CLOSED SIGNUPS Welcome to The Sanctuary

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


The Dark Queen
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
In the mornings usually but only during the week. Weekends are devoted to the family.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Modern, Magical, Romance, Medieval, Fantasy, Slice of Life

The Sanctuary

A letter has arrived for you. It is sealed with the insignia of The Triad. You know you must open it. You know you must follow the directions inside. You have no other alternative. You can almost feel the singe of the brand on your wrist.

Inside you find an invitation to meet at The Sanctuary Hotel, a place you know quite well, a place you have visited before. There are no other instructions. Only a time and a date. You are to check-in. Further directions would be given once inside by the manager, details of the next request from The Triad would soon follow. You cannot deny them. Attendance is mandatory.

You set the invitation down. What could The Triad want now? What mission will you have to go on? Who will die next?

Welcome to the Sanctuary Hotel, a place of refuge, rest and rehabilitation. A luxury hotel unlike any other. All Sanctus members receive the highest quality of care and guaranteed safety. Sanctus members can expect peace and quiet and the highest level of security on The Sanctuary grounds. It is a place to get away from the everyday requirements of the life of a hitman, assassin or high powered crime lord. In fact, those are the only members allowed inside. It is a place to heal, to rest, to prepare, to meet, to form contracts, blood oaths and more.

All rooms are equipped with King size beds, a full size bathroom and shower, comfortable seating area, electric safe, blackout shades and a minifridge stocked with various beverages and snacks. Sanctuary grounds include a fully stocked bar and lounge and the Manager is always available. Amenities at The Sanctuary include: a full time chef for all culinary needs and preferences, a personal concierge, weapons and ammunition supply, body armor, maps and blueprints service, transportation, and a full time doctor on staff.

All Sanctuary hotels, which can be found in varying locations across the globe, are operated under the direction of The Triad and those seeking membership must maintain its rules. The Sanctuary is only available to Sanctus members and not open to the general public.

Rules of The Sanctuary
  1. Membership to the Sanctuary must be earned and is for life. Membership has many perks and the rewards can be quite lucrative. Those seeking membership in the Sanctuary must complete the three trials set forth by The Triad. The trials vary from person to person and no pattern can be determined. Upon successful completion of the trials, new members are branded on the wrist with the symbol of the hotel and granted Sanctus status. Members agree to adhere to The Sanctuary guidelines and to follow the ordinances of The Triad.
  2. The Sanctuary is a neutral location and no hostile action can take place on the premises. No business is to be conducted on the grounds which include, but are not limited to, fighting and carrying out contracts on other assassins in the hotel. Those found in breach of this rule shall have their membership revoked and will be executed.
  3. Assisting members that have lost their "Sanctus" status is strictly prohibited. Anyone found in breach of this rule shall have their membership revoked and will be executed.
  4. Everyone on the premises must pay for their presence in order to qualify for sanctuary. Rooms are booked using Triad coins and displaying the Sanctus symbol. If a member merely desires to use the facilities for the day before moving on, i.e. for a private meeting - purchasing a drink at the bar and a display of the Sanctus symbol will earn sanctuary until the day's end. Additionally, the concierge can provide for almost any needs.
  5. Cash is not accepted at The Sanctuary, only Triad coins. Though many contracts established at The Sanctuary have high cash payouts.
  6. Demerit coins are red brass coins marked with the Sanctuary symbol. Demerits are only given once as a warning for when a Sanctus member is close to breaking Sanctuary rules but has not "officially" broken one. A demerit coin requires the recipient to fulfill a Sanctuary mission immediately once called upon and has no monetary compensation. It is a debt owed to the Sanctuary that must be satisfied immediately when called or face execution.

The Triad
  1. The Triad's official members are unknown though they are believed to be members from the highest ranking and oldest crime families in the world. It is unclear whether there are actually only three members to the group or how one earns a position.
  2. The Triad has final say on all matters and their decision cannot be appealed.
  3. The Triad provides its own currency in the form of specialty minted gold coins with the symbol of the Triad on one side and the symbol of The Sanctuary on the other. Triad coins are first earned through successful completion of the original Three Trials. All other coins are earned through completion of contracts. The amount of coins earned is determined by the issuer of the contract.
  4. Those low on coins may enter into a blood oath with another Sanctus member. A blood oath, once sworn, must be carried out. If the blood oath is not carried out, the one that breaches the contract must be executed.

About Me

Hi all. Reina here. This is my first group RP! So be nice! There may be some mistakes here or there. I am also open to any feedback and suggestions you guys have! If you haven't already figured it out this RP is based loosely on the John Wick movie franchise. This is not going to be a fandom RP however. We're inventing our own stories, in our own universe with our own characters and history. We're just borrowing a few details.

RP Rules & Info
  1. All Iwaku rules apply.
  2. I am looking for about 3-4 players. As this is my first time as a GM, I don't want to get overwhelmed with too many stories going at once. Also, no more than two characters per player.
  3. I am not looking for any particular writing level. All are welcome! Just make sure your post can be readable and advances the plot along. No one-liners.
  4. I am open to many characters though everyone will have to be human. No super humans, etc. No, you are not some invincible assassin. You can and will get hurt. Wounds do not heal instantly, you're human. You also cannot use a character from the actual franchise.
  5. No one can be a member of The Triad.
  6. Don't ghost. I understand issues come up and life happens. If that's the case, just let me know! I'm pretty flexible. If you do disappear and do not inform me, and I cannot reach you, I reserve the right to revoke Sanctus status and your character will be executed to further the plot.

Character Info & Sheets

I am pretty open to the type of character you'd like to play. You can be an assassin or a member of a crime family, or you can be a newbie hitman working on their three trials. If you have any other ideas just run them by me. I'm pretty sure we can work something out. As stated before, you cannot be a member of the actual Triad.

I am also not a prude with Character sheets. You can make your sheet as small or as detailed as you like, however the more information you put the better we can plot stories and missions. For appearance/face claim images, please use realistic art or real people.

I have a basic character sheet below but feel free to add more details or get as fancy as you like!

Interested? Please let me know below. Questions? Post them below! Have a character in mind? Go ahead and post it!
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Looks like this was very much inspired by the John Wick franchise. Mmm, I'd love to sign up. And I do have a character in mind, I'll just need some time to revamp her for this RP.
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~Mostly carried over stuff from another character, but revamped and created a brand new character~

Name: Nanami Amatarasu Higashi
Gender: Female

Face Claim: Lee Seung-ah

Personality Before The Three Trials: Once you get to know her, Nanami is a Kind, Loving, Gentle and very Patient person to others around her. This stems from her past as being the ignored and unwanted child in her family, as she was the youngest and was pretty much the only girl in her Family following the deaths of her Mother and Older Sister. After that, no one in her Family really paid attention to her, her accomplishments or anything. If she was closed to anyone, it would be her Adoptive Brother, but even then they weren't even that close.

However, if you get on her bad side, Nanami has a hot temper and will often give off sarcastic remarks, comments or answers in response to what she deems idiocy or stupidity. When she loses her temper, she will often say things she doesn't mean and will often start yelling, cursing and will often refuse to hold back until she lets it all out.

In romance, she is very shy around guys that she finds cute, handsome, hot or whatever the case may be. As a result, she has trouble even trying to start a conversation and is easily flustered. When she sees someone that she likes with someone else, Nanami doesn't take it very lightly and falls into a brief state of depression, where she will just lose interest in her usual hobbies, often distracting herself through other means. Depending on how much she likes that special someone, determines the length of her depression period.

Personality after The Three Trials: For the most part, Nanami's personality remains the same prior to her life being forever changed. She still carries the pain of never being accepted but is still kind and patient with others. However, she has become more sensitive when it comes to her emotions, so it is easier for her to get upset or angry. She also ends up in tears much faster then she used to whenever she is upset and will cry her heart out if pushed far enough.

Background: Nanami Amaterasu Higashi
was born and raised in Los Angeles the youngest of four siblings, one of whom is adopted. She has one older Half-Brother, who was a previous marriage and one Older Sister. When Nanami was ten-years-old, her Father, Takashi, retired from Soldiering as a US Army Special Forces Operative in order focus on his Family. Nanami was pretty much the 'ignored and unwanted' child in her Family, even more so then her Adopted Brother Shinya, who is also the only one in the entire family to even look at her. Nanami was even disliked by Seishiro, her Older Half-Brother. Nanami fell into the earlier stages of depression when her Mother was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer and died exactly a month after the diagnosis. Two years later, Mahiru died after a long and hard battle with AIDS. Left with only her Father and Brothers, Nanami had never been in a darker place. Despite getting to learn how to fight, shoot and have access to a higher education, her Father still didn't really accept her and neither did Seishiro. Both Brothers followed in their Father's Footsteps and joined the Army straight out of High School. During her High School Years, Nanami took Running Start, taking College Classes starting her Junior Year, allowing her to jump-start college. After graduating from both High School and Community College, where she took her Running Start classes, Nanami was accepted into Princeton University on a full-ride Basketball Scholarship, including room and board.

With a Basketball scholarship, Nanami was not only able to not only put the worries of student loan debt behind her, but was able to participate in sports that she both excelled in and enjoyed, with Basketball leading the charge. Outside of Basketball, she got to participate in Volleyball and Soccer in the off-season along with Martial Arts, which allowed to find solace from her unaccepting family. Having started with Taekwondo at the age of twelve (and getting her Black Belt at fourteen), Nanami would go on to explore Brazilian Jujitsu and Muay Thai as they were available in the area. While Brazilian Jujitsu gave her a hell of a workout, Muay Thai was actually much more heavy-handed and even more vicious, especially when it came to the elbow and knee strikes. Engaging in sports and in martial arts would mostly keep Nanami living an active lifestyle versus a more sedentary one.

At the age of twenty-two, Nanami would graduate from Princeton University with a Bachelor's Degree in Public Policy, which was the closest she could get to for a Criminal Justice degree. However, rather then going down the road of a Law Enforcement Officer like she had once dreamed of, Nanami would go on to lead a different life. One as a hitwoman in the criminal underworld. With the help of her Taekwondo Instructor, Nanami would go a lot deeper then the surface level for the underworld, from being put through three heavy handed trials and granted a marker in The Sanctus, who are overseen by The Triad, something that Nanami, to this day, knows very little about.

Within the next six years, Nanami would establish her reputation as a heavy-handed hitwoman, known for using her Martial Arts prowess to take down her opponents. Over the years, she would add several more martial arts styles (Kyokushin Karate, Krav Maga, Jeet Kune Do and to name a few) to her arsenal, becoming more and more deadly in hand to hand combat. Despite her skill and willpower, Nanami was not invincible or immortal, so brushes with death was pretty much a regular thing in Nanami's new, dark life.

Martial Arts Notes:
  • Taekwondo - 4th Dan Black Belt
  • Brazilian Jujitsu - Purple Belt
  • Muay Thai - Brown Arm Band
  • Bokh (Mongolian Wrestling)
  • Kyokushin Karate - 1st Dan Black Belt
  • Jeet Kune Do
  • Krav Maga
Present Day: After six years in the criminal underbelly, Nanami decided to set down her guns and knives to seek a life in solitude and peace, disenchanted by the life she has led. With no blood oaths to fulfill and fed up, the souls that haunt her and the blood that stains her very soul, Nanami decided to take her exit, preferably before she is killed. Unfortuntely for Nanami, no one can ever truly escape the grasp of The Triad and its Sanctuary. Only one little problem for Nanami though as she is returns to the fold...
She's pregnant (how far along will be decided at the beginning of the RP if allowed. Photograph is of a woman at 39 weeks)
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Reactions: Reina
~Mostly carried over stuff from another character, but revamped and created a brand new character~

Name: Nanami Amatarasu Higashi
Gender: Female
Age: 28
[bimg width=350]View attachment 238816[/bimg]Face Claim: Lee Seung-ah

Personality Before The Three Trials: Once you get to know her, Nanami is a Kind, Loving, Gentle and very Patient person to others around her. This stems from her past as being the ignored and unwanted child in her family, as she was the youngest and was pretty much the only girl in her Family following the deaths of her Mother and Older Sister. After that, no one in her Family really paid attention to her, her accomplishments or anything. If she was closed to anyone, it would be her Adoptive Brother, but even then they weren't even that close.

However, if you get on her bad side, Nanami has a hot temper and will often give off sarcastic remarks, comments or answers in response to what she deems idiocy or stupidity. When she loses her temper, she will often say things she doesn't mean and will often start yelling, cursing and will often refuse to hold back until she lets it all out.

In romance, she is very shy around guys that she finds cute, handsome, hot or whatever the case may be. As a result, she has trouble even trying to start a conversation and is easily flustered. When she sees someone that she likes with someone else, Nanami doesn't take it very lightly and falls into a brief state of depression, where she will just lose interest in her usual hobbies, often distracting herself through other means. Depending on how much she likes that special someone, determines the length of her depression period.

Personality after The Three Trials: For the most part, Nanami's personality remains the same prior to her life being forever changed. She still carries the pain of never being accepted but is still kind and patient with others. However, she has become more sensitive when it comes to her emotions, so it is easier for her to get upset or angry. She also ends up in tears much faster then she used to whenever she is upset and will cry her heart out if pushed far enough.

Background: Nanami Amaterasu Higashi was born and raised in Los Angeles the youngest of four siblings, one of whom is adopted. She has one older Half-Brother, who was a previous marriage and one Older Sister. When Nanami was ten-years-old, her Father, Takashi, retired from Soldiering as a US Army Special Forces Operative in order focus on his Family. Nanami was pretty much the 'ignored and unwanted' child in her Family, even more so then her Adopted Brother Shinya, who is also the only one in the entire family to even look at her. Nanami was even disliked by Seishiro, her Older Half-Brother. Nanami fell into the earlier stages of depression when her Mother was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer and died exactly a month after the diagnosis. Two years later, Mahiru died after a long and hard battle with AIDS. Left with only her Father and Brothers, Nanami had never been in a darker place. Despite getting to learn how to fight, shoot and have access to a higher education, her Father still didn't really accept her and neither did Seishiro. Both Brothers followed in their Father's Footsteps and joined the Army straight out of High School. During her High School Years, Nanami took Running Start, taking College Classes starting her Junior Year, allowing her to jump-start college. After graduating from both High School and Community College, where she took her Running Start classes, Nanami was accepted into Princeton University on a full-ride Basketball Scholarship, including room and board.

With a Basketball scholarship, Nanami was not only able to not only put the worries of student loan debt behind her, but was able to participate in sports that she both excelled in and enjoyed, with Basketball leading the charge. Outside of Basketball, she got to participate in Volleyball and Soccer in the off-season along with Martial Arts, which allowed to find solace from her unaccepting family. Having started with Taekwondo at the age of twelve (and getting her Black Belt at fourteen), Nanami would go on to explore Brazilian Jujitsu and Muay Thai as they were available in the area. While Brazilian Jujitsu gave her a hell of a workout, Muay Thai was actually much more heavy-handed and even more vicious, especially when it came to the elbow and knee strikes. Engaging in sports and in martial arts would mostly keep Nanami living an active lifestyle versus a more sedentary one.

At the age of twenty-two, Nanami would graduate from Princeton University with a Bachelor's Degree in Public Policy, which was the closest she could get to for a Criminal Justice degree. However, rather then going down the road of a Law Enforcement Officer like she had once dreamed of, Nanami would go on to lead a different life. One as a hitwoman in the criminal underworld. With the help of her Taekwondo Instructor, Nanami would go a lot deeper then the surface level for the underworld, from being put through three heavy handed trials and granted a marker in The Sanctus, who are overseen by The Triad, something that Nanami, to this day, knows very little about.

Within the next six years, Nanami would establish her reputation as a heavy-handed hitwoman, known for using her Martial Arts prowess to take down her opponents. Over the years, she would add several more martial arts styles (Kyokushin Karate, Krav Maga, Jeet Kune Do and to name a few) to her arsenal, becoming more and more deadly in hand to hand combat. Despite her skill and willpower, Nanami was not invincible or immortal, so brushes with death was pretty much a regular thing in Nanami's new, dark life.

Martial Arts Notes:
  • Taekwondo - 4th Dan Black Belt
  • Brazilian Jujitsu - Purple Belt
  • Muay Thai - Brown Arm Band
  • Bokh (Mongolian Wrestling)
  • Kyokushin Karate - 1st Dan Black Belt
  • Jeet Kune Do
  • Krav Maga
Present Day: After six years in the criminal underbelly, Nanami decided to set down her guns and knives to seek a life in solitude and peace, disenchanted by the life she has led. With no blood oaths to fulfill and fed up, the souls that haunt her and the blood that stains her very soul, Nanami decided to take her exit, preferably before she is killed. Unfortuntely for Nanami, no one can ever truly escape the grasp of The Triad and its Sanctuary. Only one little problem for Nanami though as she is returns to the fold...
She's pregnant (how far along will be decided at the beginning of the RP if allowed. Photograph is of a woman at 39 weeks)[bimg width=350]View attachment 238822[/bimg]
This is great! Love Nanami so far.

We'll wait for a couple more people to join then I'll post my character and a couple NPCs and we can start planning away!
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Reactions: Blood Lightning
This is great! Love Nanami so far.

We'll wait for a couple more people to join then I'll post my character and a couple NPCs and we can start planning away!
Yes. I'm hoping that there'll be others soon too. Currently debating a second character, but I'll make a final decision when I get home!
This is great! Love Nanami so far.

We'll wait for a couple more people to join then I'll post my character and a couple NPCs and we can start planning away!
Yes. I'm hoping that there'll be others soon too. Currently debating a second character, but I'll make a final decision when I get home!
Do it! Make the 2nd character! :lol:
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Do it! Make the 2nd character! :lol:
Alright, here you go. Debated on creating another pregnant lady, but I thought one was already enough.

Name: Asumi Yamamoto
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Face Claim: Sana Minatozaki

Personality: Asumi can easily come off as cold-hearted and short-tempered when one first meets her. Underneath her Cold Exterior, Asumi has shown to be a very nice and caring young woman, so she often wonders how she will make it as an assassin. Often, she will go out of her way to help another in trouble and will not abandon them. Even then, she takes life very seriously, especially when it comes to Academics and her Training. A determined trainee, Asumi hopes to graduate Cripter top of her class, but hopes to at least make it within the top ten.

Despite her kindness, Asumi is proud and somewhat egotistical, so she doesn't take kindly to people who challenge her decisions or downplay her abilities. When angered, Asumi will not hesitate to act out on her own and will often take matters into her own hands. Due to a life-changing event in her early teens, Asumi cannot handle watching or seeing others die in front of her. Witnessing such things can cause her to become reckless.

Background: Asumi was born into a Wealthy Family. Her Father was a Freelance Contract Killer and her Mother was a Hitwoman. She has one older brother named Ryuichi, who has also followed in their Father's Footsteps. However, both of her parents retired from such a dark lifestyle in order to raise their little girl. As a result of her parents' past, Asumi grew up listening to her parents' tales of Assassination and Contract Killings. She showed a lot of interest and often had thoughts about following in their footsteps. However, Asumi never really had much of a Motivation for such a life, so for the time being she instead started focusing on her Academics.

When Asumi was fourteen years old, she witnessed her Father being killed in a Gangland-style Execution while taking her to the park in order to spend time with her. As a result of her Father's Death, Asumi never wanted to see people dear to her, or innocent, die before her eyes. Sadly, her Father's killer was never caught. At the age of fifteen, she revealed to her Mother that she wanted to keep the Family Tradition going and become an Assassin. Pleased, her Mother sent her away after she turned eighteen for training. With Revenge as her primary motivation, Asumi started down the dark path she had once hoped to avoid.

Present Day: For almost twelve years, Asumi would hone her craft as an gun for hire in the criminal underworld, eventually making her way into the Sanctus like her parents and her Brother all before her. While proficient in combat and swift to carry out her jobs, her over-confidence and blood thirst would lead to more trouble then needed. Eventually, Asumi would avenge her Father's death, eliminating the gang that was responsible after being able to track them down. With her vengeance complete, Asumi would set down her gun and retire to take care of her now elderly mother as well as seek peace to fill the void that the completion of revenge has left behind. But the life she has left will follow her soon...
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Reactions: Reina
Do it! Make the 2nd character! :lol:
Alright, here you go. Debated on creating another pregnant lady, but I thought one was already enough.

Name: Asumi Yamamoto
Gender: Female
Age: 27
[bimg width=350]View attachment 238833[/bimg]Face Claim: Sana Minatozaki

Personality: Asumi can easily come off as cold-hearted and short-tempered when one first meets her. Underneath her Cold Exterior, Asumi has shown to be a very nice and caring young woman, so she often wonders how she will make it as an assassin. Often, she will go out of her way to help another in trouble and will not abandon them. Even then, she takes life very seriously, especially when it comes to Academics and her Training. A determined trainee, Asumi hopes to graduate Cripter top of her class, but hopes to at least make it within the top ten.

Despite her kindness, Asumi is proud and somewhat egotistical, so she doesn't take kindly to people who challenge her decisions or downplay her abilities. When angered, Asumi will not hesitate to act out on her own and will often take matters into her own hands. Due to a life-changing event in her early teens, Asumi cannot handle watching or seeing others die in front of her. Witnessing such things can cause her to become reckless.

Background: Asumi was born into a Wealthy Family. Her Father was a Freelance Contract Killer and her Mother was a Hitwoman. She has one older brother named Ryuichi, who has also followed in their Father's Footsteps. However, both of her parents retired from such a dark lifestyle in order to raise their little girl. As a result of her parents' past, Asumi grew up listening to her parents' tales of Assassination and Contract Killings. She showed a lot of interest and often had thoughts about following in their footsteps. However, Asumi never really had much of a Motivation for such a life, so for the time being she instead started focusing on her Academics.

When Asumi was fourteen years old, she witnessed her Father being killed in a Gangland-style Execution while taking her to the park in order to spend time with her. As a result of her Father's Death, Asumi never wanted to see people dear to her, or innocent, die before her eyes. Sadly, her Father's killer was never caught. At the age of fifteen, she revealed to her Mother that she wanted to keep the Family Tradition going and become an Assassin. Pleased, her Mother sent her away after she turned eighteen for training. With Revenge as her primary motivation, Asumi started down the dark path she had once hoped to avoid.

Present Day: For almost twelve years, Asumi would hone her craft as an gun for hire in the criminal underworld, eventually making her way into the Sanctus like her parents and her Brother all before her. While proficient in combat and swift to carry out her jobs, her over-confidence and blood thirst would lead to more trouble then needed. Eventually, Asumi would avenge her Father's death, eliminating the gang that was responsible after being able to track them down. With her vengeance complete, Asumi would set down her gun and retire to take care of her now elderly mother as well as seek peace to fill the void that the completion of revenge has left behind. But the life she has left will follow her soon...
A legacy member! Love it!
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A legacy member! Love it!
Thanks! Glad I can bring in two characters to hopefully get a jumpstart on a cast. Hope to see your own characters soon.
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Question, how young can our characters be?
Question, how young can our characters be?
I'm gonna go ahead and take a guess and go with early twenties, because no one in their mid to late teens is going to have the same combat experience as someone like John Wick or any other skilled and trained assassin who have the confidence to contend with him. But the final decision will come down to @Reina since she's the one running the show.
Question, how young can our characters be?
I'm gonna go ahead and take a guess and go with early twenties, because no one in their mid to late teens is going to have the same combat experience as someone like John Wick or any other skilled and trained assassin who have the confidence to contend with him. But the final decision will come down to @Reina since she's the one running the show.
Correct. @monkeydoll5 We definitely don't want them to be too young that they can't keep up with any of the other assassins or are so inexperienced they are an easy target. You could be someone who just finished, or is in the middle of, the three trials but even then you should have enough experience to get through them and pass them.
If there still room for another, I would like to join. Though I will be creating the character later in a day or two
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If there still room for another, I would like to join. Though I will be creating the character later in a day or two
Yeah, there's still room. Looking forward to it!