The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 4: Long Road Ahead

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Dio Brando

As Dio got ready to retort, Doom had to be a pesky nosy party crasher. Bringing their army and company out to torment the group before their camp. And here Doom was going on about a small window of opportunity to attack the city and get whatever they needed, and he was now wasting precious time on a small matter such as this.

Dio couldn't help but scowl at this time wasted.

"Dear Doctor....I could've sworn you and the others had limited time for your plan to work without a problem. That was why I, Dio offered to take care of this and catch up with you and the others later. Or do you intend on wasting time for every single problem when you said yourself that the city is our goal? Quite the contradiction." Dio spoke the last bit of words mockingly sweet, posing once more. Crossing his arms as he awaited Doom's response.

@Wade Von Doom @Agent_Puncake @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin

Red Hood

Jason watched as the MacManus Brothers discussed something that occurred in the past, sighing somewhat as they bickered back and forth. Reminded of his bickering with the Bat-family before the Regime was even a thought, much less the event that caused them to be formed.

Twirling his guns, Jason would stand beside the Doctor. Awaiting her next course of action. "Just say the word, Doc. I'll follow you guys."
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Pride, The First Homunculus

Did you hear.. The fullmetal alchemist..

...Shorter than I thought ...Was attacked last night!

The thoughts of Central City, he heard them all. His purple eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he overlooked the city and smiled. The Elrics were coming finally and he would get the chance to see the humans that managed to tamper with greed so. However they would wait until Father gave the word, for now, he would deal with wrath. Now what was taking him so long?

"Selim, I heard an awful noise. Are you fine in there?"

"I haven't heard a thing mother, I'm about to sleep."

"Sleep well Selim, oh and your father will be running late again, try not to stay up to greet him like last time."

Father will be displeased- What is this light!? His eyes widen as tendrils of darkness manifest to slay his enemies... But then it's gone and he stands alone in a ruined metropolis. Surrounded by objects long corroded by time, and as he looks around his shadows spread for miles spotting the same sight everywhere, the same human filth unending. His shadows lash out destroying the ground and buildings completing what time couldn't. How Dare! Of course they would. How else would they defeat me? greed must have told them everything, the weakling. He would be sure to reprimand his brother but first he must return home. How he smiled thinking of what he would do and the group next to that hideous beast seemed like a fine start. His shadows spread ever closer, he would hear and learn all he could moving forward and unlike his siblings he wouldn't disappoint.
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Dio Brando

As Dio got ready to retort, Doom had to be a pesky nosy party crasher. Bringing their army and company out to torment the group before their camp. And here Doom was going on about a small window of opportunity to attack the city and get whatever they needed, and he was now wasting precious time on a small matter such as this.

Dio couldn't help but scowl at this time wasted.

"Dear Doctor....I could've sworn you and the others had limited time for your plan to work without a problem. That was why I, Dio offered to take care of this and catch up with you and the others later. Or do you intend on wasting time for every single problem when you said yourself that the city is our goal? Quite the contradiction." Dio spoke the last bit of words mockingly sweet, posing once more. Crossing his arms as he awaited Doom's response.

@Wade Von Doom @Agent_Puncake @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin

Red Hood

Jason watched as the MacManus Brothers discussed something that occurred in the past, sighing somewhat as they bickered back and forth. Reminded of his bickering with the Bat-family before the Regime was even a thought, much less the event that caused them to be formed.

Twirling his guns, Jason would stand beside the Doctor. Awaiting her next course of action. "Just say the word, Doc. I'll follow you guys."

Dio had a point. They had little time to waste, and these unexpected intruders were costing them that. Begrudgingly, Doom would allow Dio to speak. "..... We will not wait for you." Doom simply said, turning around to face the others. "Prepare your equipment! Once we reach the city, the onslaught shall be our window to sneak through. Do not expect an easy fight." With that, the soldiers continued for their preparations and packing up. Doom himself jumped back onto the worm, with the little creatures that joined him keeping close to him. As everyone packed, Baraka moved over to his lord and whispered,

"My lord. What are your orders once in the city?" For all the bickering between Dio and Doom, Khan had plans of his own.

Agam Azuron

Agam briefly put his attention on the argument of the brothers for a moment, sighing as he did. "Of all the times you both could've picked to argue like children... I doubt this is an appropriate one." His focus then went to the Doctor, who wanted to be brought down to the street level, Agam nodded, lifting a hand in her general direction. "Right, Do-" before he could finish addressing the woman, the peculiar pink blob called his attention, as it approached the Doctor in an apparent hurry. The creature signaled out something to her. Following its pink stump, Agam turned, and saw an immense dust cloud slowly closing in. "Visara Vitala!" Agam exclaimed as he pointed out one of his hands towards it, only to confirm his suspicions. Multiple lifeforms, charging in towards the city. He turned to the Doctor, who urged him to act. Agam once again pointed one of his hands on the Doctor's direction, but before he could say anything, some members of the team suggested against going down, and go straight instead. Agam didn't say anything, leaving the ones who needed a hand to discuss it. However, they didn't have all the time in the world, so Agam had to urge them to decide. The Doctor seemed like a good point to start. "Very well, take your pick, Doctor. Then, all you need to do is jump." True to his word, once she voiced her choice and jumped, an invisible force would guide her to either the street below, or the nearest rooftop in front of her in a swift but controlled manner, and of course, a smooth landing on her feet. While that happened, Agam took interest in the blob, who seemed sentient and smart, yet it couldn't talk. Agam pondered if thought-talk could be a way to communicate with it, or its thoughts were too chaotic for that. Only one way to know... "Hello. Can you understand me?" he conveyed to the puff ball's mind.

Marco Dekimotre

Once again, Marco was quiet. Analyzing the situation unfolding before him. Two brothers arguing about a past adventure. Everyone seemed reprehensive towards them because of it. They were on enemy territory, after all, so it made sense to act that way. Then a pink ball with appendages went to their impromptu leader, calling her attention to something Marco had noticed a while ago. An invading force, heading their way. However, something was off. Marco started shaking slightly. Something in that cloud was off, it scared him. Marco didn't know why, but he wanted to be away from it. Knowing from his time as a mercenary that showing fear was wrong. He tried his best to casually move things forward "M-make a choice, but h-hurry...'"

Agam's attempts at communicating with Kirby were.... mixed. He heard a high pitched, almost feminine voice shout out to him, "Yip!" And indeed, Kirby seemed to wave at him. But, then after that, all he'd hear were the sounds of a stomach grumbling, with some stars forming out of Kirby because of his hunger. So it wasn't much of a 'yes' in that he could understand Agam, and more 'I'm hungry.' "Hmmm!" Kirby grumbled aloud, as he was tired of being treated like a toy. The game was afoot, and they needed to take the charge! In a sudden rush, Kirby popped out of the Doctor's grip, and jumped down onto the buildings below. Once he landed, he looked over back to the group, and waved for them to follow his lead, before jumping to the next rooftop towards the main building.

The brothers quickly rushed over to see the pink blob fly off. "... Does he know where he's going?" Murphy asked.

"Well, if we're going up... Might as well start getting there." Connor retorted, taking the leap of faith to follow Kirby, with the help of Agam's magic.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Dio Brando

As Doom and their merry band went on to siege the city, Dio would watch them go with a rather impassive expression on his face. His attempts at deciding on a plan halted by something tugging at his mind, in particular. The question asked by the leader of these animals. It was concerning all too familiar women who absconded with a party gift in the form of leaving a smoke grenade for them.

Dio would change his expression to one of deep thought as he slowly strode over to them. "Ah yes, I do remember two matching that description. They ran away like cowardly thieves into the night. Shameful children caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Why, are they friends of yours? I can see the similarities. Except you lot seem a great deal similar to dirty animals squabbling in the dirt." Dio's expression changed to a rather devious one, licking his lips at the prospect to practice with his newfound extended limit of time stop.

He hadn't stopped time save for some incidents in the past where time did stop outside of his own accord, the cause of which were mere afterthoughts of his new power barely containing itself. Odd it only lasted two seconds.

So this was going to be his first battle where he could fight and just see what he could do with such power. The sad lot before him didn't know what they were in for. Now he wasn't going to stop it right off the bat, as he wanted to toy with the poor souls for a bit. Then when there's only a small few left, he'll stop time and dismember them one by one, maybe leaving one to be showered in gore of his or her friends. Before he'd finish the last one off.

This was going to be fun.

  • Ah Seen It
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Before Steve could even react, the Arts Guard's sword was out of its scabbard. He twirled it twice, and pointed it at Dio. "I was foolish to think that maybe, just maybe, people in another world would be more accepting. But you, sir, have pissed me off."

Without warning, he charged across the clearing at the man.

It was as if a dam had broken. Five Arts Guards - every last one Steve brought with him - followed suit, their swords unsheathed and guttural war cries rising from their throats. The command died in his throat: how could he just tell them to stop, to ignore this blatant disrespect? His men aren't dumb; it was a taunt, a clear declaration of challenge, and they were drawn to it like moth to flame. If they wanted to die in battle, so be it.

Behind him, the line of Heavy Defenders shifted uncomfortably, anticipating the fight ahead. His Casters had already begun to move behind the shields, their hands lighting up with offensive, defensive, or healing Arts.

Steve slunk behind the shield wall, where two figures - one large, one more his height - waited for him. "We got trouble."

"I know." The larger figure - a Defense Crusher Leader - nodded, his voice a deep baritone. "They cannot sense it. I can. I assume you can too."

The smaller figure nodded as well, but said nothing.

"Prepare for a tactical retreat." Steve sighed. "Signal the drones and long-range casters to stand down. We cannot risk them chasing us all the way back to our main force. And, if... well, if he truly is as strong as we think, and it comes down to it..."

The smaller figure shrugged. The Crusher nodded again. "No problem. I am prepared."

Beyond the temporary safety of the shield wall, six swordsmen charged at Dio.
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Dio Brando

Dio simply kept walking forward, his expression never changing. The second one of the swordsman slashed at him, Dio would shoot his hand out so the blade would stab through, where with a grip far greater than whatever human could muster, stopped the human dead in his tracks. The sudden stop causing the masked attacker to jerk and nearly slam against the grip of their sword.

"Useless, useless! Mere weapons aren't going to do much to I, Dio! So pathetic, how can anyone here possibly withstand [The World]!" Upon its name being called, his attacker who had let go of the weapon as to switch off or back up, would soon find himself being punched so hard the armor he wore around his chest served to do the opposite of its intention as the metal worked in tandem with the punches to utterly shatter the ribcage, making him fall to the ground. The attacker would be visible to all of them.

Standing roughly at seven foot five, [The World] was a yellow muscle bound Stand that looked just as impassive as Dio had moments ago, his Stand wouldn't just stop there. When two of the sword carrying attackers got within range, fists were sent flying so fast that to the human eye, they'd look like multiple fists were punching at the same time, skulls, arms or whatever were shattered with ease. While this occurred, Dio was still present and not wanting to leave everything to his Stand, would continue attacking. Or in this case, top himself off with some flesh blood to heal the rather impressive wound one of the sword carrying soldiers did just now. Cutting through the collar bone and making just past the second from the top rib.

An action that would've easily killed a regular human. Unfortunately for the filth before him. Dio was a vampire, where cutting his head in two served little beyond annoying. Without Hamon, or a Stand powerful enough to topple his [The World]. Little to nothing could defeat him.

Whipping his fist around, he struck the head of his attacker, holding back just enough to prevent smashing the skull of the rat that dared to wound Dio. His other arm pulling the weapon free with a sickening sound akin to that of pulling apart an orange. The arm that had struck the attacker would now shoot out once Dio got closer to them, sinking up to his knuckles in their neck as he began the process to heal his wounds. Flesh mended itself, muscles regenerating and bones coming back together as if nothing had broken them. Not even blood was left on the surface of his skin. His yellow jacket was stained and ruined beyond repair. Which was a shame, he had it specially tailored. The hapless wretch who had done such damage was now barely an emaciated corpse.

Refreshed and healed, Dio threw away the body as one would with the core of an apple after being done consuming the rest of it. Taking off the ruined jacket, Dio would stand next to [The World]. The scars from where he had taken Jonathan's body visible as clear as day to the lot of them. "No matter whatever what you do to me. I, Dio will always come out on top!"

He looked at the hapless fools before him, smirking all the while.

This was going to be fun.

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"What the fuck?!" One of the surviving swordsmen screamed. "He just... he just... did that!"

Behind them, the casters released their Arts. Streaks of red, blue and green flew through the air; while some landed on the remaining men and gave them some semblance of protective shielding, the rest splashed against Dio and his Stand pitifully. It would probably do nothing; even most cities' local forces have heavy shields rated against these standard, ranged attacks. They are, however, charging up another volley of attack.

"Phalanx Six!" One of the shield users roared: some tattered red cloth tied to his chest rig seemed to mark him as the leader. "Lock shields!"

Ten shields knocked against each other with a series of thunderous clangs. Steve frowned. "I'm gonna call those guys back, thinking it's a good idea to run."

"I might have a chance against him." The Crusher said, twirling his large hammer with ease. The smaller, hooded figure, shook his head. "I'm not long, man. Gonna teach that fucker a lesson before I go."

Steve nodded. "Then so long, guys." He sighed. "I would've rather not."

"He's tough, he'll be a problem if he finds the rest of us." The hooded man said. "We all dedicated our lives to the Movement. And to be honest? We all die; I just want you to die later, so we got a shot at winning." He seemed to wink under the hood.

Steve nodded, and slunk off into the rubble. He was gone in seconds. The Crusher gave a command; the phanlax began to move forward.

On the other side of the slowly advancing shield wall, two of six began a suicide charge as the third lay dying in a pool of his own blood.
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Dio Brando

Dio couldn't help but laugh as Dio proceeded to whack the attacks away, similar to Kakyoin's Emerald Splash. Granted, they burnt the flesh on his arms, but eventually those would heal. "Useless, useless, useless! While your attacks might've done more damage than an old enemy of mine. But unfortunately for all of you, you shall all die similar as he did!" Dio would pose as his Stand burst forth, ready for its ability to be used.

"[The World]: Stop Time!" A wave of energy would emit from his Stand, freezing time in place. To all but himself, Dio would make mincemeat out of these hapless fools. [The World] would use the first second to punch a hole in the stomachs of the two charging him, and normally this is the part where Dio would be picking the rest of them apart within the remaining eight seconds, but something occurred that Dio had never seen coming, so much so when it did, it was devastating.

Time resumed after the two second mark. All the people in front of him would see was Dio seemingly teleporting and two of their own that charged him sent flying back with newly made holes in their stomachs, Dio's expression going from smirking like a shark to now one of utter confusion and bewilderment.

'Impossible! How could this happen to one such as I, Dio? I had nine whole seconds before coming here, and yet I barely lasted two seconds. How could this be....Unless.....' That was when Dio had a revelation that he would never think of. That bastard.

A piece of shit from the damned Joestar bloodline, the only one who ever invaded his world of stopped time.

Jotaro Kujo.

That was the only explanation, for he was Dio, a being higher than humans and wielding of the pinnacle of Stands, would never grow weak. It had be that leech siphoning power of off him. Once he was done with this rats, he'd join the others at the city, and maybe find out where that damned bastard was, and end him.

Looking to said shield guard, his face was now one of pure anger and annoyance. He wanted to be done with this.

Both Dio and [The World] would fly forward, preparing to become literal missiles, with [The World] acting as a punching beast, breaking the shields apart, allowing Dio to become the blender amidst the guards, blood and gore sent flying as the pair started to play seriously. Dio wanted his nine seconds back, to be that powerful once more, as the thought of otherwise sickened him. As he once did back when Jonathan found out about his poisoning of his father.

@Agent_Puncake @Nero Kunivas

Red Hood/Jason Todd

Jason would look down at the rooftop that the pink ball just jumped down to, somewhat hesitate. "If I die, pick five people to fight over my guns." Was all he said before he jumped after Kirby, completely caught off guard by the magic or whatever it was breaking his fall from what should be at the least, shattering of his knees and his leg bones flying into his chest and killing him. Instead was a slow descent and eventual landing next to Kirby.

"Holy shit." Was all he had to say, looking down at Kirby. "I'm gonna buy drinks for Agam. Then punch him. Then buy him another drink."

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Valkan @Whomever-Else-I-Missed
  • Ah Seen It
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In a third floor window two blocks away, Steve blinked once as he watched the chaos unfold through his sniper scope.

He had set up shop as quickly as he could, hoping to provide at least some cover from somewhere the monster would not see him. However, just as he looked through the scope at the yellow-clad man, the last two remaining guards were send flying backwards, insides trailing behind them as the holes in their bodies turned them into human donuts.

But what intrigued him was the look on Dio's face. If he were to hazard a guess, this was the work of someone who could teleport; he had never seen or heard of someone who could move instantly, but he had always assumed it possible. But that look of bewilderment doesn't fit someone who had just executed such a successful attack.

Unless... that wasn't his original intention. Unless, that's not how it worked at all.

A thought sent a shiver up his spine. He was quick to begin to dismiss it, but faltered. In such a bizarre new world, anything is possible. He saved it to his brain for future contemplation.

There's suddenly a great lack of desire to stay. He packed up with inhuman speed, left the building, and didn't look back.


There is nothing but panicked screams on the battlefield. Nothing could stop the monster in yellow; both the beast and the man who commanded it were devastating, shattering top-quality metal alloy shields and the unarmored bodies of Casters with ease. In another few seconds, there would be nothing left.

A large figure stepped forward, hoisting the comically large hammer it carried with ease. Still easily a foot shorter than The World, he nevertheless exuded an aura of confidence - a confidence only found in men who knew that they will soon be dead. Beside him, the hooded man - shorter but just as built - drew a katana; the D32 steel composite blade gleamed in the gloomy light as if shone upon with a floodlight.

The Crusher said nothing as he charged in for a swing.
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A mere seven seconds later as Dio resumed his rampage a pale horse lanced over the horizon. This fury of light and darkness enraged at the violation of natural laws was a single violent potential striking between where Dio's feet had been but a few moments earlier. The earth below erupts not from an explosion but raw distortion of space and aggressive destruction of natural energies. The ground heaves as it hemorrhages discordant chunks of earth and black miasma as a solar flare in one pair of eyes looks toward Dio. The female form stood among propelled rock rotting to dust to scream at him in unbound fury. Projectiles flung even turn to dust on impact as if some essential energy had been annihilated from them. The eyes faded though the humanoid form remained for a moment before turning to one side and erupting in smoke.

@The Wanderer
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The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

Thirteen is surprised when Kirby drops out of her arm and takes the lead for a run across the tops of the buildings.

"Well then! Let's follow Mister Squishy!" She declares. The Doctor walks away a few feet to get a running start on her jump. Feeling Agam's anti-gravity magic assisting her jump catches her a little off-guard and makes her flail in mid-air before landing ungracefully on the other rooftop.

"Hah! Stuck the landing!" She yells in triumph and makes another run to the next rooftop assuming Again has caught up with the group.

Of all the strange subjects T-851 has encountered so far, the pink being was one of three that stumps all her databases. Seeing others treat it like a child, she had been operating on the assumption it was a child. It is now apparent the pink one is not a child the way it takes the lead now.

Thea is one of the last two to take the plunge, just before Agam himself as she still deems it necessary for there to be active fire support. Agam's power would not be necessary, as her build would have allowed her to clear the distance easily, and her frame could have taken the impact of the fall as well. But she needs to maintain her cover. So she looks at Agam with a look of worry.

"Don't drop me, please?" She asks then jumps.
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Surrounding the city were walls, around a thousand feet high, manned with drones and turrets, and only one way through, the automated doors. It was the only road in and out of the city, and behind that wall were hundreds of troops, keeping watch of the giant dust cloud approaching them. Commanders planned out orders and strategies for in case the beasts attacked, while soldiers trained, kept watch of the systems, or prepared for if the worst happened. With how high the walls were, only flying creatures could get over there, while the ground was nothing but concrete so they couldn't dig underneath. They had to make sure the defenses were better than perfect, because if they fell, the city would too. And the last remains of humanity on this planet would be finally wiped away.

What they didn't plan for, as it was impossible for any such creature to come this far into the cold and survive, was what Doom had gotten from the Siberian desert. While watching the cloud, a few soldiers noticed a smaller cloud several meters away from it. It was rapidly approaching, at a speed which didn't match the bigger cloud's. They quickly informed the commanders, who then made the order to prepare the defenses. Each soldier then made their way to their posts, manning machine guns, operating the mechs, and preparing the automated droids to attack. All troops were designated on where the cloud was coming from, believing it was going to ram the wall. Yet, instead, it disappeared before it got close enough. The commanders and soldiers were confused, and all aerial footage showed whatever was making it had vanished. One commander, however, realized something. "Get me a seismic reading!" He order. A soldier quickly checked, with the virtual hologram of the city showing that it was now underground. And moving fast to hit the concrete. The commander realized what was going to happen. "MOVE!" He shouted to everyone. "Go go go, everyone towards the city, get away from here now!"

Soldiers could feel the ground shake violently, and as they ran, it began to crack and fold. Before they had a chance to escape it, the worm burst out of the ground, destroying the base in a matter of moments. Debris flew across the sky, smashing into the nearby buildings, while the ground swelled up by the shockwave, sending those still running caught up by either the wave of debris, or being crushed by the worm itself. When everything stopped shaking, and the worm sat still, the dust began to settle, and the soldiers who weren't yet dead laid on the ground in pain, coughing from internal injuries, or the dust filling their lungs. One soldier tried standing up to get his bearings again, but...


It popped out from under the ground, with more smashing through to grab at the wounded soldiers.


"AHHHHH!!" Screams echoed through the dust as these creatures feasted.

"The wall's been breached, I repeat, the wall's been breached!" One of the commanders tried to inform the city, only to get static on his comms. "Can anyone hear me, we are under attack! I repeat, we are under-- GAH!" Two blade went straight through his chest, as Baraka appeared from beyond the dust to attack from out of nowhere.


Gunfire then went off. Blasters and assault rifles combined together to kill off the remaining survivors. Each came off the worm's back, soon followed by Doom himself. "Take whatever equipment is still in tact and prepare a defense line!" Doom ordered, walking through the now fading dust fog. "MODOK, find us our route to the science facility."

"Yes, Doom."
MODOK replied, already sending out his small drones to survey the area. The worm then began to move again, towards the main buildings. From both sides, the soldiers along the other parts of the wall began to rush in from both sides, firing at the graboids and Doom's men. Two mechs approached from the left, while the right had six drones fly in from above to lay down suppressing fire. Doom quickly took out one with his green blast of energy.

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With the comms jammed, the city didn't know what was happening. High above in the science building, they couldn't even feel the earth tremor, at least not yet. Two soldiers were within the server room, doing scheduled maintenance on the automated security droids, making sure everything was still running well.


"So what's the latest on the project?" A soldier asked his friend.

"They're gonna try another test soon. Won't last too long, they'll be sure to tell us when it'll happen."

"Good. Last time, I felt like my brain was vibrating, nearly fell into a trash can I got so dizzy."

"Yeah, they're starting to rotate out the lab people so they don't come down with sickness. Who would've guessed being around so much radiation would make them ill?"

"It's a safety thing, man, the higher ups didn't give them any real protection. They just went, 'do it quick, or else.'"

"Yeah, and now we got people slowly dying in there. It's amazing it's progressed as fast as it did, considering our best people are probably getting tumors all over their bodies."

As they spoke, they realized there was a shadow over the window that hadn't moved in two minutes. When they both looked over, they'd find Kirby staring at them.


"What the fuck?!" One of them shouted, quickly pulling out his pistol to fire a shot at the pink blob. Jumping up, Kirby managed to dodge the bullets, and transform himself into a big metal block that, with the help of Agam's magic, smashed through the window like if it was normal ground, and hit both guards before gravity became normal again. Unfortunately, with the window now smashed, the droids were activated, and came out of spinning cylinders connected to the wall, with an alarm now sounding off.

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Dio Brando

"Useless useless. Why do you all persist in trying to harm I, Dio?" Dio asked in a bored tone, as his Stand got ready to deal with the hammer strike as one would with a fly.

But fortunately for the worm before Dio, something unexpected happened once more. As something else attacked him, a rotting figure made of dust screamed at him, striking the ground he was moments ago. Perplexed, Dio would watch as the figure decayed into nothingness. The dust launched by the figure burned his arms as if acid was chewing at them. He was distracted so much that he wasn't able to Command [The World] to block the attack, barely able to block with his arms which were decimated by the strike due to the dust flung at him from the figure.

Blood would be gushing from one arm hanging on by mere tendons and veins that managed to not snap. The other arm was partially broken. The damage done would make make Dio sneer as he'd use the barely broken arm to stab into the gore pile he had made from his previous attack, sucking in blood to heal the damage done to him.

"I, Dio do congratulate you on your success for hurting me. But this is where your luck ends. [The World]: Stop Time!" Would be called out as Dio picked up a spear from the gore pile, the weapon still slick with its original owner's blood and viscera. As time stopped, Dio would arch his arm back in the first second and throw the spear at the large hammer wielder using the last second before time resumed. Though fortunately for the wielder, the spear wasn't going to hit the head as the slick blood did make Dio's aim a bit off, but he was sure to be hit somewhere.

Dio wanted both of these hapless fools dead and over with.

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Stop... time, huh? The Crusher thought as the spear pierced his EOD suit and lodged itself deep inside his chest. That's useful.

His left hand shot up, reaching for his short-range transceiver, and tuned it past the first emergency frequency to the second; the "oh shit" frequency. The message would be broadcasted with no encryption, on all available and recognized bands. For now, however, he only needed someone to hear a few words.

"This yellow motherfucker can - cough cough - stop time."

Ignoring the pain (and the very cumbersome spear sticking out of his guts), he stepped forward for another swing. Behind him, the hooded man dashed forward with his katana at the ready.


A few hundred meters away, a lone Reunion radio picked up the transmission. Its owner grimaced.
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It was a shame Arc couldn't stay back to watch Dio's little show of his powers. He would have loved to get a read on the reason this figure held himself in such high regard, but that would be a matter for another time. At the current moment, Arc needed to be as least suspicious as possible and in order to do that he would need to not show his interest in his fellow 'comrades' as they invaded. Everyone soon climbed atop the large worm creature that Doom had tamed for his benefit. Its body was rough like sandpaper, and every movement created a tremor through its body.

It wasn't long before the group made it to their destination, the large blinding city in the distance. The guards that had been out on patrol were soon dispatched by other worms that had emerged from the ground. A bloodbath ensued, worms feasted on human bodies and several minions went on a rampage. "This is all a tad bit dramatic for my tastes…" Arc muttered under his breath. He would have used the word lackluster, but that might cause some unwanted attention if anyone had heard it. Arc would have rather made the city fall in upon itself from the inside, as he enjoyed to see people squirm and falsely accuse one another, but that would be for another time. For now, he would make due of the mechs advancing in on their position as the worm the group was on smashed through the soldiers' defense and towards the science building. Two bolts of electricity gripped the mechs, easily pulling them over and onto their faces. A few more seconds of lightning fried the electronics within, along with anything organic standing next to them. Arc would let the drones be up to the rest of the group, as they seemed to enjoy this type of destruction.
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Red Hood/Jason Todd

Jason watched as Kirby slammed through the window, crushing two guards that were discussing something, as soon as that happened, alarms began to ring out. Robots being dispensed from the walls, Jason not wanting the little pink blob to be made into a fine stain, jumped down with his guns ready. The pistols while small, were powerful.

Shots rang out as Jason took off one droid's head from the firepower of the rounds the pistols fired, pressing a button on both pistols turned the bottom of the clip into a makeshift taser, which had Jason hold both guns by the slide to better grip and avoid shocking himself while he unleashed a flurry of blows against the next droid. Beating it down, Jason would use it shield himself and Kirby from the weapons the other droids were using.

"Need some help down here!" As he maneuvered the makeshift shield that was the rapidly deteriorating droid.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Epiphany. @Valkan @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
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Dio Brando

The injured man swinging his hammer would find the strike countered by [The World] as its fist hit the head of the hammer sending it back. Dio would personally deal with the swordsman. Reminiscent of Polnareff, save for the fact the swords were different as Polnareff's [Silver Chariot] used a rapier. Where as the imbecile before him was using another type of sword.

But very much like the idiotic Frenchman, Dio wouldn't be fazed by it. Moving his hand to take the blunt of the blade's strike, Dio would use his free hand to backhand the hooded figure away a couple feet while [The World] unleashed a flurry of blows at the Hammer wielding wounded man, if the punches connected, it'd be like someone was punching with the power of a truck hitting someone at full speed but contained in fists. "Hurry up and die already, I am sure the others are already missing the presence of I, Dio!"

The real reason was he wanted to find Jotaro or whoever had dared to leech his power off of him. But he wouldn't dare to mention that out.

- Thor Odinson, God of Thunder -

Kirby never ceased to...astonish Thor, first and foremost, with his charming demeanor yet incredible propensity for violence. All of this and not a word that could be understood from the big, pink lump. However, his entrance into the building had not gone unnoticed and Red Hood found himself in serious trouble. Without hesitation, Thor answered Red Hood's request for help by diving down, readying his Lightsaber and firing off a Lightning Bolt from his free hand at the nearest, functional Droid.

"You all right over there?" Thor shouted before striking another Droid with his Lightsaber, likely cleaving it in twain.

@The Wanderer
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- Shao Kahn, Konquerer of Realms, Ruler of Outworld -

One of the arriving Mechs would soon find the Wrath Hammer of Shao Kahn hurting towards it at full speed before a krushing impact, followed up by the Kahn himself catching the falling weapon, smashing its legs one at a time, a heavy swing for each to crush the knees, then unleashing a blast of energy from the ground, its green flames engulfing the mech as the Kahn confidently, boisterously laughed.

"Flee while you can, fools! None here will taste victory against the mighty Shao Kahn!! HAHAHAHAHAA!"

- Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren -

Several of the troops faced with the prospect of facing Shao Kahn would soon find that their fears of having to fight him were allayed...for now, breathing was their primary concern, as an invisible, dark force constricted their throats and lifted them into the air. The unmistakable crackle of an unstable, crimson blade soon gave way to a dark whooshing sound as said Lightsaber whirled through the air and cleaved through the choking troops and returning to the equally firm, physical grasp of Kylo Ren.

"Less boasting, more fighting! Drive them out!" He simply said, before twirling his Lightsaber and dragging its tip across the ground as he charged for the remainder of the troopers rushing through, thoroughly intent on massacring them before they can even engage the other villains.