The Evrensel Conflict: Prologue -- The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday (Stealth)

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Tokui Uchiha

Tokui's clone standing guard outside the passage muffled a chuckle when he heard Anri. The little girl's demeanor confused him. She should know better than that based on other of her actions. Still, the optimism was mildly contagious. Meanwhile, the real Tokui moved cautiously in the dark, welcoming the chakra boost from redirecting the electricity off the metal possessions he had. He felt slightly cheated, as despite his choice of tunnel, he still heard explosions and screams. Perhaps there was less depth to the choice than he initially thought, with all places leading to the same destination.

Light still refused to come, and he started wondering if even a Byakugan could have issues seeing through this darkness. The surreal whispering prayers didn't help Tokui's feeling of confusion. This whole trip, from the restraining room, to the machines, everything. It felt like the most bizarre nightmare. He felt grounded to reality merely because no Uchiha had shown up yet, as per usual in his nightmares. Screams right in his ear weren't pleasant by any means, but if they meant to break his will, they'd have to try harder.

The voices went silent with one last, loud bang. Leaving Tokui to tread through the dark in silence. Light showed itself almost as if in cue, bouncing playfully off the glassy lines of a crystal. Tokui reached for it, and once it was in his grasp, he was forcefully moved around again. Tokui dispelled his clones, in case he needed all of his chakra ahead.

Turns out, grabbing the crystal somehow solved the issue with that core thing. Flabbergasted, Tokui glanced at the peculiar crystal, before averting his gaze due to the unnerving sensation staring at it produced.

A voice then called from behind. Tokui turned to see the man dressed in an exotic suit, likely interested in the black gem. Tokui would have asked some questions, but Idan stepped right ahead of him. Though Tokui was all but aware of what the answer coming of that man was going too be. He wasn't sure of the others, but his description was as accurate as such few words can be. Tokui felt a cold sting within, which slowly heated up until it burned like his hatred for Kasumi Uchiha.

Tokui wrapped his fingers around the crystal, while with his free hand, he moved his mask from his face to his cape. With a glare only an Uchiha could manage to pull, Tokui slowly asked, with a clearly fake calmness, he asked "Did you steal her eyes from me?" His black irises flaring up in bright red with the signature marks of a Sharingan, accentuating his furious stare. Tokui was trying, trying so hard. But Bishamonten simply wouldn't trigger and erase this smug old man from his sight. "Who are you? What do you want from us?" Tokui followed up. His anger letting through some common sense.
Luer did not know anymore what to do, but with Moon Knight's unhelpful self, he took to following Tokui. Picking up his glove Idan spat out earlier, he gave it a good few smacks against his thigh before putting it back on. He did not get far, of course. The ninja was out of sight and the archer barely through the door when all hell broke loose yet again. He froze in place, not sure what to do or what was going on. He did not want to risk moving in the dark though. It was quick, thankfully, but he was even further confused by his eyes when the darkness vanished and the space around them had changed. Where were they now?

He blinked at the voice from around them. Wait, they did it? Did Tokui do something? He did not much feel like the rest of them did anything at all. Not that he would complain though. He crossed his arms as Tokui examined something in his hands. "So-" He started, though it was quiet enough that he did not get more than a small sound out when a new voice chimed in. He turned, readying his bow quickly at the source of the new voice. Though it was likely not entirely that threatening, as he turned far too quickly for his recovering self and his foot stumbled slightly as he caught himself after getting dizzy. He shook it off as best he could though in favor of the hearing the man's answer to Idan.

What they got though was… unsettling. He knew their names. At least a few of them never spoke their names. Bem and Moon Knight amongst the names he did not recognize just yet. So how did this man know? Idan perhaps was right, this man knew about what was going on- or more than they did anyway. But it seemed he knew far more than that. Tokui's reaction to his words told Luer enough. What the man said was true, which meant he knew their lives entirely. Well… maybe. He rose a brow to what the man said about him. That was strange. He spoke of each person with a modicum of relevance to their lives. But he only spoke of the archer's current demeanor? Not that he would complain. His past was his secret and he preferred it that way. He 'tsk'd at the comment. "You would be too if you threw up and had to keep moving." He countered. This did not sit well with him.

His eyes narrowed further, keeping his aim trained on this new guy as he continued, and applauded them. He was not in a celebrating mood. He could care less about the crystal right now, honestly. As far as they know it served its purpose in settling the station issues here. What he was more concerned about was the offer of 'going home'. What a lie if he ever heard one. "So only one person here could use it anyway, and I do not believe your claim of not being bothered again. I have no home to go back to, and even if I did I sure as hell am not doing so until my curse is gone. I do not trust this offer of yours. 'Too good to be true', as they say. What do you really want?"
Idan Graves - Thinking Things Through

Idan shudders as this ma- no cunt - picks him apart in a moment's notice. Back home, in the shit-fest that was Earth Bet, there was only two types of bastards that could know so much about someone at a glance. EIther the government or a.... "Shite! Shite! Shite! You're a Thinker!" Idan spits as he drops the flask and rapidly backsteps away from suited individual. In Idan's mind, Thinkers - like the mind-controlling Masters - are always trouble. Their knowledge of a situation changes too fast for them to be trusted and the well-known ones back home tended to use their powers to play with people, fuck them over, or build statisical profiles to predict events or people.

"It all makes sense!" Idan shouts, as he panickly reaches into his coat-pockets for one of his explosive devices. "You're workin' with whatever super-powered crew made this fuckin' hell of a tinker-tech base! Why should we trust ya?! Hell! Why shouldn't we just kill ya?! For all we know, that mobile of yours can just be made to blow us up, kill us, trap us, or whatever the fuck!" Idan rapidly switches from accusation to question to accusation as he waves his aerosol explosive device warringly in the direction of the suited individual, trying to appear as angry as he could to hide his true fear, the one causing his body to tremble. The worry that his actions are being predicted, expected, calculated, and designed in a way to screw him over and benefit the suited individual. This was the trouble of dealing with Thinkers. You never knew when you did something you wanted to do, or something they planned for you to do.

Honestly, Idan isn't sure whether or not his actions are playing to this man's plans. Perhaps the response was designed to rile him up. As he waves the device around, he begins thinking circularly. Doubting his own free-will and ability to choose for himself in the face of someone who seemed to know a lot about his external and internal motivations. It gave him a headache and a feeling of unease that looking at the crystal couldn't compare to.
Tokui Uchiha

Tokui's clone standing guard outside the passage muffled a chuckle when he heard Anri. The little girl's demeanor confused him. She should know better than that based on other of her actions. Still, the optimism was mildly contagious. Meanwhile, the real Tokui moved cautiously in the dark, welcoming the chakra boost from redirecting the electricity off the metal possessions he had. He felt slightly cheated, as despite his choice of tunnel, he still heard explosions and screams. Perhaps there was less depth to the choice than he initially thought, with all places leading to the same destination.

Light still refused to come, and he started wondering if even a Byakugan could have issues seeing through this darkness. The surreal whispering prayers didn't help Tokui's feeling of confusion. This whole trip, from the restraining room, to the machines, everything. It felt like the most bizarre nightmare. He felt grounded to reality merely because no Uchiha had shown up yet, as per usual in his nightmares. Screams right in his ear weren't pleasant by any means, but if they meant to break his will, they'd have to try harder.

The voices went silent with one last, loud bang. Leaving Tokui to tread through the dark in silence. Light showed itself almost as if in cue, bouncing playfully off the glassy lines of a crystal. Tokui reached for it, and once it was in his grasp, he was forcefully moved around again. Tokui dispelled his clones, in case he needed all of his chakra ahead.

Turns out, grabbing the crystal somehow solved the issue with that core thing. Flabbergasted, Tokui glanced at the peculiar crystal, before averting his gaze due to the unnerving sensation staring at it produced.

A voice then called from behind. Tokui turned to see the man dressed in an exotic suit, likely interested in the black gem. Tokui would have asked some questions, but Idan stepped right ahead of him. Though Tokui was all but aware of what the answer coming of that man was going too be. He wasn't sure of the others, but his description was as accurate as such few words can be. Tokui felt a cold sting within, which slowly heated up until it burned like his hatred for Kasumi Uchiha.

Tokui wrapped his fingers around the crystal, while with his free hand, he moved his mask from his face to his cape. With a glare only an Uchiha could manage to pull, Tokui slowly asked, with a clearly fake calmness, he asked "Did you steal her eyes from me?" His black irises flaring up in bright red with the signature marks of a Sharingan, accentuating his furious stare. Tokui was trying, trying so hard. But Bishamonten simply wouldn't trigger and erase this smug old man from his sight. "Who are you? What do you want from us?" Tokui followed up. His anger letting through some common sense.
"I'm the man you do business with." He explained to Tokui.

"Wasn't me who took them though," he told him, shaking his free hand as he walked down the steps. "Someone else is in charge of that department. See, we take people of all types here, some who have incredibly unique powers, like yourself with your 'Magekyo Sharigan,' to people like Luer, who may have some important value to his world and we need him out of the way. And, in the case of Idan, just to have some fun and throw a couple freaks around and see what damage they can cause." Because what else was Idan good for besides being a nutjob?
Idan Graves - Thinking Things Through

Idan shudders as this ma- no cunt - picks him apart in a moment's notice. Back home, in the shit-fest that was Earth Bet, there was only two types of bastards that could know so much about someone at a glance. EIther the government or a.... "Shite! Shite! Shite! You're a Thinker!" Idan spits as he drops the flask and rapidly backsteps away from suited individual. In Idan's mind, Thinkers - like the mind-controlling Masters - are always trouble. Their knowledge of a situation changes too fast for them to be trusted and the well-known ones back home tended to use their powers to play with people, fuck them over, or build statisical profiles to predict events or people.

"It all makes sense!" Idan shouts, as he panickly reaches into his coat-pockets for one of his explosive devices. "You're workin' with whatever super-powered crew made this fuckin' hell of a tinker-tech base! Why should we trust ya?! Hell! Why shouldn't we just kill ya?! For all we know, that mobile of yours can just be made to blow us up, kill us, trap us, or whatever the fuck!" Idan rapidly switches from accusation to question to accusation as he waves his aerosol explosive device warringly in the direction of the suited individual, trying to appear as angry as he could to hide his true fear, the one causing his body to tremble. The worry that his actions are being predicted, expected, calculated, and designed in a way to screw him over and benefit the suited individual. This was the trouble of dealing with Thinkers. You never knew when you did something you wanted to do, or something they planned for you to do.

Honestly, Idan isn't sure whether or not his actions are playing to this man's plans. Perhaps the response was designed to rile him up. As he waves the device around, he begins thinking circularly. Doubting his own free-will and ability to choose for himself in the face of someone who seemed to know a lot about his external and internal motivations. It gave him a headache and a feeling of unease that looking at the crystal couldn't compare to.
Certainly not being a rational thinker. WIth quick agility, Moon Knight smacked the underside of Idan's hand to make him drop the bomb, before quickly grabbing him in a choke hold behind his back and pushing him to the ground. A man panicking while waving a bomb around in the core reactor room of a space station they just saved wasn't gonna help things, even if the man you do business with was the bigger threat than Idan's paranoia.

"You see?" The man you do business with remarked, pointing to Idan's panicking, before letting out an amused laugh. "Guys like him just make this job all the more fun."

Luer did not know anymore what to do, but with Moon Knight's unhelpful self, he took to following Tokui. Picking up his glove Idan spat out earlier, he gave it a good few smacks against his thigh before putting it back on. He did not get far, of course. The ninja was out of sight and the archer barely through the door when all hell broke loose yet again. He froze in place, not sure what to do or what was going on. He did not want to risk moving in the dark though. It was quick, thankfully, but he was even further confused by his eyes when the darkness vanished and the space around them had changed. Where were they now?

He blinked at the voice from around them. Wait, they did it? Did Tokui do something? He did not much feel like the rest of them did anything at all. Not that he would complain though. He crossed his arms as Tokui examined something in his hands. "So-" He started, though it was quiet enough that he did not get more than a small sound out when a new voice chimed in. He turned, readying his bow quickly at the source of the new voice. Though it was likely not entirely that threatening, as he turned far too quickly for his recovering self and his foot stumbled slightly as he caught himself after getting dizzy. He shook it off as best he could though in favor of the hearing the man's answer to Idan.

What they got though was… unsettling. He knew their names. At least a few of them never spoke their names. Bem and Moon Knight amongst the names he did not recognize just yet. So how did this man know? Idan perhaps was right, this man knew about what was going on- or more than they did anyway. But it seemed he knew far more than that. Tokui's reaction to his words told Luer enough. What the man said was true, which meant he knew their lives entirely. Well… maybe. He rose a brow to what the man said about him. That was strange. He spoke of each person with a modicum of relevance to their lives. But he only spoke of the archer's current demeanor? Not that he would complain. His past was his secret and he preferred it that way. He 'tsk'd at the comment. "You would be too if you threw up and had to keep moving." He countered. This did not sit well with him.

His eyes narrowed further, keeping his aim trained on this new guy as he continued, and applauded them. He was not in a celebrating mood. He could care less about the crystal right now, honestly. As far as they know it served its purpose in settling the station issues here. What he was more concerned about was the offer of 'going home'. What a lie if he ever heard one. "So only one person here could use it anyway, and I do not believe your claim of not being bothered again. I have no home to go back to, and even if I did I sure as hell am not doing so until my curse is gone. I do not trust this offer of yours. 'Too good to be true', as they say. What do you really want?"
"But, like I told you before, just a simple business transaction. Crystal for a ride back home." He waved the flip phone gently in front of his chest.

"For someone like Luer, or any of the other guys above, who fought to take the station while you were busy playing Alan Wake, he's been playing this game for so long. An endless journey across space to find the person responsible for all this nonsense, and perhaps find your way back home, but where's that gotten you? For him, he got a curse that makes him undead. And the more he dies, the more of his mind he looses, And his boyfriend? A mental breakdown that ended with him trying killing several dozen people, him included," he pointed to Luer once more.

"And to what end? To hopefully stop this? Sorry to disappoint, but the multiverse is LARGE. It's a complex creation of physics, matter, and energy, it's beyond comprehension to truly understand. I mean, people from all your worlds have their theories, and indeed, they've managed to get a few things right... But, the greatest truth of the multiverse, of all known universes, the FINAL truth of all things... is that there is no final truth. In your struggle to follow us, to 'stop' us, in journeying across the multiverse to find out what we've been doing, what has it done for you? Nothing." He emphasized.

"So, instead of a never endinding chase that can only lead to more heartbreak and madness, how many of you would rather just go back home?What my boss plans is massive, and you matter very little in the grand scheme of things. Why not just go back? Back to your every day lives, back to that which can be rationalized, back to the simpler, easy to understand concepts of your world."

"Go back home. This truth you're trying to find, it means nothing. Now, you're right to be skeptical of it. But, what else is there? Do you actually care enough to stick around to try and understand? If you go, we will never bother you again. The multiverse is vast, and we have other places we can go. We will leave your worlds be, and you will never have to bother with us ever again. And all you would need to do," he pointed to the flip phone, "is just press a button, and off you go. No way back, all doors to your realities closed off, and your means of transportation gets fried by the single use. Easy to use.... What do you say?"
-And, in the case of Idan, just to have some fun and throw a couple freaks around and see what damage they can cause."
As Idan is belittled by the Thinker, his projected anger turns to real malice. "Who the fuck are ya callin' a freak?" He shouts, reaching back to light his explosive device, wanting so badly to wipe the smug look off of the creature's face.
Certainly not being a rational thinker. WIth quick agility, Moon Knight smacked the underside of Idan's hand to make him drop the bomb, before quickly grabbing him in a choke hold behind his back and pushing him to the ground. A man panicking while waving a bomb around in the core reactor room of a space station they just saved wasn't gonna help things, even if the man you do business with was the bigger threat than Idan's paranoia.

"You see?" The man you do business with remarked, pointing to Idan's panicking, before letting out an amused laugh. "Guys like him just make this job all the more fun."
-Only to be interupted by the white caped cunt, who forces the impromptu bomb out of his hands, before wrestling him to the ground in a sturdy choke-hold.

"Get your - hic - hands off of - hic - me!" Idan hiccups from the choke-hold, gasping for air as the memories of getting his ass-kicked come rushing back to the forefront. All the times he was powerless to do anything as others took their pound of flesh. Things were supposed to be different now, he had a means of protecting himself from the daily thugs of the bay.
"But, like I told you before, just a simple business transaction. Crystal for a ride back home." He waved the flip phone gently in front of his chest.

"For someone like Luer, or any of the other guys above, who fought to take the station while you were busy playing Alan Wake, he's been playing this game for so long. An endless journey across space to find the person responsible for all this nonsense, and perhaps find your way back home, but where's that gotten you? For him, he got a curse that makes him undead. And the more he dies, the more of his mind he looses, And his boyfriend? A mental breakdown that ended with him trying killing several dozen people, him included," he pointed to Luer once more.

"And to what end? To hopefully stop this? Sorry to disappoint, but the multiverse is LARGE. It's a complex creation of physics, matter, and energy, it's beyond comprehension to truly understand. I mean, people from all your worlds have their theories, and indeed, they've managed to get a few things right... But, the greatest truth of the multiverse, of all known universes, the FINAL truth of all things... is that there is no final truth. In your struggle to follow us, to 'stop' us, in journeying across the multiverse to find out what we've been doing, what has it done for you? Nothing." He emphasized.

"So, instead of a never endinding chase that can only lead to more heartbreak and madness, how many of you would rather just go back home?What my boss plans is massive, and you matter very little in the grand scheme of things. Why not just go back? Back to your every day lives, back to that which can be rationalized, back to the simpler, easy to understand concepts of your world."

"Go back home. This truth you're trying to find, it means nothing. Now, you're right to be skeptical of it. But, what else is there? Do you actually care enough to stick around to try and understand? If you go, we will never bother you again. The multiverse is vast, and we have other places we can go. We will leave your worlds be, and you will never have to bother with us ever again. And all you would need to do," he pointed to the flip phone, "is just press a button, and off you go. No way back, all doors to your realities closed off, and your means of transportation gets fried by the single use. Easy to use.... What do you say?"
But no! He had to be dragged into some multiversal fuckin' cape conflict and be treated like a fuckin' lunatic by both his allies and enemies. It's pure bullshite. The exact moment he thought he begining to get a handle on things, his entire worldview got flipped upside down.

Nevertheless, in a moment like this old habits are easily to fall into. So, without waiting for a response from the caped cunt, Idan uses his unpinned arm to dig in his pockets for a lighter and sparks up the inside of his - relatively flammable - jacket. As the jacket catches, Idan turns back with a look of spite and chortles. "Either ya - hic - let me - hic - go, or I'll blow - hic - us both up! Ya - hic - don't know what I - hic - got in these pockets!"
Problem Solved and a New Man Makes a Deal

It seemed that following the others made things go weird for just a moment, but it passed very quickly and did very little to harm them. It also seemed that in the moment of their arrival, the problem they had set out to fix had already been dealt with. Good! One less thing to worry about. Of course, then there was the sudden appearance of another adult. He was very casual in his interaction with the group, but apparently he disturbed some of the others. It was understandable, considering he appeared out of nowhere and briefly described everyone in the group. He was making a deal with them, and giving them a chance to go home. Leave this whole mess behind. Of course, some were put off by his presence. Idan even took out an explosive just in case, and was subdued by the White Man in response.

Anri, however, had no intention of returning yet. There were a lot of fun new things to look at, and she didn't mind sticking around to help do stuff. Speaking of interesting things to look at, the crystal they took was apparently important! Or at least curious. The new man wanted the crystal for himself, and made the offer with the idea of bringing people home in exchange for it. Maybe it was like the item that trapped souls?

"What's it do?", asked Anri.

While others were wary, Anri didn't really care. The man was just there, and didn't do anything other than talk, so she didn't mind just talking back in like manner.

"Can you eat it?"
Bless Idan, the man you do business with didn't have the heart to tell him his little home made explosives would do nothing. But, if he felt like being a suicide bomber would be the best route to follow, then he wasn't gonna stop him from making his job easier.

Moon Knight clenched the choke tight once his arm firmly wrapped around Idan's neck, not caring for the jacket catching on fire. He could deal with that after this madman was out cold, staying awake would only escalate the situation further. Idan would be out in a matter of seconds, and if no one around them came to help out the fire, he would roll both of them around so Idan was face down on the ground, and Moon Knight on top to use his body as a shield to hopefully protect everyone from the blast.

All the while, the man you do business with somehow appeared by Anri's side; no one seeing how he snuck past them to reach her and the crystal. "I dare you to," he told the girl, bending down so he was at eye level with her. "Must taste like rock candy." He shrugged his eyes ties to her, trying to see if she would be tempted into doing it. Obviously, he wanted the crystal. But, he was curious as to why the crystal seemed to have done sort of attachment to her. So what would happen if she interacted with it physically?
Tokui Uchiha

Overhearing Idan freaking out in an explosive manner had an effect on Tokui, it slightly grounded him. He had the right ideas, but losing it wouldn't benefit any one of his current allies. He was still livid, though he was more aware of the fact that he was still quite in the dark as to what is going on. This business man or whatever wasn't being very enlightening either. The only thing he got from what he told Tokui was that he was with the owners of the station, and that someone else was the one who stole his Mangekyo abilities. He would doubt, but it was too vague to be worth lying about. On top of the fact that this man clearly believed he was leagues above everyone else in the room combined. Intelligence? Strength? Right now wasn't the time to get too deep in thought.

The business man then got a bit more detailed into what was going on, not that Tokui got half of it. He got that he was offering an out, and that his world would be spared from whatever is going on here. "I'll reject the generous offer. Even if anything you said was to be trusted, I'm not leaving what you took from me behind." Tokui said, glaring a bit less intensely at the man. His initial rage spike subsiding.

It was then that the scene Idan and the so-called Moon Knight were causing caught his attention. Idan wanted a violent out, and Moon Knight was preventing him from immolation. That was until Idan lit himself on fire. "Idan! Get ahold of yourself. Bombing ourselves is not the way out of this" That being said, Tokui sighed. Then, as he inspired, he pocketed the crystal somewhere underneath his cloak in order to freely weave hand signs "Suiton: Water Bullet" A torrent of water was fired off Tokui's mouth, dousing Moon Knight and Idan thoroughly, and with enough pressure that it could cause them to lose balance. An improvised anti-riot cannon of sorts.

"Anri, please. Do not listen to him" Tokui said, unfazed by the unknown factor of the business man "And you, knock it off. I'm not letting you have the crystal. And luckily I don't have to argue that with anyone here" Tokui let off the last of his anger outburst in a dry chuckle "Nobody truly believes a word of what you're saying. You're wasting your time. And since you said you're not here to fight, I'd say it's high time you leave."

The group was too focused on the struggle between the adults. A single passing request to not listen to an enigmatic man was never going to be enough to prevent Anri from looking at the crystal and getting curious. This, while they were attempting to break up the fight between the man in white and the man with bombs (preferably stopping them before anyone blows up), Anri sped on her way over to the crystal and nabbed it. Now, even she was not exempt from being cautious, excitable and reckless she may be. So before she attempted to attempt the consumption of yet another magic crystal, she tested it with a single lick… before attempting to gnaw on it.
At the smallet press of her taste buds upon the crystal, a horrid scream would echo through her mind. It was an unnatural, monstrous scream, grating against her ears like teeth against a chalk board. Her mind, in a matter of miliseconds, would recieve flashes of vivid imagry. It would be like she was running a hundred miles a second, passing through forests, deserts, mountains, battlefields, cities, temples, the sky going from a glowing bright blue, to a foggy grey, to blood red. All while the screaming echoed around her, carving its way into her skull to feast upon her thoughts.

Then suddenly, it stopped. She was now still against ground, and there was barely any noise anymore, besides the passing of wind. Her feet stood upon sand, in an endless dune with no visible end, only fog that reached on forever. The air was cold enough to see her breathe, and the air was difficult to inhale. A lack of oxygen, like trees didn't exist in this world. The wind would pick up, blowing across the dunes to make a howling noise, before a figure appeared through the fog.

It looked down upon her, simply watching the child. It was curious about her, and somehow, she could understand it. It didn't try to fight it, like the others in her group did, or the machines. Her connection to darkness was... unique.

It moved its hand over to it, raising its index finger slightly to over her hands so she could catch it. Forming out the tip through smoke, a small orb would fall into her hands. Its size, while no bigger than her palms, was heavy, and oozed an unusual black fog through her fingers.

The orb would transform into whatever she desired. Be it a weapon, or a snack, or even a companion of the orbs size, its color would be a piercing black that no light could illuminate.

This was a gift to her, to help her protect the crystal. For it was but a shard of something much greater, and more powerful than anything she could have imagined. The being that stood before her was but a messanger and guardian for the shards that fell across the multiverse, but its power can only reach so far.

She would need to protect it from the machines. The shards are not meant for those living in the light. And its power could destroy all of known life if mishandled.

Guard it well, child. Abuse it, and you will know why to fear it.

Anri's mind would then return to the station. Moon Knight, while now drenched in water, still held on the choke until Idan was passed out, and the man you do business with was watching over her still. Her body hadn't moved, and only a milisecond of time would have passed. The crystal, upon her nawing at it, would melt into her mouth like ice cream, and easily slide itself down her throat with the plesant taste of a sugary lolipop. Nothing would happen after, besides making feel the need to burp.

"..... That's it?" The man you do business with questioned.
Show and Tell

In that moment of separation, where Anri had formally encountered the Dark Person, she was not alone. Indeed, she was never alone. Her other parts were there as well, though not in separate bodies. They shared only the most important knowledge, so the orb and its uses were known to her obedient and demon selves. The obedient one simply saw it as yet another tool to use, but the Demon saw it as a danger. Regardless of its uses, it would inevitably become a threat should she use it too much, and she knew her other parts can be careless at warning such as this.

For her part, the child named Anri nodded in understanding, and happily waved to the dark person as she returned to her body. The crystal, seemingly absorbing into her body, tasted sweet, and she let out a small burp after the last of it had been ingested. When she looked in her hand, she found the gift her new friend had given her. A black orb that emanated a dark, mist-like substance similar to smoke. She gently petted the orb before returning to the others. She also didn't respond to the Man You Do Business With, as Tokui's order had made her passively ignore him.

"I ate the crystal and got a new friend!", exclaimed Anri as she approached the group again.

A more conscious choice of ignorance was employed here, as Anri decided to completely ignore the fact that Moon Knoght was putting Idan in a chokehold while the rest were either watching, resting, or attempting to talk with The Man You Do Business With. She held out the orb with glee.

"They gave me this ball! Isn't it cute?"
The man you do business with began to chuckle, before bursting out into more intense laughter. Even though he wasn't 'human,' he couldn't help but arch forwards as he laughed, like his belly began to hurt from the humor in this situation. Yet, once he calmed down, he quickly broke the phone he offered to the group to send them home. Both parts burned away into ashe, falling through his fingers and scattering to the floor.

"Well then... What fun new developments." He mentioned.

"WARNING. NEW INTERFACE BEING CONRTSUCTED. ALL UNITS, PREPARE FOR EMERGENCY PROCEDURES." A voice echoed out across the station, before the station began to shake, as if the station was starting to unravel around them and was about to burst apart like a house of cards. The man you do business with didn't even move an inch during it all, standing eerily still like his feet were magnetized to the floor.

All the lights inside would cut out, and silence would take over. The man you do business with eyes yet glowed in the darkness; illuminating a blood red. Then, after a few minutes, they would turn back on with a gentle 'bing' noise echoing through the halls. The man you do business with eye's returned to normal like the red glow was but imaginary.


"Seems our business has concluded. Your friends above have, by some miracle, take control of the station. And my co-workers have already made their exit from this place, thinking it was going to explode from the meltdown. So, enjoy the station while its yours," he began to finish, backing away from them all, "because we'll be seeing you again. Very, VERY, soon." And with a wink, the man you do business with vanished in the blink of an eye once more.

The station was theirs. Idan was out cold, and Moon Knight released him. There was a lot to be discussed, and a journey across worlds to begin. What would their future hold for them in...