EXTRA The Wellington Family Tree & Lorebook

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Introducing Baron Fitzwilliam Wellington and his lovely wife Baroness Joanna Wellington!
(As played by yours truely. However, I'd be happy to pass over Fitzwilliam if he's your sort of character to play!)

Much to Joanna Wellington's frustrations, NONE of her children have yet made a match. It's as if teaching her babies to be independent freethinkers might have backfired in some awful way! This season she is determined to see as many of them off to be wed as possible. Please. Please someone marry at least one of these children. Someone wealthy and good looking with a nice reputation!

Daniel Wellington - Eldest son at 28, As a well esteemed fine gentleman, there is no better specimen than this eldest son who is actively seeking his future bride! (Played by firejay1!)

Euphemia Wellington - Eldest Daughter at 24, She is THE most beautiful girl, everyone says so! Of course, it's a little hard to get her talking but, who doesn't love a quiet thinker? (Played by PavellumPendulum)

Frederick Wellington - Second Son at 23, He is Mummy's special... unique boy! Why, he has a mind for business for sure! He'll make a fine husband! (Played by Nemopedia)

Melinda Wellington - Second daughter at 21, What hot blooded man doesn't want a woman that can match him? She is an intelligent spit-fire! Fiercely loyal to her family, this is prime wife behavior. (Played by Nemopedia)

Penelope Wellington - Third daughter at 18, Well - well she's pretty! Not as pretty as Euphemia, but so pretty! (Played by Diana)

Eloise Wellington - Youngest Daughter at 16, It's her very first season out and isn't she just a sweet and ambitious little lady? (Played by Nemopedia)


Of course, it is old news now that Fitzwilliam broke off an engagement to a very wealthy betrothed oh so many years ago to marry his true love, Joanna. That family has since been in a FEUD with the Wellingtons, despite their daughter having found an even better match. In our present date, the children of that jilted woman have carried on the torch of this grudge and so have all of their cousins! Interacting with a Wellington is forbidden! (We are 100% looking for people to play members of that family! Have at it!)

OTHER GOSSIP... To be discovered! 8D
A little recap on the shenanigans that happened over Discord. The family that Baron Wellington slighted was the Hawthorne family, whose only heir is Julian Hawthorne played by @Lisianthus. The Hawthorne lady was his aunt who eventually married into the Lamberts family who are not only a better match (earl) but are also joining the feud with the Wellingtons, they have a son John Lambert played by @MaryGold.

Despite all of Joanna's protests the children have had some contact with the Hawthorne family at least, even if it was mostly bickering (Euphemia, Melinda, and Julian @PavellumPendulum, @Nemopedia, @Lisianthus)

Daniel (@firejay1), the oldest, is about to make a match with the widowed Caroline @Lisianthus while Frederick and Sebastian are about to start a scandal or two in university.

Looking for: a pirate for Penelope and someone tall but disapproved of by Joanna for Eloise.

Anything else I missed out on? 👀

EDIT: @Kuno for making a Lambert daughter who is about to fall for a Wellington.
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
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Specifically, Joanna is looking for a handsome, rich noble that doesn't mind pretending to be a pirate or scoundrel to woo her daughter Penelope into marriage. >:[ Hawthornes need not apply.
  • I'm SHOOK
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"A Pirate for Penelope" sounds like a good thread title! 😜
Euphemia has been spotted with the ballerina (and secret criminal), Isobel (played by @MaryGold) and seems to quite attached to her. Perhaps Isobel sneaks into her room through the balcony every once in a while and perhaps they spend a little too long adjusting each other's hair for one another... But surely they can't be more than just close friends, yes? 😇

She is also becoming good friends with the ever so sweet Augusta (also played by MaryGold)!

How amusing of her to skillfully avoid every single man who looks her way :D
  • What a TWIST
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