CLOSED MAIN STORY The Evrensel Conflict: Prologue -- The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday -- SINAI

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Ryan Kyriendov

Ryan noticed the doctor coming towards him and the peculiar machine. Asking yet another important question, likely relevant to the rest of the group. While they waited for an answer, an alert sprung. It would seem that they no longer had time to spare, they needed to get going. Wincing at the loud noise, he looked around, the undead seemed to have difficulties, so did the mechanic mage. That said, he saw the mage as more capable of handling herself. The undead was quite stuck, still slow and likely in pain.

When the smoke started filling the room, Ryan acted. Ryan teleported to the undead, and undid the walking stick he provided while putting one of the undead's arms over his shoulders. "This might hurt, I'll take time to apologize later" the urlcerse warned, as he scooped him up like it was nothing and held him in a bridal carry style.

The smoke continued to make seeing difficult, and thinking the plan for this smoke was to suffocate them. Ryan was about to blow away the door, when a voice beckoned them to follow it through a brand new open path. Ryan hesitated for an instant, but it's not like they had much to choose from. That said, he followed the voice out of the room. He did not expect to see a huge talking jar with limbs to be the source of the voice. But he quickly dismissed the surprise. There were stranger objects one could possess.

Ryan silently nodded, hoping the jar could see even if he had no eyes he could tell. And followed him through the path it seemed to know.
Luer had seen the dragon woman, and at seeing her bleed about to offer what help he could to her. However, the moment he took a step towards her he cringed in pain as that sound started, reaching up with his hands to cover his ears— not that it helped much, dropping the cane in the process and falling to one knee on the floor. He tried to glance around, seeing if the others heard it, but the fog started clouding his sight too. He turned in the direction of a new voice, not sure what to make of it. If it meant a way out though… he tried to stand but he found that hard, searching for the cane. Why did he feel a sense of dejavu?

Instead of the cane though his arm was pulled around the shoulder of the taller man that had made it. He cringed as he was lifted, biting back as much of his pain as he could. He took a breath through gritted teeth and simply held onto the other. "None necessary, I appreciate it. And I am sorry…" He offered in reply. He was a liability right now so he was thankful someone was willing to help him, though he did feel bad about it.

When he finally turned attention to the open wall, he rose a brow. A jar… a talking jar? Even through his haze of a memory this seemed like a definite first. "And I thought things could not get stranger…"
Ryan Kyriendov & Luer Lastez Amari'al

Ryan shook his head ever so slightly. "Think nothing of it, just hold on tight" after a few seconds of silence, Ryan picked on the undead's comment "And I get the feeling this is just the start of it" he muttered, as he stole a glance of the peculiar looking knight jar.

Luer nodded to that. It was all he could do, if in part because he was still hurting that his grip was naturally a bit tight. He chortled when Ryan mumbled, leaning against the taller with a quiet sigh. He probably was right about that. He blew a small breath as the dragon's hair got in his face, which prompted his attention to the man's beard after brushing the hair off his own face. He was warm… and a part of the archer wondered if the rest of him was too. "Would be my luck that it gets worse. I pray you do not suffer for it, too."

Ryan ruminated on the words of the undead briefly "It will. I have no idea why, but I have the strong feeling I've already gone through something like this…" Ryan exhaled deeply. "Sorry, I shouldn't be that pessimis-... is something the matter?" He asked, noticing a hand going through his hair.

Luer pouted at that. He did not want others to suffer for his poor luck in life. He hated it. He smiled somewhat bitterly as the dragon had started his apology. "Pessimism is in my nature, these days." He simply stared at the dragon's beard as made his comment, though a thought ran through him as he did and caused a shiver. Dammit. "No…" He could not help himself, and the urge probably was not entirely his own, but he gave into it nonetheless and had started petting the man's beard with an almost childlike smile.

Ryan frowned mildly. "You better be on your toes. I can't carry you forever. Pessimism or not." After lightly scolding the man, he noticed something strange. Ryan caught a glimpse of This guy staring at him. Not only that, he reached for his beard with one of his hands. Ryan felt the impulse to throw him, and leave him to his own devices, but shook the somewhat sinister thought away. It was creepy, but it could be worse. The dragon sighed, and purposefully bumping the undead to snap him out of it. "What… what do you think you're doing?" he asked, concerned.

Luer was a bit startled at the bump, but it hurt and pulled him back to the current, which helped. He shook his head. "I did not expect anyone to carry me at all, so thank you for this much." He returned. He has done it himself that he could recall, he did not expect help now either. When Ryan questioned his staring and petting he returned his hand to the man's shoulder with an apologetic look. "Curiosity got the best of me… Sorry…" Curiosity and a different person's urge. Who just randomly pets beards!? It was mildly embarrassing. "It looked soft…" He added with a tiny pout.

Still weirded out, Ryan gave a brief doubtful glance at the undead. A concise "Again, think nothing of it" was his answer. He thought that would be the end of that, but the wounded undead doubled down. "What in… Did the machines probe your brain too much or something?" Ryan sarcastically asked. His face showed certain traces of exasperation, but softened up quickly. "...Sorry. I can see how a day like this can get overwhelming. I shouldn't be so rough on a wounded, disoriented, person."

On the contrary, Luer thought plenty of it. Considering Alande had wanted to kill him earlier. Luer pouted again though. "You wake up like flayed poultry on the kitchen counter and not want to indulge in something warm and soft for a second…" He muttered. Okay maybe it was somewhat his own urge. Overwhelming was an understatement, but he did not have the time right now to deal with it. Not that I would, anyway… He leaned on Ryan's shoulder again and sighed softly. "It is alright… Besides, it sounds like there are others here that may need help, too… I will not be useless for long. The pain will pass in time, but the lives of others cannot wait for it."

Ryan stared at Luer in disbelief. Maybe the undead curse turned his brain to mush to some extent. Quiet, stunned by the deadman's attitude. Luckily, he dropped the subject, and focused on actual issues that were more relevant than his beard. Seriously, the hell was that about? He decided not to fuel the fire further, and simply lifted his gaze upwards. Focusing back on the jar and the rest of the group, looking for a way out.
Alande, staring at the pot, had a very uncomfortable fact that was coming to the surface of his mind. That being that the density of reality deviance was so thick that it would be utterly impossible to make any meaningful progress anytime soon of bringing a reasonable order to reality here. Ultimately it was the talking jar that did it, but the suspicion had been creeping in for a good 30 seconds. If what the Jar was saying was true then the odds of him getting any sort of backup or reinforcements was minuscule at best. Worse, he made an ass of himself. This was about as terrible of a situation he could be in, unless a Nephandi or Superstitionist introduced themselves to the group and pointed him out explicitly.Thankfully there was no time to dwell on the situations quality, he had to get with the program. Ignoring the two that seemed likely to be lovebirds he turned to the pot and spoke, "Fine then, sooner we can get our things back the better. Lets get going."