Wasteland Press, Winter Edition: Vol I

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster
Welcome to the first edition of the Wasteland Press!

written by ya local vengeance paladin— mE, rISSA​

A year ago, give or take a few weeks, Fallout: Requiem was among the few entries that won WaRP. Shortly after, the creation of this realm began. It's been slow going, I'll admit, but the cultivation of stories, characters, and players that Requiem has right now continues to inspire me. After the rough patch that's been the past two years, I'm ready to delve back into the written word, in particularly that of the (post) apocalyptic variety, and focus on growing this realm into what I always dreamed it could be: a hub of players, characters, and stories. That brings me to...

Roleplay Realms.

You've probably seen them, maybe you're even a part of one! If you're a part of this one, I want to thank you, sincerely, for your patience, fellow love for the franchise and wasteland proclivities, and your contributions to the realm as I've taken the year to adjust to the loss of my dad.

Roleplay Realms are given the following as a description on Iwaku's main page: Large scale roleplays. Without a doubt they are, but they're also featured roleplays, stylized and curated settings and wild habitats within Iwaku that coexist between GMs and their players. All of them different, all of them beautiful in their expression and functionality. While everyone's taste is different, I highly recommend giving them a look over, after all— they wowed the judges, won WaRP, and currently flourish in their written worlds. Peep all the realms here.

For Fallout: Requiem, I aspire to create a collaborative setting that grows overtime, both IC and OOC. A little slice of Iwaku that caters to lovers of the apocalyptic aesthetic— Bethesda's Fallout or otherwise. Spanning the modern sci-fi aesthetic, to something a bit more eldritch, or perhaps even a medieval fantasy apocalypse. The distinction (to have both a #canon and #fanon subforum to write in) was important to me for several reasons, but it boiled down to my love of creativity: cause even I want a different taste of (post) apocalypse now and then.

As the realm grows, I'd love to see a whole host of interest checks, jump-in stories, 1x1s and group request threads crop up over the realm.

More lore, stories, and tidbits too!

TLDR // So if you're reading this, welcome to the wasteland— I hope you'll find a spot to make your own.​

Table of Contents
  • Wasteland Wanderin', an introduction to the realm and concept.
  • What's New, highlights and headlines of current events.
  • Realm Goals, current and future ideals for the realm.
  • Things to look forward too!


Interested, but not sure where to get started? The Wasteland Survival Guide is as good a place as any!​

Welcome to Fallout: Requiem, a little slice of Iwaku that caters to the apocalyptic aesthetic.

While #canon is dominated by and created with the intention of integrating into Bethseda's Fallout franchise, Requiem welcomes all types of players, characters, and roleplays focused and inspired by the end of days. I know the atompunk or retrofuturistic style of Fallout's post-nuclear apocalypse doesn't suit everyone, so #fanon is home to any story outside of Requiem's narrative. Neither is "right" nor "wrong" - simply different tastes and desires to write in.

I hope ya' check out the lore, the player created lore, and decide to make a character!

Feel free to join an existing story (like Taste of Bliss, which is about to kick off it's first arc by luring feral ghouls out of a strip mall to a fortified location! Or if horror is more your style, try The Terror of Miskatonic, a supernatural-inspired wasteland tale far out to sea... and deep beneath the waves.) or better yet, fancy us with an apocalyptic tale all of your own creation!

Fallout: Requiem is an open realm; to veterans and newbies alike, both in roleplaying and GMing!

For those interested but too nervous to take the leap, consider me a backseat co-gm who'll always be around to give a brainstorming sesh or advice on some tricky plot beat. 💃


What's New

littlekreen's Phantom Fallout Fae:

Our very own @littlekreen has created a new roleplay!

Explore the humid Florid wasteland as you help the Defiant Sisters discern the whereabouts of a caravan's looted merchandise. While they're keenly aware of the dangers that lie ahead, allowing the Mossbacks to keep their spoils would be a simple and stupid strategic oversight. Bypass the rampant gatorclaw nesting nearby, the ever-present raiders whose territory grows further south along Route 78, and the Mossbacks who instigated this whole mess as you delve deep into the narrative. Jump into Unmasking the Mystery of the Missing Munitions now!

1000 Lockpicks Needed, an alpha playtest of the Mission System

A lil' bit of backstory:

When I first envisioned the realm, I always imagined there'd be an opt-in leveling system that was a tad closer to the experience given by the games. Difficult to achieve, as roleplaying and video games each have their unique strengths and weaknesses, especially in regards to storytelling and if I wanted to play a game outside of the franchise, there's plenty of TTRPG's out there to chose from. And yeah, roleplaying can be seen as a game to some, but to me its collaborative storytelling and I want to keep that core essence.

So this may end up as trash! It may be golden. Who knows, that's what first tries are for. :smirk:

I'm in need of 3-5 guinea pigs, willing to test out the leveling system, help me finalize and polish it's design, give critique and feedback, and just overall want to go on a fun roleplay ride with me. If you're interested, clicky the spoiler below for a little more detail.

Most is hidden within the Discord server, which can be found here.


Quest Added

Daphne Keen, an ex-Defiant Sister turned mercenary has offered you 500 caps (each) for the capture or proof of death of a woman named Bonnie McMillan. Bonnie, also an ex-Defiant Sister, betrayed her squad for free passage through Route 78. All but three were killed. Daphne, currently unable to walk, gives you a few clues on where to find her and how to bring her down:

- Daphne believes Bonnie is heading towards a place called Levensy Harbor, an old pre-War marina well known for its frequent jamborees with nautical themed carnival rides and games. However, the place is shrouded in an irradiated fog.

- Bonnie is a gun nut, wielding pistols, shotguns, carbines, and rifles with disturbing ease. Daphne warns that she won't go down easy, however, due to an incident a few years back, she's hard of hearing, and nearly deaf in her left ear.

Additional Rewards: + 340 XP

Realm Goals

Goal #1 is more activity!

I'd love to see more 1x1s and group roleplays in both subforums! More lore and additions to the realm as well. While I prefer a slower pace, I know others can manage faster response times, and I'd love to see new GMs or even old veterans give their fair share at running something in the wasteland! I'll definitely be contributing more this year, :smirk: but I do hope to see people creating their own locations (canon or otherwise) for us to explore in the wasteland!

Goal #2 is abducting more GMs!

A realm is a large place and this realm was envisioned to be a hub of activity, which includes roleplays and stories being created without me at the helm! I would love to see folks like @littlekreen stepping out into the open to craft tales from their imagination for us to explore. In the near future I'll be outlining special perks long-term GMs of the realm can and will receive over time, within the forum and the Discord too!

Goal #3 is Wasteland Boogs!

Don't know what a boog is? Don't worry, you'll find out! >:)

Things to look forward to

While extraneous info is still being worked on behind the scenes, all of the pertinent info has been published— in addition to a swathe of player created lore! Seeing people contribute to the little world I've created never ceases to make me happy and I hope 2024 brings even more creativity and activity to our slice of Iwaku. Within the coming months expect to see:

  • Lemmy's Post Nuclear Bestiary
  • Chems and their descriptions
  • Some new jump-in stories and roleplay mechanics from me!
  • And maybe even a new location and plot by someone else!


And although I'm a lil' late,

Happy Holidays — Happy New Year — Happy Roleplaying! :)