The Lost Soul

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"Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold." -The Outsiders
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
The ocean's waters lapped at the shore, making an ambient wshhhh sound with each wave. The shore was calm, the water was a nice translucent teal, and the sky was clear; it was a beautiful day. The beach was full of people, all of which were having fun, except for maybe the lifeguard who watched the scene from atop their tower.

At the far end of the beach, things started to get rocky. The land was rough, and literal rocks started to protrude. Eventually, a cliffside separated the beach from an alcove, which was surrounded by rock walls. On top of the rock cliffs was a balcony, overlooking the beach, the ocean, the alcove. And yet, nobody seemed to notice the man lying on the sand of the alcove, seemingly either asleep or passed out. Or dead.
Raine leaned against the balcony railing, watching the world go by. She was admittedly a bit of a procrastinator, preferring to watch the world over working. Something out of the corner of her eye caused her to look down, spotting the man. She watched him for a long moment before realizing he wasn't moving. She quickly climbed down the rickety stairs to the alcove. Once she got down she kneeled next to him, inspecting him.
He had nice, tan skin and platinum-blonde hair. It was hard to tell if he was born like that, or if he had just spent a lot of time outside. He was wearing an incredibly tattered shirt, a few scraps that were held together to cover little of his torso. His pants were torn up like his shirt. Whatever he had been through, it must've been...a lot.

His eyes were closed, and if he was breathing, his chest wasn't visibly moving.
Raine frowned as she looked him over. She then pulled her bag from her shoulder, searching it. She knew she shouldn't use magic on humans, and she figured that's what he was, but she couldn't leave someone to die. After a moment she smiled and pulled out a vial from her bag. It contained a reddish liquid, the colour most of her potions took. She popped the cork out of it and placed the opening to his lips, slowly draining the vial into his mouth. If he was alive, this should do the trick to wake him up.
It did work; it worked wonders. It wasn't much longer after the last drop had fallen into his mouth, and he shot up into a sitting position, looking around, his eyes wild, confused. Eventually, his gaze landed on Raine. His throat moved as if he had tried to clear it, but no sound had come out. He still seemed incredibly confused as he looked her up and down. His eyes rested on the vial in her hand, and then his gaze moved down to her legs. Either oblivious to social norms or not understanding them, he reached out and grabbed her leg.
Raine sighed in relief as he woke up, but wasn't quick enough to hide the vial. She quickly hid it after he noticed it. She let out a small yelp at the contact, immediately kicking his hand away and backing away.
He tilted his head slightly to one side, confused. He pulled his hand back and asked, "What was that for?" His hair also slid to the side he had tilted his head to, revealing his black eyebrows. One of which had a scar where the peak of the eyebrow usually would be.
Raine glared at him for a second before shaking her head and the glare away. "You've obviously been severely hurt. Is it possible you don't have any memories? Or something?"
"Uh…I guess not." He shrugged. The confused look came right back. "I don't…I don't remember…anything. "
Raine frowned and looked around for somebody nearby that may know him. Not seeing anybody, she stood and brushed the sand off her leggings. "Fine, come with me."
He raised his broken eyebrow. "You're not even going to take me out to dinner first?" He didn't move from his spot in the sand. "For all I know, you could be some freak who wants to kidnap me."
Raine huffed, crossing her arms. "Alright. Then you can stay here, with no memories and no one willing to help you."
He smirked. "Please. Anyone who sees me would be willing to help, I'm sure. After all, you're here, right?" He didn't respond to her pointing out that he had no memories.
Raine rolled her eyes. "Yeah. And you were here so long you were nearly dead and nobody noticed you." She motioned to him, "Hurry up and come on. I have some things that may help your memory at my place."
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay. Whatever. What are you going to do, poison me again?" He sighed and stood up, brushing the sand off himself.
Raine huffed. "Poison you? I was the one that woke you up." She turned, feeling a bit of regret at helping him, though she still couldn't just leave him, especially with no memories. She pulled her bag over her shoulder and brushed her black hair from under it before starting to walk towards her home. It was a small house close to the beach.
He followed her. "How am I supposed to know that? Maybe it burned going down and that's why I woke up," he replied stubbornly.
Raine rolled her eyes again. "I hope it did." She went quiet as they walked before pausing at a gate in front of a house. The garden was lush, full of strange-looking plants. The house itself looked like a cabin taken from the middle of the woods. She opened the gate and waited for him to walk through before closing the gate behind him and walking up to the door, pushing it open.
He walked in before pausing inside the gate, taking it all in. This was her house? It seemed like it didn't belong here. It looked so…out of place. The plants kind of weirded him out. They didn't look familiar, which wasn't surprising, but it didn't fill him with comfort. Eventually, he got to the door, and walked into her house.
The inside of the house was warm and homely, and most of the furniture was made out of wood. Plants hung from the ceiling as well as sitting in corners. The kitchen was on the other side of the living room which was just when they entered. She walked to the kitchen and turned on an electric teapot.