The Outlands. [moved to red star]

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lambe mihi culum <3
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
supernatural, fantasy, scifi, romance, magic, apocalyptic


    what would you do for your country?

    the clouds overhead open up
    for the wicked and just all the same.

    It rains, the day Neskoria falls.

    It had been a dry summer, so far. The country's best water elementals were spread thin keeping the crops alive. The people were growing restless, but the High Priests had been doing all they could to assure the populace everything would be fine. Rain would come. They were in Gyezen's hands after all.

    How ironic, that when they finally received the blessing of rain, it was on the eve of their destruction.

    The screams are unholy as the palace burns; the fires are undeterred by the water falling in sheets from the sky. A pyromancer's work, then.

    "Your majesty -"

    "Did they get out?"

    "Yes. Yes, they d-did, your majesty."

    The king turns his head. Wringing his hands and shaking like a leaf, the page is pale as a sheet of parchment. But his eyes hold a strength. A good man.

    "Enough of that," the king murmurs, turning back to watch the fires. "We're about to die together. At least call me by my name."

    "Your majesty -"


    There's a pause. "King Almos."

    He sighs. Close enough. Just then there's a crash down the corridor. Another scream. The page jumps, and scrambles back a few steps. The door to his chambers is barricaded, and guarded by fifteen men at least. Almos doubts it will hold them for more than a few moments.

    He turns to the page. Mamer, he thinks his name is. "You said they got out."

    "Y-Yes, you- Almos."

    "How many were with them?"

    The screams get louder. Closer. The clashing of swords joins them.

    "A-At least thirty sir."

    "Good," Almos murmurs. The clashing of swords ceases. And then the banging starts. The barricade of furniture in front of the door shudders. "Let's just hope Kirisnoti will accept them."

    By the gods, Almos wished he could say that Neskoria put up a fight the day Vabros came knocking. But the truth of the matter is, even if they had an inkling of what was to come, they would not have been able to stop it.

    The barricade shudders. A few chairs fall off the top.

    "Get behind me, Mamer," Almos says, drawing his sword. The page scrambles behind his back, pressed against the window. Behind them, the fires rage.

    The barricade falls, and the door swings open. Almos's hand does not shake. Even as he knows that the country falls with him.

    Almos raises his chin. "By Gyezen's hands," he says, and then he raises his sword.

    Please, Almos thinks. Do not hold my faults against them.

    Neskoria falls, and still, it rains.


    On the other side of the continent, Midsummer preparations are in full swing. It isn't to be just any Midsummer this year, however. It's also the wedding, the wedding of a king.

    Chief Kirisnoti, the Chief of all Chiefs, king by all rights, sits at the table with his family, laughing. The door opens behind him, and there's a servant at his side, whispering in his ear. The table watches in growing concern as his smile freezes and then falls from his face.

    He stands so harshly his chair falls back, and he sweeps from the room.

    If the impenetrable kingdom of Neskoria has fallen, then the Outlands are next.

    the plot. -- ooc.

    There are three countries: Neskoria, the Outlands, and Vabros. Neskoria and the Outlands border each other on the continent of Egane, while Vabros is on it's own, hidden in the Arhuk mountains across the sea to the north. As a result, not much is known about Vabros. Neither Neskoria nor the Outlands have ever had contact with them. The knowledge that there might be a country out there is mere rumor.

    That is, until now. Until they decided to stage a large-scale attack against Neskoria, utterly ruthless and wielding magicks unheard of.

    Neskoria and the Outlands have never been on the best of terms. Neskoria is a unified kingdom; they have paved roads, a stable mail route, an army. Their mild climate allows for easy farming, and they even have plumbing in their capital, Nostrana.

    The Outlands, however, are the complete opposite. Their harsh, varied climate has made it near impossible for unification, and you'd be lucky to find a dirt road connecting any one of the larger villages. The Outlands have been plagued by infighting among their tribes for centuries, which has made it easy for Neskoria to pick away at the edges of their territory.

    In the last decade, however, what was once considered impossible, has been coming together little by little. The Outlands have been unifying under one chief, one king. And that has made them a threat. Neskoria and the Outlands have been on the brink of all-out war since the start of Chief Kirisnoti's rule. But it seems like a threat neither of them considered has beaten the Outlanders to it. And now that threat might be coming for them.

    In case it wasn't obvious, we're focusing on the Outlands for now. Picking up where the royal families of Neskoria and the thirty refugees end up at the doorstep of the Outlander capital, Drohael Kae. It's a two weeks ride from the capital of Neskoria, to the capital of the Outlands, and in that time, Neskoria has completely been overrun by Vabros. It's a wonder they even manage to escape the country, but they do. And now they're at the mercy of the people they once considered their enemies.


    what would you do for your country?

    the clouds overhead open up
    for the wicked and just all the same.

    It rains, the day Neskoria falls.

    It had been a dry summer, so far. The country's best water elementals were spread thin keeping the crops alive. The people were growing restless, but the High Priests had been doing all they could to assure the populace everything would be fine. Rain would come. They were in Gyezen's hands after all.

    How ironic, that when they finally received the blessing of rain, it was on the eve of their destruction.

    The screams are unholy as the palace burns; the fires are undeterred by the water falling in sheets from the sky. A pyromancer's work, then.

    "Your majesty -"

    "Did they get out?"

    "Yes. Yes, they d-did, your majesty."

    The king turns his head. Wringing his hands and shaking like a leaf, the page is pale as a sheet of parchment. But his eyes hold a strength. A good man.

    "Enough of that," the king murmurs, turning back to watch the fires. "We're about to die together. At least call me by my name."

    "Your majesty -"


    There's a pause. "King Almos."

    He sighs. Close enough. Just then there's a crash down the corridor. Another scream. The page jumps, and scrambles back a few steps. The door to his chambers is barricaded, and guarded by fifteen men at least. Almos doubts it will hold them for more than a few moments.

    He turns to the page. Mamer, he thinks his name is. "You said they got out."

    "Y-Yes, you- Almos."

    "How many were with them?"

    The screams get louder. Closer. The clashing of swords joins them.

    "A-At least thirty sir."

    "Good," Almos murmurs. The clashing of swords ceases. And then the banging starts. The barricade of furniture in front of the door shudders. "Let's just hope Kirisnoti will accept them."

    By the gods, Almos wished he could say that Neskoria put up a fight the day Vabros came knocking. But the truth of the matter is, even if they had an inkling of what was to come, they would not have been able to stop it.

    The barricade shudders. A few chairs fall off the top.

    "Get behind me, Mamer," Almos says, drawing his sword. The page scrambles behind his back, pressed against the window. Behind them, the fires rage.

    The barricade falls, and the door swings open. Almos's hand does not shake. Even as he knows that the country falls with him.

    Almos raises his chin. "By Gyezen's hands," he says, and then he raises his sword.

    Please, Almos thinks. Do not hold my faults against them.

    Neskoria falls, and still, it rains.


    On the other side of the continent, Midsummer preparations are in full swing. It isn't to be just any Midsummer this year, however. It's also the wedding, the wedding of a king.

    Chief Kirisnoti, the Chief of all Chiefs, king by all rights, sits at the table with his family, laughing. The door opens behind him, and there's a servant at his side, whispering in his ear. The table watches in growing concern as his smile freezes and then falls from his face.

    He stands so harshly his chair falls back, and he sweeps from the room.

    If the impenetrable kingdom of Neskoria has fallen, then the Outlands are next.

    the plot. -- ooc.

    *tada* what do you all think???

    rn i'm still deep in the trenches of worldbuilding, so it will be a while before this is up for real, but i want to get a sense for who might be interested?

    because if no one's interested i'll cry i'll probably put this on the backburner and try again in a couple of months.

    if you are interested, let me know your thoughts on these two dilemmas of mine: red star or general section? and realistic face claims or art?

    there's a lot of themes of magic, cultural differences, political intrigue, war, death, interpersonal relationships, and polyamory because it wouldn't be a dvy roleplay without polyamory.

    and when i say polyamory, i do mean that the outlanders are polyamorous as a culture. so it's a big theme.

    i won't be accepting any reservations for roles rn, but to give you an idea: there are two royal families of neskoria, which will be explained more in depth later.

    obviously the king of neskoria is dead, but some of the family members made it out alive. with them are thirty refugees, including some of the royal guard, and the priests.

    also playable are like, all the outlanders, including kirisnoti's two spouses, and spouse-to-be. kirisnoti will be played by me, however. also generals, chief leaders, and a limited amount of mythological creatures.

    there may also be an oppurtunity to create your own small tribe/village if that's something anyone is interested in.

    this is all based, sorta, off this one fanfiction i read multiple times, actually called 'Fire in the Mountains'. if you're a BNHA fan, and ship todobakudeku(& friends) then i totally recommend it!

    let me know if you have any questions!! i'd be happy to answer them if i have an answer yet that is.

    here's the playlist for this rp if you're into that sorta stuff - x.
I'm interested! What's the writing level, posting frequency, and the character sheet look like?
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
I'm interested! What's the writing level, posting frequency, and the character sheet look like?

writing level would be intermediate/advanced!

for posting frequency - i'm not sure yet! i'm tossing around the idea of only requiring those who take "important" roles (i.e royalty, priests, etc) post with a certain frequency, and allowing the rest to post as frequently as they like. so if you can't post, say, once every two weeks, i would recommend taking on a peasant character.

character sheet wouldn't be anything too fancy i don't think? basics like, age, role, appearance, personality, some background. and of course a description of their abilities and/or magicks (which i definitely will be explaining more about!).
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: junebug
I'm into this :^)
You know I'm in! <3
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
I am interested as well.
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
Um... interested as well.
I'm very interested! :)
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
Def peaked my interest I'll look more tomorrow ☺️
You've got my curiousity.
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
I'm fully on board with this idea, just point me to where I sign my name on the dotted line!
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
oh my god!!! thanks so much for the interest everyone!! :hyper: i'm definitely maybe going to have the lore up in the next week or so then. i'll make sure to link it here once it's done!

in the meantime, what are your opinions on whether we play this in the red star section or not??

how many of those interested would be opposed to taking it to the red star section? or on the flipside, any opposed to keeping it in general?
oh my god!!! thanks so much for the interest everyone!! :hyper: i'm definitely maybe going to have the lore up in the next week or so then. i'll make sure to link it here once it's done!

in the meantime, what are your opinions on whether we play this in the red star section or not??

how many of those interested would be opposed to taking it to the red star section? or on the flipside, any opposed to keeping it in general?

I'm fine with red section if it means more creative freedom for people. But I'm honestly fine with whatever.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Dvyniai
Actually I'm wondering how many people are gonna be in this now xD
well, from a gming standpoint i plan on letting anyone in who wants in!! there's a lot of 'roles' that can be filled (and even more that can be created!) so i'm not looking for any particular number. just whoever's interested! i'll probably leave sign-ups open for a long time too.
  • Sweet
Reactions: MiharuAya
I'd be super interested in this!
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
Id be down with this. Btw, wondering if there'll be lore set up or will it be qna
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai