RESOURCE Tutorial: Photoshop - Basic Color Change Technique

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As many of you know (and some don't) I do a lot of work with Photoshop.
Recently I decided to try to create some tutorials based of the most common requests I get.

[fieldbox="Basic Color Change Technique, gold, dashed, 10"]

There are a number of ways to change a color in Photoshop, and it is entirely possible that each professional you ask will tell you something different, but for this tutorial I will be sharing the unique I use the most frequently.

For the purpose of this tutorial I pulled a generic flower from a google image search.
We will be changing picture A into picture B.

  1. Okay so the first thing I always do is create two layers with the base image. This way I can lock one and keep it hidden in case I do something I need to go back to the original image for some reason.


  2. Create a new layer and use the fill tool with the color of your choice for the petals. I chose a light peach.

  3. In the top left corner of your layers panel will be a drop down menu. This is the easy way to get to the blending mode selection. Choose hue from this menu.
    Note: If you don't see that box you can double click on your layer to pull up your layer style panel, or get there from the layer / layer style / blending options from Photoshop'd main navigation pane.



    Note: you could also choose the color blending mode, but I find hue gives better contrast and tones in this case.

  4. Create a layer mast by either clicking the button at the bottom of your layers panel, or selecting it from your layer drop down.


  5. Mask out the undesired area of your flower. In my case I wanted only the petals to be peach.
    Note: Remember black is what will not be seen, White will show that part of the layer fully, and grey with show a level of transparency depending on the shade used.


  6. I decided I wanted my flower's petals to have a touch of yellow at their base. Repeat the above steps until you achieve the coloring you like.
    Note: for the yellow I masked with some mid-grey to even out the color transition to the peach.


  7. I wanted the center of my flower to be a dark maroon, however the hue blending mode made this much too light. Instead I followed the above steps, changed the blending mode to overlay, and dropped my fill to 75%.


There you have it, a simple way to recolor your images.[/fieldbox]