SEXUAL SMUT The Peony Room

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Mother Goose
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Primarily Prefer Female

And here she was, half a key in her trembling hand, standing in front of the door. Time to hook up with a stranger. Yup. I'm just standing here waiting… I probably look so awkward. She pivoted on her heels and leaned her back against the wall right beside the door, a soft sigh leaving her lips.

This wasn't something she was particularly experienced with, but why shouldn't she start now? No time like the present, she was here wasn't she? Why was she even nervous to begin with? This was a Libertine celebration after all. Allison sucked in a deep breath and turned her head, looking down the hallway to see if anyone was coming in. Clear.

She crossed her arms over her chest, glancing down at the bag that hung from her elbow. She wasn't sure if she should've brought things with her or not, but it was better to be prepared for a thing like this. What if he didn't like her? Well, that was sorta unlikely… Allison took a mental note to down the first drink she could find, just for a little confidence boost.
Code by Jenamos
This wasn't his first rodeo, and he had long since come to enjoy the ride. He looked forward to it every year. The anonymity of it all excited him. It made him hungry, it made him feel like a hunter- and it made him feel wanted. Basically, it was an adrenaline shot of ego right into his system, and it beat the quieter aspects of his life. For James, it was an opportunity to play things up. To feel a little more rich and important. Did he dress up a bit for the whole thing and maybe blow his life a little out of proportion? Sure. but Sue a guy! He was here for a good time, and as far as he could tell, the ladies that he was due to embrace with appreciated the theatrics whether they saw through them or not.

"Hey there miss. You look like you're a little lost." He had somehow managed to conceal himself until he was just a few feet away from her, leaning against the door with a warm if calculating look and a confident little smile on his face. "Are you Allison? I sure hope you are." He let out a chuckle; it was friendly though, welcoming. "You look more nervous than a deer stuck in headlights. You sure you're alright to be here?" That easygoing smile continues as he straightens out, giving her a small bow. He wasn't wearing anything particularly fancy. It was a more down to earth look, a nice jacket and some plaid. He was trying to look down to earth, since he figured that would let him make a nice first impression. The rich and important grandstanding...that could maybe wait a little bit. This poor girl, whoever it was, looked like her heart was about to jump out of her stomach.

"I hope so, you're a very pretty lady. You have beautiful eyes." He winked at her before pushing the door open, easily pushing past her and revealing a mystical looking castle interior. It was like something out of a fairy tale...or a historical drama, you could take your pick. Maybe the grandstanding and grandiosing would be something he got to play with after all...

"Well, you're either Allison, or I want you to be. Why not come in, hm? We can chat for a little bit, have a nice drink." He licked his fangs playfully before slipping into the room- time to get comfortable.



Allison's head snapped up to attention, staring up at the man that had appeared before her. "Oh Shi-!" Her face burned a bright red, hand shooting up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. " Sorry, I didn't think you'd be here so soon." Allison chuckled lightly, clasping her hands together neatly in front of her lap.

She watched him as closely as her bashful disposition would allow. He was handsome. Very handsome. Good. Not that she thought he wouldn't be, of course, but it was still a nice confirmation to have. Allison felt her cheeks burn once again at his comment about her eyes, feeling a bit giddy at all the compliments he was paying her. " Lucky for us, I am Allison. You must be James!" She said warmly, walking into the room after him.

" I would love a drink, I'm just a little bit nervous. If you can believe that." Allison joked, offering a coy smile. She walked carefully over to the red velvet couch, sitting down and smoothing her hands over her skirt as she crossed her legs at the knee. Allison motioned casually to her black heels, looking up at James and cocking a brow. "Should I keep these on or just the stockings…?" She questioned, her cheeks still holding on tightly to their flush.
Code by Jenamos
She was adorable. It was a nervous kind of charm- the kind girl next door type of appeal and James was eating it up. As she turned around, he licked his lips with a vampiric allure- a desire building in a few different areas as he watched her cheeks burn crimson red again and again. He could sense her heartbeat skipping beats and speeding up whenever he complimented her, and it was quickly becoming his favorite melody. As she sat down, he took a moment to rather obviously check her out, but gave an equally obvious smile that he liked what he saw. Given what they had both come here to do, there was something to be said for throwing modesty out the window. At the same time...he wanted her to enjoy it, to make coupling an experience that they would both remember. Better to play up the confidence while dialing back the intensity then; so as to continue boosting the mood with a bit of playfulness.

"I could use a drink too- that might just be you if you're not careful." He flashed his fangs, but his face continued to be an easygoing one- it was a teasing kind of banter, and one that hinted at good times to come. "I'm not sure if there are drinks in here...but I might be able to go find one for you? If you don't mind trusting me with that, that is." He wouldn't take it personally if she wanted to go looking for drinks herself. At the same time, that mystery bag was eating at his mind, and James rather desperately wanted to know what was inside. The matter would have to wait, however, as she requested him to handle the matter of her footwear.

"Well..." He mused, putting a hand to his chin as he approached. "As much fun as I would have to rip them off of you later, I understand that they might be a tad uncomfortable- we can't have that can we?" He laughed lithely as he took in her form- that skirt and that sweater together, it was an undeniably attractive combination. Just looking at her he felt just a little emboldened- so he reached out and gently tilted her chin up so she would be looking at his eyes. They were a piercing gaze; one that dove deep within the colour of her iris' and drunk of her visage. One that revealed a gentle but persistent hunger and desire underneath.

"Just the stockings is wonderful, I think." He winked at her with his face quickly turning to a lighter smile as he released her face, sliding to side beside her, and gently smoothing an arm around her shoulders in a clearly practiced measure. "Now then, why don't you tell me what you brought in the bag? I am...very fond of surprises. I'll admit I'm more than a little curious."
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Allison seemed to melt under his gaze, bashfully turning to hide her face and letting out a warm laugh at his teasing. "You're a real pro at this sort of thing, aren't you?" Allison mused, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes. Her heart was racing and her cheeks were still red, but she didn't want to leave him to flirt on his own so… She had to kick it up a notch.

Allison slid off her heels and tucked the neatly beside the lounge she was sitting on. "I'm sure they have some sort of room service we can call, and while we wait for our drinks to show up…. I can get changed." Allison purred, unzipping her bag and lifting up a French maid's costume for his approval.

"Will this be satisfactory, Sir?" She asked, smirking proudly up at him.
Code by Jenamos
  • Wicked
Reactions: TerraBooma
She was such a cute little thing, melting next to him like a popsicle on a warm summer's day. That was perfectly alright with him though. Alison was a cute girl, and sometime it was nice to see what was left after you melted things a little bit. He wanted to eat her up on the spot, to rip her clothes off and get started already...but it was funny to be in the tension too. That heart pattering energy of play just before- the flirty teasing back and forth. In truth, James found the waiting almost as fun as springing into action. And when waiting had this kind of energy- with his partner to be coming prepared with that kind of outfit? It was like he was in heaven on high. Nothing quite like a night of bliss to make all your worries fade away. And having a maid to play with did sound like a fairly fun time...

"I don't know about a pro, but I do know my duty. Which is to woo beautiful women and give them a very sensual and exhilarating night. It' a duty I take very, very seriously." He closed his eyes and put a hand over his heart, before opening one eye and giving her a slight shit eating grin. "Well..." He growled, licking his lips. "I will admit, I am very very interested in seeing you put that on. For now though, I'll just have to suffer waiting." He leans in, pulling her close for a swift kiss. It's a surprisingly soft thing, if focused. Enough to give her a tease of what would surely come later on. "Careful there little maid. Or I won't be able to let go of you." His eyes flitted with a lustful hunger, before leaning back and stretching his arms across the lounge that they sat on.

"Well, that leaves us with an interesting option then doesn't it? You're going to be changing." It's not a question, more of a comment of fact at this point. "And I don't believe there's any privacy. I'll figure out the room service, but I do think I'll be watching you the whole time as soon as it's done. I don't think there's anything I'd love to do more than watch you strip twice." He smirked cockily before rubbing her thigh gently, standing up and seeing to go see how he was supposed to go and call for some drinks. Whenever he finished, he would return to his seat and watch her hungrily.

How much he got to see, and how much of a show it would be? Well, that would just be up to Alison and how quickly she felt like changing.
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Good gods, how did people find the courage to do things like this all the time? She felt a bit of breath leave her lungs when he pulled away from the kiss, leaving her to sway slightly in her chair with a flutter in her chest. She did note that she was warming up far more quickly than she had originally expected, which was a pleasant surprise. The duo was well matched to say the least.

"Exhilarating, huh?" Addison mused affectionately, rising to her feet to begin tugging her sweater off over her head. She had a feeling that was putting it lightly, letting out an excited hum as she folded her sweater and set it in her bag. She unzipped the back of her skirt, letting the suede fabric fall and gather at her ankles to reveal white lace undergarments complete with stockings and garters. Addison shot him a playful look over the shoulder and performed a small twirl for the man, smiling somewhat proudly at presenting her figure for him.

She was petite, short and slim but decently curvaceous. Soft bodied and wide hipped, but modestly chested. Addison wasn't the most athletic person but she did try to maintain her figure as best she could, and you could tell she was at least a little proud of it.

"Care to help me zip it up?" She purred over her shoulder, pulling the criminally short costume up her legs and tugging lightly to squeeze it past her hips.

Code by Jenamos
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Reactions: TerraBooma
This was the hardest part of coming to this event year after year. The waiting. James was generally a patient man, one happy to let the world drift him by. It was only during this one time of year that he played up the ego and the confidence for the joys of his partner. He watched Allison flitter with that predatorial smile, the hunger that was only partially played up as part of his confident role. Allison had gotten up- stepping away from him and started to change. It was partially a shame, only because he had wanted to devour her while she was wearing her skirt and that sweater as a combination in its own right. The reveal was worth its weight in gold though; white stockings and garters that somehow managed to arouse him more than he already was. Admittedly, he wouldn't have thought that was very possible. The little smile on her face, the image of her body half dressed that would surely now be burned into his mind for much longer than their encounter would dare let them be together, and the little twirl that showed off all of what she had to offer was simply making him hungrier. He felt like a caged beast

Her request let him loose, but he held back just a little. Sliding up behind her with a lick of his lips, moving his arms around her waist to hug her from behind. Nipping at her neck in a playful, more human way than what he was truly craving. "Well, you've put me in a rather twisted position haven't you? You cruel cruel girl. You dance around looking this beautiful, looking this damn hot. And you go and have the nerve to tell me to help cover you up?" He let his cool hands wander around, playing with her body and getting a feel for his partner for the evening. The inner beast inside of him echoed again and again to simply pin her to the ground and have his way with her then and there, but there was an exhilarating sensation to making him wait. To playing out this dance all the way to the end of the song. He rubbed his crotch against her ass as he teased and played with her, letting the sensation continue to bring him to full mast. He played with her chest- plenty ample in his eyes, fondling her breasts over the bra that dared to constrain his hand from touching her fully. He let them enjoy the moment, kissing her more softly this time on the cheek before tilting her head to the side and kissing her on the lips for a second time.

As he did so, his hands moved down, slowly caressing down the woman's body. Eventually they came to the skirt, held only by how tightly it clung to her frame. He gripped it tightly, and for a single moment that lasted an eternity it seemed like he was simply going to rip it off of her, press her up against the couch or wall and start things getting much more physically intimate.

Yet, for now at least, he held back. Letting the tense silence fill with the sound of zipping fabric as he affixed her skirt to her body. "Keep going." He urged, voice hot and whispering at the back of her ear. "I want to see you fully dressed before I rip it all off of you, if that's alright with you?"

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Allison could feel his eyes wandering over her, a shiver of anticipation making its way up her spine as he pressed up against her from behind. A soft squeak left her lips and two feathered wings sprouted from her back, pressing to his chest, neck and chin. Her horns curled back from her bouncy hair, her skins deepening into an orange-y tone and a tail slithered up his leg to squeeze his thigh.

Her cheeks were deeply flushed by this point, eyes closed as a quiet moan rumbled from between their kissing. She felt herself flinching under his touch, her pupils narrowing as he slid his hands over her figure.

"Yes, of course, Sir." Allison breathed, legs slightly wobbly from the tingling beneath her dress. She pulled her lace wrist cuffs on over her hands, red faced and feeling slightly impatient after his amorous words. She could still feel the goosebumps, her mind racing a mile a minute to keep her composure. Allison clipped on her lace choker and placed the maid headband in front of her horns, tucking it into place before turning to face James once more.

Her tail flicked behind her, her face soft and bashful as she held his eye contact. " How can I be of service, Sir?" She purred, taking a step towards him before curtsying.
Code by Jenamos
  • Spicy
Reactions: TerraBooma
"Well well're just full of suprises, aren't you? That's okay, I love a girl who's got a few suprises up here sleeve."

James voice was dark and inviting, but in truth he had been caught completely off guard. He'd never slept with a darkling before, so this was proving to be an entirely new experience for the vampiric man. Perhaps equally interesting to him was that he had yet to feed on a darkling. He rarely drank blood from others directly largely as a matter of cost, and the idea of tasting a darkling's blood was always whispered about. Always delicious, ever addictive and incredibly intoxicating. Was it as alluring as everyone said it was? He was oh so curious about getting a taste...

But still, he had to wait. Waiting and waiting and waiting was the theme of their passionate encounter, and he felt electric with possibility and yearning alike. As he waited for her to finish changing a second time gone was Allison the meek and nervous girl, replaced with Allison the devilish maid. He was as curious as he was throbbing with anticipation in just about every way imaginable.

"You didn't tell me you were a darkling." He questioned, though it was clearly something that intrigued him- the suprise wasn't an unwelcome one. He straightened up a little bit, putting on a little bit more of a in control persona since she was fully playing up the maid role herself. Her demure curtsy was one hell of a turn on, so evidently the little demon was doing everything correctly on her end. "Your wings and your tail. May I touch them? I'd like to, if that's alright with you." He stalked around her, inspecting her form like a lord approaching a maid standing at attention. If she gave permission his hands would brush around her new form. Gently experimenting by touching her wings and her tail. sliding around her body and exploring these new appendages. When he approached her again he kept that eye contact, looking her in the eyes and reaching out to tilt her chin up, holding it in place and forcing his intense gaze directly into hers- locking their glances.

"You're going to serve me now. Are you ready?" It was a question hidden as a demand. One last check to make sure she was still on board. So far Allison had been a very enthusiastic and eager participant, but it was always good to double check. Assuming everything went how he expected, he would smile and take a step back, sitting down on the couch and patting on his lap for her to join him. "Well then my pet." He teased with an extension of his tongue. "I have this terrible throbbing below my waist. I'm not sure what to do about this. In your maidly wisdom, can you take care of this problem for your master?" It was corny roleplay, and a bit flubbed, but there was something...endearing about the clumsiness. A gap in his facade. If she came to sit on his lap, he would have one last question for her, seperate from all the others.

"I have...never drank Darkling blood before. If you would allow me, I believe we would both enjoy it. That said, it's far from a requirement. I'm having a wonderful time already. I hope you are as well, yes?"

Allison locked her hands behind her, rocking back on her heals with a bashful expression painted across her blushing face. " Yes, please do." She replied with a gentle dip of her head. She watched him curiously as he examined her, feeling a bit thrilled by his fascination with her.

As he tilted her chin up, Allison gently pushed her face into his palm and rubbed her cheek affectionately against his fingers. She batted her lashes at him, fighting back a grin as they held eye contact again. She could've sworn she was melting.

"Yes Sir." She breathed through a smirk, holding his eye contact with a rather seductive glow in her brown eyes. She swayed over to the couch and draped herself across his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt her mouth water, wiggling her hips against his lap to rub against his bulge. "Yes Master, I would love to take care of that for you." She whispered to him, her face bright red and tail lashing with intrigue.

"And where would you like to taste me, Master? I'm flattered…" Allison cooed, a smile curving her lips deviously. She had never been bitten before, but the idea thrilled her and she was curious to see how it would go.

Code by Jenamos
  • Spicy
Reactions: TerraBooma
Each little drip of breath, each baited moment that passed made his heart beat and the beast inside stir with continued hunger. She was his demonic little maid, a plaything to use at his whims. As affectionate as a cat with the way she purred and pressed her face against his hand in a way that continued to intoxicate him before she broached the idea of him biting her. There didn't need to be any darkling magic behind the seductive heavy weight to her gaze in order to twist him around her finger. She may have been melting in his hands but she equally had him wrapped around her finger. His fellow Vampires were right about one thing above all others- it was easy to fall into the machinations of a Darkling. It wouldn't have been hard for her to get him to do anything she wanted if it meant he could to taste her and play with her for a little while longer.

She sat on his lap, the obvious effect being that she felt his throbbing cock restrained by the clothes between them. He widened his legs to let her sit comfortably but he started to massage her as well. He ground his hips up against her a second time, pulling her in with his arms as his lips kissed at her neck. He was hot and nervous and excited and so fucking horny that he barely held himself back from going straight to playing with her skirt. Instead he repeated his earlier caresses, playing with her maid outfit and groping her gently as she sat next to him. The promise of drinking some darkling blood was the main thing keeping him from losing all control at this point, though it wasn't to say it would stay that way for long after the feeding- he had some ideas for how to put those horns to use that he was dying to experiment with and to quite literally get his hands on.

For now though, a luxury few vampires got to savor. The man continued to kiss at her, pausing only to explain. "I'll bite your neck. It will be a transendant feeling- for both of us. I will feed for a short time, not enough to hurt or cause any damage. We'll have a safe word just in case you're uncomfortable. Why don't you pick one now?" He would wait then, letting her take as long as she needed to confirm she was ready. Tugging at her outfit, pulling down her top to grope her breasts directly.

Whenever she gave consent, he would kiss at her neck. And then he would bite her.

Little bits of her blood spilled down onto her neck, lapped up by his tongue before his fangs could sink into her properly. It was a sharp sensation at first, a light bit of pain. But the pleasure that radiated and flooded through her body would soon more than make up for it. It was a sudden awareness: a warmth and desire that spread through her entire body. A lustful wonderful high of everything just being right and her being exactly where she was supposed to be. On his end, the effect was nearly equally intoxicating. Delicious and so fucking tasty. He wanted to live in that moment, forever. As long as she would let him drink.

And he would- until either she stopped him or he stopped himself. The latter likely taking some time of slow feeding bliss. When he broke free with a drunk grin on his face, licking her neck to seal the wound, he would lean back in a joyful gaze.

"That was wonderful. Everything I hoped it would be. Now, Allison? If you're still willing, your master would like for you to suck his cock."
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A quiet moan parted Allison's lips and she subtly arched her hips down into his grinding. She felt her heart flutter as his hands found their way to her breasts, another whisper of bliss breaking the silence between the kisses to her throat.

Allison blinked, suddenly pulling herself back to reality to ponder a safe word. "Oh! Yeah, good idea!" She chirped, beaming as she took a moment to think.

"Okay, okay! Sarsaparilla! That's the safe word." She decided, nodding her head to James. Then, she closed her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder, blissfully letting him knead her chest without a worry in the world. There was a soft gasp of surprise at the initial puncture, but it was soon replaced with swooning sighs of pleasure and giddy giggles.

Once James pulled his lips from her neck, Allison turned her face to catch his gaze with a sweet smile. "Oh, Master would like that? Very good." Allison teased playfully, gracefully sliding down from his lap to the space on the floor between his knees. " But of course, Master." She purred warmly, cupping his bulge with her palm through his trousers. Her wings stretched behind her, her fingers making quick work of unbuttoning his pants as her tail snaked up his pants leg to pull them down.

Allison felt her mouth water, nearly drunk with arousal as she freed his cock from its prison. Her pheromones were spilling off her like a scented candle, licking her lips and peeking up at James for approval, cock grasped between her soft hands.

Code by Jenamos
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Reactions: TerraBooma
With a safe word provided and his system now full of tasty and delicious darkling blood James felt like he was finally ready to go all out. His chest thrummed with a pleasant energy and he felt floaty- as if gravity was now the thing he was hungering for after sipping on his demon maid. The vampire was brought back to earth only by the light touch of his servant's hands around his hardened cock. Watching her tail lithely spear his pants and drop them to the ground was a new level of erotic for the man and not something he was going to lose his taste for anytime soon.

Warmth and arousal oozed off of him in waves, his cock glittering with pre as it waited for her mouth. He didn't know much about darkling pheromones but they were having an effect and then some. Those demure little eyes peeking up at him, the blood spreading from his core out to the tips of his fingers and that damn maid outfit were a combination he wouldn't soon forget. His legs kicked out, pressing around her body and affixing her in place- his cock wavering lightly for the efforts, held only by her lithe grip. "Mmm...that's right baby." He hungered. "Go ahead, suck master's cock. Then we'll make you feel real good..." His hands played with Allison's hair, and the horns. "Can I use them?" He echoed quietly, not sure if facefucking was entirely the direction that Alison wanted to take things but quite enthralled by her demonic appendages regardless of their use in what as to come.

"And let me touch your tail. I want to feel it when you suck me off- do you hear me maid? Thank me and maybe I'll let you touch yourself while you service your lord." He grinned, drunk on the blood and the power of the scene. James may have been the veteran of this event and returned every year, but tonight was turning into an evening that he would never forget- and his favorite blissful night so far!
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Allison giggled as his legs encased her, her tail flicking as she slowly dragged her hands up his flesh. She licked her lips, pressed a quick kiss to his tip before running her tongue over it.

Her eyes flickered up, eyebrow cocked with intrigue. "Oh? My horns? Sure! I mean, yes Master." Allison corrected, offering a bashful smirk. She relaxed her throat, gently pushing him past her lips and into her wet mouth. She purred affectionately, rolling her tongue up the sides of his shaft as she began to suck him off and prepare her throat for what was next.

Allison's attention perked up again as he asked to play with her tail, smiling through puffed cheeks. "Mm-hmph!" She muffled in agreement, her tail slithering up from behind her to wrap around his wrist. She cupped the base of his shaft, closing her eyes as she began diligently working on him.
Code by Jenamos
The best part of a blowjob, at least to James. Was just after it started. Not to get him wrong, the part where you got to finish was pretty high up there as far as sexual pleasures go in that it was literally sexual pleasure. But settling into a comfortable couch or bed and watching a beautiful woman bob her head down over and over again was like witnessing a work of art for the first time. And what a work of art allison was: A demonic maid fervishly serving her master. Devilishly skilled and a tease to boot, with the way that she kissed and licked his tip before getting to work itself. James felt himself shiver with anticipation and tingles alike as his sensitive cock transmitted plenty of pleasurable ticks up his nervous system.

For a moment, he was simply lost to the pleasure, distracted by her efforts to please him. Earnest moans of gratitude echoed into the lounge as he melted into the couch. "That's it little maid." He cooed, looking down with lustful yet relaxed eyes. "Keep serving your lord, just like that." He didn't think he was that good of a roleplayer- he always forgot what it was a lord would exactly say in this kind of situation, his mind impacted by other things in that particular moment. Her tail served a second distraction, with his lust heavy eyes looking down in curiosity as it entangled his wrist. How could he touch it? What kind of sounds could he get her to make? Would she like if he stroked it? If he tugged on it just so gently? He experimented, touching it gently and doing all kinds of things to see if any elicited a reaction.

Yet curiosity beget hunger for so long. As his moans continued and his lust reached a high, simply playthings wouldn't be enough to sate him. "Fuck baby...yes! More!" He growled, demeanor shifting as his hunger rose unsated. His hands moved from her tail up to her horns, and his legs affixed her in place, powered by vampiric strength and sheer primal lust aside. He grabbed her horns like handlebars, and they both knew what was going to happen next. "I need your mouth. It's so fucking good. I can't wait to cum all over my little maid's face." He let out a satisfied moan of pleasure, and then he got to work. dragging her head down again and again, slamming his thick cock deep into her face as the sound of slapping skin echoed into the room.

"Now...little maid...touch yourself! Touch yourself as I fuck your fucking throat!"
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Allison smirked, mouth muffled by the task at hand but the corner of her lips curled deviously at the noises he made. The would eat the praise up every time.

Warm moans rumbled in the back of her throat as he stroked her tail, an increasingly uncomfortable wet spot forming quickly between her thighs when he grasped her horns. She closed her eyes and relaxed her throat, taking him in full force. Sloppy wet noises coated the sounds echoing from the walls, her hands pressing to the floor in front of her to keep herself steady.

Allison's breasts bounced lightly with the thrusting, her tail snaking its way back up her own skirt to slowly start rubbing herself through her damp underwear. Lewd gasps, gags and moans began pouring from her throat, saliva leaking from the corners of her mouth as James had his way with her. She had never experienced a night like this, it was hard not to get lost in the feeling.

Code by Jenamos
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Reactions: TerraBooma
He had escalated the tempo of their rendezvous, and with it the night was simply set to become more and more intense. One some more logical level, he made the small connection that touching tail=good for her, but he was far too hung up in his own lust to make any clever comments or cheeky teases about it. In the back of his mind, ideas would play out for future events. Possibly for the evening, possibly longer if she continued to be this fun to melt into get lost into the feeling of pleasure with. That was a lot of thinking though, and a lot of thinking that he didn't want to do when he could simply enjoy screwing her throat instead. His favorite part of facefucking was always the sounds. Sloppy wet gurgled and gasps for air. The sound of his cock hitting the back of her throat and the occasional gag all just drove him faster and to greedily spike her head down again and again. He was lost in the fantasy, taken by the role of a hungry manor lord consuming one of his servants. Who was the real devil in their little tango?

He didn't really care. He just wanted her. That tail, those horns. Everything they did was so hot. The image of her slinking that tail in to touch herself brought him to the edge of oblivion as he moaned and continued his thrusts. Faster and faster still as he approached what would surely be the first of many climaxes in the evening. And if she liked praise? Oh boy, was she going to get it.

"My devil, my little maid. You're so- so fucking beautiful. That's it, you're a good girl. Just keep on moving that tail." He rolled into a moan, closing his eyes and losing himself to the pleasure of the moment. "When I cum, I'm going to mark you as mine. You understand? For tonight, you belong only to me. My favorite little toy. You're so good. Such a good fucking maid!" He huffed and puffed with each passing moment, feeling his hardened cock shudder inside of her. A quivering wave of hot cum as he let out a final moan and released her from her duties, letting her head whip back as his cum shot in a stream right after her, splashing onto her face.

"Stand." He ordered, vampiric lust and darkling pheromones destroying an semblance of 'slowing down' or 'needing a break' after a climax. Wheather or not Allison had managed to her herself to climax, or weather his own left her teetering her on the edge was irrelevant, because he was going to fuck a few orgasms into her as thanks for her hard work. He practically pulled her head up, kissing her despite her undoubtedly messy face through sheer need, before coming down to her neck to drink from her a second time. This was shorter, but more frenzied. There was a need for her body. For her blood. His lick was messier as he pulled free from the short drink, leaving tingles of red along her neck.

Letting go to let her finally comply with his command, a dirty and hungry grin crossed his face. "Hands on the couch. Now. I'm going to ride you so fucking hard you're going to beg for me to stop. And I'm going to use that tail to do it. Understand? You gotta beg if you want it."
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Allison felt a shiver dance up her spine as James pulled from her mouth, the feeling of hot cum splashing against her cheek and the bridge of her nose pulled a gasp from her. Red faced and panting, heart racing in her chest as she looked up at him. "I'll wear it like a badge, Master." She whispered, sighing whimsically as she rose to her feet. Her tongue grazed the corner of her mouth, catching a droplet of his seed that threatened to fall away from her, holding eye contact with him before sauntering over to the couch.

Usually by now whatever "deep art school" loser she had punished herself with was packing up his duffle bag and pulling on a canvas jacket, leaving whatever horribly boring "classic" he couldn't shut up about on the tv and pit of longing in her belly. It felt nice to be praised, to enjoy herself too. It made her feel powerful.

Allison bent over the couch, her tail snaking up and sweeping across her exposed ass, yanking down her white underwear to reveal her wetness to him. She pressed her chest to the couch, gazing over her shoulder at him with round, longing eyes.

Her face flushed an even deeper red, feeling a bit embarrassed but more than willing to comply with his request. " P-…" She stuttered, a soft giggle escaping her clinched mouth. She cleared her throat, arching her back for him and throwing him a sultry smile.

" Master…? Please fuck me… I can't stand another minute without you filling me up." Allison panted, shifting her weight from leg to leg to wiggle her plump ass for him. " I've been so good…." She whimpered enticingly. " Please Master?"
Code by Jenamos
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James favorite thing about Allison- not that it was easy to narrow down given everything she was doing for him in the moment- was her playfulness. The girl seemed to have a fiery spirit that lent itself well to the roleplay and made all of it Maybe it was the two tooth-loads of darkling blood that he had ingested for the first time that evening but there was something to her demeanor that made it easy to slip into the role. If he was being honest, roleplaying twice over in previous years would have been pretty difficult for him. Not only did he have to pretend to be a cool and collected elite but also some manor lord from a distant fiefdom- power hungry and lustful for a maid who was equally hungry for what he had to offer. It was like a classic devil's deal- who was really in command of their little roleplay? It left plenty to be imaginative about, though James mind was mostly preoccupied with the movements of her hands and her body. Watching her lick up his seed with a vested interest- her tail doing all the hard work and giving him all the access he needed to give both of them what they had been longing to do since they arrived on this blissful little excursion.

He was already to leap on her like a wolf to prey, but something about that boastful expression filled him with a sense of power- of control. It was how much she wanted it, that little bit of embarassment overcome by lust and desire. The little giggle that broke through their imaginary game of who and where and what, playful and joyful of everything that was about to happen to her. In that moment James couldn't have seen a hotter more lust inducing thing in his entire life.

After all, what was hotter than just being wanted?

"Well, if my favorite devil begs so sweetly...I'll simply have to allow it." He strode up to her, inhabiting his role of the hungry vampiric overlord, though the smile on his face was too goofy to convey any real malice or threat to it, undercutting the persona. He affixed his cock with a similar swagger- goofily undermining the tension and letting out a small genuine chuckle as he imagined how silly he must have looked. But he let out a satisfied moan when he entered inside her, and his hands moved to where they needed to be. One leaning over her, looking down at his prize for the evening. The other wrapping her tail gently up like a rope around his free arm, tugging on it like a knight testing his reigns.

Then he started to fuck her. Little time for buildup- the lust had taken him far too much to dare to take things slowly this time. Pulling on the tail as he slammed his cock into her again and again, huffs and moans mixing with the sound of skin on skin. He grinned.

"That's it. Good...good fucking girl. Be so good for master. You're being so good...fuck!" He let out a near incredulous laugh, that he got to enjoy this- that he got to enjoy her, before he remembered his role. "Now thank your master for his cock- or I'll take it away from you! You better keep saying thank you until you cum!"
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