The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 3: New Butyrka

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Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan silently watched the ensuing chain of events ensue. The dog eared lady bullying Wade into giving the tech wand to Brigid, which took it as she fully went leader mode. Ryan walked to the ridge with only his armor from the neck down for now, as he'd wait to hit the convoy along others. His ears were particularly interested in Shirou's words. More thinking aloud rather than answering, Ryan said "Heh, how honorable of you... Doubt they are, even the 'good' ones" Ryan was certainly going to go for the kill every time, that's just how war works... But Shirou didn't need to know that yet. Artis decided to be more direct about his intentions, which was fine by Ryan, so he remained quiet and ready. Or so he would have, but Wade snatched him away. He would've fought against him, but he sounded surprisingly reasonable, yet not quite fully believable. However, a Plan B is always good. So he nodded and answered "Fine Wade, just don't go full... er.... you"
Shutout also agreed to play along, even using his peculiar magic to look for an entrance, while asking ANNA to do an area scan completely escaped Ryan's mind at the moment. Being more focused on battling, as the gunshots behind them made his mind crave for it. Not long after, they came across a possible entrance and Shirou found a way in. Impressive. He then asked for suggestions on approach to said entrance. Wade pointed to Ryan's 'Ghost knockoff', it went right over his head, but not ANNA's... if you can even call it that. "I can try to get on their systems, yes... And I'm not a knockoff of anything, Mister Wilson..." Her voice echoed from somewhere within Ryan, showing some displeasure for Wade's insult.
Ryan had his questions, but obliged when Wade offered his hand. Who knows what kind of move he was gonna pull now. At least he wasn't hugging him from behind, but couldn't help but snicker at Artis' comment as he did exactly that. Then, without a chance to interject to Wade's mutter, BAM! They were in. Wade's grip was quite something, dragging all three of his companions into a slam against metal bars, even with his suit strengthened body, the surprise caught Ryan. Once he regained composure, he noticed the request of help of his mates. "I might have something... Are they charged, ANNA" "They are." Ryan questioned as he stood up, and slowly fought the current to stand in front of the rest of the group. He summoned both of his swords in an ethereal blue gleam and a mechanic red flash respectively. Quickly, he started swinging, gracefully, fluidly, and at tremendous speeds at the water, directing the shockwaves he used to use to fly, and extending it through his swing, in order to channel the water to the sides and above him. Creating a hot, but walkable dry bubble behind his swings. "Where to, Shirou?" once he was instructed, Ryan would lead the group towards their next stop.
"Watch out!"

Anya's warning came a little too late. Kingpin was moderately surprised - and he imagined Anya was, too, or else this warning would've came much earlier - at the strength of the archer; the swing managed to knock his aim off, as a stream of bullets strayed dangerously close to some charging allies. He instantly steadied himself, and checked his ammo counter. Maybe another ten seconds.

Looking down, he saw the archer skid past him as he sprinted for the center vehicle. He briefly considered spraying him down, but discarded the thought. Firing on other humans have already pushed his limit, "bad" as they may be; this man might just be displaying his own frustration in an admittedly unique way. He could deal with that later.

...until Brigid tackled Luer.

There was a seemingly heated exchange as a hand cannon came out and Luer got stood on the business end of it. Kingpin had to look away to reload his weapon, pulling an ammo cylinder out of transmat and inserting it into the gun, swinging the magazine flap shut - then he heard a shot. Looking back down again, Brigid is already pushing Luer's limp body - missing half of his head - off her own, standing up and reloading her own weapon. She tells him they can come back for his body later, and sprints off towards the convoy again.

"Not sure I want to." Anya mutters to Kingpin. "Can't believe he even tried that."

"Can't believe it almost worked." Kingpin replied. "Give me a shotgun."

Anya took the Sweet Business out of his hands and tranmatted in the Wishbringer.


The Exo checked it over, pushed in another shell, and took off at a brisk pace towards the transport. He passed by the front - noted with a grim satisfaction that the soldiers up front are neutralized - and regrouped with the rest of the squad at the back.
"WAIT-WAIT-WAIT!" The scientist would choke out, as the room was dripping red with the battered bodies and limbs of the queen's effortless and destructive attacks. Much as they tried, their weapons didn't seem to harm her. "Y-You won't be able to get out without security clearance! The elevator's the only way out, and-and I can get you above-ground-- j-j-just please let me live!" He explained, kicking his feet around as she squeezed his throat tighter. His hands stuck to her's as he tried to push away her fingers, yet he wouldn't even budge them. The flickering of the lights continued, as the room would feel colder. She'd hear the giggling of a small human faintly, like it came from the vents in the room, yet it was so distant, it would be easy to assume she misheard it as something else. Still, the door out of the lab was right in front of her, with no telling of what was on the other side.
The Queen-Baron

Vaarsiks looked around cautiously, a shiver running down her spine despite the euphoric feeling of having the human beg for his life. It was similar to her foray into the Hellmouth, when she had met that accursed Warlock, yet different enough that she recognized that it felt strangely... Weaker.

Growling, she returned her attention to the scientist in her grasp, squeezing his throat harder momentarily before letting him drop from her grasp.

His relief was only momentary, as the Eliksni grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to the lab door, forcing him to open it by whatever means necessary.

Not content to let him walk beside her, Vaarsiks carried him on her shoulder, finally stepping out into the unknown.

Coming to the convoy, Morgan focuses on the prisoner this convoy had been transporting, looking it up and down, body ready for if this one was no ally.

"Who are you?" Morgan asks hoping the former captive is able to understand her language.
The Judge-Queen

Vaas didn't respond.

Not that she could, seeing as these primitives spoke in alien tongues, far from anything similar to Sangheili - Even the brutish speech of the Jiralhanae would have been preferred to the unknown words these small primates were speaking, though her Sire would likely have caved her head in if he ever heard her say those words.

She tested her chains, straining against them. Vaas didn't know if they were friend or foe, but they looked like those things that had captured her, and that was good enough for her.

The scientist squeemed around in her grip, unsure of if she was gonna crush his skull, or slam him as hard as she could into the wall. Shockingly though, she put him next to the door panel that opened it, and let him go. With sweat pouring down his face, some tears forming around his eyes, and his panting as loud as a thirsty dog, (which sounds more erotic than you would think,) his shaky hands pulled out his ID card, and put it against the scanner; punching in the number code last. When it opened, Vaarsiks would find a massive wall of droids covering the hallway, with four turrets on the ceiling pointed at her.

"NONONO, DON'T SHOOT, DON'T SHOOT--" The scientist begged the machines, as they were programmed to follow orders by both soldiers and scientists here, but unfortunately, with the prison experiencing a breakout, that programming was instead replaced with, 'kill on sight,' no matter what. As she picked him up, the bullets went flying right at her, with the droids carrying 5.56x45mm rounds, and the turrets packing 7.62x51mm. Which sucked for the scientist, who had his legs dangling off the front of her shoulder, so he would scream out in pain as a few rounds shot through his bones. "AHHHHHHHH!!!"


The second Cortana called out and the turrets dropped down firing upon him, normally the best thing to do was to run and continue making an exit. But right now, John was unarmed and in unknown territory. Who's to say that there wasn't guards down the way that'd get alerted and take him down while the turrets provided enough firepower to tear through his shields.

So John would do what he did best. Turning around and using his enhanced reflexes to grab one of the panels that wasn't in the middle of the cyclone of metal, but enough to be swinging around. Upon grabbing it, the shield absorbing the impact it made with the armor, John turned around and with the grace of an augmented shot putter. He threw it at one of the turrets, the panel embedding itself in the turret's hull, the sound of rapid clicking told John he had blocked the feeding mechanism for that turret, the other one would get a shot or two but John would soon take care of this.

Using his speed, he avoided the first five shots by the turret, some of said five shots did glance his armor, the shield aiding in said glance. But he couldn't risk more than that, the panel grab had depleted the shield by fifty-percent and the five shots had picked away, so until he gave the armor a chance to recharge, he wasn't going to risk anymore hits.

So when the turret was midway through adjusting itself, John leapt up and grabbed the turret, one hand on the gun portion to ensure it didn't adjust to shoot him while he used his other hand to secure himself to it, and brace himself against the ceiling. Pulling with the might of a Spartan-II, the machine would be pull out enough to be rendered inoperable.

No doubt someone heard the shots and would be coming, so John would begin to run down the corridor, looking for any signs leading to an armory or perhaps a guard that was on their own so John could alleviate their burden that was their weaponry and ammunition.

@Wade Von Doom

Terry McGinnis

As Jack responded to Terry's whisper questions, the sounds of distant turret fire made Terry uneasy, as ideas went through his head that something had occurred, and most likely another prisoner tried to escape only to be cut down. Not good odds for an escape. Maybe if he had the Batsuit, or something then his chances were higher.

"What do you mean by that? They got something deeper in this place, and what is it?" He was thinking it was a simple research prison for supers or regular people with tech.

@Wade Von Doom

When the last turret was pulled off its hinges, the panels from Chief's prison room fell out he doorway with such speed, two panels imbedded itself into the wall. One would riccochet at Chief itself, trying to cut through his neck and severe his head from his body. It also wasn't just Chief's room, but the panels in the hallway started to bend and pop off the walls. Starting from the far end, like a shockwave, they all were pulled off their hinges and smashed into each other so hard, they bended, and they were being pulled off towards Chief.

"Chief, run!" Cortana shouted to him, as even in his armor, those panels would do serious damage to him at the speed and force they were smashing into each other. The hallway turned right to a four way intersection of long hallways with no signs to show where one went, like he was in a maze.


Luer groaned softly, rolling onto his side as he woke. "Nngh… my head…" He grumbled in complaint. His head was throbbing, a headache beyond any he has had before. He eventually forced himself to sit up, glancing around and taking in the… nothingness? "What- Ah!" He jumped, quickly scrambling back from the creature in front of him. "Wh-what… undead… D-Do not call me that!" He stated. Oh right. He was undead… The gunshot. "…That bitch actually killed me!?" Unbelievable… Oh was she in for a surprise later.

His brows creased though as he finally started calming down and returning to his senses. "…Wh-where am I?" That was his first question, he was unsure what to say about everything else. It was quite clear this curse he has was not of his world. "Solaire, I think he said his name was, told me a bit about it… about the risks of too many deaths, and that so far there is no cure…" He stated. "He mentioned more about it, too, but at the moment I lack the recollection of what it was." He added, taking a deep breath as he finally pushed himself up to stand.

"Why? What can you tell me about it? Can you tell me how to get rid of it?"

"You are in The Abyss. A realm of Dark born from Manus, the primeval man." Kaathe began to explain. "Any mortal standing here would find themselves falling forever in eternal darkness, twisting and mutating humans into hideous creatures without sanity or logic. But, I have made it safe for you... for now." He hinted. "Should you stay for longer than I intend, it shall begin to manipulate your mind. It is not a place worth staying in for long, so I shall be quick with my words."

"In the Age of Ancients,

The world was unformed, shrouded by fog

A land of grey crags, archtrees, and everlasting dragons

But then there was Fire

And with Fire came Disparity. Heat and cold, life and death, and of course... Light and Dark.

Then, from the Dark, They came

And found the Souls of Lords within the flame.

Nito, the first of the dead

The Witch of Izalith, and her daughters of chaos

Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, and his faithful knights

And the furtive pygmy, so easily forgotten

With the Strength of Lords, they challenged the dragons.

Gwyn's mighty bolts peeled apart their stone scales

The witches weaved great firestorms

Nito unleashed a miasma of death and disease

And Seath the Scaleless betrayed his own, and the dragons were no more

Thus began the Age of Fire. But soon, the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain

Even now, there are only embers, and man sees not light, but only endless nights

And amongst the living are seen, carriers of the accursed Darksign.

What you now carry with you, and see as a malediction. The Progenitor of man, the Furtive Pygmy, claimed the Dark Soul and waited for Fire to subside. For he know that whethe flames did fade, and only Dark remained, thus would began the age of men. The Age of Dark. For man was born in the darkness, and within their humanity presides pieces of it. To view it as unnatural would be as to claim fire to be unnatural. Darkness is THE natural order within my world.


Lord Gwyn trembled at the Dark. Clinging to his Age of Fire, and in dire fear of humans, and the Dark Lord who would one day be born amongst them, Lord Gwyn resisted the course of nature. By sacrificing himself to link the fire, and commanding his children to shepherd the humans, Gwyn has blurred the past of humans, to prevent the birth of the Dark Lord, the one who will bring about the darkness, and ushur in the age of man. I am the primordial serpent. I seek to right the wrongs of the past, to discover our true Lord. I believe it may be you, who is the true lord."
Terry McGinnis

As Jack responded to Terry's whisper questions, the sounds of distant turret fire made Terry uneasy, as ideas went through his head that something had occurred, and most likely another prisoner tried to escape only to be cut down. Not good odds for an escape. Maybe if he had the Batsuit, or something then his chances were higher.

"What do you mean by that? They got something deeper in this place, and what is it?" He was thinking it was a simple research prison for supers or regular people with tech.

Right at Terry asked that, the alarms in their section of the prison went off. "Something making that I bet." Jack commented, looking up to see the lights in their room go red. Outside, guards already starting running past their cell door, as an announcer over the speakers said calmly, "Attention. Lockdown in levels 2 through 7. Attention. Lockdown in levels 2 through 7. Secure all emergency exits, and prepare for evacuation. Secure all emergency exits, and prepare for evacuation." None of the guards were stopping at anyone's cells as they ran around to prepare for evacuation.

"I don't think they plan to evacuate us." Jack told Terry, watching over the doorway, then facing him. "We need to get the hell out of here."


On level 7:

The deepest part of this prison, only a few things were kept down there. Security was mainly droids and turrets, any humans were limited to a few numbers, as the level had... unique, prisoners. Unique enough to experiment on. Except for one, which they kept in cryostasis, as he posed so much of a threat, they didn't dare try waking him up when he arrived on their world. He was out cold, and they kept him that way. He'd been here two months, and hadn't woken up in that time frame.

Something told the computer system down there to open his chamber up. And now, one of the most powerful scattered on this planet was about to wake up, and be greeted by two giant mechs.
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The Abyss? Charming name. That did not entirely answer his question, though, in hindsight it was one that likely could not be answered either. Luer rose a brow to the 'for now' comment. Was that a threat? Either way, it seemed this thing had words for him, so he stayed silent as he listened.

Be quick my ass!

Regardless of how lengthy that was, he only really understood a very small portion of it; namely being that this creature thinks he is some sort of lord. "H-Hold on. I am not sure about any of this but… I am no lord of anything." He stated, giving an unsure look. "What even makes you think I am? Or that I can… bring about a new age of change or whatever?"
Shirou breathed a sigh of relief as Ryan was able a to carve a pathway through the flow of sewer water. The smell was distinctly unpleasant, and he definitely didn't want to hang around here longer than needed.

"This way, just up ahead" the young man replied, pointing further down the drain way as they made their way forward. They travelled a good 30 meters forward, then the passage made a partial left turn, and they walked ahead another 20 meters. The opening to the junction was visible up ahead, and there were ladders along the walls leading up to what appeared to be a recessed platform. Shirou motioned for the others to stop at the bend of the drainage way so as not to come into view of the cameras.

"There's the junction. But we'll need to do something about those cameras and doors before we continue," he says quietly, taking a moment to trace the structure again. "....Shit. I can also sense the presence of some sort of hidden gun turrets in the junction ceiling. If we're detected, they'll try to mow us down."

Shirou turned to Ryan. "I can produce a magic shield that should protect us, but I can't keep it up and go on offense at the same time. Think you'll be able to disable those systems in advance?"

@Wade Von Doom @Nero Kunivas @Valkan
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Dusk sat there for a moment as he was still trying to hold back his frustration. Even though he had tried to wipe off the blood from his face, the small little droplets still remained and stained his ghostly skin. It would require water to really get all of it off, or at least some type of soft fabric. He looked up to the sky and sighed, releasing what was left of the anger that had welled up in his body. That was when he realized he had forgotten of the chained creature in the transport truck. How could he just leave something chained up? This wasn't like him at all… no matter, he would make up for it.

Dusk's long black coat billowed out behind him as he walked back into the truck and the sword that was sheathed on the back of his hips softly jingled with each step as its hilt touched up against his belt. Morgan had already made her way into the vehicle and presumably tried to communicate with the alien being. Dusk didn't really care if it could communicate or not, it was chained and taken by these soldiers to be tested on, and it needed to be set free. He slid by Morgan and whispered "She is not like you and you have the scent of the beings outside, I will handle this." He neglected the fact that he also looked humanoid in form, but he was mainly leaning on the fact that he probably smelled of human blood. He approached the alien in the same mentality one approached an animal, quietly and gently. Dusk then grabbed the chains one by one snapping them in a deliberate way as to not make it threatening. Once he was done, he stepped back and sat cross legged on the ground. "Dusk," He said, pointing to himself, "Morgan," He then pointed to Morgan. Hopefully the creature understood what Dusk was trying to do.

As more and more panels were pulled off the walls, adding to the cyclone of death that was quickly approaching. Barely dodging one of the panels that clipped his helmet, eliciting a sharp srrk noise where the metal met it. John followed Cortana's command of booking it. Running down the hall at a speed fast enough to barely outrun the chaos following it, not really giving him a chance to even think about which hallway to take, so Chief ran down the right one, trying to keep ahead of whatever was causing the panels to come flying off.

As Johnson once said. "Why do you always jump? One of these days, you'll land something just as stubborn as you are. I don't do bits and pieces.." Which really applied to this situation as he basically jumped for it.

He just had to hope his jump didn't land him in even worse situation.

@Wade Von Doom
Collaboration Post with @Wiggin @Wade Von Doom @Vulthurmir

The warning from Morgan is clear, and Brigid can't blame her for the resentment. It was natural for someone to follow orders while also disagreeing with them; her father had told her as much.

So Brigid gives Morgan the answer her father would have given.

"This is war soldier! Stand with me or you will be knocked down! Is that understood?!" She barks back at Morgan. She is unaware of how much stronger Morgan is-and given what she has seen so far it's likely Brigid is outclassed by most-but she still yells with supreme authority.

Brigid comes to the convoy to see Dusk's small outburst. He had to have seen her execution of Luer, most of them had to, or they would question what had happened to him.

"Luer made his choice. He chose to risk lives for his morals, and I chose not to let him make that choice again. If any of you don't like that, then after this mission is done we can have words or fists about it. Right now, we have to get into that prison." Noticing the one vehicle that is largest, she goes to it and looks into the back to see the prisoner this convoy had been transporting. Looks dangerous, but worth a try to make a new ally.

"We're here to help, so don't get the wrong idea. What's your name?" says Brigid and the alien being doesn't give any answers she can understand.

"Hmm? Don't speak English?" muses Brigid who doesnt know how to proceed, at least for a moment until she remembers the sonic screwdriver.

"This thing might help" she takes out the device, thumbs it open, and waves it between herself and the prisoner, being at a loss for what else to do.

Brigid waves the sonic screwdriver between herself and Vaas, the device making a whirr as it created a translation field around them all. "Can you understand me?" She asks.

The Sangheili's eyes widened in surprise, before narrowing in suspicion as she cooly regarded the alien in front of her.

"I do," She simply responded, flexing her hands in preparation for what was to come. "Your kind has tried many things to make me understand, yet I have remained ignorant of your tongue. What has changed, Abductor?"

"This device apparently, has a translator function." Brigid waves the sonic screwdriver again. "And we aren't your abductors. We kinda...killed all of them."

"I have their juices on me so you can trust me" Dusk said, gesturing to the blood that is stained on his clothes and face.

Vaas glares in disgust at Dusk, though the look is quickly broken as she returns her eyes to the one in front. "You will have to forgive me if I do not trust so easily. Your kind has tried many things, none of them have worked."

"I understand, but consider, that they put you in here, and we're willing to get you out, to have your help getting the rest of the bastards." Brigid reasons

The chained Arbiter sneered, though the expression probably seemed wholly alien to the humans. "I have suffered dishonor for my capture by primitives," Vaas spat, straining against her bindings. "My Honor demands that I take my life in order to restore it, after I have torn their filthy eyes from their skulls as recompense. Whether you release me or not makes no difference."

"Oh but it does to us. See I need your word, that you're not going to rip me apart if I use this to free you. Your kind have a sense of honor that holds you to your word?"

"I would be glad to subject myself to your anger, I am a durable being," he said, then he turned to Brigid "would that be alright for the situation?"

The Sangheili eyed them with a strange look, as if they were mad or worse. She couldn't help but compare them to the pain-obsessed Jiralhanae, leaving her with a sinking feeling in her gut.

"Kill me or release me, Abductor, but do not waste my time with talk."

"Alright then." Brigid sighs and raises the sonic "Just let it be known, if this one kills me, I tried to reason." She says to Dusk. The sonic whirrs louder and the chains holding Vaas are opened. "So, what's your name?" She asks, bracing herself.

Vaas rubbed her aching wrists, twisting her head to the side far enough for an audible crack to be heard. "You may call me the Arbiter," She said, getting to unsteady feet, slightly swaying as blood rushed through her unused legs.

"Arbiter." Brigid repeats the name to commit it to memory. "I'm Brigid. Now sit tight in here, and when that door opens again, you'll have your chance for revenge. Glad to have you aboard."

"Alright anyone who can pass for human, grab a uniform and throw it over yourself, take a vehicle. Anyone who can't, get in the back with our new friend and wait for the doors to open." Brigid instructs the others. Minus coats like her own, the uniforms of the soldiers are roomy enough to put on over most clothing or light armor. She takes off her coat and sets it under the driver seat before she gets in and takes the wheel.

"Alright! Move out!" The woman yells and leads the way.

When the caravan started moving again in Brigid's group, they would cross the bridge leading to the checkpoint. Three soldiers stopped them, each carrying heavy weapons and exo-suits. One came up to the front car, signaling the driver to push it down. "What took you guys so long?" He asked.

"The prisoner gave us trouble. Got loose. Had to get it back in shackles, you know how it is." Brigid answers the man.

"..... And the bullet holes?" The ones on the windshield Kingpin shot through.

"Got hold of one of our guns. If you want the full report we'll be glad to explain to the superiors why you got it before they did." She says sounding annoyed but not too much.

That explanation and tone didn't exactly rub the soldier the right way, as there weren't any other bullet holes on the cars besides the windshield. But, before he could say anything else, something can't over on his commlink. Brigid would only make out muffled noises, but he he held his fingers to his ears as he listened in. "Yes sir, they're here..... Just checking them in now....... Alright." He looked back at Brigid, "Get the prison in a cell as quick as you can. There's some trouble happening with the lower levels, lost radio contact with them, so the warden wants all prisoners locked down in case we need to make an emergency exit."

"Yessir!" Brigid nods and signals for the other vehicles to keep following as she guns the engine forward.
Brigid would drive the lead car into an old hanger in the back of the base. It was entirely empty, with no other vehicles or boxes, as it looked to be a dead end. But, once the other vehicles were inside, the doors massive hanger doors closed, and slowly the floor began to move down. It seems they hid the elevator into the prison within the hanger, or used the old hanger as a shield to protect it if it was attacked by the monsters within the ruins of the old city. The elevator would continue to go down for several minutes, before it finally stopped; another pair of doors opening to reveal the underground cargo bay to the prison.


The place was packed with soldiers, pushing around boxes and large crates; seemingly in a panic, like things were going wrong. One of the soldiers signaled Brigid to move the cars to the center of the bay, as she would see someone on the high balcony, overlooking the scene. He was looking directly at the convoy as it moved slowly, and when it stopped in the center of the massive room, he began making his way down. "Get the prisoner in a cell, now!" A soldier shouted, with several moving around the prison car where she was. They quickly opened the doors to pull her out, with no one stopping to question the group. Seems they made it in seamlessly.

"This is war soldier! Stand with me or you will be knocked down! Is that understood?!" She barks back at Morgan.

Morgan is taken aback. The woman had seemingly not been intimidated at all. She has a mind to stop in her tracks, to stop Brigid's in hers with a swat to the center of her chest, and assert why Brigid should fear her threats.

But Morgan doesn't. She keeps running without protest. Why? That innate need for hierarchy is why. Something from the dog within her that needs an Alpha, one to tell her what needs to be done, to be part of a pack. It doesn't matter that Morgan is aware she could crush Brigid without effort, she wants to obey Brigid and stand with her.

When they arrive at the convoy, Morgan watches the conversation between the prisoner, Brigid, and Dusk from outside the vehicle doors. She's ready for if this one was ungrateful and dangerous, confident she and Dusk could take them. But Brigid proves a capable diplomat, and secures an at least temporary ally.

If only she had been a capable diplomat to Luer.

She follows the General's orders to the letter; throwing on a fallen soldier's body armor over her own clothing(one that looked to be about her build); puts her hair up to don their helmet; and even takes their rifle. She also takes the passenger seat beside Brigid in the main car for the drive. The checkpoint over the bridge is a small test passed with seeming ease for Brigid.

The real challenge comes when they arrive at the facility.

"Think Deadpool and the others are causing their emergency?" Morgan asks Brigid during the elevator ride down to the facility. "Maybe Deadpool isn't the idiot we assumed." The elevator ride reminds her of the infiltration into the mines of The Bejeweled, her first victory against the Order of the Chain. It had been just her at that point, her allies could not get that far in. She could see the many miners, and hoped she would not have to fight any of them. Thankfully the miners had fled when the fighting started.

This was not going to be the case here, Morgan knew that looking at all the soldiers when the elevator stopped. She keeps her composure until the moment a soldier shouts to get their prisoner in a cell and others run around to follow his order.

Morgan does not wait for an order from Brigid. She pops open the passenger side door and drops out, leaves the rifle in the cab.

In a second the armored Morgan transforms into her Giant Dog form with a flash of blue light. Giant Dog Morgan barks four times in a wide circle in front of her. The sonic booms knock soldiers back and disorient them unless they have significant sound and cover protection.

After the barks, Giant Dog Morgan charges forward. She is a large gold and dangerous target that should attract a lot of attention and gunfire to her and away from others. She can take it though. The bullets hit and will heal shortly. Any soldiers that come too close are snatched up in her jaws and tossed away, or swiped down by her tail.
The scientist squeamed around in her grip, unsure of if she was gonna crush his skull, or slam him as hard as she could into the wall. Shockingly though, she put him next to the door panel that opened it, and let him go. With sweat pouring down his face, some tears forming around his eyes, and his panting as loud as a thirsty dog, (which sounds more erotic than you would think,) his shaky hands pulled out his ID card, and put it against the scanner; punching in the number code last. When it opened, Vaarsiks would find a massive wall of droids covering the hallway, with four turrets on the ceiling pointed at her.

"NONONO, DON'T SHOOT, DON'T SHOOT--" The scientist begged the machines, as they were programmed to follow orders by both soldiers and scientists here, but unfortunately, with the prison experiencing a breakout, that programming was instead replaced with, 'kill on sight,' no matter what. As she picked him up, the bullets went flying right at her, with the droids carrying 5.56x45mm rounds, and the turrets packing 7.62x51mm. Which sucked for the scientist, who had his legs dangling off the front of her shoulder, so he would scream out in pain as a few rounds shot through his bones. "AHHHHHHHH!!!"
The Queen-Baron

Vaarsiks twisted her body to the side, letting her unoccupied shoulder take the brunt of the attack, though too late to protect the scientist's legs from a hail of bullets.

They barely managed to make a dent in her shields, even with a continuous stream - By using the weapons she picked up from the fallen humans, she returned fire with a bloodthirsty grin underneath her mask. They were primitive, even by her standards - Most Fallen used either Arc-based Shock Rifles, or electro-magnetic railguns that spew superheated shards of metal. And some, like her, used prized artifacts from a bygone era - Exceedingly powerful in the right hands, and absolutely devastating in the wrong ones.

Well, Vaarsiks wasn't sure which category she fit between those two, but Timeless Infection had become her favorite trophy after emerging from the Vault of Glass, a close second were her twin handcannons she had taken as a reward for working with that petulant welp Siviks raid the Black Armory.

She continued to fire at the automatons, until either they were scrap or her guns were clicked empty, in which case she simply forewent reloading and teleported behind the wall of machines, grabbing hold of one of the droids to pummel the rest with.

When the group was done reasoning with the arbiter, everyone got to work disguising themselves. Everyone that resembled being human put on a uniform and filed into the main cabin of each vehicle. Dusk, having horns and pastel skin, was put into the back of the transport with the other inhuman beings in the group. It was a short ride, only being around ten or so minutes before they made it to the main checkpoint before entering the facility. A few seconds passed, an intensity was in the air for those few seconds, and then the vehicle began to move again. The group had made it inside without issue.

Once inside, Dusk could hear voices outside of the vehicle. Soldiers ordered the group to begin their escort of the prisoners to their cells. What was the plan now? Were they going to go along with it? Dusk's questions were immediately answered by the sounds of barking, then gunfire, then screams. He rubbed his eyes, they were feeling a little tired at this point. A new feeling, but not the most welcome of ones. Dusk then raised his foot and kicked open the transport door and off its hinges. It flew across the hanger, hitting several soldiers and turning them into a red paste. That was unexpected, but for some reason Dusk felt nothing after it had happened. It didn't matter they needed to proceed further into the prison, the problem was there were more soldiers in their path. Dusk looked to his left to see the gigantic barking dog that was Morgan, now throwing soldiers up and away.

Morgan probably wouldn't notice Dusk running to assist her. He had yet to unsheathe his sword, instead, he was using his fists. It wouldn't help much in the lethality department however, as his punches were like wrecking balls slamming into the soldiers' chests. The sound of smashed and shattered bones was ever apparent, along with the fact that the soldiers he was punching were being flung at an incredible speed across the hangar. His assault continued ahead of Morgan as he looked for any sort of door that looked like it might lead to some sort of containment area. It was difficult considering he couldn't read.
Brigid is frozen, surprised a moment, witnessing what Morgan could do seemingly without effort. She thinks her earlier snap back at Morgan was going to snap back on her, and in a bad way. An apology would have to be made if they survived this mission.

The General finishes these thoughts, and jumps out of the drivers seat. There were many targets she could have chosen, but she knew which one could be vital to their mission: the one that had been watching this entire area from a balcony. Had to get hold of someone in charge, to direct them where they needed, or else even with the sonic screwdriver they might end up lost.

"Morgan! Clear a path to that balcony!" Brigid yells coming around the vehicle with her Laser Musket being slung onto her back. She uses a rifle taken from a fallen soldier to point at said balcony.

"Everyone! Follow her!" She shouts to the others, waving them over.
The Abyss? Charming name. That did not entirely answer his question, though, in hindsight it was one that likely could not be answered either. Luer rose a brow to the 'for now' comment. Was that a threat? Either way, it seemed this thing had words for him, so he stayed silent as he listened.

Be quick my ass!

Regardless of how lengthy that was, he only really understood a very small portion of it; namely being that this creature thinks he is some sort of lord. "H-Hold on. I am not sure about any of this but… I am no lord of anything." He stated, giving an unsure look. "What even makes you think I am? Or that I can… bring about a new age of change or whatever?"

"The prophecy dictates that an undead shall bring about the new age of man. However, by the changing tides of not just my world, but yours and many others, I believe it is possible the prophecy has also changed. That the dark lord may be from one of these new worlds the curse spreads upon. It is only a theory, but one I intend to explore further, as the Abyss continues to grow." He warned Luer. "For now, know my intentions are good natured, and I wish only to help both your kind, and solve this crisis before it continues. The Abyss cannot expand too fast, for like fire, if not controlled, it will destroy all that it touches. You must return to your fellow warriors, and tell them that Manus shall return. The one called 'Solaire' knows his name."


As more and more panels were pulled off the walls, adding to the cyclone of death that was quickly approaching. Barely dodging one of the panels that clipped his helmet, eliciting a sharp srrk noise where the metal met it. John followed Cortana's command of booking it. Running down the hall at a speed fast enough to barely outrun the chaos following it, not really giving him a chance to even think about which hallway to take, so Chief ran down the right one, trying to keep ahead of whatever was causing the panels to come flying off.

As Johnson once said. "Why do you always jump? One of these days, you'll land something just as stubborn as you are. I don't do bits and pieces.." Which really applied to this situation as he basically jumped for it.

He just had to hope his jump didn't land him in even worse situation.

@Wade Von Doom

Chief chose wisely, as at the end of the hall was an elevator; its doors wide open. The panels flew around like a tornado, a few flying past him and lodging into the walls. The force of whatever was making the panels fly pushed against Chief strong enough to almost take him off his feet, all while he would hear whispers. A little girl's voice, though he wouldn't make out what they were saying. When he made it into the elevator, the panels were about to cut through his armor, though the sides of the elevators were big enough to act as cover if he was fast enough.

"This is war soldier! Stand with me or you will be knocked down! Is that understood?!" She barks back at Morgan.

Morgan is taken aback. The woman had seemingly not been intimidated at all. She has a mind to stop in her tracks, to stop Brigid's in hers with a swat to the center of her chest, and assert why Brigid should fear her threats.

But Morgan doesn't. She keeps running without protest. Why? That innate need for hierarchy is why. Something from the dog within her that needs an Alpha, one to tell her what needs to be done, to be part of a pack. It doesn't matter that Morgan is aware she could crush Brigid without effort, she wants to obey Brigid and stand with her.

When they arrive at the convoy, Morgan watches the conversation between the prisoner, Brigid, and Dusk from outside the vehicle doors. She's ready for if this one was ungrateful and dangerous, confident she and Dusk could take them. But Brigid proves a capable diplomat, and secures an at least temporary ally.

If only she had been a capable diplomat to Luer.

She follows the General's orders to the letter; throwing on a fallen soldier's body armor over her own clothing(one that looked to be about her build); puts her hair up to don their helmet; and even takes their rifle. She also takes the passenger seat beside Brigid in the main car for the drive. The checkpoint over the bridge is a small test passed with seeming ease for Brigid.

The real challenge comes when they arrive at the facility.

"Think Deadpool and the others are causing their emergency?" Morgan asks Brigid during the elevator ride down to the facility. "Maybe Deadpool isn't the idiot we assumed." The elevator ride reminds her of the infiltration into the mines of The Bejeweled, her first victory against the Order of the Chain. It had been just her at that point, her allies could not get that far in. She could see the many miners, and hoped she would not have to fight any of them. Thankfully the miners had fled when the fighting started.

This was not going to be the case here, Morgan knew that looking at all the soldiers when the elevator stopped. She keeps her composure until the moment a soldier shouts to get their prisoner in a cell and others run around to follow his order.

Morgan does not wait for an order from Brigid. She pops open the passenger side door and drops out, leaves the rifle in the cab.

In a second the armored Morgan transforms into her Giant Dog form with a flash of blue light. Giant Dog Morgan barks four times in a wide circle in front of her. The sonic booms knock soldiers back and disorient them unless they have significant sound and cover protection.

After the barks, Giant Dog Morgan charges forward. She is a large gold and dangerous target that should attract a lot of attention and gunfire to her and away from others. She can take it though. The bullets hit and will heal shortly. Any soldiers that come too close are snatched up in her jaws and tossed away, or swiped down by her tail.

When the group was done reasoning with the arbiter, everyone got to work disguising themselves. Everyone that resembled being human put on a uniform and filed into the main cabin of each vehicle. Dusk, having horns and pastel skin, was put into the back of the transport with the other inhuman beings in the group. It was a short ride, only being around ten or so minutes before they made it to the main checkpoint before entering the facility. A few seconds passed, an intensity was in the air for those few seconds, and then the vehicle began to move again. The group had made it inside without issue.

Once inside, Dusk could hear voices outside of the vehicle. Soldiers ordered the group to begin their escort of the prisoners to their cells. What was the plan now? Were they going to go along with it? Dusk's questions were immediately answered by the sounds of barking, then gunfire, then screams. He rubbed his eyes, they were feeling a little tired at this point. A new feeling, but not the most welcome of ones. Dusk then raised his foot and kicked open the transport door and off its hinges. It flew across the hanger, hitting several soldiers and turning them into a red paste. That was unexpected, but for some reason Dusk felt nothing after it had happened. It didn't matter they needed to proceed further into the prison, the problem was there were more soldiers in their path. Dusk looked to his left to see the gigantic barking dog that was Morgan, now throwing soldiers up and away.

Morgan probably wouldn't notice Dusk running to assist her. He had yet to unsheathe his sword, instead, he was using his fists. It wouldn't help much in the lethality department however, as his punches were like wrecking balls slamming into the soldiers' chests. The sound of smashed and shattered bones was ever apparent, along with the fact that the soldiers he was punching were being flung at an incredible speed across the hangar. His assault continued ahead of Morgan as he looked for any sort of door that looked like it might lead to some sort of containment area. It was difficult considering he couldn't read.
Brigid is frozen, surprised a moment, witnessing what Morgan could do seemingly without effort. She thinks her earlier snap back at Morgan was going to snap back on her, and in a bad way. An apology would have to be made if they survived this mission.

The General finishes these thoughts, and jumps out of the drivers seat. There were many targets she could have chosen, but she knew which one could be vital to their mission: the one that had been watching this entire area from a balcony. Had to get hold of someone in charge, to direct them where they needed, or else even with the sonic screwdriver they might end up lost.

"Morgan! Clear a path to that balcony!" Brigid yells coming around the vehicle with her Laser Musket being slung onto her back. She uses a rifle taken from a fallen soldier to point at said balcony.

"Everyone! Follow her!" She shouts to the others, waving them over.

The security was relaxed, as one prisoner didn't need so much manpower to cover them. Even for an Elite, they still died when shot, so the hanger was at around half of its maximum recommended soldier count for new prisoners. As if he wasn't already pushing his luck, the warden was sipping a hot cup of coffee, believing everything to be completely under control. Then a giant dog threw two of the guards opening the car doors around like a rag doll.


"Motherfuck-- LOCKDOWN! LOCKDOWN!" The warden yelled to the command room behind him, who began pushing buttons to initiate emergency lockdown procedures. The elevator back up locked into position, and all hallways leading out of the place were slammed shut with heavy metal plating. As well, panels on the floor flipped opened for several massive droids to come out.


With Dusk throwing people about, and Brigid sending out orders, the human soldiers did their best to distance themselves from the heroes and setting a makeshift perimeter between them as they fired back; the heavy droids focused on just Morgan. Their Gatling guns firing of dozens of rounds in a single seconds to try and wound her. The warden ran over to the command room, locking the balcony doors behind him. "Alert the whole prison, make sure preliminary defenses are active, and all cells locked down." The warden ordered, only for one of the soldiers inside to go, "we can't!"


"Sir, the lower levels aren't responding, all we're getting is static! And the cameras are all out!"

"Check secondary and backup systems!"

They would try, but nothing came up. Whole sections were now completely silent, and unresponsive to both communication and direct commands from their consoles. "Goddammit, what the fuck--" As he said that, the ceiling above them suddenly broke open, and out came a small flood of water, and four people crashed onto the command consoles. Shirou, Ryan, Artis, and sexual chocolate himself, Deadpool. What happened is that as the four travel through the sewer tunnels, they came across a weak point in the tunnels structure underneath them. Since they were deep enough, it was easy to assume they might be inside the prison system. However, due to the water pressure building up in the tunnel from Ryan blocking the waterflow, and their added weight, not to mention DP jumping on the weak point a few times to see if it was sturdy, they somehow managed to break through it suddenly without warning.

Deadpool was laying on is back, looking up at an upside down warden, with two guards besides him, as a small stream foul smelling water rushed into the room, and all over the consoles. "Sorry! We got lost looking for the bathroom!" He told them, before pulling out his gun to fire at the guard to the right of the warden. The warden himself tried kicking Wade in the head, while the other fellow tried pulling out his own gun.
The scientist squeamed around in her grip, unsure of if she was gonna crush his skull, or slam him as hard as she could into the wall. Shockingly though, she put him next to the door panel that opened it, and let him go. With sweat pouring down his face, some tears forming around his eyes, and his panting as loud as a thirsty dog, (which sounds more erotic than you would think,) his shaky hands pulled out his ID card, and put it against the scanner; punching in the number code last. When it opened, Vaarsiks would find a massive wall of droids covering the hallway, with four turrets on the ceiling pointed at her.

"NONONO, DON'T SHOOT, DON'T SHOOT--" The scientist begged the machines, as they were programmed to follow orders by both soldiers and scientists here, but unfortunately, with the prison experiencing a breakout, that programming was instead replaced with, 'kill on sight,' no matter what. As she picked him up, the bullets went flying right at her, with the droids carrying 5.56x45mm rounds, and the turrets packing 7.62x51mm. Which sucked for the scientist, who had his legs dangling off the front of her shoulder, so he would scream out in pain as a few rounds shot through his bones. "AHHHHHHHH!!!"
The Queen-Baron

Vaarsiks twisted her body to the side, letting her unoccupied shoulder take the brunt of the attack, though too late to protect the scientist's legs from a hail of bullets.

They barely managed to make a dent in her shields, even with a continuous stream - By using the weapons she picked up from the fallen humans, she returned fire with a bloodthirsty grin underneath her mask. They were primitive, even by her standards - Most Fallen used either Arc-based Shock Rifles, or electro-magnetic railguns that spew superheated shards of metal. And some, like her, used prized artifacts from a bygone era - Exceedingly powerful in the right hands, and absolutely devastating in the wrong ones.

Well, Vaarsiks wasn't sure which category she fit between those two, but Timeless Infection had become her favorite trophy after emerging from the Vault of Glass, a close second were her twin handcannons she had taken as a reward for working with that petulant welp Siviks raid the Black Armory.

She continued to fire at the automatons, until either they were scrap or her guns were clicked empty, in which case she simply forewent reloading and teleported behind the wall of machines, grabbing hold of one of the droids to pummel the rest with.

The droids had placed up shields to protect against Vaars' gunfire, and while a few were injured, they continued operating, even as some of their limbs blew off from the bullets piercing through their bodies.. At least until she teleported behind them all. The turrets moved around to firing at her at almost point blank range, while the droids did the same; moving in closer to almost have their barrels touch her armor. They were programmed to kill, not protect themselves too much. All while her scientist screamed out in pain from his legs being completely riddled with lead.


With Deadpool and co's sudden arrival in the console room, his body pressed a lot of buttons. Some of which were releases to the cells in the lower levels. Without warning, as sirens blared out warnings and emergency procedures, Jack and Terry's cell opened. Along with everyone else's in the section. "What the hell?!" A guard shouted out, before aiming his rifle at the two. "Don't move! Stay in your cells!"
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Luer looked less impressed the more Kaathe spoke. He did not ask to be an undead, that was the last thing he wanted. He certainly was no harbinger of change, either. Even so, though… the most concerning thing he heard from this creature was the warning of a 'Manus'. That sounded more important than anything else he said up to this point. The Abyss expanding did not sound like a good thing either, granted.

Now what was he to do?

"I will let him know… but I cannot guarantee that I will be of much help to you and your… new age quest." He commented softly. That was the most he could offer. He was not even sure how one brought about a new age of man in another world. The only thing that came to mind was he needed to go to this world and make babies, but somehow he did not think that was all this would entail— besides, he did not want kids.

With that said, he gave an unsure look to the floating thing. "Also… while I am unsure just how to return to them, I am not so sure I really want to. The only reason I am here to begin with is because of them." Brigid shot him, why should he go back? She will just do it again… That and he would rather not like to see the carnage that group wreaked upon his inability to intervene…

The blaring of the lockdown klaxons hurt her ears first. The barrage of gatling fire rips through her body and hurts even more, slowing her movement. The floor would have been speckled with her blood, if she'd had blood. Chunks of her flesh blown away from her body fall, bloodless, to the floor and disintegrate into atoms instantly. The wounds made by the bullets heal rapidly.

It all would have been nothing to Morgan, if it were not for the fact that even her healing had limits and if she did not change tactics, it could be spent in a short time at this rate.

Morgan grabs the first robot she comes to with her jaws at the midsection, and even as it fires into her head she bites until it deactivates, and throws it at the nearest robot. In another flash of blue, she reverts to her normal form; a smaller target for the robots to lock onto as she runs as fast as she possibly can to the next robot in the way between the group and the balcony.

She is upon the next quickly, right below it in fact. She claps up at the robot; her necklace glowing orange as a spell is activated; the clap of her hands gains the power of a sonic boom. Not being familiar with enemies like this, Morgan can only hope it's enough to destroy it in this one blow.
- Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior -

As if his humiliation hadn't already hit a high point today having had to sneak through a prison's sewer system affixed to a insane merc's latex-laden ass, now Artis and the others had fallen through, refuse water included, into the command room of the entire prison in a clumsy and ridiculous fashion. Now they had a fight on their hands; a good way for Artis to work out his frustration, one of the guards being shot by Deadpool, the Warden preparing to kick the Merc with the Mouth in said mouth and the other poor soul readying his firearm.

Artis had landed on his face to top it all off, but in such a position he was able to quickly roll forwards, to the side of the Warden, quickly rising to grab the Warden and attempt to lock him in a chokehold and face the other Guard with a gun. Summoning his Keyblade in Arrowgun form, he would hold the Warden hostage with the weapon pointed to his head.

"Drop the gun or the Warden dies!" Bellowed Artis, aiming to defuse the situation and hopefully interrogate the Warden as necessary. If all else failed, Artis would just kill them and help Deadpool and company figure shit out anyways.

@Wade Von Doom @BobTheNinja @Valkan
Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan remained silent, following Shirou's guidance as he cut a path through the sewer. That didn't last long however, as things took an unexpected turn. The tunnel collapsed beneath their feet "Crap!' By reflex, Ryan's helmet sealed his armor, and a couple of bursts of energy and some spatial coordination helped him gracefully land on his feet, swords at the ready. Trying his best to ignore the unpleasant waste filling the new area.
Three people were in the room, Ryan saw one trying to go for Wade, but Artis took care of it... That left two. His unnatural bloodlust kicked in, and with his incredible speed, Ryan blurred into existence in front of one guards, beheading him with a swift flick of his left blazing sword. Right after, he blurred right in front of the remaining guard placing both swords crossed right on the guards' neck, allowing him to feel the intense heat of both swords, which would birderline burn him "You better listen to him" Ryan said, sounding awfully grim.

@Wade Von Doom @Nero Kunivas @BobTheNinja
Stepping out from the back of the transport, Kingpin took a good look around him. The fighting had begun before he had been able to ready a proper weapon, and with the distances between them and the enemies, the Wishbringer looked awfully... short-ranged.

He affixed it to his back. "Linear Fusion. Sleeper's good." He grumbled.

Anya transmatted another weapon into his hands: sleek and long, with a body seemingly made of scrap metal and rebar. On closer inspection, however, the material were top-notch, the assembly process would've been inhumanly precise, and the result was a state-of-the-art, one-(few)-of-a-kind weapon: the Sleeper Simulant.


The Titan hoisted it with little difficulty, looked around for targets, aimed and pulled the trigger. To be precise, he held the trigger: the weapon required a charging-up, but the heavy trigger pull weight, while almost unmanageable to normal humans, might as well have been non-existent to the Guardian.

The rifle fired. A coalesced beam of red energy escaped the barrel and struck their intended target: the wall behind a hapless soldier hiding behind a metal plate on the catwalk above them. The beam hit, but instead of blowing a chunk out of the wall, blasting a scorch mark or fizzling into nothing, the beam scattered and bounced into five distinct, smaller beams. Three out of the five found additional targets: the soldier in cover didn't even get to scream before being disintegrated by one of them, while the other two struck a droid and a soldier each, with varying results- the robot fared much better than the soldier, but still suffered quite some major damages. The other two beams reflected off a few hard surfaces before losing too much of their energy to continue, ultimately hitting nothing.

Kingpin turned his attention towards one of the menacing droids currently ripping into Morgan, calculated the reflection angle while the weapon charged, and fired. It splintered as the directed fusion beam overpenetrated it, reflecting once again off a wall like the world's deadliest light show, a superheated flower of death in full bloom. Luckily, none of them hit Morgan, or any of the others, but a couple of the beams' last few bounces disintegrated another soldier and damaged the legs of another droid. The third shot blasted that droid into pieces as well, but the bouncing beams hit nothing.

The Exo retreated behind the vehicle to reload the weapon.