• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Otaku Mode Activated
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
Online Availability
11:00pm to 2:00am weekdays 11:00pm to 4:00am weekends
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, magic, adventure, comedy, anime, slice of life, high school, fandom, romance, but I am always open to many others.


The Lovers Club
Romance | Comedy | High school | Anime | Slice of life

In Character | Character Index

"We'll be your cupids!"

"Welcome to the Lovers Club. Our goal is to find the perfect match for you or assist you in getting the partner you want. There's never been a match that we can't do, and our clients will always tell you how happy they are with our service."

-- Haruhi Nakamura, Club President


We will be playing the members of the Lovers Club. While our characters will be assisting their fellow classmates (and others) in finding romance, romance seems to be sparking between the club members themselves. The club will be going on all sorts of adventures, from unrelated club trips to school festivals, spending all night in a haunted house, or simply sitting in the club room they occupy at their school.

This is a reboot. There is no need to know anything about the old Lovers club rps.

Please read all information below.

Country: Japan
City: Yokokami (A fictional small city that goes out into towns)
Towns: Honkawa (North of city), Hamasu (East), Yakita (South), Okunai (West)
- School: Bara High School
- There is a train that goes between the towns and into the city
- Stations named after city and the towns

General Information:
- Friendships, friendly rivalries, and especially romances are allowed, encouraged, and expected.
- This rp is focused on romance and comedy between the members of the club.
- Feel free to be creative and fun when making your character(s). They can be as weird as you want (or as normal as you want).
- Anime physics apply, so anything can happen just like an anime.
- Characters will be posted in the Character Index (linked above). Please do not post characters on this thread.
- If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

General Rules:
- Please do not just disappear. Let me know if you need/or want to drop out. I'd rather have you tell me. Don't be afraid, I understand.
- Please assist in making it possible for every character to have a romantic partner.
- Please post character's name, location, and picture during the IC posts. Adding interactions (with tagging) is encouraged.
- Be nice to everyone in the OOC please.
- Keep things PG-13 or so, we are in public view and have a range of ages playing.
- No-liners please, at least a paragraph or two per character.
- Three character limit
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Feel free to add me as well. Just DM me for it (I don't know how I feel about putting my Discord in a public forum). I'm down for a Discord group chat. I actually get notifications there.

On a sub-note; a Sol post should be whipped out soon... Ah, chaos.
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We must beat this imposter up
  • I'm SHOOK
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Reactions: Monbon and Rads

Sorry for the confusion I edited the post to try and show a more reasonable side

Sorry for the confusion I edited the post to try and show a more reasonable side
It's all good, Rads. Though I'm not exactly sure what you changed.

Sorry for the confusion I edited the post to try and show a more reasonable side
It's all good, Rads. Though I'm not exactly sure what you changed.
I took the none agressive approach given all the factors. Including it's better in this case sol mailly death with it.
Lol the previous post was more aggressive in a naggy way. Adding Fire on fire. Cause we all know Sol would've loved that.

The part where he was more concerned about her confiscating Sayu's sweets is killing me. Rip Ruby. Hope the girls don't ruin the peace Sol just managed to bullshit into existence. 😂
Lol the previous post was more aggressive in a naggy way. Adding Fire on fire. Cause we all know Sol would've loved that.

The part where he was more concerned about her confiscating Sayu's sweets is killing me. Rip Ruby. Hope the girls don't ruin the peace Sol just managed to bullshit into existence. 😂
Sol: people will always fight, but sweets are innocent and so am I, so hand them over. Why would you take away my sweet rights? 🥹

And if the girls ruin the peace (that may or may not be there) that's on Haruhi now, not on Sol 🤣 He's noooowhere near that vicinity. He did his VP duties and now he's.... Doing more VP duties that aren't people revolved.... ish.
  • Haha
Reactions: Monbon
Lol true sol is a bit of a shit stirer and it's not that she would allow him sweet more like she knows it won't help and he might choke on the sweets.
I'll do Ruby's post when I get back home sometime. I'm going to do an impression of sol in the next post before I raid say kun and turn him upside down and shake him but I'll wait for scarlet to post as akari
and me to post Sayu. Pretty sure he hasn't reacted to the threat of Ruby wanting to rob his candy. 😂
  • Haha
Reactions: xLarius
Lol true sol is a bit of a shit stirer and it's not that she would allow him sweet more like she knows it won't help and he might choke on the sweets.
Wait why is Sol the shit stirer 😅😔🤣?
  • Haha
Reactions: Monbon
I just realized there are a lot of club members who like sweets...
😁 Tis the season of sweets.
Ah, and just to let everyone know, I did check with Monbon about the princess carry part.
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