The World of Nibel OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Spooder Queen

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
Fantasy, High fantasy
Here we can post questions or seek clarification, guys!

I know most of us haven't made the move yet, but figured I might as well post this ahead of time.

The Lore and Sheets,
Sounds good!

I will be making my post after work tomorrow if anyone else wishes to set something up DM me.
Sounds good! I made one already but may be starting one to two more, depending on everyone's schedule. owo
I made my entrance. It's open to anyone who is a part of the world of Nibel RP. Feel free to DM me, post here or just make an entrance. I put it as a 1x1, but I can move it to group or request if there is some unexpected boon in interest.
I am open to another RP while I wait for Deidra to respond if anyone else is available. I can join yours Lucid if no one else is down, but I am aware you're saving it in case some of the others join and need an rp to jump into. Let me know if that changes <3
I'm enjoying Watari's and Valerna's political and philosophical talk regarding recent events and the defiled. I will use it s a platform to head north to the swamp and meet with Zelena and Florentina.

I also wish to afterward head south and try my hand at diplomacy with Matsumota and Samara.

Xib will likely train Jasper and build up the swamp forces for the coming conflict.

Sukegei I will soon play with maybe Tahira as we explore the state of the desert while preparing the Devante for the coming war.

If anyone wishes to involve themselves in the southern and norther princes politics let me know. Or if you wish to help prepare for the defiled's appearance. I have three characters ready to go and work on that end while developing them alongside it.
I'm enjoying Watari's and Valerna's political and philosophical talk regarding recent events and the defiled. I will use it s a platform to head north to the swamp and meet with Zelena and Florentina.

I also wish to afterward head south and try my hand at diplomacy with Matsumota and Samara.

Xib will likely train Jasper and build up the swamp forces for the coming conflict.

Sukegei I will soon play with maybe Tahira as we explore the state of the desert while preparing the Devante for the coming war.

If anyone wishes to involve themselves in the southern and norther princes politics let me know. Or if you wish to help prepare for the defiled's appearance. I have three characters ready to go and work on that end while developing them alongside it.
Thank you. I'm also enjoying their interaction.

I'm also fine with Watari investigating and building bonds with the northern alliance. The desert may be a stretch, given the distance. Well, at least as an immediate option. But I can see it working more if they met on neutral ground. I don't car to involve myself in the white sands as my time is focused on the Verdant Dynasty. So it's up to others to prepare or involve themselves in that political landscape. Samara and Matsumota are neutral parties. And as it stands now, the desert is fractured due to their ethnostates.