ThunderMoon's Apocalypse Lore

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Fantasy, Slice Of Life, Paranormal
Wintran .pngWintran 2023-10-18-19-22.png
Here you can see all the packs that once were. All of the spots with no pack name were either neutral grounds, wild lands, or just bad parts of the world. You can also how the Cities, Towns, and Countryside were. Of course, things are a tad more overgrown now and everything is in ruins. If you guys want me to place some...perhaps landmarks I'll work on that tomorrow..this took forever. I can put gas stations, markets, museums, and other things you may want. Just let me know.


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Also @Rads to answer you question for his shop/factory. I could place it right at the intersection between RedFall, ThunderMoon, and RavenWind. Or I could put it in the blank area under ThunderMoon
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Also @Rads to answer you question for his shop/factory. I could place it right at the intersection between RedFall, ThunderMoon, and RavenWind. Or I could put it in the blank area under ThunderMoon
The blank area please given he is a neutral party.
Also feel free to pm for reals Hidalgo and Axe
Wintran landmarks.png
Here is a map with markers for certain things. The big circle shows the size of the base set up by RedFall. It's large and it takes a lot to make sure they can keep it safe!

I had gotten this done yesterday, but my brain told me I had posted it when I actually hadn't. If there is anything else you can think I'd need to add let me know and I will add it!
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