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Name: Arinna Elderine
Age: 18
Height: 5'5
Weight: 109lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Parents: Josiah and Lisatta Elderine
Birth Place: Utain


Birth-Early Childhood:

Arinna's birth was particularly complicated, resulting in the loss of future heirs for her father. Within hours of her delivery, she was ripped away from her mother and handed off to a slaver by the name of Quinner to be raised for a life of servitude. The first four years of her life was spent with a former prostitute turned tavern owner named Corina. The woman was surprisingly loving with the infant and remained so even as Arinna grew from a baby to a curious toddler. Corina encouraged Arinna's inquisitive nature and nurtured the girl's sweet disposition as much as she could, hoping that she could change the Quinner's mind about selling the young princess off. Unfortunately for both Corina and Arinna, Quinner had no plans at all on letting his prize slave slip from his grasp. At the age of four, Arinna was again ripped away from another person who cared for her and sent off to begin her training.

Arinna's first master:

General Thaddius Montariou, former General of Kamidia had a long-standing resentment of the Elderine family. As a one-time ally, Thaddius was well aware of the hateful and vile nature of Josiah and blamed the king for the death of his wife when the king refused to lend aid to his former country during a plague. The moment that he learned that the king had sold his only child into slavery, he knew that he had to buy the girl to satisfy his need for vengeance. At the age of six, Arinna was purchased by Thaddius, who delighted in terrorizing and abusing the girl as often as possible. Arinna was often given impossible tasks by her master simply for the thrill of the punishment that was to come when she failed to complete what was demanded of her, the man reveling in her tears with each lash and every slap he delivered. It was during this time that Arinna found only one savior and an elderly slave who took pity on the girl and took her under her wing. She gave what advice she could to spare Arinna further pain and help her survive her life as a slave without being too emotionally scarred in the process. Most of the lessons took and stayed with Arinna long after she left the Montariou household, but others went in one ear and right out of the other.

Arinna spent a good portion of her childhood and adolescence with the General. He died shortly after her sixteenth birthday and with no living kin, Arinna was scooped up by her next master.

Arinna's Second Master:

Edemire Renule was an elderly man who simply wanted companionship. Not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, he lived comfortably enough to purchase Arinna to serve as his maid. During her time with Edemire, Arinna was well cared for, fed, and properly clothed. Punishments became a thing of the past and after years of trauma, the young woman began to heal from her past. It would not last forever, however. On her eighteenth birthday she was ripped away from Edemire by the Fae, taken as payment for a debt that was owed. Gone was the peaceful life she'd found with the older man and all hopes of one day earning her freedom.

Arinna's Third Master:

From a human noble to Fae royalty. Taken from the only person to show her decency and kindness, the young woman was thrust into a world of magic, where her status as a human meant that she was beneath even servants. Unable to protect herself from anyone, Arinna fights every single day to escape notice. She does her work to the best of her ability, but more often than not is beaten simply for the hell of it. The fae around her never fail to remind the young woman of her place in life and how only death will end her misery. Still, she refuses to break, although the longer she remains with the Fae, the harder it becomes for her to keep a tight grip on her will to live.

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Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Weight: 137lbs
Birth Parents: Governor Andrew Walters and Doctor Anna Walters
Surrogate Parents: Ethan and Lily Perry
Place of Birth: New Orleans
Profession: Bartender/Student
Major: Psychology

Affiliation: Unknown

Telekinetic Powers: Natuakenisis (Ability to control Nature)
Element: Water
Physical Powers: Healing
Combat Skills: None

Nature: Chaotic Neutral

History: The Soulmate gene was detected in both Andre and Anna Walters during infertility treatment. The doctor in charge of their treatment allowed Anna to become pregnant with an embryo that they assumed would be born a Soulmate. The pregnancy was monitored closely, but Anna's refusal for prenatal genetic testing made it impossible for them to know for sure if the infant was, in fact, a Soulmate. It was halfway through Anna's pregnancy that a member of The Docile became involved, sneaking a tube of Anna's blood to run the necessary testing. Arrangements were made from that point on to switch the baby at birth with the intent of keeping an eye on her until she was old enough to be recruited.

The birth was complicated, but the switch was not. Amanda was given to another couple, Ethan Perry, a mechanic, and Lily, his schoolteacher wife. Life with the Perrys was not nearly as extravagant as her life would have been with her biological parents, but unbeknownst to her, she was saved from a premature death at the hands of the US government.

Although her parents weren't rich, Amanda never wanted for anything, especially her parents' attention. She was a happy kid who did well in school, with nothing at all unusual about her life until she finally reached the age of eighteen. Shortly after becoming an adult, her parents died in a car accident, leaving her just enough insurance money to pay their expenses with a little left over to put a deposit on an apartment.

She worked most of the time, taking a few courses in whatever time she could spare. By the age of twenty, she finally managed to save up enough to go to school full time and work part-time. However, thanks to a freak car accident, the little bit of money she had saved was quickly used up, and she was struggling to pay her bills once again. Unable to work during the day, but needing a full-time job, she became a bartender, working every night after she got out of class until closing.

Name: Tove Aven
Age: Appears to be in her mid-twenties.
Race: Valkyrie
Height: 5'10
Weight: 140lbs

Strengths: Immunity to illnesses and disease, super human strength, speed, and agility, high tolerance to pain immortality.

Weaknesses: Can be physically killed and injured, overly protective which can lead to emotional responses that don't always work in her favor.

History: Tove does not remember her life before Odin turned her into a Valkyrie. All that she can remember is that she spent most of her time tending the wounds of the injured on the battlefield. After Odin chose her and her twin sister to serve him, her life became all about her Valkyrie kin and serving Odin. But life has a way of changing. As war began to decline, she thought perhaps she and her kin would be called back to Valhalla. Instead, they were given new roles in the struggles of man, ones that Tove did not agree with. Fighting along side men was not the source of her ire. Her problem was taking sides in their issues.

As the role of the Valkyrie shifted, so did the roles of all supernatural creatures. Factions were formed without anyone even realizing it. On one side, the creatures who had no affection for the humans that filled the world were eager to prey upon their weaknesses to use them as slaves, food, and whatever else they deemed necessary. The vampires, werewolves, demons, and the like flocked together just as the Valkyrie began to gravitate toward the opposing side. After centuries of ignoring each other, the races were gathering together and only a handful of beings could sense the trouble that was brewing behind the scenes. For Tove, it happened during the time of the American Civil War.

It was during the war and watching brother fighting against brother that she'd finally had her fill of death and bloodshed. Ready to venture off on her own until she was finally called back to Valhalla, Tove ignored the pleas of her sister and the rest of the Valkyrie to stay and fight to protect humanity. What was the point? If they could kill each other off all to continue to enslave their own kind, she saw no real reason to defend or protect them. However, she also saw no reason to go off and slaughter them either. She did care one way or another what happened to the humans and was content to go off living her own life in solitude.

Over the next century that was exactly what she did. She'd travel the world, never staying in any one place for more than a few years before moving on. She learned to blend in, and even picked up how to live among the humans without drawing attention to herself. Every few years her sister would come along to try to convince her to return to the coven, but Tove still wanted no parts of it. As far as she was concerned, she could stay on the sidelines and watch both humans and the supernatural pick each other off. She should have known better.

However, with the human population growing and the numbers on the Divine and Chaos dwindling, both sides are looking to gain new members. Everywhere she turns, someone is trying to draw her into the fight they all know is coming. The problem is, Tove refuses to join. She knows it's only a matter of time until she'll have no choice but to pick a side or try to disappear entirely. Until then, she continues on with her life doing what she needs to in order to survive.​

Name: Cynthia Matthers
Age: 32
DOB: November 21
Profession: Detective

History: Cynthia was born to Claire and Robert Matthers. Her mother was a ballet dancer who gave up her career to start a family with her college professor husband. The family lived a modest lifestyle with Robert being the breadwinner of the family and Claire shunning the privileged life that she grew up in, along with her eccentric mother who cared more for her daughter's reputation as a dancer than she ever did Claire's happiness. The two became estranged after Claire became pregnant with Cynthia and did not speak once she was born. Her mother had no interest at all in her granddaughter and Claire wanted to keep it that way.

The family lived happily for the next eight years. Both Claire and Robert were doting parents who recognized that their daughter had gifts of her own. By the age of three she was able to read and write. By the age of five, Cynthia had already blown through everything elementary school had to teach her. At the age of six, she was labeled a
genius with private schools fighting over her. However, Robert refused to send his only child off to a school where she would only be appreciated for her intelligence. His plan was to nurture his daughter's sharp mind while keeping socially active through the public school system. Unfortunately, Cynthia did not fair well. The other kids believed her to be weird and resented how little effort she put into passing her classes. She struggled to interact with people her own age and could not make friends no matter how hard she tried.

Still, Cynthia pushed her way through school, at least until she came home one day to find her parents murdered. The eight year old was the one to call in the police, and it was on that fateful day that Cynthia's plan for the future became clear.

The arrival of the lead detective on the scene became Cynthia's moment of awakening. When the man wrapped her up in his jacket and ushered her to the station to try and discover anything the little girl might have witnessed, he became not only Cynthia's hero, but her mentor. Even as the leads ran dry and the case grew cold, Cynthia became knew in her heart that it wasn't Detective Simmons' fault that the case went unsolved. The man was good at his job and if he couldn't find her parents' killer, she didn't know who could.

Orphaned, Cynthia was finally introduced to her grandmother who took the girl in hoping to turn her into another version of Claire. However, Cynthia had no interest in dancing, nor did she possess the talent for it. Within a year of living with the older woman, Cynthia was looking for a way to get out and on her own. She found that out in a boarding school for child geniuses. Although she didn't make friends any easier than she had in public school, Cynthia did not have to deal with being misunderstood. Surrounded by girls who matched her in intelligence, Cynthia was finally able to devote all of her focus into her education.

Cynthia graduated from high school at the age of twelve. At the age of fifteen, she had a degree in Criminal Justice followed quickly by Criminology and finally Psychology. Her time waiting to turn 21 and finally become a police officer was spent learning as much as she could about crime, forensics, and everything else she felt she would need to become a detective.

Unsurprisingly, Cynthia passed her exam easily. What came to a surprise to everyone, Cynthia included, was how much she flourished as a police officer. Within five years on the force, Cynthia made detective. Ten years in, she was promoted up to what was considered the most prestigious unit on the force; the Major Case Unit which is where she would remain.

Name: Francesca (Frankie) Rossi
Pen Name: Abigail Schultz
Age: 30
Date of Birth: January 11
Profession: Writer
Family: Lisa Rossi (Mother) Matteo Rossi (Father, deceased), Teresa Rossi (Paternal Grandmother), Giovanni Rossi (Paternal Grandfather, deceased)
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Current: Big Pine Key, Florida

Height: 5'7
Weight: 129lbs
Miscellaneous: Frankie has a scar on the inside of her left calf from climbing a fence trying to run from a dog.

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Name: Elizabeth Monroe
Age: 21
Height: 5'9
Weight: 132lbs

History: Growing up in a broken home with a revolving door of men that her mother brought home, Lizzie always wanted something more for her life. Unfortunately, her circumstances would find her following in her mother's footstep if she was not careful. Born on the wrong side of the tracks, it didn't matter how much Elizabeth tried to break free from the stereotypes that followed her. She was the product of a bad home life and a mother who cared more for the men in her bed than her own child. Teachers often judged her for her dirty, often too small clothing, despite the fact that she showed up to school every day and caused no problems at all in the classroom.

From elementary school to middle school, the same stigma followed her. No matter how well she did in her classes, she was one of the first to be accused of breaking the rules. Time after time she was punished simply because her classmates knew they could point the finger in her direction and the teachers would believe them. Still, Lizzie did what she could to keep her nose clean. All of her hard work paid off when she was accepted to a prestigious High School.

Adolescence began Lizzie's change in luck. Old enough to get a part time job, she worked to buy herself all the things she'd been picked on as a young girl for not having. She bought her own clothing and food, and eventually began to save money to move out on her own. She knew the easiest way to get out of her mother's house was to either get pregnant or go off to college. The problem was, she couldn't afford to go off to school and live on her own. Instead of going to college straight away, Lizzie began working multiple jobs once she graduated, saving every penny she could to go toward college. At twenty, she had just enough to begin taking classes at a community college when luck would find her again.

While searching through scholarships, Lizzie came across an ad for a test subject with a pay that would not only allow her to pay for college, but would also give her a chance to finally be free of her mother's curse. When she applied, she thought for sure she would not be chosen. After all, who would want a woman with her shitty history? However, when she was called for an interview, she didn't question the fact that her background was almost completely overlooked. The interviewer did not ask her at all about her mother or the fact that she'd basically raised herself. Little did she know, her background was the reason she was accepted into the program.

After her acceptance, Elizabeth moved into the research facility under the assumption she was beginning trials. In reality, she was drugged her first night there and every day for a month until her entire history was wiped clean from her memory. She remained Elizabeth Monroe, but her mother became an environmental engineer that worked for the government. She was given an entirely different history, complete with a fake family. When she finally wakes up in the staged home set up for her, Elizabeth is under the illusion that the world outside has become the stuff of nightmares, filled with monsters and death and she is trapped with her stepbrother.

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(Human Form)

(Demon Form)

Name: Annalyse Price (Human Name)
True Name: Rusalka
Age: Unknown
Race: Demon

Human Form:
Height: 5'10
Weight: 153lbs

Demon Form:
Height: 6'3
Weight: Unknown

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Names: Kara and Sara Vidas
Age: 19
Profession: Student, Waitress (Kara), Store Clerk (Sara)

Height: 5'7
Weight: 131lbs
Physical Differences: Kara has a tattoo of a rose on her left hip and a small heart behind her ear. Sara has a scar that runs down the length of her inner thigh from an accident climbing a fence.

History: Born to Victoria and Devin Vidas, Kara and Sara were an unexpected arrival for their parents. Sara was born first, entering the world with little fuss while her sister followed fifteen minutes later screaming her arrival into the world. Despite the fact that the newlywed couple hadn't been prepared for twins, the two girls were adored by their parents and remained so even after their younger brother Alexander was born five years later.

For the most part the twins were normal kids who had decent childhoods in an upper middleclass household. Their father was an engineer and their mother was a English professor at the local university. With a large extended family on both sides, the two girls were always the center of attention due to being identical. Still, even with all the attention, Kara never seemed to be satisfied, not when everything came so naturally to her sister. School, sports, even her creativity came with ease. When Sara wanted to take piano lessons, Kara decided to take them as well although she spent most of her time intentionally messing Sara up so that the teacher gave her more attention. Sara continued long after her sister gave up and moved on to another instrument, at least until Sara gave that a shot and Kara became frustrated and gave up. It didn't matter what Sara tried to do, Kara would attempt to follow suit and outshine her sister.

Kara didn't truly begin to overshadow her overachieving twin until they reached high school. While Sara stuck with her small clique of friends, Kara became the 'It' girl in school. The only way that Kara didn't succeed was by landing the the most popular boy in their class. The up and coming star quarterback took an instant liking to Sara and soon the two were inseparable. They were each other's first and everyone was convinced the two would get married once they were old enough. Sara believed the same thing as well. She centered her life around her boyfriend, including applying to the same colleges he did. When they were both accepted to the same university, Sara believed that not only would she finally be able to escape her sister's shadow, but she could make a life where she could simply enjoy being herself without being known as her sister's twin.

Life took an unexpected turn for Sara on graduation night when she walked in on her boyfriend and her twin sister together. Heartbroken, she confronted the two to learn that they had been messing around behind her back for weeks leading up to finally giving into temptation. Sara isolated herself as much as she could afterward, ignoring every text and phone call from her boyfriend and completely ignoring her sister as much as she could. She prepared herself and spent the little time she had left at home with her friends. She knew that she would need to face her ex when she got to her university but she hadn't expected that he would bring her sister along with him. Sara settled into her dorm while her ex and her sister settled into an apartment outside of campus. With her sister and her ex now lurking around, Sara struggles to get over her heartache and go forth focusing on making her life her own.

Name: Annabelle Valechi
Age: 30
Profession: Lawyer

Height:: 5'8
Weight: 133lbs

History: Annabelle ended up being raised by her grandmother after her mother ran off shortly after her birth. Her father was an unknown in her life and Annabelle never felt the need to go in search for him, not when she was content with her life with her grandmother. The two lived a comfortable life afforded by the inheritance left behind by her deceased grandfather.

Anna, as she prefers to be called, went to the best private schools her grandmother could afford and after a while, began to get scholarships to help pay for tuition. She was a smart girl from the start and advanced quickly through her classes. Her life was all about school and continuing her education at least until she went to college and met the man who would become the love of her life.

The minute that Anna met Denny Miller she was absolutely smitten. The two hit it off instantly and it wasn't long before they were moving into together and planning their future. They both planned to finish college and law school before they tied the knot and started a family. They remained together for six years and to the world outside they were the perfect couple. And they were in a way. The two never argued. They spent their time together doing everything together and neither had eyes for anyone else. They worked to afford living comfortably while attending school with their income soon supplemented by the inheritance she soon gained from her grandmother's passing.

The tragedies continued coming for Anna. Only six months after her grandmother's death, Denny and Annabelle received news that would change their lives forever. Denny had stage 4 pancreatic cancer and only a few months left to live. Rather than abandon her dying fiancé, Annabelle made sure that Denny lived the last few months of his life to the fullest. They traveled and did all the things they planned to do later in their life until Denny's illness became too much for him. The last two weeks of his life, Anna remained by his side taking care of him. He passed at the end of those two weeks, leaving Annabelle completely devastated.

With a hole left in her life, Anna threw herself into her work. She graduated from law school and quickly got a position in her grandfather's old law firm. She became a partner after a brief probation period and from there she continued to focus on her career. However, nothing could completely fill the void left by Denny's absence. With her career pretty much established, Anna decided that she couldn't handle the loneliness any longer. Denny may not be around, but that didn't mean she couldn't start a family on her own. She had no plans of finding someone to replace her fiance, so instead of seeking out a relationship she decided to do things the scientific way.

Name: Natalie Curtis
Age: 19
Profession: College Student

History: Natalie's life was always under a microscope. From the day she was born to Kelly and Michael Curtis, to the day she started college, there was always someone watching her. With parents not only famous for their medical practices and their may life saving accomplishments, it was impossible to stay out of sight no matter how hard she tried. Impossibilities came aplenty when she also needed to live up to the high standards her parents set for her.

The spotlight remained after her younger sister Katherine was born, and when her baby brother Matthew the pressure remained. Most of the blame could laid on her parents' shoulders. They wanted their children to follow in their footsteps. Fluent in dozens of languages, able to play multiple instruments and sports between them, Kelly and Michael wanted their children to be as well adjusted and talented as they were. By the time Natalie was five she was already active in soccer and taking piano and dance lessons. By middle school she was starting her own pursuit in interests that still fell in line with her parents wishes. She became active in the student government and a journalist on the school newspaper. Her resume of extracurricular activities landed her a top spot in one of the most elite high schools in the country, which would be the first time in her life Natalie managed to get out from under her parents watch.

Despite the freedom being away for school gave her, Natalie refused to participate in any activity that would bring embarrassment to her parents. She remained a straight A student, active in every group and organization that would pad her already glowing list of accomplishments for college applications. Her goals were no longer to meet her parents' standards, but to outshine the two people in the world who were always more concerned with what she did than who she was to them.

After graduating from high school, Natalie returned home to prepare for her freshman year of college; the same college that both her parents graduated from years before her. The plan was simply to lay low for the summer and spend time with her younger siblings who she adored. Her parents, however, had already filled her summer with various charity events and activities that Natalie had no interest in.
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Name: Kassidy (Kass) Higgins
Age: 22
Profession: Student/Delivery Driver

Height: 5'10
Weight: 141lbs

History: Kassidy is the product of your typical broken home. Her father was a workaholic who spent more time at the office than dealing with his family while her mother was out chasing men more often than not. By the time Kass was five years old, her parents were divorced with neither parents truly wanting the responsibility of taking care of their child. She was neglected frequently and if it hadn't been for the kindness of her elderly neighbor, Kassidy wouldn't have had anyone looking after her. At the age of five, Kass pretty much saw herself back and forth to school, and spent her afternoons and evenings with her neighbor until her mother eventually rolled home either too drunk or too distracted by a man to pay Kassidy any mind.

Her life continued that way until Kassidy reached high school when her neighbor passed away, leaving the preteen what little she had to pass down. With just enough money in her pockets to buy herself a car, Kassidy decided it was time to focus on trying to stand on her own two feet. At sixteen she dropped out of school to work full time and moved in with a coworker. It was during this time that she met Matthew, the man who would eventually become her boyfriend. Despite their ten year age difference, the two got along at first. The relationship moved hot and fast with the two moving in together after only a year. It was during this time that Kassidy began to focus on her education. She got her GED and began to take a few college classes.

However, problems began to arise in her relationship. With Kass completely under his thumb, Matthew became possessive and controlling. He stalked her every time she went out, whether it was for work or simply to run errands. No matter what she did, Matthew was convinced she was cheating on him, and while he never became physically violent, the emotional and psychological state of their relationship became unhealthy. After dealing with Matthew's behavior for two years, Kassidy grew tired of his controlling ways and tried to get away from him. She moved out on her own, but struggled to maintain a roof over her head while still trying to go to class to better her situation. After six months of struggling, Matthew reappeared in her life, remorseful and swearing he would do better if she came back.

For a time things were good between them, until after her twenty first birthday. Back to his controlling ways, Matthew tried to maintain a firm grip on Kassidy's life but she was having no part of it. She began to pick up more hours at work, saving every penny that she could to move out on her own again once she finished with her classes. Now at the age of twenty two, Kassidy is eager to get back on her own and start a new life as far away from Matthew as possible.

Name: Zura Diam
Age: 25
Profession: Mercenary
Height: 5'9
Weight: 145lbs

Primary Weapons: Simitars or Kris, although can manage with any single handed weapon.
Secondary Weapon: Throwing Stars or daggers
Accessories: Zura usually carries around various type of poisons and bombs on her meant to disable her opponent. Using knowledge gained over her years on the road, she often experiments with herbs to concoct potions and 'bombs' that will blind or briefly paralyze.

History: Zura's life has been anything but easy. Orphaned at birth, she was fortunate enough to have an uncle who refused to see infant Zura suffer a quick death. From the moment she was born, he cared for her and raised her to follow in his footsteps. Just because her uncle allowed her to live did not mean he made it easy on her. From the time she could walk, Zura had to learn how to carry her own weight, from picking berries that she could eat, to eventually hunting her own food as she grew older. She received guidance from her uncle and his band of mercenaries, enough to ensure that she did not end up dead, but nothing more. While most of children were learning the trades of their fathers, or at home helping their mothers around the house, Zura was learning how to become a fighter and a killer.

Her first kill was at the age of eight when a group of bandits mistook her for a child lost out in the wilderness. Although she only managed to kill one of the bandits and injure a few, the bandits quickly overpowered her. It was then that she earned her first scar, a brand of the leader who intended to keep the girl as a slave; until her uncle and his group came searching for Zura and cleaned up the remainder of the group that the girl had not been able to handle on her own. Zura learned two important lessons that day. The first was to never let anyone get the upper hand on her and the second was that she could easily catch anyone off guard by playing helpless. She utilized those lessons from that day on. Zura became obsessed with finding ways of evening the battlefield when the odds were against her. She devoured every book and lesson she could get access, learning how to utilize the world around her to her advantage.

For the next eight years, Zura remained with her uncle. She earned her keep easily enough, using her gender as a way to lure out targets and gain access to places the others in the group could not go. She followed the group and her uncle until the day her uncle decided that he was tired of roaming the world and sought out a place to settle down. Zura wanted nothing to do with any of that. She continued on her own, although finding work often became a struggle due to her gender. However, it didn't take long before her reputation grew. A skilled fighter, she wasn't above mercy. She did not fight those she deemed weaker than herself, no matter how great the reward may be. She developed a loathing for those who would harm women and children, the latter of which she had a weakness for but no longing to have children of her own.

From town to town she roamed, seeking out new skills in both fighting and alchemy. The nomadic lifestyle wasn't what eventually wore her down. Zura enjoyed being an observer to the many cultures and lifestyles of each town and kingdom she entered. What eventually led the young woman, now in her mid-twenties, was the solitude of her lifestyle. She longed for the comradery she grew up with. She began to look for work that would give her the same feeling of kinship she once held with her uncle's group. Her new quest is to find a place she can call home, surrounded by those she can learn to trust who will appreciate her skills.
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Name: Octavia (Tava) Soren
Age: 23
Height: 5'6
Weight: 129lbs

Weapons: Swords (Usually scimitars but she is fully capable of using any single hand sword), daggers, Longbow
Studies: Languages (Is capable of reading, writing, and speaking 3 different languages), History, Strategy, Combat training, basic alchemy

History: After her mother died during childbirth, Octavia was raised by her father Devon in the small village of Resmer, which would eventually become her father's base of operation and a strong hold of his rebels. From the moment she could finally stand on her own two feet, Tava was trained to fight, Devon refusing to allow his little girl to remain helpless in a land quickly deteriorating under the rule of King Sekven. Raised to believe in the old Gods, she learned to shun the teachings of the religious sect the king declared as his eyes and ears throughout the country. The lessons of a singular God went ignored as Tava clung to her father's beliefs along with him.

Octavia thrived under her father's tutelage, learning the ways of combat before she was even an adolescent. By the age of ten, she could hold her own against grown men twice her size, using agility and her smaller stature to her advantage. At the age of thirteen, she was helping lead raids on Sekvon's strongholds and ambushing royal carriages for whatever loot they could get. Like her father, she learned the best way to gain the hearts and trust of those around her was to simply observe what was needed and do whatever it took to meet those needs rather than seeking out riches and power for herself. In liberated towns and villages, she would train the women and girls how to fight to defend themselves and there wasn't a brothel anywhere in the country that she did not have at least one spy in. She used her gender to her advantage and to further her father's plans of overthrowing the king.

It was by sheer luck that Tava managed to win ownership of one of the most favored brothels in the capital city of Laneion, a business that not only helped fund her father's operations, but gave the rebellion a means of gathering and passing along information. Her band of prostitutes were not only taught the ways of pleasing a man, but were soon trained to become some of the greatest assassins in the country as well, all under Tava's guidance.

Although she remained a virtual unknown to the King, her father became infamous. Known for setting fires to the elegant churches Sekvon had built in every city, town, and village he ruled over. He became notorious for ambushing carriages, small and large, only stealing from nobles and those loyal to the king to those he deemed in need. As the rebellion grew and those who wished for an end to Sekvon's tyranny began to flock to Devon, the harder it became for the crown to ignore the troubles brewing in the country. Taxes were levied against all who thought to oppose the king. Raids were carried out in the dead of the night, hoping to catch a hint of the rebels and their base. With Tava's aide, Devon always remained one step ahead of the king and his soldiers, until his final day.

Suspicious of how information was being passed, talks of a grand caravan of riches was leaked to the public, knowing that Devon would not be able to ignore the treasures. Tava warned her father that it was a trap, but in the end he believed that he had enough men to be victorious. In the end, it was a slaughter. Her father returned mortally wounded with only fifty of the hundred men that he had taken with him. He died hours after returning, leaving Tava with his dying wish that she continue the fight until Sekvon was off the throne and the kingdom of Avenvale were finally free.

Makayla Danielson
Age: 17
Height: 5'8
Weight: 132lbs
Family: Ellen Lucas (Mother) Eric Danielson (Father)

History: A result of a drunk one night stand between her father and an underage Ellen, it was no surprise when Makayla, or Mac as she prefers to be called was literally left to be raised by her father. Ellen abandoned her, disappearing without a trace and Mac never bothered seeking the woman out, nor would she have thought to. Almost immediately after her birth, her father met her future stepmother and the woman became responsible for raising Mac along with her own son.

Mac held onto memories of her stepbrother Dallas, the only person in the house who seemed to actually give a damn about her. She knew when she was smaller he barely tolerated her, but as she grew up and became more dependent on him, he seemed to enjoy having the little girl's favor. And why not? They both understood that they would receive nothing but violence and indifference at the hands of their parents. The only thing they really had was each other; until that too was taken away.

Mac was seven years old when Dallas disappeared. Her stepmother didn't utter a word about where her son had gone and her father was too drunk to give a damn. From that moment on, Mac became the target of both her stepmother and father. Whenever anything went wrong inside the house, Makayla was the one to blame and she was punished for it, often so severely she could barely go to school the next day. She became the social outcast among her classmates. She was the girl who wore long sleeves and pants all year round and constantly kept on hoodies that kept her face in shadows.

Things took a turn when Mac turned thirteen and finally hit puberty. It wasn't just beatings her father had in mind when he came into her room at night. It began with fondling and eventually became something far more sinister. Yet, Mac was smart. She knew that by giving her body over to her father would earn his favor, and most nights the man was too drunk to actually carry out his planned assaults. Eventually he grew bored with her, leaving Mac with a brilliant idea of how to avoid her home life.

She got a job the first chance she got, but Mac didn't use it simply to earn herself money. She would meet boys and men at her job as a waitress at the dinner, picking them up and convincing them to take her home for the night to escape her family. She would rather lay listlessly underneath some strange man while he grunted away on top of her than step foot in her home.

The straw that broke the camel's back, what finally forced Mac to run away and seek out refuge anywhere else was the night her father beat her stepmother into the hospital. Before the police even came banging on the door, Mac packed up what little she had and bolted from the house. For a while, she warmed men's beds for a place to stay and occasionally some extra money in her pocket but she knew she couldn't continue that way. That's what eventually led her to track down Dallas, the boy she once adored who completely abandoned her when she needed him most.[/div[
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Name: Natalya Orlav
Birthday: October 13th
Age: 26
Hometown: Baltimore

Family: Dominik Orlav (Father) Kira Orlav (Mother, Deceased) Dimitri Orlav (Uncle) Nikoliai Orlav (Uncle, deceased) Andrei Orlav (Oldest Cousin) Karina Orlav (Youngest cousin, missing) Ivan Orlav (Youngest Cousin)

Height: 5'10
Weight: 152lbs

Languages: Russian, Italian, French

Degrees: Bachelor's in Cybersecurity and Computer Science

Miscellaneous Skills: MMA training, pilot's license

History: The only child of Dominik and Kira Orlav, Natalya was considered something of a miracle baby by her family. From the moment she was born, she was spoiled rotten by her parents and their extended family. She learned early in childhood that her life was not the same as the other kids her age. She was driven by a personal chauffer who also served as her body guard and was given the royal treatment anywhere she went with her parents. As a young child, she didn't fully understand why her father was both respected and feared by those he came across, although she witnessed the consequences of any slight against her father firsthand. Although her parents tried to protect her from the violence of their world, Natalya couldn't escape it and eventually she learned to tune it out.

Being the daughter of the head of the Orlav family, Natalya had full access to the best life had to offer. While she didn't necessarily agree with her father's choices in business, she kept her mouth shut knowing that it was his choices that brought her all the luxuries she enjoyed. She tried to keep herself isolated from the family business as much as possible, and would have been happy to grow up and move away from her family's life of crime if not for being pulled into it.

At the age of thirteen, Natalya and her mother were cornered by a hitman sent to take out the two of them and her father who missed going out with them because of an emergency. They were lucky enough to escape with their lives, but the encounter changed Natalya's views forever. She still had no desire to join in her family's illegal activities, she understood that she would be forever linked to them. The only way that she could truly remain safe was if she learned to protect herself on top of the added security her father provided.

At the age of sixteen, Natalya was well on her way to graduating high school while also earning several credits toward college. She used the skills she learned to protect her family's activities without fully getting involved. It didn't take long at all until she was using her skills to gain information on people without the possibility of being tracked. Hacking became her game, illegal, but easy to hide and cover up her tracks. But she wasn't satisfied with that. Natalya wanted to continue to be part of the family, but she insisted on being the face of their legitimate businesses.

At the age of 18 her father placed her in a low level position within the family's security company. At first Natalya simply held an administrative role, but as she invested more time in the company she climbed the ranks. It wasn't long until she had the company under her complete control, allowing her father and uncle to utilize it in their own business dealings as needed. The company received legal payments for protection which were often padded by extra 'donations' for excellent service. In most cases the guards would make certain videos and witnesses disappear, and in others the money was paid to keep certain activities quiet. On the outside, everything seemed on the up and up but her family's business often became entangled with the firm.

At 21 Natalya graduated from college and set her sights on maintaining her own legitimacy. She began to hold back on the blackmail material to focus on building up the security firm's reputation. The firm branched out, no longer simply providing private security for public functions, but also creating personalized security systems for their clients. Natalya took what her father taught her about business and used it to her advantage. She wasn't entirely above blackmail, but that wasn't her entire goal. For Natalya, the job became about outsmarting others and keeping people safe.

Natalya's life wasn't all work. As the daughter of a known mob boss and the unofficial owner of one of the most sought after security firms in the country, she enjoyed the glitz and glamor that came with her lifestyle. She dated a few celebrities and it wasn't uncommon to see her face on tabloids a time or two. She rubbed elbows with the rich and famous and enjoyed every second of it. She may not have liked the main source of her wealth, but she certainly loved the money rolling in.

All of that came crashing down shortly after her 26th birthday. After celebrating with her friends, Natalya's parents had a special night planned for her. Unfortunately for her, it would be the last time she would see either of her parents alive and she would barely escape with her own life and freedom. Her parents' assassins made the mistake of underestimating her. Giving her a low dose of a sedative, they thought they she would be drugged enough to remain under their control. When the drugs wore off halfway to their destination, both men were surprised when the young woman managed to kill the driver and make her escape from the moving vehicle. For two days Natalya remained hidden and on the run. By the third day after no one came after her, she returned to her home to discover the aftermath of her father's death. Her uncle Dimitri took over the family business and was already laying waste to her father's efforts to keep a low profile on their activities. Dimitri wanted the respect her father couldn't earn from the other families and decided that he was going to take the family in a new direction. The only thing left untouched by her uncle was the security firm.

Hating the new direction and resentful that all of her efforts to stay on the up and up were now in vain, Natalya began to resent the life she was forced to remain connected to. Knowing that even if she tried to get out, she would end up either being drawn back in by her family or targeted by the other families. With options running out, her only choice it to take out the families and destroy their legacies.
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Name: A'vera
Age: 250
Element: Water
Magic: Water based spells, minor healing spells, minor poison spells
Height: 6'0
Weight: 157lbs

♥Soft Spoken



Name: Elemira De'Caplet
Age: 20
Height: 5'2
Weight: 111lbs

History: In a kingdom where only Royalty can possess magical powers, Elemira (Mira) lived in fear of the day she would be discovered. Abandoned at birth and growing up in the streets of the human kingdom of Lizerana, she watched first hand as anyone that showed even a hint of power was carted off never to be seen or heard from again. The few who managed to escape detection ran from the kingdom. Rumors claimed they were stolen by the fae and forced into slavery. Other tales told of monsters from beyond that fed off magic who devoured the beings whole. No matter their fate, Mira learned that if she ever felt a hint of magic coursing through her veins, she would rather take her chances with the monsters.

Her worst fears came true at the age of thirteen when she accidently caused the ground beneath her to form a wall protecting her from an older boy who tried to assault her. Knowing the consequences, Elemira did exactly as she swore she would do. Without a second thought she ran into the desert, believing she was as good as dead regardless of what she did. To her shock, she survived a week in the desert and stumbled into an unfamiliar kingdom, one which she had never heard of. It was there that she found her rescuer, or so she believed.

In the kingdom Terav life is a struggle. To survive, everyone must find their niche. For Galavin Torka, he found his talents in being a conman. The second his eyes fell on Mira, he saw nothing but a way to line his pocket. The teenager was pretty enough and after offering her some of his food and protecting her from others who would attempt to use her, Mira was as loyal as a puppy dog. It didn't take long for the two to swindle their way to wealth. Galavin had no qualms about using Mira's innocence and naivety against her. Soon enough, he had the young girl believing that he was in love with her and he was simply waiting until she was old enough to marry her.

And for years they were content. They moved into a large house, with Galavin keeping full control over Mira. Just as the man began to consider trading the now seventeen year old for a younger girl, Mira became indispensable to him.

In the dead of the night a group of thieves broke into their home, cornering Galavin in a corner with daggers and swords to his throat. Fearing that the man that she loved was in danger, Mira encased the robbers in sand, suffocating them all. Galavin witnessed the event, but rather than reporting Mira to the king for a ransom, the man came up with a far more beneficial use for the young woman.

Gathering up all of their wealth, Galavin moved them away from Terav and off to the kingdom of Farasive. Once they settled into their new kingdom, Galavin told Mira of his plan. Using her abilities, he would pass himself off as a diplomat of a foreign land to seduce the widowed queen. The plan worked perfectly. Galavin married the queen, moving Mira in as his 'concubine'. They could be 'together' and she could continue to use her powers to prove he was worthy of being king. For a year the guise worked perfectly. Mira began to train with her powers, learning all of the ways that she could manipulate the earth around her. She soon discovered that the earth was not all that she could control. She could create gems. She could draw gold from mines without a single tool. Not only did Mira keep him on the throne, but he soon became the richest king out of all the human royals.

For a single year Galavin and Mira had everything they could possibly want. The new king would visit his concubine each night, promising her that soon she would sit on the throne beside him, once his wife was out of the picture. Mira created more and more wealth for the man she loved, buying into his every promise. All she had to do was hold on a little longer.

The peace would not last, however, and Mira began to see through Galavin's lies. Tensions were rising between the humans and the Fae. As the human population grew, they demanded more and more land until soon they were encroaching on Fae territory. The four human kingdoms began to gather together with the understanding that soon enough the Fae would come beating down the walls and demanding their land back. They were correct in their assumption. The Fae sent their diplomats to meet with the human royals to resolve the issue. With Galavin distracted with the strife going on in the world outside, Mira began to feel neglected. The man she loved, the man who she believed saved her from a life on the streets, swore to her that he cared little for his queen. He swore that he was only staying with her because of the threat the Fae posed. In her heart she wanted to believe it was the truth. However, when the announcement came that the queen was with Galavin's child, the woman learned the hard truth. She'd been used. And what was worst, she had managed to get herself trapped by the very man who used her.

Knowing the power she had over Galavin and what would happen once his lack of magic was discovered, Mira decides to flee to the Fae kingdom, hoping that they would grant her refuge. On the night she chooses to run, she is kidnapped by a masked stranger. From that moment on, her fate is unknown and her safety is in the hands of the man who stole her away in the middle of the night.


Name: Jessica (Jess) Logan
Age: 18
Family: Anthony Logan (Father, deceased) Tara Logan (Mother, deceased) Damon Logan (Brother, deceased)

Height: 5'9
Weight: 138lbs

History: From the moment she came into the world, Jessica Logan became the darling of the Logan family. Knowing she would be the last child they would have, her parents adored her and even her older brother Damon doted on her. However, the spoiling never went to the girl's head. She understood from an early age that despite her parents' desire for a large family, she was the product of years of fertility problems and that her conception alone was considered a miracle by Anthony and Tara. She also grew to understand that no matter how important she was to her father, his work was a priority that he could not ignore.

Anthony Logan made a name for himself right out of law school when he took a case that eventually would make headlines around the world after when he defended a member of the Russian mafia on a murder charge. The fact that the man was acquitted earned the lawyer lots of attention and it wasn't long before the mafia pulled him into their world. Anthony knew that trouble that his choice could bring, but he also could not deny his family the lavish lifestyle that came with his decision. He knew the risks, but always assumed that he would be the sole target of the mafia's ire. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong.

When Jessica was ten she became the first target in the family, or perhaps she was merely a target of opportunity; the family would never know. After one of lower members is charged with an assault on a child and Anthony refuses to take the case, a loud message was sent. Jessica was struck by a car as she walked to a friends house, the vehicle jumping the curb to hit her then speed off. She was lucky to escape with only a few minor injuries and a cast on her left leg, but her father knew that wouldn't remain the case if he didn't do what the mafia wanted him to. The accident foreshadowed a lengthy struggle for Anthony Logan, who felt trapped in his position. He did as he was asked to despite the fact that he was beginning to resent his choices.

Things grew quiet after the accident and Anthony began to walk the line set for him, at least until a few months before the family's murder. Once again Anthony was called in to defend a member of the mafia, this time accused of murdering his mistress. The evidence was all circumstantial and it should have been a walk in the park getting the man acquitted. However, when it was revealed that there was a witness to the crime, the mistress' ten year old daughter, and that the mafia planned to take the little girl out, Anthony could no longer stand by and defend them. He informed the police and FBI of the planned attempt and the girl was placed under protection until the day she testified and then quickly hidden away from the world before she could be harmed. It didn't take long for the mobsters to realize what happened, which sealed the fate of the Logan family, all except Jessica who continued to remain oblivious to her father's troubles. And why wouldn't she? Her parents did everything in their power to shield her from the truth as much as they could and the teenager was happy to focus on her own life.

By this point Jessica was graduating from high school, not exactly at the top of her class but certainly not near the bottom either. Academically there was nothing remarkable about the young woman that would have had colleges banging down her door. It was her talent on a soccer field that paved her way into one of the most prestigious college in the country. From the moment the acceptance letter came, Jessica's focus was on enjoying her last bit of freedom before buckling down to pour all of her energy into her education while also leading the college's women's soccer team to championships. That was her plan when she left her family the last week of August with her best friend for a girl's trip to the Florida Keys. One last fling before she settle down. Sadly, the trip would be interrupted by a phone call and the terrible news that her family was dead and that her childhood home was nothing more than ashes.

Name: Lesbeth (Beth) Concaid
Age: 22
Family: Emela Concaid (Mother, deceased) Ruban Concaid (Father) Tomar Concaid (Older Brother)

[FONT=Viaoda Libre, cursive]History: After her mother died giving birth to her, Lesbeth became the focus of her father's attention. Clinging to the only thing left of the woman he loved, he took his daughter under his wing to teach her everything that he knew about ruling a kingdom. At the beginning of his reign, Ruban had been a decent and fair king. However, after the death of his wife he became increasingly cruel, his demands on his people harsh, and his rule becoming torturous for his subjects. Taxes were high, strict laws were enforced and the punishments doled out for breaking there bordered on inhumane. Beth embraced her father's ways wholeheartedly, whereas her brother, who believed himself to be the heir apparent, believed her could rule as his father did at the start of his reign; firm, but fair.

Ruban, however, had other plans than to hand the throne over to his son, who he believed was too soft to serve as king. During a festival held for Lesbeth's eighteenth birthday, the king announced that he was changing the rule of the country. Rather than passing the throne to his son, his only male heir, he named his daughter as the next in line for the crown, displeasing not only his court but his subjects who understood that Lesbeth was no better than her father and would continue on with his reign of terror.

It took years of planning and preparation before the court finally made their move. Storming the castle in the dead of night, those who were loyal to Ruban and Lesbeth were quickly executed on the path to reaching the king. Before the rebels could find him or Lesbeth, Ruban forced his daughter to flee, giving her note and a map that would lead her to someone who would not only begrudgingly protect her, but wold eventually help her take back the throne.

Name: Abigail Riley McDaniels
Age: 17
Family: Dalton McDaniels (Father) Alexis McDaniels (Mother) Christopher McDaniels
Profession: Bookseller/student


Name: Christopher Robert McDaniels
Age: 22
Profession: Factory worker/Airman

History: At the time of her birth, her parents were pretty happy and normal. As a contractor, Dalton made enough to provide the family with everything they needed and wanted. However, an accident at work that nearly paralyzed him put the man out of work and caused their once happy life to shift in the opposite direction. The struggle of trying to maintain their lifestyle on disability and the settlement with the company all while Dalton began his spiral into addiction put strain on not only the couple, but on their children as well. Abby and Christopher were forced to change their lives entirely moving from a comfortable, safe suburb to the shadiest neighborhood in their city. That was when the fighting began, the household became a warzone with the two kids cowering in their rooms. Christopher became Abby's protector, ensuring that their father didn't try to harm the smallest member of the household.

Their mother dealt with the violence for a year before she took off, finding solace in the arms of another man that wanted nothing to do with her children. Rather than rescue her kids, Alexis ran off in the dead of the night leaving the two children to fend for themselves. At the age of ten, Christopher became Abby's one and only caretaker. Barely able to take care of himself, he took on the task of waking Abby up for school every day, making sure that she was fed even if all he had to give her was canned soup and bread. Naturally Christopher became more of a father figure to the girl than their actual father which was probably what spared her in the end. Rather than fall into the same trap of risky behavior behavior, Abby went in the opposite direction. Refusing to let her brother get in trouble because of her, the young girl became quiet and reserved, something that most people her age considered weird. Because of this she had very few friends and even fewer people that she trusted. None of that mattered to her when she finally discovered her love of art.

At first it started off with newspapers and magazines, with Abby cutting out images and pasting them onto paper to create a picture. Eventually she began to draw and on her ninth birthday when her brother got his first job, Christopher gifted her with her first paint set. From that moment on, Abby escaped the hellscape that was her home the moment her fingers touched a paintbrush. Locked away in her room, she could ignore the banging on the door as her father demanded she allow him in, suggesting that as the female of the house it was her job to take care of him. Countless times Christopher would return home from work with his father storming down the hallway away from the girl's room. Christopher knew what was on her father's mind and it was the reason he turned to his Aunt CIndy who swooped in to save the day.

With his sister safe and someone to support him, Christopher was finally able to relax. He continued to work, but now his money was put away into savings rather than buying food and clothes for his sister. For a time they were happy. Every so often their father would try to snatch them back, threatening Cindy with kidnapping charges. It wasn't that he truly wanted his children, he simply wanted the benefits that came with them. Cindy made him a deal. He could keep the benefits and she would keep the children. With free money and no kids to hold him back, Dalton took the offer and disappeared from their lives until Abby turned fifteen and their aunt became terminally ill. Like a shark smelling blood in the water, Dalton began to circle around Abby, waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal her away with intentions that were far from fatherly. At that point in time, Christopher was able to fully take care of Abby on his own with a full time job and a car. Their aunt still supported them until the moment she died and even after by giving them ownership of the house they lived in and a nice chunk of change from her life insurance. However, Christopher knew that he couldn't take care of Abby living the way they did forever. The money would eventually run out and with only a high school diploma, getting a well paying job would be difficult.

Abby did her part as well, although Christopher tried to convince her to devote all of her time to her education. The teenager hated seeing her brother struggle so she found herself a job working at a small bookstore. At first she simply unpacked the books that came in, but her artistic talent eventually earned her the honors of setting up displays. Week after week Abby would set the books out in ways that drew more and more attention to the shop and increased business. Her boss and the owner of the store was thrilled with the changes and worked the teenager as much as he legally could. At the age of seventeen and entering her final year of high school, Abby was going to school full time and working an almost full time schedule. She didn't mind, but Christopher hated the fact that Abby felt obligated to contribute to what he felt was his responsibilities. He wanted her to focus on getting an education, even if it meant he needed to work multiple jobs.

[FONT=Handlee, cursive]An idea came to mind, one that would solve his own education problems and allow him to support Abby while she continued with her education. Enlisting in the military was risky. He knew that at some point they could take him away from his sister for an extended period of time, longer than his training periods. But he felt as if he were out of options and there was no other choice. After enlisting, Christopher began to panic about leaving his sister alone and unprotected. Knowing that their father still lurked in the shadows waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, leaving Abigail alone felt too dangerous. He wouldn't be able to focus on path he set himself on knowing that his sister was alone and vulnerable. Which is why he eventually decided to ask his best friend for help. Christopher trusted that his friend would protect Abby and step in any second that she needed help and since the two got along pretty well, he didn't see much of an issue asking. His sister would accept it and Christopher hoped that it would be an unnecessary precaution. However, Abby has a secret. Not only is her father becoming bolder with his attempts to get close to her, she's picked up a stalker who is insanely obsessed with her. Christopher's presence is the only deterrence keeping both dangers away from her, but with him leaving for the Air Force she knows it's just a matter of time before they come for her. [/FONT]