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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Horror, Adventure, Thriller, Action, Fantasy, Crime, Sci-Fi, Drama, Romance
You there! Do you have powers some would consider unnatural and strange? I'm sure you do, otherwise there's no reason for you to be here.

A large super-powered group of 20-somethings struggling with their powers and their life join forces in an abandoned chop shop as their base with the hopes of fighting crime like the heroes they see in movies, but they've set up in a relatively quiet neighborhood, save for the occasional robbery. Because of this, the group has nothing better to do than train and talk among themselves. They're all slackers, so there's rarely any training anyway. With the group having no official leader, ideas are taken on a majority vote most of the time. At the very least, they're all good friends, despite an argument every now and then, which comes with the responsibilities of life as a young superhero.​
IC Chat

This is a slice of life/comedy/drama roleplay set in the style of an irreverent superhero comedy/drama, a-la Doom Patrol or The Boys, so mature and obviously R-rated. I don't really care what level of roleplay you're at, as long it's not illiterate and you respond with something more than just dialogue. It doesn't have to be a whole lot more, just a bit. The rules are simple.

1. Don't control other people's characters.

2. If you want your character and another user's character to be in a relationship, make sure both you and the other user consent to the relationship. The same applies for killing off characters.

3. Don't make your character OP. Sure, they're superheroes, but they shouldn't be on the level of Superman with no weakness. Every character must have a reasonable limit to their power and a reasonable weakness to come along with it.

4. Be kind and respectful towards other users.

5. You can only play four characters at a time.

Appearance (if you have no reference pic):​


Name: Emma Moore (played by @paranoid)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Power: Metal Manipulation
Weakness: She can get tired if she uses her powers for too long, which will cause them to stop. She also needs concentration to move it, so if she's interrupted in the middle of moving a metal object, she needs time to refocus so she can move it again.
Personality: Sarcastic, caring, confident
Likes: Music, procrastinating, making fun of friends
Dislikes: Work, the inability to fully control her power, people telling her what to do
Appearance: Emma has mid-length blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a slim body shape. She prefers to wear jeans, loose fitting t-shirts, sweatshirts, and sneakers.​
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  • Creative
Reactions: hex.dream
i really love this idea, and i really love the show the boys. i just started watching it, and i am *obsessed*

name: oliver grace lancaster
age: twenty-three years old
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
powers: the general aspect of her powers is darkness and shadow manipulation, however there are multiple subcategories (darkness mimicry, animated shadow, night vision, and darkness weaponry.)
weakness: abilities are weakened when in direct contact with light sources, those who possess light manipulation can create bright light that is effective against her in shadow form, her own animated shadow has a mind of it's own, maintaining a shadow can be mentally draining, sensitive to sudden flashes or bright lights. sudden flashes often render the body stunned, takes time for the eyes to readapt to regular light, her eyes glow and reflect light in the dark, almost like a cat.
oliver is a picture perfect representation of a stone cold bitch. her facial expression is, for lack of a better term, of indifference. however, she takes pride in being the center of attention; all eyes must be on her at all times. she tends to come off as unfeeling and cold-hearted, she doesn't really care what happens to others, as long as she prevails in the end. if it's not obvious, she lacks in loyalty. she is blunt and honest and will tell you exactly what she is thinking, she won't hold anything back. brisk, impatient and often in a hurry, she can lack in subtlety and tolerance, becoming quite carried away at times. autonomous, frank and direct, she doesn't give in easily and can be argumentative. proud and conceited, she would like to be the best at everything. if she doesn't manage to land the role she desires, she will still win in a way by becoming the leader of the opposition. she can be uncompromising and is hardly submissive; however she only admires and respects those who she judges to be stronger than her.
oliver is persuasive and manipulative, always having a trick or two up her sleeve. she loves watching people crawl back to her, feeding her ego. she loves watching things spiral out of control, however she will not actively create chaos. oliver has a temper that can rival the heat of the sun and when provoked she will attack. she can be a rather violent person when pushed and won't hold back when threatened. she can't stand when others are better than her, and will do everything in her power to knock them down so they are below her. she is cunning and a quick thinker, she looks at every little detail before formulating a strong plan. charismatic and shamelessly brazen, oliver definitely knows how to grab life's opportunity with both hands! however these qualities can easily twist themselves around into weaknesses: she can be restless, unstable and aggressive, at times lacking in subtlety and good judgement. she obtains enormous pleasure from her accomplishments and adores the glory of a victory.
provocative and individualistic, she is a law unto herself and has frightened off more than one admirer, often enough her fear of emotional intimacy steers her clear of romantic relationships. oliver is very selective in her personal relationships and she would much prefer to be single than in a bad relationship. despite this, she takes pride in the people she has hanging off her arm; eye-candy she like to call them. she holds her privacy dear and tends to be rather secretive, which is why oliver is often such an enigma to those around her. she is like a puzzle whose puzzle pieces don't fit together, impossible to solve. she is intuitive and a good judge of character with an analytical mind and a real eye for detail, which makes her an expert at recognizing lies and deceit. charming and seductive, she is capable of making all the moves then suddenly and strategically doing a u-turn and becoming uncommunicative without further explanation. after all, life is just a game for her, and she knows how to play!