NO SIGNUPS REQUIRED The very silly anime style nonsense spam one liner roleplay! JUMP IN AND PLAY.

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life
Welcome to a KARAOKE BAR in Tokyo, Japan!

You are here for... karaoke? ramen? a date? crime? That is up to you!


One liners in the form of Dialogue and Quick Actions. Do not write posts longer than 5 sentences.

Jump in. Jump out. Are you bored and you just wanna be silly for a little bit in character? Run with it!

This roleplay thread is just for good bored fun! 8D No character sheets, face claims, or approvals required. JUST POST AND PLAY.

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Daisuke, a student, delinquent, and full on dumbass is singing 90s jRock karaoke and potentially destroying the ears of everyone around him.
With a miserable reluctance and familiar loathing, here he was. Brought to this damn place by none other than the diva himself and surprisingly, "I think you brought me here for torture." Looking at @Lyrikai and pointing a thumb at the one on stage.
Trying to resist the urge to cling to Balto and also the urge to go heckle the awful singer on stage and show off his own skill instead, Lyrik forced himself to sit tight and sit pretty with a big grin on his face. "Aww, you're not having fun? But everything is so pretty though!"
"Fun?" he stared as if that was going to enhance the point of previous mentioned torture. "Just because you're like a damn bird, don't mean I am. Granted I'll give you some credit, you haven't lost your mind yet with all the potential bodies nearby."
  • Haha
Reactions: Lyrikai
Lyrik cringed, "Oh believe me they're really awful. Especially this joker on karaoke! I ought to go and teach him the meaning of pitch!"
  • Wicked
Reactions: Manna Beast
"Then? Go. Don't flap that mouth at me, go wrangle the mic outta that one's hands and spare everyone in the place some bleeding eardrums. This might be the only time in the bloody world, I'll encourage you to squawk away. You ought to take it."
Daisuke was living his rock star dream up on that stage, singing lyrics in the worst english anyone could ever hear! "DEJA VUUUUUUU, I'VE JUST IN THE PACE BEFOOOOOORE! WHAAAAOOOO!"
Deja Vu was her name, or at least what you could call her, and short skirts is what she wore. She didn't see or notice anyone else trying to get on stage. She at least pretended really well as she went up and took the mic out of Daisuke's hand. "Hit me with your best shot…"
Chest puffed up, Lyrik nodded, "You know what? I'll do just that!" Lucky for him there was someone else already fighting off the terrible singer, but she wasn't all that much better! Approaching the stage himself, he had no qualms about interrupting. "Excuse me, but can you stop?"
"Good. Shoo." Motioning with hands to insist Lyrik go over there and at least do something more than potentially whining. Or bitching about germs or rogue fries... something along those lines. Left him plenty of time to meander to the bar for something that would hopefully be strongly alcoholic.
In the neighboring booth, a loner who wanted to try out karaoke held the mic awkwardly in his hands, listening to the chaos coming from beyond the walls. "Man, that sounds fun..." he thought as he sang feebly, cringing at himself. "Sekai de ichiban ohimesama..."
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Lyrikai
Not being in the mood for cafe-based gang wars or attacks by people in high-tech monster costumes, Kimiko decided to try this place out. She winced at the sound coming from the karaoke machine. She glanced over, saw Daisuke having a blast on stage, and did a double-take. Her previous encounter with the young man had proven to be rather embarrassing, but she gave him a nervous wave as someone else took the mic and she looked for a place to sit.