to anyone. For as long as he had been alive, he hadn't thought about needing to introduce himself to the things around him, or even how to do so. The only time he had really introduced himself was to Reegan, and even then he was so filled with adrenaline that he barely remembered what he had exactly said. "Dusk," He simply said without the important part of saying that was actually his name. He stood there and looked about the group for some type of reaction. "I have hands," he also said, trying to get across the idea that he could assist in the Truck wrangling business.
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"Seconds? I ain't no klutz. They won't even know what hit them. Because of you wanna shoot them.... well you can't be sure the truck won't continue on its merry way til it meets a wall or something. And good luck trying to justify that!"

The redhead oobserved spot on. Showing that yes the saotome heir knew how to strategize. Well when you fought people that could stop anything bigger than a rice grain with their damn chopsticks or someone who could decapitate you with only their ki, yeah you needed to be good at stategizing and devising counters on the go. And this included neutralizing guards faster than Picolet Chardin could empty a table of it content.

"So... where do we strike?"
Luer pouted to himself. He agreed to help, in part because the last time he recalled a prison like this, he was with a couple of others he actually did not mind being around. A wishful, unrealistic part of him wondered if they might be among their charges today… that and, he hoped to find a way to get rid of this damn curse. He would rather be dead than an undead. It was unnatural and the very thought made him hate himself even more than he did before. He would off himself now if he could but apparently that was not an option. Fuck being undead, there is no escape from this hell.

So here he was, absolutely hating his very existence while trying to salvage someone else's, but he was doing so under the command of the most annoying lunatic he never thought he would meet. Thankfully, said lunatic gave him the chance to pose his very first thought and question. "I do have a few questions, actually." He started, mostly because someone else spoke up and suggested they get moving. "The most burning one that must be answered right now though… Why and who the hell made you the leader? Because I am not going to orders from someone as careless and psychotic as you." He asked. Someone had to say it.

Now then. "And also…" Onto the next issue at hand, which had him looking around at the group- pausing on the one that was eager to get going. "I literally have no idea who any of you are… excluding the psycho, the child and the lady here-" He gestured to Ranma and Brigid. "-everyone are strangers to me. Now I do not know about anyone else here, but last I checked a decent team should at least be aware of everyone else's names."

Brigid Mahoney​

The General lets Deadpool pretend to be in charge while she finds a good nearby vantage point to look across the river. Not at the facility itself as it was not optimal vantage or distance to do so with just binoculars but the area around it, looking for any signs of movement. Of patrols, or the main road(s) in and out of the facility. There were a lot of people here. A small army really which is what they would need to pull off this prison break. There was just one huge issue.

How the hell were they all going to get in without, foolishly, launching an all-out assault on the prison complex?

Brigid has one option, but it relied on some very specific circumstances.

After Shirou Emiya lets them all know with his ability they would have no shortage of melee weapons, Brigid comes down from her perch and raises her right fist to get everyone's attention.

"General Brigid Mahoney, Commonwealth Minutemen. Now I don't have any special ability like Mr. Emiya or the whole lot of you, but I got one talent means more than any of that: experience. I've broken into my share of strongholds, so trust me when I say we got too many here. We can't all sneak in one by one, would take too damn long to get in unnoticed. So, I think our only option is to hijack a transport going into this place. We hit it fast enough they can't radio for help, far enough away they can't see, then pile in and bluff our way past the gates." Brigid pats her Laser Musket "This is too loud and flashy for a real sniper shot, so please tell me someone here has something that can drop a guy without blowing up our ride in?"

"Careless and psychotic? You don't even know me that well!" He was still right on both points, but don't judge a red and black spandex covered book by its cover. "I am totally caring! And while psychotic, I haven't tried killing any of you yet! Or any innocents! In fact, I saved you from the big iron man with the green kilt!" AKA Doom. "You don't even know my real name!"

"Isn't it Wade?" Luxem pointed out, since he did actually reveal it.

"..... Yes, but that's beside the point."

"I thought it was."

"The point is not to be so judgemental! And if we're going to work together, we should at least pretend to stand each other and not bicker, thereby making this all the more annoying to everyone involved." Including the readers. Brigid's scouting would find the bridge leading over the river towards the prison. It was heavily guarded, as expected, with four watchtowers along its sides, and a checkpoint with a dozen soldiers. Off in the distance, she would see car lights illuminating from the old buildings, so a caravan was beginning to approach, and they would need to work fast.

"Besides, I was given the screwdriver!" Deadpool pulled out one given to him by 10, a spare he kept around in case he lost or broke his current one. "He wouldn't give this to me if he didn't have confidence in my abilities to lead. Unlike you," he pointed to Brigid, "who thinks we can easily sneak in with a truck! We're not Venom Snake here, one of us is a giant greyish lad with horns, another is a large metal woman, and one's also undead with his skin rotting off!" Technically Luer's skin was rotting off, it simply lacked the humanity to fully bring him to life. "So I propose a different plan. We take two teams: One that can do the truck stealing, while the others sneak around and find an alternative route to get down below. You guys can infiltrate the top, cause a distraction, and maybe see if you can find the security systems, and we'll be off to the cells to free anyone we can. We can sneak around easier, and you still get to be team leader of the B squad."

Terry McGinnis

The gun pointed at his foot did put some worry in Terry's mind as that'd hamper his plans in both escaping, but also donning the suit once more if he could finally figure out how to get to said suit. But thankfully the one calling the shots showed up, the psychopath of a warden stepping aside. The newcomer was bald, maybe around his thirties or very early forties.

The man talked to Terry, seemingly hitting all of the points regarding the symbolism about the batsuit. Again, Bruce wouldn't talk or even dignify a response, knowing the old man. He'd just narrow his eyes at the man, a plan already hatched on how to escape in the best way possible. "I'd suggest keeping your pal there from doing serious damage. I become very shy when crippled. The type of shy that will take his secrets to his grave and laugh as you fail again and again to get into the suit from the afterlife. Won't take long before it self destructs." But Terry was different, while Bruce undoubtedly replied on a different brand of psychological warfare, Terry focused more on pushing buttons and redirecting. That and bluffing, as while Bruce talked about safeties and backup plans, he had never set a self-destruct thing in the suit. To quote the old man. "Considering the era, it would be foolish to build a bomb in it. Dealt with too many technological threats that could set it off and kill me while wearing it."

"If there's one thing the original Bat would do, is that they'd never talk. And I plan on surpassing them." Something felt off about the man, like he knew the original Batman, or perhaps read up on him or was simply guessing.

Terry was going to have to be careful with what intel he might accidentally let out, the man seemed like the tactical smart type, for while not as serious as Bruce. The man had that same look in his eye, the look of someone who knew his next step before his current one was done.

@Wade Von Doom

Kane chuckled with an amused smile. Cocky was this 'Terry.' "And yet, here we are, taking the chance to gloat over a victory you think you've attained just through your cleverness. But, I'm afraid you underestimate me. We detect no self-destruct on the suit, and you assume I'll go to some great lengths to unlock its secrets for my own devious plans. In reality, it's simply a curiosity. Whether it breaks or not while we unlock it matters not, I've kept you alive out of generosity, not because of that suit. There's a game being played, Terry, one that is well beyond the scope of this planet. Forces you and I do not understand have played their hands for a very long time, and my part in it is coming. But, I refuse to become a pawn in it. I'm prepared to become a player of it. And whether you wish to see this game out alive and still intact is entirely up to you. I'm not an ungrateful man, Terry. And I know you're smarter than a young man with an attitude problem with authority figures. Decide your fate wisely. And perhaps if you ever return to your home world, you'll be another player like I am." With that Kane turned back around, ready to walk out, not before saying to the Warden, "Take him back to his cell-- In piece." He clarified that point. Kane would give Terry one more chance to think over his options.

"Sir, he'll just esacpe again, my men are ready to take a shot at him if he even looks to step out of line." The warden pleaded.

"Then have that shot be what incapacitates his abilities. Exodus draws near, Mr. Fish, and your seat is still reserved. If, you continue following my commands."

"Sir." The Warden saluted, 'Mr. Fish' being the first time Terry would actually hear an actual name outside of 'warden.' Signaling a guard, one went over to Terry, and smashed the butt of his rifle across his face to knock him out. When Terry awoke again, he was back inside his cell, with a new cellmate.

Kane's next visit within the prison was where Chief was being held. His cyro chamber was hooked up to a life support system designed to keep it running, and him under wraps inside his own little prison cell. He was certainly a magnificent soldier that needed to be studied, as they could see from scans of his body and suit that both were incredibly engineered to be the best equipment and genetic modified soldier in the world. But, they couldn't risk waking him up, at least not with 'Exodus' so near. But, they did find the next best thing in that ship crash just off the coast of the Black Sea. "How is she, professor?" Kane asked an engineer, who was analyzing something on a small screen pad.

"Unfortunately, not well. As we've said before, the AI seems to be running off a complex matrix, where all the impulses in the AI's mind exist, and we've been able to confirm she's telling the truth about her 'Rampancy.' Her neural map is beginning to outgrow the limited space of the matrix, forcing the neural linkages into a more and more narrow space, and increasing the density of the links and causing them to overlap."

"So she is thinking herself to death?" That was her words to them as she tried to explain her condition. Of course, they still tested her systems and tried breaking down her coding to see if she was indeed telling the truth. While she was an AI, she was an incredibly 'human' one, and Kane believed she could easily tell a lie.. She clearly cared deeply for the man inside the chamber.

"I'm afraid with our lack of understanding of her system, we won't be able to save her."

Kane looked at the AI, who was stuck inside a little hologram form on a podium not far from John. The experiments and tests run on her to analyze her code was painful, to say the least, like trying to delve a knife through skin and muscle to see the bone. "Is she still functional enough for advance algorithms?"

"For now, but she's shown signs of emotional aggravation and sudden bursts of anger similar to a human with neurodegenerative diseases."

".... Break her coding down, whatever hasn't be tarnished by her rampancy, and store copies onto any data mainframe that could house such information."

"Reality is the finest flesh, oh Bearer Mine. And are you not… Hungry?"
- Dire Ahamkara


"By the Great Machine, do they never end!?" Vaarsiks cursed, letting out yet another round from from her Rifle, the nano bolts tearing off the arm of a sword-wielding Knight, neatly stopping it in it's tracks. "Treacherous Variks, my teeth to his neck! He has betrayed us!"

Deep in the Hellmouth, the Queen-Baron and her soldiers battled fiercely. The oncoming horde seemed eternal, no matter how many Thralls, Acolytes or Wizards they cut down, three more seemed to take their place. Already, she had personally dealt with an Ogre that had lumbered across their battlefield, mounting atop it's back and piercing her blades into it's head. When it fell, it had crushed several of the Whirlwind's minions in it's death throes, but it wasn't enough.

Even now, after retreating to the highest point, their hardened gazes turned to the sky for salvation.

Several of her Queensguard had fallen already, consumed by the encroaching Darkness. Yet, some still fought on. Her Consort still standing strong next to her, shredding another dozen Hive with his Shrapnel Launcher.

There was a sudden lurch as a cloud of shadows was cast over the area, halting the onslaught. Deep from within the catacombs of Luna, emerged the Warlock, crowned with a skull fashioned into a helmet, his Void magicks seemed to suffocate the air all around them.

The abominations looked cowed as he passed, some even falling to their knees as the Ascendant Guardian made his way forwards. Eventually, he stood a mere few meters away from the survivors, yet he said nothing as he watched.

Eventually, even though the emptiness of space, Varsiks heard his words, as clear as if he had whispered it in her ears.

"You have come... far, further than most, I admit," He spoke in crystal clear Eliksni. "None of my former brethren had even managed to reach this deep, none has yet to seek... Salvation."

"But this need not be your fate, come with me and I shall show you mercy, the Pyramid shall save you all..." The remaining warriors looked warily back to their leader, their Queen, waiting for her reply.

The offer was tempting, far more than she'd like to admit, but Varsiks shook her head free of such thoughts, clenching her rifle harder in her grip. She would not submit to another's power, never again.

"We spit on your mercy, creature," She snarled, taking aim and firing a bolt straight through the Warlock's head, splitting it open.

A deafening silence emerged as both Fallen and Hive watched the Guardian stumble a few steps backwards, before righting himself and pushing the split halves together. And before the Queen-Baron's very eyes, it healed, leaving no distinguishing marks from her deed.

"A regrettable decision, but as you wish," His head twisted to the side, letting out an audible crack, before waving to the Undead horde surrounding them. Immediately, the attack started again, but this time Vaarsiks' soldiers faltered, and eventually broke rank as they tried to flee, crawling up walls, pillars, and some even each-other, toppling their kin in effort to escape the hungry maw of the Hive.

Only Vaarsiks and her Consort stood steadfast, holding off hundreds at a time. With each bark of her weapon, scores of Thralls fell, and with each swing of his swords, ten Acolytes lost their heads.

But even their heroic actions could not stop the oncoming tide, eventually they were cornered, caught like rats in a trap as they only had a dark chasm behind them. Her Captain had suffered a most grievous wound when a Knight had managed to nearly cleave him in two, but Varsiks had returned the favor by running her blades through it's guts and took to carrying her Consort on her back, leaping into the darkness to avoid the grisly death that would have followed.

She never even saw the blinding light before both of them were consumed by it.


Dreams. They still haunted her.

Variks had tricked them, sending the House of Outlaws into the waiting jaws of the Hive. Many had died, more had fled only to be hunted down and ripped apart. Those that had fought barely fared better, as the horde had seemed almost endless.

The Queen-Baron had been meditating ever since she was captured and put inside this accursed tube. Her legs were folded underneath her, while her four glowing eyes were closed, giving off the impression of sleeping.

In truth, she rarely needed sleep anymore. SIVA kept her in top shape despite any of her captors' attempts to do otherwise. She always gave them a smug look after each try.

Until that time, she was still stuck inside a big tube with two large speaker looking things to her life and right. Outside the tub were several scientists and engineers, one of which stated to a recording device, "Interrogation #001. Creature is of unknown origin, with no record of any previous sighting of her or anything resembling her species before. Scans indicate her gender is similar to female, and humanoid in bone structure, but we've detected she uses some sort of nanotechnology when she fights. Our first test will be to see if we can scan the technology, and whether it is apart of her neutral structure, or her suit, as we've been unable to remove it when she was first captured. Begin sonic emissions in 3... 2... 1."


As the chamber closed, the blue light that surrounded her felt like she was stuck in a tornado revolving around 30 miles per hour. It was literally trying to suck the nanotechnology off of her.

And yet close by, Damon was going through yet another round of electromagnetic therapy to see if they could activate his artifice. As electricity an through his skull and down his spine, there was still nothing in the sensors that showed his power. It was as average as any other human being. If it wasn't for that spell in the back of his mind, they would've kept him in a cell, but somehow, they were able to see he was keeping something. A strange little fuzzy thing rocking around inside his mind through scans of his physiology. They thought it was a tumor at first, but it was inconsistent in size and shape when more scans were taken. It was something else, and they wanted to understand it. Whether it hurt Damon or not. Still, with yet another unsuccessful test, they took him off his chair, and threw him into his cell again, mouth gagged and hands cuffed. Though this time, he wasn't alone. Terry was with him now.​
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