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~ extroverted introvert ~
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

Jackson Locke

It wasn't really his plan to come to this fancy gala, but here he was. Waking through a hall devoid of people. For once Jackson could be alone…until he finds his pair that is. It's not that he wasn't excited about meeting someone and having sex, it was more he didn't want to mess up. What if he can't get it up? What if she's not into it? What if it's not a woman? Pulling the letter from his pocket he checked the name, seeing if it was at all masculine. Keeva. Was that feminine? Right?

Shaking his head Jack looked out one of the many windows in the hall. Why was he even here? Was he really about to have sex with a complete stranger? Yea most likely.

Chocolate eyes looked up at the night sky, the twinkling lights seeming brighter than usual. He wanted a closer look, no, he had to get a closer look. Breaking from his awe state Jackson began his journey to finding a door leading outside. Was it crazy to frantically look for a door just to see stars? Yes. Did he care? No.

Then finally he spotted the door he was looking for, a door leading outside. Jack all but rushed to the door, flinging it open and quickly walking out. What he found was the garden. Tall shrubs created a wall around a gravel path. Curious. Walking toward the path he muttered something about curiosity and a cat.

Soon he was walking the path aimlessly. Where did this lead? The question he was seeking the answer to. The shrubs were a nice dark green, its height reaching above him. It was nice to be walking surrounded by green shrubs and the occasional group of flowers. Peace. That's what this was.

Letting a relaxed sigh pass his lips Jack quickly found himself standing in front of a clearing. A gazebo stood in the center of the clearing. There were four sets of stairs leading up, with lavenders lining the space in between. The gazebo itself was white with a glass roof, wooden poles and beams holding it together. Vines even grew up the poles and were seeming to be slowly creeping up the roof.

Slow steps lead him up to the gazebo and a quick once around had him climbing the steps. Boy was he glad to have. The moon's light shone down on him through the roof leaving him with a blissful feeling. Leaning on one of the railings with his arms, Jackson gazed up at the stars, lost in his own world.
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keeva mejias

It took a little too long to realize she was in a hedge maze.

She wasn't scared, per say, but there were butterflies in her stomach and she clenched the key within her palm so tightly it was beginning to hurt. Keeva took a deep breath and exhaled in a huff. She'd been thrilled to be invited to Lady Mar'irath's gala but now that she was here?

A little mouse stuck in the garden.

"It's pretty though..." Keeva said to no one, caressing the foliage of the thick hedge as she walked along the manicured path. Flowers and blooms were scattered here and there and she wondered if the odd spacing meant it was to be viewed from a different perspective.

Keeva breathed in, normally, the grip on her elegant skeleton key slowly loosening. She continued down the starlit path, eventually passing beneath an arch of hanging hydrangeas. Puffy, pale cream blossoms that glistened and glowed in the starry night, releasing an otherworldly sweet scent. Keeva closed her eyes, halting, and simply twirled. After awhile, she began to sing as well.

/ + / "Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Who said that wishes would be heard and answered when wished on the morningstar?

Someone thought of that and someone believed it.
Look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing and what do we think we might see?"

The butterflies still prevailed, zipping around her gut with a spicy agitation, but she was much calmer. She continued singing, softly, and crept deeper into the maze. It wasn't long until she found it's heart: a gazebo with a stained glass top. It was beautiful, well wrought, and stunning as the centerpiece of the cultivated gardens.

Keeva continued her song, enjoying the ambiance as she drew closer to the gazebo. She wanted to see the stars through the glass. She stopped in horror, however, when she noticed one of the prettiest men she'd ever seen, leaning against the white railing, doing exactly as she intended.

"I—I'm so sorry."
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Jackson Locke

It was pure silence around him as Jackson stared at the expanse of darkness that covered the sky. The stars seemed to dance as they twinkled inconsistently, but in a way that was hypnotizing. Silence. Oh how he was enjoying his time not being at the center of attention. Deep in the maze where no one can find him. It was nice. Letting out a soft, relaxed sigh Jackson wondered if he should go look for his partner. Couldn't he just remain here, basking in the moonlight? No, he had to go find them. The faster he did the quicker he might be able to leave this gala. The gala he previously was sure he would enjoy. Now? Well, it was quite overwhelming.

Then came the singing. Blinking Jackson listened to the melody, soft and sweet. It carried through the air to him as if it were a siren song. The voice itself was entrancing, pulling him toward it like a lure. With the voice getting closer and closer by the second, Jackson turned around in time to see a woman.

His breath caught at the sight of her. She was…radiant, beautiful, breathtaking, and much more. He couldn't look away from her, with her long curling blonde hair, pale fair skin, and brilliant eyes. She was…captivating. Jack wanted to go to, wanted to talk to her, just be in her presence.

"There is no need to apologize," He assured, lips curling into a smile. Holding his hand out to her he introduced, "My name is Jackson, and yours is?" He needed to know who this mysterious beauty was. No, he had to know.
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keeva mejias

Keeva stared blankly at his offered hand, transfixed, starlight dancing lazily upon the minute gems embroidered on her dark gown as she hesitated. It took a moment to figure out why— why she was at a loss for words —but she realized eventually: Jack was the name on her invitation! The sight of him made her fangs tingle, and she blushed. Prayed that he wasn't a telepath.

Jack's a nice name, She thought, finally unrooting herself and climbing the few stairs into the gazebo proper. Keeva could feel her cheeks aflame and worried that her hair would be next— or worse, her gown.

I can't get that flustered, this gown is worth three whole paychecks!

She extended a hand, one that would be warm to the touch, and said rather shyly, "Keeva, Keeva Mejias."

Keeva let her hand linger within his for a moment longer than she typically would, her face a mixture of shyness and demure alike as the butterflies in her stomach raged.

"I—think you're my... partner for this evening? Are you okay with that?"

The look on Keeva's face said she was more than happy with the cards dealt her way.
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  • Sweet
Reactions: Lulunopia

Jackson Locke

As her small, warm hand was placed in his large coarse one he couldn't help but grin slightly. It was a slight grin, one of those ones where he knew what was going on but chose not to say anything. The same sentiment danced in his eyes as Jackson brought her hand up, kissing her knuckles lightly. He lingered a second before letting her hand slip from his.

"Keeva…" Her name slipped off his tongue like a sweet melody floating through the air. "I have no problems with this…arrangement," Jack had paused, unsure of what to call this. Nevertheless he walked closer to her, standing but a few inches away from her. Gazing down into her shy eyes he found himself lost in them for a second, the way they shone in the moonlight.

Gently bringing a hand up to cup her chin slightly, tilting her head to look up at him he leaned in closer. "May I kiss you?" Jack whispered his lips close to hers, eyes flickering between Keeva's eyes and her lips.
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  • Love
Reactions: rissa

keeva mejias

Keeva burned hot.

Literally, at that, but she clamped down on the budding flame that licked its way through her veins, reddening her cheeks and producing wispy flames from strands of hair that fizzled out like a sparkler. Her knuckles burned where his lips met her skin and she shivered, despite the warmth clawing inside her. It felt nice... it felt right... and when he stepped closer, inches from her face...

Can I kiss you? Keeva didn't leave him the chance. All she had to do was lean against him, her chest against his and suddenly her lips against his and she was pressing into him, alternating between soft, pecks and languid kisses that had her dying for a taste of him. She brought her hands up to cradle his face, silently begging for him to open his mouth.

  • Spicy
Reactions: Lulunopia

Jackson Locke

There was a moment of surprise before Jackson's hands rested on Keeva's hips, pulling her body closer as she did the same. Lips moving with hers in a deadly dance as his body began to heat up. It was exhilarating to have such an enticing woman almost melt in his hands. Such a feeling had his thumbs rubbing slow circles into her sides, lips parting to allow their tongues to clash. Though he had just met Keeva, Jack couldn't get enough of her; her taste, the way she kissed him eagerly, and the simple feel of her skin against his was enough to make him want more.

Breaking from the kiss Jackson slowly kissed his way down to her neck, biting lightly as he went. Biting and sucking at her neck he allowed one hand to run up her back to tangle in her hair while the other stayed in place. He was intoxicated by the taste of her skin, the heat that came from it was something he couldn't get enough of.
Reactions: rissa