ALWAYS OPEN NO SIGNUPS REQUIRED The Library (Open RP for everyone~)

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Briar Rose squeezed hurriedly through the door and closed it behind her. She leaned against it, gasping for breath. Seeing the interior of the building she'd just entered though, it immediately became apparent that this was the kind of place where she could just live if given half the chance.

Still pressed against the door, she could faintly hear multiple sets of heavy footfalls getting closer. The ten year-old wore a tweedy school uniform for Winslow Preparatory Academy that was at least a couple sizes too big for her. She clutched a collection of notebooks, drawing tablets and papers to her chest.

The Librarian was presently talking to a man with striking bubblegum pink hair (!) so talking to him presently was an impossibility. Furthermore, in most situations the best way to deal with grownups was not to attract their notice in the first place.

Disappearing into the stacks seemed to be the best strategy, so she slipped away quietly to do just that. Less than a second after Briar Rose ducked behind the nearest bookshelf, the door burst open and a group of teenagers in the same uniform poured into the lobby. Theirs fit.

"Oh she's in here alright," their leader hissed. But now they faced a challenge: how to hunt her down without any interference from the adults in the room?