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Which clan/plot

  • Ashclan - now u know im gonna snag aphordite in the prophecy cats, srry

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  • Glacierclan : natural selection science cat vs idiot alolan thunderclan

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  • Something new! : ) She tried to make ideas, but maybe we should do it for her instead.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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undead witch ⛧
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I am chronically ill, post times vary. Though I am on discord daily.
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Horror, apocalypse/post-apocalypse, survival, thriller, supernatural, satire, animal, mystery, fantasy, historical
im not sure if anyone would end up having any interest here, but i thought i might throw a lure out there. im a warrior cats nerd. we all have our guilty pleasures. i was wondering if i started a group rp on here, if there'd be any interest for it? if we want fancy coding for the thread it shant be me making it - unless yall can stomach a screenshot lol. i have a few fanclans, but we can also come up with something original instead. PLEASE NOTE im new here and have never run a thread before so id need your immense patience. i am also chronically (and severely) ill, so i may take a while to get things done. that being said. id want us all to be kind and patient with one another. we can have a massive story together and have so much fun together, but we all need to come first in our lives and that would be my one rule. ooc chat is always welcome, but i also dont expect frequent activity there, either. just communicate with us how long you may be gone occasionally, or what you're up to. i need a positive, light hearted space to enjoy a little bit of nostalgia and branch out into this community a little bit more.
here are some of my ideas ive colleceted over my years. i have a lot of these clans already thought out and can write out the lore for them whenever we make our decision - or we can make something entirely new!
STORMCLAN has lived in their light house home for countl ess moons. founded by a tom that lived out his youth on a sail boat, the tom's harsh beginnings in life have trickled down into the clan's culture and beliefs. with the constant threat of harsh leaf-bares, monstrous storms, & more unfathomable threats, no ordinary cat can survive their harsh life. it takes a true warrior to be a member of stormclan - and to these cats, it is the highest honor a cat could have. the cats of this clan must complete a series of tasks that prove their worth and place in their clan. at the age of twelve moons, an apprentice must go through what is called the "stprm trials" which are a rigorous set of tests that will determine the cat's future in stormclan. recently, there has been some unrest in the clan. many of the cats, after a groupd of apprentices were washed out to sea during one of their trials, have risen up in arms against their leader and the cats who support their harsh trials and ways of life. loyalties are dividing and claws are unsheathing. some believe that starclan will wipe them off the earth if they get rid of their oldest laws. others believe it is necessary if they wish to survive. the next group of apprentices that are meant to take on these trials are
due to do so on the next full moon. however, the "storm watchers" of the clan believe that there is going to be a massive storm when their trials are supposed to take place - and their mentors, parents, and siblings are in shambles and at odds with one another. there are rumors of an uprising & a mutiny that is being planned against the leader - and stormclan seems to be falling apart at the very core. will this clan be swept away by the storm?
GLACIERCLAN - a clan that lives in alaska. the cats face off with a "clan" of cats who've escaped a testing facility that was trying to find ways to make animals more sentient and intelligent. they are lead by a cat named Pangea, who believes in natural selection. she tells glacierclan her beliefs (science based stuff) and the clan thinks she's a villain/a danger to clan cats and their way of life. eventually, they engage in war and pangea believes that they will either join her or they will die.

RUINCLAN - this clan lives in an abandoned, overrun greenhouse. they are unaware that they are living through the end of the world. i dont really have a source of conflict for this one, but im happy to develop it more with you! originally, this was set during the end of the world, so humans have died out for some unknown reason. great, right? wrong. the disease that killed them is spreading to animals - its akin to rabies. maybe some sort of journey to find a cure or new home/whatever can happen. i had a whole system for their clan that was original, several traditions that i think people might enjoy.
ASHCLAN - these cats live in pompeii, its set back right before the eruption takes place. the cats start noticing the changes in their environment and they are told that they must leave pompeii on one of the human boats, or they'll perish. some cats decide to hide deeper in the mountain to wait out the disaster and others decide that they must leave. they would have ranks and legends based on mythology. traditions, maybe even some darker themes if we all unaminously agreed to it.
THE PACK OF STONE AND STARS - this clan lives somewhere that is constantly cold and snowy. maybe russia, or transylvania? they live in an abandoned two-leg place, which is actually a fort or castle. the clan functions like a pack of wolves, as their leader was raised by a wolf pack and received a message from starclan that she was to lead her own clan. they have always kept great relationships with the wolf pack, but after the old alphas have died, the new alpha does not want to keep their peaceful treaty. the wolf pack is trying to take the castle for themselves as winter approaches, because the climate has become almost unlivable. the clan is full of large, strong cats, and they often take down larger prey. in the spring and early summer, they're known to hunt elk fawns and yearlings. in the past, they've hunted with the wolves to even bring down adult elk.
I dont know this is my desperate attempt to scratch an insatiable itch. comment below if you would be interested or have thoughts/ideas of your own. it desnt have to be my idea that we use! vote above for me too, if you don't mind!
Hey, I would be interested in participating in this, if it is still open! Warrior Cats was my first fandom and I still have a major soft spot for it. I used to love roleplaying my warriors ocs. I might have the get caught back up on some lore and terminology depending on how canon this rp is supposed to be, but I'm fine with that.

Out of all of your ideas, I like the Ruinclan one, the idea of a post apocalyptic, humanless warriors world is super interesting.
i would love this ! ruinclan and glacierclan stand out the most to me, hehe :D
Sorry for the late reply to you all! I've been quite unwell, but im really happy to see some interest! With any luck, if I make a thread, we'll draw in some others! I think Ruinclan would be a lot of fun - I'll work on drafting up the lore and other pages and run back here once I've got it set up! Thank you for the interest. I'm excited! Warriors was the franchise that really got me into writing, so it is always a joy to write despite being an old grandma at this point, bahaha. The lore would be original, so it shouldn't be too painful on you to revisit the way things work! I know of some helpful links that are summaries and easy to follow - I'll make sure to add them to a resources section for easy access and reference.

Do either of you have any ideas or thoughts you'd like to toss out? I'm happy to work with anyone to make a plot or clan we can all enjoy! Let me know if you've got anything up your sleeve!
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Sorry for the late reply to you all! I've been quite unwell, but im really happy to see some interest! With any luck, if I make a thread, we'll draw in some others! I think Ruinclan would be a lot of fun - I'll work on drafting up the lore and other pages and run back here once I've got it set up! Thank you for the interest. I'm excited! Warriors was the franchise that really got me into writing, so it is always a joy to write despite being an old grandma at this point, bahaha. The lore would be original, so it shouldn't be too painful on you to revisit the way things work! I know of some helpful links that are summaries and easy to follow - I'll make sure to add them to a resources section for easy access and reference.

Do either of you have any ideas or thoughts you'd like to toss out? I'm happy to work with anyone to make a plot or clan we can all enjoy! Let me know if you've got anything up your sleeve!
I really like the idea of the Ruinclan becoming almost nomadic in search of a safe place to live. Have you read Seekers? (the bear series also by Erin Hunter). Something kinda like that, an eternal quest. In terms of conflict, there could also be rival cats (either a clan or loners) that also want to find a safe place to live but don't want to set out on their own so they follow the Ruinclan cats to try to steal it from them when they find it? Idk, just a random idea I had that can definitely be adapted and played with!

Also, I'll have you know that your post inspired me to go back and read some warriors books again, I got through the first 2 and damn, I remember why I liked this series so much!
I really like that idea, actually! I think it would be a great source of conflict: some clan cats wouldn't want to leave, others would think it's necessary for survival. Perhaps the loners could follow the cats who leave, or take the loss of so many clan members as an opportunity to steal the clan's "old" territory and launch a war/some attacks against the Ruinclan cats who do decide to stay? This way, there could be ample avenues for different characters to be made. It takes a lot of cats to make a clan, haha, though NPCs are definitely a good option to have, too. I can make a few cats everyone can toss around as need be, to fill in the gaps where need be. I'm not sure how many people will be interested, but I think even with a small group of people we could make it work this way.

Haha, I've been trying to chew back through them, too! This series was one of the first ones that really introduced me to how much fun world-building can really be. Some of the first stories I wrote were warrior cat fanfictions, lol. I think I stopped after the third series. I remember being upset with Hollyleaf's storyline. I'm currently trying to approach Bluestar's Prophecy. I never read this one when I was into the series. I was around when the very first book was released and followed the series from the beginning, but my goodness I'm realizing just how far behind I am, lol! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your own read through. I will 100% own up to having a warrior cat's tattoo, because it was one of the books that inspired me to be an author myself!