The Ties That Bind

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"I suppose most would still rather be stuck in the woods with a random bear than a random man," Maxim said with a little chuckle at the frankly ridiculous but accurate and telling trend sweeping across the internet. At least bears could be predicted.

"My favorite animal?" He repeated, the small smile it pulled from him bordering on confused at the unexpected question. "Can't say I get asked that very often anymore. I'm partial to dogs, but if I had to pick a favorite . . . I suppose I'd pick parrots." He shrugged, as if he couldn't help the probably strange choice. "They're loud and annoying, but incredibly intelligent."

He paused to consider for a moment, but didn't change his mind, raising an eyebrow at her instead. "And what is yours that you claim is the cutest? Pretty bold claim for not saying what it is."
"Hmm." She murmured softly, her expression turning a bit sour. "Yeah well i don't really blame them on that." She said softly, almost to herself.

She brightened again at his confusion, smiling in amusement and shrugging a little. "Odd question I guess, I just love animals." "To be fair, it's not something i'm asked much as an adult eiether."

"It's more fun hanging out with kids, I never have adults asking what my favourite dinosaur is."
She said with a soft little laugh, nodding a little at his answer.

"That makes sense, they can be funny and they have so many varieties too." "Why am I not surprised you'd pick dogs?" She teased lightly, referring to his heritage.

"I have lots of favourites, like elephants but if I can only pick one, cats of course." "Any and all kinds, you look at a kitten and tell me they're not adorable." She joked lightly, since she wasn't picking just one.
Maxim shrugged a bit with an unbothered expression at her response - he didn't really blame women for their choice either, though given his insight into a largely male-dominated criminal underworld it probably wasn't that surprising. His own authority, when not involving criminals, was more of a style Simon would likely call 'gentle parenting' than barking orders and using his fists to communicate, so he was sure enough the sentiment of agreement would be clear.

The idea of favorite dinosaurs and all the silly things the children could get up to when allowed to speak freely. Conversation with them was more interesting, he supposed, in some senses of the word.

"Generally speaking, any baby version of something is going to be adorable," he conceded, smiling at the thought of stereotypes when she pointed out that she liked cats best. "You and Opal would have a field day talking about animals, then. Elephants are her favorite. She tries to convince Marina to sneak her into their enclosure every now and again."
"True, true, though there are some exceptions." She replied with an amused smile, thinking of some of the more unfortunate looking baby animals she'd seen before.

She laughed a little at the image of her trying to sneak into the elephant enclosure, "maybe we would, she's got good taste in animals and she sounds like a good kid."

She fell silent for a while as she finished off her lunch, getting up and giving her plate a quick wash once she was done. Setting it aside to dry, "Thanks for lunch."
Adjusting to a life of civilian protection which felt largely like house arrest was not easy. While Maxim was sympathetic to Madeline's plight, after she was settled in the home and he was relatively assured she wouldn't flee, he couldn't give one hundred percent of his time. While he let her accompany him when it was possible, some aspects of chasing down parts of their case against Farkas involved leaving her behind in a home that didn't feel like hers, surrounded by wolves who weren't, in the moment, really her friends.

The pack was friendly enough as a whole, though they had their own lives to live. Simon and Marina, particularly, tried to include Madline in whatever she would allow them to, whether it was watching movies, playing video games or card games, or just making dinner or cleaning. Oscar, though he was as gentle and welcoming as Simon was, had children to watch over on top of all other responsibilities that needed caring for, and often had his hands too full to help her with anything that wasn't a need, or else something she specifically asked him for. When Maxim was home from work, he was always sure to let her come to his own apartment to enjoy company in silence, if that was what she preferred.

After a week or so to settle in and for some of the heat related to her bounty to die off, it was deemed safe enough to let her venture out of the house, though thoroughly accompanied and watched over. By some miracle, Maxim managed to wrangle the whole pack to go out to a public park in the nicer parts of town where they could make use of the built in fire pits and barbecue burgers over hot coals. Some sunlight, good food, and good company was just what everyone needed to relax for a while, after all.

It took a bit of effort setting up, given the relatively large group of people, but many hands made the load light. Marina took Jasper and Opal out into the grass to kick around a soccer ball while Bella set up a large picnic blanket in the shaded grass near the tables and barbecue. Simon, shunned from helping work after having strained his bad leg a bit the day before, settled in with Amethyst on the blanket as well, helping her draw in a coloring book without losing all her crayons.

"There's drinks in the cooler still, if you get thirsty," Simon let Madeline know, looking at her with a little smile and gesturing to the open section of blanket where Bella was not laying out doodling on a corner of Amethyst's coloring book to avoid doing any work. "You can sit with us if you'd like. I'm sure it'll be a little while before anything is ready to eat."

Maxim, Oscar, and Aether had made quick work of setup, the older men getting the coals started heating up while Aether laid tablecloths on the two tables they would need to claim them before anyone else could, assorted condiments and the bag of children's things weighing them down so they wouldn't blow away in the breeze. Madeline was free to relax and let the others do as they pleased, even if Simon knew she disliked not helping.
Madeline had spent most of the days confined to the house on her own, helping with any and all chores that she could, but mostly just trying to stay out of the way.

She was independent enough not to need to ask for anything or mind being alone, however after a while she had started getting a bit bored.

She also just hadn't wanted to be rude, so she'd started to accept Simon and Marinas invitations. Against her better judgement, she'd started to let down her guard more and more.

She found herself getting along with Marina quite well, and it was impossible not to like Simon. She didn't spend all her time with them, not wanting to burden them but she had fun when she did.

The trip to the park was something she was very grateful for, she'd been feeling a bit stir crazy being cooped up in the house all the time.

There wasn't anything for her to help with, so she accepted Simons offer. "Alright, thanks." She said with a smile as she sat down in the space he indicated.

She closed her eyes for a moment, simply enjoying the breeze and warm sun on her skin. She had been missing being amongst nature, this wasn't the forest or woods that she loved, but it was still pretty good.

She wished she could go for a little walk by herself, though she doubted Maxim would allow that, even though things were calmer for now.
"It's a pretty day out," Simon said with a smile, pleased to spend time with everyone as always even if they weren't doing much. "When the weather is good, we like to take little group outings like this."

"Bet it's weird to see Mr. Officer Man in shorts." Bella said with an amused little smile, handing Amethyst a blue crayon when she asked for it.

"I would play with the kids more, but Marina gets them a little too riled." Simon said with a soft laugh, ignoring her idle comment. Already they had started kicking the ball much too hard, too amused by how unafraid Marina was to receive it either with her hands, her chest, or her head. Even if his leg hadn't been acting up, he was likely to hurt himself. "And Oscar is our grill master so no one's really allowed to help with that either."

Bella, still lying on her stomach on Amethyst's other side, reached across to give his knee a consoling little pat. "Congrats, you've been relegated to the kids table."
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She nodded a little at Simons comment, it really was a great day, sunny and warm but not too hot. She smiled a little in amusement at Bella's quip, turning her head for a moment to look at him.

It was a bit odd seeing him in shorts, she was so used to seeing him dressed for work, not relaxation. She'd put on one of her new outfits, a tight black singlet, dark denim boot cut jeans and of course, her short leather boots.

She always wore those when she left the house, though things seemed to have settled down a lot, she didn't really trust the quiet and wanted to be prepared.

She'd also loosely braided her hair into a single long braid down her back, she turned back to face Simon.

Smiling a little at his conversation with Bella, after spending time with Farkas's lot, it was nice to be around people who actually liked each other.

"How's your leg feeling?" She asked Simon softly, concern in her tone.
Leisure time outside of the house was sometimes rare for Maxim, but he enforced it for himself at times, if only so he could spend the time with his pack that they deserved. Having little ones around meant having to choose activities that suited everyone, which wasn't always easy. Even dressed for warm weather, Bella thought he dressed a bit like a 'dad', in a polo shirt and chino shorts. If he'd tucked in the shirt, or if he and actual dad Oscar had worn the same sort of outfit, she might have to actually do something about it.

Each member of the pack had dressed in ways that matched their personalities as she had seen them already. Bella herself had her hair and makeup perfectly done, with high waisted shorts and a tank top that showed a bit of midriff, and delicate sandals sitting in the grass nearby, while Marina dressed more like she was out to play sports in a baggy tshirt and basketball shorts. Simon wore thin but long pants despite the warm weather, as did Aether, the both of them hiding different scars they would rather not answer questions about. The wolf had a light jacket on, even, and stuck to the shade with the continued atmosphere about him as if he would rather not be seen at all.

Madeline's voice drew Simon's eyes away from where Marina was trying to teach Jasper to kick the ball straight up rather than forward, and though his smile didn't disappear it twisted a bit into something almost guilty. "Ah, I'm all right, really," he said, resisting the urge to glance down at the offending limb or to rub at it like it was getting any worse. "It just hurts sometimes. I did a little too much cleaning yesterday, I think, and stepped a little funny coming down the stairs."

"They worry too much," Bella chimed in with a little roll of her eyes. "You're a grown up, you can make your own decisions."

And yet, Simon thought with a soft chuckle, if someone so much as kicked sand at him at the beach she would probably be the first to step on their throat. "If it makes everyone feel better, I don't mind resting a little and watching over Amy." He didn't want to make anyone worry more than they already did.
It was interesting to her to see the outfits everyone had chosen for themselves, from what she'd seen of them, they all suited them perfectly.

She admired Bellas outfit in particular, though she related more to Marina, at least from what little she knew about her, she envied Bellas easy self confidence and take no crap attitude.

It was amusing to her to hear Bella's dismissal of the others concern for Simon, since from what she'd noticed, everyone seemed to worry about him.

Which she could understand, perhaps it was because he was the only human, maybe it was just his personality or his past that she didn't know, but he just seemed to radiate little brother energy.

She hadn't learned much about them yet, or at least not beyond things you'd tell an acquaintance, she still had no real idea about their pasts.

"It's good that they care though." She said softly, before smiling a little and nodding to Amys colouring. "Resting it is a good idea, besides you get to see the creation of this great work of art."
Simon nodded along, smiling easily at the thought of all his friends worrying about him. "They take good care of me." He knew the way they nitpicked at his safety or his health was just because they cared, and he didn't mind them being overbearing at times.

Amethyst was busy making faces as she drew, either concentrating or thinking of the movies the characters in her coloring book came from, but her head popped up with a bashful little giggle at Madeline's compliment. "Dragons!" She declared with a dramatic raise of her crayon, and went right back to trying her best not to color outside the lines.

"And who's that?" Bella prompted, poking at the page.

"As- Ast . . . Astrid!" The little one managed to get the name out properly after a few tries, and handed back her blue crayon. "Brown, please."

Bella nodded and picked out the right color, handing it over with a raised eyebrow. "And why do we like her?"

Amethyst hesitated, trying to think, then gave a big smile when she finally remembered what to say. "She kicks butt!"

The older she wolf gave her a pleased grin and a pat on the head, knowing she was inches from incurring Oscar's wrath by not quite teaching the little one to swear. "That's my girl."

Simon shook his head at her, giving Amy a little pat on the back and avoiding the way her feet kicked idly back and forth in the air over her behind. "You're doing a good job, Amy. Thank you for putting your crayons back." They weren't making a mess or losing colors, so they were doing well so far.

Rather than point out how Bella was purposefully skirting the line as she taught Amethyst new phrases, he turned his attention back to Madeline. "Do you like strawberries, Madeline? I think I'll go get some for Amy to snack on."
She laughed softly at the exchange between Amethyst and Bella, thinking that she had a good point about Astrid. It was sweet to see how much everyone cared for the kids, acting like the best fun aunts and uncles.

"You can call me Maddie if you want, and yeah I do." She offered without really thinking about it, it was starting to feel a bit odd hearing her full name all the time, a bit too formal.

"I'll grab them for you if you want?" She offered with a smile, happy for a chance to help but also not wanting him to walk more than he had too on a painful leg.
Far from bothered, Simon only smiled at her concern, a bit touched that she was trying to help him despite not knowing him for long and attempting to be a sort of 'loner', understandably. It was nice of her to offer to do things for him even when she didn't have to.

"I'll be all right," he reassured, pulling one leg up closer but not quite attempting to stand. "I should move a little or I'll get too stiff. I could use a hand getting up, though, if you don't mind. You can help me carry the bowls back if you want to get up for a minute." He didn't want to deny her the desire to help, even as much as he didn't want to take advantage of kindness. He was aware of his own limits, so while help getting to his feet from sitting on the ground wasn't completely necessary he could acknowledge it would be a big help. He would probably still limp a little once he was up.
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She was glad he hadn't taken her offer as her saying he couldn't do things himself, she just liked to be helpful but she could obviously understand wanting to do things for yourself.

"Sure, no problem." She wouldn't mind moving a bit, maybe it was just being out of the house or being amongst nature, but she felt a bit energetic or restless, like she could happily go running.

She got to her feet, taking care not to stand on the blanket, though her shoes were clean. She held her hand down to Simon, ready to help him up once he was ready.
Simon accepted Madeline's help up to his feet gratefully, doing his best not to make any sounds or faces that might indicate pain as he got upright so no one would worry. It wasn't so bad, only a bothersome ache and a few steps' worth of worsened limp as he started to move after sitting for a while, but he didn't want to cause any concern.

"Thank you," he said with a small smile once he was up, moving carefully so as not to trip himself on any of Amethyst's things. "I'm mostly okay on my own, but some things are easier with help." He could admit that much, at least.

From near the grill with Oscar, Aether's eyes followed the human as he moved, but a simple gesture from Maxim kept him from immediately going to help. It was fine. Simon could do things himself, and Madeline was helping. Rather than offer to do anything to get in the way or attempt to help, Maxim wandered over to the table just to chit chat.

"Stealing from the snack table already?" The alpha wolf said with a gentle, teasing tone. "Smart. Get to it before all the little hands."

Simon chuckled and just pulled a couple of paper bowls free to use for carrying snacks. "Picking out the best strawberries for Maddie and Amy." He glanced over when Maxim only raised a brow in response, expression going a bit sheepish as he pulled out the container of berries. "And maybe one or two for me. . ."
He seemed to be fine, or perhaps he was down playing his pain, it wasn't her business so she'd just be ready to help him if he needed or wanted it.

His comment made her nod a little, "yeah, I'm starting to remember that myself." She admitted to herself softly, not really looking at him as she followed him to the table.

She smiled a little at him using her nickname so quickly, holding the bowls whilst he grabbed the berries.

She smiled in amusement at Maxims stealing comment, "And why would you say that?" She teased Maxim back playfully, "I think you might be projecting a bit."
Simon, at Madeline's quiet comment, only made a soft, questioning hum as they walked, as if he hadn't heard. It was often better that way, when someone was talking more to themself than to him.

Maxim blinked a bit owlishly at her when she spoke to him, a hand to his chest as if shocked she would think such a thing of him. "Who? Me? I'm sorry, but you can in no way prove that the missing cookie went to me."

Simon glanced at the small container of cookies where there was, actually, one missing, and couldn't help but laugh as he placed strawberries gently in the bowls. "Maxim!"

"Show me proof." The alpha insisted, a haughty lift to his chin even as he gave Madeline a little wink. "You can't blame without proof."

Simon only shook his head, picking out a couple of napkins to set one on Madeline's bowl and one on his own. "I expect that of Marina, not you."

When he turned to walk back to the picnic blanket, Maxim turned his attention to Madeline instead, a sort of mischievous glint in his eyes as he lowered his voice for just her to hear. "It was her. She snuck it in the car on the way over."
She laughed a little at this exchange, raising an amused eyebrow slightly at Maxims little wink, not entirely sure if he was referencing her issues.

She thanked Simon for filling her bowl, the turning back to face Maxim again. "And you allowed such blantant theft to happen?" "What sort of cop are you?"

She teased playfully, finding herself greatly enjoying the mischievous look in his eyes. "Not that I'm fully convinced it wasn't you anyway."

"This is a great spot."
She commented more seriously, "do you guys come here often?"
"I'm off duty," Maxim replied with a shrug, as if it couldn't be helped. "And she's very convincing." And if he hadn't let her have it, she would've just taken the whole box.

He relaxed as she did, taking a seat on the bench attached to the picnic table where their food rested in sealed containers. "Every now and again. Sometimes we go somewhere more crowded, like an aquarium or amusement park, but that gets a little pricey. Besides, the kids like running in the park, and Bella likes to 'work on her tan'." He gave a small, amused huff at that, glancing the she-wolf's way to be sure she hadn't heard and looking to Madeline with a little shake of his head. "By that I mean lay out a blanket and not help with anything."

It was only a little dig at the younger wolf's expense, with fond amusement behind it and no real complaint. The outdoors were not Bella's favorite thing, so just being willing to go and have fun with the others was all he asked of her. If they truly needed help, he knew she would step in eventually, but they were largely fine without extra hands.

"If you decide to kick around the soccer ball, make sure someone reminds the children to go easy," Maxim added with a little smile. "Jasper's still working on his aim. Got a little too enthusiastic and broke someone's sunglasses while they were still wearing them last month." If the recipient of the ball hadn't been a wolf, they likely would have taken more injury from the blow than just a few scratches.
"Excuses, excuses." She teased playfully, shaking her head softly. She popped a strawberry in her mouth whilst he talked, savouring the sweet taste.

She nodded a little, understanding perfectly how expensive that could be, it would be fun though. She smiled a little wistfully, remembering sneaking into an amusement park once as a teen.

Her attention was drawn back to Maxim as he poked gentle fun of Bella, she smiled and looked amused. "Yeah I get the sense this sort of thing isn't really her scene."

She laughed a little at the image of that, since no-one had gotten hurt. "I'll keep that in mind, but enthusiasm is a good thing." She wouldn't join in herself, not unless she was asked, since she was still afraid of butting in.

"Do you guys ever go camping?" She asked curiously, she figured it was probably a hassle to organise with all of them, still it would be nice.