OPEN SIGNUPS OUT OF CHARACTER ThunderMoon's Apocalypse Sign-up and Chat!(Rebooting)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Slice Of Life, Paranormal
Character Sheet
Human Appearance(Picture/Despristion:

Wolf Appearance(Picture/Despristion:







Previous Pack:







If you are 'loners', but are grouped with a few other characters traveling, I'll put you in a separate group section until you perhaps part ways.

Leaders - They lead the group, making the super hard decisions, and also making sure that things stay in line with the others of the base.

Runners - They are in charge of getting supplies, usually fast on their feet and alert. They also keep track of the zombie's movements and any possible layout changes.

Medics - They make sure their base is in top shape, letting runners know what they may need more of. Sometimes they will go out with Fighters to get herbs and meds themselves to help take the burden off the runners.

Fighters/Guards - The protectors of the people and bases, they head out with the Runners as well.

Lab Workers(for Hidalgo's Market only) - Though taken in by Hidalgo and allowed to use the labs he has to hopefully find a cure.

Gardeners(for Hidalgo's Market only) - Those who keep up the gardens Hidalgo has going. Includes herbal gardens and food.

~ There are two wolves that are immune and one character who is half zombie ~

Big Base
Alexander Hathorn: 52: Previous Pack - RedFall: Weapons: .358 Winchester Ultralight Hunter, Twin daggers strapped in his boots, 2 sig sauer P226's(DarkMoon)
Name: Age: Previous Pack(If One: Weapons:
Name: Age: Previous Pack(If One: Weapons:

James Hathorn
: 19: Previous Pack - RedFall: Weapons: 338 Lapua Magmun and a M1911(DarkMoon)
Adam Torren: 21: Previous Pack - None: Weapons: Twin swords(DarkMoon)
Preston Andler: 28: Previous Pack - ThunderMoon: Weapons: Dual pistols, steel-toed boots, and a fishing knife among other things(Luther)

Amy Wells: 19: Previous Pack - None: Weapons: Axe and a gun(DarkMoon)
Name: Age: Previous Pack(If One: Weapons:
Name: Age: Previous Pack(If One: Weapons:

Clare Brooks: 20: Previous Pack - FrostStar: Weapons: 6 throwing daggers(DarkMoon)
Emma: 9: Previous Pack - RavenWind: Weapons: Small dagger(ShyTexanGamer)
Baron Grady: 55: Previous Pack - ThunderMoon: Weapons: Relies on others(Luther)

Helen River: 29: Previous Pack - RavenWind: Weapons: Twin Katanas(DarkMoon)
Julius Hades: 26: Previous Pack - ThunderMoon: Weapons: Long Sword, 45 pistol(DarkMoon)
Olenn Jordenson: 48: Previous Pack - ThunderMoon: Weapons: 5-inch hunting blade and anything else(Luther)
Name: Age: Previous Pack(If One: Weapons:


Hidalgo Greenwood: 28: Previous Pack - None: Weapons: titanium-diamond-coated laced wire, Snipper Riffle, daggers, two smaller uzi's.(Rads)


Hailey Coles: 28: Previous Pack - BellClove: Weapons: Long sword, 22 long rifle, 2 sig sauer p365's(DarkMoon)

Lab workers
Lilith Rave: 29: Previous Pack - ThunderMoon: Weapons: Couple of daggers(DarkMoon)


Kelly Triven: 36: Previous Pack - ThunderMoon: Weapons: Simple 8inch Blade(DarkMoon)
(Immune)Sheena Triven: 16: Previous Pack - ThunderMoon: Weapons: Twin Daggers(ShyTexanGamer)

Derek Caren: 24: Previous Pack - None: Weapons: Broadsword(DarkMoon)

Ariel Lukens: 25: Previous Pack - Her family: Weapons: Twin Curved Sickles, Throwing daggers(DarkMoon)

(Hiatus until further notice)Erik Holt: 17: Previous Pack - FrozenMoon: Weapons: Shortbow, arrows, hunting knife(perytonfeathers)
Name: Age: Previous Pack(If One: Weapons:
Name: Age: Previous Pack(If One: Weapons:



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  • Like
Reactions: Rads
Oooh poifect !! Will have to start stuff when I have more free time tomorrow or Monday <3
That's fine, I won't be able to fully get my characters up perhaps Monday as well. Just wanted to get this up :)
Human Appearance:unnamed (1).jpg

Wolf Appearance:dd4moef-18fbe0c9-fc34-445f-9be2-c71397a5081c.jpg

Name: Kelly Triven

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight/Bi-Curious

History: Kelly was living an okay life, with her mate and child. Being a part of one of the most war-waging packs had always made her worried. She had talked to her mate countless times about leaving ThunderMoon but stubbornly wished to remain. She never understood why he wished to be part of the pack wars, it gained them nothing but loss. Then again Kevin never seemed bothered by the death's of their packmates. If anything he seemed to enjoy it. Slowly she began to regret becoming his mate and if things couldn't get any worse her daughter went missing and he hadn't given a damn. She began to piece things together, slowly. Before the world fell into ruin...but even least she had found her daughter.

Weapons: Simple 8inch Blade

Previous Pack: ThunderMoon Pack

Base(Yes/No): No

Rank: Loner

Relatives: Daughter, Sheena Triven

Crush: None

Lover: Kevin Triven - Dead

Human Appearance:bkh89ykljhl.jpg

Wolf Appearance:3913d931e6896395b446c72bdd99a72d.jpg

Name: Alexander Hathorn

Age: 52

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

History: He was the Alpha of RedFall, a pack that almost rivaled RavenWind and ThunderMoon. However, due to not having as many members as either of them. He could do very little to stop the raging battles between the two powerful packs. Instead, he switched his focus to helping those who ended up caught in the middle of the Thunder and Raven's bloody battles. Never once did he think something like the world ending would happen. But he made sure to step up and take a stand, making his pack grounds a safe haven for any werewolf unbitten. As more wolves joined he held out the offer of more leaders. After all, one leader can only keep their eyes on so many things. He didn't mind sharing the power with other reliable wolves as long as his goal remained, keeping everyone alive. He knew there would be conflicts... No matter how ruined the world, people are still bound to fight.

Weapons: .358 Winchester Ultralight Hunter, Twin daggers strapped in his boots, 2 sig sauer P226's

Previous Pack: RedFall Pack

Base(Yes/No): Yes

Rank: Leader

Relatives: Son, James Hathorn

Crush: Believes he's too old for love

Lover: Leslie Hathorn(Dead)

Human Appearance:Amagi.Rinne.full.3044101.jpg

Wolf Appearance:522bd3a5d70ce31399e6cd42f168dbc9.jpg

Name: James Hathorn

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: James knew well how much his father wanted to step in and stop Thunder and Raven from tearing each other's throats out. However, he didn't know why the two packs hated each other so. What was the point of all the bloodshed? Even now, as his father allows those from Raven and Thunder into their safe haven...he fears they may tear down what his parents strived to build. What his mother gave her life for... So for now he will watch those who are allowed within the walls of this place and do his best to help his father even if he isn't the strongest fighter...he is at least quick on his feet.

Weapons: 338 Lapua Magmun and a M1911

Previous Pack: RedFall Pack

Base(Yes/No): Yes

Rank: Runner

Relatives: Father, Alexander Hathorn - Mother, Leslie Hathorn(Dead)

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Human Appearance:Screenshot_20230529-135606~2.png

Wolf Appearance:wolf_blue_vivid46337.jpg

Name: Amy Wells

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: Amy had just graduated from school, planning her future to go to college, get a job, and make a living to help her mother support her younger brother who was hospital-bound. It was the perfect plan and she knew she could handle it well. She got home to find her mom gone, and then her world slowly fell apart as her phone rang and her mother called telling her that her brother had just passed away. She hung up the phone rushing to the hospital to be with her mom. The two of them morning his death, but they didn't have time to grieve. The tv's in the hospital began flashing warnings about something odd happening. About werewolves eating each other, about the dead walking once more. At first, they thought it was a cruel trick until one of them burst through the door to her brother's room, rushing them. Her mother shoved her out of the way telling her to run and she did even though she didn't want to. She ran and ran, looking for some kind of weapon to use or help but she found none...only people running and screaming and those things attacking, eating, and growing in numbers. When she turned to go back for her mother, she saw her mother and brother coming for her...but they no longer were the people she knew and loved. Their eyes were red and bloodshot, drool dripping from their mouths as they rushed her. She noticed an axe meant for emergencies, busting it out of the container before doing the unthinkable...ending her mother's and brother's lives.

Weapons: Axe, and a gun she found

Previous Pack: Loner

Base(Yes/No): Yes

Rank: Scout

Relatives: All dead

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Human Appearance:SPhotoEditor-20200812_152447_2.jpg

Wolf Appearance:SPhotoEditor-20200811_215034.jpg

Name: Helen River

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: She was once part of RavenWind, being a fighter for her alpha. She loved the man and followed his orders without question. She has the blood of many on her hands and still can't seem to understand herself. Why she followed such commands, ruining so many people's lives with her bared fangs? Now finding herself as one of the survivors of the end she has changed her ways even if her past weighs on her. She swears to do her best to atone for the things of her past that have somehow led them into this mess in the first place. Another reason why she is doing her best to change is for her niece. At first she had paid very little attention to the girl thinking her sister was at least tending to her own child properly. But she soon found out after her sister died that the child barely had anyone to trust and that one of the other members had at least made sure she had the basics.

Weapons: Twin Katanas

Previous Pack: RavenWind Pack

Base(Yes/No): Yes

Rank: Fighter

Relatives: Niece, _______

Crush: Open

Lover: Open​
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Human Appearance:78977ce6a916eef83c759da077fb1cb7.jpg

Wolf Appearance:d65b69c7f8a7aefbbcbc47f36ff10f3d.jpg

Name: Julius Hades

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

History: Julius was one of the ones who enjoyed killing others, in fact when all the chaos happened he took it upon himself to kill a few of those in ThunderMoon that he had considered a nuisance from the start. While the others ran off in panic he took his time. There was one wolf that escaped him though, Kelly Triven. That woman drove him mad with her utterings of getting along with RavenWind. After all, RavenWind was the reason war broke out from the start. It was only right that ThunderMoon strike back and aim for the kill. Of course, there were others on his list as well and some of them were members of this current base he was playing nice in. After all, he can't kill them out right...not when it's so much fun.

Weapons: Long Sword, 45 pistol

Previous Pack: ThunderMoon

Base(Yes/No): Yes

Rank: Fighter

Relatives: If someone wants to make a relative

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Human Appearance:88f093477e32deb3a44e6312d76409a2.jpg

Wolf Appearance:fcb9bcb6a2c30ac39be20f710e58969d.jpg

Name: Clare Brooks

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: Clare lived in an orphanage until she was taken in by the FrostStar pack. She found out that it was originally the pack her mother and father had been in. But due to a fight that broke out, she was separated from them. They had looked for her for many years until they finally found her. The FrostStar pack was known even for a smaller pack, this was due to the fact that no matter what the children were always born with silver fur. Even if outsiders joined, and had no previous connection to FrostStar, their pups would still be born with silver fur. Clare though, was simply happy to be with her parents once more. She was quick to follow under her mother, learning herbs and medicine. And it was a good thing she learned quickly. Her happiness being stolen away thanks to the zombies....but at least she was still helpful and alive.

Weapons: 6 throwing daggers

Previous Pack: FrostStar

Base(Yes/No): Yes

Rank: Medic

Relatives: If someone wants to make a relative

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Human Appearance:Screenshot_2017-10-05-19-18-11.png

Wolf Appearance:Screenshot_2017-10-05-19-01-45.png

Name: Derek Caren

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Doesn't really know

History: Derek has been a loner for a long time, after his father passed away he decided being a loner was far better than running with a pack. As a loner he didn't have to worry about rules to follow. He could live his life freely and so he did. Still, though there were a lot of moments he had to fight to survive and his scarred body shows it. He tends to hold very little trust when first meeting someone, but if you do gain his trust you will have a very loyal and protective friend.

Weapons: Broadsword

Previous Pack: No

Base(Yes/No): No

Rank: Loner

Relatives: None alive

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Human Appearance:yoko.png

Wolf Appearance:bet46735ywfh.jpg

Name: Ariel Lukens

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: Ariel wasn't part of a pack per se, but she certainly wasn't a loner. In a sense, the Lukens family was a pack of their own. Hidden off in the woods, away from the conflicts of other werewolves. They lived well off the lands around them. She had three sisters, six brothers, two of her aunts and uncles, and their children. Even her great-grandmother lived with them. They were a very happy family...oblivious to the world ending around them until it was far too late. She watched them fall and then rise again as if they were possessed...even now it haunts her dreams. Since then she has been far too scared to join the base she knows about. Or even team up with others for very long...

Weapons: Twin Curved Sickles, Throwing daggers

Previous Pack: Her family

Base(Yes/No): No

Rank: Loner

Relatives: All dead

Crush: Open

Lover: Open

Human Appearancedec8teg-30cd18a6-a06c-4611-a6cc-6c3cd1a4f8ae.jpg:

Wolf Appearance:2fcd336d72ea27f31b37d4f4aa6d325b.jpg

Name: Adam Torren

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: Adam has always been the person floating in the background, living yet not living. He found life to be dull and boring for the most part. So when the world ended and the dull life of his change, he had to admit he was a tad happy. It wasn't boring anymore, every day was like and adventure...until he got tired of surviving on his own and then decided to join the base. It was odd, going from no pack to working with a bunch of others. Watching each of them as they did their jobs or started fights, it was entertaining....not to mention his job, a Runner. There was just something different about living on your own and getting supplies compared to having others almost begging him to come back with something good and worthwhile. Once again it was entertaining.

Weapons: Twin swords

Previous Pack: No

Base(Yes/No): Yes

Rank: Runner

Relatives: None he knows of

Crush: Open

Lover: Open​
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Human Appearance(Picture/Despristion:


Wolf Appearance(Picture/Despristion:


Name: Sheen Tiven

Age: 16


Sheena thought her mother and father were a perfect couple, but when her father started acting funny her mother planned to leave the ThunderMoon Pack. Sheena's mom had already disliked the conflicts happening but before her mother could run away with her. Her father kidnapped her and threw her in a cage. She barely recognized the man who had once been her father as he injected her with strange things. Laughing like a maniac and experimenting on others. She thought he might change back to how he once had been but instead, she watched as her father sent the entire world into chaos. Thankfully her mother found her and the two of them made a run for it. As they escaped her mother killing the zombies, she noticed something, the flesh-eating monsters didn't seem to have an interest in scared her, making her feel that perhaps she was turning into one of these foul beings...Their focus was always on her mother and that made her even more scared...what would she do if her mother fell victim...

Weapons: Twin Dagers

Previous Pack: Thundermoon Pack

Base(Yes/No): No

Rank: Loner

Relatives: Kelly Triven

Crush: None yet

Lover: None yet​
I guess I should add gender and sexuality to the character sheet. I always forget those two things mainly cuz I make most my characters bisexual 🤣 cuz I fancy all the characters haha
I guess I should add gender and sexuality to the character sheet. I always forget those two things mainly cuz I make most my characters bisexual 🤣 cuz I fancy all the characters haha
LMAOO 😂 same though same
  • Haha
Reactions: Rads and DarkMoon
  • According to Plan
Reactions: kroyote
Maybe I'll add a buff nerd
yes please !!! buff nerds for the win
Lol alright do you want our chars to know each other
i would be down for that!! you can choose any of my current 4 to know yours, or i can make another babe ;D
Lol yeah because I do Bi babes but not men not my jam.
that's totally okay !! i have anyone open other than jay, he's gay lmao. but macbeth, luna, or sorren are open ;D
Maybe I'll add a buff nerd
yes please !!! buff nerds for the win
Lol alright do you want our chars to know each other
i would be down for that!! you can choose any of my current 4 to know yours, or i can make another babe ;D
Lol yeah because I do Bi babes but not men not my jam.
that's totally okay !! i have anyone open other than jay, he's gay lmao. but macbeth, luna, or sorren are open ;D
Can't find luna lol
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She's really pretty, I was thinking maybe he sells the meds and so on people need at a discount but also sells other items.
i think if @DarkMoon is cool with it, i think that'd be cool!