OPEN SIDE STORY The Evrensel Conflict -- Warden's Blues

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Boondock Saints Enthusiast
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female

Xivestial was invited to help yet another ailing world by none other than a mysterious alternative version of a familiar face. There, he met a scattered by the name of Girania and a couple of locals who seemed somewhat aware of the problem the multiverse was facing. The King of Aramaj, Alexandrius. And one of his noble knights, a wolfkin that goes by 'Ibra'. They were tasked by the King to stop a rebellious group who had caused a riot and overcame the guards of a prison. The King suspects that his world is starting to get intertwined into the problem, and a troublemaking scattered was the cause of success of the riot. He left those suspicions to be figured out by Ibra, as this was happening outside his domain, and he worried about raising eyebrows from other rulers with his direct intervention. The least Alexandrius wanted was panic when the problem wasn't even in their doorstep... yet.


Xivestial -- @LenxKaitoYaoi
Devyn Rose -- @rissa
Girania Agdyne -- @Girania the Knightess
Ollivaster 'Shezmu' -- @The Lotus Archives
Sonic the Hedgehog -- @Apothecary Bruce
Terakomari Gandesblood w/Villhaze -- @Raffia Kiryuin



By the time the trio had found themselves entering Ulu, the two moons of Mikirith were starting to shine bright in the ever so darkening sky. As they silently walked, unless the scattered chose to talk to each other or ask Ibra something, he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. "Hold on..." his left arm signaling them to halt, if they were quiet, her and Ziv would be able to hear a distant chime, followed by a louder one, and a louder one, and so on. Until the chime source was right next to them, it was a piece of parchment, gently falling down, with an ethereal translucent glow to it. Ibra grabbed it and read its contents out loud "Found two more. I sent them your way. Looks like the King was right. Good luck." As if on cue, two people appeared out of thin air before them. A tall lady with scars and an archaic armor, and a young looking individual with a cover in his eyes.

Much like Girania, they went through the same experience to get to this point. They were in their worlds, minding their own business most likely, when a flash of neon green light blinded them. Then they would feel like they fell at an immense speed through and endless sea of stars that melted into a confusing mess, then right at the last second, they would be enveloped in a warm golden light. The light would be gone and they'd be facing four strangers. The lady, for one, looked absolutely stunned. Completely at a loss of words to what she just experienced. Ibra pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes for a moment to process the sudden turn of events, but didn't take long to turn to Ziv "Ziv? Do you know a simple way to... introduce this to others? I'm not sure it will go as well as my first try..."

@LenxKaitoYaoi @The Lotus Archives @Girania the Knightess
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Having gotten as much discussion as they could done and their team situated, as well as those who ended up not going with them somewhere to rest in, Ziv was content to handle idle chatter or as much of Girania's questions as he could answer during their travel through town. Ibra spoke up to stop them, though, which brought the swordsman to alert. He had been mostly trying to ignore their surroundings for the sake of not getting overwhelmed. He didn't notice anyone particularly threatening, though. Then he heard it, faint and seemingly far away, but a chime nonetheless. An odd sound at this point.

It wasn't until it started getting closer that he realized the sound was coming from above, and that it was an object— of course he wouldn't have noticed it then. He tilted his head as Ibra took it and read it aloud. "Oh?" He questioned curiously. His question was answered quickly enough by two more individuals appearing, earning a somewhat startled gasp initially. That was quite the odd feeling to the swordsman, and a first for it.

As Ibra turned his way and voiced his concern, the swordsman offered an apologetic shrug. "There's no simple way to explain this…" He answered. That said, though, there was at least the initial need for keeping them calm enough to try and comprehend it. Especially if the expression on that poor girl was anything to go by. That and, nothing against Ibra, but he might come off as rather startling at first. Ziv offered a sympathetic smile to the two, for the woman in particular resting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright? It's quite a shock, I know, but take a moment to try and get oriented okay?"
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Devyn Rose
CITY OF ULU @Valkan @LenxKaitoYaoi @The Lotus Archives @Girania the Knightess

Life was fucking weird, Devyn decided. She used to love the color green and now? Now, well, she despised it. Ever since that flash of green and the constant, never-ending sensation of falling, Devyn simply got nauseated. Got green in the face and threatened to boot whatever was in her stomach. But hell, this was her life now, so she busied herself by bussing another table as more patrons left for the evening, annoyed at her life's current change of events— and avenues —as she seemed to be in another world entirely.

"One with two fucking moons," Devyn whispered under her breath, exasperated at the very thought. "Why two? Isn't one enough?"

With a sigh, Devyn maneuvered past a handful of rowdy patrons, batting away hands that tried to grab and caress. She laughed bawdily at one of their offers of marriage and replied with a firm no that sent the few remaining drinkers into a fit of dizzying laughter. Dumping the dishes into the barrel into the kitchen to be washed, Devyn glanced sideways at Monsieur Evrard who was busy stirring a pot of 'perpetual' stew. She'd been skeptical the first time she tried it, especially since the old man had proudly stated it'd been cooking for nearly twenty years— but it hadn't made her sick yet and was actually pretty damn tasty, especially when spooned into one of those hunks of warm, fresh bread.

"Miss Rose," Evrard said softly, grabbing his walking stick to tread closer. Devyn offered him an arm and he accepted, his embarrassment minimal. "You look ill, why don't you help me with the dishes and then head upstairs? I'll bring up some stew for the two of us when I close the tavern. It'd be nice to crawl into a warm bed... why not stir up the coals and put a few fresh logs on the fire, while you're at it?"

Devyn bent down and placed a small, gentle kiss upon Monsieur Evrard's cheek.

"Of course, Monsieur." Devyn said happily, walking to the barrel and plunging her hands into the warm water and scrubbing the dishes clean. She was happy her pipboy was waterproof, not that she hadn't tested that before, but hell, new world new rules, right?

Monsieur was something she'd heard on an old holotape she had Rajesh had found in the Mojave; it was some fancy Old World title that seemed to fit Evrard perfectly. He was a gentleman, though too old for her liking, that'd found her a week ago, just outside this hunk of stone and wood tavern. While the construction was alien to her, the sounds were familiar enough and eventually she climbed her way down from the tiny loft apartment that Evrard allowed her to sleep in, and began helping him run his ancestral business.

Cleaning the dishes took longer than she expected, since she had to boil more water, and by the time she waved goodbye to the remaining patrons, the two damn moons were nearing their rise. "Hmph." Devyn mumbled, though a sharp and sudden wind made her shiver and drag her cloak tighter around her shoulders. It was then that she noticed the warm golden light and the odd conglomerate down the road.

Devyn squinted.

They didn't exactly look like they belonged either.

Should she say something or simply walk up those stairs and return to her not-life with Monsieur Evrard?
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  • Sweet
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Passing the Perception Check

The conversation made on the way was somewhat intriguing. Learning of another's history and culture always proved intriguing for the ever-curious Girania. She didn't learn much, but it was enough to get a grasp of what was going on. Currently, the Viera woman was observing the surroundings. Though Ulu looked like many other settlements she's been to in her own world, the sky had shown a rather nostalgic sight. Two moons graced the canvas that is this world's sky. It was not long ago that the Star she called home also had two moons. A large moon that many attribute to the Goddess of Love, Menphina. And a Lesser Moon called Dalamud that had turned out not to be a natural object at all, but a prison that sealed away the Elder Primal Bahamut. Finding out that last part was… well, there's a festival for remembering those who died, and helping those who survived. There's no point in thinking on that right now. The point is that the sky looked beautiful. Like how she remembered when she was a child.

As they continued on, they were joined by other foreigners to this world. Apparently ones that knew Ziv. And, if her eyesight wasn't failing her for any reason, she spotted someone of interest down the road. The only reason she noticed was because the person hesitated and stood in place, staring at them as if none of them would notice. Of course, she was not one to shout out to random people in public, and recruitment was not part of the job, but Girania felt that pointing them out to Ibra.

"There's someone over there, staring at us. I'm not sure if they are native or foreign. Perhaps, you would know?"
  • According to Plan
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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There was something about falling that he absolutely hated, perhaps it was the sensation of being a victim to the unseen wrath of gravity or perhaps it was that fact he was unable to see how far he would be falling and that, that always brought potential complications. Reflexively he would cocoon himself in a web of magic and until the sensation ended he would remain surrounded by the deep crimson web of energy. That is until he felt the ground had already met his feet, heard the voices and most importantly smelt the blood and traces of magic in the air. Releasing the web he listened as the voices spoke to one another. A man, a two? From behind the blindfold he could feel their presences and as the fourth, another man spoke he would tilt his head, listening. His words amused the young Dhampir, and as he spoke the young man's mind would begin winding up to ask a thousand questions.

''Explain what? The summoning or the fact we landed not in a circle or through a gate but in a field of stone?'' He thought to himself before finding his mouth moving and the all too familiar sound of a youth with wisdom beyond his appearance would speak, his tones polite and honeyed yet still sharp as his wit took hold of the tongue in this situation.

''How have you summoned us, and why..'' He paused as he took a deep breath, and realised they were not in a field of earth or stone, but a city.. As his mind cleared and the ringing in his ears subsided a bit more he could hear and smell beyond his immediate surroundings and began to paint a mental image of their location.

''No..not a field of earth and stone...on the edge of a city..?''

He said the last as though he spoke it to himself, Soft and fluttering as he rubbed the thumb and foreknuckle of his pointer finger together. A sign the young man was thinking. He had rarely been the subject of a summoning himself and as a summoner he was surprised to find himself here and with these people who did not feel like the mages he was used to. Perhaps another had performed the feat.

'You three did not do this. Did you?.''

His words slipped from him, a mix of solemn and contemplative but one hundred percent by accident and hardly over a mumble as the youth who looked too young to wear the serious expression that currently covered his face stood there charting what his next move would be.
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Sonic had kept his presence limited, for once. He had tagged along with Ibra, Ziv and Girania after agreeing to help fight the bad guys who'd shown up here. He had since patched up his roughed up body with bandages, reinforcing his torn white gloves with leather straps, along with reinforcing his signature shoes as well. He'd want to see somebody about getting his few articles of clothing polished up again, but he could do that later.

When someone had to react at the speed of light, their brain was exceptionally fast, like a supercomputer. Of course, Sonic rarely used it for that capacity - unfortunately that incredible gift was pared with an easy boredom - but right now, he needed to figure out just what had happened to him.
It wasn't made any easier by the fact that Sonic couldn't even remember his own history right. There were multiple lifetimes worth of events and people stuck in his head, and he struggled to sort them right. He was Sonic the Hedgehog, world adventurer, who fought the evil Doctor Eggman throughout his many schemes. That was a throughline. But was he Sonic, free-spirited hero, not tied down by any affiliation, or a knight of the Kingdom of Acorn, betrothed to Princess Sally Acorn, hero of the First and Second Robotnik Wars? Was he Robotnik, or Eggman? Was that Julian or Ivo?

His newest friends, Tangle and Whisper, they were there when Doctor...Eggman used his secret weapon to banish Sonic. But they were members of the Restoration, an organization which didn't exist, that was the Freedom Fighters. Wait, was that Amy and Bunnie? And what was that weapon Eggman used, anyway?
In every version of events, though, he still heard the same laughter, the same vile smiling face - Eggman's. Why was
he the only constant in all this? That jerk...
Oh man, it could've been any number of magical items or devices. The Chaos Emeralds were an obvious choice, but he also remembered the Master Emerald, the Sol Emeralds, the Phantom Ruby, the Paradox Prism...even the Source of All, or an entryway into the Zone of Silence, disrupted by the power of the Ancient Walkers...

Nothing made sense. Honestly, it might never.

But he did have the here and now, and that's something he could figure out. It doesn't matter how many times you fall and hit the ground, as long as you hit the ground running.

Sonic finally perked back up, taking in his new partners. He wasn't sure how to feel about the demon guy, the less said about Crisis City the better. Still, it was rude to make too many assumptions about a person, and he had to give them a chance first. "There's not too much of a rhyme or reason to it," he told Shezmu, following their questions. "Some of us were plucked from our homes, kicked out of our universe and picked up from there - honestly, I don't think it matters. We're hunting down some bad guys causing trouble, and a few aren't from around here, like us. Wanna help?"

Despite his inhuman appearance, the short hedgehog hero had an infectious smile and motivation. There was also a sort of invisible aura about him, denoting his being more than just the physical. A spirit of chaos and disorder, though not evil by any means.
President Madhart's reign crumbled like a house of cards, his cherished dream unit annihilated, his human experimentation laid bare, his reputation in ruins, and the very god empowering the dark cores turning its back on him. As the very fabric of the realm contorted to erase him from existence, Madhart gazed in shock, disbelief, and vexed anger at the individual responsible for orchestrating his downfall in a single day—Terakomari Gandesblood, the resilient crimson lord who defied mortality.

In his final moments, Madhart released a scream of horror as his presidential manor vanished in a blinding supernova. Yet, something was awry. Terakomari and her maid, Villhaze, disappeared simultaneously. Though Komari's bright green flash was overshadowed by the explosion, Villhaze's disappearance on the other side of the city remained evident. Karen, their employer, relentless in her pursuit, vowed to uncover their whereabouts.

Shifting to Terakomari's perspective, her eyes ablaze with red intensity, she searched for remnants of Madhart's army and the dream unit amid a surreal plunge through what seemed an endless starry expanse. Colliding with one of these stars, each serving as a gateway to a distinct realm, she was engulfed in golden light, revealing a world not dissimilar to her own. Mid-air during this transition, she descended with force, creating a small crater and toppling nearby trees upon impact.

In hot pursuit, Villhaze, sensing Terakomari's location, raced without concern, cutting down obstacles in her path with ruthless efficiency—trees, shrubs, and even a random bear that served as a springboard over a stream. A group of people halted in conversation found themselves interrupted by a blue streak donning a maid dress, moving at speeds defying human capability. As quickly as Villhaze appeared, she vanished from sight, homing in on the distant plume of dust.

Ibra nodded "You should never give up without trying" He answered to himself, as he looked momentarily at the tall lady, she was almost as tall as him. He decided to leave that to Ziv, for now, and focused on the rest of the action. That's when Girania called her attention to a person staring at the group from one of the buildings bordering the town. Ibra narrowed his eyes, focusing on the figure. Yes, that definitely was a foreign look, and not only to Khuruash, but to Mikirith as a whole. "Definitely one of your kind. I wonder why... Sir Ryan, didn't put her next to us as she did with the other two..." He was going to get them moving, but the youth with a blindfold spoke, his tone surprisingly calm and even attempting to grasp the situation already. Talk about adaptability. Sonic got the jump on Ibra, summarizing the situation to the young man in a few sentences. "That is basically it. You're on a foreign world, surrounded by foreigners, and we're trying to stop the results of what other evil foreigners did. Feel free to ask any questions should they arise, but in all honesty, to our world this is as much a mystery as it is to you. We do have someone with a bit more knowledge about the situation. Him." He pointed at Ziv, unsure of if the young man could actually see, or just was really attuned with his other senses.

Meanwhile, Saber was really confused. One moment, she was sitting next to the impromptu grave she dug for her former Master, the next, she was falling through space or something... And then she landed on a foreign land. She clearly looked as confused as she was, as one of the people standing nearby was trying to reassure her. Saber overheard what was being said around her, so she got a mild grasp on what was going on "I'm fine" Her face lost traces of expression until a sharp inhale made her kick into gear "So, none of you is my new Master?" She glanced at the two who passed best as mages in her eyes, sizing them up, before kneeling before the blindfolded individual "Esteemed mage from another world, please establish a contract with me. As a being made of magical energy, I need a Master to supply me with mana. In exchange, I'll obey your every command." The lady said, without skipping a beat.

As this was happening before a not-so-shocked-anymore Ibra was weighing on what to do at the moment. Because he had the sneaking suspicion more travelers were bound to arrive. That said, he didn't expect them so soon, and so... violently. The two noises in the distance came to the forefront of his mind as he sensed something destroying its way to them, fast. His instinct activated and in a speed superior to her peculiarly dressed target. An ill-intentioned traveler? Well, no matter, one should not flaunt killing intent so openly. With a decisive punch to the gut, he took the wind off the assailant. With a swift motion, Ibra threw her over his shoulder, and held both of her wrists with one hand, forcing the knives she held by pressing them. With his free hand, Ibra reached for his longbow and hovered one of the tips against her neck "State your intentions. And you better be honest." While he waited for an answer, Ibra voiced up to the whole group to hear "Sonic, could you check whatever crashed over there, it might be one of you, so let's ensure they're safe. Girania, go with the lady in town, just in case this one is indeed an attacker. There could be more."
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Devyn Rose
CITY OF ULU @Valkan @LenxKaitoYaoi @The Lotus Archives @Girania the Knightess

Life was fucking weird, Devyn decided. She used to love the color green and now? Now, well, she despised it. Ever since that flash of green and the constant, never-ending sensation of falling, Devyn simply got nauseated. Got green in the face and threatened to boot whatever was in her stomach. But hell, this was her life now, so she busied herself by bussing another table as more patrons left for the evening, annoyed at her life's current change of events— and avenues —as she seemed to be in another world entirely.

"One with two fucking moons," Devyn whispered under her breath, exasperated at the very thought. "Why two? Isn't one enough?"

With a sigh, Devyn maneuvered past a handful of rowdy patrons, batting away hands that tried to grab and caress. She laughed bawdily at one of their offers of marriage and replied with a firm no that sent the few remaining drinkers into a fit of dizzying laughter. Dumping the dishes into the barrel into the kitchen to be washed, Devyn glanced sideways at Monsieur Evrard who was busy stirring a pot of 'perpetual' stew. She'd been skeptical the first time she tried it, especially since the old man had proudly stated it'd been cooking for nearly twenty years— but it hadn't made her sick yet and was actually pretty damn tasty, especially when spooned into one of those hunks of warm, fresh bread.

"Miss Rose," Evrard said softly, grabbing his walking stick to tread closer. Devyn offered him an arm and he accepted, his embarrassment minimal. "You look ill, why don't you help me with the dishes and then head upstairs? I'll bring up some stew for the two of us when I close the tavern. It'd be nice to crawl into a warm bed... why not stir up the coals and put a few fresh logs on the fire, while you're at it?"

Devyn bent down and placed a small, gentle kiss upon Monsieur Evrard's cheek.

"Of course, Monsieur." Devyn said happily, walking to the barrel and plunging her hands into the warm water and scrubbing the dishes clean. She was happy her pipboy was waterproof, not that she hadn't tested that before, but hell, new world new rules, right?

Monsieur was something she'd heard on an old holotape she had Rajesh had found in the Mojave; it was some fancy Old World title that seemed to fit Evrard perfectly. He was a gentleman, though too old for her liking, that'd found her a week ago, just outside this hunk of stone and wood tavern. While the construction was alien to her, the sounds were familiar enough and eventually she climbed her way down from the tiny loft apartment that Evrard allowed her to sleep in, and began helping him run his ancestral business.

Cleaning the dishes took longer than she expected, since she had to boil more water, and by the time she waved goodbye to the remaining patrons, the two damn moons were nearing their rise. "Hmph." Devyn mumbled, though a sharp and sudden wind made her shiver and drag her cloak tighter around her shoulders. It was then that she noticed the warm golden light and the odd conglomerate down the road.

Devyn squinted.

They didn't exactly look like they belonged either.

Should she say something or simply walk up those stairs and return to her not-life with Monsieur Evrard?
"I don't know about you," a mysterious voice said from beside Devyn, "but I have a sneaking suspicion that group's going off to find themselves some trouble." It was a man, dressed in a lovely blue suit and tie with a brown raincoat and very used sandshoes. He spoke with a Northern English accent, with spiky hair, small sideburns, a cheeky little smirk. "And I'm willing to suspect as well you're just a tiny bit interested in going off with them," he finished saying to her.

"Sorry, just couldn't help but notice is all. You look just as much out of place as they do, so... put two and two together." I mean, it's bit hard for a Wastelander to not stand out. Even when she was trying to blend him. "Sorry, where are my manners? I'm The Doctor!" His smile grew bigger, and he turned his body to better face her.
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President Madhart's reign crumbled like a house of cards, his cherished dream unit annihilated, his human experimentation laid bare, his reputation in ruins, and the very god empowering the dark cores turning its back on him. As the very fabric of the realm contorted to erase him from existence, Madhart gazed in shock, disbelief, and vexed anger at the individual responsible for orchestrating his downfall in a single day—Terakomari Gandesblood, the resilient crimson lord who defied mortality.

In his final moments, Madhart released a scream of horror as his presidential manor vanished in a blinding supernova. Yet, something was awry. Terakomari and her maid, Villhaze, disappeared simultaneously. Though Komari's bright green flash was overshadowed by the explosion, Villhaze's disappearance on the other side of the city remained evident. Karen, their employer, relentless in her pursuit, vowed to uncover their whereabouts.

Shifting to Terakomari's perspective, her eyes ablaze with red intensity, she searched for remnants of Madhart's army and the dream unit amid a surreal plunge through what seemed an endless starry expanse. Colliding with one of these stars, each serving as a gateway to a distinct realm, she was engulfed in golden light, revealing a world not dissimilar to her own. Mid-air during this transition, she descended with force, creating a small crater and toppling nearby trees upon impact.

In hot pursuit, Villhaze, sensing Terakomari's location, raced without concern, cutting down obstacles in her path with ruthless efficiency—trees, shrubs, and even a random bear that served as a springboard over a stream. A group of people halted in conversation found themselves interrupted by a blue streak donning a maid dress, moving at speeds defying human capability. As quickly as Villhaze appeared, she vanished from sight, homing in on the distant plume of dust.


Ibra nodded "You should never give up without trying" He answered to himself, as he looked momentarily at the tall lady, she was almost as tall as him. He decided to leave that to Ziv, for now, and focused on the rest of the action. That's when Girania called her attention to a person staring at the group from one of the buildings bordering the town. Ibra narrowed his eyes, focusing on the figure. Yes, that definitely was a foreign look, and not only to Khuruash, but to Mikirith as a whole. "Definitely one of your kind. I wonder why... Sir Ryan, didn't put her next to us as she did with the other two..." He was going to get them moving, but the youth with a blindfold spoke, his tone surprisingly calm and even attempting to grasp the situation already. Talk about adaptability. Sonic got the jump on Ibra, summarizing the situation to the young man in a few sentences. "That is basically it. You're on a foreign world, surrounded by foreigners, and we're trying to stop the results of what other evil foreigners did. Feel free to ask any questions should they arise, but in all honesty, to our world this is as much a mystery as it is to you. We do have someone with a bit more knowledge about the situation. Him." He pointed at Ziv, unsure of if the young man could actually see, or just was really attuned with his other senses.

Meanwhile, Saber was really confused. One moment, she was sitting next to the impromptu grave she dug for her former Master, the next, she was falling through space or something... And then she landed on a foreign land. She clearly looked as confused as she was, as one of the people standing nearby was trying to reassure her. Saber overheard what was being said around her, so she got a mild grasp on what was going on "I'm fine" Her face lost traces of expression until a sharp inhale made her kick into gear "So, none of you is my new Master?" She glanced at the two who passed best as mages in her eyes, sizing them up, before kneeling before the blindfolded individual "Esteemed mage from another world, please establish a contract with me. As a being made of magical energy, I need a Master to supply me with mana. In exchange, I'll obey your every command." The lady said, without skipping a beat.

As this was happening before a not-so-shocked-anymore Ibra was weighing on what to do at the moment. Because he had the sneaking suspicion more travelers were bound to arrive. That said, he didn't expect them so soon, and so... violently. The two noises in the distance came to the forefront of his mind as he sensed something destroying its way to them, fast. His instinct activated and in a speed superior to her peculiarly dressed target. An ill-intentioned traveler? Well, no matter, one should not flaunt killing intent so openly. With a decisive punch to the gut, he took the wind off the assailant. With a swift motion, Ibra threw her over his shoulder, and held both of her wrists with one hand, forcing the knives she held by pressing them. With his free hand, Ibra reached for his longbow and hovered one of the tips against her neck "State your intentions. And you better be honest." While he waited for an answer, Ibra voiced up to the whole group to hear "Sonic, could you check whatever crashed over there, it might be one of you, so let's ensure they're safe. Girania, go with the lady in town, just in case this one is indeed an attacker. There could be more."
Sonic gave the magical energy being an odd look, somewhat of disapproval. Living life one master to another sounded like a fate worse than death to the blue blur, and while he was worldly enough to believe her issue, he almost wished she'd offered him the deal - sure, he was no wizard, but he'd make sure she got to see all corners of life.

Then again, the responsibility would drag on him, and he wasn't sure how bad her need for energy would be for him. Also, she might not be able to keep up, which would suck. Still, helping those in need was worth slowing down from time to time…

Egh. One problem at a time.

Then came the other blur. He got a good look at her, even as Ibra arrested her. Once Ibra gave his order, Sonic nodded. "You got it, boss man!"

Quickly, the speedster made his way over to the crash site and the woman at its core, careful to not hit anybody or anything, but definitely going out of his way to show off his skill and athleticism, without sacrificing much speed.

"Hey lady!" He shouted. "You're tearing up the scenery like that! A little rude to come in all meteor-like and scare a whole innocent village. You one of the good guys or the bad guys? I wouldn't mind another friend, but I also wouldn't mind a good warm-up either…" he said, arms crossed and posture straight as an arrow. His confidence bordered on smugness, almost a dare to the newcomer.

Of course, I'm not really in the mood to play around. But if this is enough to get them to fight me, then either we've got a destructive hot-head we should keep out of the population center, or we caught a bad guy earlier than expected. Either way, here's hoping they're a little more nice than that. I really don't feel up for a one-on-one with someone that openly strong…maybe I'm lucky, and it was just a power-up? Yeah, right.
  • According to Plan
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The swiftly moving maid, carving her path through any obstacle on a direct course toward where her master had collapsed, unexpectedly encountered a formidable hindrance in the form of a colossal man named Ibra. Without hesitation, he executed a low blow toward her gut as she passed him on his left. Previously injured in clashes with President Madhart's forces, her reaction times had suffered, leading to a failure to avoid in time. Reacting instinctively, she curled into a defensive ball, mitigating the severe impact with Ibra's unyielding fist.

Her poison-coated daggers fell to the ground, one clattering over a rock while the other embedded itself in the earth, causing even the soil to wither. Ibra, anticipating the peculiarly attired, blue-haired girl to be incapacitated, would likely be surprised when she defied expectations. Rather than succumbing to defeat, she raised her legs, kicking the underside of his lower arm to break free. Rolling to the side, she swiftly retrieved two more poison daggers concealed in her maid's dress.

Rising from her low and defensive position, she faced Ibra but remained aware of others nearby, particularly the blonde shortstack in armor next to the blindfolded man. "My business is none of your concern. Get in our way, and you too shall be cut down like countless others," she threatened, displaying no willingness to disclose her intentions. As Sonic dashed off to investigate the earlier commotion, she hurled one of her daggers towards him. "Oh no, you don't!" Unfortunately, his speed proved unmatched, and the dagger struck nothing but thin air, lodging itself into a tree some distance further that promptly melted into a green, goopy pool of acidic poison.

Upon reaching the edge of the crater, Sonic would behold the sight of a beautiful short blonde girl with pointy ears, enveloped in a crimson aura that made her attire ripple in a magical breeze. In her grasp, a sword glowing with ethereal radiance. Without uttering a word, she directed the blade towards Sonic, summoning a dozen more around her. The intent to dispatch the speedy blue hedgehog crossed her mind, contemplating the idea of questioning him after his inevitable respawn.

However, that notion was cut short as the magical swords surrounding her suddenly fell to the ground, and the crimson aura dissipated. Her brightly glowing crimson eyes returned to their more natural burgundy red hues. With the aura gone, the final magical sword in her hand disintegrated into motes resembling fireflies. In this diminished state, she appeared far less threatening. An attempted step forward led to her collapsing face-down into the dirt, utterly exhausted.

Cloaked in her crimson lord's uniform, its red color obscured any signs of her earlier injuries from Sonic's distant perspective. Yet, upon closer inspection, as he approached the fallen vampire, it became evident that she had been through significant battles before arriving in this strange land. Bruised and battered, she seemed in dire need of recovery, a testament to her resilience as she lay there, miraculously still alive despite the toll taken on her.
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Upon reaching the edge of the crater, Sonic would behold the sight of a beautiful short blonde girl with pointy ears, enveloped in a crimson aura that made her attire ripple in a magical breeze. In her grasp, a sword glowing with ethereal radiance. Without uttering a word, she directed the blade towards Sonic, summoning a dozen more around her. The intent to dispatch the speedy blue hedgehog crossed her mind, contemplating the idea of questioning him after his inevitable respawn.

However, that notion was cut short as the magical swords surrounding her suddenly fell to the ground, and the crimson aura dissipated. Her brightly glowing crimson eyes returned to their more natural burgundy red hues. With the aura gone, the final magical sword in her hand disintegrated into motes resembling fireflies. In this diminished state, she appeared far less threatening. An attempted step forward led to her collapsing face-down into the dirt, utterly exhausted.

Cloaked in her crimson lord's uniform, its red color obscured any signs of her earlier injuries from Sonic's distant perspective. Yet, upon closer inspection, as he approached the fallen vampire, it became evident that she had been through significant battles before arriving in this strange land. Bruised and battered, she seemed in dire need of recovery, a testament to her resilience as she lay there, miraculously still alive despite the toll taken on her.

Sonic saw the many blades materialize, and his grin grew stronger. He was formulating a plan of attack - make his way through the hailstorm of swords, dodging, spinning and weaving his way through to the girl before slamming her with a concussive spin attack or just an old fashioned right hook. Maybe if he was lucky, he could even swipe one of the swords in question - given the sort of enemies they were bound to find in this world, he could finally put Caliburn's practice back into use.

Then, the swords began to dissipate, and internally Sonic was very relieved. He slowly walked over to her, but when she did fall over, he dashed forward, catching her before her face hit the dirt. "Woah! Are you okay?" he asked, before inspecting her injuries, respectfully checking spots of her clothing wet with blood, or looking at any visible injuries. He wasn't a field medic, but he'd seen his fair share of battle wounds - and he knew this human was very, very hurt. "Hold on, I'll get you help!" he said, after feeling confident she could be moved. He scooped her up, the size difference a little awkward in his hands but nothing new, before he speed off back to Ibra with Terakomari.

"Hey, big man! She's hurt and needs help, quickly!" the hedgehog shouted, setting her down gently before Ibra and the rest. "Where should I go to get help? Any doctors or healers?"

"Selene and I can handle this", said Girania as she approached Sonic and the injured woman. The colorful fairy that Girania had summoned earlier fluttered over Terakomari's body. She looked to the Viera, who nodded.

"Go ahead and begin."

As the fairy began using some minor healing magic of her own, Girania prepared a more potent spell. Not knowing just how hurt the woman was, Girania chose to deploy some Emergency Tactics before casting Adloquium. At first, the spell only mending the wounds partially, while creating a sort of barrier around her body. This shield, however, lasted less than a second before suddenly changing into more instantaneous healing. The pain and wounds should fade soon.

Just to be safe, Girania looked to Selene, who did not even need to look back to understand. The fairy circled around Terakomari. Enchanted dust fell from her wings. Upon contact with the injured woman's body, it would help with a steady and gentle regeneration.
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Devyn Rose
CITY OF ULU @Valkan Collab w/ @Wade Von Doom

It took all of Devyn's willpower not to scream. She didn't want to alarm Monsieur Evrard or clue in the rest of the outsiders. So far, thanks to the arrival of another outsider, only one seemed to have noticed her, outside of this... Doctor.

"Just 'The Doctor?'" Devyn asked softly, taking a hesitant step backwards. She looked more wary than scared, suspicious perhaps, though as always, her curiosity seemed to win out.

"Won't be a tiny bit interested 'til I hear what they got to say 'bout who they are and what they're here for. Bad things been happenin', Doc, Monsieur told me about the riots. If they caused that, I don't wish to travel with them at all."

"Nah," The Doctor blew off that theory, turning his head to look at them, "I don't think they're the ones involved in it. That man there," he pointed to Ziv, "I know who he is. And he's not the type of cause prison riots or help out devious minds. And he especially wouldn't associate himself with those kinds of people. I think they're on the up and up."

I mean, if a blue hedgehog is evil, what's even the point of living? "What's your name, by the way?"

She held out a dainty hand to shake after a moment's consideration, the words spoken by The Doctor having settled the nerves that'd crept up her throat. "Rose," she said with a smile, "Devyn Rose."

"I suppose you're with them, then, Doc?"

"Ohhh, I like that name!" He complimented, shaking her hand while a big smile grew on his face. "Devyn Rose, rolls off the tongue that does! Love that name, Rose. Had a friend called Rose once. Travel with her for a bit. Even watched the end of the world with her once. But that's another thing," he was getting off topic.

"No, I'm not with them. I've, uhh... Been on my own for a while. Thought it best after what happened." He vaguely answered.

Guess all worlds have their end, Devyn thought to herself with a sharp pang of nostaliga washing over her. She smiled at the Doctor sadly, though only for a moment before she crossed her arms over her chest and raised a brow in question.

"Now why would you go and recc' a group without being part of it yourself?" Devyn asked softly, both curious and perhaps suggesting he stay and be the 'familiar' face she knows.

"They're better off without me," he admitted, "Besides, I have bigger things to worry about. I'm on a bit of a scavenger hunt, looking for things that don't belong in places like this."

Devyn rolled her eyes. "Awh, c'mon. That's a bit of a cop out, don't ya think?" She turned to look at the others gathered farther down the road... and truthfully, didn't know how she felt. They were an odd, mismatched group— not to mentioned whatever the hell that blue thing was.

"Fine, tell ya' what," Devyn said with a sigh, wrapping her hand-me-down cloak tighter as evening set in and the wind grew colder. "Tell me why they're better off without ya, and if it don't satisfy me much, I'll just head right on upstairs and get to sleeping and you can head off and worry about those bigger things, eh?"

"Quite an ultimatum," the doctor remarked with a cheeky grin. But, he had to give her an answer. And with a sigh, he gave one, "because that group me and him were in, they... well... died." He stared back at Ziv, his smile fading into one of sadness and grief.

"We were looking for someone. The thing that brought us all together. That started all this multiverse nonsense. We were tracking her location, and when we got there, it was a trap. Her forces outnumbered us ten to one, and the power they wielded was... I underestimated her," The doctor admitted, turning to face Rose, "and for that, I cost the lives of everyone. It was just by luck, or chance, or random accident I was able to bring them back. And they don't remember any of it."

He had lost enough people already. And the weight of all this felt put upon his shoulders. "If we're going to stop all of this, I need to do better. And it's by making sure I find her before she finds them."

"Luck may not seem like much," Devyn whispered, "But it got me through the Mojave and it'll help us all get outta here."

She shivered, tightening the cloak again.

"Just know it's not all yours to carry." Devyn said after a bit, "The burden of ending all this. Just because you're strong doesn't mean it's you or nothin'. Trust your friends, like I'm sure they trust you."

She winked and then held out a hand, "One more ultimatum? Introduce me."

She had a point. How many times had he decided going at it alone was better than the help of others? The weight of the world was his to carry on his shoulders, yet the weight of the multiverse may not be something to burden alone. Rose, Martha, Donna, all of them had come and gone, but never did they wish to see him alone again and again.

People. That was what brought out the best in the Doctor. Maybe he should trust himself around them again. At least for now. He couldn't help but smile one more time as she gave her 'ultimatum.'

"You force my hand, Miss Rose," he retorted with a smirk, before turning to walk towards the others.
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Hearing the voice beside him and hearing him speak, Shezmu chuckled to himself. How was what this being said to him an answer to anything? He calculated the best option he had at finding any real answers would be to assist in hunting these so-called bad guys, after all they had gone through the trouble of summoning him here. ''I have little choice, so I suppose I shall.'' While he said it with a soft amusement, he was slightly uncomfortable and deeply perplexed. A sense that only grew as the voice of a new woman spoke to him. ''You are speaking to me?"" He questioned as he felt her presence and the mana that surrounded her. ''I normally would not take a servant I do not know, but I can not leave you to wither away. So I will help you. What do you need?'' He asked as he drew his tome of servants and opened to a blank page. ''Do you prefer contracts or seals?'' Beyond her and the few people he counted everything moved rather fast and as sonic left following after another speedster Shezmu could only shake his confusion off. ''Truly an exciting start to the new adventure.. So miss can you tell me your name?'' He'd ask Sabre. His mind for a moment forgetting about the rest as he tried to focus on one thing at a time and for now that would be Sabre.​

Ibra frowned upon seeing the enemy foreigner was not only fast, but also durable. Not only that, she was wielding an extremely dangerous poison, judging by what it did to the grass, or even worse, what was left of the trees. Upon seeing the harmed newcomer Sonic brought, Ibra decided to be more drastic with the foreigner. In less than a blink, Ibra tapped his bow on the ground. A powerful vacuum sucked the maid to a pit that opened in the ground and closed once it covered her to her neck. She would feel extremely hard, petrified roots wrapping her whole body, breathing would be limited and movement would be bordering in impossible. That should keep the violent woman in place for a few hours at least. Not that he intended to keep her stuck there, but Ibra needed a clearer vision of were her intentions here "Hold it there" he said in an authoritative tone. "Thank you for being cooperative in this concerning situation. May I have your names?"

Ibra then knelt next to the body Sonic brought "Thank you, Sonic. Was it only her at the crash site?" He then examined the wounds by glancing at them, or the ragged clothes they left, as Girania busied herself healing the foreigner. "Well done, Girania. You as well, kind deva". After thanking them, he looked back at the face of the newest stranger "Young one, can you hear my voice?" As he spoke, Ibra put a hand on the vampire's shoulder, and stimulated her mind to a peaceful awakening with angelic prana. While he waited on that to bear fruit, he noticed the lady from the inn walking over with yet another unknown man. This was getting out of hand. Nevertheless, he wasn't here to attack these people, especially ones that didn't seem to be hostile. Nevertheless, one can never be too careful, especially when they could be as strong as the bloodthirsty maid. Still holding his longbow, he voiced out "Please state your intentions" and glancing at the head above ground of the maid, he added "Same goes for you. It concerns me as a subject of the King of Aramaj, and his representative in the allied Kingdom of Khuruash. Do not make me need to ask again." in the same aggravated tone from before.


"I am" Saber answered bluntly, focusing mostly in securing a source of mana before anything else. As the blindfolded man asked how would they do it after accepting the idea, apparent danger reared its head. Saber put herself between the colorful maid and her new Master. "It has already been done." As if on cue, a set of three red markings appeared on the back of Shezmu's palm, leaving his next question answered. The wolfman seemed to have things under control, so Saber stepped back. "I'll reveal my true name to you when we're alone, Master. For now, Saber will suffice." Saber would ask about her Master's name, but the local man already asked, so it didn't seem necessary.

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"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold on!" The Doctor shouted to Ibra, throwing up his hands. No kidding the situation was getting out of hand, you got an injured vampire, another is trapped inside the ground, destruction caused by said vampires, and now the size of this group ballooned. But, never fear, The Doctor is here.

"We're not hostile! Just looking to help! I'm The Doctor, and this is my companion, Devyn Rose. 'Rosie' as I like calling her now, 'Rosie' Devyn Rose." he introduced, signaling Devyn to throw her hands up as well, while also smiling slightly at the sudden nickname he gave her. Couldn't help but tease a little at her 'ultimatum' of an introduction. "Xivestial can vouch my credentials. We've worked together before." he then gave a little wave to him. As if there wasn't a Titanic full of questions going through his head upon seeing The Doctor again. "Nice seeing you again, Ziv! You do something new with your hair?" He asked off-topic, not remembering that Ziv looked exactly the same as last time they saw each other. "If I may," The Doctor then moved over to Terakomari, kneeling down beside her body while still unconscious.

Gently, he grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. The Doctor closed his eyes to concentrate, focusing on passing information psychically to Tera before she awoke. "I'm just relaying a message to her before she wakes up. Help ease her into her new surroundings." Even if Ibra's spell gave her a peaceful awakening, something told The Doctor she was just as likely to panic again over the fact that she was now suddenly in another world with complete strangers.

So that's what he 'told' her. She's in another world, but not to panic. She is in the company of friends, and people who will help her and her comrade. He then shared with her his memories of himself, Ziv, and others of the 'old team' on the original Pathfinder. Of how they first met on that dead Earth, and escaping from the AI's troops as they attacked and pillaged the last standing Human city. And from there, traveling across the multiverse to find and stop her.

He did stop right before he got everyone killed, because that probably wouldn't help her. But, she would be brought up to speed with how she was kidnapped and what brought her here. When she awoke, only The Doctor and Ziv would be faces she recognized from the memories The Doctor shared.
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Ibra frowned upon seeing the enemy foreigner was not only fast, but also durable. Not only that, she was wielding an extremely dangerous poison, judging by what it did to the grass, or even worse, what was left of the trees. Upon seeing the harmed newcomer Sonic brought, Ibra decided to be more drastic with the foreigner. In less than a blink, Ibra tapped his bow on the ground. A powerful vacuum sucked the maid to a pit that opened in the ground and closed once it covered her to her neck. She would feel extremely hard, petrified roots wrapping her whole body, breathing would be limited and movement would be bordering in impossible. That should keep the violent woman in place for a few hours at least. Not that he intended to keep her stuck there, but Ibra needed a clearer vision of were her intentions here "Hold it there" he said in an authoritative tone. "Thank you for being cooperative in this concerning situation. May I have your names?"

Ibra then knelt next to the body Sonic brought "Thank you, Sonic. Was it only her at the crash site?" He then examined the wounds by glancing at them, or the ragged clothes they left, as Girania busied herself healing the foreigner. "Well done, Girania. You as well, kind deva". After thanking them, he looked back at the face of the newest stranger "Young one, can you hear my voice?" As he spoke, Ibra put a hand on the vampire's shoulder, and stimulated her mind to a peaceful awakening with angelic prana. While he waited on that to bear fruit, he noticed the lady from the inn walking over with yet another unknown man. This was getting out of hand. Nevertheless, he wasn't here to attack these people, especially ones that didn't seem to be hostile. Nevertheless, one can never be too careful, especially when they could be as strong as the bloodthirsty maid. Still holding his longbow, he voiced out "Please state your intentions" and glancing at the head above ground of the maid, he added "Same goes for you. It concerns me as a subject of the King of Aramaj, and his representative in the allied Kingdom of Khuruash. Do not make me need to ask again." in the same aggravated tone from before.


"I am" Saber answered bluntly, focusing mostly in securing a source of mana before anything else. As the blindfolded man asked how would they do it after accepting the idea, apparent danger reared its head. Saber put herself between the colorful maid and her new Master. "It has already been done." As if on cue, a set of three red markings appeared on the back of Shezmu's palm, leaving his next question answered. The wolfman seemed to have things under control, so Saber stepped back. "I'll reveal my true name to you when we're alone, Master. For now, Saber will suffice." Saber would ask about her Master's name, but the local man already asked, so it didn't seem necessary.


"Yep, just her," Sonic confirmed. "She made a bit of a mess before she passed out though - might be out of juice now, but she could be real trouble if she gets recharged."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold on!" The Doctor shouted to Ibra, throwing up his hands. No kidding the situation was getting out of hand, you got an injured vampire, another is trapped inside the ground, destruction caused by said vampires, and now the size of this group ballooned. But, never fear, The Doctor is here.

"We're not hostile! Just looking to help! I'm The Doctor, and this is my companion, Devyn Rose. 'Rosie' as I like calling her now, 'Rosie' Devyn Rose." he introduced, signaling Devyn to throw her hands up as well, while also smiling slightly at the sudden nickname he gave her. Couldn't help but tease a little at her 'ultimatum' of an introduction. "Xivestial can vouch my credentials. We've worked together before." he then gave a little wave to him. As if there wasn't a Titanic full of questions going through his head upon seeing The Doctor again. "Nice seeing you again, Ziv! You do something new with your hair?" He asked off-topic, not remembering that Ziv looked exactly the same as last time they saw each other. "If I may," The Doctor then moved over to Terakomari, kneeling down beside her body while still unconscious.

Gently, he grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. The Doctor closed his eyes to concentrate, focusing on passing information psychically to Tera before she awoke. "I'm just relaying a message to her before she wakes up. Help ease her into her new surroundings." Even if Ibra's spell gave her a peaceful awakening, something told The Doctor she was just as likely to panic again over the fact that she was now suddenly in another world with complete strangers.

So that's what he 'told' her. She's in another world, but not to panic. She is in the company of friends, and people who will help her and her comrade. He then shared with her his memories of himself, Ziv, and others of the 'old team' on the original Pathfinder. Of how they first met on that dead Earth, and escaping from the AI's troops as they attacked and pillaged the last standing Human city. And from there, traveling across the multiverse to find and stop her.

He did stop right before he got everyone killed, because that probably wouldn't help her. But, she would be brought up to speed with how she was kidnapped and what brought her here. When she awoke, only The Doctor and Ziv would be faces she recognized from the memories The Doctor shared.

"Nice to meet you, Rosie!" Sonic replied, with a wink, a smirk, and a thumbs up. Given Devyn's facial reaction, and the Doctor's, he knew the nickname was probably some new teasing, but he wasn't one to screw up a joke for someone else.
"So, Doc - I take it you're somebody important. You gonna be tagging along with us? I don't mind another slowpoke, as long as you aren't a drag in the ways that do matter," he asked with a small chuckle.

Ibra frowned upon seeing the enemy foreigner was not only fast, but also durable. Not only that, she was wielding an extremely dangerous poison, judging by what it did to the grass, or even worse, what was left of the trees. Upon seeing the harmed newcomer Sonic brought, Ibra decided to be more drastic with the foreigner. In less than a blink, Ibra tapped his bow on the ground. A powerful vacuum sucked the maid to a pit that opened in the ground and closed once it covered her to her neck. She would feel extremely hard, petrified roots wrapping her whole body, breathing would be limited and movement would be bordering in impossible. That should keep the violent woman in place for a few hours at least. Not that he intended to keep her stuck there, but Ibra needed a clearer vision of were her intentions here "Hold it there" he said in an authoritative tone. "Thank you for being cooperative in this concerning situation. May I have your names?"

Ibra then knelt next to the body Sonic brought "Thank you, Sonic. Was it only her at the crash site?" He then examined the wounds by glancing at them, or the ragged clothes they left, as Girania busied herself healing the foreigner. "Well done, Girania. You as well, kind deva". After thanking them, he looked back at the face of the newest stranger "Young one, can you hear my voice?" As he spoke, Ibra put a hand on the vampire's shoulder, and stimulated her mind to a peaceful awakening with angelic prana. While he waited on that to bear fruit, he noticed the lady from the inn walking over with yet another unknown man. This was getting out of hand. Nevertheless, he wasn't here to attack these people, especially ones that didn't seem to be hostile. Nevertheless, one can never be too careful, especially when they could be as strong as the bloodthirsty maid. Still holding his longbow, he voiced out "Please state your intentions" and glancing at the head above ground of the maid, he added "Same goes for you. It concerns me as a subject of the King of Aramaj, and his representative in the allied Kingdom of Khuruash. Do not make me need to ask again." in the same aggravated tone from before.


"I am" Saber answered bluntly, focusing mostly in securing a source of mana before anything else. As the blindfolded man asked how would they do it after accepting the idea, apparent danger reared its head. Saber put herself between the colorful maid and her new Master. "It has already been done." As if on cue, a set of three red markings appeared on the back of Shezmu's palm, leaving his next question answered. The wolfman seemed to have things under control, so Saber stepped back. "I'll reveal my true name to you when we're alone, Master. For now, Saber will suffice." Saber would ask about her Master's name, but the local man already asked, so it didn't seem necessary.


"Yep, just her," Sonic confirmed. "She made a bit of a mess before she passed out though - might be out of juice now, but she could be real trouble if she gets recharged."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold on!" The Doctor shouted to Ibra, throwing up his hands. No kidding the situation was getting out of hand, you got an injured vampire, another is trapped inside the ground, destruction caused by said vampires, and now the size of this group ballooned. But, never fear, The Doctor is here.

"We're not hostile! Just looking to help! I'm The Doctor, and this is my companion, Devyn Rose. 'Rosie' as I like calling her now, 'Rosie' Devyn Rose." he introduced, signaling Devyn to throw her hands up as well, while also smiling slightly at the sudden nickname he gave her. Couldn't help but tease a little at her 'ultimatum' of an introduction. "Xivestial can vouch my credentials. We've worked together before." he then gave a little wave to him. As if there wasn't a Titanic full of questions going through his head upon seeing The Doctor again. "Nice seeing you again, Ziv! You do something new with your hair?" He asked off-topic, not remembering that Ziv looked exactly the same as last time they saw each other. "If I may," The Doctor then moved over to Terakomari, kneeling down beside her body while still unconscious.

Gently, he grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. The Doctor closed his eyes to concentrate, focusing on passing information psychically to Tera before she awoke. "I'm just relaying a message to her before she wakes up. Help ease her into her new surroundings." Even if Ibra's spell gave her a peaceful awakening, something told The Doctor she was just as likely to panic again over the fact that she was now suddenly in another world with complete strangers.

So that's what he 'told' her. She's in another world, but not to panic. She is in the company of friends, and people who will help her and her comrade. He then shared with her his memories of himself, Ziv, and others of the 'old team' on the original Pathfinder. Of how they first met on that dead Earth, and escaping from the AI's troops as they attacked and pillaged the last standing Human city. And from there, traveling across the multiverse to find and stop her.

He did stop right before he got everyone killed, because that probably wouldn't help her. But, she would be brought up to speed with how she was kidnapped and what brought her here. When she awoke, only The Doctor and Ziv would be faces she recognized from the memories The Doctor shared.

"Nice to meet you, Rosie!" Sonic replied, with a wink, a smirk, and a thumbs up. Given Devyn's facial reaction, and the Doctor's, he knew the nickname was probably some new teasing, but he wasn't one to screw up a joke for someone else.
"So, Doc - I take it you're somebody important. You gonna be tagging along with us? I don't mind another slowpoke, as long as you aren't a drag in the ways that do matter," he asked with a small chuckle.

"Well, I'm known for my occasional feats of jogging back in my universe, so I think I can keep up the pace," The Doctor retorted, standing back up onto his feet once his psychic message was delivered.

"Speaking of which, that was quite the speed you showed off there. You must've clocked in at what? Mach 1, mach 2?" The Doctor then questioned.
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Ibra frowned upon seeing the enemy foreigner was not only fast, but also durable. Not only that, she was wielding an extremely dangerous poison, judging by what it did to the grass, or even worse, what was left of the trees. Upon seeing the harmed newcomer Sonic brought, Ibra decided to be more drastic with the foreigner. In less than a blink, Ibra tapped his bow on the ground. A powerful vacuum sucked the maid to a pit that opened in the ground and closed once it covered her to her neck. She would feel extremely hard, petrified roots wrapping her whole body, breathing would be limited and movement would be bordering in impossible. That should keep the violent woman in place for a few hours at least. Not that he intended to keep her stuck there, but Ibra needed a clearer vision of were her intentions here "Hold it there" he said in an authoritative tone. "Thank you for being cooperative in this concerning situation. May I have your names?"

Ibra then knelt next to the body Sonic brought "Thank you, Sonic. Was it only her at the crash site?" He then examined the wounds by glancing at them, or the ragged clothes they left, as Girania busied herself healing the foreigner. "Well done, Girania. You as well, kind deva". After thanking them, he looked back at the face of the newest stranger "Young one, can you hear my voice?" As he spoke, Ibra put a hand on the vampire's shoulder, and stimulated her mind to a peaceful awakening with angelic prana. While he waited on that to bear fruit, he noticed the lady from the inn walking over with yet another unknown man. This was getting out of hand. Nevertheless, he wasn't here to attack these people, especially ones that didn't seem to be hostile. Nevertheless, one can never be too careful, especially when they could be as strong as the bloodthirsty maid. Still holding his longbow, he voiced out "Please state your intentions" and glancing at the head above ground of the maid, he added "Same goes for you. It concerns me as a subject of the King of Aramaj, and his representative in the allied Kingdom of Khuruash. Do not make me need to ask again." in the same aggravated tone from before.


"I am" Saber answered bluntly, focusing mostly in securing a source of mana before anything else. As the blindfolded man asked how would they do it after accepting the idea, apparent danger reared its head. Saber put herself between the colorful maid and her new Master. "It has already been done." As if on cue, a set of three red markings appeared on the back of Shezmu's palm, leaving his next question answered. The wolfman seemed to have things under control, so Saber stepped back. "I'll reveal my true name to you when we're alone, Master. For now, Saber will suffice." Saber would ask about her Master's name, but the local man already asked, so it didn't seem necessary.


"Yep, just her," Sonic confirmed. "She made a bit of a mess before she passed out though - might be out of juice now, but she could be real trouble if she gets recharged."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold on!" The Doctor shouted to Ibra, throwing up his hands. No kidding the situation was getting out of hand, you got an injured vampire, another is trapped inside the ground, destruction caused by said vampires, and now the size of this group ballooned. But, never fear, The Doctor is here.

"We're not hostile! Just looking to help! I'm The Doctor, and this is my companion, Devyn Rose. 'Rosie' as I like calling her now, 'Rosie' Devyn Rose." he introduced, signaling Devyn to throw her hands up as well, while also smiling slightly at the sudden nickname he gave her. Couldn't help but tease a little at her 'ultimatum' of an introduction. "Xivestial can vouch my credentials. We've worked together before." he then gave a little wave to him. As if there wasn't a Titanic full of questions going through his head upon seeing The Doctor again. "Nice seeing you again, Ziv! You do something new with your hair?" He asked off-topic, not remembering that Ziv looked exactly the same as last time they saw each other. "If I may," The Doctor then moved over to Terakomari, kneeling down beside her body while still unconscious.

Gently, he grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. The Doctor closed his eyes to concentrate, focusing on passing information psychically to Tera before she awoke. "I'm just relaying a message to her before she wakes up. Help ease her into her new surroundings." Even if Ibra's spell gave her a peaceful awakening, something told The Doctor she was just as likely to panic again over the fact that she was now suddenly in another world with complete strangers.

So that's what he 'told' her. She's in another world, but not to panic. She is in the company of friends, and people who will help her and her comrade. He then shared with her his memories of himself, Ziv, and others of the 'old team' on the original Pathfinder. Of how they first met on that dead Earth, and escaping from the AI's troops as they attacked and pillaged the last standing Human city. And from there, traveling across the multiverse to find and stop her.

He did stop right before he got everyone killed, because that probably wouldn't help her. But, she would be brought up to speed with how she was kidnapped and what brought her here. When she awoke, only The Doctor and Ziv would be faces she recognized from the memories The Doctor shared.

"Nice to meet you, Rosie!" Sonic replied, with a wink, a smirk, and a thumbs up. Given Devyn's facial reaction, and the Doctor's, he knew the nickname was probably some new teasing, but he wasn't one to screw up a joke for someone else.
"So, Doc - I take it you're somebody important. You gonna be tagging along with us? I don't mind another slowpoke, as long as you aren't a drag in the ways that do matter," he asked with a small chuckle.

"Well, I'm known for my occasional feats of jogging back in my universe, so I think I can keep up the pace," The Doctor retorted, standing back up onto his feet once his psychic message was delivered.

"Speaking of which, that was quite the speed you showed off there. You must've clocked in at what? Mach 1, mach 2?" The Doctor then questioned.

"Hah! You're gonna need a totally new way of measuring if you want to clock me right!" Sonic replied, with as much confidence as possible. Obviously, there was more to this 'Doctor' guy than just his Eruish accent and Spagonia get-up. The psychic party trick was neat, but given the severity of things, the blue hedgehog was expecting the Doctor to pull out some really fancy moves, soon enough.