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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life




You've wandered into the Obsidian Siren, a bawdy little tavern in the hidden pirate port of Meria's Town. Hanging right on the water for seafolk and sailor alike to swim on up into the cove and spend a night with good pints, savory bowls, and maybe even a good fu-uuh... funny story! Mermaids and Sirens run this tavern, so ye best be mindin' your manners to the seafolk around here.

But if you do wish to wander out into the sandy streets of Meria's Town, you might just find yourself a few captains looking for some new crew. An adventure around every alley corner. Or if you're unlucky, another one of those damned cursed bottles! Who keeps tossing these things everywhere?!


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: PIRATES, SEA FOLK, HUMAN AND SUPERNATURAL! You've arrived at the port of this super secret hidden pirate town in a secluded cove on an unmarked island. What's your business there?


HOW: This is a SOCIAL ROLEPLAY WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. The majority of this roleplay will just be developing your character and interacting within the setting!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction. You can also reference our MINI CHARP GUIDE!

reserved for bios
reserved for bonus?
Ezzeg "Two Tail" Skullgrip
On Azure Kobolds

Azure kobolds are a very particular breed of kobold native to the sea. While found on the ocean shores, more often than not, they frequently share the same territory as sirens and mermaids. As such, over the years, they've gained a water-breathing capacity as much as becoming excellent swimmers as their tail turned to a fanned flap of skin and are now resistant or immune to the dire chorus of abilities such as siren songs. Years of seeking out and serving the mighty mean they're often servants to sirens and powerful mermaids, just like kobolds of chromatic and metallic dragons. Theirs is more of a neutral outlook born of serving a dirge of sirens or a pod of mermaids as a group; thus, they are less inclined to kleptomania than those serving the avaricious dragons. Kobolds still do not pair off as the nature of the culture they came from with the social nature of their oft patrons doing nothing to change that much. Unlike dragons, the fact that there are no half-kobolds of either kind of patron is certainly not for lack of trying for the fecund kobolds, just a lack of compatibility.

About Ezzeg

Ezzeg is a kobold specializing in deep diving, shipwright, and recently welding with a cabal of tinker kobolds as a general profession. As ships vary from wooden to strange mermaid vessels, he's a kobold of many trades as far as shipwright goes. Otherwise off the job is a genial creature of little subtlety, more a brawler than a thief that at times betrays combat training, known to pick fights with other kobolds rude to whatever dirge or pod is nearby. He also does odd jobs repairing the bar or other places nearby and is very strong for a kobold from all the heavy lifting and swimming. Though the deep diver doesn't drink, as it's a work hazard in profession or otherwise, he still goes to the bar both to socialize and ogle the sirens as much as he can get away with.

Shipwright by day; Blackguard by knight

While the cabal of tinker kobolds does indeed do work in repair for income it was first a temple dedicated to the dracolich Zayndanties the Bloodied. Their beliefs sprang out of the more stable Azures then later spread to other kobold-kind seeing the orderly witchknights at work which itself has developed Zayndanties' power considerably. Their beliefs are primarily to the safety of dragons, progeny, and wealth from non-dragons but this is often extended to superiors a given adherent chooses to serve given the habits of founding azures. The Dracolich considers all of true dragonkin his hoard, whether or not they agree in the matter, but takes the stance of general non-interference that thieving from the dragons' hoards or harming them by unworthy non-dragonkin is a crime worthy of punishment. This means that theirs is not a role of guardianship but retribution in that they are not to demean the dragon by assuming themselves worthy of posessing or protecting a hoard but to exert wrath on the unworthy when dragons are wronged. Zayndanties expects their adherents to manage themselves unless told otherwise and to adhere to his minimally ordained laws. Ezzeg is one such witchknight but as the cabal does not evangelize to non-kobolds or wear anything identifying them as such, few know he's even an adherent. As a combatant he is trained in the kobold drakehammer, claw fighting, Rockwool plate, and dragon's breath shotgun pistols. Cutlass or slashing weapons are a different fighting style entirely so he never picked them up to any significant degree. Powers given by his patron augment him with a requirement of proper cause but as a militant in similar fashion to divine paladins if certainly ones more vicious indeed. Witchknights are known for carrying a 'Cask of No Salvation' containing the hearts of the slain as a focus for their patron's blessings. While the cask can be opened or destroyed to release the imprisoned, any released fey become redcaps and most other souls become shadows and other undead; They will be in service to Zayndanties the Bloodied who offers no salvation.
Last edited:
  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: Lyrikai
Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 11:54 AM
WE OPEN TO A SUNNY AFTERNOON AT THE OBSIDIAN SIREN. Being mid-day, things are blissfully quiet. The most beautiful siren in town (according to herself) is minding the bar, cleaning up the wooden top. A couple merfolk are in the small salty lagoon area, sipping drinks and keeping to themselves. That ASSHOLE old Captain Jimmy Bones is trying to play this weird looking lute he'd just pillaged off a sailing ship. It sounds horrible. Nobody wants this, but if anyone complains there's going to be another bar fight.

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 12:05 PM
"Pickles, this is a horrible idea!" A tall figure in a large hat whispered into their coat. As they walked they nodded their head. "No, no more treasure hunters. We can find it our.. oof!" And ran right into someone. Standing straighter they looked at who they walked into. "Move it!"


littlekreen — Today at 12:09 PM
Ezzeg was there in half his deepwater gear and the rest in a toolbox because it was just too annoying to take off. 'bolds didn't sweat anyway and they mostly just got complaints they smelled like the ocean. As a deep worker he didn't carry the scent of the smellier surface parts but the suit did clank a bit. The web footed blue kobold barely stood to the hips of most of the tallbloods and he was fairly tall for a kobold even so. He was at a table cracking barnacles off of his gear with pliers and called off to Jimmy Bones with the kobold's higher pitch, "You even tune 'at 'ting captain bones? I gots pliers and things to twiddle the nubbins riiig AGH!"

"Oi, hats as brains! Not gonna watch where ya goin then pull me outa floor!", Ezzeg said with some consternation as in the crouched position his two long horns had stapled him backward into the floorboards.

Lyrikai — Today at 12:11 PM
Of all the places to be on such a wonderful afternoon like, say, out on the open sea tasting that crisp, salty air, or exhanging blows with another swordsman, why was it that Lamont was wasting his day away drinking and listening to what was honestly the worst music he had ever heard in his life. "At least play something good," he begged. Maybe he could at least try? Or take a few lessons first! It was already giving the man a headache.

"I think I need another drink," he sighed. If he got himself drunk, maybe it would sound better. Yes! Fantastic idea that was! Everything sounded better when you were drunk!

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 12:14 PM
Captain Jimmy Bones didn't verbally reply to the kobold, rather his eyes only got wide, intense, and beady. Then with Lamont's commentary his brows furrowed and his lips curled up into a snarling expression. Suddenly his strumming on the lute got more intense as well when the stranger bumped into Ezzeg, as if it were background music to this little scene. He took to his feet, playing aggressively, staring at Lamont as if suggesting this was what was requested.


🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 12:18 PM
The music was horrible and there was a kobold stuck to the floor. Bending down was not negotiable, an exposed back a bad idea in a place like this. Leaving the Deeper wasn't in the cards either. "Always something," they muttered, hitting the table so it fallen on its side onto the floor and only then, crouched down, a table covering their back. "Now don't be too stuck," and they grabbed the kobold by the shoulder and pulled. (edited)

littlekreen — Today at 12:22 PM
The horns were smooth and concave at the back so the kobold came out with a fair effort he hadn't quite the leverage to manage on his own. Once his head popped out the gas mask tubes rattled forward a bit and he rubbed the tips and looked at hat-person as Ezzeg stood up, "Fair paid. Curse of havin horns longer than ya head. You ain't been here much. Kobold the best thing you mighta ran over."

Lyrikai — Today at 12:30 PM
Lamont slapped a hand to his face. That was most certainly not what he meant! Bad bad bad! Oh no, what had he done? Maybe the best way to deal with it was to stuff cotton into his ears and just ignore it, or to suck it up and pretend he was enjoying it. Giving a light clap of his hands, screwing what was hopefully a convincing smile on his face, he said, "Yes. Just like that. That's very good, captain." Was it convincing enough? Was he doing good?

Apart from the worst music he'd ever heard in his life and that poor kobold across the room being knocked into the floor, this place was an active hole of 'What was going on in here' today? He dragged his hands down his face to watch the spectacle. Those poor souls. Were they okay? Really needed another drink.

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 12:34 PM
DUN DUN DUH DUH DUN DUN DUHDUH DUNDUN. Out of pitch with little rhyme or reason, Captain Jimmy Bones strummed. Artistically even, because with Lamont's joyful decree, he now had a captive audience. The siren at the bar didn't seem to notice the noise - maybe siren's could tune out bad tunes. She poured Lamont a fresh drink. Those merfolk in the lagoon looked like they were ready to start throwing seaweed and kelp. Jimmy Bones fantastic rendition of an original masterpiece continued as he in his salty boots now circled Ezzeg and the stranger. STRUM DIDDLE DUM. Intense stare.

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 12:39 PM
The table WAS a good idea it seemed as the captain turned bard was circling them. Standing straighter, he glanced inside his jacket when the Captain was in front of him, and sighed. As he put his hand into his jacket, the captain was to his side. And when he pulled out the rolled up parchment the captain was behind once more. Clearing his throat "I'm looking for a crew who can fight!" A cackling came from inside the long coat.

littlekreen — Today at 12:49 PM
The kobold still had trouble picking out the pitches as captain bones got closer which was a partial feature of resistance but it let him see what the man was doing. Ezzeg stared back at captain bones as their habit of looking masters in the eye for which the kobolds were seen as daft, "Fer the sea's sake, bones, Ya want to inflict doom then at least tighten string three!"

Lyrikai — Today at 12:57 PM
Yeah! Yeah that was much better! (Not). Grateful for the drink, Lamont could get himself absolutely hammered while he listened to the concert. Now, with each deep swallow, surely the music would steadily sound better and better. He felt dearly for those poor souls being serenaded by the hell music, but maybe, just maybe, it would do them some good. Who knew how injured either had gotten in their collision, but music soothed all kinds of hurts, right?

At least, for the moment however, it seemed like it was working? No sooner had the captain begun playing for the pair that the stranger was cackling something fierce over some declaration of a fighting crew. He choked on his drink, coughing loudly. Was he already so blasted drunk so fast? Who and what the devil was this guy? "Oy!" he called to the lot, "Can't we all just have a drink and chat? I'll buy!" He had to get to the bottom of this before he got to the bottom of his mug.

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 12:58 PM
Flashing a row of blackened teeth in a.. grimace? Smile? Captain Jimmy Bones stopped his playing. But not at the caterwaling of the kobold, but rather curiosity at the stranger's request. "A crew ye say! Oh lordy, we got a 'nother one y'all! Another captain wannabe with a mission!" He hooted and hollared, slapping his knee and strumming his lute with a horrid twang. Of course, with Lamont offering free drink, the devlish playing stopped at once. With Captain Jimmy Bones bellying up to the bar and demanding the Siren's finest ale!

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 1:05 PM
Well that didn't work as planned, but all the better that it didn't. He tried to put the parchment back in his coat, but was denied. "A drink it shall be then," he agreed and walked over to the bar, sitting next to Lamont. He then pointed to a bottle that had dust on it. The siren looked at the bottle then back at him then at the bottle again. When she looked back she opened her mouth possibly to protest, or maybe egg him on with a sinister smile. "I know what it is, give it to me in two mugs." The siren's eyes grew big. "Better be will to deal with this," she warned Lamont with a fluttering of her eye lashes.

littlekreen — Today at 1:09 PM
Ezzeg stood up as Captain Bones was distracted and retrieved his pliers from the floor to retreat to the overturned table and put it away into the toolbox on the floor. He sighed and picked a chunk of his meal next to the table and munched on it. Floor food wasn't the worst thing he'd eaten by far. He munched at the bit and chimed, "New captain's are good for business! The boats always come back with more holes!"

Lyrikai — Today at 1:12 PM
"H-Hey!" Lamont really wanted to protest this captain instantly threatening to drain him down of his hard earned (stolen) coin! He said a drink, didn't necessarily mean the most expensive on the menu! But that was what he got for not specifying, right?

But was it any better or worse than the stranger ordering two mugs of a crusty looking bottle in the back that met the siren with such worry that he was briefly wondering what it would take if he could turn himself into goo and melt through the floor. Maybe he'd made a mistake. Maybe the music was better than this!


Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 1:15 PM
With drinks getting served all around and Captain Jimmy Bones wetting his whistle, finally the tavern was at peace and momentarily saved from the lute of terror. Course now he, and a few listening ears nearby were VERY interested in what this new stranger had to say. "Oy then! Don't just shut yer trap, what's the job, man! Lil britches o'er here can't pay our tabs forever!"

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 1:23 PM
"Yes, the Job," setting down the Parchment he took one of the two mugs, which was making odd snapping sounds, and took a sip. He looked at the drink with a slight disappointment. "It's fairly simple. A dragon's treasure." There was a "hurmp" that came from the coat. "That is to say a stolen dragon's treasure. Slightly cursed. Still tangible." Taking another sip of his mug he looked less disappointed in it, but it was now snapping and popping. "Old stuff." He looked at the others at the bar. "Valuable stuff."

littlekreen — Today at 1:27 PM
"Feh, dragons," the web footed kobold mimed his hands in front of his chest, "They don't have the best set of features! If there's anything it's curst with it's all the other dragons."

Lyrikai — Today at 1:29 PM
Lamont stared into the mug with unease. Why was it popping? Why was it popping? Extremely hesitant to drink something that might possibly try to drink him right back, he finished off his own ale first as it was much safer in the moment and he needed his voice for right now to gape and declare, "A dragon, you say?" The kobold didn't sound all that impressed, but this had Lamont's interest completely! "I thought they were a myth!"

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 1:32 PM
The whole tavern erupted in to guffawing laughter at Lamont calling dragons a myth. The WHOLE tavern laughing their asses and tails off. Granted, no dragons had been seen locally for some time, but of COURSE they were real! Captain Jimmy Bones was hootin' and cacklin' himself, slapping Lamont so hard on the back he nearly knocked the man off his stool.

littlekreen — Today at 1:34 PM
Ezzeg laughed too as the peals around him washed over and slapepd his knees before pointing at the hat man, "Iffin anyone knows wherebouts they is, then that happens!"

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 1:38 PM
A little hiss could be heard from the jacket at Ezzeg's comment and it could be overlooked that he put his hand in it, just to yank it back out a moment later. "A myth? That's hilarious." He said cooly. He then took off his hat, his ears pointed up, and twitching, perhaps out of humor or just relief of not being confided. "I take it they don't come out here any more than my lot?" The elf asked with a haughty smirk as he took another sip of obviously now elvish booze. "I'm looking in this area." And he unfurled the map.

Lyrikai — Today at 1:40 PM
Well now he had made himself a laughing stock! Terrific. Lamont narrowed his eyes, huffing out a breath as Captain Jimmy nearly knocked him clear off his stool. Laughter laughter all around! Yeah, keep it up! "Hey hey heeey!" Arms up, he loudly declared for everyone within earshot. "If you're looking to prove they're real, I'll listen!" If he hadn't seen one, how did he know if they were real or not! Seeing was believing!

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 1:41 PM
An ELF! Someone in the back made an exaggerated HURRK noise. Elves were def not the norm in a place full of sea peoples and dumb humans. Even Captain Jimmy Bones seemed less interested in this dragon treasure now that an elf was involved.*


🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 1:47 PM
"Prove they're real," a nasally voice mocked from the jacket. "Shh," he tried to hush what was hidden, but the voice wasn't done. "Want proof do you?" The voice said in a more husky tone. "Pickles please no…" he tried, he really did. But did she listen? No. There came out of the coat a head of a dragon. Which was ridiculous because it was so tiny. "Do you want treasure or not?" The dragon, red in color, and the size of a small cat asked as she crawled out of the jacket. "Really Kenough, this is the best you found?" The cat sized Red grabbed the second mug. (edited)

littlekreen — Today at 1:49 PM
Ezzeg went to the bar and sat on the other side of Lamont to sit down with a clatter of tubes and a flag to the barkeep, "Well if I don't get my dinner I want some water. Might have to dive later can't have the fun stuff."

He turned around and looked to the dragon and grinned, "Well, one about hip height is a good start for me!"

Lyrikai — Today at 1:51 PM
"Wh-" Lamont could only stare for just a moment. What was this? A trick? A gag! Was he being mad an even bigger fool of! Shortly after this stranger revealed his identity, another oddity poked itself out of his jacket. Some kind of a lizard creature! A dragon! A real actual dragon? "Am I drunk already?" He asked to literally no one.

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 1:53 PM
"AH SHITS IT BE A SMOL RED," yelped Captain Jimmy Bones, leaping off his stool and stumbling away from the bar. Sloshing the few remaining drops of his ale on Lamont in his frazzled escaped. "BATTON IT DOWN, SHE ABOUT TO BURN!" Several others in the tavern gave a little shriek, disappearing down into the lagoon, or scuttling out the main doors. The siren at the bar merely sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. She set a spritzer on the bartop just in case.

littlekreen — Today at 1:55 PM
Ezzeg looked to the little Red then the door as bones scattered, "Ahh, she's just a little hot yet, not quite smouldering, hah! Give it a few years!"

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 1:58 PM
The elf, Kenough, looked at Pickles the dragon with the gaze of long suffering. This was obviously not the first time she'd scared away potential crew. Pickles for her part looked unphased until the kobold piped in. "I have more years than you think youngling." "You're giving away too much," Ken scolded her. Pickles just ruffled her wings a little. "You don't give enough information!" It sounded like an old couple's argument. "We need a crew that will not be flighty."

Lyrikai — Today at 2:00 PM
Heavens above, why was everyone clearing out and trying to flee in terror from the sight of this little lizard! Wiping a hand down the front of his coat as drinks splashed him and everyone high tailed it in fear, he remained where he was with one solemn "Really...?"

"There are an awfully... flighty bunch, aren't they?" He asked, not wholly convinced yet this little dragon was dangerous. Maybe he was stupid. In fact, yes. That was probably it. He was probably stupid.

littlekreen — Today at 2:01 PM
He looked back to the elf then directed at the dragon, "Suprised any small ones about anymore slayers being what they are. Well I ain't in the habit of working long-term for dragons, hotscales, but even if I don't mind helping a pretty face you still look too young for this ride. The forestblood your servant? I don't much like thieves." (edited)

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 2:05 PM
Now outed, Pickles crawled out of Kenough's jacket to display the full glory of her dark wings and red scales. She looked about ready to puff up and spit balls of fire at Lamont.... but the flattery of the kobold seemed to be doing the trick.

"He is my servant," she agreed boldly, curling dragon body around the mug claimed as hers. "The worst servant I have ever had! We need a crew - a BOLD crew. Fearless. The treasure we claim is beyond anything you have ever seen."

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 2:08 PM
She was showing off now. Of course she was. But this was about her treasure so he took a sip before retort. "I thought I was your friend. And who else in the Golden Glen was going to learn ship building and sailing and cartography for you?"

Lyrikai — Today at 2:10 PM
Now what was this about thieves and servants? Lamont was absolutely floored listening to this, settling somewhere between believing he was hallucinating and worried he was about be eaten by a tiny little dragon with an attitude!

"Look, whatever I said about dragons being a myth, I'm sorry!" He declared, "H-Have another round on me? And maybe we can talk about this crew? Listen, I'm a great sailor and I know the wrong end of a gun from the right one! If it's a crew you're looking for, count me in."

littlekreen — Today at 2:15 PM
Ezzeg nodded at Lamont with a pat on the back for support as it seemed like good work and Ezzeg didn't have anything important lined up right now, "Ezzeg Skullgrip. I've spent days in some captain's cargo hold standin' on booty to fix hulls for at least half the things in port. Deep diver and scavenger. Sounds like good salvage at least. Seems the local warren is better about telling history in the creche than this one's was!"

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 2:19 PM
"See, I told you, Ken. As soon as they lay eyes on me, they cannot resist my charms." preened Pickles, lifting the mug to guzzle down a few swallows of the fizzy poppy drink. Plopping it down with a hard slosh, she flapped her wings hard, puffed out her chest and marched down the bar top to address her new crew.

"I AM PIKEILA, VERMILLION OF THE LOST MOUNTAIN. As my crew you will do as I say! Act as I act! Steal as I steal! This mission will be dangerous, and yes, the stuttering one will likely die first - but my treasure is worth the price! We will conquer!"
[2:21 PM]
Now that the surprise of a new threat died down, things in the tavern returned to normal. Even Captain Jimmy Bones had plopped back down in his original seat and grabbed his horrible lute again to begin a slow strumming. ...yet ever so often he'd give this newly formed crew a leery side-eye.

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 2:25 PM
The elvish equivalent of "ixnay on the eathd-ay" was muttered by Kenough but Pickles wasn't listening to him, she was enjoying her Glory at the moment. It seemed the lack of firey burning death had caused the other tavern dwellers to return as well as the horrible music. A small price to pay, considering they actually finally got a crew again. Hopefully this group would work out better. "They might want to see where." He pointed at the half unrolled map.

Lyrikai — Today at 2:29 PM
Pikeila. Well that was a name that could strike either fear or giggles. For Lamont, it mostly struck some kind of awe. "OH!"

He leaned in to try and see the map that had been laid out before them. "So this is where you're going? Where we're going?" Had he been accepted? Had he finally found himself a crew! Now maybe he could finally get out of this god forsaken tavern of terrible music and miserable booze. "I'll do whatever you say!" He promised, "And not die... maybe die. Hopefully not die."

littlekreen — Today at 2:41 PM
Ezzeg hadn't spoken a draconic accent since early school and quietly tried to sound out the name so he could say it right eying the map he wasn't too familiar with. He leaned one arm holding onto the bar as he drank a cup of 'clean' water that arrived in a cup. The pronunciation was rusty but dropped an octave so he could even attempt to speak it correctly, "Pikeila then? Or does the hotscales like 'at other one more to sound more tasty. I prefer the little deaths more'n final ones too but there's nobody ever found good salvage next to port."

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 2:46 PM
The tiny red dragon paused in her pacing, two legs lifted in air as her snoot twisted up in a thoughtful snarl. "...Pickles is acceptable. I will sour all that attempt to devour me in this cursed miniature form."

With the map at mention, though, she lept to it. Pointing the route they were about to sail with her claw. "Through the Sea of Atrocities, past the Corals of No Mans Rests, around the Whirlpool of Destiny to the great mountainous Island of Dead Souls. Where we will face the cruelest, ugliest, meanest, most foul dragon one has ever set eyes on. We shall reclaim my treasure."

🌈Ochalla🌈 — Today at 2:52 PM
"I'm looking forward to your final victory over your brother," he said in a serious tone, that could have been taken as mocking, being an elf and all, but he didn't look haughty or amused but more stern and possibly as serious as he sounded. "We need you both to be cunning and if so you will be rewarded." Also they needed to not try to double cross them. "My only concern is here," and he pointed to the map. "If we need to resupply it will be here and the locals are…"

Lyrikai — Today at 2:54 PM
Sea of Atrocities. Coral of No Mans rest. Island of Dead Souls.

Oh goody! Well this sure was going to be a fantastic adventure. Lamont wasn't completely sure if he was going to gather himself some proper fame and fortune or if he was going to die in the process! And, to think, this had all started with a song... a very bad... a very grating... a very obnoxious song. Somehow it had brought Lamont to, what was this? A new friend? A crew? A proper swashbuckling family?
Dragons were real and he was sharing ale with a kobold and an elf! How had his life turned so right and so wrong all in the same instance?

The elf was pointing out trouble spots on the map and expressing concern all while Lamont was sighing. "I'm... I'm going to need another drink for this."

littlekreen — Today at 3:03 PM
Kobolds had short lives, it was just the nature of the job. It didn't weigh on them over much as the collective trauma just made it a fact of a warren's life. It was a path to good salvage he definately couldn't get himself. A dragon his own size as captain. Ezzeg looked over the map and said to her witha grin, "Well if I'n call you pickles then you can call me two-tails iffin you like! Hope yer boat and rudder has some ironsides if you're goin through whirlpools and coral. Most ain't got a coat of pretty rubies like you, Cap'n Pickles."

The common instinct had him stop and pipe up to Lamont, "Just don't go diving, you'll get the bends!"

Diana Ò◇Ó
— Today at 3:07 PM
And thus Pickles and Kenough managed to find the start of a crew for a voyage that was sure to be dangerous, deadly, and profitable. ...if only Pickles hadn't blurted out the directions in broad daylight, in a public tavern where the world could hear...

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
Because this new style of charp went well (and the 12-3 slot is really good for me) we have a tentative NEXT CHARP date for Tuesday the 12th!

People are welcome to play in that discord thread in the meantime though! 8D
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
Name: Raiya Vassilovka Karpova
Age: 15
Role: Stowaway

Background: Raiya was born into an old family of aristocratic wizards in the city of Morngovia. Her magical talent gives her a knack for fortune telling, minor telekinesis, and the ability to cast a few cantrips, but her magical strength is well below her family's standards.

She overheard her parents talking: she would never be anything but an embarrassment to her family with such a feeble talent, and couldn't even be married off properly. Thus, it was determined that she was to be subjected to a ritual that would drain her magical ability (and her life as a side-effect) and transfer her gift to her eldest brother, heir to the Family title, in order to make him even stronger.

Naturally, Raiya had no interest in participating in this sort of family sharing time, so she fled, stowing away aboard some ratty old sloop. She's managed to survive by hook and by crook, but the latest ship she's stowed away on seems to have erupted into chaos...

Diana Ò◇ÓOP09/19/2023 10:53 AM

A FEW DAYS LATER ABOARD A SHIP THAT HAS SEEN BETTER DAYS WITH A CREW LESS THAN REPUTABLE... we find a motley mix of strangers well on their way through the Sea of Atrocities. They seem to have fair weather on the seas for now, but on the ship itself? A few beady eyes have been a little too attentive to the conversations of the party.

littlekreen09/19/2023 11:00 AM

Ezzeg stuck with cap'n pickles and her leaf powered dragon mover out of habit for a big boss. At least when he wasn't tending ropes or checking for damage. Though dragons weren't good for warrens she was still the big boss and that particular tingle of an adult dragon his own size drew his own beady eyes for purposes not admiration but other than thievery. At the moment he was swabbing sea slime off of the deck near the captain's wheel with partly webbed digitigrade feet making noises as he went about with the mop.

🌈Ochalla🌈09/19/2023 11:03 AM

Kenough had had enough. He'd gotten a crew for Pickles but other than the first few he could taste the scheming of the crew, again. If he could pilot the boat himself he would of but he'd need another decade or three to do that. "How close are we to the hidden islands?" And did they move since their last attempt?

Diana Ò◇ÓOP09/19/2023 11:07 AM

Pickles the tiny little red dragon sat proudly with wings spread and lil captain's cap on. With a flick of the tongue to the air, she puffed up even more. "There's no telling where the islands have shifted. We'll have to watch the clouds."

littlekreen09/19/2023 11:12 AM

Ezzeg liked machines and building things so knew a basic handling of the devices and stopped mopping to comment, "Rough On course since last night as far as I'n tell by the star charts in yer quarters Cap'n Pickles. Sun reckon' is a bit more wiggly. I got the astrolabe."

  • Lyrikai09/19/2023 11:13 AM

    Why the hell had he agreed to this? What in the hell had Lamont been thinking? He tried to go over the events of the past few days that brought him here... here to a crew with a very quirky captain and a tiny shoulder dragon. It had been a while since Lamont had been anywhere outside the tavern walls and he forgot how much the ocean moved...It was day three of being queasy and sick, but he was doing his best to keep up. He heard the words 'watch the clouds' and turned his head upward. "Don't the clouds drift though?" he asked, "How do they tell us where islands are?"

🌈Ochalla🌈09/19/2023 11:19 AM

Ken nodded to Ezzeg but knew it would be Pickles he'd listen to. To Lamont he shrugged. "They do in the mountains and in the seas that are less hostile. Here the sea and sky are not separate. Divine or demonic I know not. Maybe just Sea Witches have a sick sense of humor."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOP09/19/2023 11:28 AM

    "We watch the clouds for those funnel teets!" declared Pickles. "They hover over the disappearing islands. As long as we keep wary of them and don't talk to ANY pretty ladies or handsome fish folk, we'll make it safely through the Sea of Atrocities."

  • Lyrikai09/19/2023 11:37 AM

    "Wait, there are pretty ladies out there?" Despite the roiling sensation in his gut every time the ship rocked, that sure got his attention! Catching himself best he could, he was quick to shake his head. "Sorry. Right. Avoid them..." He sighed, "Story of my life..."Aw damn though. Pretty ladies sounded great. Even the handsome fish folk sounded intriguing!"Well... at least watching the skies is easier on my stomach..."

  • littlekreen09/19/2023 11:40 AM

    Ezzeg put the mop away in a clip by one of the railings and headed over to one railing to look over at the wide blue sea full of monsters, "Makin' a storm around them then the currents changin too? Might be maps but I dunno how to read 'em well."At lamont's comment Ezzeg laughed, "At least a red one! The sirens are hungry folk none too picky 'bout the flavor of sailors."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈09/19/2023 11:44 AM

    "There's at least one good thing about that. The more sirens the more coral and we want to avoid the cor-," Ken was interrupted by a large thud. A sail that had been rolled up was suddenly flapping in the breeze. WHY!

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOP09/19/2023 11:47 AM

    "SABOTAGE." Yelled Pickles, despite the fact there was no proof to such. Just a loose sail. "It's throwing us off course! Man the sails!" With a flippy flap of her little wings Pickles went chasing after the loose sail.

  • littlekreen09/19/2023 11:54 AM

    Ezzeg didn't have wings and at the noise started climbing the nets of the mast shrouds to get up to where the rigging had given way or slipped and see what the problem was. Huffing and puffing on his way to the mast called out, "Careful cap'n Pickles, the canvas goes a good clip when it's wild!"

  • Lyrikai09/19/2023 12:05 PM

    All of a sudden there was a shout of sabatoge and Lamont was staring up at the sails. "Oh... Oh no..." Did he really have to do this? Alright. Might as well. It was either do his job or get bucked off the plank into shark infested waters or something! Gripping the net rigging, he started hauling himself up behind Ezzeg.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈09/19/2023 12:09 PM

    Ken watched Pickles fly off at the sail, wondering if she'd forgotten she didn't have the strength to help much. Half the crew was either crawling up the nets or otherwise assisting in resecuring the sail. Of those that were not helping were the ones with tasks of measuring the fathoms or other tasks. But he could hear the murmuring with his too sharp ears. The sabotage might not have been Pickles over reaction. But who?

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOP09/19/2023 12:12 PM

    Indeed a murmuring was afoot. With the tiny dragon trying to catch the loose sail, and both Ezzeg and Lamont attempting to climb up and fix the rigging - this was their chance! Someone with a great big club snuck him behind Ken and took a mighty swing, ready to knock out whom they assumed was the leader of this operation. A HIYYAAAAAA was screamed across the ship! The take over had begun!

  • littlekreen09/19/2023 12:19 PM

    Ezzeg barely heard the noise over the sound of wild flapping as he inchwormed across the mast's support spar to get at a rope that had slipped its pulley. Looking to the deck far below he was glad he didn't have a fear of heights. At least anymore. He called out as loud as he could to Pickles, "Cap'n Pickles! Somebody with a bat by yer elf-cart!"Precipitously held by the spar between one leg, and a nearby line holding it straight, Ezzeg hauled upward on the jammed draw line to put it back on the pulley so the deck crew could pull it back taut. Last thing they needed was a mutiny but popped ropes in the sea of atrocities were a close second.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈09/19/2023 12:28 PM

    Ken was not cautious as far as elves were concerned. It was good then that Pickles saw the world in a different way, so when struck in the back of his head, while he did fall upon the wheel, turning even more off course, he did not have the headache that would have been the worst of his condition thanks to his elvish stamina. Instead, under his headscarf was a circlet of iron wood and dragon's teeth. Kenough pushed off the wheel to face is assailant, nay, assailants. Was it the whole crew? Fine, be it that way. Standing straighter he grinned at the crew that wished to commit mutiny. Then, like from the aether, the most beautiful voice reached his ears.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOP09/19/2023 12:30 PM

    It sure wasn't Pickles' beautiful voice, as like most possessive dragons the second someone went swinging at her elf, she was screeching the old words and spitting fireballs. Until one of the crew snatched up the tiny red dragon in a golden net.

  • littlekreen09/19/2023 12:44 PM

    Ezzeg wasn't a swashbuckler cursed with that particular kind of madness. You didn't head to the deck by rope unless you had a deathwish. As the singing hit his ears the tone-deaf kobold gave a growl of effort as he put the rope back on the pulley and pulled the lead hand back before he lost a thumb to rigging stress relaxing and hauling the sail in slightly. At his position above the oncoming crew with a mutiny below meant a little madness was needed and called out to Lamont hoping the sail catching wind would break his fall enough, "Lamont, get ready to hold the line steady and let go when I tells ya!"He held the line in his hands and looped a leg around a rig that got him closer toward Pickles and that gleaming gold problem. Looking for some mutineer below to land on as his leg scales burnt even from the friction of wet rope. he didn't have much time until the sail caught and pulled harder than he had weight to keep from going into the siren sea.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈09/19/2023 12:50 PM

    Words, familiar and not grating like the Common of the coastal folks were under the sweet melody that filtered into his ears. Only the mutineers kept him one foot on the boat. His mind shaded the deck with foliage and moss. A glittering of gold caught the corner of his eye but it wasn't enough to catch his attention. The boom of the sail, caused him to jolt forward and he used the momentum to swing at the sailor in front of him, dodging a weapons blade he barely acknowledged. One down and two coming at him once and now the melody was a deadly dance number. One he was not going to sit out.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOP09/19/2023 1:01 PM

    Mutiony in the Sea of Atrocities was a dangerous terrible idea. For if you didn't keep your course steady one might find themselves under the beautiful singing caress of the Sirens. Some of these sailors had their ears plugged up, but others... they were finding it more and more difficult to stay on task. Someone went after Lamont to give him a clobber and a tie-up. Another was attempting to chase after Ezzeg before he could reach the captured dragon. Now there were just as many trying to give Ken a good stabbing as there were ones trying to keep him from dancing his way off the boat!

littlekreen09/19/2023 1:15 PM

Ezzeg dodged the arms and knives of mutineers using his small stature to evade their grip as one shaved a bit of his horn with a clang. The gold net was so close but the mutineers would follow. Sirens singing would soon get them and though he couldn't sing better than them they'd not like that anyway. It was a certain bloodthirst to sate and prey to take screaming. He heard the sail start to billow out as a large fellow grasped the line behind him. A quick loop and twist threw the looped line over the man's torso and Ezzeg hollared, "LET GO!"As the sail squared and snapped taut with the line at the right angle, it hauled hard as Ezzeg sang a stanza as deep as he could to hide the tone deafness of Azures the sirens might recognize. He needed to make the effort and blood sacrifice, not be better."Come to love the blood of the seaRuled by thee for eternityDrown all dreams of mutineersAnd leave their souls to me."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOP09/19/2023 1:17 PM


Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:17 AM

Shanties and Sirens and Reefs, oh my! When last we saw our crew they were in dire straights. Mutineers had chosen the worst time to attack, or maybe they were savvier than first look. Many had wax in their ears but some had already been taken away by the beautiful siren's song. A BLESSING CAME IN THE FORM OF EZZEG'S UNEXPECTED TUNE in turn enchanting the siren's by such bold lyrical mastery. While they sank back into the turmutulous seas, the last of the mutineers had finally captured most of the questing party. Pickles was tossed into a barrel of oranges. Lamont was tied by the hands and being dragged to the mast. Someone had clobbered Kenough over the head with a club. Ezzeg was loose and unaccounted for, as well as a few of the more loyal crew mates. ...WHAT SHALL HAPPEN NEXT.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:25 AM

Raiya had finally managed to make herself comfortable. Well, sort of, not really. But, true comfort wasn't easy to find while crammed into a dark space between barrels and crates in the cargo hold. But...what was all that noise? If the ship's being raided, then they'll be down here to search the cargo! she thought.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:27 AM

Overwhelming an elf on land, in the woods and forests, would have been difficult. On the open sea with his sense fumbled, just took not being flung overboard. Now knocked out the race was on to tie him up. "Cover his eyes!" One yelled. "Throw him in the hold!" Screamed another

LyrikaiToday at 11:29 AM

"Oy!!" Lamont was shouting loudly, "Let me go, I didn't even do anything!" Tied up and dragged around like a sack of potatoes was not his idea of a good time! He wriggled as best he could trying to get himself free of these blasted mutineers. "Fellas... Can't we talk about this? You don't want to do this! I'm too pretty to die!!"

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:34 AM

"Good work, gentleman." exclaimed a woman's voice in such an imperious accent that it seemed out of place on this ship of apparently pirates. Once she stepped out on deck and through off the heavy cloak that was disguising her appearances, she was revealed to be quite the stunning elven lady. "Not only have we the way to the Vermillion Dragon's stolen treasure, we have the cursed dragon itself! ...and a few handsome little toys." She gestured towards Lamont with the tip of a saber, poking his shoulder with the tip. "Who else is on this ship, silly little man."

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:37 AM

Won't they? Raiya thought. In truth, she knew nothing about ships and pirates. Maybe they would want to get to some safe harbor or place to weigh anchor before they sought to inventory their loot? Her thoughts were interrupted by a subtle brightening as the door to the deck opened. Then, a muffled thud, something not quite hard, not quite soft being dropped into the hold. Was that a...a body? she thought. Then the normal level of mostly-darkness returned. Raiya waited a moment to make sure the raiders weren't coming back, then squeezed her way out into the aisle between the stacks of stored goods.Quietly, she approached the prone form and crouched beside it. An Elf? she thought, seeing a pointed ear in the flickering light from the sconces. She held a hand just over his head, and tapped into her feeble necromantic talent. She could get faint impressions from the recently dead, but she had never been able to raise anything. In this case, she felt nothing: the Elf was, at worst, unconscious, not dead.

  • LyrikaiToday at 11:41 AM

    Well now here was a curious surprise. He had expected maybe a bunch of drunken morons that didn't know how to be happy to be behind this, not some gorgeous elven lass. Now she sure was quite the tall drink of water! However, as much as he wanted her to step on his face, he wasn't going to be won over by her beauty!"Ow," Lamont protested as the lady's saber poked into his shoulder, "Buy me dinner first, babe.. Then we'll talk. Wait. I mean no-! No one else is here and you'll get nothing! You might as well give up while you can and go back home!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:42 AM

    Raiya glanced up, listening carefully to the boastful speach. 'Vermillion Dragon's stolen treasure?' 'And the cursed dragon itself?' What have I gotten myself into?! she thought.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:43 AM

    Ken groaned softly. He wasn't doing so good. Never had his head hurt so much. What was he hit with, an ogre club? He tried to move and found resistance. "Pic-pickles?" He whispered in a raspy voice. It was dark. Too dark. Was he blinded by the hit?

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:45 AM

    Poor Pickles, THE beautiful, amazing, terrifying Vermillion Dragon of the Lost Mountain, was now trapped in a barrel of oranges. Not even FRESH oranges. Dried, crunchy, uncomfortable oranges. "DON'T GET SEDUCED BY THAT VILE TEMPTESS YOU INCORGIGIBLE TART!" She peered an eyeball out of a hole in the barrel. "I'm prettier and more powerful than her! Remember that!"

  • LyrikaiToday at 11:50 AM

    Right! He had to remember his loyalties! Lamont Stormbane was not so easily brought down by a pretty face! He just needs a good metaphorical slap in the face to remind him of that! "I won't let you down, captain!" he shouted, "Beat me, kill, throw me overboard if you must, but you'll get nothing out of me and keeping me tied up is a waste of your time and I'm just going to keep shouting at you!"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:53 AM

    "I could indeed torment and torture you to my heart's content before tossing your body overboard to the sharks," the elven lady suggested, oh so sweetly, leaning down into Lamont's face and giving him a generous view of her busty chest. "You see, if there are any more of your little friends hiding about, my crew will find them and kill them. Unless, of course, you want to swear loyalty to me. Queen Imetia. Then I might let you and your companions live, perhaps even join me on this quest for treasure."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:57 AM

    Raiya backed away as the Elf stirred, then froze, trying to remain silent. It seemed she had a choice: try to help the captive crew retake their ship, try her luck with the captors, or try to hide from both. But if this ship was on a quest for legendary treasure...well, treasures didn't get to be legendary by being anywhere but the most dangerous places to reach, protected by the deadliest guardians. She swallowed a gulp at the pirate lady's words.My chances are probably best if they're fighting each other... she thought. As quietly as she could, she inched up to the Elf, leaned over to hiss out a quick "Shhhh," then started untying his bonds. Once his hands were free, she retreated into the shadows. Maybe if she could get back into hiding before he could remove his blindfold... Except, weren't Elves said to have especially acute senses? Raiya hoped not.

  • LyrikaiToday at 11:59 AM

    For just half a second Lamont's eyes were lost in cleavage and he was once again really struggling here to make the right choice. Nope! Nada! He could fight this! Staring her dead in the eyes, he said, "Lick. My. Boot." Yes. If he was to die, he was going to go down being an obnoxious pain in the ass, but he wasn't going to break. "Sorry. I meant lick my boot, Your Majesty. I'll never join you and they never will either!"He was cackling, "If you were able to find them, you wouldn't be wasting your time trying to get me to tell you. They're obviously way more smart than you and your crew."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:04 PM

    A friend in dark places was still a friend. He wondered if it was a member of the crew that wasn't into mutineering. He didn't think it was someone he knew well. No matter his arms were free and that meant, oh standing was making him woozie. Okay sitting down, new plan. Once seated he realized something was around his head. Taking off the blindfold he looked around. It was dark, the hold he guessed. He'd never been down here in the dark, but he had built this ship. He knew he was in his space. "Hey, hey you. Come back over here," he whispered in the direction of the shadow that wasn't cargo shaped.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:06 PM

    "I see. You're the stupid one," she muttered with a sigh and straightened back up. "Search the ship! Kenough wouldn't hire a crew full of idiots. Find the kobold and any others that might be loyal to our tied up friends." She gestured to another, a ogre-looking beast of a man that appeared to be her first mate. "Stay on course through the Sea of Atrocities. Notify me at once when the Corals of No Man's Rest come into view." As for Lamont... he earned a good hefty kick of her boot right to the ribs! Her laugh was beautiful and cruel.

  • LyrikaiToday at 12:10 PM

    Lamont let out a long, pained groan as he received a nice good kick. It felt so good-Wait no it didn't! Ugh... He had done well... maybe. He didn't give in to the pretty face! He didn't bow down and succumb. He laughed weakly, but hung his head. Now they were going to search the ship and he only hoped his bluff held out and they would not be found.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:12 PM

    Raiya had to suppress a groan at the defiant words from the captive on deck. They where just the sort of thing to get the raiders thoroughly searching the ship and killing anything that moved. Which is exactly what their "Queen" commanded them to do. Then there was the fact that she hadn't quite managed to get hidden in time.
    She sighed and came closer. "Look, I'm a stowaway. I'll make you a deal," she whispered. "I'll help you and your crew, if you'll let me stay until we get to a port that isn't named 'Harbor of Harrows,' 'Port Blood and Broken Bones' or anything else like that," she said, rolling her eyes at the dire-sounding place names that were coming out of the 'Queen' as she gave her orders.

  • "Then I'll be gone like I never was," Raiya said. Of course she'd have to pinch a few baubles and spare coin along the way, but if this lot were after The Lost Treasure of the Vermillion Dragon, what would a few baubles and coin be to them?

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:18 PM

    Ken gave a very slight nod. He didn't dare move his head more. "That's more than fair. I am but in need of a small jar in the mess and I believe I can then take care of both of us. To get there we do not want to be seen of course," he gave a grim sort of smirk. "If you've been hiding here a while have you found any of my passages?" Passage might have been too formal a term for the crawl spaces the elf had in his boat. Some of his research had suggested he did want to keep things hidden and what could be hidden wasn't just loot after all.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:21 PM

    That very Vermillion dragon stuck in a barrel of oranges was huffing and puffing up such a storm that black smoke was billowing out of the barrel's cracks. "Stupid elf pirate! Do you not understand the power I wield?! Your titles mean nothing! These are MY minions I have claimed fair and square and if you do not release me from this citrus prison I will burn your bloodline for generations..!"

  • The Queen Imetia was not in the slightest bit intimidated by a tiny little red dragon having a fit in an orange barrel. In fact she proved this point by giving Lamont another good hefty kick. MEANWHILE, the crew was already coming the upper decks for any more hiding minions and preparing to start their search below decks.

  • LyrikaiToday at 12:27 PM

    "Augh!" Lamont complained loudly as he got another good kicking. The rudeness was real here. "I'm gonna start charging you by the hour if you keep that up, lady..." They were still searching, still hunting. That was a good sign, right? Every second that passed was another second that they had to figure out how to get out of this mess.He was wiggling, trying real hard to wriggle himself from his bindings. If he couldn't get out, maybe he could start shouting again to distract and irritate this woman. "You seem a little tense," he said, "Maybe you should sit down and take a load off. You know, find a hobby. Make a friend. And stop kicking me! There's got to be better things to be kicking..."

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:28 PM

"Come on," Raiya said, hurrying over to the nearest hidden entrance. She'd found more than one of these bolt-holes, but she hadn't explored them. Such secret spaces were more likely to contain traps, magical wards, or other instances of their creators' attention. Hence, they were the wrong places to hide from them. But now that she and their creator were more or less on the same side...

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:34 PM

Ken was not hurrying and if it were not that the stowaway hadn't seen him quickly sit after first standing his pace walking over to the entrance might have looked like a stately rolling gait. It was a steady walk so he didn't fall. Once in the small space Ken took a deep breath, entwined in his creation more deeply, the wooden planks no longer on living trees but still of the forest. Oh he was getting sentimental with his headache. But the wood did help all the same. "If we go down and right we'll get close."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:37 PM

"You're right. There ARE better things to be abusing on board!" exclaimed the pirate Queen. Leaving Lamont to his wriggling, Queen Imetia strode over to the barrel of oranges, gesturing for one of her men to open up the lid. With a snapping grab, she snatched up the little red dragon inside by the neck. Keeping her grip good and tight so the beast wouldn't try spitting any fireballs. "Vermillion Dragon... they say you were once the most beautiful creature. At least until I was born. Yet here you are, a pathetic lizard without a hoard. If you cooporate, I might be convince to give you a few pieces of gold..."

Pickles the dragon squeeled and squealed. Writhed, wriggled and flailed her tiny legs and ferocious wings trying to get loose of the elven queen's iron grip. "Pointy-eared lips of an ogre's cooch! Scent of a god's hairy arsehole!" spat the dragon!

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:44 PM

"Down and to the right," Raiya echoed in a whisper as she squeezed into the crawlspace, hoping the Elf was moving quickly now. If she had known these passages, she might have spotted the handhold meant to grab and swing down into the room ahead. Instead, in the darkness, the deck she was crawling on just disappeared, and she crumpled to an unceremonious heap on the narrow floor of a hidden room. "Oof!" she huffed, then scrambled to her feet. With the outer hull on one side, the room was wider across the top than the bottom, but it was a "neglected" space between a couple of the ship's ribs, that ought to go unnoticed unless someone measured the lower hold and figured out that it had less space than it should. Using an illusion cantrip, Raiya conjured a small globe of light so she could see the room and its contents.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:55 PM

Oh right, light. He'd forgotten how useful that could be in his state. Knowledge was a treasure like no other, and the room held treasures. It also held a ceramic jar. In a small cupboard, Ken pulled out said jar and opened it. The smell was spicy to say the least. It would make anyone's eyes water. If he didn't hide it though it'd probably be gone, Pickles eating them all. Making a face he pulled out a golden looking pepper and took a small bite. "By the Silvan Waters!" He hoarsely cursed quietly. He looked over at Raiya, and there was a pained look on his face. "It will be worth it." And he popped the whole thing in his mouth. He tried to suppress the cry of pain as he collapsed on the floor and curled into the fetal position.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:03 PM

Raiya snatched up the jar as he fell so it wouldn't be dropped and broken. She took a sniff of the jar's contents and sneezed, turning away just in time. She put the stopper back in place. She figured that the peppers must be some Elven recipe, probably meant to enhance the user's magical power. She briefly considered trying one herself--it might be good to be powerful, even if only for a little while. On the other hand, eating one pepper looked to be barely survivable for the Elf--chances were probably quite good that it would be even worse, if not fatal for a human. She put the stopper back in and set the jar down in a safe spot. She glanced back at the Elf--he looked to be in a really bad way! But he had to know what he was doing...didn't he? That meant she had a bit of time while he was incapacitated to palm anything that might be valuable or useful...

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:06 PM

By now the mutinous pirates were crawling through the second level of the ship, searching every nook and cranny in their attempts to hunt down the still missing kobold and any other hideaways. And once they passed by the hold where Ken should've still been held... "The elf is gone! By the seas find him quick before the queen finds out!"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:07 PM

Raiya has found one (1) compass, one (1) golden chain that looked like an overly large necklace, three (3) acorns, and TA-DA a small coin purse with the strings done up in elaborate knots (obviously warded but not cursed)

Ken let out a large, undignified belch, one that seemed to shimmer with heat or magic. "Disgusting. I don't know how…" Ken stood up, dusting himself off in the process. "Now my skillful stowaway, I shall give you a choice. You may stay here. As long as no one finds this spot you shall be safe and if you know the old languages well entertained. I however have nothing here for you to use to protect yourself should you be found. Or you may come with me and I will take care of you as the protector of these.. um.. of this ship."

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:20 PM

Raiya quickly hid the found items away amongst concealed pockets, putting on her best innocent look. She considered his words for a moment. Could she put any stock in his offer to 'protect' her? Of course not. But...maybe he at least wouldn't betray her as long as he needed all the help he could find to get his ship back. "I'll go with you," she said. Better to be active, moving, making decisions, than hiding in a hole and waiting for her fate to be decided by others.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:30 PM

"Good," he said. He looked grim, but no longer in pain nor distressed. "Let's find out who's on my ship then." Ken knew not the "Elven Queen" who took possession of his ship and was hunting down his crew and now him. It didn't really matter to him who or why, but if the so much as scuffed one scale on Pickles… After leading Raiya through the crawl space up he held out his hand to indicate where they were going to go back out. He waited, listening and sure there was no one that was going to see the before they got out, opened the panel into the food storage.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:33 PM

Meanwhile on deck, Queen Imetia was having a grand old time. Pickles and Lamont were not! For one of the mutinous crew had taken over giving Lamont a good kicking. And the elven pirate queen herself was dunking poor Pickles into a vat of brine! Essentially pickling Pickles as the dragon squawked and coughed, unable to spit flames!

LyrikaiToday at 1:37 PM

There was no more screaming and protesting to be had anymore. Lamont was reduced to a crying, moaning mess. "Your.. mother.." he spat out weakly to no one in particular.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:38 PM

Raiya gave him a nod, then followed him into the food storage, moving as quietly as she could. Still in a crouch, she slipped a dagger from her boot. She gave a cross look to the low ceiling overhead, as sounds of brutality came from above. I hope he's got some kind of plan, she thought. She herself didn't really know how to go about overpowering a crew of pirates, beyond maybe hiding and trying to pick them off one by one. She had even less idea when it came to what to do with the ship if they did get rid of the pirates. She knew how to stow away on a ship, not how to sail it!

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:44 PM

Ken walked to the door when it burst open. Two pirates on the other side. "Alert Qu.." was all one of them got out of his mouth before Ken seized both of them by the throat. The pirates surprise was short lived as they were both tossed into the far wall beyond the door. Ken looked down at his hands, shrugged then walked through the door glancing at both men. "Crude" he muttered as he took a sword from one of them. "Let's get to deck."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:51 PM

    Raiya blinked in surprise at her 'protector's' display of superhuman--to be more accurate, superelven--strength. Maybe she should have tried one of those peppers after all... No time for second thoughts. Battle was about to be joined. She used her dagger to pry open a barrel: flour. Keeping her dagger in one hand, she filled a scoop with flour, holding it in place with her telekinesis. It might be able to blind an opponent--the ol' sand-in-the-face trick, or, mixed with sea spray on deck, become a slick obstacle for charging enemies. Thus armed as well as she had time to manage, Raiya followed Ken up and out onto the deck.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:57 PM

Warning did reach the pirate queen as one of her men was thrown onto the deck. So far there'd only been two or three at a time. But now on deck … "Release the dragon and disembark my ship you… Tia? Imetia what are you doing here?!?"

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:59 PM

Well, so much for surprise, Raiya thought. Wait, he knows her?! I have a baaad feeling about this...

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:01 PM

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Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:01 AM


littlekreenToday at 11:07 AM

Ezzeg's head was hard, it came with the job description, but using all his breath to quickly save their skins from one threat put him under fire of the other. Shortly after finishing his shanty of one mutineer being hauled by the rope and wind to be sacrificed to the sea he was clobbered by the others. The wind knocked out of him had been thrown in a particular vat of brine. Unconscious but breathing he regained his senses as oxygen was injected into the brine along with the pain of oversalinization from the thrashing of something bonking him in the chest. The membranes made the red scales murky but followed up with a quick mouthing of Pickles' snout to force the air that had built up in his lungs.A devious if bleary mind pulled away while holding pickles above water and saw some woman with floating flour near her colorful elf transport. Small flash bang? He gargled while spitting brine out of his lungs and pointed at Imetia, "Woman! Flour!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:12 AM

    Raiya heard a voice saying something that wouldn't have made any sense in any other context. She turned to the sound, and saw a lizard-like creature poking its head out of the barrel of brine and pointing at the pirate "queen." Another dragon? Something else? No time to sort it out. She used her telekinesis to throw some of the flour at Imetia's face, and some more at her feet.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:12 AM

    His whole throat was in pain as Ezzeg hoarsely called out, "BURN."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:14 AM

    "Ah, so you escaped the hold, did you, my dearest Ken-AGH!!" A handful of flour tossed into the elven pirate queen's face, and then at the shout of BURN the most angry, huffy puffy Pickles spat and hacked and coughed up all the sparks she could manage with a mouthful of bringe. A FLOOM of fire went up in Imetia's face as she stumbled on the deck!

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:17 AM

    Ken was confused but there was little time to worry about that because Pickle's was there, IN A BARREL???, okay not time to worry about that now. He ran over to pull the poor dragon out when he saw Ezzeg. "Thank you," he said as he lent he crewmate a hand out

  • littlekreenToday at 11:18 AM

    Ezzeg was still coughing out wet brine and grabbed his throat in pain, "Not'a kind'a brine my gills were made for! How's Cap'n Pickles?"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:19 AM

    "WITCH! POINTY-EARED TAINT SMELLING ELVEN HARLOT!" shouted Pickles in a puff of fury. Pickles was fine!

  • LyrikaiToday at 11:24 AM

    Still strapped to the mast, aching and hurting from his beating, at least Lamont was getting one hell of a show. "Yeah!" he called, "Get 'em! Show 'em what for! Kick their ass-ow..." All this shouting was hurting his already busted up self. Damn it. This wasn't the whipping he had been hoping for... It hurt a little too much.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:24 AM

    "She's fine!" Ezzeg grinned and took a hammer from his belt to prepare to do some percussive maintience on the loyalty of mutineers.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:24 AM

When the lizard-person said "BURN!" Raiya figured they had to be mistaking her for a more powerful wizard. She used the remainder of her flour to create an obscuring cloud so she could dive for cover behind some barrels before "Queen" Imetia's crew could start sending shot her way. But when she peeked up from her partial refuge, she saw that another small reptilian--one that Imetia had been dunking in the barrel of brine--was able to answer the call with fire of its own. That is the 'Vermillion Dragon? Raiya thought. Shouldn't a Legendary Dragon with a Legendary Treasure be...bigger?There was no time to worry about that. Instead, she looked around and up above with quick birdlike movements. Who was on their side, who was on Imetia's, and what were they going to do next?

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:26 AM

    Ken muttered as he pulled out a handkerchief and tried to dry off the dragon. "What is going on with little Tia?" There were still mutineers on the ship but Kenough's first priority was Pickles

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:29 AM

    "Little Tia? LITTLE Tia?!" If the proclaimed pirate queen was not angry before about the fire, she was for sure angry about this insult! "You arrogant bastard we are the same age! CAPTURE THEM!" she shrieked, pulling out her own saber, ready to take on Kenough herself.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:30 AM

    Ezzeg was moving forward as they started to get noticed by other mutineers and had his hammer high, "Yer still can't beat a good red dragon covered in brine! sounds like a little'un to me!"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:30 AM

    Pickles was wailing tales of woes to Ken. "I smell of BRINE! I've been SALTED! My wings are growing tart! Look out for the wench!"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:37 AM

    It wasn't another mutineers but Imetia, no longer on fire, but also not looking in good of shape that swung at Ken, or was her target Pickles? Fortunately Pickles warning was enough for him to sidestep the wild swing. "Knock it off!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:37 AM

    Problem with sorting out crew from mutineers on a ship like this: nobody wore uniforms. Raiya would not know who was an enemy until they attacked her--and letting them get the first shot was obviously a Bad Idea. Instead, she grabbed one of the pirate lady's boots with her telekinesis as soon as her other foot stepped in the slick of flour mixed with brine and sea-spray. Take out the leader, the rest will give up... she thought, as much out of aspiration and hope as out of any kind of surety. Though her telekinesis wasn't very strong, it didn't take much to trip someone on a slick and rolling deck, or so Raiya hoped.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:41 AM

    Ezzeg held near pickles as Ken met this Tia headlong then circled the side throwing a hammer blow to the legs when the sword two cutlasses were joined. He was winded though and was forced to keep his distance. He looked toward the stowaway and nodded, approving of the choice of not going with the mutiny when they were in the middle of sirens.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:45 AM

    "I've bested you, COUSIN, why can't you just let me--RAAGH!" Right in the middle of what was going to be a glorious defeat of Kenough, something seemed to catch Imetia off balance, ruining what was her gorgeous display of prowess and sending her crashing ass first to the decking.

  • Pickles truly wanted to show this woman what a warrior could REALLY do, but this was a family dispute. Spitting little fireballs along the way as she scurried away from that mess, Pickles set her sights to free Lamont from his bound ropes! They needed all hands!

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:48 AM

    "Bested?" Asked out loud in surprise. He watched as she went sprawling on the floor. At one point an armed man started coming towards Ken, but the elf turned his head and glared at the would be assailant. For a moment it stopped him leaving Ken to look back at 'little Tia'. "What in the Green are you talking about!"

littlekreenToday at 11:50 AM

Ezzeg flourished his hammer once but kept his distance as she fell over. He wasn't in any space for quick dodging with his lungs and gills on fire. Kobolds might not reach very high but a professional hind hammerer is something to pay attention to! Ezzeg faced off with the new assailant and grabbed a barrel lid to hide behind, "This your litter mate? Think she got hit with a hammer already!"

  • LyrikaiToday at 11:55 AM

    The moment Lamont was free, he... fell face first to the deck, doubled over from the pain of his beatings. He could have just laid there, curled up, dead, but his captain needed him! Scrambling to his feet, fists raised, he was ready to fight. "Thanks for the rescue! I didn't give em nothin'!"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:02 PM

    "You're such a neglectful clueless ASS!" screamed Queen Imetia! "I've chased you across countries, captured your blasted ship, AND your pet dragon, and you still DARE to not give me the credit I DESERVE! If you won't acknowledge me and give me that damn dragon, I am going to sink this whole ship and everyone into down into the depths of the sea!"

  • littlekreenToday at 12:05 PM

    Behind the wooden lid Ezzeg took a slash to his shoulder as the handle made a poor control surface. He returned blows with his hammer as cracks with a heavy hammer welted a joint then stunned the muscle in a leg. Pressing forward a hammer blow pounded a boot and Ezzeg helpfully guided the falling person out of the door with a hammer blow to the groin. "Sounds real like someone that needs ta be keel hauled!" he called back with some ichor at her statement.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:09 PM

    "FIGHT, you fools!" one of Imetia's men shouted, drawing his saber and swinging it in the air to rally the mutineers to their Queen's aid. Others started running for the main fray by the time he let go of the rigging to land on the deck. Instead, he ran for the dark-haired figure taking cover behind the barrels, whose eyes looked far too calculating to be those of someone merely hiding out of fear. She turned out to be a slip of a girl in a ragged dress that might have known ballrooms and high teas once."Well now, aren't you a snack?" he said."Not for you," Raiya replied. Crouched at the ready, dagger in hand, she awaited with coal black eyes staring deep into his.
    He hefted his saber. "Size matters, girlie," he said. Raiya resisted the temptation to roll her eyes. Instead, she replied only with icy silence, concentrating to take the most delicate hold of the tip of his blade with her telekinesis. He came at her with a thrust. She grasped and shoved sideways with her mind, taking a diagonal lunging step opposite to the direction she'd pushed the blade, then slashed at the wrist of his sword hand with her dagger.He cried out as his sword clanged to the deck, blood streaming from his wrist. He hit Raiya with a vicious backhand, sending her stumbling backwards to collapse to the deck. She switched hands with her dagger, grabbed his saber and scrambled to a crouch.CLICK. He was pointing a pistol at her with a smug grin on his face. "Takin' a sword t' a gunfight, lass? Now why don't you just put those down an' wait 'till the grownups sort this out?"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:10 PM

    Ken sighed, wearily. "Is this about your mother's dre… wait, what did you say about Pikeila?" The elf, who seemed to always stand straight seemed to straighten up more looking down at the elf below him. "You do not talk about your betters such!" He put a hand in his pocket, but pulled out nothing. Around him there was fighting but for a moment he looked like he lost his favorite sword/trinket. "No matter…"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:16 PM

    Raiya took a deep breath, eyes still intense with concentration, and started walking toward him. "You really wanna die today, girlie?" She continued on. Not being a complete idiot, he would not wait for her to get within melee range. He pulled the trigger....And nothing happened. The hammer quivered just above the percussion cap, but failed to strike it. "Wha--" Raiya's new sword slapped the gun aside, then came back for the pirate's throat with a draw cut. As blood sprayed past hands desperately holding his throat trying to keep it in, Raiya stepped up to him and whispered in his ear: "I guess you're out of cliches." Walking past, she clobbered him in the back of the head with the saber's pommel just to make sure he wouldn't cause any further trouble in his last moments.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:17 PM

    "I CAN DEFEND MY OWN HONOR, YOU KOB!" huffed Pickles the tiny dragon. However, Pickles also felt a great need to protect others... which had the red feral beast almost vibrating at the sight of a pirate brute threatening some poor girl! She was about to launch herself at the pirate... but it seemed Pickles wasn't the only one that could handle their own battles.Pickles stood on Lamont's head full of fire and fury. "KILL THEM! KILL ALL THE MUTINOUS TRASH ON MY SHIP!"

  • Queen Imetia was back on her feet quickly, lost in this ancient battle with Kenough, as elves were oft likely to do, ignoring the waning turn of the battle around them. "Leave my mother out of this! Surrender me this ship and the stupid dragon. STUPID TINY USELESS DRAGON."

littlekreenToday at 12:19 PM

Ezzeg had started to get his legs under him but fighting the crew bigger than himself he knew wouldn't hold long as one called for them to rejoin. Held by the door coralled them to somewhere he could keep it to one on one as clacks of cutlass to hard wood followed bangs of metal on the doorjam with a loud clang of the breaking of a one on a doorframe. As the barrel top cracked he grabbed the edge and jabbed one in the throat making them a road bump to interrupting the fight or overtaking his position. Kobolds liked their hidey holes for a reason.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:21 PM

    One of the stowaways had definitely been asleep for so long that he had managed to avoid getting kidnapped in the meantime as well. How anyway could sleep through a kidnapping and a mutiny was a miracle in of itself, but that was just something that happened. Groggily, the young pirate would finally wake up and look around. " Huh, what's going on?" He asked, clearly lost.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:23 PM

    "If you're going to act like a spoiled brat…" Ken took a step towards her. "Then I have no choice but to send you home." He ignored the dead and the dying. His focus on the younger elf. "You should not be left out in the world yet, obviously."

  • LyrikaiToday at 12:25 PM

    Lamont scrambled for a weapon, anything that he could find that would be sufficient for giving a serious whooping to the ones who whooped him first. With Pickles safely perched atop his head, he'd protect this little dragon to his dying breath! "You want him? You come through me first!" Grabbing and brandishing what he had seriously been hoping was a sword, he flailed around the... handle of a mop. Fuck it. Good enough. "Come and get some!"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:26 PM

    "Him!" Pickles thumped her little clawed feet on Lamont's head. "I am a beautiful, dynamic woman and dragon. You will show me my due respect for my feminine beauty!"

  • "What are you going to do Kenough? Throw me into the sea?" Imetia laughed, CACKLED, even! "You wouldn't dare. I am your only cousin."

  • LyrikaiToday at 12:29 PM

    Flinching at the feet stamping on his claws, Lamont was quick to apologize. "Her! I'm sorry! Okay, you want her, you come through me!" He gave his mop a swipe though the air for good measure. Anyone who came at him was going to be so clean and they were going to hate it!

  • littlekreenToday at 12:31 PM

    Ezzeg was bleeding from the shoulder and had been thumped once or twice with the butt of a cutlass but advanced over a pile of dead or those squirming from percussive damage to their knees, "Cap'n Pickles rules from sea to port you mutinous dogs! You try this while the sirens come to call?" He said acridly spitting out a bit of blood, "I'll have her watch you crawl home."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:34 PM

    Hearing the words of the Elves, Raiya picked up enough to tell that this was some kind of family squabble. The most dangerous kind, she thought. Especially for those not in the Family. The way the male Elf was talking, it seemed like he planned on spanking "Queen" Imetia and sending her to bed without supper. Which meant it probably wouldn't be good to take too large a role in this fight.She was starting to see a few bright speckles in her vision; her telekinesis was tiring. She hefted the saber. It was a cutting blade, with a point-of-balance farther out from the hilt than Raiya was used to. Now, if she could find a proper rapier...but then, that would require luck, and how long had it been since she'd had any of the good kind?

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:35 PM

    Ken grabbed Imetia's wrist. "I wouldn't be so crude," he said as he dragged her over to the side of the boat. He then lifted her, the augmented strength not really needed, and plopped her in a long boat that looked designed more for a slow river than the high seas. "You'll forgive me I've misplaced any acorns so I will have to talk to the deadwood." Placing a hand on the boat, it started to glow as if to come alive. "Safe travels… LOWER THE LONGBOAT!"

  • littlekreenToday at 12:37 PM

    Ezzeg came over to the longboat hoist and put his stained hammer back on his belt latch. With someone else as the physical anchor he could help as much as he could though ignored the pain in his shoulder doing so. "Good... riddance!"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:38 PM

    SPLASH! The longboat landed in the sea with Imetia's screaming cursing along with it. Leaving what was left of the mutinous at the mercy of those they tried to overtake! What a deadly game they played!

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:39 PM

    The sleeping man would not even be paying attention to all of the chaos that was happening, grabbing his own bag ( which could only be described as having a ton of bricks) and would look around confused. Where was he?

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:39 PM

    "INTO THE SEA OR INTO THE BARRACKS! IT'S YOUR CHOICE, YOU COWARD HEATHENS!" Yelped the tiny dragon on top of Lamont's head. "I'll have no more trouble out of the likes of you, or you'll be my SUPPER!"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:41 PM

    Ken waved to Imetia before turning his attention to the chaos on his ship. "They're all still here?" He asked the Kobald as though it was a pesty little annoyance instead of life and death situation. "Patch yourself up. I'll see what needs to be finished."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:41 PM

    Who was the tiny dragon yelling at? He didn't know, looking around, so confused. " Uhh-excuse me, where am I?" He asked, clearly confused to what was going on right now.

  • LyrikaiToday at 12:44 PM

    "Hell yeah!" Lamont shouted with glee as if he himself had actually done something useful at any point during this skirmish, "We got 'er!" Then he realized how useless he was. "Well... you got her." It was the thought that counter, right?

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:45 PM

    Raiya was giving serious consideration to just disappearing back into the cargo hold and waiting for the whole thing to be over. But then...there was that one guy trying to make a heroic stand with a mop in his hand. She was about to consider going to help him, when the tide of battle turned against Imetia. Oops, she thought when the Elf mentioned the acorns. Better not let him find those on me.Still, there was a pause in the battle while the remaining mutineers had to choose between surrender and death. Keeping the blade low at her side but still watchful for attacks, she walked across the deck toward Lamont. "Here," she said, turning the sword in her hand to offer him the hilt. He could probably make better use out of it anyway, if use had to be made. Then she sheathed her dagger, reached out to touch him on the chest and cast a healing cantrip. It would not cure all the wounds from the beatings he took, but it might take the edge of the worst of them. Willfully refusing to blink at her even more splotchy vision, she said "You're welcome," and backed away. Time to fade into the background.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:46 PM

    Ezzeg looked to Ken and nodded, "We still have enough to sail. I'll have to take the crow's nest. There's a useful stowaway by the look of it." He headed off to get some bandages to plug the hole and bandage around the split in his shoulder. Removing his leather doublet only once he got to somewhere the crew couldn't get at him easily. The bright azure scales on his body gleaming.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:47 PM

    Pickles lept off of Lamont's head to land on Raiya's shoulder. "What manner of thing are you? Healer? You belong to me now! One of my crew. I will reward you with a grand treasure if you aid me." ...The other confused stowaway, Pickles wasn't so sure about. "Who is THAT one!"

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:51 PM

    " I'm..." the confused stowaway would pause for several beats. " Actually, I don't remember my name or how I got here for that matter."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:53 PM

    Ken was glad for Ezzeg's initiative as he turned to look over in the direction of Lamont & Raiya. He was right she'd prove to be valuable and by the way Pickles was perched on her she was probably claimed by the dragon. He grinned at that as he looked over at the motley mutineers. "Why are you all still holding your weapons? I will not be giving away anymore longboats." The clang of weapons being dropped was satisfying. Not so satisfying was the burp he gave. Damn peppers.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:53 PM

    Ezzeg reappeared after stopping the bleed with an entire jar of water by his side, took a deep drink, then hold his mouth shut and breathed out a bit. Water squirted from his throat and the bottom of his abdomen."Augh... I feel like a rasin," He lifted the jar and waggled it, "Water, Cap'n?"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:56 PM

    "Bleh! I don't want your lung brine." Eyeing the apparent nameless stowaway, Pickles puffed up again. "We shall dub him Porkchop. A fitting name for a sack of meat. I claim Porkchop as well!"

  • littlekreenToday at 12:57 PM

    He coughed and squirted water then grinned, "The jug, cap'n, not from the tap!"

  • LyrikaiToday at 12:58 PM

    Looking over the stowawat, Lamont winced at the given name. "Oh you poor poor lad," he said with a sad shake of his head. Porkchop was such an... unfortunate... "Great name!" he loudly declared, "I like it!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:58 PM

    Raiya's hand reflexively went for her dagger when the dragon came at her, but she released the grip when Pickles landed on her shoulder. She hadn't expected that in a million years! "I am..." The rejected daughter of a family of extremely well-dressed magic-wielding cutthroats? The truth, or anything close to it, would very likely be the wrong answer. "Not exactly a healer." And I'm not exactly 'yours' either, she thought. But...could there be anything to this promise of 'grand treasure?' Wealth was just condensed power. Power enough, perhaps, to make revenge a live option...It's most likely a load of old cobblers, Raiya reminded herself. But I'm on this ship anyway, she thought. It's not like they're going to turn around and drop me off at some safe port. "But I'll join your crew, mighty dragon," she said.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:58 PM

    "Porkchop" would look over at him. " I don't think that's my name, but okay," he replied, pulling a apple out of thin air from what looked like the world's smallest portal. " Huh- don't know how I did that."

littlekreenToday at 1:00 PM

"Porkchop? Must be hungry parents. Can you cook?" He eyed the portal but didn't much understand magery.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:01 PM

    "I am Raiya," Raiya said, just to make sure she would not also be given an unfortunate name. She glanced over at the other stowaway as she felt an odd tingle. Her look turned deeply suspicious when she saw him conjure a portal and pull an apple of it. Suuuuuure you don't. she thought. Could he be a sellspell the Family sent after me?

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:02 PM

    "KENOUGH! Stop playing with the traitors and make sure our course is sound!" Proudly, Pickles paced back and forth on Raiya's shoulders. "This is a mighty crew as well! Small, but as mighty as me. When we destroy the thief that stole my treasure and break my curse, the world will understand once again the fury of might people."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:02 PM

    "Porkchop" would tilt his head. " I don't know if I can cook," he replied, tilting his head and bit into the apple. "Weird little Rift thing I pulled that out," he mumbled to himself.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:04 PM

    Ezzeg nodded and looked to Kenough, "We're off course a fair bit because of that misrigged sail making us curl to port. Should be stable now. Riggings needs checking again."He looked to the mutineers, "Unless ya idgits want to tell me what else you done up there before we starve to death out here!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:05 PM

    "So...someone stole your treasure and cursed you?" Raiya said. Might as well hear the dragon's story while she kept an eye on 'Porkchop the Sorcerer.'

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:06 PM

    The mutineers were reluctant to cooporate, but didn't have much choice in the matter. No one wanted to be dinner for a tiny dragon, thrown off board, or get stuck down below in chains. They got to work fixing the mess they made.

  • Happy to tell this story, Pickles proudly lept onto a stack of crates, displaying her exapansive wings and her long tail. "I HAVE INDEED BEEN CURSED. I was once the biggest, most glorious, beautiful dragon in the entire world. Scales gleaming like ruby. A body that made men cry! My treasure grand like no other!"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:08 PM

    Ken shook his head slightly but did go up to the wheel. Skies were fairly clear and he could easily get them back on course, assuming no other surprises. He had one ear to listen to Pickles story however

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:13 PM

    "Porkchop" would listen as well, finishign his apple as she would tell this table. " Does that mean someone us will cry when you are uncursed?"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:15 PM

    "It would take a very powerful wizard to accomplish such a feat," Raiya said. "Do you know their name?"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:19 PM

    "A horrible, terrible scourge of a dragon stole my treasure and cursed me. I cannot even speak his name it is so foul..." she might have also been cursed to not say it, but Pickles was a prideful beast and wouldn't admit as such! "It is true that my uncursed form is so beautiful that men take one look at me and it is too much for their tiny minds to handle!"

  • littlekreenToday at 1:20 PM

    Ezzeg was busy stitching up his suit and listened to the story again, he rather liked it, the draconic blood in kobolds never quite died. Though he commented, "Dragons're are just as good my size too!" He muttered with a grin, "Ain't gotta use climin gear."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:21 PM

    Ken muttered a string of curse in the old tongue when Raiya asked the name of the thief. He knew. He damn well knew but he wasn't going to speak it. His loathing was obvious though. Out on the horizon the sky started changing shades as the sun started to dip to the ocean.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:25 PM

    "Porkchop" wouldn't address how their question was avoided. " Rift," he mumbled, making another one of those portal thing and pulling out a ruby and a orange.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:26 PM

    "You don't mean Al-Mazahd the Wise?" Raiya said. At least, that was the only dragon she knew of who could wield such powerful magic, and the Karpov Family kept very good track of the great powers of the known world. The dragon's seemingly benign name was used mainly because people were too terrified of him to apply the type of epithets that fit.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:26 PM

    Putting the suit back on and buckling it down Ezzeg thought he might need to get his own size cutlass before long. The shoulder stiff but bandaged up rubbed the missing part of his horn looked at the ruby, "Might be loud peals. Not of sadness tho. Where you gettin that stuff anyhow, porkchop?"

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:28 PM

    " I don't honestly know. It looks like I can make these weird portal things which some instincts want to call them rifts and pull stuff out of them."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:29 PM

    Another tingle of magic, and Raiya turned her attention back to Porkchop. Oh, now he's pulling out gemstones? He could have anything in there! These people aren't taking his threat seriously enough.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:29 PM

"The Wise? Is that what that idiotic excuse of an ancient is calling himself?" Ken spat from the wheel. "That pretender wishes!"

  • littlekreenToday at 1:30 PM

    "Well if you get anything explosive it goes in the ocean, not the trash can, eh?"

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:31 PM

    " Okay, I will- actually, what would be consider an explosive?" He asked the other man.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:34 PM

    "Maybe he should go in the ocean," Raiya said. "In another one o' those boats, like Cousin Imetia," she said. "Magic is hard. It's not something you can just do without knowing how! Dimension magic is one of the more difficult colleges, and people who can master it don't end up as impoverished stowaways on...even on ships as fine as this one."

  • littlekreenToday at 1:36 PM

    The azure kobold shrugged, "Anythin with a lit fuse needs ta go in the ocean not on board." Though he replied to Raiya, "Cap'n choice. I don't know mucha magic. Most bolds some kinda elementalist."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:36 PM

    "We will not throw crew into the sea unless they are traitors," insisted Pickles. "..especially if he continues to pull out shiny shinies."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:38 PM

    The man would nod. " I think I can undestand the concept of that," he replied, yawning a bit. " I think these portals making are making me tired," he replied, as he unintentionally made a slightly larger one and a medium sized diamond fell out of it.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:39 PM

    Pickles immediately launched herself at the diamond and curled around it. "Yes. Yeeeees, very useful stowaway indeed."

  • littlekreenToday at 1:40 PM

    Ezzeg laughed, "Well, that's one way into a dragon's horde!"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:41 PM

Ken raised his eyebrow at the new stowaway, trying to entice Pickles with sparklies. It was almost cruel seeing the excitement she had for treasure. If this new one toyed with the dragon's emotions, well.. accidents happen. For now he'd watch. As the sun started to be cradled by the sea, the air cooled all around.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:43 PM

    "Rift sounds like a name I went by," he mumbled to himself as he peeled the orange and ate it. He wasn't even intentionally trying to make friends or enemies either.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:47 PM

    Raiya choked back a sigh. The chances that a powerful sorcerer should "just happen" to stow away on the same ship she did, clever enough to bribe the dragon to his side after she'd made her opinions known and with the resources to do it...had to be very small, did they not? She didn't buy his amnesia story for a second...on the other hand, it was not uncommon for the Family to put a geas on a person and mess with their minds enough that they could get close to their target, completely innocent of how they were being used, until the moment the geas triggered. That way, their targets could not sense malign intent until it was too late.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:48 PM

    Ezzeg was edgy around mages given how often they tended to explode, or attract demons, or other mages. Pulled gems from somewhere though and worried about enemies. He retreated to a bit of cargo to remove a brush, a pot, and a bit of leather softening oil good enough for dragon. He was a dutiful creature even if he liked the idea of a dragon his size wasn't that kind of clueless kobold. He got up on the box and set up the small bowl, "Need'a clean the salt out cap'n or yer wings gonna get cracked. We got lots of sea to cover still."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:50 PM

    "...yes, yes. I do require a bath of bubbles to rid me of this stench of brine! I am Pikeila the Vermillion not a blasted pickle!" huffed the dragon, though, refusing to let loose her diamond prize.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:54 PM

Raiya "aimlessly" wandered a little, positioning herself so that Lamont was between her and "Porkchop," "Rift," or whatever his name might be. Well...he could be an infiltrator working for Al-Mazahd, she thought. So that at least doubled the small chances that someone like him could be here. Still, she decided to make sure to keep something or someone between her and the stowaway sorcerer at all times.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:56 PM

"Ezzeg in my cabin is a cushion. That should hold the new hord as well as Pickles" Ken did not trust the others in his cabin. Especially as dark descended.

  • In his cabin, later that night, Kenough wrote:Dearest Mazeran, Dear young Tia recently visited me while I am on my quest. It seems she has come to some outlandish conclusion about much in life. I would feel I have not been good kin if I don't relate my concern. Please care for her when she arrives and guide her. Yours, Kenough P.S. If her behavior is the doing of others whispering in her ear please inform me of my newest enemy

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:57 PM

Rift would get dizzy as he would make one more portal, having a backpack (full of gems) land on him that was deifnitely his and somehow despite the fact Raiya had put the distance between, he managed to collapse directly in front of her.

littlekreenToday at 1:58 PM

Ezzeg nodded after gingerly scrubbing a wing flex joint with a oil brush until porkchop got buried under gems, "You got bubble stuff, cap'n? This more for keepin scales from itchin... Guess I'll be carryin that there?"

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:02 PM

As the sun drooped low in the sky, casting the wide open seas into the darkness, the crew knew by the morning they should be passing into the Corals of No Man's Rest. What were they to see when they reached this next leg of their journey? Would Imetia the self proclaimed Pirate Queen catch up to the them? Were the stowaways going to be trouble? Would Lamont ever get laid? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON THE OBSIDIAN SIREN: PICKLES'S QUEST!
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Meet Elana :) A druid who always wanted to sail the high seas but only got so far as turning into a seagull at this point...


When Kenough blew out the flame of the candle by his bed, it had been a long day and sleep came swiftly for the elf. The songs of the sirens played once more in his mind, but a new voice, deep and strong, singing in the old draconian soon drowned out the sea widows. It was a voice that brought him great comfort, and his mind took him far from the ocean and to the foothills of the Copper Mountains, where he would scramble over large boulders. A large shadow flew overhead and as it did the voice changed to a melodious elvish tune of old. No longer deep and coming from up high, now it was higher in range and closer by. No longer on a slope, Kenough found himself in the deep woods. The voice hidden by the thicket. All he had to do was get closer.

As he followed the voice, joy filled his heart. That is until he pulled a branch aside.

In the grand cavern there was a bright flash of light. The light brought silence and when his eyes recovered all he saw was emptiness. A hollow cavern with not a speck of sparkle, but worse yet no sound but his own breathing. No other soul alive. She was not…

With a great start Kenough found himself sitting up in bed. The constant motion of the ocean bringing him back to reality. He took a calming breath, then another, letting his misguided guilt melt away. Still though he was restless. Quietly he got out of bed, and walked towards the window. In the glow of the crescent moon he looked down at the silk pillow and the small treasure glistening there on it. Atop all that was a dragon far too small, but in her sleep he doubted she knew that. While he did not trust the newest stowaway, Kenough could acknowledge the comfort the small hord gave to Pickles. That and the pampering the Kobold Ezzeg gave her probably was more than any comfort she'd received in far too long.

Kenough hoped this was a good omen. That this time their attempt to find the thief would succeed.

It was late and he did not need to be brooding dark thoughts. It was best to get some more sleep.
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WE OPEN TO A STRANGE MYSTERIOUS PORT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CORALS OF NO MAN'S REST. Not marked on maps, not even a place of rumor.... the island and port just appeared nearby on the horizon, and because the ship needed to be resupplied our peculiar crew has made dock. The folk of this tiny seaside village all seem to be Siren and Fae - the most beautiful and serene anyone has ever seen. Friendly too! Which was strange for a place in the middle of No Man's Rest...

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 10:52 AM

    I have a baaad feeling about this, Raiya thought. The place was perfect. Too perfect. Even so, she was grateful for a bit of shore leave. She had no skills relevant to sailing a ship. There was an unlimited amount of unpleasant scut work on a ship that required little training. The sum of those parts led to a rather unpleasant life aboard ship. On the plus side, her crewmates were endlessly amusing, apart from Creepy Portal Guy. He could disappear for long stretches of time, then appear right next to her when she least expected it.She pushed those thoughts from her mind. Fae and Sirens... she thought. I suppose it will be alright as long as I don't take anything from them or eat their food. But...maybe getting carried off to the lands of the Fae wouldn't be such a bad thing? The Family would have hells of a time trying to find me there...

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 10:54 AM

    Porkchop, despite everything that has been going on with the crew was still unconcious and would not be able to come, mostl because he had spend the last few nights at the request of the captain getting lots of treasure and that had taken everything out of him. But don't worry, there were other friends to find for the crew.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 10:58 AM

Kenough had been a fairly relaxed in his running of the ship. As long as they were going in the correct direction and there was no more mutinies, he left the crew to their own devices. The ship was clean, people were fed, and whatever fights did not get more than a few scruffs. However once on land he was all delicate words and Elvish politeness. "This list of supplies is necessary, and this is just what would be good in case."

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 10:59 AM

Standing out by the docks, Brochan Gale was taking a moment to let the breeze run through his light blond hair, the wind blowing it in the breeze. He was definitely curious about the ship that arrived, surveying it curiously. The man looked brillant with a beautiful perfect face and a glowing green eye while the other half was obcured by a white halfl mask that covered his face. He stands at 6'10 and has a light blond mustache. " This is interesting," he mumbled.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:02 AM

Pickles had shining scales and a good night's rest, so she was making sure everyone could see her in all her glorious beauty as she stood on Ken's shoulders and visually took in this strange port. "This place is sopping with magic. The lusty ones should stay aboard the ship, just to be safe."

littlekreenToday at 11:03 AM

Over the days they'd been at sea Ezzeg had been gathering flotsam and jetsam to make lye from wood ash. Coconuts and seaweed for surfactants. The deck swabs got the reject batches which cleaned the deck faster but eventually he had a bottle of pirate scented bubble bath for the red dragon though after a while the ship smelled rather nice for a boat.Ezzeg was nearby on deck looking out at the ship, "I only deal with one cap'n at a time. 'specal with this batch of scoundrels about."

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:04 AM

Raiya was just about ready to start deciding on whether she wanted to visit the town or the beach first, when the Captain made a statement--or maybe gave an order?--concerning the purchase of supplies. She edged up to him. The little dragon sat on his shoulder like a queen on her throne, her fresly-cleaned scales glistening.
"Captain? Are you sure we should be buying supplies from a mysterious island of Sirens and Fae that isn't on any map, and shows up in the middle of a place called No Man's Rest? The lore on this is not good."

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:08 AM

He would watch the ship from a high vantage point. " I wonder what they want here," he asked, watching them for now from a distance and humming a light tune.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:09 AM

    "Def don't tell them your name, I think, best not risk a high fae rollin about for free loot." Ezzeg thought of the fae as a different grade of bastard scoundrel just short of a devil."Sirens all the kinds of thirsty and hungry ya can think of."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:11 AM

Ken glanced at Pickles when Raiya posed her question. In his mind a port was a port and he had no intention of not doing trade with the Folk. "Ezzeg has the right about names."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:12 AM

"We can't be afraid of the wild, we are warriors!" insisted Pickles on her perch. "If we don't resupply we might die in the next leg of our journey. Be nameless, be fearless, and don't make any deals or trades! Pay with gold and gems!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:18 AM

Whether Raiya liked it or not, the dragon had a point. "Yes, Captain. But we need everyone to be alert and on their best behavior," she said. With this crew, that seemed a bar too high to clear. This place has got 'trap' written all over it."

littlekreenToday at 11:17 AM

Ezzeg was better with a mallet than a cutlass, "I make new and interestin ways for the warriors to cut the wild, cap'n. I got a list of things for service and such for the ship though."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:18 AM

    Brochan would lightly hum a tune under his breath. All I ever wanted was the open sea and sky, freedom from the life I always knew

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:19 AM

    With everyone properly cautious, Ken walked out onto the dock. There were supplies needed and… what interesting trees on the island!

  • littlekreenToday at 11:22 AM

    Since the captain would likely follow Ken Ezzeg followed along with him looking to the new stowaway crew he gave a half-smile, "I'm only vulgar when it's whispered for in my ear. Elsewise it's business."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:22 AM

    "With the lusty one on the ship watch the treasure goblin, we should have no issues with staying on task." ...She thumped Ken on the noggin. "Stay on task! We are not here to examine the blasted trees!"

  • The trees and other flora truly were as beautiful as the sirens and fae that were going about their daily business. The little village shacks were picturesque and quaint. The air smelled sweet, salty, and envigorating. ...a lively tune of music was playing nearby at a tavern, with people shouting joyously!

  • littlekreenToday at 11:25 AM

    "Maybe herbs not all so uncalled for. Not that I know what half these fancy things are. So bright and cheery here the color's lickin my eyeballs and it's a bit uncomfy."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:25 AM

    "Yes Pickles," Ken replied but there was a slight smirk on his face. He could stick to his self appointed task and have a little fun. "Let's head there first," he suggested to a building that looked a bit like a general store.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:26 AM

    Raiya saw a splendid-looking male Siren watching them, perched atop a warehouse by the docks. So that's what she meant by keeping all the 'lusty' ones aboard, she thought, tearing her eyes off him and back down to street-level to watch out for anyone he might be coordinating. But locals would watch piratey-looking strangers no matter which seaside village they live in, she reminded herself. Still she'd been raised in the Imperial Court of Morngovia. Any shadow might hide a dagger clutched in a gloved hand.

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:29 AM

Brochan would contnue to observe from a distance, keeping his own sword and shield equipped on his back, watching them move about. The seemed safe, but one could never be too certain with mysterious ship in the port at the shore.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:31 AM

    And so the general store was the first stop. Being a general store, it had quite a few useful items and even some uncommon ones. Nothing strange about this place at all. Just a cashier with a face that could stun an army into bliss. "Hello there travelers," purred the stunning siren. "Might I interest you in a few of our local wares?"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:34 AM

    Ken smiled warmly, maybe more than was considered mild politeness, but it would be an insult to not allow a siren to feel appreciated. He at least hoped he was doing that well. He had not much interactions with strange sirens in a merchant setting. "We are interested in general supplies but if your island is known for something particularly we'd like to know your fame."

  • littlekreenToday at 11:37 AM

    Ezzeg stumbled a bit as his head hurt to look at the siren and winced with a rub on the cut horn still healing, "Tar, marline, copper nails. You got ship stuff? I can corral the fancy ivy rope from elf ships iffin it's all you got."

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:38 AM

Brochan had hoped down from the roof, adjusting his mask, as he followed the group into the general store, making sure to avoid the cashier when he entered....mostly because he may not be welcome in most places because of his half-beautiful apperance.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:43 AM

Raiya decided to leave interacting with the shopkeeper to the others, while she kept an eye out for ambush, assassins, or hidden magical runes waiting to be tripped. A new figure blocked the sunlight coming through the doorway--the Siren! What's with the mask? Assassin's Guild? Military? she thought, noting the weapons he carried. She pretended to walk around the shop while covertly keeping an eye on him.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:47 AM

    Brochan browsed the shelves, pretending to be looking for something, anything that would make him less suspicious. He settled on an apple and would pretend to be inspecting.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:55 AM

"Oh we have everything you seek indeed, here at this shop or down by the ships." explained the beautiful siren. "As for our specialty... we have a wonderful treat, a sample free of charge. Though if you want more, it is indeed a pretty price." The siren pulled a large platter out from under her counter, with a tempting array of different fruits dipped in a white chocolate and leafed with edible gold.

  • Pickles was not the least bit interested in these treats... until she saw the shiny gold leaf. The tiny red dragon puffed up. "...Give me the big one!"

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:58 AM

Brochan would masterfully keep watching..... right before he accidently leaned back and knocked a shelf backwards....followed by two more behind. ".....Oh, that's bad."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:00 PM

Ken cleared his throat, placing a hand on Pickles flank. "We are not interested in anything free. Remember we're here to trade gold." Oh he was tempted by the fruit, but there were important things to remember.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:02 PM

    "It is free not a trade," hissed Pickles, who wasn't about to be denied a tasty gold gilded treat. The dragon skittered down his arms with all intent on snatching the offered freebie.

littlekreenToday at 12:02 PM

Pickles made him remember something about food and fae but it escaped him. The more common thought in pirate towns came to mind though, "The first hit is always free, eh? ah, I'm salt-blooded folk. the taste o' finer things wasted on us Azures an I'd hate to do that to yer good food."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:04 PM

    With the disturbance by Brochan, the siren looked mildly annoyed, but she was busy with her customers. "Take a sample at your leisure or do not But allow me to fetch the items on your list that I have in stock."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:05 PM

    Raiya played cat-and-mouse with the Siren, keeping an eye on him even as she was sure he was keeping an eye on her and her crew. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up when the lady Siren at the counter offered 'treats,' and the dragon piped up to say she wanted 'the big one,' which, of all the choices presented might well be the worst. She turned in her direction, when suddenly there was a WHAM! WHAM! behind her. A third WHAM! and the shelf was toppling right at her!
    Raiya dove for the aisle and rolled to a crouch, dagger in hand--and found herself face to face with the male Siren.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:06 PM

    "Oh hello, it's nice to meet you," Brochan replied, deciding it was the best approach to not get himself stabbed. Thankfully, his mask was still on.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:07 PM

    "Did… did you just hiss at me?" Ken asked, less concerned with Pickles going for the free food and more insulted. He placed a hand to his chest mortified.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:10 PM

    Ezzeg's tongue almost got away with him as his eyes brightened and his mouth opened. Then judgement reframed it, "Getting in the way of a hotscales and edible wealth not likely gonna get you far!"He looked back at the debacle with someone... ah that one... tipping over shelving units and called back, "Even bulls are safe running through china shops ya know!"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:11 PM

    Landing on the counter with a heavy THUMP as the Siren stepped back with a mysterious smile to either handle their list or shoo away the noisy interloper (Pickles didn't care, honestly, she there was loot to snatch), Pickles immediately snatched up the biggest fruit piece. A whole banana covered in chocolate and half gilded in the gold leaf. She clutched it in her tiny claws so fiercely it was starting to smush. "I do not have time for your sensitive elf nonsense! This FREE treasure must be mine. Everyone must take one and don't you dare eat it!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:13 PM

    Raiya raised a suspicious eyebrow at the Siren's friendly act, given that he'd very nearly succeeded at getting her squashed like an insect. He towered over her, and thus would have superior reach. He also had heavier armament. She tensed for his next move. "Pull the other one. So is it just me you're after, or my whole crew?"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:15 PM

    Ken crossed his arms. "Nonsense? Now you're just being mean… and messy. It's still foodstuff. We came here to trade and only trade." Ken came back around to the original point.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:16 PM

    Brochan hadn't realized that he was being watched by one of the crew members, so him nearly squishing her had been an entire accident. He would adjust himself. "No, I think you misunderstand. I was just watching you out of curiousity. I'm an incredibl clumsy person," he replied, watching her dagger and keep a hand on his shield if she attacked.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:19 PM

    Ezzeg rolled his eyes and took a bit of fruit and tried not to breach the gold filligree with a claw, "Cap'ns orders. professional at 'preciating finder things and keepin' them. Did y'know you can drink silver? Saw a shot with it one time. Bottle of fancy spirits with gold in it too. too rich for my blood."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:20 PM

    "You really must eat them. They will spoil otherwise," suggested the lady siren, placing things into a basket as she gracefully moved about the place. ...Brochan was getting the irritated side-eye from her, but otherwise she seemed to be shunning him as if he didn't exist.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:23 PM

    Raiya slowly lowered her dagger and sheathed it. If he wanted to keep up with the innocent act until he got a better opportunity, that just meant she still had the chance to prevent him from getting it. "Sorry mate," she said, doing her best to imitate the seamen's patois she heard on the ship. The less he knew about her, the better. Unless he was in the Family's employ, in which case he'd know plenty.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:24 PM

    Ezzeg wasn't about to offend a siren strong enough to make his brain hurt, "The treasure in this'n is the rare experience, cap'n. That part don't go bad. You'll have to hoard it in yer memory."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:25 PM

    Ken lifted his arms in frustration. Of course Ezzeg was going to go the extra mile for Pickles. Ken gave Pickles a look that said "What happens next isn't my fault!" "By the way ma'am, is there a garden shop nearby."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:26 PM

    Brochan was relived that she didn't stab him, knowing that he couldn't even put the apple back now. " It's okay, I'm used to it." He didn't even need to pay for the apple because nobody in town ever wanted anything he touched.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:29 PM

    The siren was not happy about this turn of not eating the offered samples, but made no comments about it. Instead she smiled as bright and beautiful as the sun, bringing the full basket up to the counter, ready for payment. "Why yes, there is a lovely shop just down the way right next to the tavern. You all look quite weary and in need of some refreshment. I hear they have a few decanters of fine elvish ale..."

  • Pickles made a clicking of her tongue at Ken about this garden shop, but wasn't going to make a fuss now that she'd won her treasured treats. Hers and the one claimed by Ezzeg was stuff into Ezzeg's pockets and she perched on the Kobold in preening triumph.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:31 PM

    "Why would that be, mate?" Raiya asked. "This seems like a peaceful place."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:32 PM

    Ken pulled out a pouch with some coins. He never did find his money pouch, but it could have been worse. "We should probably buy a barrel of ale for the crew to keep them appeased," was his reply about the tavern. He would have enough for supplies, beer and something for himself it seemed. He ignored Pickles preening.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:33 PM

    "Oh, sorry, should have been more specfic. I'm used to people not wanting me near them."

  • littlekreenToday at 12:37 PM

    Ezzeg nodded and canted his head a bit to look up at pickles, "Fair shot. They look real nice like, Cap'n.""And 'afore I forget shopkeep. You got a decent surfactant? Soapbark maybe?" He shuffled from one of his many pockets and took out a tiny bottle labeled 'Hotscales sailing bubble bath sample #32' and put it on the counter, "I can make some, kinda, but the improvised stuff don't foam as well."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:40 PM

    "Pssh. I'll not believe ye don't have plenty o' lasses--or lads, if that's yer way--wantin' t' curl up in yer lap when'ere ye go t' the pub," Raiya said, rolling her eyes. If he wanted to gaslight her, he'd have to try harder than that.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:42 PM

    "Do try to have a drink at the tavern itself," suggested the Siren lady, with growing annoyance with the lot of them. Huffing slightly, she stepped away to grab a jar of dried soapbark and slammed it on the counter. "If that'll be all, take that thing with you. I don't want him near my shop." she gestured towards Brochan.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:46 PM

    Brochan would riase an eyebrow, thinking about it for a second. " Yeah, you would be very surprised then," he replied back to her, looking over at her. " It's nice to see you too, Karen," he replied back to the shop keep.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:46 PM

    Ken looked over to where Raiya was and saw the odd fellow with her. "Raiya take your new friend to the tavern. We'll follow shortly."

  • littlekreenToday at 12:46 PM

    "He do have that affect on people, I'll not quibble. We'll get our pair of stowaways offa your floor." Ezzeg bowed his head at the shopkeep and picked up the jar and bottle of bark.He looked up to pickles, "Think we better get goin, Cap'n. This'll be lots more foamy and less the slight stick after. Get you real shiny."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:51 PM

    Pickles puffed and preened. Bubblebath time was now her favorite evening ritual, next to listening to Kenough play music and cronching on spicy peppers as she wallowed on a pile of gold. "Yes, yes. If Kenough is to waste his time with flowers, we can claim the ale at the tavern."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:54 PM

    Raiya snapped her head toward the shopkeep as irritation flared in the Siren's voice. What have they done? she thought. She'd heard the sound of antics from that direction, but hadn't been able to pay enough attention. To her surprise, she referred to the male Siren as a 'thing'...providing a bit of confirmation for his crazy tale? Or was she just mad because of the shelves he knocked down?It looked like the crew was getting ready to depart, so time to maybe give the chap a nod and slink awa-- "W-what?!" she stammered in reply to Ken. "Uh...come on then," she said, "let's get ou' a here 'afore she d'cides t' charge ye for wha's on those shelves. Where's the tavern in this place?"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:58 PM

    Pleased enough that the crew would take care of the beverage needs, Ken walked, not pranced surely, to the shop that held the living greens.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:58 PM

    Brochan would take the apple with him, knowing how people were in the town. " It's the loudest place in town. It's a bit hard to miss as it's always playing music," he replied, gesturing to the loudest building in town.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:02 PM

    With pickles on his shoulder Ezzeg wasn't going to prance but tried to keep up with Ken regardless, "Yer alcohol powered dragon mover seems real excited to see what's on tap, Cap'n pickles. Can't fault him on flowers though they can make things smell pretty. Pretty things make good gold in the siren places. Hard to find the whale ambergris to make the 'spensive stuff they fancy though."

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:07 PM

Raiya inwardly kicked herself for the flaws in her imitated sailor's patois, and, well, the fact that she hadn't known how to go about finding a tavern, as a sailor of the sort she was trying to impersonate surely would. A high-born girl who hadn't even been allowed to leave the Family keep on her own much less go visiting taverns, she hadn't even thought of following the sound of loud music to it."'Course," she said. "Come on then," she said, heading for the tavern, instinctively staying out of his arm's reach.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:09 PM

    What wonderful smells were coming out of the tavern itself! Roasted meats, sweet fruits, that tang of wine and mead. People in the tavern were having a damn good time too. Laughing and dancing, eating and flirting. A party that could go on forever!

  • littlekreenToday at 1:11 PM

    Ezzeg could smell the meat long before they got to the tavern. His stomach rumbled at the thought of it, "Cooked or raw the meats smell good! Sounds like they're having a time of it in there."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:12 PM

    While the merry sounds were tempting, when was the last time he randomly got to play music with strangers, the next business was much more enticing and the silvery little bell as he opened the door was still music of a kind. What his eyes laid upon was paradise, indoors.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:13 PM

    Pickles took in a deeeeeep breath. "Smells of fire and tasty roasted things," the tiny dragon did admit. Their objective was barrels for the ship, of course, but even Pickles was starting to get voraciously hungry and it smelled so good.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:13 PM

    Brochan would walk in and adjust himself, hoping nobody noticed him or insulted him when he walked into the tavern.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:15 PM

    No one gave two shits about Brochan in the tavern! Well... perhaps that wasn't true. Tavern guests were having a grand old time, but the employees...? Siren and fae would sneer at Brochan if they even acknowledged him at all. There was for sure a dislike and ostracizing towards the man.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:18 PM

    Ezzeg walked in past all the tasty things and loud singing as pickles took a deep breath as the environment brought out the innate attendant tendences of his kind, "Even good ash in here, cap'n. Smell the good ash for smoked meat? Keeps pretty well at sea. Lasts almost as good as the salted stuff but with a lot more flavor. A smell more shiny and almost as functional."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:22 PM

    While Ken was looking about at wonderful plants and quite pleased with himself for not purchasing the first thing he saw, the tavern guests were a riotous lot. One however turned around and gasped. "What an adorable little pet dragon!" A very drunk human exclaimed. "It's adorable. Is it tame!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:23 PM

    Raiya tensed at the door of the tavern. Too many people, all close together, moving around, too many to keep track of. Absolutely none of the regal formality of Court was to be found here. Yet, they looked happier than any group of people she could ever remember seeing. With a bit of resolve, she pushed herself through the door, doing her best to spot the currents of power and rivalry. The only thing she could observe besides people enjoying the too-good-to-be-true delights of this place, was the occasional sneer or scowl toward the male Siren.She edged her way over to his table. "Right mate, looks like ye were tellin' the truth," she said. "So wha's yer deal?"

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:25 PM

    Brochan would look over at the employees sneering at him and would gently walk over to the piano, placing his hands on the key before turning to her. " Got into a nasty fire when I was a kid, burned down a lot of the building and I came out really scared. Half the town hates me because I'm not perfect, the other half blames me for their stuff being destroyed."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:26 PM

    "Pet? PET?" announced Pickles, puffing up so much lil plumes of smoke were escaping her nostrils. Already inticed by the smells of wonderful meats, and riled up by whatever magical energy was infused in the place, Pickles the tiny red dragon lept off Ezzeg and onto the drunk human -- and bit him right on the nose!

  • AkiraDawnToday at 1:29 PM

    Elana, the most beautiful seagull one might ever hope to see, was stuck in a cage. In the Tavern. On top of the bar just there as a pretty ornament that squawked when poked. The druid had TRIED to make her way onto a boat, hoping to become a pirate, but she was not wise in the way of seagulls and was slow enough to get herself caught - something about her rainbow iridescent eyes and tailfeathers apparently piqued the interest of a sailor who traded her to the barkeep for a round of drinks for his crew. Now she sat. Biding her time.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:30 PM

    "AAAGH!" Screamed the human, flaying about and hitting another drunk sailor in the process. A drunk half orc by the looks of her. "Wha' da 'ell was dad fur!" The orcish lass took a swing.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:32 PM

    Brochan had noticed the seagull in a cage before and considered how to free it numerous times, but it hadn't been easy. But maybe the new people could get the bird out. " Hey, if I sing something to distract everyone, do you think-" he gestured to the bird for Raiya and opening the cage in a fast manner.

  • AkiraDawnToday at 1:34 PM

    Elana perked up at the latest events, eyeing Raiya hopefully. Was there a plan in the works? She'd do anything to get out of this gilded birdcage intended for a parakeet - for one, she didn't even FIT, her head was up against its wire metal roof.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:38 PM

    Ezzeg just laughed uproariously and replied in a half-rhyme, "Not at all a pet. Storms untamed yet!"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:39 PM

    The tavern was quickly erupting into a bunch of people confusedly swinging fists at each other over bumps and spilled drinks. Which was NOT pleasing to the siren or fae that run this establishment and needed everyone to be in a jolly frenzy! So while the mob fight broke out, a few fae were hunting down the creators of this disturbance - the dragon and kobold!

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:42 PM

    By this point the music had stopped. Not that anyone noticed because the yelling and hollering. Most were not aware of the fae that walked past them, because of the blood pumping passion of the fight. Meanwhile a shop away, Ken was singing a soft little ditty to a display of orchids

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:43 PM

    "Bogzhnaiyet!" Raiya hissed under her breath as the sound of an incipient brawl--started, apparently by her Captain (and shouldn't the ageless dragon be the sensible one in the group?!). No chance then, to buy a nice, inconspicuous meal and get out unnoticed. Then the male Siren something that didn't make sense, followed by some gestures. She looked, and saw a strangely beautiful seagull trapped in a cage.She shrugged; their visit to the island was probably about as ruined as it was going to get, whether she tried to free the bird or not. One of the alehounds took a wide swing at her. She easily ducked under it, moved to his side, and punched him in the pressure-point in his armpit, and another shot to his groin, then ducked around another pair of brawlers.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:43 PM

    "Never mind, I think your friends just provided a better one," he replied, as he would carefully move towards the cage, drawing out his shield and gently bashing the side of the cage to make an opening to free it.

littlekreenToday at 1:44 PM

Ezzeg saw the chaos starting to erupt and tried to at least placate the half-orc, "A battle-blooded defending a Cap'n dragon's honor. Now that's something I haven't seen yet! Cheers lass!"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:45 PM

    The half-orc gave a half salute to the kobold, before punching a guy into a table, that slid the table into three others.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:49 PM

Raiya was small and quick, and avoided engaging any other combatants, but the Siren reached the cage first and broke it open. So he gets the bird, I guess, she thought, deciding not to contest possession. She heard the kobold's cheery voice, saying something about "battle-blooded defending a Cap'n dragon's honor," just the sort of jingoistic battle-cry she didn't want to hear. Risk maiming and death for the dragon's glorious honor, or slip away and probably not be welcome back on the ship...

  • AkiraDawnToday at 1:50 PM

    Elena Squawked! on demand as fighting erupted around her and a flying bottle crashed into her cage, soaking her with ale. Now she was a wet seagull trapped in a too small cage. She looked positively miserable, and as her rescuer bashed his shield into the metal cage is added the sound of screeching metal to the din. The cage - and wet seagull - went flying into the general chaos, landing on the kobold's head and rolling onto a tabletop nearby.

littlekreenToday at 1:52 PM

Ezzeg wasn't about to abandon pickles but didn't want to sully the atmosphere with angry fae headed his way. So he waded into the fray to make following him more difficult making commentary at the fighting nearby to play the jester, "Percussive singing is above the belt only! Well those two may have others ideas but we're not here to judge!"That was until a wet seagull nearly got stuck threading through his two horns with a odd squip noise and he called out, "Party fowl! Gull throwing is for paying customers!"

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:53 PM

    Brochan would look over at the kobold. " Sorry about that, I didn't realize the landing wasn't going to go well," he replied, hoping down and gently trying to take the seagull off his head.

  • AkiraDawnToday at 1:55 PM

    Elana erks and squawks and grks and shits on the kobold's head (as is a seagull's right) as her cage is yanked and yoinked and pulled and prodded between his horns. It was already all bent to hell, and at this point the druid is in danger of getting squished within.

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:57 PM

    Brochan hadn't realized the cage was still there and would take a deep breath, pulling out his sword and slashing the top off to grab the terrified seagull out of thre.

littlekreenToday at 1:57 PM

Ezzeg fishes through his toolbet and offers them snips, "If you could remove the party fowl, may I suggest these? A squawking gull makes for poor headgear!"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:58 PM

Meanwhile Ken was humming as he looked at a pond of water lilies and other aquatic plants.

Zarko StraadiToday at 2:01 PM

Watching open-mouthed as the cage flew over and landed on Ezzeg's head, getting entangled with his horns, Raiya could hardly believe this was happening. It was the sort of thing that might be hilarious, if she survived. She winced when the Siren drew his sword and swung it at the cage. She had a brief flash--the seagull's head pushed against the top of the cage even before it was half-squashed. She hurried toward it, moving in a crouch, ducking around brawlers, trying to avoid their noticed. If the bird wasn't beheaded, maybe she could help...

  • AkiraDawnToday at 2:03 PM

    Elana squawked! as the sword comes slasihing her way - her head's way! She was NOT about to lose her head just to get out of the damn cage. She managed to crouch down enough to not be decapitated, then suddenly found herself awkwardly in the arms of the guy with the sword. She shat on him too, for good measure, then went limp since that solved most things (not really but it seemed like a good idea...)

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:03 PM

    A fight started and a bird rescued! Leaving the crew dealing with the remnants of the tavern brawl and several sirens who were trying to break it up - with sweet words and lots and lots of free wine! After enough charming and a good beat on the bongos, things finally started calming down... but where was Pickles? The vermillion dragon was GONE.Where did Pickles go! Who is this strange Seagull? Will Brochan join the crew? Shall Raiya ever be able to relax? How is Ezzeg going to explain to Kenough that he lost their captain in a bar fight? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON THE OBSIDIAN SIREN.
  • Thank You
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  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:15 AM

    LAST WE LEFT OUT CREW A BIRD WAS RESCUED AND A DRAGON WAS LOST! Now the tavern brawl had calmed itself down, the crew and their potential new companions were outside on the street, trying to figure out how they were going to tell Kenough that Pickles was missing... unless they intend to find her first!

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:16 AM

    Brochan would look over at the group, uncertain of what to say. " I don't think I want to tell your friend that you lost the thing he loves most, I'm just going to stand over this way to avoid it."

  • littlekreenToday at 11:19 AM

    Ezzeg's eye twitched as he looked at the bar, "It's hard enough keepin' an eye out for my own back than tryin' see thru you tallbloods. Would have thought the Cap'n would make more noise. Taken by force?"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:21 AM

    Wait, the dragon's missing? Raiya thought, quickly looking around the bar and up to the rafters in case the little dragon lifted off to hide up there out of reach of swinging fists and flying flagons.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:23 AM

    Ken was finishing up his purchase, pleased as punch that he was going to have some greenery on the ship. The shop keeper understood the problem of keeping green things alive aboard a ship and suggested ways to keep pots safe. The camellia looking bonsai was probably the thing that brought him the most joy. The flower buds were large and pink.

  • Meanwhile the half orc that had been happily brawling walked out of the tavern. Now that the fight was over she wasn't interested in going back to drinking. "Eh, why you smallins all stan'in' aroun'?"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:28 AM

    Not seeing Pickles anywhere in the pub (though, being small there were plenty of nooks and crannies and places obscured by people where she could be hiding), Raiya hurried outside to check the streets. Unless there was something like a trap door in the pub, or the dragon thief could portal or teleport, they'd be trying to get clear of the pub in the normal way.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:29 AM

    Ezzeg turned about and gave a small nod of respect, "Lost track of the Cap'n you so gratefully defended the honor of in the scuffle. Seen where she went? I got ways of tracking her down but it'll put off the locals."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:30 AM

    Brochan would take a look around the tavern to see if he remembered correctly that there was an upstairs.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:37 AM

    "The locals, aye, they be a… nervous type. Eat, Drin', Merry, tha' wha' they wan'" Then she grinned. "I woul'n' min' a bit less o' tha' meself."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:39 AM

    There might have been a small hint of the tiny dragon's escape(?) (luring(?) kidnapping(?) in the form of... tiny sparkling gemstones laying across the sand in the street all in a strangely well placed line headed away from the town and into the jungle of the island.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:41 AM

    "Look! Here! This way!" Raiya cried. A trail of gemstones probably wouldn't last long. She considered going after a few of them herself, but there was no time to be fishing the little gems out of the dirt.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:48 AM

    Ezzeg eyed the area as others went off as Raiya earned her keep then looked to the half-orc, "And less concerned with riches other than to enjoy the fruits. So, nervous for something."There was a metallic creaking of the common hammer at his belt as it shuddered to something altogether more warlike, "I think we have a trail. If your nervous townfolk ask for us tell them Zayndanties sends them his regards.""Seems like our Cap'n! Good work!" he called out to Raya.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:50 AM

    "The wee Cap'n likes the sparkles? Tha' tracks." The half-orc frowned "You're lookin' for a fight. I ain't gonna stay here. The locals can figure them clues themselves."

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:52 AM

Brochan would head outside and notice the trail of gemstones. " Yeah.... that probably isn't going to lead to anything good. Us sirens were told to avoid the jungle since we were kids."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:53 AM

If any did try to pickup and eyeball the gems they'd find something curious... not a single one was real! All just shiny worthless glass! The dragon captain might've picked one up and noticed it too, but being a dragon obsessed with a treasure hoard, no doubt she'd have followed each and every single one hoping that at least one of them was real...

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:56 AM

    Brochan would have tried to pick one up and just stare. " Oh that makes this so much worse because it means there is definitely an illuision maker at work."

  • littlekreenToday at 11:57 AM

    Ezzeg took the hammer from his belt with the faintest echo of misery coming from its dark aura, "Fightin ain't my business as far as the cap'n goes. It's retribution in the name of."He started trudging forward though his shadow quaked with each step, "Agreed. I don't have time to go back to the ship and get my armor on. We'd best follow before the illusions start to fade or the trail is lost."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:59 AM

    "Illusion maker?" Raiya said, stopping to examine one of the "gems" herself. "Then this could be a diversion meant to lure us away?" And this means they probably know many enemies does she have?!

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:02 PM

    Brochan would look at the gems. " That or an illusion to lure her away from you guys. It's not clear to me at the moment."

  • littlekreenToday at 12:03 PM

    Picking up his pace and one of the stones along the way, "Dragons don't get hoards by makin' friends. Keep 'em by leaving bodies."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:05 PM

    The Kobold said something that tracked closely to Raiya's thoughts. "Could Al-Mazahd have placed some agents here to catch her if she tried to return for her treasure?" It seemed like the sort of thing an evil draconic mastermind might do.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:06 PM

    As they crept into the tree line and left the safty of the village, less and less gems could be seen on the sandy ground. Luckily it seemed with the jungle growth, tiny scorch marks could be seen at intervals. Proving their Captain was snorting fire in more and more annoyance every time she found another false gem. The trail continued deeper into the jungle!

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:09 PM

    Once Ken finally gets out of the shop, the keeper kept trying to suggest more things to look at, despite Ken making his selections, and no, no free extras, thank you. He was not a pauper. Did he look like a pauper? Are you trying to insult him? No no, of course you weren't. Yes friendly shop keeper thank you for the advice… honestly! Once out he walked over to the tavern. It was loud with people singing and talking as they drunk. He walked in, holding his bonsai and looked around. By the moment his face started to turn more and more annoyed. There was no dragon in this tavern!

  • littlekreenToday at 12:09 PM

    A half-circle rung below the head of his hammer served as a handle as Ezzeg raised it and sniffed at the scorch marks, "Brine? Think this is our cap'n."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:11 PM

    "Alma-who?" the orcish woman asked. She said it like she almost recognized the name. How, well he was sorta famous. "Your cap'n is feisty. I like tha' in a commander."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:12 PM

    Brochan had decided to stay behind to act as a distraction for Ken.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:16 PM

Raiya felt the pit of her stomach tighten. She followed it this far, and didn't see it as a trap? she thought. That's a major weakness... "Al-Mazahd, the dragon who cursed our Captain and took her treasure," she replied to the orcish woman.

littlekreenToday at 12:17 PM

Flexing his head and neck he intoned a more formal draconic with a raise of his hammer and offered the gem, "From the unsaved a reprieve, to the lost their finder, Yoll you are called."A tiny blue fairy, bound in barbed wire, dropped from the end of his hammer with a small whimper. He put the gem into her hand without a gleam of mercy in his eyes, "Point the way along our path of gems along the jungle for the Cap'n."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:21 PM

    "Aaah! Dragon on dragon fight. Soun' like a lot o' danger for us mortal types. Soun' excitin'" she said with a grin, rubbing her hands together. It was like the bar fight had invigorated her for more adrenaline. She glanced at the spell being done then out at the jungle ahead.

  • Refusing a drink, but asking that a few kegs of beer had been ordered for him ship, Ken left and looked around, no dragon or crew out in the plaza by chance?

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:25 PM

    Raiya glanced at the summoned bound fairy. She was used to far more unpleasant sights at home, so she paid it little mind, directing her attention to watching the jungle for signs of an impending ambush.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:28 PM

    Ezzeg kept a steady on pace as the tiny hand dangled from its wire and pointed along their path of gems as the tiny thief diviner reckoned. He needed to keep his wits about him out here and crashing through foliage at top speed was not one of those things. He looked at Raiya as they went, "Keep a watch underfoot for holes. This a known path by the enemy we are on."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:28 PM

    The scent of smoke wafted in the jungle as they continued to follow the trail... they must be on the right track!

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:29 PM

    "Oh, wow, it's a real mess in here. I wonder what happened that caused so many problems," he said, plopping himself next to Ken.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:30 PM

"That doesn' smell like a camp fire," their tall companion noted. "Is she the type to smoke an' blow 'cause or we be gettin' close to trouble soonish?" Obviously she hoped for the latter.

Ken looked at Raiya's weird new friend. "Got bored with my crew?" Ken asked. He did not care about other people's problems right now as he kept glancing around the courtyard. His eyes caught something glinting in the sand.

littlekreenToday at 12:33 PM

Ezzeg's eyes flared at the scent of ash and his eyes dilated for a moment at the idea of draconic destruction of pickles enemies, "She's certain smoke, fire, and indignation. There's no barrels of brine out here so let's hope the cap'n is burning the jungle down."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:34 PM

As if on cue, sudden girlish screams of horror rang out into the jungle, dispersing flying fowls into the sky from somewhere up ahead.

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:36 PM

Brochan would consider how to lie. " Oh no, I just lost track of them a few minutes ago," he replied with a semi-lie.

littlekreenToday at 12:38 PM

Hammer braced on his arm the tiny fairy continued with the tiny whimpers as he loped through the forest floor as the scream sent his other hand to his hammer. A foot planted in the dirt where the plants withered and he started sprinting forward toward the noise in a shower of brown leaves. The cabal gave his duty as hitting thieves with a hammer headlong and that's how he liked it. The fairy less enthused to return to the cask just cried as the reprieve was over.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:38 PM

"Yes!" Our orcish friend said with glee. It was going to be a fight for sure. Well maybe. The scream was not a fighter but a runner.

Ken glanced at Brochan wondering if the crew ditched him. He wouldn't be surprised. The siren had been a menace when they'd gotten supplies. "Riiight," he said before bending down and looking at, colored glass? What was going on, and why was there a trail???

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:42 PM

Brochan would follow him outside. " Wow, that is a weird colored glass trail thing. Maybe we should go insidie and ignore it."

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:46 PM

Fearful girlish cries was the last thing Raiya expected to hear out here. She hurried ahead, scurrying from tree to tree for cover.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:46 PM

"SHIT FAERIES! WILEY WINGED WENCHES!" bellowed a tiny voice. More screams scattered, a beautiful winged woman zooming past the crew in he haste to escape. Singed leaves falling off her sparkling gown. Up ahead opened into a large clearing of what looked like a large faerie circle for worship and celebration. But instead of dancing delighted fae around a cauldron of steamy mead - there was Pickles the Vermillion Dragon at the center spewing fire balls at every winged wench she could. "LIARS! FAKE TREASURES! A BOUNTY OF GLASS AND DISAPPOINTMENT!" The faeries were trying to get her under control by means of magic or even physical cages, but apparently if you teased a dragon with fake treasure it went wildly feral and impossible to get a hold of. Pickles was burning everyone and everything she could spit her little flames at. Even chasing fae across the clearing as others chased her!

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:49 PM

    The half orc started to laugh, finding humor in the fae's torment. Sure they had wined and dined her for a long while but they were always just a little off putting to her and she enjoyed watching them be brought down a peg. "Shouldn' lie to a lady!"

  • Ken completely ignored the siren. He was like all the others on this island. Glass like gems looked like some sort of prank… would they try to prank a dragon? Oh Pickles would look at each one trying to see if any were real. Probably dragging the crew with her. He might as well go find them all.

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 12:52 PM

Brochan was relieved at being ignored and woulf follow behind Ken, hoping that had been long enough for the party to stall and find Pickles.

  • littlekreenToday at 12:52 PM

    Ezzeg's inner tranquility hardly sputtered when he saw his Cap'n was hale and flared instead that she'd made them targets. The charge continued and Ezzeg loomed large over one chanting spells as a leaping kobold with a drakehammer's shifting nimbus prepared to smite the caster down.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:03 PM

    As soon as she caught a glimpse of the scene in the clearing, Raiya ducked behind a tree, keeping it between her and the fairies. What is going on here? she thought. The Family did quite a brisk business in fae, and things made from fae, but she had never seen them in their natural habitat doing their thing. So, had they tried to trap Pickles to sacrifice for some ceremony, or had the dragon simply followed a "gem" trail meant to show the fae the way to their hidden forest ceremony and followed her greed into a fine way to make enemies of the entire island?

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:09 PM

    Raiya might've hit the nail on the head with her wonderment about the glass gem trail. What use would fae have for a tiny dragon and why care about glass at all. They were merely a pretty little trail for faeries to follow to their home in the woods! And now there was a kobold causing worse chaos in their lil party!But a dragon obsessed with rebuilding a treasure hoard would not assume such things. Pickles spewing reign of terror continued chasing fae until she managed to snap one inside her jowels. A small bite sized faerie caught right mid-air and swallowed like a lil bug. Pickles paused her tired making the most awful of faces - it tasted awful. And worse, she hiccupped and glittery bubbles popped out of her snout! "Ach! I swallowed one! It tastes of wicked magics!"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:11 PM

    The orcish woman was still laughing, but any fae that flew too near her in their escape would get smashed into a tree. The laughter getting louder.

Ken followed the trail, seeing tale tell scorch marks here and there. He whistled impressively when a large flock of various birds flew in his direction. "Someone's maaaaad."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:14 PM

    Once again, Raiya had to pause to consider her options: stick with this crew (who were her only way off the island), despite their leadership being easily hoodwinked to an alarming degree...or slip away and try to stay here, maybe try to set up shop as a fortune-teller or something? Just then, Pickles caught a fairy and killed it, eliminating any chance of trying to talk both sides of out a massacre. It took all she had to hold back a facepalm. I've got too many enemies of my own. I can't go adding all theirs to my collection, she thought.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:16 PM

    It was hard hitting small creatures even with his hammer and as Ezzeg connected the flat of the hammer with the flying fae he watched it sail across the glen to end with a gulp. Ezzeg landed and looked back at the orcish woman laughing then to Pickles thinking eating the fairy was a waste. Not that he had much better plans for the poor creature. He snorted as he smelled the cloying scent of alcohol from the cauldron. Though the green under his clawed toes still withered away he called out to Pickles a stained mallet in hand, "Cap'n, What's goin on? Thought you was the soup not the diner! Don't eat these things; we know where they been!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:17 PM

    Raiya started to slip away, but before she got far, she ran right into Ken and Brochan. Bugger! "Oh! There you are. She's alright, she's massacring fairies. If you can get her to stop, we'd probably better get to the ship before everyone on this island is trying to get us dead."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:19 PM

    "It was a bamboozlement! A trickery! The beastlings wish us to feast on their foods and stay here across the ages doing nothing but partying and flirting! And they DARE thought I would be lured by pretty glass!" Pickles paused again, burping up more bubbles until all the scales along her spines raised and she started hurking like a cat with a hairball.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:20 PM

    "She's alright?" Ken said slowly as to make sure he heard exactly what his little stowaway was saying. "And why was she not alright before?"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:21 PM

    "What do you mean? She seemed fine at the pub," Raiya replied.

littlekreenToday at 1:23 PM

Ezzeg's ire was still raised as he stomped brown divots over toward the hacking pickles with a stiff armed backhand whacking an angry creature along the way. He thumped lightly on Pickles back, "You don't want that in here and I don't want to reach in and get it. All they have is partying and flirting here Cap'n then there's no gems to be had."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:24 PM

    Ken pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand, then moved past Raiya. He wasn't sure what was going on but he was sure he wasn't going to like it. Soon he heard Pickles and that was NOT a happy dragon. What he came around to see did not put him at ease. "What is going on here!"

  • "Hiya you must be the elfie they all afraid o'. There's not much goin' on. A few dead, sure, but their own fault iffen you ask me." There was too much mirth in the half orcs voice

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:25 PM

    Haaaaaack. HUUUURRRRKKK. CAAAACCKKKK. A few glittering bubbles popped out and some sparkling flame. But at the shout of Kenough and the pats on the back from Ezzeg, it must've been enough to dislodge the faerie from her throat. She hacked it out onto the ground - apparently the damn thing was still alive - but it was covered in dragon bile and screeching up a storm.

littlekreenToday at 1:27 PM

The end of his dangling hammer swayed over to the screeching fairy along with a cold gaze, "Either of you reckon as an enemy of the dragon Pickles and I'll put an end to it. What say you, Cap'n?"

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:28 PM

Brochan would walk over to the fairy and gently pick it up and wipe it with a cloth that he had in his pocket. If it kept shouting, he had a glass jar. " Can we not kill the local wildlife?" he asked

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:28 PM

Ken looked absolutely distressed. He quickly went over to Pickles, pulling Ezzeg with one hand and placing the bonsai in his hands. "Don't drop it!" He then scooped up Pickles and scowled at everyone. EVERYONE.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:30 PM

HACK HACK. She was still coughing bubbles, but at least Pickles no longer looked completely infuriated. In fact, now she appeared preening and satisfied with an appropriate amount of spectacle and vengeance. "The cursed fae and sirens and their cursed island! They'll think twice now about attempting their fate with the likes of us! YE HEAR ME." she bellowed with a puff of rainbowy smoke. "TEMPT MY CREW AGAIN AND I'LL BURN THIS ISLAND TO THE SEA."

  • Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 1:32 PM

    Brochan didn't correct the dragon. " I kind of agree with the dragon about this island."

  • littlekreenToday at 1:33 PM

    Ezzeg looked at the bonsai in his hand and blinked, presuming it the property of the Cap'n by extension of her second. Thus as treasure the shadows didn't wither the small plant as much as tiny wisps of shadow drakes now appeared to crawl around the surface of it and lurk in the teeny lantern. He just looked to Brochan, "As long as I think they're threats to the cap'n they're targets, not wildlife."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:36 PM

Ken patted Pickles flank, still not sure what had all transpired. "The supplies should be at the ship by now. Unless your honor demands more action it might be time to leave this place."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:36 PM

    !SMACK! This time Raiya couldn't help it. She pulled her hand from her face after a couple small head-shakes. These people wouldn't last a day in Morngovia, she thought, what with declaring war on a whole island of magical beings while they were far away from their one teeny little ship. "Yes, that sounds like a fine idea," she replied. "Before they have time to get organized."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:38 PM

    These fae in the jungle were at least ready to listen to this dragon's warning, more than willing to let the crew GET OUT of their jungle, go back to the village, and then as far away as possible. One had to understand you can't capture every single sailor on the other, after all.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:41 PM

    As much as he felt odd carrying a small plant and his weapon he agreed with the sentiment as the withering aura started to fade with his blood no longer up, "I've seen enough of the tricksy fae. Sirens and dragons are more than enough."He starts ambling off back along the withered brown line he came from, "More too temptin for their own good I wager and less control besides not to run afoul of us."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:43 PM

"Wait, you folks are leavin'?" The half orc blinked, like it had never occurred to her she could leave. To be fair her whole crew was singing and drinking and not interested in leaving the party. "I'm comin' with you lot. You're fun"

littlekreenToday at 1:48 PM

"Better to leave and pine than grow a hoard as much as the dead do. More sailors welcome as much as our current set of blighters. If we got our supplies we best go." Ezzeg kept an eye back at the town to make sure they weren't followed as he dismissed the hammer and the faint necromantic aura vanished with its creaking back into a normal mallet.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:52 PM

Raiya followed the others in silence, checking over her shoulder periodically for any sign of pursuit. So far, no one had been turned into a newt. She was still having a hard time thinking this whole island was not some kind of trap, but at the moment it was starting to look like her new crew, with their apparent tendency of picking fights wherever they went, might be the terror of the day.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:54 PM

Once at the docks, Ken looked around. It was be to be sure everything still seemed to be ship shaped. He frowned as he looked at the other ships, not a bit of crew on any of them. He didn't know nothing of the changes in boat styles, his boat was an amalgamation of styles. "Let's check the supplies and get going."

littlekreenToday at 1:59 PM

Ezzeg eyed a hissing shadow critter in a teeny stone lantern until following the gaze with more knowledgeable eye and commented to Ken, "Half these boats rot through and gonna sink soon you know. Frayin ropes everywhere. Maybe get goin' then check supplies."

Zarko StraadiToday at 2:01 PM

Raiya eyed the empty ships suspiciously. Should we set the other ships on fire so no one can give pursuit, or have we caused enough mayhem today? she thought, but Ezzeg's words gave some comfort that they would not have a fleet giving chase before they got out of the harbor. She hurried up the gangplank and ran for the stairs down to the hold to check on the cargo. The sooner they were underway the better...

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 2:02 PM

Brochan looked over at them. " I am definitely coming with you all. I don't think the island will miss me in the slightest." Somehow in the chaos, he had managed to pack a whole bag with his stuff that he needed, leaving a note for his housekeeper to live in the house until he got back.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:04 PM

AND SO OUR CREW BOARDED THEIR SHIP SAFE AND SOUND... seemingly a rare feat for many sailing crews that visit this island. What luck to have claimed two new crew members as well to add to their ranks! (And what is that strange seagull doing over there? A new pet!) As they battoned down the hatches and set sail back to open sea once again... what adventure would they meet when they approach the Whirlpool of Destiny? Or would they be waylaid along the way?FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON PIKELA AND KEN'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 9:50 AM

We open to a beautiful and joyful sea. Calm and bright. A healthy breeze furling the sails, fluffy puffy clouds making shapes in the sky. The sun warm and pleasant. It's been three days sailing towards the Whirlpool of Destiny, and there will be three days yet. For now, the crew is safe, and there is no trouble on the horizon... unless you count personal troubles as this strange rag-tag group gets to know each other.

Pickles the tiny red dragon and self proclaimed boss of the universe was splooted across a crate on the deck soaking up as much of the unfettered sunlight as she could get into her vermillion scales. ...and snoring.

littlekreenToday at 10:25 AM

Getting the food so helpfully crammed into his deep sea gear required removing the suit entirely and most of the first day below decks. The pair of remnant mess having to be sprayed out of the place they'd been crammed into and he took the opportunity to maintain a few pieces that needed new stitching. The workdesk with his tools was less a chest by half a lockable armor container with the rest racks of drawers for tools. After the mutiny he'd moved it to the Captain's quarters keeping an eye on the sleeping Pickles, from the faintly thumping chest, lest she somehow wander off again.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 10:36 AM

Mimi proved to be a good crew member. Not only did her presence intimidate the mutineers but she actually knew how to work on a ship, unlike the stowaways. She also sang sea shanties! "Iiin the dark o'night when the moon is bright and the lonely heart has stiiiiired"

littlekreenToday at 10:43 AM

Ezzeg didn't do much more than hum along to himself, flat and off-pitch, and whistled, "Haven't heard that'un before. Us Azures can't sing but somethin' ta break the sea crashing is always good."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 10:43 AM

Ken meanwhile wasn't seen much if he wasn't at the wheel. He had taken the bonsai into the Captain's Quarters for it to be safe. "It's older than most of you," he'd inform anyone that looked like they had a question about it. The addition of plants should have made the elf happier but he seemed dispassionate and would flop next to where Pickles was napping often.

  • Mimi grinned big at Ezzeg. "At leas' you appreciate. I had crew wi' no ear. Got a few fights in, sometimes not when I wanted a fight."

littlekreenToday at 10:47 AM

Ezzeg had his trousers on by now and was just fixing a pocket to grin, "Us siren-servants got broken ears and a voice hammered flat but we know shiny things they might like all the same. Yer old crew must'a liked the ocean a little too much."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 10:50 AM

    "Ha! I used to think, yet I'm the only one here." She glanced around. "That island was weird! It was fun at first, but…" Mimi shrugged

  • littlekreenToday at 10:54 AM

    "All the tales I know of fair folk show them thieves and bastards of th' first order." Ezzeg snorted and started tying off a line of stitches on the pocket, "Only good time for me is one under the hammer. Drinkin' is bad for divin' and oaths besides."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 10:55 AM

    Pickles streeeeetched and snorted soft plumes of smoke. "We ancient things enjoy our islands and hoards of pleasures. ...we often forget mortals do not have the time." grunted the dragon sleepily. Only opening one eye to spy on this conversation.

littlekreenToday at 10:59 AM

Ezzeg poked a finger into the repaired pocket, "Yer tart partial concrete to my pocket though. The cookie kind of in one bit. Had to scoop the gold out of there. Need'a build you a lunchchest if yer gonna hoard food, Cap'n."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:09 AM

    "It's always good to have food on hand," Mimi said as though stuffing tarts in a suit was a very normal thing. Wrappin' them is better first though"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:12 AM

    Raiya had finally managed to graduate from below-decks scut work to a "real mariner's job:" crewing the Crow's Nest. Though, no one truly graduated from scut work except the Captain (who might be more likely to set the decks on fire than scrub them clean) and maybe the top officers. Still, once the vertiginous climb was managed, the Crow's Nest offered a lofty refuge, and of course, clear views all around. When the mast would sway with the ship's motion through waves and wind, she felt like a bird, soaring back and forth on the currents. Best of all, no one could sneak up on her here, so she could almost relax. Bits of conversation and verses of sea shanty drifted up to her from below. For the briefest moment, Raiya wondered what it would be like to be down there with them, able to laugh and joke and sing songs--to feel safe with other people. She threw that thought off with a shake of her head and a swish of raven hair. They got betrayed by a mutiny they never saw coming. They're not safe, she thought. Keeping a good hold on the handrail with one hand, Raiya raised her spyglass to her eye and did another good pass around the horizon.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:22 AM

    Ezzeg took a small silver amulet on a chain depicting a dragon skull from the mesh pocket on his hip and put it over his head, "There's better places to keep food'n my pockets though!"The top half of his suit went over the top of the amulet as he stuck his head through the hole and saw Raiya at the top of the mast, "Hm. If we get doldrums I gotta check our hull for woodworms some."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:25 AM

    "I shall keep my treats where ever necessary, food and treasure," snorted Pickles, who didn't have pockets at all and was certain companions were for pockets! ...amongst other things! "You'll need more than pockets to take your reward treasures once we get my hoard back."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:30 AM

    Ken snorted at Pickles declaration of keeping stuff where ever she wanted. A small knowing smirk. He did not comment however.

  • Mimi's eyes grew big. "Now then, there's somethin' no one has discussed at least not wi' me. I am happy wi' fair pay for work, so wha' be fair for such a noble one when we finish your nasty family business?"

  • littlekreenToday at 11:38 AM

    Ezzeg nods and nods toward Mimi as he tethers both halves of his suit together, "I can send what I'm rightful given to th' first bank o' the dark. Jus' can't keep your stuff in there, Cap'n!"A flourish of empty hands makes a fist just to whisper something in draconic for a small leap of dark from between knuckles flipped a gold coin from one hand to the other that did the same, "I got my own hoard, I'm here for the Cap'n. Shipwrights ain't broke."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 11:43 AM

    Raiya felt eyes on her. She looked down to see the Kobold glancing her way, and gave him a nod. The others looked tiny from up here, like children or small pets under her care. Which was quite the odd feeling. She smirked a little at the dragon's boast of vast rewards, filing it under 'I'll believe it when I see it.' The smart thing would probably be to jump ship before we even reach any great dragon hoard, she thought. Imagining Pikela restored to her full power and wealth, it was all too easy to see her saying, 'Foolish humanoids! You actually believed I would share my hoard with you?!' OMNOMNOM! Dragons didn't get hoards of treasure by sharing, after all.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:48 AM

"I am happy to give as much as you can carry of my precious treasures! As long as we murder that poxed covered burning taint from MY mountain!" exclaimed Pickles, managing to scuffle to her clawed feet and expand her wings as far as they'd go. "When I am once again my glorious full size and stunning beauty!"

  • littlekreenToday at 11:52 AM

    Ezzeg wasted no time and put a mock hand over his chest, "Now, Now, Cap'n, you still got that last part. What kinda dragon is the poxed one anyhow?"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:52 AM

Mimi looked to be mulling it over then she nodded. "That sounds like fair to me." She decided. "I never gone out of my way to pick a fight wi' one of yours and I am thinking my leather is a wee bit unenchanted." Mimi plucked at her vest. She might be eager to fight but she wasn't eager to be barbecued. Fireproofing is what she wanted.

Lucky, Phantom of the DiscordToday at 11:53 AM

Brochan had gotten a whole treasure chest full of shines that he had been lugging up the stairs as he walked over to Pickles. " The boy in the basement told me to bring these up to you and say they are from Porkchop and then he collapsed from some reason," the siren added

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:53 AM

Raiya stiffened involuntarily at the dragon's comment. It was almost as if the creature was responding to her thoughts. No, that couldn't be. If she could read minds, she would never have been caught flat-footed by those mutineers.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:54 AM

Ken finally piped in. "She won't speak his name," he glanced at Pickles, no need to mention she couldn't. "He's an old but dumb red who's never been able to amass a fortune let alone keep a horde."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:55 AM

"A COWARD that found a nasty, awful curse dug up from the bowels of pure evil magicks that no honorable dragon would ever touch claws to! And he THREW IT ON ME." hoooowwled Pickles with a fiery snort. "Sticky awful magicks!"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:57 AM

Ken placed a hand lazily on Pickles flank, lightly patting her as he closed his eyes.

littlekreenToday at 11:59 AM

Ezzeg nods, "Stealin' stature sounds like something that needs propa stabbin. I got good armor for fire then but not wearin' it while we're floatin'. If he ain't been able to keep one then he probably don't know how to defend it. Good for us."

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:15 PM

Dumb? Raiya thought. So far as she knew (or to be more precise, so far as her Family's diviners and spies knew), Al-Mazahd was an extremely intelligent draconic mastermind. On the other hand, beings with extreme wealth and power did tend to have their intelligence overestimated by others. Still, she was having a hard time believing that a stupid, cowardly dragon who could not amass or hold a hoard could gain and wield magic powerful enough to do what he did to Pikela (assuming the whole 'I was cursed to become a small dragon' story was even true in the first place).On the other, other hand, the little dragon's vanity probably could not admit that her enemy was cunning and capable. Raiya knew full well how dangerous such vanity could be to its possessor and their followers; she'd taken advantage of it many times at home and at Court, first to survive, and then to make her escape.She leaned out and called down: "We'd best assume that he does. An easily beaten fool could not have put our Captain in her current state."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:19 PM

"Even a broken clock eventually gets the time correct! A stupid fool can once in awhile get very LUCKY and catch a powerful dragon while she is sleeping!" Really, the only reason Pickles didnt send a plume of flame up the mast was because it was her own claimed ship!

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:22 PM

Ken opened one eye to look up at Raiya. "He is a coward at heart, but you're right to warn not to underestimate him. It took him this long to get what he wanted, or what he thought he wanted. He will not want to be defeated after so soon getting a win." Ken closed his eyes. "Still going to use his scales as an outhouse rug."

littlekreenToday at 12:25 PM

Ezzeg headed over to the chest that porkchop had brought up, "Wise call to be ready. Better to be too smart by half for 'im then merely adequate. What's it take to cast this spell, 'n we use it for retribution? I know a dragon to keep it out of idgit claws after."He hefted one handle, "Hrgh, This goin with the pile, Cap'n?"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:28 PM

Mimi walked over to take the other handle and help the Kobold. "Enough now to sleep properly I'm guessing?"

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:41 PM

Raiya suppressed a sigh. Another weakness of such vanity: its possessor could not accept any question or challenge, and thus consciously or unconsciously schooled their followers into telling them only things they wanted to hear. The anger in the little dragon's voice said she'd gotten on her bad side. Vanity and greed, Raiya thought. Two of the most easily-exploitable weaknesses around. The other crewpersons who spoke up at least appreciated caution and preparedness. I wonder... she thought.Raiya was currently at the bottom of the totem pole here (excepting "former" mutineers), seeing as she was unable to pull chests of treasure from her arse like the other stowaway-turned-crewmember. She was also only just beginning to learn how a sailing ship worked. She'd just about gotten all the knots memorized, and there were still all manner of things from raising and lowering sails to navigation to shipwright's skills and naval combat tactics that she would need to gain at least a basic understanding of before she could seriously start plotting her climb up that totem pole.At least they know I'm looking out for them, she thought, pausing to perform another scan of the horizon, then the seas closer to the ship for any sign of hazard.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:47 PM

"It'd be foolish not to hoard all the gold we find along the way." huffed Pickles, now prowling around to follow Raiya. "Supplies cost money and there are other ancient ones like me that might enjoy a shiny bribe along the way."

littlekreenToday at 12:50 PM

Ezzeg nodded, "Hoard it is! Thanks for th help Mimi, these ain't any less heavy than gold this many."He lead the way though had to waddle a bit with the chest being shorter than Mimi.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:54 PM

Mimi thought about the number of times her old captain had to bribe officials and that was for normal commerce. Granted there was always this or that contraband but that was still very normal. She wondered what they might have to bribe on the dragons quest, but did not ask. Instead she walked with Ezzeg, whistling along the way.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:55 PM

Once again, the dragon seemed to respond to her thoughts, this time by fluttering up to the Crow's Nest to land on the railing and follow Raiya's movements like a stalking cat. "Yes, of course we should seize treasure, Captain. We're pirates--or privateers, if you prefer," she said. "I am just concerned for your safety," she said, deciding she would need to watch her thoughts more carefully in the dragon's presence.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:58 PM

Pickles narrowed her sharp lil eyes at Raiya. "Why do you respond to things like you're guilty of something?" Asked the dragon captain curiously. From her perspective, no mind reading was involved. Only the answering of questions... and this one acting suspicious about it! "Why were you stowing away on this ship again? Running from something, are you? No one stows away unless they are running."

littlekreenToday at 1:05 PM

Ezzeg lead the chest to the captain's cabin and over to the pile of gold. As much as Ezzeg didn't like a literal pile around a ship full of former mutineers the hoard really wasn't sleepable if it was in a box. He looked to Mimi as he backed toward the pile, "Well it's gotta get dumped on the top. Cap'n wants her shiny mattress in lieu of the stolen one."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:08 PM

"I suppose that makes sense. I know not much about dragon kind, other than the stories of course. I can pour if you would like to make sure it piles properly." She did eye the treasure, but who that enjoyed gold and gems wouldn't

littlekreenToday at 1:12 PM

"I'n help pour it fine with you. Service requires strength of will." Ezzeg's statement one of well-practiced rite than an axiom on its own as he positioned himself on the other side of the pile as he deadlifted from the bottom of the chest something his own size. The faint thumping in the room grew just a bit louder though something different than the clattering of gems against wood floor.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:13 PM

Lazily, now that Pickles was no longer lounging, Ken stood up and walked up to the wheel, relieving the man that had been stationed there. He glanced around his boat and the orderliness of it all. His eyes drooped with unsuppressed boredom.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:21 PM

    Internally, Raiya went to full alert, though she kept her exterior calm. "Respectfully Captain, I do not understand why my thinking it would take more than a cowardly idiot with a bit of luck to bring you down would make you suspicious of me. If I were a gambler, I would bet that just about everyone on this ship save yourself and your closest retainers is running from something, whether it be a life of poverty and boredom, the local gendarmes, a loan-shark's goons, or something else." She hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly decided that in this case, honesty was probably the best policy."If you must know, I am running from a family of wizards, my family, who want to drain the little magic that I have and give it to my eldest brother. Since the procedure is fatal for the one being drained, yes, I ran."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:26 PM

    "You've spent a long time of your little mortal life not having anyone to trust," hissed out Pickles with a tone that sounded way more threatening than it should have. She continued to also slink around like an intimidating tiny land shark. "What's so terrible about throwing in with a band of vagrants like us for an ambitious mission. As one of mine, you have my protection! I can eat your family if they come for you. You fight with me, and your enemies become my enemies."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:30 PM

    Mimi was impressed with how the treasure now piled looked. "I am understanding dragons a little more now." She the dusted her hands together. Her fascination pushed back for more mundane needs. "Back to the less pretty work now."

littlekreenToday at 1:36 PM

After they'd finished Ezzeg looked at the door then quietly closed it, "Yep. One thing more fore drudge work. Needs a watcher other'n me." He smiled and went to his trunk removing the lantern full of quietly beating hearts, "Trust you enough that you just look but not the other crew so much. I'm only chasing one thief at a damn time."The large metal cask glowed in something not quite light as he lifted it up to the small bonsai to carefully rest a gold coin onto the soil. A deeper voice chanting as he raised the lantern for shadows in the room to deepened behind the bonsai, "I call the horde of they that watch over those who hoard. A price paid by day to anchor a shade across the void. Suffer no thieves."A drake stood up out of the bonsai's shadow to reach a void out from the wall and in silence removed the coin. A quiet tinkling noise of a tiny gold coin appeared in the bonsai's miniature lantern as it took up residence. Ezzeg flexed his shoulders to crackle a bit and returned the cask to his chest.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:46 PM

Raiya tensed at the ferocity in the dragon's first words. Major disadvantage of the Crow's Nest: as the only one in it without wings, there was no quick escape. Yet, as Pikela continued, she didn't threaten to incinerate Raiya, or throw her into the sea, or keelhaul her, or anything else along those lines. Raiya had to work really hard to keep her face neutral. What the dragon was saying was how things were supposed to work. Retainers would pledge their loyalty to their liege and fight for them--but the liege was also obligated to fight on behalf of a retainer when they were attacked, at least in theory. Raiya had never known a "noble" who actually lived up to that moniker, however.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:59 PM

Pickela's promise to 'eat' Raiya's family if they came after her was at once comical and...well, she had to keep the kind of sentimental notions that came up carefully reined in. Yet, if the dragon's story was even half true, she was a far greater power than she appeared to be. To have a mighty dragon as an ally...well, that was something Raiya couldn't have even dreamed of when she was making her escape from Morngovia. But could she trust her? Or do the things she'd have to do to earn her trust, and that of the others?Raiya glanced down at the crew below. They could laugh, and sing, and trust--though the recent mutiny probably put a damper on that last. None of those things, especially that last, felt the least bit accessible to her."They're...they're not an ordinary family of wizards," she said softly, tense, as if the words were being pulled from her. "They're House Karpov of Morngovia. You're right. I've spent my whole life not having anyone to trust. Being taught in word and action that trust is weakness, and the one you trust is the one who'll hurt you the most when they betray. I...may not be able to trust." Raiya looked down again, feeling that odd sense of responsibility for the little people below. "But I can be paranoid for you. I can look out for them," she said, snapping the spyglass to full extension again and doing another sweep of the horizon.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:04 PM

"Alright then!" puffed up Pikela the most gorgeous vermillion dragon ever to be known. "That is all a good captain can ask for!" Down below, once Ezzeg and Mimi left the captain's quarters, that new bonsai wiggled it's limbs unseen...Did Pickles finally manage to convince Raiya to join willingly to their rackshamble crew? Where the heck is that weirf Rift kid actually pulling that treasure? Was Kenough actually jealous of Ezzeg's close new relationship to Pickles? Will they make it to the Whirlpool of Destiny without any more trouble?FIND OUT ON THE NEXT SESSION OF KEN AND PICKLE'S GLORIOUS ADVENTURE.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 10:35 AM

A STORM IS BREWING ON THE HORIZON... Good luck could only last so long and our traveling ship now listlessly wobbles on the tumultuous ocean waves. The skies are a dark stormy grey despite being midday. The Whirlpool of Destiny is still a ways off yet...

littlekreenToday at 10:47 AM

As the waves started gathering their rage Ezzeg had located a tarp to anchor down the Cap'n's pile of wealth lest it start rolling around with a clatter. He looked back at the tarp sporting boxes and cannonballs as the ship rolled around him. Not to mention keeping his own crate from sliding around at least only took a few wedges as it was heavy on its own.Reflexes of the sea leaving him anchored to the deck as his feet slapped to the wet surface as he left and secured the door behind him, "Secured yer loose things, Cap'n! Should keep yer cabin from making gold rain on mermaids!"

AkiraDawnToday at 10:56 AM

The seagull, perched on the edge of the crow's nest (seagull's nest tyvm) with the perfect precision of a sleeping bird, cracks open an eye as the waves begin to wobble. "SQUAWK!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 10:57 AM

Raiya checked once again to make sure that the rope that secured her to the mast was tied securely. During any normal storm, she would have been on deck battening hatches and the like, or in the hold making sure the cargo was secure. But the Whirlpool was out there somewhere. "My sentiments exactly," she said to the mysterious seagull.

"You might want to get below decks," Raiya said to the bird. Why was she talking to a seagull? The creature seemed to have a level of awareness others of their kind didn't, judging by the way they looked one in the eye. And...well, there wasn't exactly anyone else up here to talk to. "The wind's going to get strong enough to carry you off."

littlekreenToday at 11:03 AM

Ezzeg and his webbed feet slapped across the deck as he looked over at the bird making noise and Raiya in the crow's nest tied down. Good, the roll of the ship would have a hell of a ride for one that far from the deck as the waves started to roll, "Keep an eye out for rogue waves standing above the rest, up there! We'll need to sail into them!"

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:05 AM

Pickles was not handling the bobbing and tilting of the sea very well, though it might've had something to do with the ridiculous amount of food she'd stuffed down her dragony maw. At least her treasure was secure! In the meantime, the tiny red dragon sat on a barrel, trusting the crew to handle things. "Blast these winds! I long for the days I can soar through the sky like a cutting knife!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:06 AM

"Aye," Raiya shouted back to Ezzeg. She had a quiver of signal flags ready for when the roar of wind and waves grew too loud for her voice to reach the deck. A check to make sure they were secure, but not entangled with one another, then another scan of the horizon.

AkiraDawnToday at 11:08 AM

The Gull tipped its head to affix one beady black eyes on Raiya. The depths of its soul were present in that clandestine moment as time stopped and two individuals met for the first time, for the last time. Then it pooped, as seagulls were wont to do, and dove off the crow's nest toward the deck. The act looked graceful, but was actually just desperation as the wind took her and spun her into a dance a few times before she landed in a heap near the bow of the ship.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:23 AM

Raiya gave a little head-shake at the seagull's response, and made an internal note to avoid putting her hand on that part of the crow's nest railing, at least until the rain washed the poop away. However, she'd dealt with things a lot worse than seagull poop since she'd taken to sea. There had been many times that she'd had to clench her jaw and do things the high-born girl she'd once been would have shrunk away from. Her once-soft hands were earning calluses, and she was already getting used to climbing up and down the rigging. The Family would surely sneer at her if they could see her now, but she did things every day that none of them could manage in a million years.With her physical security taken care of as well as she could manage, she raised her left hand, the first two fingers pointing forward, then began chanting an incantation as she slowly turned. Faint gray-white light trailed from her fingers as she drew a protective circle around herself, then drew a pentagram in the air at each of the cardinal directions. It was a basic protection spell, the most potent she could actually perform. Hopefully it would be enough to keep the lightning away.

littlekreenToday at 11:24 AM

Ezzeg was with the sails to lower them slightly with the rigging as the wind was picking up and would only get worse as they got closer, "Reef the sails and man the bilge pumps! We'll need control as we get into the storm!"

AkiraDawnToday at 11:30 AM

Enough was enough - being a seagull was nice and all, great vantage point and you could get away with a hell of a lot. But Elana was going to die here without the use of her hands! In an ungainly flash, the druid transformed from a pile of feather and bone into a full grown woman in leathers. She was still in a heap on the bow, but at least she could hold on now... ", thank you!" she called out to Raiya, then she trained her attention on Ezzeg. "What's a bilge pump?!"

littlekreenToday at 11:34 AM

Ezzeg locked eyes on the druid as she flopped to the deck and snorted between hauls of a line with some of the other crew, "Figured the bird was somethin' more fae plaything! As the storm and whirlpool get riled up we're gonna take on water. Bilge pump is belowdecks. Look for the tube and crank!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:36 AM

Raiya was just finishing up her spell when she felt another pulse of magic. The "seagull" turned into a woman! She called out thanks to Raiya and said something about a bilge pump. At least she didn't seem hostile, for the moment. Unless occasionally pooping on crew-members or in inconvenient places counted as "hostile." Good luck living that down, Raiya thought wryly. But for now, an extra pair of hands at the bilge pumps would be welcome.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:42 AM

Pickles was not one to do hard labor, so she merely stayed seated on her barrel, now scowling jealously about the enchanted bird now taking true form again. Essentially making the >:[ face about not getting to be her own full sized glorious, beautiful, devastating self.

  • AkiraDawnToday at 11:44 AM

    Elana got to her feet unsteadily as the deck heaved. She'd been a seagull for so long it felt very odd to be in her human form again, let alone on a ship heading into a storm. She was nothing if not persistent though, and she set her jaw as she slowly, unsteadily made her way forward to the stairs to head below, hanging on to ropes, railings, other crew members, as she went."Cranks and tubes," she was mumbling under her breath as the wind whipped her hair around her face. "Get to the crank, I can do this." She saw Pickles scowling at her and blinked her big brown eyes. From her blurry memories as a gull, this was the not to piss her off. Probably didn't help that she used Pickles as a handhold on the way below... "Gotta man the pump bilge," she mumbled as she passed.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:46 AM

Mimi had made herself useful keeping to the lines by the sails. The slack for the moment seemed good and the mutineers were actually doing their jobs well. Of course they were. They could all die if someone did something stupid. "So many magic users with useless skills," Mimi muttered.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:48 AM

If Pickles had fur, she'd now be puffed up at the unceremonious hand that landed on her. Instead she'd had to leap to her dragony claws, arched her long scaley back and bared all of her teeths! That was as far as went, though... even a spoiled dragon knew better than to eat the crew during a storm!

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:50 AM

If there was doubts about an elf at the wheel during a major storm, no one seemed to protest. It probably wouldn't have ended well anyways. Ken's temper seemed as turbulent as the storm. Fortunately for all hands he seemed to actually know how to handle the storm. It probably helped that this was not Pickles' and his first crew or second.

littlekreenToday at 11:55 AM

Ezzeg saw the ruffling as the crew moved to the last set of sails to reef and just rolled his eyes at the sudden were-gull just to reply to Mimi, "Mine come with duty and a cost. Mutineers they may be but I don't have the gold 'r time to raise a skeleton crew!"Hollering back to Ken he loudly announced, "If you need us to shake out the reef you ain't gonna turn well but you'll go forward real quick!"

AkiraDawnToday at 11:56 AM

Elana withdrew her hand from Pickle's conveniently handle like haunch as the mini dragon reared up and bared her teeth at her! "Oh, sorry, sorry!" she said, making placating gesture with both hands as she backed away and tripped over some rope coiled on the deck.She fell backward and into the stairwell leading below, and was lost from sight as she tumbled on down to the sound of mingled cries and very bird-like SQUAWK!s"Well, I made it below," she said to herself ruefulling as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Crank, where's the crank? And tubes, there were supposed to be tubes..."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:59 AM

Ken considered the options. Getting out of the storm was probably their priority at this point. As much as he disliked losing mobility ... "Shake it out!"

"Cap'n should give you the gold. Won't happen but that's why we're out here I suppose." Mimi was grinning wickedly as she side eyed the untrustworthy men on deck.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:07 PM

Raiya did not hear Mimi's comment, though she'd caught similar mutterings from crewmembers in the past. She wasn't much good as a magic user either, which was why she was here in the first place. There was an absolutely enormous amount of things to learn about how to sail a ship, though she now knew the difference between a standing block and a fiddle block, and the surprising range of useful things one could accomplish through various arrangements of loops and knots in rope. The ship was still a book of which she'd only read the first few pages, but she found herself taking to it, enjoying the challenge. Not that her serious visage revealed such pleasures. The world will eat your heart if you ever reveal where it truly lies. Words of wisdom from her mother that came with grim and bloody bedtime stories, trying to prepare her for life in House Karpov and the Morngovian Imperial Court.
She pushed those thoughts away and did another sweep of the horizon.

littlekreenToday at 12:10 PM

Ezzeg nodded and made hand motions at the crew as the storm raged around them. The masts and deck creaking as the harsh winds shook and torqued. He didn't quite know the wind speed but started directing crew to undo the masts reefs one by one from the top down. cabling pulling knots out of itself and freeing the masts little by little until they yanked the cord free on their own. He held onto the mainmast watching as much as keeping an eye on the ropes and netting as the shipwright tried to hold the tall spars from breaking or flexing too far by shaking out unevenly.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:14 PM

Ken trusted the crew was keeping the rigging where it needed to be. His job was to try to keep them on course. The lightning was lightning up the clouds more often and Ken's ears wilted at the accompanying thunder. Then to starboard the sky light up as lightning hit the waves.

AkiraDawnToday at 12:15 PM

The storm had come, and Elana could hear it raging above deck. Rain blew in, plastering her hair to her face as she looked around the dim confines of below decks. A couple other crew were already there, manning the pumps with wide, worried eyes. She joined them, placing one pale hand on one of the cranks, the leaned in to whisper loudly, "How do we know when to start," she made cranky cranking motions with her arms. "You know, cranking?"The man just looked at her like she was insane - which may have some truth to it. "Oh, you'll know, lassie. You'll know," he said.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:18 PM

"The skies are giving us fiiiire!" shouted Pickles now with a bit of excitement. Though she wasn't keen on all the wet rain and the movement of the ocean, a little red dragon could never resist the call of electric energy! She now pranced along the railings of the deck, leaving little claw marks whenever a gust of wind threatened to take her wings.

littlekreenToday at 12:21 PM

As the last and largest sails freed themselves from their reef with an angry unzipping of knotwork the ship shuddered to full sail. Angry wind fought with the rigging as there was barely enough manpower to keep them from growing loose or the sails from tacking the wrong way. They probably couldn't reef the sails again under this kind of wind. He eyed Pickles hopping around railings in the gale of winds with a certian dutiful worry, "Careful Cap'n, the ship can't turn around no more!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:23 PM

Well, here we go... Raiya thought. She didn't even know enough about rigging and angles of attack toward wind and waves to know if the rest of the crew were doing all the things that needed to be done in time and correctly. She had no choice but they were. She flinched a little as a streak of lightning hit the waves to starboard. She definitely wasn't sharing the little dragon's enthusiasm. But there wasn't anything she could do about the lightning that she hadn't already done, so there was nothing for it but to cling tightly to the railing with one hand, shield her eyes with the others, and search the seas and horizon for threats.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:26 PM

Even sea toughed individuals could slip in a storm like this and as the ship pitched Mimi saw one of the men slid, his death in the waves if she didn't reach out and grabbed him. Keeping her own footing to save this one and not go into the drink was tricky but she was of strong orken stock and she was not giving up crew to the Sea today.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:31 PM

Out in the stormy horizon there was a looming shadow in the sky... Was it getting closer?

AkiraDawnToday at 12:36 PM

Being below decks, crowded in among the other crew members manning the bilge, it was dim and loud and disorienting - and boring despite the tension laced air. Elana and the two men simply stood there and held on, trying to keep their footing as they anxiously awaited the call to begin pumping - probably right around the point at which the ship started sinking.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:38 PM

Raiya grabbed a bright yellow signal flag with a pair of blue stripes that would indicate the direction of potential danger, pulled it from the quiver and started waving it, then pointed the flagpole at the shadow. "IN THE SKY, OFF THE STARBOARD BOW!" she called out.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:43 PM

Ken saw the flag. Between the recent strike and Raiya's warning flag he nudged the ship port. Even as he did so a worrying thought came over him. "Wish I knew if she had True Sight. The storm seems natural enough but there's a taste in the air…"

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:45 PM

As the lightning grew stronger, there was certainly that strange sour taste of unnatural electricity... and that shadow in the clouds was growing nearer and nearer. Getting bigger and bigger!

littlekreenToday at 12:49 PM

There were only so many places you could seal up below without smothering the crew and the sea did its best to fill the lowest bilge of the ship as they raged against the dark of the storm. An order to start pumping didn't take long after the yellow flags caught Ezzeg's eye. A threat off starboard noticed as Ezzeg dutifully watched and directed tallblood crew to rigging where sailors were needed so the ship didn't tear itself apart under the crash of waves and wind. Now a different force had come for them among the clouds. He went to one of the portholes to belowdecks with a wild totter as the ship rolled and crashes of water from the hard and sharp turn at such a speed crashed waves below, "Start the bilges! Somethin' off starboard!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:58 PM

As soon as Raiya met eyes with Ken and knew that her message had been received, she secured the flag and wrapped her right arm around the mast to secure herself as the crow's nest swept back and forth in long, dipping arcs with the ship's swaying movements. Casting a True Sight spell took a couple tries in the distraction-filled environment, but once it was done, she drew a leather-wrapped spyglass from its holster and aimed it at the approaching shadow.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:03 PM

Pickles excitement seemed to wane... especially as the lightning grew stronger and a STENCH OF ANCIENT MAGIC was in the air. Her scaly hackles rose... "...IT IS ONE OF THE OLD ONES. BRACE FOR DISASTER!"

AkiraDawnToday at 1:05 PM

"Here we go, lassie!" said the crew member next to Elana as the call to start cranking filtered down through the rain and thunder and whipping wind above. And crank they did - it didn't take long to get into a rhythm, up, down, up down, not too fast, not too slow. The rhythm of it was contagious and the two men suddenly burst into a sea shanty that must have been made just for times like this, where death breathed down their necks and they could do nothing other than their job best they could.The sound filtered up to the rest of the crew despite the raging storm, a bright note on in otherwise terrifying moment - completely out of place and so fiercely alive because of it.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:13 PM

This wasn't what Ken was expecting, but things had been going too well. Yes mutineers and a party island that wanted to keep you forever was too well for them. Keeping both hands on the wheel he started murmuring in old elvish, with some ancient draconian mixed in. It was hard to tell if it was a prayer or a spell, but sometimes things of yore were both. He had a responsibility to keep them safe so Pickles could be herself once more.

littlekreenToday at 1:14 PM

Ezzeg stood up with a hard expression after hearing the call from pickles. A part of his duty he could answer that she had asked to brace against an enemy, whatever it was. The token of a dracolich under his jerkin glowed as the witchknight called out in a practiced draconic, "In the name of Zayndanties the Bloodied, I march to war for her and her own!"The faint thumping echoed in the captain's quarters for a blackened shadow to shoot from under the door across the deck to the alarm of several sailors in chase of Ezzeg heading toward Pickles. He needed Ken to sail and someone had to protect the Cap'n even if he was sure Ken had something up his pointy eared sleeve. As the shadow caught up with him black suit of rockwool lined plate formed upward from his body. Sharp and angular with a helmet he could crouch and close. A drakehammer where a simple hammer usually was on his side and clanked over to Pickles as the thunder and lighting cast no shadows from him on the deck but a faint set of clawed hands holding him to dead wood decking.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:14 PM

"Holy shit. I've heard of these but never…." Mimi was use to manning trading vessels. Fighting pirates was usually the worst of things and that was fun.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:17 PM

Swooping out of the clouds was indeed something ancient and massive... an icy blue dragon! Scales shimmering off arcs of electricity. It was not the fabled thief that stole Pikela's mountain of gold... but this was for certain no friend of theirs either! As it charged down towards the ship it shot out a massive bolt of lightning!

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:27 PM

Raiya felt the ancient magic coming over her in waves. Her True Sight revealed an aura of great power, just before the huge winged shape burst from the clouds crackling with electrical arcs. She dropped her spyglass to dangle from its lanyard. Her eyes were wide with fear, and there was literally nothing she could do. None of her spells would even bother such a beast, unless she got supremely lucky and hit it in the eye or something. Even then, she might just irritate it enough to make her its first target. Her mind scrambled to think of something even as her heart pounded. Is this how I die?

AkiraDawnToday at 1:30 PM

The song was lost as the two crewman and Elana instinctively stopped what they were doing and ducked for cover as the sound of lighting up close and personal sundered the sky.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:32 PM

The lightning struck the deck, right in the middle of the ship. It was enough to punch a hole in it and a fire should have started then and there. The hole though only smoked and there was a green glow around the edges. Ken did not glance away from the path he was piloting the ship, but his utterances were faster. Slowly there seemed to be tendrils of young shoots coming from the edges of the hole on deck.

littlekreenToday at 1:36 PM

Intended for insulation against fire or cold, electricity was a different animal entire. If he had to Ezzeg would meet Cap'n Pickles and use himself as a shield against the bolt coming down but thankfully did not have to take the strike direct. The spike on the armored tail wrapped around as he braced against the strike scattering wood everywhere.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:39 PM

"BUGGAR OFF YOU OLD SENILE SHRIVEL DICKED FORGOTTEN BUZZ OF THE PAST!" shrieked Pickles at the sky with all the fury a tiny little red dragon could muster. "Someone throw me up there, I'll lay his body to the sea!"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:48 PM

Mimi didn't think throwing the small dragon up to take action with the bigger one was the best idea, but she was a Captain. "You really sure about this?"

AkiraDawnToday at 1:49 PM

The two crewman and Elanalooked up from where they were crouched under the cranks for the bilge pump and a hole appeared above their heads. The druid narrowed her eyes as the wood on the edges of the gap began to grow. "Nature magic," she said, pushing up her sleeves and heading for the stairs even as the ship beneath her continued to buck and heave to the tune of the storm. "Maybe I can be useful, after all.""Sure thing lassie, you do you," called one of the crewman as she headed up the stairs. She poked her head out, holding on to the railing as she did so, trying to understand what she was seeing!

littlekreenToday at 1:49 PM

Ezzeg made a dark laugh that clattered the face guard as he crouched over the raging Pickles and tried to redirect to something that wouldn't get her slashed open, "Show the buzzard up top what for, Cap'n? Mimi has a point. I'n do that instead if you keep Ken at the wheel or the old scale might sink your hoard! Have your lads man a cannon!"It was a fickle thing, fighting an airborne dragon, but getting up there was the hardest part and throwing a dragon might work if it wasn't a gale. He sent one leg backward and chanted a prayer in draconic as the armor grew blacker trying to shadow step onto the huge creature's back.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:57 PM

Raiya flinched as secondary arcs from the dragon's massive lightning bolt were steered away from her--barely--by her protection magic. Someone grabbed the bow-chaser, turned the small cannon at the attacking dragon and fired. The shot either missed or did no damage, and the lightning dragon swooped past the ship, then pulled up to come around for another attack. Raiya's dark eyes searched the deck for something, anything that might be useful--there! She spotted a marlinspike stowed with coils of rope under repair. She reached for it with her telekinesis. Eyes closed in concentration, she pulled, and pulled and wiggled, until she got it free, then levitated it into the air. The attacking dragon opened its mouth to unleash another sheet of lightning. A bright blue-violet halo of St. Elmo's Fire flared around the foot-long steel spike as Raiya levitated it in the air in the dragon's path.The lightning from the dragon's mouth steered toward it, hit it, and discharged from the pointed end, which Raiya aimed at the water, causing the attack to disperse into the waves.

AkiraDawnToday at 2:01 PM

Chaos greeted Elana as she emerged from below decks. She immediately cast barkskin on herself. Her pale skin rippled and shone with golden light which resolved itself into the tough, greybrown bark of the stoneyew tree from her homeland. With that, she strode confidently up on deck, her staff appearing in one hand and a green ball of fire in her other. She looked pretty impressive, standing there all baddass with her hair whipping about in the wind and a determined look on her face. Then she was thrown unceremoniously to the deck as another wave crashed against the hull of the ship.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:03 PM

What magic of Ken's was now protecting the ship? Would someone obey Pickle's insane request to be thrown at the attacking dragon? Could Mimi be eyeballing the treasure? How could Lamont and Porkchop sleep through all this! Are the others even going to be able to survive!FIND OUT IF THEY SURVIVE THIS BLUE DRAGON ON THE NEXT PICKLES AND THE GANG!

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 10:37 AM

WE OPEN TO A BLUE DRAGON SENDING LIGHTNING DOWN AND AROUND OUR SAILING SHIP... It had not said a word so far, but it was clear the goal was to be sure the boat was destroy and all it's crew was sank to the bottom of the sea.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 10:51 AM

    The blue dragon swatted the marlinspike away with casual ease. The red-hot metal twirled away to splash into the sea. The beast turned its attention toward Raiya and swooped toward the crow's nest, deadly sickle-shaped claws reaching for her tender flesh.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 10:58 AM

    "Enemy of the Captain's?" Mimi asked no one in particular as she tried to keep a steady footing. She didn't have any specialized skills to help fight a dragon, and so she focused her attention on the boat. The hole seemed to be no longer an issue, but with men panicking there were fewer manning the rigging.

  • littlekreenToday at 11:01 AM

    A large blue dragon closed in on the crow's nest as a growing shadow of Ezzeg mustered the power to slip through the dark. A dark mass once a black-plated kobold crawls up the mast in a shade of deeper dark not to intercept the claws but for a shadow to step aboard the dragon itself. A piton to jam between a mountain of scale and wrath had to go first to help keep him aboard.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:02 AM

    Ken looked annoyed, and he was. He yelled in modern draconian, not really expecting the blue to hear him over the waves and it's attack on his ship. "Not enough treasure to temp you, you annoying beast. Go pick on someone else why don't you brat." Anyone that could understand probably would have thought it foolish to be calling the dragon attacking your ship a brat, but Ken either was too stupid to know better or very much knew exactly what he was doing.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:08 AM

    Perhaps Ken did know what he was doing, because while Ezzeg's shadow had hit it's mark and made it's scales give a mighty shudder, it was the elf's words that made it flap hard in mid flight to bellow. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME AS SUCH, CHILD OF THE FOREST. I AM MORE ANCIENT THAN EVEN THAT PITIFUL SPARK OF RED YOU HARBOR."

  • "Pitiful?! PITIFUL?! WAIT UNTIL I GET UP THERE, YOU FLYING BAG OF HOLLOW BONES." shouted the tiny vermillion, flapping her own wings to take flight in the turmelent storm of wind, with every intent of meeting this giant dragon right there in the sky itself for the most impressive of dragon battles.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:15 AM

    Ken was having trouble keeping the ship on a steady course, keeping up the spells, though having someone with Druidic magic helped and parle with an idiot. He took a few steps to grab the closest sailor. "Keep her on course. Ignore all," waves his hand around. "This." He pushed the sailor to the wheel and looked up to where Pickles' was flying with labor. "Ancient enough not to pick a losing fight? Because this is going to be your downfall if you continue!"

  • littlekreenToday at 11:17 AM

    The faint gleam of Ezzeg's eyes came first as the dragon flapped hard enough for Ezzeg to get his legs materialized from under him. The cam piton on his belt to hold against gale breath unhooked from his side as the shadow poured away. Stamping forward toward the massive shoulder blades quickly set the spike to leverage up a scale. He didn't have the weapon to break the flesh but the scales made an anchor just fine. The drakehammer in his other hand glowed a feral green as the witchknight started a necrotic smite of his hammer where he guessed the wing's nerves would rightly be.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:33 AM

Raiya started to duck behind the mast just as a massive burst of wind from the dragon's wings hit her, nearly tossing her off, but she was able to grab onto the handrail and hang on for dear life. She had only barely heard scraps of Ken's and Pikela's taunts over the roar of wind and waves, but they had apparently done the trick, as the attacking dragon was now hovering over the ship and bellowing out taunts of its own.It was everything she could do just to hang on as the mast swayed wildly in the storm. Wind and rain beat at her, and electrostatic charges from the blue dragon's proximity crawled across her skin. She tried to find something else she could use as a weapon, but with the increasing downpour, she couldn't make anything out on deck that she could use with her telekinesis.
Waiting for the first thing resembling a pause in the mast's flailing, she pulled her dagger from her boot and gathered her concentration and levitated it just above the blue dragon's head, out of sight. "YOU GIANT COWARD! TOO SCARED TO FIGHT A DRAGON YOUR OWN SIZE!" Raiya shouted. The dragon's gigantic head swung around to face her, its maw opening wide, fat arcs of electricity crackling between its teeth."I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT--" it shouted, when she brought her dagger up and shoved it into the beast's maw. Would it be any more than an annoying splinter? Probably not, but it was all she had. Raiya head a loud plink of metal on metal--a glowing hammer between the dragon's shoulder blades was all she could see.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:41 AM

An attack on two fronts -- the terrible blow to it's winged nerves and the dagger stabbing inside it's mighty maw. Either alone might've just been a pesky thing, but both at the same time managed to throw the blue dragon back as it shuddered with pain, howled an angry cry and shook it's massive head trying to shake free that daggar inside it's jowls. Just in time for Pickles to flap her way close enough to heave a deep breath and spew what was an incredibly impressive amount of flames for such a small dragon, straight into the beast's eyes. The result, unfortunately was the blue dragon sending a shock wave of electricity in all directions! Wild, unfiltered! A bright blue explosion of lightning!

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:49 AM

Whatever barriers or wards that were on place of the ship kept the structure intact. However it did not account for the shockwave that shook all off their feet and a couple of unfortunate individuals into the church sea below. Ken watched in horror as the ship seemed to sail sideways, away from the blue dragon and those atop it. When the ship was at rest once more, or as much in a stormy sea, the lightning of the dragon was but a bright speck in the dark sky.

littlekreenToday at 11:52 AM

As Ezzeg's pointed drakehammer pours pain and rot into the source of lift others come to meet the dragon headlong. as it shuddered with pain however Ezzeg lost his footing and is launched forward with clang of his anchor around the scale slamming him into scales with clang. The electricity rolled over the metal suit and he convulsed with his own pain barely insulated by the rockwool lining and flung downward again as the piton slipped free hurling him at the water below.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:56 AM

Raiya scrambled to hide behind the mast as sheets of lightning came her way. They hit the circle of her protection spell, causing the sigils she'd drawn in he air earlier to glow brightly with blue-white light before they shattered into briefly-flickering magical mist. The mast absorbed most of the shock, but some of the tentacles of electricity curled around to strike Raiya. She cried out in pain before a sudden surge of motion swept her off of the crow's nest, and the next thing she knew, she was dangling from the rope she'd tied herself to the mast with. She swung back and forth like a yo-yo, convulsing from the lightning.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:01 PM

With the ship having been push so far, far away from the blue dragon it seemed those that were still on the ship (or were lucky enough to land back on it) were now safe from it's unexpected attack. That distant blue light in the sky vanished, appearing that the dragon too deemed this battle not worth any further efforts. Thew crew was safe once more....but where was Pickles! She'd flown to blast that dragon with her tiny flame but in the fray of lightning strikes, where was the little dragon now?!

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:08 PM

Ken gathered himself up, a sting of curses coming from him as he ran to the port side to look out at the sea. The small dot of lightning disappearing. "Turn to port, now!"
"Not going to be fast enough to turn before we lose our barrings!" Warned one of the men. "I don't care, we are going back for her." Ken yelled at the man and then started back up to the wheel. However there were several men in his path. "We'd all like to live and not have another round with that blue dragon," said one of them. "Say we'd be already dead without him. Think maybe you should reconsider," Mimi smiled from behind Ken.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:14 PM

Nearby Ezzeg who'd been tossed into the ocean waters came a garbled cursing cry! A few tiny splashes and a pitiful coughing spit. There was Pikela, having barely managed to clamber her way onto a floating piece of debris from the ship. Sopping wet and bedraggled, maybe a little singed. Alive, but certainly not happy about this current predicament.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:19 PM

Raiya barely missed the mast on her next swing, and as she reached the top of her arc, she just had a feeling she wouldn't be lucky again. Her vision was filled with bright green retinal afterglow from the lightning, and her body still twitched. But now the mast was looming toward her out of the darkness. Or she toward it. Either way, the collision was inevitable.Grasping for feeble shreds of her wits, she managed to grab the rope above her and pull her legs up to try and cushion the upcoming impact and push against the mast with every last bit of her feeble telekinesis. She hit. One of her feet slipped, and she slammed into the mast. Dizziness and darkness fought to steal the last light of her consciousness. Feeling the warm-wet of blood on her forehead mixing with the cold-wet of the rain, Raiya wrapped her arms and legs around the mast and hung on for dear life.

littlekreenToday at 12:23 PM

Ezzeg came to slightly under the water having been knocked unconscious if not by the electricty than the impact of water more like wet concrete at height. Sinking quickly at first, his lungs quickly started filling with air from the gills quietly working. As his groggy mind restarted to darkened blur the water became apparent and he was slowly drifting downward. Too heavy to float but not so heavy he couldn't swim up. The blur of water sharpens with a third eyelid shooting across and righted himself in the water. The hammer he'd have to replace but for now he just released the hold of his bound weapon on the rapidly sinking tool.Swimming upward when slightly sinking was not a particularly easy endeavor as he swam upward toward the tiny splashing shard of flotsam in the flashing dark. He'd have to hold onto something to speak so just poked at Pickles as he got closer.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:28 PM

    The next few moments went quickly as two of the stupidest tried to attack Ken & Mimi. Ken didn't even bother to fight, just evading well enough to get to the wheel. Mimi meanwhile enjoyed throwing the two onto the lower deck and then asked, "Any others?" The rest melted back to their posts, and seeing that Ken had no trouble taking back the wheel she was about to do the same until she looked up at the mast. "Oh mighty warrior, you are indeed in need of help." Without much forethought she started up to try to reach Raiya.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:44 PM

    I...should get back up... Raiya thought. The sway of the mast was too disorienting for her to figure out exactly which way was up, so she just clung to the mast's rough solidity. Everything else just kept rolling and swooshing around too much."Oh mighty warrior, you are indeed in need of help," a voice said. Wasn't that the Orcish lady from the fey island? Which didn't make sense, since that was also the crewmember Raiya thought fit the description of "mighty warrior" best. Well, her and the Kobold, since he had armor and heavy weapons. Ken was a mighty mage, but that was different...sort of?Raiya shook her head to try to clear it. Big mistake. The world whirled around her, and she almost lost her grip on the mast. She did catch a glimpse of the warrior woman climbing up the rigging past her to the crow's nest, then felt a powerful tug on the rope tied around her waist. Raiya half climbed, half flailed her way back up, but it was Mimi's strength that got her there.Clambering back over the railing and dizzily finding her feet, she suddenly found herself at a loss for words for the woman who had...rescued her. No one had ever...done that before.A too-long silence, then: "Uh...thank you..." Raiya stammered.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:49 PM

"We're crewmates. You'da same for me. You rest up. Might still need your special skills. I'll keep a look out for now." Mimi gave a grin, not all toothy like she did when gunning for a fight but something close to a kind smile one would see on a relative, if one had kind relatives. It was still orcish, but it was warm. Mimi then turned to look out at the sky and waves before them. "No idea how HE expects to find the li'l cap'n though…"

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:52 PM

As pitiful as Pickles was, as soon as she caught sight of Ezzeg, her little claws grabbed onto him and held on to both him and the piece of floating drift she'd found for herself. It wasn't big enough for him to climb up on, but she had some fresh ideas.... With some huffing and puffing she starting simmering out plumes of smoke. Fireballs in the sky would've been better, but she was so sopping wet, plumes of smoke was currently the best she could do for a signal.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:56 PM

The ship was pointed in the correct direction to return to where they'd face the Blue, but the skies were still dark from the storm that had not let up. Still with a stern look Ken kept the ship on her new course.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:57 PM

We're crewmates. Raiya's mind toyed with the idea like someone who had found a strange alien artifact, trying to figure out what it was and if it worked. But Mimi's final words pushed those thoughts and feelings aside. "Find the...captain?" she said.Through the fog that still choked her mind, Raiya could only imagine how lost the tiny dragon could have become in the storm. Her vision still struggling to clear, the only thing she could think to do was fumble at her waist until she found the scabbard for her spyglass, pull the cylinder of leather-wrapped metal out and hold it out in Mimi's direction.

littlekreenToday at 12:59 PM

Ezzeg gave a thumbs up as he tread water to keep afloat though his arms and limbs grew as sore as his chest. He probably had bruised ribs but when Pickles grabbed onto his helmet pulled him closer he felt the less than comfortable kind of twinge in his chest. Avoiding a grip on the flotsam that might sink her started swimming toward another shard bobbing in the waves trying to hold her flotsam up like a serving tray.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:01 PM

Mimi took the spyglass from Raiya's outstretched hand, patting the top of her hand in a warm gesture before turning with it to look out in the horizon. "Could be anywhere," Mimi muttered softly as she scanned the sky slowly. She did a double take when straight ahead it looked like a discoloration of the clouds. "Could that be…?" She glanced at Raiya, hold the glassback out. "Ahead, is that smoke?"

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:12 PM

A moment of peace and safety while someone else was in charge. Not something Raiya was used to in the least. But it gave her a chance to try and clear her mind. The moment ended with the spyglass being held out to her. Her TrueSight had been dispelled during the battle, so she used up the rest of her mana pool to--barely--cast it again.She took the spyglass in a shaking hand and panned it across the horizon. Puffs of smoke being shredded by wind and rain were not easy to tell apart from the clouds, but they did cast dark smudges Raiya was able to pick out from the background, and trace toward their source. There! Two magical auras!"There!" she called out, pointing. "About..." Her still-fuzzy mind wrestled with the estimation for a moment. "...Ten point...uh...four?...degrees to starboard!"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:17 PM

    "Good job, now rest," Mimi suggested, but with the pressure she lightly put on Raiya's shoulder to sit down it was more than a mere suggestion. Looking down where Ken was, she wasn't sure he heard the mage and was about to announce it louder. But she noticed the shift of the ship. It was way too slow in Ken's mind to get the ship where it needed to be. The ocean was not a friend to a small dragon, no matter how fierce and brave. But she collected friends that were to aid her. That he was sure of.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:23 PM

    As Ezzeg neared another piece of flotsam he grabbed that instead. It wasn't enough to climb on either but it bought time as he felt his arms tiring from the effort. He sprayed water from the helmet with a gasp with enough lift to breathe air as he bobbed slightly between words, "Can't beat... the shit out... of your enemies... if I don't get closer... eh Cap'n?"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:27 PM

    Raiya's knees buckled under the pressure, and she crumpled to an awkward seat, leaned against the railing. Really, Mimi could have knocked her over with a feather at that point. A surge of fear shot through her: she'd shown weakness! The one crime that never went unpunished. But there was nothing she could do about that now.At least she could feel the ship shifting direction in the way that she'd indicated. Hopefully they'd reach the little dragon and whoever was with her in time.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:32 PM

"Stop talking, you fool, you'll swallow the sea and sink to the bottom before I can save you!" puffed out Pickles the red dragon, but even she was losing steam... or smoke as the case may be. Huffing and puffing as much plumes as she could, but the little embers inside her were running out as fuel just as fast as she was running out of energy. With a final huffing spark, she splooted atop her flotsam with nothing left to give!

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:37 PM

There was in the gloom of the storm a large shadow that broke through. Her majestic sails puffed out as it caught the wind in a quarter fashion, Ken's ship, the Returner, finally came into view to her Captain and her guardian

littlekreenToday at 1:43 PM

Behind the helmet Ezzeg grinned at Pickles reply though leaned in concern as her hands grew slack against the helmet. With a groan of pain at the effort forced new bit of flotsam under the one supporting pickles. Holding onto the stack Ezzeg groaned in an effort to push toward the ship from behind with what he had left to keep him above water.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:56 PM

    "There they are!" Called out Mimi and no sooner as she called out and pointed she saw Ken once more grab a man, thankfully one that seemed to know more about ships than not. He then went to the bow and called out. "Ahoy my water logged friends. Ready to board?" Why was he so blasé about this? He sounded like he was suggesting tea time!

  • littlekreenToday at 2:00 PM

    Ezzeg got close enough to the ship and couldn't do much more than cling to a few barnacles with one hand and hold the flotsam with the other, wheezed, "Good to see the ship... in one piece! Need a line!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 2:03 PM

Hearing the words, it sounded like the crew had not only found their overboard members, but rescuing them would be a simple task, well in hand. We're crewmates. Those words, and their implications swirled around in Raiya's mind, along with worries over having let the Orc see her showing weakness. She considered trying to stand, try to appear strong. The mast dipped and swayed. ...Maybe just rest a little longer, she thought.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 2:05 PM

"I think we don't need your special skills for now. Why don't we get you down. Gather your strength. You'll have more to battle soon with the lot of this ship." Mimi kneeled down. "On my back you can hang on for now, yes?"

A line was quickly tossed over and Ken was on it. "I think Pickles deserves to be carried up. You've done good assisting her as always Ezzeg." Ken was going to make sure both were safely on board personally.

littlekreenToday at 2:12 PM

Ezzeg was partly waterlogged and heavier out of three water. Though the face between the visor of his black armor had forked scars didn't fight as he was carried up to the deck. "careful with the ribs, Ken. I'm half cooked. "

Zarko StraadiToday at 2:13 PM

"A--alright," Raiya said, tentatively wrapping her arms around Mimi's neck and her legs around her waist. What do I do? Will I ever live this down? she thought.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:14 PM

And so with a few casualties to the sea, the crew managed to recovery their saucy red captain and her kobold guardian before they sank into the ocean depths. Repairs on the Returner itself would be many if they wanted to make it to the Whirlpool of Destiny without sinking.Had Raiya finally found a place that could be considered home, with this band of strange mixmatched vagabonds? Are both Ken and Exxeg completly in love with Pickles the Dragon or was it simply an admired loyalty? ...down below in Ken's cabin, that interesting plant he'd brought aboard now seemed to be shivvering with delight. Bright little tendrils of electricity helped unfurl and big beautiful flower.FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON PICKLE'S WILD SEA ADVENTURES!

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 10:44 AM

IT'S A CALM FULL MOON NIGHT ON THE SEA... Our crew is a day or two away from the Whirlpool of Destiny. The majority of this motley band of sea fairers seem to be sleeping the night away cozily. Yet the twisting vines of a newly acquired flower tucked away in the elf's chamber are slowly starting to branch out and slither their way about the cabin...

littlekreenToday at 10:53 AM

Ezzeg had several bruised ribs from being swung like a mace into the back of the blue dragon and an ornate forked pattern of sear marks burned into his scales along the seams of his armor. Though found himself stripped of his armor and bandaged once he was conscious again the next day he mustered the energy to pile coins to pay the shadow drake he'd called to watch the hoard. He lay on something just off the floor that was soft at least.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:05 AM

Mimi was up on deck, not because she was on night watch, but because it was quiet. The night watch gave her no mind as she walked about, occasionally tapping on a deck board here or there.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:12 AM

Normally Pickles might opt for sleeping upon her piles of treasure, but after getting near dunked into the sea she presently had taken up residence curled up in Kenough's coat like some sort of hidden pocket minion once again. Snoozing away with lil smokey snores.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:17 AM

A small dragon rumbling against his ribs was not uncommon anymore but if awake Ken would have said it was not normal. He was not awake. At least not completely. "Stop it," he complained half asleep as something tickled his foot. He moved a little, the foot tucked under his other leg.

littlekreenToday at 11:29 AM

Ezzeg rustled as he blearily woke again to tiny serpentine shadow things crawling over his wounds that scatter at the light of consciousness. He sat up with a wince and looked at the table with three coins beside his bunk. Shadow drakes were patient beasties, if they knew you were good for the coin, but it was wise to pay your hoardwatch on time, before sunrise. He sighed and stood up to grab the coins if in bandages only though the more related to dragon that kobolds were the rather less there was to see.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:34 AM

Between her aches and pains and the occasional dragon-based nightmare, Raiya's sleep had been fitful. There was one more thing that finally made her sit up in her bunk: the matter of returning the things she'd pinched from Ken's hidden room on the day she'd met him. With all the chaos the crew had gone through since then, it seemed like it would be easier to get away with just keeping the things than trying to return them.Sneak back into the room and put them back? But what if he'd searched the room thoroughly? So far as she knew, she was the only person who had been there since she'd taken them, and if they suddenly "reappeared," he would probably know she was responsible. Furthermore, if he'd already searched the room, he might not search it again. The issue had not come up yet, but from what Raiya had heard of such things, thievery on a ship received especially brutal punishments. Which was why just going up to him and returning the items with an apology was not an option.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:37 AM

Creeeeping, twiiiiisting, crawling went long green vines. Filling the elf's cabin with a wonderful soothing scent of something oh so lovely from the ever larger growing blossom that was still nestled in it's original pot. Vines slipped under the door and into the wooden halls of the lower decks.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:43 AM

So: Raiya needed a way to return the items to some place that Kennough would look within a reasonable time period. Having seen him use magic to re-grow parts of the ship, it occurred to her that the acorns especially might be important for him to have if the ship were damaged. That affected everyone. But it also had to be a place he hadn't searched recently, a place where he might think he'd misplaced the items, if she were to have even a chance of getting away with it.Problem with that: she didn't know nearly enough about his habits to know of such a place. He probably knows they're stolen by now, she thought. But he doesn't know it wasn't one of the mutineers. As long as he doesn't know who gave them back, it should be alright...

  • Squirming out of her bunk, Raiya silently made her way toward the Elf's cabin. Sneak in, place the items, sneak out. Maybe the fact that she'd bonked her head a couple times during the battle had something to do with why she couldn't think of a better approach, or maybe there wasn't one. Either way, she certainly felt like she was about to do something stupid and dangerous.

littlekreenToday at 11:46 AM

Ezzeg saw the vines but given the boat with less than a giant hole in the deck started to wonder what kind of tree was in the pot to start with. He tapped his way over to the Cap'n's quarters and sniffed at scent on the air. Once he got to the door he'd knock softly then let himself in.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:48 AM

Mimi sniffed the air, there was almost something sweet on the breeze but it was so faint she almost hadn't noticed it, but now that she did she stopped and took a deep breath. Was there another hidden island? "Ho, watch, anything ahead?" The no she got back was confusing

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:00 PM

The scent was so lovely, so so lovely... soothing and calming. As if all the world's problems were finally not so bad and everything felt at peace. Ezzeg found himself opening into a cabin full of green leafy leaves everywhere. The room was so full of plant life, one could not see anything else! Where WAS that elf and the dragon in all that leafy mess?!

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:02 PM

Raiyapeered around a corner, down to the corridor leading to the Captain's quarters, but the Kobold warrior was already there tapping on the door. Well, so much for that i-- she thought, just as she tripped over a rope, her fumbling-shuffling as she caught herself making her innards freeze. "What the--" she hissed under her breath. There weren't supposed to be ropes just lying around below decks. They always had to be kept neatly coiled, for this very reason.When she looked down though, she saw that it wasn't a rope, but a vine. And was it...moving? Visibly growing? She'd seen vines clutched around old statues, their roots breaking through the pavement at their bases, and decided that something of the sort happening to her ship was definitely a Bad Thing.She sniffed briefly at the sweet scent--Pickela having a late-night soak in scented bathwater? It seemed like the sort of thing the little dragon would do. Raiya made her way to the Captain's stateroom door and knocked. Sure, Ezzeg had gone in, but he had higher rank. That scent was...awfully strong. Pickles must have really gone overboard with the perfume!

littlekreenToday at 12:03 PM

Ezzeg wandered into the room and rose an eyebrow at the place. Ken definitely redecorated and he rather liked it against the throbbing pain that reminded him of each rib's existence. This was... a little much though. He trudged through the vines and held up the coins to whisper, "Horde watcher, your due is here." As another knock came from behind him he glanced back toward it for a moment.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:07 PM

A tendril of vine wrapped itself around Ezzeg's ankles and JERKED! The kobold hit the cabin floor and found himself being dragged through the leafy green towards the blossom that was now so large, with a dripping bell full of sticky liquid that it could easily fit a person or two inside... and it appeared to be the plant's plan as it dragged Ezzeg to it!

littlekreenToday at 12:10 PM

Being slammed to the floor flared Ezzeg's vision with white hot complains from each bruise and started swearing in low draconic as his vision swam. The claws on his hands weren't quite sharp from the nature of his work but slashed at the double image of vines anyway. louder he painfully growled, "Agh, what plant madness from the island!"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:14 PM

    Mimi was surprised to find herself wandering close to the Captain's quarters. This was not where she wanted to be, and yet… As she got closer she saw Raiya and grinned to herself. As she was about to say something she heard a muffled distressed sound. "Ezzeg!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:14 PM

"Hoard watcher, your due is here." The words from inside the room didn't make sense to Raiya. Neither did the eerie feeling of peace and safety. Raiya shook her head, and tried breathing through her mouth. A scented magical perfume with calming effects? She couldn't actually blame the dragon for 'overdosing' on something like that, given all that the little vermillion and her crew had been through recently.A thump-drag, and a growled comment about 'plant madness' from within. The effects of the flowery scent made her want to just calmly wait at the door--nothing to worry about, surely! However, the feeling of being at peace with nothing to worry about was such an alien sensation that it was worrisome by itself. Raiya opened the door, eyes going wide at the sight of the jungle within.

littlekreenToday at 12:23 PM

Ezzeg had trouble focusing in the contrasting demand for relaxing safety and ribs that were screaming obscenities out his mouth as the thing dangled him upside down by everything that hurt, [Cracked birth lazy pairbond dragon thief!] At least until he heard the door rustle open and saw the orc with her voice more than Raiya, "Shotgun in my toolchest! Fire shells!"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:25 PM

With the door being opened by Raiya. Mimi's tension from hearing Ezzeg disbursed. In a much more relaxed state she walked in. "It's like a little paradise in here, no?" She asked Raiya not considering the other woman might not have heard her approach. She was however more startled by Ezzeg's command. "Wait, what?"

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:36 PM

What with all the plants providing unlimited cover in the dark, and that strange feeling of peace and safety, Raiya was just starting to think this was the perfect opportunity to return Ken's things--tuck them away somewhere safe, and when the chaos was over they'd be found!--when a voice behind her made her jolt and spin around, reaching for her dagger by instinct. The dagger wasn't there. And Mimi was. Raiya relaxed, giving the Orclady a wan smile.Before Raiya could try to think if a reply, Ezzeg said something about a 'shotgun' in his tool chest. She figured that would be some sort of firepowder weapon, but she had no idea where Ezzeg's toolchest might be. "This...isn't right," Raiya said. At the moment, she wasn't sure if Ezzeg wanted them to 'fire shells' from the gun, or use fire shells. The latter seemed to be an invitation to disaster. Maybe a non-combustive method of dealing with the plants would be better? "CAPTAIN?" she called out.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:39 PM

    SOMEwhere in the cabin HAD to be the elf and the dragon, but there was no telling were in this mess of green. Could they even hear the cries of their crew? Ezzeg, though, was finding himself slowly being dipped towards that bell of sticky liquid... slowly if only because he kept wiggling and forcing the plant to wiggle as well trying to dip him in!

  • littlekreenToday at 12:44 PM

    The soothing placation said everything was fine, to relax as the opening of the thing got closer he had to fight harder just to muster his thoughts against it. His tail lashed to grab anything to anchor him from getting eaten. The thought of whether the strictures were violated but this was the captain's cabin, wasn't it? The fear drove away safety and the pain put an edge to them. His hands took on a sputtering black edge slashing at the approaching flower as withering claw made a poor meal.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:52 PM

"I…" and it took some effort, shaking her head. "I'm going to get the tool chest, but, no, that's a bad idea…" slowly, forcefully, she was backing herself out of the cabin.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:53 PM

That strange feeling of serenity, that eeeverything was gonna work out juuuuuuuust fiiiiiiiiine, made Raiya far more confident in her ability to slip into the mess of green, find some nook, and place the items than she should have been. A nagging feeling of worry--the Captain and Ken weren't answering--tried to fight its way through the fog. But...finding the Captain and finding a place to stash the stolen goods were pretty much the same action, weren't they?She pushed her way into the foliage, becoming immersed in the all-embracing leaves. It would be soooo easy, just here for a moment...relax, maybe even sleep...Raiya shook her head again, trying to clear her thoughts. One thing she knew, deep down, was that she wasn't supposed to feel safe and at peace. That just wasn't how life worked.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:00 PM

    With the slashing of claws the scent filling the air suddenly took on a more acrid, nose burning smell. The vines flung Ezzeg across the room with an almost angry THUMP. New vines shot out from the base of the giant blossom, with bulbous rounds at the ends full of sharp looking toothy thorns! Ones that hissed and looked ready to take a bite out of anything fleshy!

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:04 PM

    Mimi was back with the tool chest and there were even more vines now. "Raiya? Ezzeg? Anyone?!?"

littlekreenToday at 1:06 PM

Ezzeg lost his breath for a moment only to scream in pain as he pounded into the mass of vines covering everything. It blotted out the world as he lost his focus on the acrid smell of tearing through something. thumping to the floor he rolled to his knees and called out thinking of the thing hurting pickles and Ken made him angry, "Cap'n!"Heard MImi though his mind threatened to go out if not for the adrenaline, "Below the cask, break action!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:08 PM

Raiya thought she heard Mimi say something about going to get the tool chest. She was sure to be better with a 'shotgun' than Raiya would be, so...problem solved! Noooothing to worry about! So now...what was she doing?...oh yeah, finding a place to stash...She was halfway through the process of digging the items ([1] compass, one [1] golden chain that looked like an overly large necklace, three [3] acorns, and TA-DA a small coin purse with the strings done up in elaborate knots [obviously warded but not cursed]) out of her pocket to stash into a corner, when something wrapped around her legs and yanked her off her feet, sending the items scattering.Suddenly she was being dangled in front of some bulbous thing that opened to reveal countless thorny sharp teeth. It would be a quick death, so nothing to worry ab--EUUUGH, a new, sharp and unpleasant scent hit her nostrils, dispersing some of the fog of foreign peacefulness enough for Raiya to gather some mana and launch a Necrotic Bolt at the plant's maw. It was a minor cantrip from the Death College of spells, but the most powerful one Raiya could perform. It would, she hoped, wither enough of the attacking maw to...well, keep it from attacking.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:09 PM

Mimi opened up the chest and started to dig down frantically but just as she pulled out what she thought Ezzeg meant she started wondering what the rush was about what was she so worried about. "Are, are you sure you want me to… to do what?"

  • littlekreenToday at 1:14 PM

    Ezzeg wobbled over as he took the sawed off shotgun and pair of small cylinders from Mimi to load two with a clack though his voice was hoarse, "Two ways to... breathe fire."The naked blue kobold stumbled forward to brace and loose a thin gout of flame at the base of the flower as Raiya shot it, "Bastard fae things. Leave pickles and Ken alone!"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:16 PM

    Pickles gave a mighty, smokey snort from her cozy little nook inside Kenough's coat. Too cozy, too pleasantly sleepy, to really bothering to open her dragon eyes. "The children are screaming," she huffed in annoyance, thumping her foot a few times.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:18 PM

    So we're going with fire then? Raiya thought, feeling some trepidation--and relief that she could feel trepidation. She reached out with her telekinesis for a lantern, concentrating fiercely to lift it from its hook. "Three ways..." she said, hurling it at the deadly blossom.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:19 PM

    "Hmmm, youth…" was Ken's groggy reply. He was having a very nice sleep for a change and as long as he had Pickles there everything was okay. He tucked his coat and dragon a little closer.

  • There was now fire, and vines wiggling around. "You're hurting it!" Mimi said with some distress. She didn't move to stop her crewmates but she was scowling.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:24 PM

FWOOM! SCREEEEEEEEEEE! It was in that horrifying moment that they learned a carnivorous plant could scream! Vines and blossoms were catching alight, whipping around with fiery tendrils in every direction. The bulb of liquid started boiling and smoking like a cauldron of hot grease getting ready to explode!

littlekreenToday at 1:32 PM

Further from the thing now his mind was starting to clear, at least from the pervasive sense of safety clouding his mind, and realized maybe fire wasn't a good solution. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and the pain reminded him it was still here, "What? Oh, oh hell." He thought back to the cap'n's quarters. Where the bed was and its thick blanket of soon burning vines. No hammer, shotgun wasn't a loci, he headed up to the table through the flailing tendrils, "It's gotta go out!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:40 PM

Raiya was flung by the thrashing vine, hit a wall, then dropped to the floor with a thud. Dizzily, she climbed to her feet. Where's that Druid when we need her?! she thought. Still seeing stars and fighting the fog of the plant's scent, it took a moment for her to piece together her surroundings. Bucket of sand... she thought. Flaming oil was a common weapon to use against ships precisely because fire aboard was such a disaster. Water would not put out such a fire, only spread it, by spreading the flaming oil. Hence, there were buckets, and barrels of sand stored at various stations aboard, for use in smothering flames. Searching frantically for at least one bucketful of sand in the Captain's quarters, Raiya saw a glint of gold. Ken's things! But there was neither time nor opportunity to find and stash them now. Fire would probably consume them all, except for that necklace.Aha! she thought, spotting a bucket that was set in a metal hoop that held it in place waiting to be used. Raiya reached for the sand with her telekinesis, lifting it out in a swirl of white, which she sent at the flames, hoping to smother them before the plant's fluids ignited.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:45 PM

    Mimi seemed to be fighting her irritation as the fire spread, just as she started to turn to Ezzeg, a snarl upon her face a great majority of the fire had been dampened by sand. She coughed as she had taken a deep breath just before and when she was no longer hacking, she seemed more herself. "Plant madness?"

  • littlekreenToday at 1:46 PM

    Ezzeg latched his claws into the burning creature as it bludgeoned him with the vines and sand. Calling a death knell upon the plant for the fae-thing's death to be its imprisonment and absorb its life, "For the threat to dragonkind, By lethal means, I mark your death. Your soul never freed; by right of conquest I take your life for myself."

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:48 PM

    Smothered and dampened by the sand just in the nick of time to head off an explosion, the effects of the sweet wonderful blossom's scent was now fading off without it's bulb of liquid death. The life leeching spell left the beautiful blossom screeching as it started to wither, all the green vines shriveling and dropping to the floor. What remained was taken by the last embers of the fire. The whole cabin was near choking with smoke.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:50 PM

    Ezzeg had other concerns as he hacked and coughed, spitting out a bright green bile as the cask thumped softly, "Agh, the soul tastes like grass." Heading over to where the bed was he started removing vines, "Ken, Pickles, Are you okay?"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:51 PM

    "You're smoldering in your sleep again," Ken grumbled, stretching out a bit.

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:51 PM

    Raiya got down into a belly-crawl, trying to get under the smoke. "Is everyone--*cough--alright?"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:52 PM

    Pickles snorted, digging poking claws in as she herself streeeeetched under the coat. "It smells of high vines in here! You've been smoking again!"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:53 PM

    Mimi was crouched low, a cloth over her face. "Alive. Still unsure what happened"

  • littlekreenToday at 1:55 PM

    Ezzeg licked Ken's forehead with a snort, "No, you're nearly being eaten in your sleep. Otherwise I wouldn't arrive to the two of you naked, at least uninvited."

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:56 PM

    "I haven't… what the!" Ken sat up wiping his forehead with the hand that wasn't holding Pickles. "Why is there smoldering greenery everywhere!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 1:58 PM

    One by one, Raiya catalogued the voices. Ezzeg (dire incantations and complaints of souls tasting like grass--she made a note to herself to avoid getting on his bad side), Ken, and Pickles, then finally Mimi. Raiya gave sigh-cough of relief. Ken's things! she thought. But...they're scattered around, and they'll be found when the room gets cleaned up. It'll work...won't it? However, now that the plant's luring scent was gone, her prior overconfidence was gone with it.

littlekreenToday at 1:59 PM

Ezzeg got up and sat on the edge of the bed the weight of his ribs less with the absorbed plant, "The small tree was not so small anymore. Fire seemed safe until the damned flower started to burn."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:00 PM

Pickles finally peeped out to take a look around at what sounded like utter chaos. Completely used to such things, seeing as occasional hibernations often had the same effect. Part of the crew looking a mess, the cabin covered in charred green. Smelly smoke everywhere... and a bit of enchantment too. "Leave it to an elf to trust the wrong plant," she scoffed.

littlekreenToday at 2:02 PM

"And you two the only ones waking up rested and beautiful." Ezzeg rolled his eyes.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 2:03 PM

Ken's face fell somewhat. "Drat. Thing shouldn't have started doing that for a little while. At least fifty years. Was going to put it at the entrance…. I knew exactly what it was. It was a Pixie Eater!" He scowled at Pickles. He then looked at Ezzeg. "Right, so…"

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:04 PM

"I am always beautiful," explained Pickles the Vermillion Dragon without even an ounce of shame.

Zarko StraadiToday at 2:06 PM

Raiya crawled to the stateroom's windows and started opening them to let some of the smoke out. She smirked a little at Ezzeg's comment, safe in the knowledge that no one could see her expression. "It wanted to eat things bigger than pixies," she muttered. Still: no one was seriously hurt, least of all the Captain and First Mate. Now there was only the matter of finding out if she'd managed to get away with returning Ken's pilfered items...

littlekreenToday at 2:06 PM

Ezzeg snickered at Pickles and replied to Ken, "Well, I can't try to invoke it until I have a hammer again. You'll have to trade for it by contract. rules."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 2:07 PM

Mimi carefully walked over the dead vines. "Glad the Cap'n and 'mate are fine, not happy with kobald eatin' plants however," Mimi put her hands on her hips looking down at those on the bed.

Ken looked thoughtful at Ezzeg. "One thing at a time. We deal with the thief and returning to Pickles what is hers, and then…" he looked up at Mimi not seeming to be concerned that he was being looked down at by a half orc. "I'd rather none of my crew be eaten also."

Zarko StraadiToday at 2:11 PM

"We deal with the thief..." Raiya felt her blood turn to ice. Has he been looking for--no, he's talking about the thief who stole Pickles' treasure...right? she thought, doing her best to stay calm. At least she had good reason to look a little rattled.

littlekreenToday at 2:18 PM

Ezzeg hopped down to the floor, "Thieves first, yes. I have enough of them in the cask." He went over to the toolchest and removed a small reliquary with a window creaking open showed the softly beating hearts of varied sizes and one woody seed, "The first plant I've taken. They don't usually invade the territory of dragonkind." The reliquary had an aura from its dracolich enforcer of a quelled wrath.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:19 PM

And so the consequences of Kenough's whimsied purchase was nearly having the entire crew eaten in the night by a carnivorous magical plant. At least on the upside, there was lots of the plant left to be used in herbalism and brews for the daring type. Come the rising sun the ship Returner would be at the precipice of the Whirlpool of Destiny, a place where none come out unchanged...Was Kenough going to notice the strange reappearance of his stolen items? Would Raiya be able to keep her cool about it? Could charred Pixie Eater vines be used for a good smoke? Shall Ezzeg ever get a chance to rest! FIND OUT ON THE NEXT ADVENTURE OF PICKLES GONE WILD.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 10:39 AM

We open to a beautiful sunrise, the Returner has reached the cusp of the Whirlpool of Destiny and it's motely sailing crew is singing a jaunty song...

as dawn does rise we sail these old waters
go forth where lord and lady dare not
but sirens songs warn us wisely
dont sail too close to the whirling
pools for the golden cat doth wait
for thee in a place time hath forgot

yarr harr, we beg of thee
dont sail too far in the emerald sea
yarr harr, we sing this plea
those visions in the whirlpool destiny

there came a man with a dream of waters
whose heart belonged to the deep black waves
he sailed on to the pool of dreams
where the golden cat lied in wait
and with the morning dawn his fate
was sealed within the deep dark caves

yarr harr, we scream at thee
dont sail too far in the emerald sea
yarr harr, he did sing his plea
those visions in the whirlpool destiny

should you see that golden cat of dark fate
alone there in the twilight darkness
a test of heart she'll doth give you
dont listen to the whispers gloom
nor let yourself be twisted raw
and you might yet escape your doom

yarr harr, we pirates sing
dont sail too far in the emerald sea
yarr harr, we sing for thee
those lost to whirlpool destiny

yarr harr, we sing for thee
all thoughts lost to a fate at sea
yarr harr, we plead to thee
of visions at the whirlpool destiny...

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 10:55 AM

Ken's ears twitch as he heard the sailors sing. It was not the first time he'd hears sailors go on about the Whirlpool but usually it had been a lot more jaunty, and drunkenly sung in a seaside tavern. That it was being sung as a work song on the horizon was sobering. "Still the best way to go," he muttered softly. Heading through the Whirlpool was not something a normal would go towards willingly. However the Returner's captain wasn't normal nor was their quest.

  • littlekreenToday at 10:59 AM

    After getting sleep for once woke up to think of the exposure to the blue dragon blowing a hole in the ship, and the carnivorous plant, now had to consider the approach of the whirlpool. Ezzeg had moved his chest to the deck and tied it to some pontoons. Enough to keep it from sliding around but not so much if the boat sank it wouldn't float. It wasn't much if the whirlpool got it but he felt like preparing this time at least. He was on deck etching a new hammer taken from the hold with his claw while the crew sang.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:06 AM

    Mimi was wondering how she ignored the detail of this ship's quest that involved the Whirlpool of Destiny. This wasn't something she'd ever thought she'd willingly be doing, but here she was. It made her skin crawl all the same. People that came back from the Whirlpool were always changed. Everyone knew that. Not that she'd met anyone that had… it was better to just keep working and not think about it.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:16 AM

    Pickles was skittering everywhere, for once very much acting as an actual captain and not just a bellowing snarky voice from Kenough's shoulders. "Ties those ropes down tight! Keep the sails ready! Leave nothing loose and rattling on the deck, we might get bumpy!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:16 AM

Raiya listened to the song as she swept the horizon with her spyglass. 'A test of heart?' she thought, dreading that more than a test of 'Oh no, giant whirlpool, don't let it swallow the ship!' Of course with the latter, it would be the rest of the crew who passed or failed. Raiya just wasn't that good for hauling on heavy ropes, turning capstans and so many of the other things that made the ship sail. Since warning them in advance is about all I'm good for, I'd better give them a right proper warning. But what if it's not a whirlpool of water at all? What if it's something invisible that sweeps up our minds or hearts or whatever and...whatever? She lowered her spyglass and used another flicker of True Sight, careful not to keep it on too long. She had to sip her mana pool carefully, lest she run out and be fully useless.

  • Would True Sight even work on something that was actually on maps, with a Capitalized Name and everything? Not if whoever or whatever created it wanted to shroud it from a minor seeking cantrip.

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:21 AM

Much to Raiya's horror there was indeed an actual legitimate Whirlpool out on the horizon and it was HUGE. The currents were already starting to affect the ship's direction to draw it near. A giant mist obscured it's center point, so there was no telling if they could get clear from it or if they would be drawn down to the bottom of the sea!

littlekreenToday at 11:29 AM

Ezzeg stood up and swung the hammer around carefully, clad in his working clothes the movements were still fluid even if tubes and links clattered. The hammer wasn't the same make as home but it would do. The etched loyalties to his patron and the names of those he was warden for in tiny script all along the hammer faintly glowed.He went to help with pickles as she went about the deck and took on some of the duties of direction so pickles wasn't so distracted, "You make a fine Cap'n when you're at work, Cap'n Pickles! Better than I could ever expect out'a any lesser red." He meant it, at least a care to direction of the whole and the integrity of her people was better than he was told they often acted.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:31 AM

Ken tightened his grip on the wheel. Everyone was on task and their target was finally in sight. "Keep your intentions in mind sailors," he yelled out. He needed everyone not just physically focused on their mundane task after all. Ken glanced away from the waves to look in Pickles' direction.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 11:38 AM

    "STAY STRONG," shouted Pickles with such a fiery fierceness she'd not done before. "Know what you are and hold faith in your hearts! Remember that no one but you decides what you are!"The tiny red dragon took purchase on Ezzegg's shoulder first. "You're a good egg and loyal. I worry not about you. The girl, though..." she gestured with tail and a puff of smoke towards Raiya. "She'll need anchor."With such a mysterious statement, Pickles lept off to scuttle across the deck towards the front bow, ready to face the coming whirlpool. With nary a look bacl although... there was that briefest of moments to turn at spy at Kenough. Did those gleaming eyes have a small hint of worry there or was it merely a reflection of the sun?

littlekreenToday at 11:48 AM

He absently brushed her tiny toes with a finger, "I'll hold down whatever you invite me to, hotscales. Stowaway won't become flotsam." With a look at Pickles flying away he thought to himself the two of them were something he would miss when the mission was done. Kobolds of his sort were a different sort traditionalists than the humans with groups of partners. Getting invited by the only female of a pair wasn't something you just asked for. Much less a dragon. There were rules.He holstered his hammer and headed out to where Raiya was and his eyes flickered black for a moment looking for souls, "Dark out here, Raiya. No life but us as far as I see. What you see with that spyglass?"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 11:53 AM

Mimi glanced over at all her shipmates and of course the dragon herself. It was hard not to notice their captain. If it was true this was not her true form, and Mimi had no reason to doubt it, she wondered how intimating the Captain truly was. Sure they'd battle a dragon recently and that was intimidating but battling one bigger by a score always would be. The intimation Mimi got from the Red was different. It was made from respect. She looked over at Raiya with those thoughts about large and small creatures then shook her head from the thoughts.

Zarko StraadiToday at 11:59 AM

"Whirlpool, dead ahead!" Raiya shouted as soon as she saw it. "I...can't see the vortex!" How can I...the water! she thought, turning her attention to the waves...the flotsam on the waves...the direction of the wind... Raiya would not say that she knew the sea after only a few days to observe it...but she could see the direction of the sea foam as it scudded across the water's surface. Her mind flashed back to an image of soap suds swirling down the drain of a draining bathtub."Currents are drawing us in! To port..." she said, calculating in her mind, "...about...sixteen degrees. We need to steer to starboard!" Raiya tried to push the words of her Captain and First Officer out of her mind, or at least put them on the back burner. 'Keep your intentions in mind?' A brief flash of memory: the Family's magister tutor whacking her with a switch every time she lost focus during meditation, pain which would turn into a full-on beating if she cried. 'Hold faith in your hearts?' That sounded like priest-talk, and Raiya new things about priests that would make faith-holders shudder. 'No one but you decides who you are!' Now that was more like it. But who am I? Some...junior pirate? Well I'm never going to be Empress of Morngovia, that's for sure.Alright, myintentions are to keep this ship on top of the waves. Faith? I guess I'm just going to have to have faith in the rest of them to keep me from drowning. And I can figure out who I am when we're not literally on the edge of death, she thought, gathering resolve as she strained to pierce the obscuring mist with spyglass and spell.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:01 PM

    Faster and faster the waves did spin and the Returner seemed to cross them with a glide towards the center point at a speed that was pure magic. Even if someone had wanted, there would be no turning back now the way they came. The Whirlpool of Destiny was drawing them in. They'd hit the mist as if it were a wall, shaking the ship with the ferocity of a crashing wave. Down, down, down it went, everything and every one that wasn't planted firm or tied down seemed to tilt and roll towards the front bow. On a water rapids or a waterfall, none could tell! A mightly SPLASH soon followed and then...Quiet. Peace. Serenity.The mist slowly began to disipate and the crew found themselves in what looked like a deep underwater cave. The ship itself docked in a week twilight cove. Evervescent moss and glowing fungi adorned the place. But the most stunning was a giant golden SPHINX sitting in the cave on a throne of stones. Beneath her was a cave opening where furling smoke drifted outwards across the ground.Dare they approach...

littlekreenToday at 12:05 PM

Ezzeg felt the speed approach as the current took them, the wind itself churning with the perpetual movement of water. Grasping a rail by hand and a rope with his tail he grabbed onto Raiya with the other with a grin at the rising adrenaline of a fight even abstract, "Hold on, Raiya, The Cap'n says to hold on and her second goes steady on! The sea won't claim us yet if the cap'n has to drag us back to the ship! I ought'n know!"He then was drenched as the third eyelid shot over reflexively, "Up is still.. up. What now?"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:09 PM

    That was, less than fun, Ken thought as he got his bearings. Even knowing the shanties didn't tell even half the tale, he was surprised at what he saw before himself. Pushing off the wheel he went down onto the deck. "Put out the gangplank. Everyone off the boat."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:14 PM

Fearless Pickles was in the wake of another ancient creature, leaping and scuttling across the wooden planks of the ship, along the rail and near vibrating with energy over this leg of their journey. "Yes. Yes. Everyone off, for if we must all take this journey if we wish to leave this place! Head my words, mortals! Head them well! And we will survive!"

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:18 PM

    Raiya felt her heart sink when she saw that the Returner was firmly in the grasp of the Whirlpool. Then it was the whole ship's turn as the vessel reached the edge of the vortex and tipped in. Raiya wrapped her arms and legs around the mast, letting out a high-pitched scream as the mast swung over. Instead of finding herself in the Underworld, or clutching to some broken fragment of the ship, Raiya found herself sailing through the stars. Or at least that's what it looked like as the crow's nest cruised through the underground gallery lit with clusters of bioluminescent mushrooms and lichen nebulae.And there it (she? he?) was: the 'golden cat'--a Sphinx, in truth. Everyone? Raiya thought in response to Ken's command. So much for 'I'm waaay up here in the crow's nest' as an excuse not to go. She untied herself from the mast and started climbing down the rigging.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:18 PM

    Somehow, getting off the boat made Mimi more anxious than batting a sea dragon in open water. She knew relatively what to expect while on board. She wasn't the only one unsure as the other sailors slowly followed along reluctantly. Something else occurred to her and she looked ahead at the sphinx, then the dragon and finally the elf. "Mortals, hu?"

littlekreenToday at 12:22 PM

Getting back down was a bit easier for Ezzeg more willing to ride down a guy line when he had a hammer and a reason to use it. An offer of a hand as she got to the deck, "You heard the second, It's time to meet the dark head on. Seems like you'd looked it in the eye once or twice yourself."

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:25 PM

Raiya was one of the last to fall in with the others. 'We must all take this journey...' So what if one of us fails? she thought. And it doesn't even have to be me. Some of those guys are former mutineers. But it'll still be better if it's not me, she thought.

littlekreenToday at 12:33 PM

Ezzeg kept with Raiya who seemed to be distracted and chuckled, "I see why you might need an anchor, so adrift in thought."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:37 PM

Ken brought up the rear, ensuring none tried to stay behind. He wasn't about to insult their "host". Also as the builder of the Returner it felt fitting he was last on board. In a place like this it was good to do things with intention. Not that the elf did much without more than one motivation. He patted the ship before he walked away and around the crew. He wasn't about to stand in the back.

Zarko StraadiToday at 12:37 PM

"She will never be a true Karpov, my Lord," the Magister said. "She simply lacks the power. She will not even be able to pass the Guild's tests. But there is a way she can still be of benefit to the Family..." Raiya leaned against the iron-studded door, listening as her parents and the Magister made their plans for her-- Words from the present pulled her back. "An anchor?" Raiya said. She couldn't even lift-- "Oh. Sorry. Do you know anything about this Sphinx? What they might want from us?"

  • littlekreenToday at 12:44 PM

    "Ah, back to reality's port I see!" Ezzeg said with a quick look to see Ken on the rear. "Well, it's a creature of intention I would suspect. Don't lose yourself in the past. Newer waters are often better ones. not perfect but you won't find Cap'ns you're missing where you've already been." He glanced around to keep a watchful eye on where Pickles was at. Losing her twice wasn't on his to-do list.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:44 PM

    It seemed Raiya's question was going to be answered by the Sphinx herself, for with a loud yawn and a reach of giant paws she streeeeeeetched atop her giant stone throne and finally opened her jewel-like eyes."Ancient one and guests... Change comes in waves as turmulent as the seas. If ye cannot bend, if ye cannot give yourself to it, ye will be crushed by the weight of it. Choose life. Choose death. It matters not to me. Enter my caverns and face the waves of your destiny, for there is no way to turn back now."

  • Zarko StraadiToday at 12:51 PM

    "I don't miss anything where I've already been," Raiya replied, her tone grim as she gathered her resolve to face whatever the Sphinx's cave held. "So is there any order we're to go in?"

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:51 PM

    Mimi found herself standing just behind Ezzeg and Raiya. The younger one's question was an approach one, but the lackadaisical answer that came from the golden creature wasn't encouraging. Except, "We determine how this goes?"

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 12:52 PM

    Pickles ruffled up her scales. Standing there on the rocky sand facing the great cave of the Sphinx. ... she'd seemed so fearless before, yet now the tiny vermillion dragon was hesitating. The way she turned her little head with forked tongue hanging blepped out the side of her mouth, to examine the motely mess of people that had joined it, this seemed to be her concern now. One thing to take on a quest on her own and with the Elf, but now there were many!"We all walk in. You'll all be alright. Just remember what I said! You choose what you are!" Huffing in a deep breath, the dragon led the way bounding into the mist of the cave opening.

  • 🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 12:57 PM

    Ken was a step behind Pickles and didn't seem to hesitate in the slightest. His arms were crossed behind his back in a relaxed manner. Which tracked. He hadn't seemed the least bit concerned during most of the voyage, but if anyone was close enough they could have seen he hadn't looked at the Sphinx again once she spoke or around at all. His eyes were set straight onto Pickles.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:02 PM

    Ezzeg grinned at Raiya, "If we can't go back then all the things you might miss are either here or in there."He nodded to pickles then eyed her and Ken walking into the mist, "Like the Cap'n asked. Like the golden one says. I know who I'd choose. I choose to move forward."The rest of the crew he waved, "C'mon, the rest of ye blaggards. Show your mettle for the crew or stay, but ya can't go back to sea here!"

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:08 PM

Mimi grinned at Ezzeg's straightforwardness even as the crew behind grumbled. It wasn't lost on her, even as she followed him and Raiya that the crew seemed to cluster in twos to fives. No one wanted to be alone but there were small groups all. As though people were sticking to those that, if not outwardly trusted, at least knew well. Also it occurred to her. "People change in here, but isn't life about change?"

littlekreenToday at 1:11 PM

He headed closer to the mist but looked to Raiya, "Time to leave port, wandering stowaway. I aim to be an anchor since it seems you've a sore need!"

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:14 PM

'You choose what you are,' Raiya repeated the little dragon's words in her mind. That was...truly a strange thing to come from the mouth of someone in authority. Every other person with power over others always wanted the exact opposite: to create minions who allowed their rulers to choose who they were. She'd even received training in the arts of manipulating others and crushing their wills along with her letters, sums, and sigils. She was supposed to be a daughter of a Great House of Morngovia. I choose who I am. she thought. Isn't that how I ended up here in the first place? A glance at her Captain. Cool blue light glinted from the facets of ruby scales, and jewel eyes looked ahead with focused intensity. Pikela really was beautiful. But now was not the time to tell her."Right then," Raiya said, taking in a deep breath and settling into a Mage's Meditation as she let it out. Let go of fear, let go of need, let go...let thoughts drift past like morning mist. She gave a curt nod to Ezzeg. He was saying that she was a failure. Weak. In need of an 'anchor,' whateverthehell that was supposed to mean in this context. Find your True Will in the silence. Her face turning to a mask of determination, Raiya started striding toward the cave.

  • littlekreenToday at 1:19 PM

    Ezzeg followed along beside Raiya who now seemed to be centered on the moment, aware, maybe both fearful and predatory he thought by the hesitation. Beside her he walked in pace since it seemed the furtive stowaway needed an ally. He nodded to the half-orc, "Warriors meet it headlong. Kobolds too. See you on the other side."

Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 1:22 PM

Though they all entered into the cave in groups as soon as they passed through the threshold the swirling mist took over and blinded their sight so badly that they couldn't even see their own hands waving in front of them. People right next to the at first sounded nearby, but their voices started to fade into the background. A bright light took over, blinding further and then...As the mist cleared each of our motely crew found themselves alone. Alone and in their homeland. Kenough in the gardens of his elven village. Raiya in the palace of her childhood. Mimi with her tribe. Ezzegg with his eggmates. And Pickles... Pickles was alone. Alone in a cold empty cave filled with nothing but golden treasures.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:26 PM

Mimi looked around. And up. She was smaller than her years, and of course she was the smallest of her peers. Mimi felt a retch of homesickness suddenly being at home. Nostalgia mixed with something she couldn't quite name. She walked a well worn path to look for the place she felt safest, the smithery.

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:35 PM

Ken looked around and up as well, but for different reasons. He always looked up. It was a failing of his, why look to the sky, to the what if? He didn't think it a failing however. Still he looked up and saw the trees were not as tall. There also wasn't a familiar shadow around. He probably needed to go to the treeline, near the foothills. That was where… "Kenough, we need your help over here!"

littlekreenToday at 1:38 PM

The mist stung his eyes even through the lids on them something differently dire pecking at his mind as the light brought intense pain for someone from the dark and forced him to close his eyes moving forward. Then came the bite of smoke in his nose, the faint heat of flame licking from somewhere nearby, yet he was still cold. He opened his eyes to a rocky cavern so very far away and recognized the pounded gold sheets anchored to the ceiling. Defense against scrying. A quick eye of one no longer so easily terrified took in the room even as his heart seized from the memory.A hand shot to his side to take his hammer as it growled angrily in its call to a child's imitation though the presence of a rightful wrath comforted him, again in the creche to protect the treasures kobold valued, their children. He saw the smaller children hiding behind and under things their own horns barely nubbins. Though reached up to his own to feel the scuff mark where some recently had been sliced away. He was somehow still small and perhaps still scared but the temple drilled into them that bravery was more than being fearless. Banging on their hidden creche door started, again, but the kobold standing there not the same as had been in his own memory. With a look to eggs behind him far too giant to be kobold, right where he knew they'd be, the strange crudity of a children's imitation of a drakehammer raised at the bang of dragonslayers on their door.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:39 PM

As the enveloping mist grew ever thicker, Raiya decided that...maybe she needed an 'anchor' after all, if for no other reason than to keep from being separated. Though Ezzeg had been right beside her, her hand flailed through moist, empty air. "Ezzeg? Mimi?" she called out, but her words echoed, answered only by silence. She stopped to listen, but heard only silence......then a couple pairs of booted feet marching in lockstep. Hands held out in front of her, Raiya hastened her footsteps. A fluted malachite column loomed out of the mist, and she pressed herself against it by instinct, keeping it between her and the sound of the guard patrol. The mist was gone as swiftly as it had arrived, leaving her standing on the malachite and marble checkerboard floor of the Great Hall. Raiya sucked in a breath."So. How was your little pirate adventure?" The voice cut through the silence like a razor. Raiya whirled, and found herself looking into the steely gray eyes of her father. Her mother stood next to him, coal-dark eyes twinkling with all the frosty chill of an arctic glacier. And beside her, Dragovir, her eldest brother. Her father gave a cruel laugh. "A fumbling novice pirate who gave back the only loot she ever managed to steal. What term could ever do such ineptitude justice? 'Failure' simply isn't up to the task."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:46 PM

Mimi listened for the sound of the great hammer pounding on metal, of the knives her mother might weld or perhaps something grander, but even as she walked that known path she heard not the sound that comforted her. Instead she heard the laughter that frightened. "Little itty bitty Mimi, where are you going all alone?" The voice said in a singsong voice as three youths came around the corner. One with a snout that should have been crocked by now. Only thing crooked was her grin.

littlekreenToday at 1:53 PM

The chant of squire witchknights on fear came to mind as the banging on the heavy stone door by picks sounded like drums. He called out in the rough low draconic pidgin their children all used, "I will meet fear on the field of battle, and I may suffer. Fear will come again, and I may bleed. Fear will come for me again, and I will stand to look it in the eye. Fear will come for me the last time when every inch is soaked with my blood of the dragon. Standing in the field of fear now made mine."

🌈Ochalla🌈Today at 1:54 PM

Ken didn't bother to even sigh, but turned around to look at Megarie. She looked very young to him. Of course she did. She was how she looked before… "I feel you always say you need my help," he replied kindly to the shadow of his sister. "Because I do. You're always so hard to track down. There are travelers coming via the "Great road" and we need to make sure no one gets curious." Ken read the words not said. Humans and their attempt to be civilized had forged a road on the edge of their homeland and the great grove help us if a HUMAN wanted to meet an elf. It was such an old thought process, even back then. Why shouldn't they be curious of their neighbors. It was the elven aloofness that caused… "oh, I get it now."

Suddenly the woods were in flames and Ken choked on smoke and the burning corpses of those around him.

Zarko StraadiToday at 1:56 PM

"Wha--how?! No, this can't be's the Sphinx's test..." Raiya said."Did you really think you could escape us?" Alexandyr Karpov said to his youngest daughter, only the subtlest hint of a sneer to mark his sharp, aristocratic features. "'You choose what you are?' You?! You are a Karpov, no matter how utterly disappointing you might be. No matter that I never wanted you--I have enough daughters already. But you will still serve the Family's interests, in the only way that you can. Come. Your destiny awaits."As he spoke, strong hands gripped her arms from behind. Alexandyr turned on his heel and strode toward the Ritual Chamber, his wife and son following, and Raiya as well, despite futile struggles."'You choose what you are,'" Alexandyr said, breaking into laughter as sharp and cold as a flying dagger, that echoed from the walls and vaulted ceilings of the palace.

  • Diana Ò◇ÓOPToday at 2:01 PM

    Pikela the Vermillion dragon was still naught but a tiny little morsel, small enough to fit in the palm of someone's hand. She'd known this mountainous cave for most of her life. The place her egg had cracked open to birth her into this plane. The treasure that was her nesting place and only grew larger and larger with time. But it was vast, empty, and cold. Lonely and quiet. There were no beautifully sculpted marble walls. No giant moon windows to look out through at the stars. No soft strums of a harp by skilled hands. No laughing voices or bawdy songs. Just the heavy, crushing weight of loneliness and a long, long, never ending existence...

Our crew separated and trapped deep within the Whirlpool of Destiny now face their deepest, darkest, greatest of fears... will they face what must be seen? Can they make the right choices? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON THE ADVENTURES OF PICKLES AND THE MOTLEY CREW!
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